The Silver Bullet

Story by Devon Bearcoon on SoFurry

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Hey, this is my second story... This time I may have focused a little too much on character development at the start, but i'm not so sure :) but please let me know!

Sorry it's a tad on the long side, but I got half way through and really started to enjoy writing this so much, I couldn't separate it into chapters! Anyway, this story is about a 19 year old Husky called Dylan, who is an Artist, and stumbles upon an interesting little fortune.


"Can't you see he's the man let me here you applaud he is more than a man he's a shining golden god! If you think it's time to fu-"

"Hello!?" I panted as I ran to answer the call on my phone, there was a short silence, followed by a familiar gruff voice.

"Mr. Surruan? Is that you?" The voice cracked through the speakers of my retro Nokia N95.

"Yes it is, Mr. Walker, Sir. How can I help you?" I asked nervously, realizing that it was my boss calling me about something.

"Ah, Dylan, i'm just calling you to discuss that upcoming managers position I mentioned about in the briefing this morning." I could almost smell the stench of the cigars on his breath through the phone. I briefly paused for a second - was he offering me the position? Manager? Me? Of a big web design company like J.L Designs?

"Well boy?!" The Bull practically shouted down the phone "I havn't got all night! Can you meet me at 'Los Tauracinnos' tonight at 8:00pm to discuss this futher? I think you've really got what it takes, and between you and me" His gruff voice turning to a near whisper - "you're the only Husky I see fit for the job, not like the rest of those slack jaw idiots."

My boss is very blunt sometimes, but in some cases this can be good. I was stunned. "Yes indeed, Mr. Walker, Sir. I'll be there you can count on it!" I barked back, almost like an Army Cadet acknowledging his orders.

"Very good, boy. See you at 8:00pm sharp" "Yes, Mr. Wa-" I was cut off. Nervously I stood in the hallway and put my cell phone back upon the table it was sitting on previously. Thinking about it what had just occured on the phone. Me, Dylan Surraun, Co Manager of J.L Designs!

I pictured myself with my new namebadge, "MANAGER, DYLAN SURRUAN" in big red letters, all the other Huskies looking at me, I felt so proud. I'd had this job since I left school when I was 16, my dad reccomended them hiring me literally straight after he found out I was gay, I still remember the night I came out as gay, "No son of mine will have feelings like that, you'll get yourself a damn job and move out of this house... you're mother would be ashamed". A tear escaped my eye from remembering that night. How could you say something like to a 15 yearold Husky pup?! Especially you're own son. My mother would be proud of me now, i'm sure she would.

I guess he probably just fixed me up with this job to make himself feel better for planning to kick me out as soon as I finished High School. But then again if it wasn't for him finding me this job, I wouldn't have my lovely home, and I wouldn't be getting this amazing promotion!

Wiping the tear away I quickly thought back again on what was going to happen. Running out into the kitchen, almost slipping over on my own tail I looked at the clock. 7:21pm. Talk about short notice. Los Tauracinnos was a Mexican sports bar, just under a mile away from my house, so atleast it was convenient.

I downed the rest of the beer and closed the lid on my laptop, "You can wait" I said, indicating to the drawing I was nearing completion in Illustrator. I sometimes talk to my artwork, it sounds strange yes, but I think it gives you more of a connection between yourself and what you're working on. It's like establishing a link, getting inside the art, really understanding the drawing that you're working on. Call me weird, I don't care!

7:22pm "Aaagh!" I screamed in glee, as I bolted up the stairs to my closet. "What to wear, what to wear, what to wear!?" After going back and forth between a pair of black jeans, which were slightly too tight, and a pair of blue jeans, which fitted OK I eventually decided on the black jeans. Sure they were slightly tight, but that showed off a bit of my bulge, and i've been told black compliments my silvery-blue eyes. I threw on a white vest, and then a dark blue shirt with some horizontal silver stripes. "Smooth!" I said, striking a pose similar to James Bond and imitating a gun with my paw in the mirror. "Still got time for another beer I thinks!"

