Feral Heart - Day 3 (1/2)

Story by Lupex on SoFurry

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#5 of Feral Heart

Foreign urges begin to consume Marco's mind alongside the radical changes to his body. He tries to hide it, to pretend as if everything will be fine, but how long can he hold out?

This was a collab I did with FA: Tarus1111 !

First: https://www.sofurry.com/view/1220541

Previous: https://www.sofurry.com/view/1222191

Next: https://www.sofurry.com/view/1223553

"The town was furious. They demanded retribution and there was slim chance that they'd take no for an answer. Terror had polarized the inhabitants, and all social constructs seemed to collapse in the interim, but the shift in position was swift and encompassing.

That's not to say that there was no opposition at all: many protested, debated and resisted, but it was futile. Emotions swallowed what remained of reason as every man was soon caught up in the mob of vengeance. As the livid turmoil boiled, it compounded on itself until not a single person was left who did not cry out for blood, nor was there any person left who remembered why they did so.

For it was too easy to join the chorus then to perform solo, and it was this unanimous fury that sealed the ultimate fate of all the inhabitants."

A few agonizing minutes passed before Marco sat up from his bed. He had no choice but to accept that he was not going to be falling back asleep; not for the rest of that night.

Largely as a result of his newly canine crotch still aggressively exhibiting the symptoms of lust. The unflaggingly hard and bestial tip peeked out, soaking the furry sheath around it with sexual fluids.

Glancing down, he was dismayed to find one of his hands had inexplicably been massaging his sheath gently. Yanking it away, he cursed himself. What a terrible start. He rose off the bed, admitting to himself that there was no point trying to reason out what was happening to him anymore. He had to focus on not letting it get to him.

Once again back into the bathroom, now notorious for being the room where everything seemed to go crazy, Marco picked up his discarded clothing. He wondered if he could possibly wear it again today and cautiously gave the dirty and somewhat damp tank top and boxers a sniff. A dopey smile crossed his face as his spare hand dropped to his low hanging testicles. Idly cupping and twirling them around, he noticed a distinct heft in them. His penis twitched and he crashed to a stop.

He was doing it again. It was just too easy. Ever since his changes in that area, it was as though he could orgasm at any moment. There was no break to his arousal, instead there was constantly a tight hollowness within it that begged for stimulation.

With a deep defeated breath, he disposed of the clothes in the hamper, and seeing no issue with continuing nude, decided to worry about clothing later. The idea that someone might see him wasn't embarrassing, in the least. At that thought, Marco looked back at himself in the mirror, scrutinizing himself a bit more.

Not only did he resemble Lucas more than what he looked like before, due to the increased muscle definition, his hairiness surely went far beyond average. The hair covering his front had expanded yet again, skin barely visible as it stretched downward in a wide treasure trail that marked the center of his abs down to his large canine sheath. He hadn't noticed before, but his balls had also gotten their own coating of hair, as did most of his arms. Thinking on it now, the sticky sweaty feeling that he had had persisted and after turning around it was apparent why. His back was also obscured with hair, moist from perspiration. Marco's eyes widened. The tail that he hadn't noticed was there too, emerging from the end of his spine. Curiously, he poked it, giggling despite himself at the feeling. At the same time, he noticed that his hands were now tipped with dark claws melding into the position his fingernails once occupied.

Going up to his face, he couldn't help but admire the way the increase in facial hair made him look more rugged, though the extensively pointed ears were disturbing. Remembering yesterday, he bared his teeth, almost scaring himself with how menacing they looked now that most of them were sharpened.

Marco ran a hand through his now lengthened hair, which fell over his ear and the back of his neck, when it had not just the previous day. Even as he pushed it back, the long locks spilled forward in rebellion. How on earth was he going to hide these changes, he wondered with a frown and an attempt to sweep the shock of hair to the side. Staying in the bathroom sure wasn't helping, however, as every breath only reminded him of the wonderfully lewd deed he had performed.

Step one, he thought, was to get some food and maybe take his mind off things, like the taste in his mouth which left a reminder of a good time as much as a phone number from a hooker: guilty pleasure.

Eagerly, he headed downstairs with a slight waddle on account of his bloated ballsack, and popped open his fridge, rummaging out whatever savoury foods hid within. After a minute he had gotten an odd assortment consisting of foodstuffs such as sandwich meat, eggs, and a plastic container of week-old chicken salad. Without any preparation, he dumped his collection onto the table and began to shovel in as much as he could eat, not realizing how hungry he had been. Only when his fingers were wet with liquid egg whites and his face covered in food did he mentally facepalm. Aggravated that he had so quickly ended up eating like an animal, Marco gave up on the meal, instead turning his attention to the task for that day as he cleaned up.

