Hunted Hunter

Story by Ghosty on SoFurry

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#3 of One Shots

This story is set in a Fantasy world of my creation where magic and adventurers exist. The story contains the rape of a female leopardess by minotaur's, all above the age of concent. The story also handles death. If you do not wish to read any of the below content please hit back now.

All Characters are copywrite to me (Ghosty/Ghostwolf)

Note: I do not normally write rape stories, this was just an idea that was given form after doing a bit of mythology research.

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It was a hard start to the year; normally plentiful livestock and forest dwelling animals were dying at an alarming rate and the north lands were not the place where food shortages were taken lightly. Shura had been raised as a hunter in and around her home town since she was a cub; she had never seen a food shortage like this in her entire life. The effort to find food had fallen on all the hunters of her town as they began pushing beyond the borders of their territories. Shura had opted to strike out into the barren Razor Mountains; minotaur country. While it was risky the rewards were some of the largest elk and dire boars that if recovered quickly, could feed the town for weeks or even months.

Shura was an inspiring sight to see. A leopardess with charcoal grey fur and black spots, long black hair tied back into a long braided pony tail that reached to the small of her back. Her brilliant aquamarine eyes revealed a keen intelligence about her and an air of mystery as she was the only one in the town with eyes of such colour. Her hunting garb was simple but also very revealing. Her knee high brushed leather boots, brushed leather bikini style coverings, belt and jacket were all made in such a way to allow her to use her natural camouflage. She carried a massive long bow that was overly powerful in her hands as she had trained with it for as long as she could remember and used her own hand crafted arrows with it. A pair of long daggers and skinning knives hung at her waist in simple hunter's scabbards.

It had been two days since she had arrived at the watch post at the border of her people's lands. She then had trekked across rough terrain and dense forest until she had arrived in the harsh Razor Mountains. The high rugged peaks and crags were impressive to see but were just a distraction to Shura.

She had been tracking a large herd of elk since the burning orange sun had risen, the long shadows cast by the peaks and outcrops of stone provided her the perfect camouflage as she stalked her prey.

As she drew closer to the herd; her steps became slower, more purposeful, and more careful. Shura peered around the rocky outcrop she was hiding behind and watched the herd; her eyes focused quickly on the largest bull elk, a beast that would feed dozens for weeks if the meat was carefully distributed.

Shura loaded her bow carefully and quietly. The herd was only a hundred yards away and neatly scattered as they fed on the hash scrub bushes that burst from the rocks. Her target chosen she slowly stepped out to a better firing position so as not to startle the giant elk. She held her breath and kept her aim high and she found her mark then evenly exhaled, loosing her arrow at the perfect moment.

Seconds later the massive bull elk collapsed; its spinal cord severed as her arrow hammered through its neck. The rest of the herd panicked at the scent of blood and began to run. It didn't bother her that she would have to track them again, the mass of tracks they were leaving would make them easy to find. One more of the herd as her catch would see her both well fed and well paid on her return home.

As Shura approached the corpse of the elk she drew her skinning knife then on arrival began puncturing the beast's major arteries, bleeding it to make it easier to transport. She bound the legs of beast and lifted as much of it across her shoulders as possible. She was glad she was strong enough to carry the beast even though it dwarfed her in size. She was a little over five and a half feet in height and well muscled for her task as a hunter, but retained the graceful figure of a young female. Dropping the corpse of the elk back in the shade Shura made more preparations to move it to a more secure place when everything suddenly went quiet.

Shura froze and listened carefully; the sound of birds and the gentle buzz and clicking of insects just stopped. Her heart skipped a beat as she remembered old stories from when she was a child, about how when minotaur's got close all things in nature tried to flee them, the smallest to the mightiest creatures would flee from their coming, but whole regions full of wild life would migrate if a herd of them went to war.

Her fur began to feel clammy as panic started to cloud her mind. She cursed herself for bleeding the elk next to her so quickly while she was so deep in minotaur territory. Shura grabbed her bow and loaded an arrow quickly, if she was to be found, she would at least be ready.