Pleased with myself, I started down the stairs, "Whoaah!" I screamed, nearly tripping again, this time on the restriction of my jeans, it was nearly impossibly to walk down the stairs because of the tightness of them. Contemplating changing them, I thought "Naah" as I looked down, patting my pronounced bulge I smiled happily, and carefully made my way down the stairs to the fridge.

'Maybe i'll even get lucky tonight!' I thought to myself as I opened the fridge door, an orange glow painting my lightening silver-grey fur from the amount of beer that was in the fridge. Funny though, the amount of beer I drink, i'm still in pretty good shape! I didn't have a 4pack or anything, but my tummy was smooth enough and I have a pretty good figure.

'I hope Mr. Walker doesn't try anything' I winced at the thought... I could smell his rancid cigar breath on me again as I repulsed about the thought of that stinking Bull coming anywhere near me. They all knew I was gay at the office. Heck pretty much 99% of my portfolio consisted of drawings of nude Foxes, Bears, Rabbits, and Lions. But they were good drawings, so I got the job. 'I would much rather be sitting in the office all day drawing nude Foxes, covered in cum, exposed tailholes than Illustrations for brochures'. I thought to myself, getting hard at the thought of some of my old peices of work. "But, the pay is good, so why do I care!?" I said out loud, cracking open the bottle of Corona and lifting it to my muzzle.

I let out a refreshing sigh as I finished the rest of the beer in a few seconds. "Time to go." I said, looking at the clock, now reading 7:40pm. Grabbing my iPod I hurried out the door and into the bustling suburban street infront of me. The sun just setting over the skyscrapers in the distance.

I don't usually stumble across luck, but that day I had been particularily lucky, and it seemed that my fortune was going to change once again that evening.

I squinted at the green peice of paper I saw hugging the base of a slim birch tree. Looking over my shoulder making sure that nobody was checking me out thinking I was mad, I moved in closer. "Gee!" I exclaimed as I scooped up the $20 bill from the base of the tree. "Someone's left you out here all al-" "RRRRRRRRIP!"

My eyes widened. "Please no..." I gasped, standing up fully. My left paw gripping the bill whilst I started feeling around the base of my tail with my right. Sure enough, just on the inside of my leg I felt a long, clean rip, around 4-5 inches in lenght, just under my butt cheek. "FUCK!!!" I shouted as I looked at my watch, which now said 7:52pm, "There's allways a fucking price for everything!!!" It was too late to go back to change my pants. It was either be late, and risk losing my promotion or, go to the bar, and try and disguise my rip.

'It's not too bad of a rip' I thought, walking a bit brisker now, with my legs closer apart, anyone watching me would have thought I had wet myself looking at the way I was walking. 'It's only a small rip, nobody will notice so long as you don't sit down' I laughed at the thought of me, sitting down, and both my balls falling out of the rip, Mr. Walkers face hitting the floor, nearly burning himself on the inevitable huge cigar he is going to be smoking.

The fresh air did feel nice though. It whirred up the back of my leg, and up and around my sheath, gently swishing my hair from side to side. I was alot calmer now. My favorite band - Tenacious D, was playing on my iPod, I had just found $20, I was pretty drunk, and I was on my way to get a promotion! I should be happy! I let out a sigh of relief as I saw the large orange and red flashing sign that read "Los Tauracinnos" appear over the top of the hill.

Walking through the saloon type swing doors at the entrance to the bar I was hit by a wall of smoke. Slowly my eyes adjusted to the murky atmosphere, there was some sort of Jazz Latin music playing on a jukebox at one side of the room, and each table had a small candle lit lantern. In one corner, a small L shape bar, with various bottles behind it, a large Bull stood behind it, giving me an odd look as I walked in and scouted for my Boss. I was early. "Phew" I sighed, sitting down on a table opposite the bar, the large Bull came over. "Evening Señor, what will it be?" He said in a Spanish accent, smiling and handed me a menu.

"Let's see" I said, paging through the slimline menu of cocktails. The only one which I actually recognized was a Tequila Sunrise, I didn't drink alot of cocktails too much, they seemed to make me a bit too drunk, as opposed to beer. But, not meaning to offend the Bull and ask if they had any beer, I ordered a Mojito. It looked nice, had some sort of leaves in it by the looks of the picture, which reminded me of the forests back home. "Good choice, Sir." The Bull waiter said, I glimpsed his nametag which read "Alvaro".