The tutees would be coming again today but, with a brief glance at his nude form, he could tell that hiding his changes would be far more difficult today than the previous day. Once the unsightly mess was cleaned, he went back upstairs to peruse his closet. Just from the look of a lot of his shirts, he could tell they no longer fit. Trying some on only led to frustration as they all pulled tight against his bulkier body, and within moments of trying them on, felt like he was being suffocated in a hot scratchy vice. A heap of clothes formed on the ground as he went from t-shirts to other articles of clothing, most of which had letters and symbols that he alarmingly couldn't make sense of. Irritation that he had such ridiculous things written on his clothes masked a quiet inner fear that his mental changes were beyond his own control, but he was adamant. With a huff he tossed another stupid shirt onto the ground.

Many times he was tempted to put on his cozy, used tank top from yesterday but knew that he couldn't. At last, he discovered a black hoodie that managed to fit over his frame with the least amount of restriction, though it was hot and still somewhat tight. Another problem surfaced when he realized he was unable to wear any of his undergarments either. Not only was his new anatomy incompatible with anything he wore, any attempts resulted unfavorably, with the elastics pressing and rubbing against his sheath while the fabric teased the hairs on his scrotum. A session of underwear testing ended in Marco groaning softly as he shifted around in the strained clothing, letting it tug and tickle his slowly receding sheath. The small groan changed to one of chagrin as Marco caught himself in the act and gave up, not before sheepishly swiping the drops of precum from the end of his constantly exposed tip and 'cleaning' it off his fingers.

Eventually, he was standing in front of his mirror, staring blankly at his mismatched outfit: a hoodie with a forest of hair poking out the top that he couldn't hide, and his workout shorts from the day prior that was incapable of obscuring the large bulge below that became apparent when he made just about any movement. Marco tugged uncomfortably at the top of the hoodie. Already, it was getting way too hot. A glance at the clock told him that the students he needed to tutor for the day were still a couple minutes away, so he took off the hoodie, fanning himself with it slightly.

Just the few moments not trying to think of anything was a struggle as his free mind kept squeezing in intriguing images and thoughts. Marco was relieved when it was about time for them to arrive, knowing that he'd have something to occupy his mind.

Sucking in a breath, he put the sweater back on, throwing up the hood, and headed down stairs just as he heard the arrival of the three at the front door. As he walked toward the door, he noticed an odd clacking, and felt as if something had stuck itself on his toes. Not wanting to perpetuate his unpunctuality, he ignored it and went to open the door, allowing the three to enter. Though they weren't as confused as the previous day, they were still a bit perplexed by their mentor's odd choice of dress. As Marco closed the door behind them, he glanced down at his feet, and he gave a short gasp. The ends of his toes had dark claw-like ends, similar to his hands. Ensuring that none of them had noticed, he excused himself as subtly as possible and dashed back upstairs, claws clicking on the wooden floor a couple of times before he made his way up.

Despite his attempts at being timely, it took him some time rummaging through clothes stored for winter to find some thick socks that obscured his feet enough that they wouldn't appear abnormal; or rather as abnormal as they could, wearing winter socks in the middle of summer.

Nervously, he strolled back down, acting as casual as possible, but at the same time, feeling quite hot, figuratively and literally as their eyes alighted on their once again late instructor.

"My apologies, guys," Marco mumbled gruffly, before quickly coughing as he realized just how off his voice sounded. "A bit sick lately." He gave a small shrug, pulling the hoodie tighter around himself for emphasis. Silently, he congratulated himself for the best excuse he could have possibly come up with, proving to himself that he hadn't lost all his famed intelligence.

As the session began, Marco felt the most confident he had been the entire morning, almost certain that things would be normal. It wasn't long, however, before things quickly spiralled downhill.

"Mark, you feeling good?" Alison, one of the students, asked, pulling Marco from his reverie. Awkwardly, he nodded, looking away from Alison's pretty, olive face. Marco could only continue bobbing his head as he tried to refocus on the question Alison had been asking him. Errant thoughts lingered in his mind, as his gaze returned to her face, framed perfectly by her long, raven hair.

An uncomfortable stirring down under made him blush as he pulled the ends of his sleeves farther down to cover his hands. It disturbed him that he was feeling this way about her, but she was part of the popular crowd, so who could blame him. It took him some time to bumble out a vague answer, which she ended up accepting without further hassle. Jittery and already slick with sweat, Marco took another step away from the tutees, feigning supervision.