The sound of heavy foot falls and cracking stone caught her attention; Shura peered around the rocky outcrop and caught sight of two minotaurs coming over the rise where she had slain the elk. Fear gripped her, as the two monsters came into view; they were both enormous and stood a little over seven feet tall and were covered in thick bulky muscle. One was slightly broader than the other but both possessed massive horns and large grime covered fangs. Their short tan coloured body fur was deeply scarred and matted with blood and dirt in places, their hooves were the colour of coal and their eye's burned with anger.

The minotaurs stood where Shura had felled the elk and sniffed the air. They clearly knew where the beast that had been felled was taken, but they seemed to be sniffing the air trying to find something else. They grunted and growled at each other in a language Shura couldn't understand. Shura had, had enough of their presence already and began to move away slowly, she could always catch another elk or dire boar so she decided to retreat and try again later once the minotaur's had moved on.

One bad step was all it took; she had barely moved ten feet from where she had been when she accidentally kicked a stone. A moment later a great roar went up from the two minotaurs and the sound of thunder followed them as they charged at the outcrop. Shura gave up being cautious and took off back towards the forest as fast as she could run; seconds later the outcrop where she had been blew apart as the two monsters smashed through it in their unstoppable charge.

Shura stopped and turned to face the charging monsters and loosed her loaded arrow into the chest of one of the towering beasts. She watched in horror as the arrow pierced one of them but then shattered at the force driving against it. "Shit!" Was the only word to pass her lips as she turned to try and out run the stampeding minotaurs. Fate was not on her side.

A sudden pain flashed through her left side as one of the minotaurs smashed into her and sent her body tumbling through the air. With a heavy thud she landed and struggled to find her bearings, a few short seconds later it didn't matter. She looked up to see the two monstrous beasts looming over her. One of the two reached down and grabbed her long braided hair and hoisted her off the ground. Shura screamed in agony as the minotaur grunted something to his companion before turning back to her and growling "Pretty!" in her own language.

Shura made to grab the beasts face and rake it with her claws, but the other grabbed her hunting jacket and yanked it down her arms, restricting her movements. "Bad girl!" The one holding her by the hair roared; its foul breath making her gag, before he threw her to the ground again.

"Why you steal our food?" The other beast asked with a heavy growl

Shura coughed into the dust several times before turning to answer the creature. "I wasn't stealing, it is a wild herd."

One of the beasts growled at her while the other kneeled over her body and held its face so close to hers; she could see sweat and dust from his charge matting his short fur. "Our herd!" He growled. "Our land, we keep watch on our food."

"I didn't know minotaurs were shepherds." Shura groaned then spat a little blood on the dusty dirt.

"Much you don't now bout us bull-folk." It growled again. "I give you choice; you repay us for loss of giant mountain deer, or you die."

Shura looked helplessly into the minotaurs eyes and shuddered with terror. "How... How could I repay you for that?"

The other beast leaned into the side of her and sneered. "I have idea how..." He trailed off in a deep breathy chuckle. The minotaur leaning over her grabbed her wrists and heaved her into the air and grunted something at his companion which seemed to amuse them both.

Shura took a moment while the minotaurs seemed to be talking to each other to observe them. She noticed a few differences that she hadn't spotted before. One was completely tan coloured with brown eyes, while the other had a black mane and red eyes, but other than that she could see no other real differences. "What are your names?" She asked as a child would ask an older friend of its family.

The minotaur holding her stopped laughing and looked more seriously at her for a moment then looked back to his companion and growled something at him. The other beast nodded and growled something back that she couldn't comprehend; the all tan coloured beast that held her then locked his eyes with hers and spoke as clearly as he could. "I Torrassk, he Marrkhar. What your name?"

"Shura." She said fearfully. "What did you ask him?"

Torrassk grinned a little as he spoke. "Change of plan..." He grumbled. "Slightly."

Shura's eyes went wide with fear. "What are you going to do with me?" She whimpered.

"We let you go, when we finished with you." Marrkhar growled from behind her.

"Finished with me?" She said confused by what he meant.

"We gonna punish you for stealing, then we talk." Torrassk growled softly.

Shura shivered. "What are you going to do to me?" She asked as a tear ran down her cheek.