Alvaro came back shortly with my drink, placing it gently on the table and leaving, "Thanks!" I called out. Looking around again, I got a better view of the place from where I was sitting. There wasn't many furs in here, except a couple of Wolves at the bar, a very old looking Minotaur sitting in the bay window on his own, and 2 Bulls playing pool in the far corner. 'Weird place' I thought. I had never been here before, it's probably one of the only places in my City that i've not been. But I can see why I had a funny look from Alvaro when I walked in, besides the other two wolves, I was the only Canine in here, and he probably doesn't get many in here.

I looked over at the two over by the bar, clearly in love; The female wolf was very attractive, but then again so was the male. Almost perfect breeds, both with shiny black fur, and muscular forms. I saw a glint of pearly white teeth as she gave a playful nibble to the males earlobe. Suddenly his head turned slightly in my direction. His eyes fixing on me in an abrupt manor. Realizing I was staring, I quickly picked up my phone and pretended to do something. "How rude" I faintly heard the female wolf say from across the bar.

I gave a sigh of releif as suddenly my boss, Mr. Walker burst through the door of the bar. Barely acknowledging my existance. "Alvaro mi amigo!" He shouted, making the barman almost jump and smash a glass he was cleaning. "¿Cómo estás?!" He shouted again. "Muy bien gracias, Davos, ¿qué será?" Alvaro replied, I scratched my head in disbelief, my boss could speak Spanish!? "Dos Margaritas, por favor, tequila doble!" He bellowed at Alvaro, grinning. "Me gusta su estilo!" Alvaro replied, bringing back 2 glasses, starting to prepare some kind of cocktail.

Mr. Walker turned and looked around until he spotted the two Wolves at the counter, still making out. "Ha, young love!" he proclaimed, "Si si si si!" I heard Alvaro reply in the background, bringing out to the counter various bottles. The male wolf gave Mr. Walker a sly look of the eyes, then looked at me again, then back at his partner. "Muchas gracias" Mr. Walker said, taking the two cocktails now over to the table I was sitting on, and sitting down. "Usted es bienvenido, amigo mío!" Alvaro called out, as he continued on with his work.

"So, boy" he said, taking a generous sip of his cocktail. "You maybe wondering why i've taken you here, out of all the places in town to discuss my proposition to you?" He asked me, taking out a gigantic cuban cigar from the inside of his suede jacket pocket. "It's a nice place, Sir. If you ask me, it's somewhere differen-" I was cut off again "Alvaros over there" he said, pointing back at the Bull, "that's my Brother in law. I promised him I would stop by the place with you. See your first assignment is to design a new interior for this" He lowered his voice again, to almost a whisper, "shit-hole, and after you've done that, you can have this."

He threw a small metal rectangle at me, catching it in my paws I gazed upon it. "TEAM MANAGER" it read, with space for my name underneath. Grinning at him, I nodded and took a sip of my drink. Biting back the sharp, dusty taste I said, "That sounds like a plan."

"You know i've allways sensed great potential in you since your father dropped you off at our gates, even those smutty drawings that you presented me with didn't revert me from giving you a job, you know why?" He said, blowing a large smoke ring into my face. Squinting one eye and letting out a small cough I sheepishly said "No, sir?" hoping and praying that he wasn't going to tell me he was gay, and had his eyes on me. "Because you've got DAMN TALENT THAT'S WHAT!" He said, banging his glass on the table as he knocked it back, causing all 4 other furs in the bar to turn in our direction.

