Undertale: subject 13 part 1

Story by writer007 on SoFurry

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#1 of other stories

So this was an old story idea I did about a year ago, I was basing it off from a movie I once saw or a video game, can't remember, but it was about Toriel being a normal monster that live with a foster family, but she these dreams about a science lab and being experimented on. the story get a little interesting once you read the whole thing, I was also was planning to write more of it, but I lost interest. give it a read and hope you all like it

Towards the end of the Ruins, there laid the main entrance that lead outside the Underground. Blocking the only way out, Toriel the caretaker of the Ruins, spent most of her life guarding the entrance, making sure that no one leaves the Ruins. After many years of protecting the Ruins and guarding the door, Toriel finally met her end, when a child that fell from the surface world, attack her with a knife which left a cut like marking on her body. Before she turn to dust, Toriel look at the child one last time, saying a few words of wisdom that the child remember "please be good my child" when she was done, Toriel fell to the ground and waited for life to end.

When the child walk thought the main entrance, body of Toriel was laying on the Ruin flor, waiting for to turn into dust and spread through the air. When her body was starting to brake, a strange bright light appear out of nowhere, showing two figure in bio hazard suite, and standing in front of Toriel corps. One of the figure in the bio hazard suit notice that Toriel body was starting to brake and needed to act fast, it brought out a strange silver like disc and place atop of her body. The sliver dice went active and hover above the body and spread an aura stream, which started to heal her whole body. The second figure in the bio hazard suit look over Toriel body, then summon out a P.D.A. and watch her over her vital and other condition.

Bio Hazard suit A: Glade that device is working perfectly, the last time we use this thing, it's blow a fuse and nearly killed her.

Bio Hazard Suit B: blame that at the engineer department, they were meant to keep the equipment working, but keep on fooling around new experiments and forget the main stuff we need for work.

Bio Hazard Suit A: hey you know they got their hand full as it is, also most the equipment we use are mainly for the subject here

Bio Hazard Suit B: True, *continue looking at her vital condition* that true what you said, everything we been doing is mainly for the test subject. But speaking of which, what number is this test subject anyway?

Bio Hazard Suit A: *it got close to Toriel body and lift one of her arms. Once the arm was bare, it was showing a name and number, which telling who she is* said here Subject 13

Bio Hazard Suit B: Subject 13 you say, I'm surprise that the boys at the lab were able to have another one, they must the gone through a lot of her.

Bio Hazard Suit A: yes they did, the last one they thought was doing well, but when they reach the certain part of the test, let just say it wasn't a pretty picture.

Bio Hazard Suit B: wow, I really don't want to know what happen. But I'm very curious though of what sort of test they're been doing here anyway, having the subject going through the same event for so many times.

Bio Hazard Suit A: you know the rules, do our jobs and never ask question of what going on here.

Bio Hazard Suit B: I know the silly rules, I just curious is all, and anyway I finish checking her vitals and they're all clear.

Bio Hazard Suit A: good and it look like the device is finishing up healing her.

The two figure look at the sliver disc was finishing up it job and notice that all of Subject 13 wounds were heal up. They thoroughly inspect the body for miner detail, until one of them found something that shouldn't be there. They notice that the knife wound by her chest and on left cheek area, didn't properly heal right. The two figure didn't inspect this to ever happen and start examining the wound.

Bio Hazard Suit B: darn it, the device didn't heal the wound right, all of subject 13 wounds should be heal for the next test, but the knife wounds still there.

Bio Hazard Suit A: that shouldn't be right, the device was made to heal all type of wounds, including simple knife cute. Do you think the device could be malfunction or something?

Bio Hazard Suit B: the device is fine and everything, I guess this type of wound need to heal on its own then. Which mean in other words the test have to wait a little while longer and you know how much those higher up hate to wait that long.

Bio Hazard Suit A: well it have to be done right, I know the higher up want Subject 13 get through these test and gain the answer they need. But if they want the same mishap with the last subject, it all up to them.

Bio Hazard Suit B: my point exactly, but like you said before, we get paid of not asking question. *it grab a strange device with a flash on it, then have it over the subject face, then force her eyes to open up* time to have some pleasant dreams Subject 13.

When the bio Hazard suit figure push the button on the device, a strange white flash blinded her eyes and couldn't see anything at all. Toriel was starting to hear a lot of voices around her, some of them were friends she knew, while others were complete stranger. Toriel was doing her best to figure out of what truly going on, until the flash light clear up and see someone in front of her. It was the young child that she met at the Ruins. The child look at her and starte to smile, then the child summon out the knife once and attack her again, where she see nothing more but bright red.

