Secret Desires

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"What can I get you two today?", the buxom waitress asked us. I looked back down at my menu to make sure I was asking for the right thing.

"I'll have the biscuits and gravy, with a side of sausage and hash browns.", I said as I looked up at her and handed her my menu.

"Anything to drink?", she asked, taking the menu from me.

"Oh, yes, some coffee please."

"Sure thing, and for you hun?", she looked down at Kris, who handed her menu over and with a big smile responded.

"I want a stack of chocolate chip pancakes. Oh, and lots of syrup!", she said.

The waitress chuckled at Kris' excitement over the pancakes.

"Sure thing, sugar. And the syrup is over there.", she pointed to a glass jar on the opposite side of the table. "If you run out, just let me know and I'll get 'ya some more. Now, did you want a drink with that?"

"Mr. Pepper, please!"

"Alright, we'll get yer order right out!", and with that the waitress turned around and headed back to the kitchen. Kris looked back over at me with a slight look of disgust on her face.

"Coffee? That stuff is so nasty." She shook her head and stuck her tongue out.

"It's an acquired taste.", I said as dignified as possible.

"It's still nasty." She looked down at the table, trying to find something that she could get her little paws into.

We had decided to take a trip to an awesome little 50's themed restaurant to cheer ourselves up after recent events. Our father had left for a business trip out of the country over a week ago, but ended up staying a bit longer than he had initially told us, which I honestly didn't mind; I loved spending time with Kris. However, the shocker came when we received word from him that he had accepted a job at a competing company, and would be relocating to their headquarters. My first concern was for Kris, she would do horribly in a new country, namely one where she didn't speak their language. I immediately called him up and tried to figure out what the hell he was doing, and what was going to happen with Kris. He simply told me that she would have to stay with me, he didn't want her following him, as she might "interfere with my work life". I was furious with him after he said that, I honestly couldn't believe that he would just leave his daughter behind without giving it a second thought, and for such a bullshit reason as that.

Kris was obviously shaken up, as her dad had just abandoned her without telling her first. He wouldn't even call her to give her the news, I was the one that had to do it. So after that bombshell, and a night to think things over, I had decided that we needed to take our minds off of our dad for a bit. And what better of a way to do that than get a huge breakfast that made you fall asleep afterward?

The waitress came back by our table within a few minutes and dropped off my coffee, along with some sugar and a small thermos with extra coffee.

"So, once we finish eating, did you want to go anywhere or do anything?", I asked as I poured all of my favorite sugary substances into my coffee.

"I dunno.", she replied simply.

I gave it a bit of thought; what would make her happy right now? That's when I realized that we were close to the mall, maybe she would enjoy walking around and possibly buying a thing or two.

"I know, you wanna visit the mall? Maybe buy a few things?", I asked.

"Yeah! That sounds fun!", she responded, excitedly. "We can stop by the game store and get a new game or two!"

"Sounds like a plan. Any game in particular you want?" You could almost hear the gears in her head grinding away as she poured over the massive list of games that she wanted, trying to pick out the top few.

"I... Maybe... No...", she continued to mutter to herself for a few minutes. Before she could answer, the waitress came back to our table, carrying 3 plates with our food on her arms.

"Biscuits and eggs for the handsome man.", she said as she placed my two plates down in front of me. "And the sugar-loaded pancakes for the cute, young girl. Anything else you guys need?"

"No, thank you." I gave her a smile, then focused my attention on the delicious smells coming from the food. The first thing Kris did was grab the syrup bottle and pour half of it on her pancakes, basically drowning them in a sugary grave.

It didn't take long for us to clean our plates. I pushed my plates away from me once I was done, and slouched in my seat.

"That. Was. Delicious." I stated. "I'm going to take a wild guess and say your's was good?"

"Mmhmm.", she nodded as she stuffed her mouth with the last bite.

"Here's to hoping I don't fall asleep before we hit the mall." I said, patting my distended stomach. "Damn becoming an adult, I can't eat nearly as much as I used to when I was your age."

"Don't worry, whatever you can't eat, I will.", she said with a smile.

"Well, try to save some room. We'll inevitably get more stuff once we hit the mall. I know I'm getting a pretzel." I looked at the bill, and dropped a $20 bill on the table, which covered our meal and left the waitress with a nice tip. "You ready?"

"Yup!" She hopped up out of her seat and skipped off toward the exit.