As my cheeks redenned I caught another glimpse of that female wolf across at the counter, "Pretty huh?" Mr. Walker said... "Sure is, but not my type Mr. Walker." I said, giggling. "Oh please, just call me Davos now, we're not at work, this is a social gathering." He glinted a smile at me, turning his head slightly to spy on the wolf couple across the bar. "I bet you'd like a bit of the other one though wouldn't you..." His voice turning into a gruff whisper, I could barely see his face now, just two black eyes peering at me through the thick cigar smoke. "Wolves can be pretty savage somtimes..." I replied. "Did you say something about Wolves? Mutt?" I heard come across the bar in a stern, but well pronounced voice. "Think fast, kid" Davos said as I spluttered out. "Uhm, n-no I just said that those Wolves look like their enjoying themselves!"

A muzzle appeared through the smoke, inches away from mine. A row of white snarling teeth became visable with thick black lips surrounding them. A tongue then snaked out "Watch it." it hissed, as the male wolf proceeded back to the stool. Shuddering at what had just happened I looked over at Davos, who was chuckling to himself at the annoyance I had caused the male wolf across the bar. "Sheesh, what's up his tailhole?!" He whispered to me, "Yeah...." I replied back, my mind still processing what had just happened, reliving that silky pink tongue that darted out of the smoke, with such an attitude. "What's up, boy?! You've got a loved up look on your face. I hope your not falling for" He guestured to the male wolf at the bar. "N-no! Of course not!" I stammered, standing up and making my way to the bathroom.

As I walked past, I felt the wolves cold eyes staring on me, briefly looking in their direction I gulped. As I shut myself in the booth of the toilet, I re-evaluated the situation. Letting out a sign of releif as I did my business, I proceeded to the sink to wash my paws. I took out the metal rectangle Manager badge and held it up to my shirt, a grin formed across my face but then was quickly wiped off as I heard something bursting through the door. Quickly putting it my pocked I span around, and was confronted by a row of pearly white teeth, and a snarling muzzle.

"Watcha hiding there, Puppy?" The male wolf said, still with that same, calm, pronounced, smooth voice. "Uhmm, n-nothing". "You seem a bit nervous" he said, moving forward, causing me to back away, until I was against the wall. "N-nervous?! N-no, n-not me!" I let out a false smile. "Look, i'm sorry if I gave the impression that I-". I stopped talking as he reached into his back pocket, I saw a flash of silver and I honestly though he had a knife and was going to stab me or something.

Wincing, and cowering in terror I heard a strange sound. Uncovering one paw from the side of my head, I pricked up one ear. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM" Was, was that something vibrating?! My eyes widened as I saw what he had in his paw. It was a small silver bullet, about the size of a cigarette lighter, and it appeared to be vibrating. "I'll teach you a lesson" he hissed at me. Dragging me up by my collar, and then dragging me by the scruff of the neck into the cubicle.

I honestly didn't have a clue what he was about to do to me... Nothing could have prepared me for this, I had gone from fearing for my life, to extremely turned on in the space of 30 seconds. "So, spying on my bitch was you?" He said, his nose less than a cm away from mine, looking directly into my eyes. Before he even gave me a chance he barked "No... I know you wasn't looking at her, you was looking at me, am I right, Puppy?!" I was stunned, the cold snarl on his muzzle now turning to a spiteful looking grin as he held me up against the wall with one paw, and poised the vibrating bullet in the air with the other.

"Excuse me?!" I said, in disbelief. "I've seen you before... At 'The Hunters' club and sauna. Haven't I?!" 'Hunters' was a gay nightclub and sauna room just out of the city to the east, I had met a few people there but this Wolf was unfamiliar. "Umm, yeah, you got me - i'm gay. But i've never seen you in 'Hunters', why would you be in there anyway? Havn't you got a girlfriend out there? Can you at least turn that thing off please!?" I said, motioning to the bullet he had, still poised in the air.

Letting out a short laugh, he clicked it off and released me, causing me to slump slightly, recognizing how tall he was compared to me. He was about the same build as me, but quite a bit taller, wearing a white sleevless shirt that contrasted to his shiny black fur. His peircing cold blue stare, felt like it could see through the back of my skull. Was he serious? How did he know me?!

