Chuck's Sleepover

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Obligatory Content Warning: The following story contains graphic scenes of a SEXUAL NATURE between CUBS, as well as IMPLIED INCEST. OMFG. If this offends you, DO NOT READ FURTHER. By reading beyond this point, you waive your right to be offended by my work. For everyone who hasn't been scared away... enjoy!

Heat rose in waves from the ground as the summer sun scorched the earth, enacting a bloody vengeance that none but the oldest residents of Oakfield had experienced in living memory. Most furs were inside, seeking the solace of an air conditioned paradise.

Robbie was not one of them. The young fox lay out in the grass in the front yard of his house, shirt and shorts sitting by his side, his boxers the only article keeping the eleven year old from full nudity, but he didn't care. He was too hot to care.

"Robbie, you really should go inside before you bake," his father said as he walked out the front door.

"But Dad, Chuck's gonna be here soon, and I wanna greet him!" Robbie whined.

Dan chuckled and shook his head. "Don't you think he'd prefer his friend to be alive and kicking, rather than cooked?"

Robbie sighed and pushed himself up, gathering his clothes. "I guess," he said, starting to walk back in the house. "Where ya goin?" he asked suddenly.

"I got called in to the office," Dan said. "Whatever it is, they need me in Boston, quick. I told them it'd take me two hours, and they said they'd wait. Didn't really give me much of a choice," he said as he opened the door to his car and climbed in. "Yipe! Hot!"

Robbie giggled softly. "Mom keeps telling you to park it in the garage."

Dan sighed. "Yeah, and one of these days, I'll actually listen," he said as he started the car, rolling down the windows before he shut his door. "I'll see you tonight, then. Love you, kiddo!"

"Love you, too, Dad!" Robbie called as he retreated into the air conditioned house and dressed. He struggled a bit to get his shirt onto his sweat-soaked torso.

"My, my, you certainly look like you could cool off," Terry said as she peeked into the living room.

"Yeah," Robbie said, grunting as he gave up trying to get his shirt on. "I think I'll take Chuck to the pond out back once he gets here, go for a swim." The cub dashed to the stairs to head up to his room.

Terry giggled. "You did tell him to bring a swimsuit, right?" she asked.

Robbie froze in mid-step. "Crap," he said.

The vixen let out another giggle. "I'm sure I can find a swimsuit that'll fit him," she said. "I found an old one that Jimmy fit in to."

The cub nodded and resumed his trek up to his bedroom. The moment he was past the door, he had his shorts and boxers down around his ankles. He stepped out of them and knelt down before his dresser, pulling out the bottom-most drawer and digging out his swimsuit.

"I can see your butt!" cried a jubilant voice from the door.

Robbie squealed and fell backwards, and glared at his sister before chucking his swimsuit at her. "Don't sneak up on me like that!" Robbie cried.

Ellie giggled even as the swimsuit hit her square in the face. She grabbed it and blew a raspberry at her brother. "I can see your sheath now, too!" she shot as she threw the swimsuit back, and ran off before her brother had time to react.

Robbie sighed and rolled his eyes, and slowly got to his feet. He pulled on his swimsuit, grunting a bit as he pulled it up his sticky legs, and dashed out to chase his sister.

The moment he was out of his room, the doorbell rang. Robbie immediately redirected his momentum and rocketed down the stairs. "Coming!" he called, skidding to a halt in front of the door and throwing it open.

The fox beamed as he saw Chuck standing there, a backpack slung over his shoulder. One paw was firmly grasped around the arm of his plushie, and the other gripped his mother's paw as though afraid that if he let go, he'd fall off the face of the earth.

"C'mon in!" Robbie said, grabbing Chuck's arm and tugging him in.

Chuck's mother let out a small giggle. "You must be Robbie," she said as she stepped in with her son, letting go of his paw as she stepped over the threshold. "You look like you're ready to go for a swim."

"Yup! My mom's upstairs getting an old swimsuit of mine for Chuck to wear," Robbie said, turning to look up the stairs. "Moooom! Chuck's here!"

