When Love Turns to Lost

Story by Noreu Hotishima on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: This is a story of love, betrayal, and tragedy. This has been inspired from true events that have happened...though some of the names and details have been changed. If you do not wish to read of death, then I suggest you not read this...because it has followed along somewhat of the same lines in my past that I have turned into this piece.

When Love Turns to Lost

This could have been avoided...all of it could have been avoided...but I could not let it just slide by... Things always turn to the worst for me...and his death is just another one of those matters...

I met him weeks ago, the hurt little feline, curled up by a dumpster, whimpering as he had nowhere to live and seemed to be starving. I couldn't just leave him there, could I? He was in a feline form back then, his legs tucked against his chest with his arms around them, tail curled up in front as his ears were placed far back against his head. He seemed so tired, so close to death, so longing...I couldn't leave him here. I wouldn't. So as I walked over to him and reached down, gently picking the feline up into my arms I turned and began to head back to my apartment, cradling the smaller male within my arms.

I'm a wolf anthro of 27, standing at 6'5" tall, my build is extensive thanks to some problems in the past, but that is something that can be spoken of later. My fur is three shades of gray, a light one on my chest, stomach, inner legs, and bottom side of my muzzle. The rest of my body is covered in a darkened hue of gray, not much more than what a normal one would look like, but enough to make a difference, with finally a wide and extremely dull gray stripe going across my muzzle, over my tail, down my spine, and over part of my head. It was almost a black at times, but was just a really dull gray in general.

The feline was young, somewhere around his teens, and was somewhat thin for his age, probably due to being out on the street, from what I guessed. His tail and ears were a soft brown as his eyes were closed, so I could not see them yet. He seemed so small within my arms, but by the time I got to my apartment and set him upon the couch he looked as if to be around 5'9" or so. All I could do now was sigh and look around my place for something for this little guy to eat and drink. He needed it, he looked malnourished and all.

After spending most of the day with the feline he finally woke up, a bit startled by his surroundings, but with my paw resting against his chest he lowered back down as I began to explain to him. "I found you a few blocks away near a dumpster. I took you back here to my place to get you all straightened up and everything. I'm Noreu Hotishima, what's your name?"

All he did was give a small whimper before gulping lightly, trying to find his voice before he actually began to speak in a soft and shaky voice. "I'm...C-Cory... Cory Darkwell..." It was kind of cute listening to him speak that way, but I didn't put much more than a few milliseconds of thought into it before pushing it to the back of my mind as his condition filled me with concern once more.

"Hey, Cory right? What the hell were you doing out there by that dumpster kid? I mean, why live out on the street like that?" My question was true, maybe a bit blunt, but I couldn't help to wonder about the kid.

"I-I was...left there..." Cory turned his head away as his eyes closed, tears starting to fill his eyes with a few sniffles.

'Oh shit...look what you did now asshole. Why can't you keep your big muzzle shut?' With a sigh escaping my muzzle, I moved my closest paw over to rest against Cory's back, as he was sitting up now, and began to softly rub at it. What he did next though was surprising as hell to me. He practically pounced from the couch and into my lap, curling up against me as he sobbed into my chest fur. I didn't know what to do with him then, but only one thing, and when my arms moved around the feline as my paws rubbed his back, his crying started to tone down, growing softer and softer until he gave the faintest of whimpers. But what happened next shocked me even more.

"Noreu..." Cory's ears were lowered; his eyes open a little, if any. I couldn't tell from the angle I was looking down at him at.

"Yes, Cory?"

"You...smell good..."

My eyes widened some from his comment. I mean, what the hell! I just found him earlier that day out on the street, and had been nourishing him back to health, and after his burst of tears; he says I smell good! But oh no, it didn't stop there. Cory began to nuzzle my chest, purring lightly from it while his tail crept up to rest against one of my thighs. 'What the hell...is he trying to put the moves on me?' were my exact thoughts.

And it seems that I was correct, because his tail began to rub back and forth over my thigh, slowly trying to inch its way towards my crotch. What kind of person would do that to someone for just practically saving his life? If it was a thanks, I'm not sure if I liked it or not. But Cory just kept nuzzling my chest, purring against me, and moved his tail over my thigh. Man, this kid sure was strange, but when he turned and gave a kiss to my chest, I just couldn't help but let out a shiver and faint murmur, and with his tail rubbing higher and higher, it grew into a low murring. Hey, it's not my fault I haven't yiffed in like, who knows how long. All right...maybe it is...but hell, I've had to put my life back together from...eh, just another story for another time. Anyways...