"Bye! Have nice day!", the waitress shouted across the room as we left.

The mall was only a 10 minute drive away, I didn't live that far from it. When we arrived we were forced to the lowest level of the garage, it was the weekend and it seemed like the entire city had stopped to visit the mall as well.

"Alright, let's go." We hopped out of the car and headed toward the mall. "Try to remember where we parked. Orange lot... parking spot-Ha! We're parked in spot 1337."

"Leet!" Kris shouted , pointing toward the sky in a very weird pose.

"Don't ever do that again, that was so lame." I said, shaking my head at her. She ignored me and started half-sprinting toward the elevators. By the time I got to there, she was already in one of them, and had the floor button pressed, waiting for me.

"Come on! You're so slow." She said as she did a little dance waiting for me. I stepped onto the elevator and messed up her hair with my paw. "Hey!"


When the elevator stopped and opened up, we were presented with quite the impressive scene. The main floor was a sprawling, open area, and covered what felt like an entire football stadium. The entire roof and walls were made of glass, and every inch of the foyer was lit up. Across the entrance, on both the first and second floor, was the food court, sporting every single fast food restaurant you could think of, and a few you probably haven't heard of before. Directly in front of that, in the middle of the foyer, was a giant water fountain that shot water 10 meters up into the air.

"Oh wow! This place is awesome!", Kris shouted, then bolted toward the fountain. I calmly followed her, and couldn't help but chuckle at her enthusiasm. She hadn't been to the mall since it was renovated, neither of us had actually, so everything was new to us.

"Alright, so where do you want to go first?", I asked, leaning an elbow on to the fountain ledge next to her. She was leaning over as far as she could into the fountain, staring down at the massive fortune of coins resting at the bottom.

"How much money do you think is down there?", she asked, looking up at me.

"You know, I've always wondered that myself. I bet there's a few hundred bucks worth of change down there." Her eyes widened, and she looked back down. "Too bad we can't take that money, we could buy so much stuff with that."

"I know!" She peeled herself away from the fountain then looked around, before finally spotting the directory stand and ran up to it, me following closely behind her. She looked around the map for a few second, before finally spotting her target.

"There-", she said as she placed a digit on the map, directly above the GameCrap store icon. "Let's got get some games first!"

"Alright. So let's see...", I placed a paw on her shoulder and leaned over her to get a better look at the map myself. "We should be able to get there by heading that direction."

I pointed off down the hallway to the left of where we entered.

"After that we take a right when it splits, and it should be a few stores down on the right."

"Let's go!", and with that, she started off toward her goal, me trying not to sprint while keeping up with her.

She slowed down after a bit, allowing me to keep up with her. As we walked through the mall, she would occasionally stop to window shop at a store that looked interesting. Along the way, we ran into an employee walking around with a giant hangar full of pretzels.

"Ooh, wait. I've got to get a pretzel!", I said as I pushed my way through the crowd. I flagged the pretzel man down and exchanged a small fortune of money for a pretzel, then resumed our trek to the GameCrap store.

"You want a piece?", I asked, offering her a piece of pretzel in one paw. She didn't even answer, she just leaned over and plucked it out of my paw between her teeth. By the time we had arrived at the game store, pretzel was entirely gone.

We stepped into the store and were greeted by walls and racks full of games, all categorized by which platform they were on. Kris immediately started her hunt for the games she most desired in the CubeBox section. It didn't take her long to locate a few of them, which she promptly handed to me.

"Just how many games were you planning on getting?", I asked, looking over at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Just a couple. And I found ones that were cheap!" I flipped one of the cases over to find she was correct, this one was only $5. The others were $10 and $8. She located two more and handed them over to me, making 5 in total. I walked over to the counter and placed them in front of the cashier.

"I see someone is restocking their supply.", he said as he picked them up and started scanning them. "Do you have a membership card?"

"Yup." I pulled the card out of my wallet and handed it to him.

"Lets see...", he swiped my card and smacked a couple of keys on his keyboard. "Looks like you saved $0.31 by being a member. That brings your total to $35.72"

I swiped my card and put everything back into my wallet, and back into my pocket. The cashier stuffed the receipt in the bag and handed it over to Kris, who eagerly snatched it from his paws.

"You guys have a nice day!", he said, smiling.

As we walked out, I couldn't help but laugh.