As he finished his call, his mother appeared at the top of the stairs. "Hello, Sarah, Chuck!" she said, smiling as she descended the stairs with a swimsuit in paw. "My, my, don't you look handsome?" she said to the shivering border collie pup.

"Th-Thanks," Chuck muttered. "A-a-and thank you f-f-for having me, Mrs. Langley."

Terry giggled. "It's my pleasure, dear. And you don't need to be so formal with me. Call me Terry." She held out the swimsuit to the little pup. "Why don't you go change into that and head out swimming with Robbie and Ellie?"

Chuck gulped and took the swimsuit. "Ok," he whispered, putting his backpack down slowly.

"Bathroom's around here," Robbie said, tugging his friend deeper into the house.

Terry rolled her eyes and smiled at Chuck's mother. "Care for something to drink, Sarah?" she asked.

Sarah returned the smile and nodded. "Iced tea would be lovely," she said.

Terry nodded and led her in to the kitchen. "Coming right up! Feel free to have a seat on the patio out back, if you'd prefer to be outside."

The female border collie smiled as she walked out onto the patio, taking a seat at the table under the umbrella. She was soon joined by Terry, bearing two glasses of iced tea. Following in her wake was an orange blur darting straight for a break in the trees at the far end of the back yard.

"Ellie, wait for your brother!" Terry called.

Ellie skidded to a halt and pouted. "Do I have to, Mommy?"

"Yes you do," Terry said. "Oh, and we have a guest."

"Oh. Hi!" Ellie said, scampering over.

"Ellie, this is Mrs. Reid," Terry said as her daughter came to a halt on the patio. "Chuck's mother."

"Nice to meet you," Ellie said.

Sarah smiled at Ellie, then looked at Terry. "Just the two?"

"So far," Terry said.

Ellie gasped. "Mooommy, is there something you haven't told me?" she asked, wagging her tail.

Terry gasped in feigned shock. "Ellie, do you really think I'd keep something like that from you?"

"Yes!" Ellie said. Before she could start badgering her mother in earnest, the screen door slid open, and Robbie and Chuck emerged, Robbie bearing towels, and Chuck wearing nothing but the swimsuit and a blush.

Terry giggled. "Good to see that that swimsuit fits you!" she said as Chuck emerged.

Ellie squealed and pounced the border collie. "You're so cuuuuuuute!" she cried as she hugged him. She proved to be just a little taller than the 11 year old pup. "Robbie, why didn't you tell me how cute he was?"

Robbie stuck his tongue out at his sister. "Must have slipped my mind," he said. "C'mon, let's head out to the pond!"

Sarah let out a little giggle, then held her arms out to Chuck. "C'mere, baby. Give mommy a kiss goodbye before you go."

Chuck extracted himself from the little vixen's grip and gave his mother a quick hug. His blush deepened as his mother kissed his forehead. In a flash, Chuck found his paw gripped tight in Robbie's as the fox led him towards the path in the woods.

"I'm gonna beat you there!" Ellie cried as she bounded ahead of the two boys.

Robbie rolled his eyes, continuing at a steady pace. "Let her," he muttered. "So, Chuck, how ya been, buddy?"

Chuck looked back, watching as the back yard disappeared behind the trees. "O-o-ok, I guess. W-w-where's Martin?"

"He couldn't come today," Robbie said. "Some sort of camping trip thing his dad wanted him to go on."

As they approached the pond, they could hear Ellie already giggling and splashing in the water.

"Took you boys long enough!" Ellie called, sticking her tongue out at the cubs.

Robbie chuckled mischievously as he put the towels down. "We weren't racing a silly girl," he said, sticking his tongue out at his sister.

Ellie giggled and shrugged, continuing to splash in the water. "Whatever."

Chuck gasped as he looked at the vixen in the water. "W-w-where's your..." he began.

Ellie giggled and stopped her splashing long enough to reveal her nude upper body. "My swimsuit? I took it off!"

"W-w-why?" he asked.

"It's fun!" Robbie answered as he walked into the water, also nude. "You don't have to take yours off if you don't want to... but it's an option!"

Chuck blushed deeply. "B-b-but... your sister..."