Toriel was able to force herself to wake up from the terrible nightmare, she started to look around to see where she was and notice that she was in her bedroom. Toriel got up for a moment and held her head for a while, thinking about the weird dream she had. She remember about a part facing a child who ended her life with a knife, then laying the ground not able to move at all, until her body turn into ashes. She also remember hearing two figures standing in front of her, talking about someone call Subject 13. Toriel was doing her best to figure out what this dream was trying to tell her, but so far all she got were question, instead of answers. While Toriel continue thinking about her dream, she hear a knocking noise at her bedroom door and figure someone wanted to see her. Toriel was still a little shaken from her dream and wasn't ready to get out of bed yet, so she call that person to enter her room. Once the door was open, out appear a middle age human female name Nalia, standing in the middle of the bedroom, while looking at Toriel. Toriel was a little relief it was only someone she knew, instead of the biosuite figure from her dream. She notice that Nalia walk nearby her bed, then had both her arms by the side and started tapping her feet a few times. Toriel wasn't sure what she was doing, but already have a bad feeling that she done something wrong. She was plan to ask her of what she did, but Nalia spoken first and call out her name with a stern voice.

Nalia: Ms. Toriel, do you have any idea what time it is?

Toriel: um not really sure, I know it still early in the morning ... right?

Nalia: you are correct Toriel, not only it's the morning, but it ten minutes after eight and your running late for school ... again

Toriel: ... sigh, do we have to do this every morning Nalia, it not like I need to go to school since I'm already an adult goat monster

Nalia: of course you do Toriel, just because your adult goat monster, doesn't excuse you're from a proper education and beside you did said yourself that you had no problem of going to school in the first place.

Toriel: and yet part of me regret even saying it.

Nalia: ..........

Toriel: alright, alright, I try to get ready for school, before I miss the first period of class.

Nalia: that good to hear Toriel, I'm making some breakfast at the kitchen, make sure that you come down and eat, before you go to class.

Toriel: but will I be late for class, if I sat down for breakfast?

Nalia: don't worry about that part, I know the principal at the school, I send him a message that your running late, plus he owe me a favor anyway.

Toriel: thanks mom

Nalia: and don't call me that, it make me feel a lot older then I should be.

Toriel: *she laugh* whatever make you feel young Nalia

Nalia smile at Toriel remark and then left her bedroom, to finish up breakfast. Toriel was starting to feel a little better, part of her wish she could have told Nalia about the dream she had, but Toriel have no clue of how to explain it to her, since that dream didn't make that much sense to her in the first place. She figure that she might as well keep this dream to herself, until she find a way of how to explain it properly.

Once she got herself ready for school, Toriel walk downstairs and head for the kitchen, where she was able to find Nalia setting breakfast on the table. Sitting at the table was Nalia younger brother Nathan, reading his newspaper on the science section. Toriel walk by the table and greet Nathan with cheerful tone.

Toriel: good morning Nathan, how are you doing?

Nathan: well if isn't dear niece Toriel, finally came out from your royal bedroom Princess

Toriel: please don't call me Princess Nathan, it make me feel like I'm a little kid. You know I'm a lot older than you and mom

Nathan: you maybe older than us Tor, but you always my little princess to this uncle eyes, who also enjoy joking around with you

Nalia: that enough from your silly jokes Nathan, Tori already have enough issue to deal with today and she doesn't need to deal with your darn joking.

Nathan: come now dear sister, Tor know I was only teasing, right Toriel?

Toriel: of course Uncle Nathan, you know I always like your jokes, even though they tend to get a little annoying now and then.

Nalia: ..... Sigh, whatever then, just make sure you finish your breakfast Tori, you already late for school as it is and I don't want to hear any more excuses

Toriel: yes mother dear

Nalia: and what did I say about calling me that

Nalia walk away from the table and start washing some dishes. Toriel was started eating her breakfast, so that she can leave soon and reach for her first class. While eating her food, she was looking at Nathan newspaper and notice something interesting at one of the article. In the article mention about that several people have gone missing for the past few days, they also mention that most the people that disappear, were students that goes the same school that she attend to. Toriel begin to worry if she be the next victim to disappear like the one that were mention in the newspaper. Nathan notice that Toriel was starting to get worried about something, whenever she reach that point, he always find a way to cheer her up, with one of his usual sarcastic jokes.

Nathan: hey Tor, you want to hear a really good joke

Toriel: ...... sigh, not one of your silly jokes, you know each time you try to tell a joke, it always come out with a sarcastic remark.

Nathan: but I promise this time, this jokes was told by a good friend of mine from work.