"So I saved thirty cents by being a member, a lot of help that was.", I looked back down at Kris, who had the bag open and was flipping through the games. "You look happy."

"Yup! Today's been awesome so far. We got to eat out, I bought some games, now all we need is soma pizza when we get home and it'll be the best day ever!"

"So should I take that as a hint to buy pizza later?", I laughed and rustled her head fur. "So, you wanna stop and look at some new clothes for you? You only brought two outfits with you."

"Sure." She leaned over and hugged my waist; she couldn't really reach higher than that.

"Alright, let's see where we could go." I looked around for another directory, and found one a few stores down, right in the middle of the hallway. We walked over and I leaned over it, looking for a decent place to get some clothes that wouldn't destroy my checking account.

"Hmm, oh hey! You like the stuff from The Gash, right?", I asked, looking down at her.

"Yeah, I like their stuff.", she responded.

"Alright, luckily that's just upstairs. Actually, it's right above us." I looked over to our right and found the escalators. "Let's get up there this way."

We headed over the the escalators, with Kris nearly running to beat me there. She hopped on and rode it about halfway up, before stepping backwards so that it looked like she wasn't moving.

"Look Kei!", she stuck her arms out and looked back at me, "I'm not moving!"

I stepped on the escalators behind her and laughed.

"You are way too easily amused.", I said.

She continued to backstep down until she bumped into me. I placed my paws on her shoulders to keep her from killing herself until we reached the top. Once we did, we walked over to The Gash store and walked in.

"Alright, what kind of outfit do you want?", I asked her as I looked around the store. They had casual wear outfits to the right, just as you entered. There was slightly more formal stuff toward the back, next to the changing rooms. Then random bits and pieces were stren throughout, filling all of the empty space. Kris walked over to the jeans and started looking around.

"Are there any jeans that aren't so tight?", she asked as she picked through some of the jeans on the table in front of her. I looked around and spotted a few pairs in the corner.

"How about these?" I walked over and plucked a pair off of the wall. She walked over and snatched them from me, and held them up to her waist while looking them over.

"These are much better, and they have a few extra pockets on the sides!", she walked over to the wall where the rest were and found the right size and color. "Can I get these?"

"Of course!", I grabbed them from her and wrapped them around my left arm. "Alright, what else do you want?"

She looked around the store for a bit, then walked over to the shirts section and started browsing around. As she found shirts that she liked, she would hand them over to me. When she had finally made her rounds, I was holding a small wardrobe worth of them.

"Do you want all of these?", I asked.

"Just one or two. I want to see which ones fit me the way I like.", she said as she continued to look around.

She spotted the underwear section and skipped over to it.

"Oh, I need some new underwear!", she said as she bent down and looked at a pair on the bottom shelf.

I immediately blushed and looked away, trying my hardest to prevent the sudden arousal that had presented itself from creeping up anymore. My mind went back to that day, the one where my sister and I got had gotten very intimate with each other. It had been nearly a week since that day, but I hadn't been able to take my mind off of it, at least until today. The events of the morning had allowed me think about something else, and focus on just cheering Kris up, but my mind went straight back when I saw her bending over in front of me to inspect a pair of underwear.

During my musings she had picked out 3 different pairs of underwear and had turned around to hand them over to me.

"I like these.", she said with a smile on her face. I shook my head and swallowed deeply, taking them from her. "Now I just need to try them on."

"The changing room is over there." I pointed toward the back of the store.

She skipped her way back to the changing room and disappeared behind the doors. I couldn't get myself to follow her, my brain was still in reset mode after remembering the scene with my sister on top of me, two of my digits inside of her vagina. I shook my head again and forced myself to walk to the back, each step requiring the entirety of my focus to complete. I finally reached the changing room and opened the swinging doors, stepped in, and let them close behind me. The changing room was far larger than I would have imagined, with it wrapping around the back and to the left. I took a few steps forward, looking around for Kris, but decided that randomly opening changing room doors would be a bad idea.

"Kris, where'd you go?", I asked into the empty hall.

"Back here! Go around the corner.", I heard her say from a distance.

I followed her voice down the hallway and around the corner, as instructed. Luckily, all of the doors on this end were open, all save for one. I walked back to it and knocked on the door with my knuckles.

"Kris?", I asked into the empty air.

"Yeah, I'm here!" She stuck a paw under the bottom of the door and poked my leg.