"I work there." I sighed in relief as I listened to him. "I run maintainance on the security systems on that place" "Security systems!? In a Gay sauna house?!" I proclaimed "Haha, yep!" my mysterious kidnapper replied, "Even seedy places like 'The Hunters' needs security, and i've watched you many a time my friend, many a time indeed." I blushed as he carried on, "You know what it's like living in denial?" he asked me, "uh huh" I nodded back at him, now sensing the mood was alot calmer. "It's not fair, my dad has basically run my life, forced me into this job, set me up with a girl... it's not what I wanted." "Well, we have that in common I guess..." "My name's Dylan by the way." "Barthes" he replied, quickly continueing on with his story.

I looked back, hoping to work some charm on him, he was quite handsome. "I'm sorry, Puppy, but I saw you at the bar earlier and thought that this was my chance... You gotta help me. Please! I'm begging you!"

Who could resist that? Here was a Wolf, a wild, savage creature of nature, the master of the Forest; now giving a puppy eyed begging look, to a much smaller, and clearly weaker - Husky.

"Help you? How?" I asked, cocking my head slightly. "Well, Puppy" he started. My face brightening up red, I loved being called Puppy, maybe he had heard the other furs calling me it at the sauna house... "Here's what I need you to do. That bitch out there, i've been living with her for 3 months now, and I can't do this to her, she's such a sweet girl but she deserves better than me. I've been living a lie, just to please my Pa." He staired blankly at me, I knew what he wanted me to say. " you're Gay?" His eyes lit up, as he licked my nose. My face was on fire. "No need to be embarassed, Puppy, I am like you, and i'm so glad i've found you beacuse now you can help me get out of this situation." "How?" I replied, a sarchastic smirk on my face.

"Well" Barthes started, "You see, Wolves are very dominant animals, and, particularily in our relationship, the male is always the dominant one. I told her I was going in here to sort you out, Puppy, but if she finds out that i've been beaten by a Husky, not that there is anything wrong with that..." he smirked "...then she'll straight up and leave me. Probably insult me and call me a fag and what not, she's suspected i've been gay for a while now, I think it's because my Pa set her and I up, because he was so set on the idea that I was gay, and wanted to change me... If that all makes sense to you, huh Puppy?"

"Wow, that's an interesting proposal! ...But what do I get out of it? You've scared the shit out of me, and made me look like a complete ass infront of my boss, not to mention we've been in here for 10 minutes which is going to make it look like either i'm going for a huge dump-" he cut me off "or we was having a huge fight!!!" He smiled and clapped his paws, jumping up and down a little.

"Ok, Ok! Calm down!" I said, "But, what do I get out of it?" I think he and I both knew what I wanted. "Well, Puppy, that depends..." Barthes replied, a sexy smirk now covering his face as he moved in a bit closer to me, pushing me against the wall slightly he rested his nose upon the tip of my nose and repeated "that depends..." as his paw slowly drifted down the side of my back, over my butt cheek and around to the ripped slit I had in my jeans. I felt a shuffling in my bulge as he looked into my eyes and said "I saw this earlier, nearly cummed in my pants, Puppy." I looked at him again in sheer disbeleif as his fingers slowly glided up the rip in my jeans, as he pushed one finger up against my tight tailhole, causing me to gasp out loud. Kissing me firmly on the lips, he squeezed my ass with one paw, whilst keeping me firmly held against the wall with the other. "Help me out, and i'll help you out." Barthes said, pulling the tip of his finger out of my hole suddenly, making me give out a sharp "Yip".

"Oh boy, you got a deal!" I said, "rough yourself up, rip your top and stuff, make it look like we've been fighting." I ordered him, as I started to rip buttons off my shirt, and tear my sleeves. "Do it for me, rip them off with your teeth!" He barked, as I let out a playful growl and lunged at his chest with my open muzzle. Biting hard into his chest he left out a soft bark, as I tore a large rip in his tshirt. "Not too hard!!" He yelped, a little fear showing in his voice. "Haha, you're just a big softy really arent you!" His reply came in the form of a swift punch, to my tummy, "oof!" I quickly recovered and headbutted him up against the other wall, ripping shreads through his pants with my claws at the same time, exposing his white underwear beneath. "That will be on your bedroom floor later if you're lucky." Barthes said, a sly grin forming on his face.