Toriel: the same friend of yours that made remake insult about me for being a monster

Nathan: he had his moments on things, but I promise this joke is a good one

Toriel: ...... very well, tell me your joke

Nathan: great, so what have two thumbs and enjoy reading the paper with his favorite niece

Toriel: I don't know what have two thumbs and read *she was caught off from her sentence, when Nathan hug her*

Nathan: this guy *he laugh*

Toriel: *she blush* Nathan please, you know I'm not a big fan for hugs, especially since I'm a lot bigger than you.

Nathan: you're my niece Tor and I'm just trying to cheer you up is all

Toriel: thank you Nathan, you know how to put a smile on my face

Nathan: anytime kiddo, now get moving before my sister start talking again and get angry at me, for keep you here too long

Nalia: you do relies that I can here you two talking right

Nathan: gulp not really, until now

Nalia: come here Nathan, I need a word with you

Toriel know where this is going and started walking out the kitchen and head for the front door. Once she was outside from their home, Toriel was walking down the street, heading for her school. She usually take the bus to school, but ever since she lost her job at the supermarket last week, she had to make a few sacrifice to save money and walking to school without transportation was one them. Toriel wasn't complaining that much about it, since the school was only a fifteen minute walk, but she still remember that she was running late and she was able to hear the school bells started to ring. Toriel started to run down the block, hopping to reach the school gate, but when she was getting close reaching the school, she accidently bump into someone, making that person fell to the ground. Toriel look and notice a stranger in a trench coat on the floor, she help the person off the ground and apologizes for bumping into him

Toriel: I'm really sorry about that sir, I sometimes don't see where I going, whenever I bump into someone like that. Are you alright though

Stranger: I'm perfectly fine miss, no harm done. I have to admit that I'm surprised to see you again Subject 13

Toriel: wait a second, what did you call me

Stranger: you be going miss, the school bells already finish ringing

Toriel knew that the stranger in the trench coat was right, the school bell was finish ringing and she was already late for her first period of class. She wanted to ask the stranger of what he said, but when she look back to him, the stranger was already gone.

Once she got inside the school and talk to the main principle of the reason she was late, Toriel was able to make it to one of her classes, but accidently interrupted her teacher lecture. After disturbing the class, Toriel was sitting down her usual desk at the back of the classroom, she was trying to pay attention to her teacher lecture, but her mind was wondering off and starting to remember her dream last night. When her mind thinking about the dream, she use her pencil and started to doodle something on the paper she was writing. After she was done drawing, she look at the picture and notice something wrong with it, the image she was looking was some kind of tube, like the one you see from a science fiction film she saw one time. Toriel was confused of why she drew this, instead of the things she saw from her dream, she wanted to question more about, until the school bell ring, letting all the student know that class was over. Toriel knew that her question about the drawing had to wait, she place her school books and picture inside her bag. When she was about to leave the classroom, she overheard a familiar voice, who was calling her name. She look and notice a male student that was standing behind her, she almost didn't see him for a moment, do because he was a few feet shorter than her. Toriel knew the male student from anywhere and was happy to see him, the male student goes by the name David Sanston, look up to Toriel and say a funny remark to her

David Sanston: hey there Tori, how the weather up there?

Toriel: David, how many time you're going to repeat that joke, it was funny the first few times, but after a while, it get boring

David Sanston: come now Tori, you always like that joke, it's one of my best quality and besides, I kinda figure you need a good joke to cheer you up.

Toriel: how you know I need that

David Sanston: sorry Tori, a comedian never give out his secret, even to close friends.

Toriel: sigh, fine then, I guess I won't tell you about weird I had this time

David Sanston: oh and what kind of dream is that

Toriel: *she smile* like you said, it's a secret

David Sanston: *he laugh* clever girl, someone picking up my little trick very quickly

Toriel: I learn from the best after all

David Sanston: I can see that, one day I will teach you my full secret arts of my Kung-Fu comedy

Toriel: *she laugh* of course master David

David Sanston: master David sound to simple, just call me Master Sans sound better

Toriel: alright then, Master Sans it is

They both laugh for a little, until they start leaving the classroom. But just when she was about to reach the hallway, Toriel was call by her teacher, telling her that she wanted a word with her. Toriel kinda figured that she was going to be talk about her tardiness of coming in class today and was going to be lecture about it. David came by Toriel side and speak to her if she want him to stay.

David Sanston: hey Tori, you want me to standby and be your support

Toriel: that would be nice of you David, but I have to face the teacher on my own

David Sanston: ok then Tori, but if you need me, I be standing by the door.

Toriel: thanks David, your good friend

It's Time for Uncle Ancient Wisdom

Uncle: You learn from your mistakes Uncle: you will learn a LOT today! Somewhere in the hallway of the canterlot castle, Princess Celestia and Thomas the writer were both walking down the hallway, heading for royal hall room, for a very important...
