An evening surprise...

Story by ResistanceISFutileWeAreTheBorg on SoFurry

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I hope the format didn't ruin the form....

Anyways this is just a little afternoon fling with the keyboard, not so good, and surely a little bizarre... But I hope you enjoy it.

I may continue it, it certainly has many places it could go....

Please tell me what you think by rating and commenting... and oh, if you are not 18 yet, you should not be reading this. There are plenty of really good clean stories out there, even if they are not what you are looking for right now.

Wow that felt good.

Really good... he reflected as he sunk his throbbing flesh into the split between the couch's cushions; the warm material embracing him and pleasuring him delightfully.

He pulled it out again, licking his lips and savoring the fantastic feeling that the pressure changes induced.

He thrust again.

Then withdrew, looking down between his arms at his furry hips and his rosy manhood, a glorious spectacle indeed. He smirked.

And thrust again, slowly this time.

He withdrew sharply, appreciating the color contrast between his natural panther black and the bright pink of the condom that was his couch's only protection against the otherwise inevitable stain.

He thrust again.

And withdrew.

He thrust again, forcefully, the poor cushions took it all.

He smiled as he continued his masturbation, speeding up his pace as he looked up at the window in front of him. His eyes first focused on the near, on his reflection barely visible in glass. He could see his outline, skinny but tall, narrow shoulders and a well proportioned neck.

His thoughts, tangled as they were in the sheets of pleasure, drifted away from his body, a less than ideal sight, to those of the cute guys he knew at school.

He slowed his pace, so as to make the pleasure last... there was Andy, big and burly, he'd seen him naked at the gym ounce. It had made him blush and sit to hide his lust. But Andy was too dim, he was nice to have around, a good solid friend for sure. But he lacked the sharpness of wit and dexterity of tongue and mind to make him a good mate.

A rapid push thrust Andy out of his mind... he thought of Justin, one of the only other non humans in his group of friends. The athletic Leopard had legs of steel, and a six pack to match (not to mention the toughest rod he'd ever seen). They'd been roommates at the orphanage, and he could still remember the day he'd came back early from class to find him jerking over the sink, butt naked as he was now, but thrusting into his hands not into cushions. He wasn't very friendly though, stubborn and prideful he kept to himself like a bunker.

He sped up for a moment, eliciting a moan and a gasp... There was Colin, mysterious and quiet. A human who acted more like an owl than a pink-skin. He had a subtle charm and wit, but to be honest, he couldn't see himself with him... he was just too odd, too different. Not to mention the fact that he was ugly and skinny like a bone.

He withdrew and paused for a moment, sitting on his ankles and starring down at his pulsating poker. He sighed, he didn't like the way it drove his mind to picture his friends as mates. He wandered whether heterosexuals had the same problem with women... and shuddered, his best friends were girls and to be honest he would really hate himself for objectifying them, even if it was only during sex.

Speaking of sex...

It was hard to subdue his arousal and his desire, not to mention the fact that it had been a week since he last came...

He grinned, plastered the image of an actor into his mind, it really wouldn't do to orgasm over the bod of a friend: that was just wrong.

Actors were better looking anyway, especially West, his eyes were so beautiful, his face like an angel... human faces could be so disarming...

His thoughts lost in the young man's tousled hair and shirtless chest, he plunged into the comfort of the cushions, letting his lust attack them, uninhibited and unbound.

He thrust again,

He withdrew. The vista outside his window catching his breath as he stared out at the setting sun, and the glorious panorama his high apartment window afforded him.

He thrust,

He withdrew...

He thrust,

He withdrew...

He felt he could own the world like this,

He thrust,

He withdrew...

His body, naked and free; his mind, unchained and powerful; his desire fiercer than flame

He thrust,

He withdrew...

The rocking tempo of his body adding to his sexual pleasure.

Now all thoughts were lost in the thrusting, his mind drowning in desire and pleasure...

He thrust,

He withdrew...

While his mind went soaring on the wings of bliss, his body pushed and pulled, his long member riding the couch in burning passion...

He thrust,

He withdrew...

Power was welling up inside of him, like a volcano, his bliss wouldn't be contained...

He thrust,

He withdrew....

The pressure was pleasure, the force was joy, the élan of the movement, the drive of each thrust was bliss to his brain...

He thrust,

He withdrew...

Which he was unable to contain...

He thrust,

He withdrew,

He thrust,

He withdrew...

He thrust,

And he came...

And came...

.... and he fucking came...

His body was awash with pleasure, covered in sweat, his heat and his cum pumping out of him in bursts.

He continued thrusting his bliss away, his stiff member jumping as his balls pushed his seed out through it and into the condom.

He opened his eyes and stared out the window as he continued to thump the couch mindlessly. The mindless craze of sexual pleasure was receding now, just like the setting sun.

It gleamed and shone, the rays giving a golden tint to all he saw. The edge of the city, so far below, and the forest and fields that followed sparkled as if visited by golden snow.

Then his mind focused on the window, and it reeled. His brain caught up to his reaction as he noticed that the golden sheen was not the sun's doing; his window was literally laced with gold, there were threads of the metal weaved into it like by some mysterious hand.

Hands! Beneath his fingers he felt not the soft comfort of cloth, but a metal hardness: he looked down.

His couch had turned to gold!

Shit! He thought

Then thought again... it wasn't the entire couch, but where his hands had been the fabric had turned to solid cold. The gold stretched on further, about 10cm radius, then fracture and became veins that spread out in a fractal like pattern. Veins spread from the couch to the window it rested upon, glinting in the last few rays of the sun.

So much for not staining the couch he thought...

And then he leapt for joy.