"And after this is all over, how do I know you'll come back and find me...?" I asked Barthes, I trusted him a little, but was still unsure of this plan somewhat. "Here" he reached into his back pocket and handed me the little silver bullet. "Take this, it's my favorite. I can't go more than a day without that thing" he said, clearly being honest as he placed the little silver bullet in my paw. "What, this little thing? After i'm done with you, you'll never look back on this little thing! Arent silver bullets supposed to kill Wolves anyway?!" I said playfully, "No, that's werewolves! Silly!" He said, taking another lunge at me, ripping off another of my shirt buttons with his teeth, and playfully licking my nose as he stood up. "Let's go, Puppy, thanks for all this by the way" he turned around and hugged me, it was a warm, embraceful hug, I could feel his heartbeat through his ripped shirt and knew he was quite nervous. He turned the door latch and motioned for me to go out first.

I let out a growl as I ran out the bathroom door, screaming "That'll teach you to try and touch me!!!" I thought I may as well have a little fun with the wolf, after he had scared me so much.

"What?!" The female wolf at the bar replied, "Touch you!? He went in there to sort you out for being so rude!" She proclaimed, arms crossed, looking rather angry. The whole bar was staring... Well I say whole bar, it was literally just my boss Davos, and Alvaro, the other Bulls had all gone.

"Ok, well how do you explain this?!" I pulled out the little silver bullet and clicked it on, "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM" it started making a loud vibrating noise. "He attacked me with this vibrator, and wanted to-" my heroic speech was cut off by Barthes, who staggered through the door, looking as if he had just been ran over. "Y-you LIER!!" He screeched, bounding over to me, knocking me down on the floor whilst screaming "I'LL KILL YOU!!!" He gave me a little wink, to let me know he was acting, and boy was it good acting. "BARTHES!!" Her scream broke the fight up, we both turned into her direction. "What is the meaning of this? You take this from our room and attack some poor helpless" she looked me up and down, as if I was some filthy animal "HUSKY, with it?! I knew you was gay, right from the start, I knew it! I'm calling your father and our relationship is through, keep your stupid fucking bullet, I hope it does kill you."

As she stormed out, Barthes shouted after her, "WEREWOLVES DIE FROM SILVER BULLETS, MORON" she turned back with a look of thunder on her face, as she stormed through the swinging doors of the bar, leaving them swinging violently after her.

"Fucking asshole" Barthes scolded me, as he picked himself up off of me he whispered "Cya soon, Puppy" and winked. Walking out of the bar. I quickly hid the silver bullet inside my back pocket as I stood up to go back to the table where Davos was looking at me in astonishment.

As I sat down I downed the rest of my drink, leaves and all. Looked back at Davos, as a grin was forming on his face. "What?" I said. He whispered, "A little Husky like you, taking down a big wolf like that guy?!" He smiled and rubbed his chin in disbeleif... "Well, to be hone-" I was about to tell him what happened but he cut me off. "You're more impressive than I thought, Dylan! DOS TEQUILA POR FAVOR!!!" He shouted, as Alvaro quickly came over with 2 shots of Tequila. "Oh the house, mis amigos" he said, clapping. "Hey, instead of that job as a designer, you should become security here!" Alvaro exclaimed, "No thanks" I said, "I'm an artist!" I winked at Davos as we quickly drank our Tequilas and walked out of the bar.

"Quite impressive stuff tonight kid, i'll email you through the info on that job, and you can get started over the weekend" Davos told me, as he lit up another huge cigar, offering me one. I declined and said "Sure thing, Mr. Walker" "Davos, call me Davos, boy!" I smiled at him as I turned and walked the opposite direction. "Adios!" He called, "Adios!" I shouted back.

I turned my iPod on nodding my head in pride as I walked down the street listening to some classic Van Halen, I hadn't got further than about 20 yards up the road when I felt a tap on my back, turning around I knew instantly who it would be. Smiling I span around, darkness, nothing there. As I turned back around again "BOO!!!" That large set of pearly white teeth and those glinting cold blue eyes staring back at me. I jumped backwards as a pink tongue came out and licked me on the nose. "Thanks, Puppy... sorry it got a little rough back there in the bar" He said, putting one arm around me, I eased up. "That's ok, I knew you was acting... what are you going to do about your father and, um, her?" I asked him, "Oh, i'll figure something out, i'm a big boy now, my Pa can't keep telling me what to do, i'm 20 now and I should be independant."

