Family Ties and Magical Lovers

Story by DJgalven on SoFurry

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"Hoo... okay, let's get this started..." The owner of the voice breathed softly as the water started to slowly trickle over her nude form. She smiled to herself as she lathered some rich, cinnamon-y smelling shampoo into her feathers, savoring how soft it left those plumes in its wake. Every day, she did this ritual, but it felt like she could never do it often enough for her tastes.

Oh, no, it wasn't anything big or fancy; it was just a little exercise in control. One she found best to do when she was in the shower and away from the rest of the world, hot water rushing over her form like a waterfall. She wasn't sure how or why she'd come into this... this gift, but she was more than willing to do what it bid her body to do.

The start was slow and arduous, like waking a lover at three A.M. to confess an undying love for them. Her violet eyes closed as she focused deep on the pit of her stomach and waited. Suddenly, a warmth rushed through her being and she knew without even looking that her form was glowing with a light purple haze as her magicks pooled and collected around her entire being.

She was of no small power, she knew that well, but it was the simple fact she even had this that made her confused and worried. But she embraced it, held it, caressed it, calming its flow even as it left her body and focusing it into a little ball at about stomach height. Slowly her eyes opened and she looked at her creation, the glowing ball of energy making her grin. Her paw reached out for it, arm feathers dangling from her forearm in waves of black and purple. A gentle touch, a warmth surging through her body, and the magic was infused with her once again. She couldn't help but smile the entire while as she finished the shower that prompted these daily rituals, scrubbing the night's dinginess away from her luxurious feathers.

As she exited the shower she couldn't help but stop to look in the mirror and admire her form. At 5'5", she was a little tall for her species, but most people overlooked that for a simple reason, about a foot down from her head. Pert, well-rounded C cup breasts looked back in the mirror and she smiled. Oh, the many men she'd wooed with these on the nights she'd been lonely, only to... her face darkened as she thought of it. Her form wasn't that hard to please anyone though. The right amount of flesh here, the perfect shape of her rump there... though she did admit to a little belly fat! But it was well earned fat, she didn't want to be rail thin like those girls in the magazines. More cushion for the... well, the pushin', she always said. It was with trembling fingers that she picked up the jewelry she'd abandoned before entering the shower: a navel chain with a bright red heart on the end, and two rings that had hooks on the end.

A quick sucking in of her stomach and the navel chain was in place, leaving just the other two for her to hold in her palm. She always dreaded putting these in, but she loved the looks it had gotten tossed her way. Her fingers moved, caressing her own nipples through her feathers, willing them to firm up under her touch. And they did, and it was with a painful wince that she lanced them through the very holes that had been made for the rings and hooked them in place. She steadied herself, claws scrabbling at the kitchen sink before she ran some cool water over a rag and holding it to first one and then the other.

She loved her 'girls' as she called them, giving her bosom a fond caress and light touch before pulling her bathrobe on. As a devilish last idea, she scrawled in the fog of the mirror her own name: Delila Galven.


Delila clicked on the answering machine with a sigh when she noticed the 'call missed' light flashing, waiting as her outgoing message played in her own singsong voice: "Hi, you've reached Delila! I'm probably in the shower, putting on makeup, driving around, partying, or just having a good ol' time! Leave a message after the beep!" The aforementioned beep sounded, followed by a voice Delila gaped at.

"H... hey Delila. It's DJ. Was just wondering if you'd ever want to come hang out sometime? I know you and I haven't spoke much since... since I left mom and dad's place. But I'd like to see you again..." The hopeful note in that voice almost broke the raveness's heart as she giggled, the answering machine showing that he'd called not but five minutes ago.

She sighed a little bit as she looked at the picture next to the phone. The image was the last time Delila ever remembered seeing her family together and happy. Her hand picked it up and held it before she could even think of what she was doing, staring at the remembered scene. Two elderly looking ravens, both with graying hair looked out with smiles toward the future, as an impish looking boy was held tight against his mother and barely even making it to her thigh as his sister did the same to her father. It was only with a wistful sigh broken by a single tear as she remembered the night it all fell apart.

It had been cold outside... one of those exceptional snap freezes that you hear of in the north, as in her mind a belligerent father blustered at his own son's confession. She'd never seen dad's or DJ's faces contort with such... such rage before, and it was directed toward each other! Hateful words had been said between the two of them as the then 17 years old DJ played the scene in her mind for her...


"Dammit, dad, you think I want to be gay? You think I want to be hated by you?! I've tried and tried to reconcile this with myself for the past month now, and I see no way past it!" The younger raven screamed, tears breaking into his eyes as he stared down his glowering father. Her mother, Delila remembered, had been in the kitchen and dropped her pots and pans when that word escaped DJ's lips.

Gay. Oh, Delila had known for as long as DJ had and then some that he wasn't attracted to girls. She'd paid attention to where her brother's eyes had wandered when they were at the beach... She'd sighed to herself as she watched from the hallway, not daring to interfere...