Ellie giggled and grinned at the border collie. "I've seen boys nakie before."

Robbie rubbed his chin as he looked at Chuck. "Ever seen a girl naked before?" he asked.

Chuck stared down at his footpaws, and slowly shook his head.

Ellie giggled loudly. "Well, ya have now!"

"I don't think he got the full show, though," Robbie said as he came up behind his sister.

Before she could protest, Robbie wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her up and out of the water. The young vixen squealed, kicking her legs and thrashing about in an attempt to escape her brother's grasp, inadvertently giving the embarrassed cub on the shore a full view of her privates.

Robbie giggled as he set her back down. Ellie growled at him menacingly. Her growl quickly turned playful as she started molesting her brother.

"Eeeeeww! A girl is touching me!" Robbie cried, giggling as his sister's paws found all of his ticklish spots. He squirmed in the water, and reached his own paws down to molest his sister.

"I thought you didn't like girls!" Ellie cried between giggles as her brother's paws rubbed around between her legs.

"Stop touching me, I'll stop touching you!" Robbie replied, giving his sister a quick lick on her nose.

Ellie leaned in and whispered, "What if I don't want you to stop?"

It was Robbie's turn to blush. "In front of Chuck?"

"Why not?" the young vixen asked, her paw focusing on her brother's slowly swelling sheath.

Robbie glanced over at Chuck. The collie's face betrayed his extreme discomfort with the scene unfolding before him.

"I don't think it's a good idea," Robbie whispered.

Ellie let out an exasperated sigh and rolled her eyes. "Fiiiiiine," she said, withdrawing her paw from her brother's privates. "Guess I'll have to do this!"

In a flash, Ellie was at the other side of the pond, her arms and legs wrapped around a stunned border collie. Chuck squealed and squirmed as he felt the young vixen's paws roamed all over his back, and her crotch ground up against his.

"You're so cuddlyyyyyy!" Ellie exclaimed, nuzzling the older cub's cheek. "Though you sure you're my brother's age?" she asked, sticking her tongue out playfully.

Chuck blushed deeply and looked away. "Well... umm..."

Ellie giggled a bit and licked Chuck's cheek. "How old aaaaare you?" she asked.

Chuck let out a sigh and muttered, "Just turned twelve..."

Ellie squealed with glee and hugged the collie tighter. "You're older than my brother, but you look like you're my age!"

Across the pond, Robbie blinked. "Wait... Chuck... when's your birthday?" he asked.

"T-today," Chuck muttered, trying to squirm away from Ellie.

"Why didn't you tell me?!" Robbie cried as he pounced the collie.

"F-fergot," Chuck muttered, giving up his struggle as the two fox siblings cuddled him in the pond.

Ellie grinned mischievously and reached her paws down to the waistband of Chuck's swimsuit. "Maybe we could give him a little gifty," she said, her fingers slipping in and rubbing around the collie's waist.

Chuck shivered and whimpered as he felt the young vixen's paws slowly dipping into his swimsuit. "W-w-what sorta... g-g-gift?" he asked, gasping as Ellie's finger reached the top of his sheath and traced around the entrance.

"This kind," Ellie whispered as she wrapped her paw fully around the cub's sheath. "Unless you don't like girls."

Chuck blushed deeply and whimpered as he felt the vixen's paw around his sheath. "I-I... I've never... d-d-done this... w-w-with a g-g-girl..."

Ellie grinned and licked Chuck's nose. "Wanna?" she asked, pulling her paw back to grip the waist of the cub's swimsuit.

Chuck looked over at Robbie, his face a mixture of confusion and nerves. Robbie leaned in and whispered, "You can always say 'no,' Chuck."

The collie took a deep breath, and looked into Ellie's eyes. "I'll... try..."

A delighted squeal issued from the vixen's muzzle, and in a flash, Chuck found his swimsuit around his ankles. The vixen's paw found its way to his now-exposed sheath, and she began rubbing it in earnest, working it to tease out the pup's erection. "You won't regret it, Chuck," she said, grinning ear to ear.