"Let me know what you like, and we can get it, within reason of course.", I said as I shoved the clothes under the door for her, then leaned my back against the door. "If you need me to get anything from the store, let me know."

"Ok!", she replied.

For the first few minutes, all I heard was the sounds of clothing rubbing against various surfaces, and the occasional grunt from her. The entire time I was focusing as hard as I could on something other than Kris. I tried thinking of work, and what projects I was working on. I tried thinking about random movies. Nothing I tried could get my brain off of her.

"Kei, come in here and let me know what you think.", she said, interrupting my silent musings.

"Why don't you just come out here?", I asked asked as I moved away from the door.

"I don't anyone to see me.", she whispered.

"Fine, unlock the door.", I replied, crossing my arms. I heard her sliding the lock out of position and I reached a paw out to open the door. I slid in and rotated around, locking the door behind me. When I turned back around, I was presented with a cleaner-looking Kris, with a nice pair of slightly baggy jeans on, and a dark green shirt with some abstract art on the front.

"Now THAT is a look that suits you.", I said.

"Yay! So does that mean I can get it?", she asked, looking up at me with a hopeful face.

"Of course, I already said you can get what you want.", I replied.

"Thank you, big bro!", she wrapped herself around my waist and gave me a tight hug. She let go after a second and turned back around, then started pulling her shirt over her head.

"Woah, woah, woah, let me leave first before you start stripping!", I whispered, trying to avert my eyes, but struggling.

"What? You've already seen me naked before, remember?", she said, then resumed pulling her shirt off.

"Of course I remember, I haven't been able to get the thought of you out of my head since I did see you naked!", is what I wanted to say, but bit my lip before I did. Part of me wanted to leave and let her change by herself before someone caught me in the changing room with her, but another part of me was screaming at me to stay and watch. She finished taking her shirt off, and put it back on the hanger and placed it above the bench. She then unbuttoned the front of her pants, and slid the jeans off, folding them and placing them on the bench below the shirt.

She was now almost entirely naked in front of me, once again. I couldn't peel my eyes away from her, something about seeing her like this in a public placed turned me on. She looked back at me and grinned.

"Maybe I should try on the new underwear before I try the other shirts on?", she asked, holding the pair of underwear she had picked out in front of her.

When did she become so seductive?! Of course I wanted her to try them on, I wanted to slip her current ones off myself! I couldn't bring myself to verbally answer, all that I could muster was a small nod. She giggled and tossed the underwear on the bench beside her, then reached down to her waist. She slid a digit from both paws under the lining of her underwear, then started to slide them down her legs. She reached her feet, then stepped out of them, and tossed them on the bench beside the new ones.

"Hey big bro, think we could try what we did last time here?", she asked in a whisper. My heart stopped for a second after processing what she just said.

"No, no, no, no, no. We can't do something like that in a public place!", I said in my loudest, quiet voice I could muster. "If we got caught, it would be game over!"

"Aww man.", she said, pouting. I couldn't help but feel a bit sad for her, and for me at that.

"Well, you can always let me slip on the new pair of panties?", I said, half asking. I couldn't believe what I had just said.

Her face lit up and she eagerly reached down and picked up her new underwear, then tossed them to me. I nimbly snatched them out of the air and kneeled down, putting myself on her level. "Alright, lift up your left leg."

As ordered, she lifted up her left leg, but started losing balance and reached a paw out toward me to stop herself. Her paw landed on my shoulder as she caught herself, and she shifted her weight around on her one leg to balance herself. I took the underwear in both paws, and placed the left leg hole under her leg. She slid her leg down through till both feet were on the ground, then lifted her right leg. I guided her other leg into the second hold, and started sliding them up her legs. I stopped when I reached midway up her thighs, and pulled her closer toward me. Her body slid up against mine as she leaned nearly her full weight on me.

Her body was so warm against me, and I couldn't help but run my nose along her nape, taking a deep breath as I did. My body shuddered as her hormones flooded my nostrils.

"Alright, lift your tail slightly.", I said.

My thoughts instantly went to me bending her over a couch as I asked her the same thing. I shook my head and tried to focus back on the task at hand. I reached behind her and unbuttoned the tail-hole in the underwear, then slid them all of the way up. I slid a couple of digits under the base of her tail to smooth the fur out, then fastened her underwear above it. She leaned back so she was balancing on her own two feet, then looked up at me with an innocent face.