Marrkhar stomped up behind her and ripped her jacket from her body. "Me say this." He growled deeply. "No male of your kind ever satisfy you again!"

Shura screamed as loud as she could, kicking and struggling as hard as possible to get away, but it was no good. The minotaurs were towers of muscle and nothing she could do would break their grip. She continued to struggle as Marrkhar ripped the remainder of her clothes from her and began aggressively groping her body.

"PLEASE! ANYTHING BUT THIS!" Shura screamed at the top of her voice, but the two minotaur's paid no attention to her. Marrkhar continued his savage fondling of her body and then finally placed his massive paw over her crotch and began fiercely rubbing at her slit. Torrassk leant in closer to her and firmly licked at her breasts; his rough broad tongue sending jolts of unwanted pleasure through her body as he continually brushed over her nipples.

Shura winced as her body was abused by the two giant beasts; she was no stranger to sex and had, had a few very short term partners, but this was rape. It was alien and abhorrent to her, especially with these beasts who had easily overpowered her.

Marrkhar knelt below her legs and held them apart as she continued to struggle against their titanic strength and ran his rough tongue back and forth over her slowly dampening pussy. Shura hissed and spat at her assailants as her body began to react to their favour rather than hers.

Torrassk shook one of her arms a called to his companion. "Take now." Marrkhar slowly raised himself from behind her after, leaving a long trail of his thick saliva over her slit and rump. He grabbed the arm that Torrassk had shaken at him and held her firmly. Shura wept knowing that she was helpless to stop them and tried to curl herself up as much as she could to stop them; she even tried pitifully batting their colossal paws away with her tail. The two minotaurs slowly and brutishly trailed their paws down Shura's body until they reached her crotch, where they forced their way past her legs and tail to get what they wanted. They nodded at each other before they each forced a massive finger inside of her; one in her vagina, the other in her anus.

Shura went wide eyed with shock as her mouth fell open in an attempt to scream again, but nothing more than a dry mewling sound left her throat. The minotaurs fingers, each easily as wide as two or three of her own and at least twice as long forged their way inside her ever further and touched places she dared not believe any male would ever get to. Shura caught a ragged breath as the minotaurs stopped at their knuckles, then quickly found herself gasping for air again as they began pumping in and out of her.

Shura groaned, trying to resist the pleasure that was slowly over taking the pain as the minotaurs worked their fingers in and out of her. Each time one of their joints either pulled out or pushed back in she gave an involuntary moan that sounded pleasing to her assailants. "Think she likes it." Marrkhar growled; Torrassk grunted in agreement and began curling his large finger inside her pussy.

"HAAAAHHH.... No not that..." She pleaded weakly as Torrassk hit a particularly sensitive spot that made her hips involuntarily buck.

"Do again!" Marrkhar grunted with a savage smile on his face. Torrassk obliged his companion and continued to curl his finger until he found the particular spot again, making her buck again and again.

Shura wept as her g-spot was repeatedly rubbed and the opening of her cervix tapped lightly as Torrassk moved his finger. Her will to get away was all but gone and her body was surrendering to the minotaur's abrasive sexual assault; she knew it was far from over and that the two monsters would not let her be until they had fully slaked their lust and used her until she was either dead or broken, that thought stuck with her as well as another near inaudible scream when Marrkhar began to force a second finger into her tail hole. It took several attempts to widen her back passage, but her tight ring finally yielded and his second finger pushed into join the first. Marrkhar growled lustfully in her ear. "You fit like new tribe breeder soon. Me enjoy that."

Torrassk growled at Marrkhar aggressively. "Not break her! She understand soon!" Shura didn't understand at all, nor did she want to she just wanted the ordeal over with and to go home, but her body said otherwise as she slowly got used to what they were doing to her.

Marrkhar ignored his companion's aggressive growl and continued his forcible penetration of her back passage. Shura whined pitifully as minute after minute passed and both of her holes were gradually loosened. There was no fight left in her now, her struggling and attempts to resist the two bestial giants had left her with little strength and even less hope of escape.

Suddenly Shura felt very empty as the two minotaur's pulled their fingers from her and lowered her to the ground. She looked up with a glimmer of hope in her eyes. "Are you done?" She croaked; her mouth dry from screaming.