"You are my son and expected to inherit everything I own! I can't have some nancy faggot for my heir before I go! My line is ended! Gone, done with forever because my son can't bear to stick it in a girl!" Her father had screamed right back, a furious paw crushing his only pair of spectacles and not even noticing the glass cut into his hand.

"What do I have to inherit from here?! All I know is this house and the little money you managed to save! What does it matter? Give it to Delila, I'll never need it. Your line will be just fine without me!" Delila had heard that note of desperation, that their father's fury might be abated with that simple plea to give Delila the inheritance, the line... but that only seemed to make it worse...

Delila remembered recoiling in shock at what had come next, a wince passing through her as the mental sound of that sharp 'SMACK' had resounded through the building. She looked back, only to find DJ resting his head on the doorframe to the hall, his face covered in his dad's own blood from his empty palm. Glass fragments from their dad's glasses adorned his cheek, adding diamonds to the rubies of blood upon him. That was when the dam broke. That was when Delila was sure that her father had pushed the limit.

DJ stormed out of the house not but a minute later, only running to his room to have enough time to pack his bookbag full of clothes and rush back out the door. She remembered following him, hoping he'd be okay... but he'd lost her in the cold. Delila had found out later that he'd found refuge with an honest enough koopa named Calvin vin Kroshel at a local gay club, and she'd never been happier for him. It'd been about two years since then...

She sniffled and wiped her eyes as she set the portrait back down on the table and picking up the phone. Her finger punched in the number by memory alone as she lifted it to her head and told the answering voice where she'd be if he wanted to hang out...


Delila looked at her cell phone's clock, grumbling some obscenity or other under her breath. She was at the local café, having heard of their awesome beignets. Jerry and Mason's or something like that, she couldn't remember even as she looked across the street at a psychiatrist's office with a groan. 1:30 PM. DJ was late, later than he'd ever been before... and then she heard him cough from behind.

She leapt up and embraced her brother in a fond, familial hug before ushering him into the seat. The waiter came up soon after and took their order for coffee and beignets with extra sugar, both smiling at each other the whole time.

"HeyaDel, sorry I'm late..." The male raven started, his eyes showing how bedraggled he looked... hair mussed up, clearly not having showered before coming here and yet he still had some sort of cologne on. She could smell the sharp scent of citrus from here.

"Bah, don't think anything of it, bro. Just glad you're here." She grinned, tapping a booted talon on the ground as she waited for their food and eyeing her brother. "Looks like you just got up from a nap not too long ago."

DJ's cheeks darkened visibly as his eyes lowered. "That... may not be right. See, Calvin called me in and..." He gave a pointed glance at her and smiled impishly. Oh, that was the look she remembered, the look that he'd carried most of his juvenile life.

"One thing led to another and you were doing the horizontal mambo. Don't worry, Deej, I won't hold it against you." She giggled softly as she sat back in her chair. She couldn't help look at him, even as she felt his eyes on her. His feathers were rumpled here and there, but he had definitely taken as much time as she to get dressed, both wearing a t-shirt from one of their summer camps as teens. Though while he was dressed in jeans, she was in slacks that were pulled up over her booted feet and she was positive that he didn't have any shoes on.

"So, what've you been up to, besides making hot dirty love to your boy toy?" She giggled a little as DJ's cheeks flushed even darker, before she turned serious in a second. "You still drinking as badly?"

DJ shook his head. "No, no... I'm down to just a wine cooler a week before bed. Cal's helped me out a lot by hooking me up with a support group. Says I'll be off the bottle in a month or so." He smiled sheepishy, even as she nodded. Both knew where this vice stemmed from, but neither said it aloud out here.

"Mmm, that's good... I hope you make your goal then, little bro." She smiled softly, drumming her fingers on the table as finally the waiter returned with their order. Both sat in silence for a while as they ate the beignets happily, chasing them down with coffee that tasted like it was mostly water. Well, they had to get something wrong, Delila thought.

"And what about you? You getting your... magic under control?" DJ whispered in a hushed voice as he drank another sip. Delila just nodded and with a twinkle in her eye and a muttered word, DJ's napkin covered his eyes.

Both laughed as the male removed the offending paper from his head, giggling like kids on the playground again as they sat back. Delila picked up the check, despite her brother's insistence and paid for their meal. They looked at each other for a good long while before they stood up as if of the same accord, leaning over the table to give each other another hug.

"See you again next weekend, Del." The male smiled and nuzzled his sister's cheek as she gave an affirmative nod and smile.

"See you then, floofball." She snickered as she dodged a playful slap from him at his childhood nickname, before they both went their separate ways, warm glows in each of their hearts.


It was already late at night, and Delila couldn't believe that she was still away as she looked at the harsh red glow of her clock. 2:20 A.M... what a terrible time for her insomnia to kick in. A soft sigh rushed past her lips as she sat up without a second thought on her mind other than to do something valuable with the remaining hours until she had to truly be up and about...