"How do I look?", she asked, twirling around so I could see her at all angles.

"You look...", I hesitated for a second, " look amazing."

Her face beamed with joy, and she lunged out to hug me again. I returned the hug, and took the chance to inhale her scent once more. Instantly I regretted doing it, as my body was filled with arousal, and my erection pressed against my pants. I pushed away from the hug and looked down at my crotch. I must have had an erection the whole time, but didn't even notice! The front of my pants had a dark spot right at the top of the zipper.

"Hey, I made you aroused again, didn't I?", she asked at normal speaking volume.

"Shhh!", I quickly replied. "Not so loud! Someone else might be in here with us! Just get the clothes you want so we can get out of here."

She silently nodded and turned back around to her pile of clothes, sorting out what she wanted, and what she didn't into two piles. I turned around and faced the door, trying to focus on something, anything else so that my massive erection would go down.

"I want these!", she said. I turned around and saw her handing me a pile of clothes. It looked like she had picked out the jeans and shirt that I first saw her in, as well as the new pair of underwear and a few other shirts.; I just assumed that she had put her old pair of underwear back on.

"Alright, how about you go out and give me a minute to deal with this.", I said as I looked down at my crotch. She giggled and opened the door, slid out into the hallway, and closed the door behind her. I closed my eyes and leaned my paws against the door as I tried my best to think about something else. After a few minutes of this, I was finally able to get my erection to go down, but it left a lasting impression on the front of my pants. I sighed and accepted the fact that I would just have to deal with it, and tell anyone that asked I spilled a drink. I opened the door and saw Kris walking around in the hallway, stepping around carefully on the patterns on the carpet.

"Alright, let's buy those clothes and get out of here.", I said, walking toward the exit of the changing rooms. We stepped through the swinging doors, and I was relieved to see that no one except the cashier was in the store at the moment. I walked over to the cashier with Kris in tow behind me.

"Did you find everything you were looking for?", she asked.

"We did. We're just getting these today.", I said as I pointed to the counter and looked down at Kris. She placed the pile of clothes on the counter and stepped back.

"Alright, just these 3?", she scanned them and placed them into a brown plastic bag. "The total comes to $63.98."

I nodded and pulled my wallet out of my back pocket, opened it, and slid my debit card through the machine in front of me. It beeped, I typed in my code, and the receipt was spit out. The cashier put the receipt into the bag and handed it over the counter to me. So far so good, I thought to myself, we'll be out of this store faster that I thought.

"Thanks.", I said to her with a smile. I grabbed the bag and headed off to the exit. "Come on Kris, let's go."

"Kay!", she said, then sprinted out of the store in front of me. I followed her at a rather quick pace, I wanted to get out of the store as fast as possible and back into the safety of my car.

"So, where can we go now?", she asked as she spun around to look at me.

"Actually, I was thinking of heading home. Unless you had somewhere else you really wanted to go.", I replied, nervously looking around to see if anyone had noticed the stain on my pants.

"Home sounds good, maybe we can play some games when we get home.", she said through a devious grin. That little snot knew exactly what I was thinking! I grinned at her and started walking toward the escalators.

"Home sounds awesome, I've got a new game that I can show you.", I said as I grinned back at her.

We charged our way back through the mall to the elevators, and I was relieved that no one stopped to ask why I had a wet spot on my pants. Not that anyone actually would, my paranoia was just kicking in and making my imagination run wild. When we arrived at the elevators, I smacked the call button and stood, impatiently waiting for the next elevator. After what seemed like an eternity, the bell finally dinged and the doors for one of the elevators to the left opened up. We quickly hopped in and pressed the button for G3. When the doors closed I leaned over to Kris.

"Hey, I was thinking. When we get back, did you maybe want to take a shower?", I asked nervously. At this point, my sex drive was in full gear, and the rational part of my brain barely had a say in my actions.

"Sure!", she said.

The elevators came to a halt, and the doors opened up, revealing the parking lot below the mall. We stepped out and started our ways towards the car. Kris suddenly started running off.

"I'll race ya!", she shouted over her shoulder.

I couldn't resist, I started sprinting after her. We weaved in and out of the parking lanes, barely checking to see if we were running into the path of a car. When I finally got to the car, Kris was leaning up against the passenger side door.

"I win!", she said, then stuck her tongue out at me.