As he continued to kiss my chest, he also began to slowly lap at it at times. I was too lost in the feel of his tongue moving against my muscular and furred chest to notice that his tail had finally made its way to its destination. It began to press against my crotch, rub it, and even try to slip down a small opening on the top of my pants. Man, this kid is really fucking horny or something, because his purring was growing louder as my paws moved to grip at his shoulders, pushing him back away from me. He only whimpered when he did, then up to my swirling emerald hues while they stared back into his own hazel hues. As we stared at each other for a while I gasped there was something pressing and rubbing against my sheathe.

That little devil of a tail had found its way into my pants by a small hole in my left pocket (no, I don't play pocket pool). He must have wiggled it in there while we were staring so that it was now rubbing up and down the length of my sheathe, and from his kissing and licking earlier, was starting to make my length move around inside of it, pressing forward towards the opening at the top. 'God damn that little fucker, that short, cute, almost sexy little...' Yes, those were my thoughts, from that tail and having been deprived for so long, my world was starting to fade into that pleasure of intimate touch once more.

I don't know how, but in the realization of that tail against my sheathe, Cory had already moved to start removing my pants, getting to where he could unzip, unbutton, and start to pull them off. Sadly, I think, I didn't give much resistance to it, and when those and my boxers were gone, that feline crawled up between my legs and pressed his cheek to my sheathe, nuzzling it while purring. 'God that sexy little bastard.' Soon after his tongue came out to lap up the length of my sheathe, his hands moving to cup my sac and move each orb within it between his fingers. It wasn't much longer until the red tapered head of my member began poking out of its dormant sleep, waiting for some action.

Once he saw that tip his tongue went straight for it, and my fucking god was it wonderful! Just lapping it, covering the head with his saliva as he kept fondling my balls and rubbing my sheathe, trying to coax out even more, as it was working. More and more of my wolf meat kept moving out, and when all of my life-giving rod was in the air, I couldn't help but hear a gasp and almost squeal of joy from Cory. Not to brag, but I got me a major piece of equipment here. My head and shaft were extremely close to being 3 ½" thick, which is a decent size, but my rod being just over 13" long, you could image what that thing could do to you.

So, with him seeing that cock of mine, he went straight to work closing his lips around it and bobbing his head. Damn, that little guy had a mouth on him. He was better than most of the females I've had before. My groans and soft moans helped to prove that point. He took as much of my cock as he could into his mouth, which was only about two-thirds of it, but still a rather impressive feet for the little guy. Although after he had taken as much as he could and used his saliva to wet it rather well, Cory lifted off of it and stood up, taking off his pants and underwear to show his own hard erection, which was shadowed to mine.

Slowly Cory began to crawl over me, and then turned so that his feet were near my thighs and his hands rested his feet against my knees. He crouched himself over my head, lowering down to where his hole pressed against my wet tip, causing a bead or precum to help wet my tapered head, pushing slowly against Cory's hole, causing him to gasp and shiver over me. He slowly began to press down, feeling my head start to slip past his ring and move slowly inside of him. I could only moan softly as he kept pressing further and further down, getting at least 7" of my cock into his hole before he had to stop and rest as it was a bit too much for him at the moment.

'My gods he's tight...' Once again my exact thoughts as Cory's hole closed tightly around my spire. It was like his first time, but wasn't, I could tell. He was somewhat loose for a feline around his age, and questions can only arise from such, but were blocked out in the pleasure that was coursing throughout myself. Cory began to ride up and down my cock slowly, taking it in deeper and deeper with small squeaks and meows. It took a while, but somehow the little guy was actually able to take all of my hard throbbing wolf meat inside of him, and once he did, began to roll his hips around on me, I'm guessing wanting to get a feel of my large cock inside of his smaller frame.

It wasn't much longer that he began to slide himself up and down my cock, only moving off half of it before falling back down, repeating this and moving further along each time until all but my tapered head was left inside of him. As he kept riding me, Cory eventually leaned back against my chest and looked up at me, his ears lowered against his head while he moaned out and mewed up at him. "It feels...so good...Noreu..." His voice was shaken with pleasure, but the message was clearly received. After his eyes closed as he moved his arms up and back around my neck, holding onto me as he arched against my muscular body.