The two beasts ripped off their loin cloths to reveal their slowly hardening members. Two great trunks of olive black flesh slowly started to rise in her presence; there size was just over half the length of her arm and easily as thick. The dark grins on the minotaurs faces told Shura all she needed to know. Tears began to flow from her eyes as Marrkhar grabbed her hips and pressed his large flat tip to her weakened anal ring. "Me take all of you, fill you like never before." He growled in a mockingly seductive voice. Shura felt her body quake in terror but there was nothing more she could do.

"Hope you like beef." Torrassk grumbled at her as he grabbed her jaw and forced her mouth open. In seconds he had grabbed his massive shaft and began forcing it down her throat as Marrkhar began forcing himself deep inside her anus. Shura gagged and shuddered as her body was violated anew, the smell of Torrassk's sweaty crotch disgusted her and she tried to will herself to vomit, but something in the scent began to change her feelings as the minutes wore on. The scent was repugnant, but the more she inhaled the more she became aroused and her body began to act against her true will. She slowly began pressing her rough tongue to the sensitive flesh in her mouth; the extra stimulant made the tan beast growl and squirt a large mouthful of pre-cum into her. As it was repeatedly pushed into her mouth, she found it not only lubricated her throat, it also allowed her muscles and organs to stretch even further than normal. At the same time Marrkhar forced his way into her back passage, and found to his liking that he had not fully stretched her to accommodate him, the firm muscular ring clamped down hard on the invading appendage, the extra friction over every inch that pushed in made Marrkhar shoot his own load of slick pre-cum. Again Shura felt her bodies innards become more adaptable and allowed the minotaur's long shaft of flesh to drive deeper into her depths than she ever dared think about and cringed as she felt it distend her stomach the further it pressed in.

In only a few minutes Shura, could feel the strong fleshy shafts reaching their full firmness and was at least thankful they hadn't been so hard when they had first entered her. The two minotaur's stood and removed their paws from Shura's body and moved a little closer together, pushing themselves fully inside of her mouth and tail hole. The two beasts roared triumphantly at their sexual conquest and raised their arms to the sky as they seemed to call to some unknown god to witness their act of debauchery. Shura, could feel her body twitch as she hung limp between the two giant minotaur's and pictured herself as one of her kills on a spit being roasted.

The minotaurs let Shura stay suspended in the air for several minutes until they felt she was ready for the next stage of her punishment. They brought their paws to rest on her hips and shoulders then slowly began to withdraw from her. Shura felt as if she was being pulled apart from the inside and despised the emptiness she suddenly began to feel. She reached up and gripped Torrassk's thighs and tried to take him all the way back in her mouth again. Torrassk grinned and obliged her and he began a slow thrusting of his hips that gradually filled her throat and drove past her lungs again and again. Marrkhar saw no reason not to follow Torrassk's lead and began to plough back into her as he began more aggressively thrusting his member into Shura's abused tail hole.

Shura wasn't sure what to believe anymore; she wanted to gut the monsters that were raping her, but at the same time no longer wanted them to stop. In brief moments when the two monsters slowed their sexual assault, she wondered if other legends about minotaur's carrying off females and them never being seen again was due to some kind of toxin in the minotaur's semen that made the females crave both it, and the bizarre sex acts they carried out on them.

As Shura continued to endure the assault she found some of her strength returning and began to buck back and tried to suck more wantonly for the minotaurs. Her feet found purchase on Marrkhar's thighs and she began to squeeze her anus as tight as she could while making firm bucking and rolling movements with her hips. Her paws began to find their strength again and she gripped Torrassk's thick member then moved herself along his full length; often stopping with just his wide tip in her mouth, which she lapped at and dragged her teeth over aggressively.

Marrkhar began slamming himself hard into her depths and grunting more heavily. She knew he was nearly done, but as she stole a quick glimpse of Torrassk, she saw a pleasant grin on his face, as if he knew something. As Marrkhar continued to drive his shaft into her hard and fast, Shura found herself growing tired of him; his natural lubricant was wearing off and he was beginning to hurt her again; he seemed to be enjoying that. On the other hand she found herself thoroughly enjoying Torrassk's shaft sliding down her throat again and again, occasionally pulling back to let her please him of her own accord. He seemed in no need to hurry or had no over powering desire to hurt her. Torrassk seemed content that he had administered her punishment and that she was now pleasuring him freely.