"For now.", I replied through heavy breaths. I hadn't realized how out of shape I had gotten, that was the first time I had run in most likely the better part of a decade.

"For now?", she asked, cocking her head to the side.

I grinned at her, then unlocked the car door and hopped into the driver's side. She opened the door and sat down in the passenger's seat, then closed the door behind her. I put the keys in the ignition, started the car, then put in in reverse.

"Let's get back to the house. I can't hold it in anymore.", I said, looking over at her with a toothy grin.

"You should have stopped to pee before we got in the car.", she said, matter-of-factly.

I couldn't help but chuckle at her naivety, I would have to show her what I meant when we got back to the house. As we drove home, I plugged my phone into the aux port and turned on some old-school rock. The entire ride home, neither of us said a word, we just listened to the music and tried to prepare ourselves for what was about to happen.

I pulled into the driveway and pressed the button to open the garage. Once it had opened enough, I coasted into the garage, then pressed the button again to close it behind us. Kris immediately opened the door and hopped out, reaching back in to pluck the bag of clothes off of the floorboard. She ran up to the door to the house and tried to open it, only to find it was locked.

"Here, let me get that.", I said as I walked over and unlocked it. She flung the door open and ran into the house, I followed her inside and closed the door, locked the door behind me, and turned back around only to see an empty room.

"Hey Kris, where'd you go?", I half-shouted.

"Back here!", I heard her say.

I walked down the hall to the back of the house, and toward my room, but was greeted with a closed door. I never closed it, so she must have done that. I walked up and opened the door. Inside Kris was stripping her clothes off in, what I assumed was, an attempt to get naked and present herself before I could get to the room. She heard me entering and looked back.

"Dang! I wanted to get my clothes off and run into the bathroom before you got back here!", she said.

She continued pulling her socks off, then slid out of her pants. That's when I realized that she hadn't put her underwear back on, she must have slid them into her pocket when I wasn't looking. She sighed a sigh of relief and reached her arms up toward the ceiling, stretching her whole body.

"Feel better to be rid of you clothes?", I asked sauntering toward her.

"Sooo much better!", she exclaimed.

I grinned at her, then decided to join her, pulling my shirt up over my head and tossing it on the floor. I was already extremely aroused, and working on making the stain on my pants larger than it already was. I unbuttoned my pants, then slipped them off, kicking them to the side, then slide out of my underwear. My penis was already entirely out of it's sheath, presenting itself to the world in all of its glistening glory. Kris locked her eyes onto my groin and didn't look away, she just blankly stared at it with a gaping maw. I walked into the closet and opened up my tub-o-dildos, retrieved a bottle of lube, and closed it back up.

"Lemme turn on the shower, get the warm water going." I said as I walked over into the bathroom, then reached down and turned both hot and cold nozzles, the hot a bit more though. I loved my showers hot, and I wanted the room to be steaming for what we were about to do. I placed the lube on the shelf in the shower, then turned around to see Kris standing in the door, silently watching me. "Care to join me?"

She nodded and walked into the shower, I followed right behind her then slid the shower curtains shut behind us. The shower nozzle was pointed at the shower wall, so I reached a paw forward into the stream to test the temperature, and found it satisfactory. I turned the nozzle to redirect the stream directly onto us. Kris was standing behind me, leaning right up against my backside. I stepped against the wall and let the water hit her.

"Water too hot or cold?", I asked.

She shook her head, and finally broke her silence.

"It's just right." She looked back down at my throbbing erection.

I stepped around her so that she was between me and the shower wall. Then, without another word, she reached both paws up and wrapped them around my meat. I grunted and was forced to lean against the wall, I wasn't quite ready for her to grab me like that. She slid both paws up to the very tip, then slid them back down to the base, pushing my sheath back so that my entire length was visible to the world. I nearly collapsed from the sensation, my nerves were on fire, and my hormones were going crazy. She noticed what was happening to me and looked up.

"Does that feel good, big bro?", she asked. "I never got a chance to repay you for what you did that night last week."

"This feels absolutely amazing, you have no idea how badly I wanted this.", I replied.

She giggled and resumed her work, slowly sliding her paws up to the tip, pausing for a second, then sliding them back down and pushing my sheath back. With each pump, I felt myself getting closer and closer to an orgasm. I couldn't orgasm this early! Not when there was so much more I was wanting to do with her. I reached down and pulled her paws off of my shaft, and she looked up at me, curious as to why I just did that.