From this my eye caught sight of his own hard cock, being human-like from his form and was just a little longer than half of my own length. So when my left paw closed around it and began to jerk, there wasn't much of it left to be seen as Cory arched more and moaned louder against me, my hips bucking up to send my cock pumping swiftly into his hole. The feline began himself to buck against my paw and my cock, working himself to an orgasm only to widen in eyes and gasp in surprise once feeling something hitting the outside of his tailhole. Yes, indeed it was my knot, my glorious 4 ½" beast that added to my large piece of throbbing wolf meat.

Right now he was too tight for my knot, from his wails and cries I could tell. So I just teased him with it, grinding it against his hole, pounding against him at times, listening to his cries of ecstasy while his orgasm grew closer, as did my own. We kept up this for a while, can't remember how long, but eventually I lost track as the tightening of his hole was too much and an almost deafening howl escaped my maw, my knot grinding into Cory's hole as my cum sprayed from my head, filling up his smaller body with my hot wolf seed. From my own climax came his own, a startled yet ecstatic squeal of joy as his tailhole tightened harder around my cock, milking it of every drop of my seed as it could as his own sprayed forth over the floor.

As we bathed in the afterglow, Cory purred softly while giving a small lick at the end of my muzzle, as to where I returned it to the top of his head. It didn't take much longer until he fell asleep against me, and I couldn't help but smile down to him. After I was sure he was off to dream world I began lifting him off of my softening cock, pulling out as some of my seed seeped out of him, letting his body give a light shiver as I put the feline down onto the couch. As I rose up he mumbled something in his sleep, although I couldn't pick it up, I had a feeling it was about me.

After watching him for a minute or two I made my way to the bathroom and into the shower. I had a bit of a system in there for cleaning. Three towels, two shampoos, and a bar a soap, and some body wash. Once the water was turned on and heated to the right level I grabbed the soap, lathering up my paws and working over my arms, shoulders, chest, abs, and thighs. After rinsing that off the body wash went to my lower legs and back, thanks to one of those lathering sticks or whatever, then rinsed that off. The first shampoo was just for all around fur, and did that up, the second was for my head fur, to make that more appealing to others. All of this took about 15 or 20 minutes, and soon after I got out and grabbed the first towel. That was for my legs, making sure all of the fur was dry, the second was for my arms, chest, and abs, the last settled in for my head, back, and tail.

Now with the shower out of the way I strode out and went heading towards the bedroom, though stopped to check on Cory, who was sleeping peacefully on the couch still. I'd let him take a shower later. For the time being I headed off to the kitchen, planning on fixing something to eat that I had in mind earlier. I found some meat and beer in the fridge, with some other things. Seems I'd have to go out shopping soon. Anyways, I grabbed what I could and made whatever; soon the entire place was filled with the smell of cooking food. This in turn allowed the feline on the couch to pick his head up and sniff the air, and before I knew I it he was sitting at the table, his tail flicking behind him with a large smile upon his face.

With a light chuckle from a few steps and myself, I set a plate down in front of him and myself, sitting down and beginning to eat slowly. Cory on the other hand, woofed down his meat about four times faster me, which made me blink and wonder just how long it had been since he ate. After finishing our meal the feline and I continued to sit and began talking some, asking where he came from and how he came to be in a dumpster where I found him.

"Well..." Cory began, "I had a family and everything, they loved me all but moved away and kind of...forgot me... I don't know exactly how they could but they did. From then on I tried looking for work and a place to stay but I only kept getting thrown out, so eventually I began living on the streets... And then you found me today...and I have to thank you so much because of it."

The feline looked up with almost sparkling and hopeful eyes, which I only closed mine to and nodded. "Well, you can stay here if you'd like, but ya gotta pull your own weight, ok?" Cory only nodded excitedly with a large smile, so that I couldn't help but give a light one in return. "Alright then. Tomorrow we go get you some clothes and the day after we look for a job for ya. Sound good?"

"That'd be perfect! Thank you so much Noreu!" The next thing that I saw was his body shooting over the table and felt his arms around my neck, hugging and nuzzling me while purring deeply. I only chuckled and rubbed his back lightly, patting it a few times before having him break away from me.