Lewd thoughts crossed her mind as she passed by her list of names hanging on her bulletin board, but she pushed them away as she walked with single-minded purpose to the shower. It wasn't needed, it wasn't necessary... but it was where she did her best thinking, and a good soak always helped her get even a little shuteye.

Nightgown thrown off, jewelry already somewhere on her dresser to await the next time she'd be able to put them on, she climbed into the shower and the hot water came tumbling like a welcome wave. She sat on the built in stool and rested against the wall with a soft sigh, pulling her legs into the familiar lotus position she used to think.

What was it that was bugging her this time... it wasn't DJ's well-being, she'd just seen him today. No, it was something screaming from her heart that something was wrong but she was helpless to know what it was. Her body settled on the answer before she could even think about it, the familiar purple haze building around her again. The energy ball formed rapidly, moreso than Delila had ever seen it before and it formed into an arrow... pointing right at her stomach.

"My stomach, huh wiseguy?" She smiled and put a hand to her belly when she felt that first knot of tension rush through her, the arrow fading just as quickly as it appeared as she lost all concentration. Her body wasn't revolting on her, it was just something she'd forgotten about all year, even as the first waves of unbridled desire started to cross her mind, addling her thoughts.

Heat. She was in heat again. Even as she crooned out from another pang of desire running through her loins and mind like a two-pronged fork, her mind started to readjust her calendar. Work tomorrow was out of the question, as it was the next three days... various dates would be called off and... oh god, if her mind would just focus! She turned off the water and stood on wobbly legs, limping her way out of the bathroom and writing a note to make the correct calls in the morning.

She barely made it to her bedroom after that important stop by the phone, her writing shower her lust addled mind as she had scribbled out the word 'stud' over and over again until it was replaced with her boss's name, 'Stan'. And then she collapsed on the bed and crooned from the warm brush of her sheets against her naked body.

Delila's fingers groped and rustled under the bed until she found it, that one pure beacon of hope for any logical thinking when she was like this. It wasn't much, being just seven inches long, but she had absolutely loved the purple color when her mom had helped her pick it out. She'd protested at first, having her first toy be bought for her by her mother, but she'd quickly changed her tune the night of her first heat and the many times she'd wetted the sheets with her own dew.

She turned on and welcomed the sound of the friendly buzzing, like a bee who meant only good and she smiled at that weird thought, even as she patiently dragged it along her flower. Oh god, it felt so good to do this, her mind screamed, even as her body told her it wasn't the real thing. Patience was a virtue here, her mother's voice told her in the back of her mind... pushing it in too quickly would hurt, and having a bruised slit only made it worse during a heat.

Finally, Delila's inner voice told her it was safe now, her legs parting lustfully as she accepted the plastic lover between her thighs. But now what one of her male companions did she imagine it was making hot, steamy love to her right now. Her fogged mind cast about as imaginary lovers took their place in her mind's eye.

Her inner being shook away the thought of the first one, a black panther known to her as Damien... no, he was only good in a pinch, not being a long-lasting stud. The next was rejected as well, a blue jay named Ricky. He was a little too kinky, she thought as she imagined how this would normally play out, Ricky calling her 'mistress' as she stuffed a strap-on up his ass. No no, turnabout was not fair-play here. If the damnable thing would just stop teasing her body so much she wouldn't be here!

Finally, a frustrated noise brought the answer to her in the form of a truly imagined lover. He was an avian, tall and bold... his features strongly cut and defined, with muscles that would make a canine envious and a cock that would put a horse to shame... Slowly her fingers started to push and pull the vibrator out of her drooling, aching snatch as her imagined lover pressed a kiss to her neck, murmured some romanticism or other before pushing right on in.

In her mind's eye, it burned of all the romance novels she'd read as a older teenager, her eyes clenched shut as both imagined and real blended together seamlessly as her lover timed to the insertion of the vibrator perfectly... oh gods, this was good... Her lover was tender but firm, even as his slick rod pounded away at her depths, her insides welcoming him again and again. It was love-making at its purest, and it was happening in the poor girl's mind! She would never even notice that the purple haze that was normally associated with her magic had formed into the very shape her mind made it, the warm touches of her lover the real touches of her magic to her prone form.

His beak touched to her breast and she sighed, thinking it was just imagined as he pushed and pushed at her depths, not once stopping as she rode out her many orgasms. Her sheets were soaked through, she knew for sure, but she didn't care in her fantasy world! Both lover and loved stopped for a moment as she readjusted, before the real fun started, the raveness shoving the tool all the way into her body and pulling it back out. In her mind, her lover had grown merciless near his peak, his thrusts never-ending as he bucked his way to their combined pleasure. Then they both stiffened as her magically produced lover raised his head to the sky and uttered a soundless cry... but one to her in her mind was her avian partner screeching her name!

And then she was collapsed, flicking the vibrator off as the worst of her heat seemed to have abated for the moment as her eyes fluttered open. Her last glimpse before she fell into unconsciousness was her lover astride her, looking remarkably... purple as he tenderly licked her cheek and held her tight, her mind finally shutting down as she passed into the deepest sleep of her life... and she never felt happier.