"Does it not feel good anymore?", she asked, slightly cocking her head to the side.

"Oh it still feels good, I just don't want this to end just yet.", I replied. I leaned over and plucked the lube off of the shelf, then rotated the shower head so that is was pointing back at the wall. I then kneeled down so that I could get better access, and a much better view of her vagina.

"But, didn't you just say that you wanted this really badly?", she asked, seemingly more confused after I answered her initial question.

"I still do, guys have orgasms differenly than women. I'm the type that when I orgasm, the mood is lost and I can't get back in the mood for a few hours afterward.", I said as I squirted some lube onto my digits.

"Oh, so you want to save it for sex, right?", she asked bluntly.

Wait, did she just mention sex? I had to do a retake on what she just said in my head.

"Err... yeah. Well, that is of course if you want to. If you don't, I completely understand an-", she stopped me mid-sentence by reaching out and placing a digit on my lips.

"I want to.", she said simply. "Ever since we had fun that night, I couldn't stop thinking about what you said to me. You said that you wanted to have sex with me, but we never did! I want to try it tonight, I want to have sex with you!"

I'm not sure how it was possible, but my level of arousal spiked a bit more, and I think I somehow managed to get harder. A huge grin spread across my face, and I reached my lubed up digits down to her slit and started rubbing them over it. She let out a soft moan. I split my digits into a 'V' as I slid my paw down, tracing the lips around her entrance, slowly massaging the lube into her fur. I took a single digit and pressed it against her entrance, then gave it a bit of a push before it slid in. That familiar and much desired warmth spread across my digit as her tight, young vagina gripped it. I slid my digit in as far as it would go, then slowly pulled it back out. With just the very tip of my digit still inside of her, I stopped then slid it back in until my knuckles pressed against her labia. I continued to pump my digit inside of her until she had loosened up a bit, then slowly slipped a second finger in. She let out a louder moan this time as my two digits penetrated her, she was already leaking fluid at an amazing rate, I was wondering if I would even need to re-lube my fingers at all before I tried to put something larger in.

I continued to pump my two fingers into her, and slowly I could feel her loosening up quite a bit. At this point, she was releasing copious amounts of fluid, which caused each thrust into her to squelch as my knuckles pushed against her outer lips. I thrusted into her a few more times, then retracted my fingers from her velvety folds.

"I think you're ready.", I said as I rotated around and sat down on the shower floor, and leaned up against the wall.

She looked down at me, and at my leaking erection pointing itself right up at her as if to say 'Hop on, kid!'.

"Come here.", I said as I reached up and grabbed her around the waist. "Just sit down on your knees and put your absolutely amazing vagina as close as you can to me."

She nodded, sat down on her knees, and slid up as close as she could, sitting down on my thighs. Her slit was pressed right up against my dick, pushing it into my stomach. The feeling was amazing, and I bucked my hips up reflexively as her warmth spread to me.

"Oh jeez...", I said through ragged breaths.

I reached up and grabbed the bottle of lube, then pushed her back just enough to gain access to both of our genitals. I squirted some into my paw, then rubbed it in and around her entrance. I squirted a bit more into my paw again, then wrapped that paw around my shaft, sliding it up and down to make sure I was as well lubed up as I could possibly get.

"Alright, are you ready?", I asked, looking up at her.

She nodded, then slid forward. I grabbed her rump, and lifted her up just enough to clear my shaft. I slid down a bit, so I could better align myself with her entrance, then slowly dropped her until the tip of my penis was pressing up against her. My heart was pounding so loud that it drowned out the sounds of the shower, I couldn't believe that I was finally going to mount my sister, it was finally happening.

Her very tight entrance put up quite a bit of resistance, but finally buckled thanks to the copious amounts of lube I had used. As the head of my shaft popped into her, she let out a yelp.

"You OK?", I asked, suddenly concerned that I might have hurt her by not properly stretching her before pushing my adult-sized penis into her young vagina.

She didn't say anything, she just silently nodded and held herself in her current position, eyes shut tightly. She sat there for a minute or two, letting her body adjust to the sudden and relatively massive intruder. Finally, she opened her eyes and looked back up at me and nodded.

I took this as a sign that she was ready, and slowly let her weight push me deeper inside of her. I was in absolute euphoria, the warmth and tightness of her vagina was almost enough to push me over the edge, but I managed to keep myself contained.