"You're right" I smiled and nuzzled into him. "Now, take me home, Dylan" he said, sliding his paw up the rip in my jeans once again as we walked. "Please, call me Puppy" I said, turning to him and placing a kiss on his muzzle. "Anything you say." Barthes replied, "Anyway, I thought you was supposed to be the dominant one, Barthes?" "No, no, i'm a pushover really, plus you've proved you can beat me up, so... Um, you win!" We both laughed as we arrived at my front door.

Stepping through the hallway Barthes gazed in amazement, "Wow...." raising my eyebrows I said to him "You like?" "I like, alot... Really nice place you got here!" Pleased with myself, I walked over to the fridge and grabbed two bottlesof beer, opening and handing him one I said "So, for my repayment?" slightly tearing the hole in my jeans a bit wider, they were allready ruined so it didn't matter too much. His eyes lit up as he got down on all fours, he placed one claw on the rip and slowly tugged, ripping it further and further apart until one leg was completely exposed and you could see my shorts underneath. Suddenly I felt a cold tongue lapping at the inside of my thigh "ohh! Cold!" I cried out, as his tonge, made cold from the beer licked higher and higher up my leg.

"I need to tell you something" he said. Looking down at him I nodded. "Well, Puppy... I'm a virgin." My eyes lit up and a smile crept across my face from ear to ear. A virgin huh? I hadn't been with alot of guys before, I could count them on one hand, but i'd never been with a virgin. Poor thing, with the tiny little silver bullet, he didn't know what he was missing! He looked up at me, waiting for me to re-assure him. I didn't really know what to say, just "You're safe with me, my little wolfy" He sighed a sigh of relief, as he started to unbutton my jeans. "Stop!" I said, "Tear off the buttons, show me that wolf strength your 'supposed' to have!" Ordering him to do as I said, he quickly obeyed, "Shall I rip mine off too, Puppy?" he asked, cocking his head to one side, imitating me. "Yes, and take the rest of your clothes off too."

He thrashed around on the kitchen floor for a few moments, leaving me to stand there in just my underwear as he proceeded to savagely tear his own clothes off, scraps of jean, shirt, underwear and socks were flying everywhere, it was quite fun to watch. Every now and then he'd let out a little grunt, and a yip, then suddenly he stopped, got on all floors and sat there, panting with his tongue hanging out, a broad smile on his face. "Good boy!" I said, "Now, parade around the kitchen on all fours!" I ordered him, he started to pad around the kitchen "Tail up!" Instantly he obeyed, flicking his tail straight up, exposing his gorgeous tailhole, his smell of musk hit the air and I felt my sheath starting to become wet. "Hehe, that's enough now come here".

This was so much fun! It was like a total role reversal, usually i'm the submissive one, i'm the one that's parading around with my butt in the air whilst my master orders me to do things. "Yes?" He asked, looking up at me with his big blue eyes. I didn't even have to tell him what to do next. He had noticed the tent forming inside my shorts, and the sticky wet patch at the tip of it. His eyes gazed hungrily at it for a few seconds before he placed a claw on each side of my shorts, and pulled them down, allowing my cock to stand up and be released from the tented prison.

His tongue caressed around my soft furry balls, and and it did, he parted my legs with his paws so he could reach up my butt crack a bit, as he licked around the base of my balls he then spat on his other paw, and made a fist, squeezing it over the tip of my cock and sliding it down over, then back up again. "Ohhhhh!" I moaned as the pink tongue snaked in and out of my inner thighs and underneath my balls, I opened my legs a little wider. Barthes shuffled himself under me now, with his right paw jerking me off he proceeded to lick my tail hole as I stood above him, my legs shaking violently and my tail wagging madly. "Ohhhhhh!! Let me fuck you!!!" I pleaded, he gripped tighter, I could feel myself building up, I reached behind myself with both my paws and pulled my butt cheeks apart, giving him easier access. As he licked harder and harder, pushing his tongue further and further. "Now now, Puppy. No need to keep hitting me with your tail!" He laughed. "But, it's s-so, g-goood!!" I screamed. "Really?" He stopped and looked up at me, grinning, clearly happy with himself. "Y-yes!" I whimpered. "Then it's my turn" he said, with an evil grin as he left my aching cock alone, his saliva still dripping from my tight hole and pre streaming down my cock and leg.