"Well, go take a shower then and it's off to bed. I have to get to work on some things so I'll be up most of the night. So go on with ya." I gave a pat to his rump, which he only giggled and wiggled it from before heading off to the bathroom after I told him where to find it. As he started his shower I got up and washed the dishes we used, turning and heading towards my workroom.

The room itself was rather decent for what I needed. A large drawing bench rest to the right of the door against the wall, papers, pens, pencils strewn all over it. In the middle of the room was a few shelves with different paper sizes and a filing cabinet. On the left wall was a laptop with a scanner, laser printer, and large point-plotting printer, for those large sheets that I needed. I walked over to my laptop and lifted the screen, turning it on and waiting for it to boot up. Leaning back in the chair with my eyes closed I wondered to myself. 'Alright...I have a deadline to finish by Saturday and now have this feline to watch over...so that cuts me back at least 4 days so I have...2 left.'

"Great..." I sighed out. I had more than 20 pages of a chapter to finish for a story due in less than a week, and now with Cory around my time Is cut down drastically because I'd have to show him around and what not, get him clothes and help search for a job. "Son of a fuckin' bitch... Why the hell am I so damn nice..."

For now I put things off and pulled up the file on the laptop, since it was loaded. I found my spot I left off on and red over the last paragraph a couple times to get back into the mood before starting to type. Time always seems to fly whenever I start typing, and before I knew it, I was done with seven pages as 2 O'clock came around. With a large sigh I saved my work twice, just to make sure, and shut down the laptop. I got up and went out to the living only to find Cory curled up on the couch, sleeping quietly. The little guy was cute to look at, that much I have to admit, but...there was just something else about him, something I couldn't quite put my finger on... For the time being though I decided to turn in, heading to the bedroom and removing my shirt, flopping down onto my bed, and just as my head hit the pillow I was out like a light until morning.


The next day was interesting, to say the least. I woke up a bit unorthodoxly, but Cory only seemed to like licking my morning wood, so I let him continue until my climax came and went. I gave him one of my shirts and a large jacket, letting him wear them as we went out shopping. It took some time but we got him a few sets of clothing and he was able to wear one after buying it. We went out to lunch and talked some more before heading back to my home. It was still early so we started work on job-hunting for him. We found a few that Cory liked and called up the offices and scheduled some interviews.

Later on that night we had another yiff sessions, this time within my bedroom instead of the living room. He still seemed as tight as when I took him again, and even after painting his insides once more with my cum he purred and cuddled against him, falling asleep with a fulfilled smile, which I did soon after as well.

Days and weeks went by and we only got closer and closer, and soon enough that connection hit. We enjoyed each other's company and did what we could to always be with one another, and every time that Cory came home from work we kissed, cuddled, ate, cuddled more, watch some movies or TV, went to bed, and had a lovely yiff scene then went to sleep. It was kind of a routine until I came home late one night from staying out with some friends...


I walked into the door only to hear moaning and Cory's voice crying for more. By now we were going out, an I couldn't help but wonder what the little feline was up to. I walked into the bedroom, smiling lightly because I knew he bought some toys in the past, but this time it was different.

"Hey Cory I'm ho--..." I stopped dead in my tracks, seeing my wonderful boyfriend and lover feline riding a bull's lap, moaning out and crying in ecstasy for more. I dropped my bag and only stared, my eyes burning as my head began to go off, my anger rising and boiling over.

"Oohh yes.... Yes.... Y-y-ye--Noreu!" Cory broke out of his trance, moving off of the bull's cock and crawling off of the bed, panic showing in his eyes. "What are you doing home? Wa-wait...this isn't what it looks like Noreu..."

"Bull shit you little dirt bag!" I growled and banged my fist against the door, in turn breaking it from the hinges with a loud snap. Cory shuddered and whimpered, the bully only stared in horror at what I just did, trying to get up and run away, but I was too fast for him.

Catching up to him, even though he was larger than me, I gripped my left paw around his neck and lifted him from the ground, squeezing hard only once as a large pop sounded. The bull's body went limp, his eyes almost gouging out of his head while it hung lifelessly to the side. I dropped the dead body and turned to Cory, who was cowering within the corner now, whimpering loudly in shock and fear of what I just did, and cringed as I began to approach him. I stopped and dropped to my knees in front of him, my emerald eyes dulled and glazed over in hatred for the feline. My right paw came out and grasped his neck, making him whine out and shudder as he only looked on in pure terror into my eyes as I growled out.