Chuck squirmed as the vixen's paw rubbed his sheath. His cheeks flushed as he felt his sheath swelling, his tip starting to poke out.

Ellie murred as she felt the collie's flesh stiffening in her grip. "You like this, Chuckie?"

The collie pup nodded slowly. "Uh huh... f-f-feels nice..."

The vixen grinned as she rubbed his sheath faster, feeling him stiffen and slip out of his sheath. "I bet you'll really like this, then," she whispered.

Chuck let out a gasp as he felt something warm and soft wrap around his now-fully stiff puphood. He looked down and saw Ellie sitting fully in his lap, her crotch pressed right up to his.

"How's it feel?" Ellie whispered.

"G-g-gooooood," Chuck panted, shutting his eyes and hugging the vixen.

The two furs lay still for a moment, Chuck processing the pleasurable feelings centered around his groin, Ellie watching Chuck's reactions while enjoying the feel of his member inside her. Slowly, Ellie began to bounce in Chuck's lap, letting out little moans as she moved herself along the pup's shaft. A soft whimper escaped the border collie pup's muzzle as he felt the vixen's treasure begin to move along his shaft.

"Mmmmm... you feel nice inside me," Ellie whispered, shutting her eyes as she focused on riding the pup. She buried her paws in his chestfur as she let the feelings flowing from her crotch cloud her mind. She didn't notice Chuck's face screwing up in a mixture of anxiety and fear.

"S-stop," Chuck whispered, barely audible above the vixen's pleasured whimpers and the splashing of the water.

Ellie let out another little moan, working herself into a steady rhythm riding Chuck's cock. She yipped and murred as she felt Chuck's paws grab her hips, not quite noticing him pushing against her weakly.

"S-stoooop," Chuck whimpered as he began to shiver uncontrollably, legs starting to kick.

Robbie raised an eyebrow as he watched the two from the other side of the pond. He leaned to one side to take a look at Chuck's face from around his sister's body. "Chuck... are you ok?" Robbie asked.

Ellie flicked her ears and opened her eyes, looking down at Chuck. "Chuckie... something wrong?"

"STOP!" Chuck cried, pushing hard against Ellie's hips.

The vixen squealed as she was thrown off Chuck, landing hard against her brother. Robbie caught Ellie, and gently slipped her to his side as he lunged forward to hug the shivering border collie. "Chuck... what's the matter?"

Chuck buried his face in his paws, his body trembling uncontrollably. "I-I... d-d-don't..."

Robbie gave Chuck a little squeeze and nuzzle, eliciting a fearful whine from the border collie. "It's ok, Chuck..."

Chuck whimpered softly, his face still buried in his paws. He didn't say a word for a full minute, then choked out, "C-c-can we go back inside?"

"Sure," Robbie whispered. Without another word, he helped Chuck out of the pond, and the two cubs pulled their swimsuits back on, dipping them in the water for show. Ellie watched for a moment, then joined them, tugging her own suit back on as the boys dried off. Once they were all wrapped in their towels, the three set off down the path back to the Langley house.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Chuck's mood improved as the afternoon wore on. Even though Chuck had failed to mention his birthday to Robbie, Terry had been informed of the special date by Chuck's mom, and had taken the liberty of baking him a birthday cake, as well as buying a gift for the border collie. Most of the afternoon and evening were lost in a haze of video games, Chuck more often than not playing the role of spectator, except where forced to play. Nine-thirty snuck up on the cubs quicker than they had thought possible.

"Alright, you three, time to get ready for bed," Terry said.

"But Moooommyyyyy, we're havin' so much fun!" Ellie protested, managing to make a headshot on Robbie out of the corner of her eye. Robbie groaned, inwardly cursing his sister's skill.

Terry giggled. "I didn't say you had to go to sleep just yet, just that you need to get ready. Brush your teeth, bathe, and pull on your jammies."

Robbie's ears perked at the suggestion of a bath. "But we've only got the one bathroom. How're we all supposed to take baths?" he asked, his eyes never leaving the screen as he attempted to sneak up on Ellie.