"Bend over that chair, now...." I growled menacingly and flashed my teeth. Indicating to the chair infront of the refridgerator. He jumped up onto the table submissively and obeyed, by wiggling his butt in the air. I wasted no time, I grabbed his tail and yanked it upward, letting out a small yelp he then followed with a "Mhmmahhhhh!!!" I could see our reflection in the fridge, as his eyes widended when I started to lick his cute tailhole. I pulled down on his shaft, which was now hard as a rock, as I licked and sucked on his butt hole, licking around his balls and knot ever so often. But always keeping my eye on his expressions in the reflection of the refridgerator. "I see you...!" I said to him. "Mrhh, hmmM!!" I stood up and poised the tip of my cock against his hole, watching his face change from a deep, pleasurable smile, into now a scared wince. My cock isn't huge, but it was bigger than that silly little bullet he had.

A wicked grin grew across my face as I began to gently push the tip of my throbbing cock in, just a little bit until he started to look like he was about to cry, then back out again, watching the sigh of releif on his face. I did this for a minute or so until he was begging me to put it in further. Moving his butt back on the chair he pressed his hole up against me, as I leaned forward the tip went in. Looking in the mirror a look of horror crossed his face, it screwed up in pain as small tears escaped his big blue eyes. "HUhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" He yowled, as he backed up, gently moving back and forward, his expression becoming more pleasurable every second.

He looked at me in the reflection of the refridgerator, and bit his lip as he felt his anus hit my knot. His eyes widened as I nodded to him, and he gulped. Squeezing his eyes shut, he carefully edged backwards, stretching his raw hole over and over my knot, as it suddenly went in with a "Pop!" We both cried out. Tears now streaming down his face, I grabbed hold of his cock and started furiously jerking him. "Oooooooooooooooooooooowl!" He started howling as he began to cum, his cock shot ropes of cum all across the kitchen, landing as far as the refridgerator. Again and again, he shot big globules of cum across the floor tiles, with every shoot his tight butt was contracting tighter and tighter around my throbbing cock, sliding now with ease, in and out of him. I couldn't take anymore. I shuddered violently as I released my load into his smooth bowels, each time pushing my cock deeper and deeper inside of him, filling Barthes' ass with my hot cum, "NghhahhhhhhhhhhhhOoooooooooowwwwl!!!!!!!" I howled out as the last shots of cum left my shaft, edging backwards out of him I heard a sigh escape his lips as the tip of my cock slid out of his dripping, throbbing asshole with a loud "Phuck". As he collapsed on the chair, I saw a smile form on his face in the refridgerator, which had streaks of cum dripping down it. But not as much that was dripping out of his tailhole.

I picked up the exhausted wolf in my arms, "You are strong for a Husky..." he said wearily, "...But, boy, that was amazing...!". I carried him into my lounge and laid him on my sofa, and looked him in the eyes, a smile spread over both our faces, until our muzzles met in a long, warm, passionate kiss; the kind of kiss that has been waiting to come out for an eternity; the kind of kiss that tells you when you've found someone special. "Are those tears of pain, still?" I asked Barthes, as I wiped away his tears. "No, Puppy..." He said as he looked up to me, "Tears of joy." he nuzzled his head into my chest as I wrapped us up in the blanket throw and closed my eyes, gently falling alseep.

===To be continued=== (possibly)


Firstly, I would just like to say that this is the first time I have written anything like this. I've never been into writing erotic stories before, but after reading some on Yiffstar (back when it was Yiffstar) a while ago it left me intrigued to...

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