Marrkhar finally gave in; with a loud moaning growl he released his seed into Shura's rear. Shura was more than aware of his climax. She felt herself filling up with large amounts of his cum flooding through her bowels and back further into her body. With new points of pressure building in her with the on rush of minotaur seed, she felt her own body convulse and climax.

Marrkhar found the new pressure her anus forced around his shaft too much to handle and slowly removed himself from her tail hole. A great wave of his seed washed out over her crotch, tail and thighs and Shura felt her knees come to rest on the ground once again. As she still found herself in the grip of her climax, Torrassk pulled out of her mouth slowly so as not to make her gag, then he let her lay on the ground and ride out her orgasm while he turned to his companion.

"Mine now." He grumbled. "You soiled her."

Marrkhar pulled himself up on his hooves and roared at his friend. "No, She mine! She is outsider and kills our food. She worth nothing, she just good for breeding until dead."

Torrassk growled back. "You know punishment laws. No be a fool now."

Marrkhar charged at his companion bellowing "Traitor!" at the top of his lungs. Torrassk was not quite as tall as Marrkhar, but had more bulk to his advantage and allowed his friend to collide with him before using his weight to hurl him away from his prize.

As Shura recovered from her ordeal, she saw the two minotaur's fighting one another. She was too badly abused in her rear and too weak to stand, but as she looked around from the commotion, she saw her bow and a few stray arrows she had lost track of from when she was hit and taken as an informal prisoner. She crawled over to the weapon and her ammo while the two minotaurs mauled each other.

The monsters fought like crazed animals; clawing, biting, punching, kicking and goring each other with their horns; neither willing to give ground over their dispute. Marrkhar was the better fighter, taller leaner and faster, but Torrassk could take all of his hits; his muscles like steel ropes simply ignoring the impacts, but time was the decider. Torrassk hadn't wasted his energy as he used Shura's body like Marrkhar had, but was throwing it away as he fought. Eventually Marrkhar landed a blow that dazed Torrassk and knocked him to the ground. Roaring in triumph he hoisted a massive boulder from the ground and growled at his companion. "You not so smart now, maybe you should seen my way."

There was a sudden ripple through the air followed by a hollow crack. Marrkhar lifted his gaze from his former friend to see Shura kneeling with her bow in hand having just loosed and arrow at him. He looked down to his chest and saw the tail end of the arrow sticking out from it. His pause had calmed him just enough for his adrenaline to subside a little; he felt no beat in his chest as his arms failed him and the boulder he had lifted to kill his former companion proved too much for him to hold. Marrkhar toppled to the ground, the boulder landing on his head and crushed his skull with a sickly crunch.

As he regained his wits Torrassk looked around and quickly pieced together what had happened while he was dazed and turned to face Shura; his former companion was no longer an issue to deal with. He raised himself and steadily approached the leopardess.

Shura wasn't sure what to do, she hated the beasts for what they had done to her, but she found herself craving more, and the one who called himself Torrassk no longer seemed interested in harming her. As he approached she quickly loaded another arrow and aimed at Torrassk's heart; he stopped immediately. "Why did you rape me?" Shura hissed.

Torrassk levelled his gaze at her and spoke as clearly as he could. "Is law. If you male, you be dead now. Females checked for breeding."

"Checked for breeding?" She growled in disgust.

Torrassk nodded. "Female thieves, checked and used by two males. Male who hold back breeding seed longest decide what do with female."

"So you get to decide what to do with me, is that right?" She hissed. Torrassk nodded again. "Then what were you going to do with me?"

"Trade, ask favour, then you go free." He said bluntly.

Shura looked puzzled. "Trade?"

Torrassk nodded. "We need tools, hammer and axes."

"Why?" She asked sharply.

"You not see us, so you not know us." He grumbled. "We fight monsters you never see. We keep them in our land. You ever see beasts, your spirit leave your body. We always here to keep them where they belong."