Eventually, he had to admit to himself that he wasn't going to accomplish anything standing so far away as Alison asked him to go over the steps she had written. Shuffling over, Marco started sweating even more anxiously. Oddly enough, as he approached her, he calmed down a bit as he noticed a faintly soothing scent. Past the puffs of perfume and shampoo, there was something that roused something in his mind. Unknowingly, he stepped closer, getting nearer.

As he looked down at the solution on the paper, he breathed slowly, picking out the sweet scent that had a hint of heat to it. For some reason, his heart rate picked up slightly, sending blood pulsing through his groin. Now, it was beyond just her nice looks. Instead he felt a deeper instinct teasing his senses. Marco could barely decipher the letters and numbers written on the sheet, spending a moment in a haze, inching closer to her. Luckily for her, she didn't seem to notice his odd behaviour, allowing it all to his purported sickness. When at last he hummed his agreement, he wasn't sure if he was confirming her steps or just approving of her. Either way, she thanked him and kept going, noticeably slower than previously.

Only when Jacob, the third of the tutees, had repeated a question for the second time did Marco realize that his attention was being sought. The deeply tanned, muscular athlete was patiently staring at Marco from the other side of the table.

"Uhh, pardon me, could you repeat that?" Marco tried giving a weak smile, not particularly interested in moving from his present location.

"Illness doesn't affect your hearing, does it Mr. Garcia?" Rogers piped up, looking a bit miffed. Before Marco could come up with something to say, Jacob butted back in.

"Nah, it's no big deal, Mark's just out of it," he said, and then pointed out the problem he was having trouble with. Not wanting to disappoint Jacob for covering for him, Marco reluctantly left Alison's side.

Upon approaching, it became apparent that Jacob had just come back from the gym. Notwithstanding the damp, gray tank top, the smell was even more apparent than what he had just encountered before. More startling was the fact that he felt himself drawn to it the same, if not even more. Flashbacks of the morning flitted through his mind and he felt his erection push against his workout shorts. He was getting so hot with the hoodie on too. Scared that someone might notice, Marco stiffly crouched down next to Jacob, immediately having to fix the balls that drooped down onto his shorts on account of how weird they felt sagging onto the fabric so loose. Afterward, he acted as though he were getting a better view of the paper, or that he was tired. This conveniently placed him adjacent to the athlete's shoulder. At this point, Jacob's odor was far more intense. Subconsciously, Marco once again sucked at the smell, finding it harder to even remember why he was crouched there, and moved ever closer to Jacob, nearly touching him.

Meanwhile, Jacob didn't notice his tutor's proximity to him and casually went to scratch at his other arm, exposing his armpit. Marco sharply inhaled through his nose, assaulted by the athlete's fresh, spicy musk. The abruptly enhanced odor seeped into his mind, drawing forth the suppressed instincts in his mind. Hot and sticky, wrapped up in a warm coat, nose grabbing at the scent of another male, rather than his own. The already throbbing canine cock ballooned with arousal, and Marco instinctively pivoted his hips up, causing the tapered end of his manhood to slip free from his shorts.

An imperceptible drop of cum spurted from the end, landing on Jacob's toned tricep.

If Jacob hadn't perceived Marco's own building musk before, he certainly did now, as he absently scratched at a new itch on his other arm, unable to detect the bit of Marco's seed from its warmth.

Marco, on the other hand, did not fail to spot what he had done, but instead of disgust, fear or even shame, a sense of content welled up inside him as his own salty musk nearly inconspicuously mingled with Jacob's gym odor. Something told him that he needed to do more, to fully mark his scent onto the others.

In fact, if he could develop canine anatomy, so could they. Not even comprehending where the thought came from, Marco's dick pulsed again, thinking of creating packmates. It was a thus far foreign urge that didn't make sense to him, but he couldn't deny its comforting appeal.

Hesitantly, Jacob continued on, seeing as Marco hadn't said anything yet.

"So, I was just wondering how I would start with this one," he said, thinking not of the question but something else that began to occupy his thoughts. Unbeknownst to Marco, Roger had looked over, also curious about the problem.

Unfortunately, Marco was far too distracted by the lust surging through his mind to coherently answer the problem. Instead, he stood there dumbly, continuing to fantasize. As he crouched there, drawing in the tantalizing scent, he became aware of a new feeling. Now that Jacob had been marked with his scent, he couldn't shake the idea that Jacob belonged to him. His cock, whose tip was still protruding from his shorts, leaked some more pre as prospects for Jacob filled his mind.