"Ellie could use the master while you two take turns in the hall bath. Unless you'd want to bathe together," Terry added.

Chuck squealed and blushed deeply at the suggestion, earning a giggle from the adult vixen.

"Oh, relax, Chuck. I was joking," Terry said, bringing a paw to her muzzle as she tried to stifle more giggles.

Ellie perked her ears and looked at Terry. "Ooo ooo ooo! Mommy, will you take a bath with me?"

Terry laughed and rolled her eyes. "Oh, I suppose I could do that."

"Yay!" Ellie grinned as she made the final kill, ending the match with a narrow victory over her brother, then tossed the controller on the couch as she bounded upstairs. "C'mon, Mommy!"

Terry grinned and walked upstairs at a much more leisurely pace as Robbie shut off the TV and video game system. "Feel free to stay up a little longer to watch some TV, if you want," she said to the two as she disappeared upstairs.

Robbie cleared his throat as the vixen disappeared, and looked at Chuck, curled up in an armchair in the corner. "So, Chuck... would you want to take a bath with me?"

Chuck blushed deeply and shook his head quickly, hugging his legs a little tighter to his chest.

Robbie walked up to him and put a paw on the pup's knee. "Chuck... you ok?"

Chuck nodded slowly. "Uh huh... jus... new experience, is all..."

Robbie nodded and took Chuck's paw, tugging at it gently. "Well, c'mon. I'll show you to the bathroom, then. You wanna shower first?"

Chuck stood up slowly, still blushing. "W-w-would you?"

Robbie giggled and nodded, leading Chuck upstairs. "Sure." He led the border collie pup into the bathroom and showed him how to work the shower, warning him about the hot water. "It can get really hot at the start of a shower."

Chuck watched silently, kicking his paws gently. He blushed a little deeper as his sensitive ears picked up the sounds of laughter coming from down the hall. "I-I'll go wait in your room," he muttered, and walked out of the bathroom, heading for Robbie's bedroom.

The young fox watched his friend go, tilting his head a bit, then shrugged. He took his own shower relatively quickly, not wanting to leave Chuck alone for too long. Once he finished and dried himself off, he wrapped his towel around his waist and walked to his bedroom.

He found Chuck kneeling in front of the bookshelf, browsing the titles of the books. "Lookin' at my books, eh?" Robbie said.

Chuck squeaked and jumped, surprised by the sudden return of his friend. "Y-y-yeah... I haven't read most of them."

Robbie giggled and nodded. "If you wanna borrow any, feel free."

Chuck was about to answer when both were distracted by a burst of giggles from the hall. Robbie turned around just in time to spot his sister making a mad naked dash from their parents bedroom to her own.

Robbie stifled a laugh. "Gawd, Ellie, do you have NO shame?"

"Nope!" Ellie cried as she ran in to her room.

Terry followed right behind her, wearing a bathrobe. She shook her head, smiling. "She learned from the best." The vixen poked her head in to Robbie's room. "Looks like you haven't taken your bath yet, Chuck."

Chuck shook his head, blushing deeply. "W-w-was about to..." he muttered.

Terry nodded and watched him walk out. She made eye contact with Robbie, then turned to follow the pup.

As Chuck reached the bathroom door, he felt Terry's paw grip his shoulder gently. "Your mom told me that she still gives you baths," she whispered in his ear.

Chuck froze, starting to shiver. "Y-y-yeah..." he whispered back, his face burning.

"If you like, I could give you a bath... unless you'd be more comfortable taking a bath alone," she whispered.

Chuck looked up at her. "Don't tell Robbie?" he whispered.

Terry glanced over her shoulder, then nodded. "Your secret's safe with me." She walked past Chuck into the bathroom and sat down on the edge of the tub, turning on the taps and closing the drain.

Chuck walked in behind her, shutting the door slowly, still blushing deeply. He glanced at the adult vixen, blushing as he observed her, the bathrobe hiding the curves of her body.

Terry looked up at Chuck. "Would you like some privacy while you undress?"

Chuck stood there, still shivering, staring down at his footpaws.

Terry rubbed her chin, then whispered, "Or would you like me to undress you?"