Shura, lowered her bow and slowly struggled to her feet. "Are you saying you keep us safe?" He nodded. "Then why not come down from the mountain and trade with us?"

"No, Law forbids! You people, kill my people when see. When you kill, we take more females, more breeders." Torrassk growled angrily.

Shura looked at Marrkhar's body then turned her gaze back to Torrassk. "I just killed one of you; are you going to take me as a breeder?" She said in a low voice.

Torrassk shook his head. "You save me from fool who think he better than law." He pressed his massive paw to his chest then gestured towards her. "I say you repaid us now, but still want trade."

"What will I get?" Shura asked curiously.

"I hunt with you when you come here. I help you take food to safe place near your land." Torrassk said with a smile.

"I will do what I can." She said softly. "You said a favour too?"

The minotaur nodded. "For your life back, I want you. One time."

Shura looked at him in shock, wondering why when they just raped her, did they not just get the whole thing over and done with. "Why didn't you take me when there were two of you in me?"

"Not allowed. We travel in two's. We test ourselves on female mouth and rear. He who soils first has no breeding claim, cannot hold self for most seed to give female."

Curiosity crept into her mind. She found the minotaur repulsive at best, but in some way against her will or not, she had enjoyed at least some of her experience with them. She found herself wondering what it would be like to be mated by one of these creatures properly, or as properly as their bodies would allow. Her bow dropped to the ground and she approached Torrassk with shaky legs. "One time, but you help my hunt and keep me safe until I recover from this; understand?" The minotaur nodded and moved to help the leopardess.

He picked her up and carried her a short distance to another outcrop of jagged stones and lay his back against it as he sat down. "Where you want me in?" He grumbled quietly to her. Shura steadied herself against him and gripped his thick shaft, directing his tip to her slit.

"You've used everything else, so don't disappoint me." She said and lowered herself slowly to try and take his tip inside her. Torrassk firmly grasped her hips and made a few short bucking movements of his own; the two sensitive areas of flesh rubbing against each other made him spray another thick glob of pre-cum over her pussy; its effects became far more evident than it had on her throat and tail hole. Within seconds Shura felt all her senses burning with desire Her breasts became more sensitive, her nipples even more so, her pussy began to tingle and stretch as she felt Torrassk pull her down his length.

Torrassk suddenly stopped as his tip reached her cervix and waited. Shura looked down and was disappointed to see how little of him had actually made it inside of her. "Can you go deeper?" She said with a raspy voice, still getting used to the feeling of being so monumentally stretched. Torrassk nodded and grunted, then seemed to be concentrating; he willed another large glob of pre-cum out of his shaft. The rush of more warm fluid inside her made Shura growl lustfully as a new wave of sensations flowed through her.

She knew that any male that was lucky enough in the past to have hit her cervix while making love to her, had hurt her in a small way, but the pressure the minotaur was now putting on it felt highly desirable. Shura slowly started raising and lowering herself on Torrask's long shaft of flesh and each time she reached her natural limit, her barrier seemed to give way a little more. Torrassk leaned forward and firmly licked at her chest again, his tongue beginning to dry out the longer he kept licking, making it feel more like coarse sand paper. His mobile and rough tongue sent ripples of pleasure through Shura's chest and even made her buck on his shaft more vigorously.

After several minutes Shura tossed her head back and gave a deeply satisfying moan as her cervix finally yielded to the constant pressure Torrassk was applying. The large flat head of his shaft forced its way through the new opening and sprayed yet more of his hot pre-cum inside her. Shura knew her body was about to be distorted and stretched like never before, but she didn't care. His fluids made it possible for him to do things to her that she had never dreamed of before; now with her mind seemingly her own again, she openly embraced the chance to explore the darker side of her lust.

Shura watched with wide eyes as Torrassk gripped her thighs and pulled her further down his shaft; her stomach distending as he stuffed as much of his member inside her as he could. Shura placed her paws on her belly and squeezed gently; she could feel the pulsing flesh within her and grinned lustfully. "Now use me, take what you want." She growled in a low and sultry tone.