Millimeter by millimeter, she slowly dropped onto my shaft. With each passing second, I could feel her squeezing around my cock. With every bit of length she took in, she panted harder. Finally, I felt her rump press up against my crotch; I was fully hilted inside of her.

We just sat there for what seemed like an eternity, letting our bodies get accustomed to the new sensations. I wanted to make sure I didn't hurt her, I wanted to give her body amply time to adjust.

She was the first one to make a move, she wrapped her arms around my neck and slowly started to lift herself up. Her tunnel sucked at my shaft as she ever so slowly pulled herself off of me. I felt cold air rush in around my shaft to fill the void, but what I didn't realize was that the air was actually quite hot. She was just that much warmer than everything around us. She lifted herself up and up, before finally my dick popped out of her entrance, causing her to gasp.

"Nnnphf, put it back in.", she panted.

I was more than happy to oblige. I reached down and aimed my dick back at her entrance, and she slowly dropped herself back down onto me. This time, it didn't take nearly as long for me to fully hilt her. She lowered herself all of the way down and sat on my waist.

"Kei, this kind of hurts, but feels amazing.", she said, looking up at me.

"Just let me know if you want to stop.", I said, but really hoped that she would never want to.

I reached a paw behind her head and pulled her in for a kiss. Our lips met, and my tongue instantly shot into her mouth, eagerly trying to get a taste of her. I arched my back from the sudden surge of arousal and accidentally jerked my hips forward out of reflex, pushing my dick further into her until it bumped up against her cervix. She moaned loudly into my mouth, but didn't take her lips off of mine.

That was all that I needed to take control of the situation. I pulled my head back and wrapped my now free arm around her, then flipped over so that she was directly underneath me. I sat on my knees and pulled her into me, pushing my shaft as far into her as I could get. She let out a squeak as my tip gently bumped against her cervix again. I leaned down and placed her back on the floor of the shower, but kept her rump lifted up so that I could still thrust into her.

I pulled my hips back slowly, right up until my tip was all that was left in her, the pushed my hips forward as fast as I dared to go. This elicited a rather loud moan from her as she threw her head back. I reached forward and pulled back into a kiss, I needed to ravage her. My tongue shot into her mouth, wrapping and twisting around her tongue. I pulled my hips back and thrust back into her, this time much harder, my balls slapping up against her anus. I pulled out again, then slammed back into her with enough force to push her along the floor a bit.

I didn't know how much longer I could last, but I wanted to make sure she came as well, I wanted us to climax together. I broke away from our kiss, and reached down and rub her clit. I took a single digit and pulled back the hood around her clit, then placed a second digit right on top of it, rubbing it in circles. Kris arched her back and threw her head back, opening up her mouth as if to let out a cry, but emitted no sound. I continued to pump my dick into her as hard as I could, eagerly trying to get her as close to an orgasm so that I could finally blow my load into her.

Within a few second, I started to feel her vaginal muscles clench around my shaft; Softly at first, but quickly ramping up in intensity. I felt that very familiar feeling welling up from within my chest, radiating outward to my extremities, but at a level that I had never felt before. Her tunnel snapped shut around my shaft and she threw her head back, letting out a loud cry as her orgasm finally hit her. I could feel each and every muscle of each contraction around my shaft, and that set me over the edge. I thrusted into her one last time with enough force to slam her back against the shower wall, and my semen exploded out of my tip and into her young womb. My vision started fading out as I felt my balls empty themselves into her, and I placed my paws out to stop myself from falling onto her.

We sat there for what seemed like an eternity, riding out our orgasms. Her tunnel continued to spasm around my dick for nearly a minute, before slowly dying off. Finally, when my vision came back to me, I looked down at our crotches to see an absolute mess. Apparently, my load was too much for her, and a decent portion of it had squirted out, painting our genitals. I slid my shaft slowly out her with a very satisfying squelch, then wrapped my arms around her and pulled her up as I sat on my knees. I felt more cum from both of us leak out onto me.

"So, how was your first time?", I asked.

"I...", she tried to speak, but couldn't get her brain to work well enough to formulate the words.

I laughed and assumed that she wanted to say it was amazing. I reached up and pointed the shower head back onto us, letting the water slowly wash away the remnants of our lovemaking as I held her in a loving embrace.