"Yah, I just can't seem to wrap my head around what to do," Jacob mumbled vaguely. His gaze was fixed in the distance, breathing slowed. Absently, he went to scratch at his nose, unaware of the thin layer of Marco's seed on his fingers. "Mmf," he muttered. Marco smelled a slight change in the odor around them and nearly let out another spurt as a bulge appeared in Jacob's workout shorts.

"Excuse me! We pay by the hour and I'd like to get some work done!" Roger grunted in frustrated.

Marco snapped up at that, thoroughly torn from his haze, but not from his burgeoning instincts. With a snarl on his lips, he drew himself back up, glaring at Roger from beneath his hood. "Then why don't you get some work done, since you're so danged smart anyway?" Marco's fists clenched, claws pushing into his palms. How dare he interrupt him while he was with his packmate?

Surprisingly undeterred, Roger continued on, adamant on pushing his point.

"Sure, you're sick. You say that, but it doesn't change the fact that we still haven't learnt a single thing! How-"

"How are you going to get another A+ on your next test without my help?" Marco interjected angrily. He was so hot now. "You're always so blunt about getting what you want, but it seems like you have everything you need."

Roger finally backed down a bit, his own blue eyed gaze faltering.


"Why are you even here wasting my time, huh? You show up Jacob and Alison every time you're here, just feeding your ego!" Marco wasn't even aware of what he was saying at this point and it wasn't until Roger broke off the eye contact did his senses return.

"Oh, I'm sorry Roger! I-I don't know what..." he trailed off as he heard his own, deep voice, realizing how menacing he must've sounded. Looking to Jacob and Alison, he saw that they too were a bit shaken.

"You know what guys, I think I'm too ill to tutor today. I'm sorry. I should have cancelled. I will call you when I get better. Please excuse me and, uh, have a nice day." Marco shuffled to the door, the heat of the moment finally catching up with him as he began to pant.

Too embarrassed to confront them further, he opened the door and stood behind it, trying to hide himself somewhat. After an agonizing moment, the three gathered their things and left without another word.

Quickly, Marco shut the door behind them and immediately proceeded to chuck his hoodie, gasping as the cooler air touched the sweat slickened hair covering his body. Flapping the essentially drenched hoodie around to fan himself, Marco plopped onto the couch, unashamedly panting his head off as the events played back through his head.

As he took the socks that had been tangled and ripped around his claws with a wince, he thought of how close he was to getting out of control. Never before had he felt for anyone like that. Especially not people of the same gender. With an ashamed frown, he glared at the bulge in his own shorts, astonished that it was still weighing on his mind. Instead replaying the outburst directed at Roger, Marco was forced to admit that things had definitely gotten out of control.

Deep in thought, which was difficult as the lusty urges began to creep their way back, Marco had completely lost track of time, stirring only when a familiar knock shook his front door. Scrambling up, he yanked his hoodie back on, muttering in irritation at the warm, damp interior. As he went to open the door, he wondered what he had been even thinking of for the past few minutes.

"Hey Marco, I was worried you were going to open the door after an ep, an opek? I forgot the joke." Lucas smiled with a shrug, hand lifting up the large paper bag with the burgers he had gotten for their lunch today.

"Hey Lucas." Marco was relieved to see Lucas, though he had no socks to hide his feet, so he hoped he wouldn't look down. "You mean epoch?"

"Buddy, we can't all be geniuses like you!" Lucas laughed as he came in. The comment forced a grin back onto Marco's face.

"Alright, I bet you're hungry, so here you go," Lucas said as he pulled out a hamburger from the paper bag and handed it to Marco. "And I decided that you'd need something to keep up your game, because don't think I'll let you beat me in a race again!" Lucas retrieved a drink from the bag and gave it Marco with a sly smirk. "It's a protein shake so if it tastes a bit weird, don't worry about it, you'll get used to it."

Marco unwrapped the burger and took a bite, sighing with satisfaction as the meaty taste appeased his latent hunger. With spirits lifting after indulging in the meat, Marco decided to humor Lucas, accepting the drink without even bothering to ask what flavour it was.

After a sip, Marco had to admit it wasn't bad at all, and taking Lucas' word, continued to drink.

"Guess you're right," Marco conceded. Lucas pumped his fist in triumph.

Midway through his burger, Marco looked over to see Lucas staring at him.

"You look kinda uncomfortable in that. Aren't you hot? You should take it off," Lucas recommended.

"No! No I'm fine." Marco pulled his sleeves farther down his hands.