Torrassk gave her a fanged grin in return and gripped the sides of her waist. Slowly at first but quickly gathering pace, he lifted her up and down his shaft repeatedly, hammering his meat to her core. Shura made what motions she could; squeezing with her legs and rolling her hips as much as the minotaur's large paws would allow her, she even tried massaging his massive balls with her feet when she could concentrate on it.

Shura lost track of time; it had been early morning when the minotaurs had caught her, and punished her. Now it was some time past mid-day and Torrassk had shown no sign of tiredness or want to finish. He had moved her position many times and had even reinserted his massive fingers into her weakened anus several times, which had stimulated her further, but there was still no climax, she had to admit; he had stamina.

That suddenly changed when Torrassk stood up with Shura still impaled of his thick rod of meat. His motions became suddenly more erratic and faster. Shura began to shake as the sudden burst of uncontrollable energy from him made her nervous that in his lust he may hurt her.

Several minutes passed and then finally with one last thrust from her opening to the far stretched depths of her womb he released himself. Shura could feel it before his seed even entered her body; the hot thick fluid came in huge surges that stretched her walls once again to accommodate his shafts moving bulges. Shura called out to the sky in bliss, her lust filled moan quickly accompanied by the growl of the minotaur as wave after wave of his seed filled her body and distended her further. Her body couldn't contain the pressure; masses of the minotaur's seed spilled from her opening even as he remained buried within her, coating her crotch and legs as well as his.

The rush of fluid suddenly started her own climax; her body jerked and twitched aggressively as it tried to clamp tighter around the invading flesh, but after so much time of being used she hadn't the strength to do anything more, than hang limp on his member as she rode out her orgasm.

Reluctantly, Torrassk pulled Shura from his shaft, with a loud slurping noise followed by a massive rush of his seed from her now overly stretched pussy and womb. He didn't seem to mind the mess and stood watch over her as she slowly lost consciousness.

Shura woke to find the daylight fading and the minotaur who had used her so completely still nearby. She felt strange; her body was trying to re-adjust back to its normal shape and her lower body fur was thickly matted from the minotaur's seed.

"We have trade then? We have bargain?" The minotaur grumbled at her.

Shura looked at him and wondered if it had registered what he had done with her, or if trade was all he was after in the first place. "Yes, we have a bargain." She said quietly, in some way disappointed that the minotaur seemed to have no feelings he wanted to share. "Will you help me home?"

The minotaur nodded. "In two day's you feel right again. I take you back then."

"Thank you" She said softly.

The days passed and Shura found her old strength return to her and her body became firm and tight once again and she found a river to clean herself in. She was glad the ordeal was over but greatly missed the sensations he had given her. She wondered if in time she might forget what had happened.

Torrassk had proved to be more than helpful; he had helped her gather more food than she could carry , then created a large rack that would hold her kills that was shielded from the elements and other predators, near the borders of her lands. Shura had thanked Torrassk before they went their separate ways and agreed to meet him a month later with the supplies he had wanted.

It was a hard month for Shura; she had indeed been well paid for the meat she had brought in and explained the simple trade agreement with the minotaurs. While it had upset many, it had also ensured her town's survival with a steady food supply and allowed them to extend their borders a little. It also brought abuse. Abuse from others that suggested she had lain with the minotaurs to get the food they needed; while she denied it to her core, she knew it was true and found herself craving the feeling of Torrassk ravaging her body once again.

Months passed and trade continued, Shura was always there to make the exchange as was Torrassk, but they never talked about what had happened during their first meeting. Shura's return to town usually coincided with her trying to find a mate, but every time she tried, no male could satisfy her need. She began to wonder if Marrkhar's statement about no male of her kind ever being able to satisfy her again; was true.

A year to the day of their first meeting, Shura set out into the minotaur's territory with her trade goods. As she waited on the rise where she had first met Torrassk she found herself unwilling to leave until she made a new bargain. The minotaur would have a surprise waiting this time, she thought. One way or another, Shura knew she would make Torrassk her own, even if it meant leaving behind her current life. One way or another, she would be satisfied again and she would have a mate, even if the only offspring she could have were more monsters. That was her choice and her sacrifice to make.

The End.