"I find you by yourself...give you a home, clothing, help you get a job, give you my love...and this... This is how you repay me!"

"Nuh-Noreu...ack!" Cory choked as my grip tightened on his neck, trying to let me go as tears streamed from his eyes. He tried to say something, but couldn't, only getting out small inaudible words and noises. "I...gah...ugh...Nor...eu...ple-ease...ssssstopp...it...hurts.. I love...love you!"

I was too far-gone then, and hearing those words after what I just say him doing sent me too far over. I gave one squeeze of my paw and everything from that moment on went black...


When I woke up next I was in some type of medical facility, laying on a bed with some stuck in my arm and a mask on my muzzle. Slowly I sat up, feeling dizzy and falling back with a loud thud. After some time of staring at the ceiling I sat up again, this time successfully, and took a look around my surroundings. They were familiar, in a sense. It was a hospital, one that I've been in before. The equipment was the same, the set up, everything, but what got me most was another bed within the room.

Turning towards it I noticed a small figure laying upon it, his heart monitor was almost a constant flat line. The doctors must have just left before I awoke then. Slowly I got up from the bed, pulling whatever was in my arm out and headed over to the table. I had a feeling, a horrible and bone chilling feeling. Once I got to the edge of the table I stopped, seeing what I had done who knows how long before to the one I had just recently loved, and was soon to lose.

Cory lay there, his head upon the pillow with a brace holding it steady attached to his shoulders. There was nothing wrong with his body or head, nothing at all, except for his neck... It was crushed, maybe only a few inches wide, completely broken in all aspects with the imprints of a paw around it. I knew exactly what happened then...I crushed it...I crushed his entire neck with just one grip of my paw, just as I did to the bull. He was going to die soon, I just knew he would, and yet again it would be my fault. I would have to lose another because of something that I had done.

He wouldn't die in this place, not here, not now... I slowly began to remove the different tubes hooked up to him, lifting the small and helpless feline into my arms. I turned and walked slowly to the window, opening it up and staring out. We were six stories up, nothing to me, as I jumped from the window. I fell rather quickly, holding Cory close to me once we hit the ground. There was a decent sized hole that was made, but I had nothing but maybe a small scratch or two while Cory was protected within my arms. I began walking out of the small crater and began heading to the city limits, and once there walked out towards the nearby coast. It took me half a day to make it there, but it didn't matter, because Cory was still breathing within my arms.

Once to the shore I walked slowly into the water, moving up to my waist as the cool ocean waves brushed lightly against his back and tail, soon waking him up. Cory's eyes fixed onto mine, and he tried to give a whimper, but before he even could I placed my lips against him, giving a soft kiss and passionate kiss to the feline, knowing it would be the last time I saw him. Slowly I moved back, opening my eyes to look down into his, which he did the same with me. Soon both of our eyes were watery, tears dripping off them from so many shared emotions that we both felt, but I knew who truly was responsible for it. Slowly I began to settle him into the water, as was his wish that I remembered from one of out talks. 'If I'm about to die and you're nearby, please let me die in the ocean...with you right beside me until I go so I'll always remember you...' were his words, and we both hoped it would be so very long before it would have to come to this day.

"Cory...I'm sorry...sorry for hurting you...for killing you..." I cried, it having been many years since I have, while I held the feline close to me and began to wade out further into the blue depths of the ocean. "I shouldn't have reacted like I did... I lost all control, and because of it I...I killed you..."

Cory's paw moved up, resting softly against my chest as I looked down to him through teary eyes. He knew he couldn't talk, so showed me instead. Pointing to himself, then his head, then softly resting his paw over my heart. I choked on more tears and slowly lowered him into the water, watching him float away slowly as he gave a small wave. I couldn't help it anymore, only standing there chest deep in the ocean, watching to wet eyes as another of my loves left my life again, and for the very last time, I heard Cory Darkwell's voice calling to me.

"Noreu Hotishima, no matter what has happened...I'll see you again one day, and please know that...I will always love you..."

The End


This story has no dedication, but did have some truth behind it. I was loved, betrayed, and in a sense, killed the one that I loved... If you have any comments or anything, you can send me an e-mail about them if you'd like. Good day.

Noreu Hotishima © Myself

Cory Darkwell © No one, created just for this story.