Janner's tale 3-Not to plan

Story by Tony wulf on SoFurry

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Hurray for updates, and violence, everyone loves violence. P.S:FLASHBACK ALERT!

Planet: Devinculus 7

Year: 40872

Time: 15:31

C.O: Commander Karn

Karn was the commander of the Imperial guard regiment 'Fist of Redemption', an elite regiment consisting of some of the toughest soldiers in the sector. Karn was the most experienced commander (who wasn't in the Space marines) in the sector, which meant he and his regiment got the hardest jobs that Imperial guard could accomplish. Standing at 6 foot 4, he was a giant to normal men, and could nearly look into the eyes of a Space marine

"This is madness Karn, you'll never defeat that!" "I can try" replied Karn (Janner's great grandfather), "Men of the Imperial guard, attack now, whilst the Emperor is with you!" At that moment, a deafening war cry sounded down the valley. The Orks were confused by what was happening and the war boss instantly started smashing anything that was next to him. "Er, boss, is dat ment to happen?" were the last words of one of the Orks said before having his face crushed. "No it aint, yer git, now get down dere an start smashin sum stuff before I smash ya maself!" yelled the war boss.

The Ork counter-attack didn't surprise Karn, as they were acting as brutally as anyone would suspect. If he could take down the war boss single combat, it would break the Orks attack and hierarchy. All he needed to do was reach it first. "Leman Russ 'Orkbane', this is Karn, give me a clear run to the war boss!" he said down his vox-link. "Yes sir, commencing fire in 3...2...1...NOW!" was the response. As soon as the barrage finished, Karn sprinted down the clearing, un-holstering his Chain-sword and Plasma-pistol. The war boss was now very confused, as he had never been challenged one on one before. "Oi, git, dis aint ment to appen!" screamed the war boss at Karn, whose only reply was to lunge at him with his sword and instantly tearing a gap in the Ork's armour and revealing the green skin under it. Karn had one chance before the war boss retaliated with its power claw and emptied an entire plasma-magazine into the hole. This was enough to take the war boss down, and as his skin boiled away from the super heated plasma, the rest of the Orks looked at Karn and ran back towards the forests they came from.

"I thought you said I'll never kill it sergeant?" "I did, but I didn't know you were hiding a Plasma-pistol" said the sergeant. Karn laughed, and immediately set to work on planning an attack on the Ork hive.

Back at the mobile command centre on the oukskirts of an abandoned town:

"Sir, the Orks have pulled back to forward base in the forest, they seem to have found someone else to lead them" said a messenger outside of Karns command centre. "Ok, thank you, report to Major Furns' Valkyrie and tell him we shall be attacking in 7 hours from now" replied Karn. "Yes sir" said the messenger before saluting and heading for the Chimera bay. The Orks had destroyed the long range comm-link and therefore messengers were sent with important information to high ranking officials. "Seven hours, I'm going to need a stronger coffee".

Suddenly, a huge vehicle drove through the entrance. "Commander Karn, we heard you could use a little more support in the upcoming attack, mind if we tag along? Said the Bane-blade's commander, shortly before jumping out. For a tank commander, he was rather athletic and certainly wasn't the obvious choice for the job. "Sure, just make sure you don't flatten every living thing in the forest, we have men out there" said Karn. "Ok, were should we all park?" "We?" asked Karn "Yeah, there's my tank, Hugh's, Kresna's and Wilhelm's" "Four Bane-blades, this will definitely be easy" thought Karn. "You'll have to park outside, we have very little room". After taking a quick look around, the tank commander said "Sure, fine with us, name's Jurgen by the way". He offered a handshake to Karn who accepted it, Jurgen's grip also exceeding Karn's expectations.

After a quick briefing, Jurgen returned to his Bane-blade and told the other tank commander's what the plan of attack was. "Sergeant, did you send a request for additional armour?" asked Karn. "No sir, I think the messenger told Furns who must have thought we could use all the support we can get" replied the sergeant. "I doubt it was Furns' doing, I only just sent the messenger off, and four Bane-blades just wondering around isn't exactly normal" "Maybe we should just go with it, and investigate once we've annihilated the Orks" "I will, now, lets go over the plan"

Janner's tale 4-Cheating

_WooHoo. I haz internet!_ "Karn, 5 minutes until the attack" "Ok, get the squad leaders, platoon commanders and Bane-blade commanders here" said Karn to the sergeant. "Yes sir" he replied before leaving to find them. About 1 minute later,...

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Janner's tale 2-Late introductions

Janner was an Imperial guardsman, a soldier of an army consisting of tens of thousands of men and woman, each one ready to fight of dangers to the Imperium. He joined at the age of 18, just like any other citizen willing to fight. One thing that Janner...

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Janner's tale 1 - 'Not the best start'

Just a quick note, my entire series is only loosely based of 40k, so no getting confused on me. Year: 40995 Date: 24th March Time: 8:52 AM Mission: Kill heretical priest Status: In progress... Unit 15 Imperial Guard Regiment:...

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