"Seriously man, it's almost ninety degrees outside, don't be silly," Lucas coaxed while chewing.

"I'm not really wearing a shirt underneath," Marco admitted.

"Don't be embarrassed, we go swimming all the time! Would you like me to take my shirt off too?" Lucas joked with a chuckle.

With a sigh, Marco gave up, unable to come up with any other excuse. Lucas was right anyway, there was no reason to worry. Though it would be funny if he took his shirt off too...

"Okay, okay." Marco agreed, finishing up his burger. After apprehensively removing the suffocating clothing, Marco felt much better. He hadn't noticed when he took it off the first time, but his torso was a lot hairier, matching his chest in the density of hair, which was visually damp with sweat. It was also quite muscular, even slightly more so than Lucas'. Though it shouldn't have, it gave him a slight sense of pride.

Once the hoodie was removed, Lucas took a deep breath and grinned. "Don't you feel so much better?" he asked. Marco nodded. Hoping to drive the conversation away from himself, he pointed at the large bag.

"Surely there's more," he began, but was cut short by Lucas tossing him another burger.

"As if I'd just get one each. There's lots more of those," Lucas chimed with a sip of his own protein shake.

The two continued on in silence, eating voraciously. Every so often, Marco would catch Lucas glancing down and then up at him, but he would just meet eyes and smile it off. A small hope whispered in his mind that maybe Lucas didn't notice anything odd, or different. Once again, a fleeting moment of stability and familiarity warmed Marco's mind.

All good things must come to an end, so it wasn't much of a surprise when Marco found himself getting thirsty, despite drinking more of the progressively better tasting protein shake. Oddly, the thirst left him feeling a sense of foreboding; the same kind of feeling as the one encountered right before falling ill, or before a big test. Nervously, he drank more, attempting to distract himself from the feeling. It bothered him, weighing on his mind like a mosquito ready to bite.

Uneasy, Marco went in for another burger when Lucas' by now familiar gym odor caught his attention. At that moment, something mental slipped, and the foreboding escalated, as if the mosquito had bitten him. Marco's grip on the burger tightened. It didn't make sense to him, but he suddenly grew wary of Lucas' presence. Something about him coming in and telling Marco what to do didn't sit right; after all, Lucas was in Marco's house, so he had no right to tell him to do what he wasn't comfortable with doing. The more he scratched at the itch in his mind, trying to understand what was happening, the more it became unbearable.

Marco turned his attention toward Lucas, watching for a moment as Lucas idly looked at him, before noticing that he was being watched in return. As before, Lucas smiled as they made eye contact. Marco grimaced as a dull headache made itself known. This time, Lucas dropped the smile, and asked his friend, "Is something wrong?"

Marco couldn't come up with an answer. Something was definitely wrong, but the only way he could describe it was a feeling that Lucas was being irksome at the moment. He acted as though he didn't notice any changes, but Marco could swear that those green eyes were inspecting him. Obviously Lucas was sizing him up, trying to see if he was better. Marco flexed his abs a bit, feeling sturdier. Abruptly, a thought finalized in his head: Lucas had to go.

The rational part of his mind couldn't find a justification for why, but for both their sakes, he didn't trust himself to be smart while his head was complaining, obscuring his rationality. In reality, he was scared for Lucas. The longer he sat there with that smug look, the less patience Marco felt he had.

Confused and slightly hurt, but not knowing why, Marco grabbed at the top of his head, hands covering his face. It didn't even surprise him to find that he was unable to speak normally.

Marco grit his teeth together and suppressed a raw rumble in his throat, trying to articulate the feelings, rather than the thoughts he had.

"Lucas. Can you please leave?" he managed with a guttural growl. It was a startlingly quiet request.

To his mild shock and partial relief, Lucas stood up and walked to the door without a word, almost in slow motion.

"Hey. Marco, if... I should say that... " Lucas struggled to find the right words as he lingered by the front door.

Marco could only think of Lucas leaving him.

Picking back a cheerful tone, Lucas opened the door and said, "Sorry if you aren't feeling good. Enjoy the burgers." And he was gone as the door closed shut.

With his departure, a modicum of control came back, but Marco felt empty inside, trying to understand what had just happened. The physical changes before stood nothing in comparison to him kicking his best friend out and feeling good about it.

Distressed, Marco tore at the remaining burgers angrily, finishing his shake long before the last was eaten. He was distraught and felt scared by the whole ordeal.

Only when the last burger was consumed did the scenario trigger some déjà vu: the book he was reading. Physical, mind changes.