Chuck nodded quickly, almost imperceptibly, and took a step closer to the vixen. Terry let out a soft giggle, then grabbed the bottom of Chuck's shirt.

"Arms up," she said. Chuck raised his arms obediently, still blushing madly as the vixen pulled the shirt up and over his head. He shuddered as her fingers slipped in to the waist of his shorts and tugged them down to his ankles. "Step out," she instructed, and slid the garment away as Chuck lifted his paws. She returned her attention to the tub, dipping a paw in. "How's the water?"

Chuck leaned in and dipped a paw in, purposely avoiding looking at Terry. "G-good," he whispered.

Terry nodded and rubbed Chuck's back gently. "The tub should be full in about a minute." She thought for a moment, then added, "Chuck... would it make you more comfortable if I put some clothes on?"

Chuck shrugged, shivering a little more. "C-c-could I get in now?"

Terry giggled quietly and nodded, her paw slipping down to his rear. "Just as soon as we take these off."

The vixen stood up and knelt behind Chuck as she slowly pulled his underwear down, revealing his fluffy butt. Chuck shivered uncontrollably as he was stripped of his last garment, and stepped into the tub as Terry got his underwear to his ankles. He sat down in the tub, his paws covering his crotch.

Terry smiled at the pup, watching his fur start to float about freely in the water. "You really are an adorable pup," she whispered, leaning in and giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.

Chuck squirmed a bit at the kiss, his eyes still pointedly staring down at his footpaws. His tail swayed slowly behind him, making little waves in the rising water.

Terry smiled at Chuck, then reached a paw into the water, cupping it over one of Chuck's own. She gently guided his paw away from his crotch and moved it to his thigh, then repeated with the other. Chuck squirmed as his genitals were revealed to the adult, but didn't say a word or attempt to cover himself back up.

"It's ok, Chuck," Terry whispered. "Besides... I'll see it anyway when I wash it." She moved her paws to the pup's shoulders and rubbed them gently, trying to relax the pup. It seemed to work, as Chuck assumed a slightly more relaxed stance, though his eyes still remained anywhere but on the vixen.

Once the water had risen adequately, Terry turned off the taps. She playfully ruffled Chuck's headfur. "Think you can dive underwater for a sec, get yourself all wet?"

Chuck took a deep breath and slid down under the water, remaining there for a moment before emerging and lightly shaking his head. Terry giggled softly as water dripped from the pup's fur. She grabbed a bottle of shampoo and started lathering it into Chuck's headfur.

"You're not a very talkative pup during bath time, are you?" she asked.

Chuck shook his head slowly, shutting his eyes as the vixen started washing him. He started to murr quietly as Terry worked the shampoo into his fur, his leg starting to twitch appreciatively.

Terry murred softly herself as she washed the pup. He offered up his arms and legs for washing without prompt, a veteran of being given baths. A smirk briefly flashed across Terry's muzzle as an idea occurred to her.

"Alright, Chuck... I've washed everything but your crotch, so you'll have to stand up," she whispered.

Chuck nodded and stood up slowly, his eyes still closed, presenting his immature package to the adult. Terry grinned as she gently lathered soap into the pup's crotch, spending far more time than was necessary fondling his snug sack and sheath. She watched him closely, looking for his reactions.

At first, Chuck didn't seem to respond. As the contact continued though, he started to shiver. "W-w-what are you..." he whimpered.

Terry giggled softly. "Just making sure you're extra clean down here," she whispered.

Chuck squirmed gently, his paws balling into fists as his cock started to harden. "O... okay..."

Terry looked over his form, then released his genitals. "Alright, you can sit back down."

Chuck let out a small sigh of relief and sat back down in the tub, trembling slightly.

Terry looked the pup over. "Want to soak for a little while, or get out?" she asked.

Chuck looked at her for the first time since he got into the tub. "I'm d-d-done," he whispered.

Terry smiled and nodded, opening the drain, and stood up. "I'll leave you to dry yourself off, then," she said, walking to the door.

"Wait!" Chuck said. Terry paused and looked at him over her shoulder. "W-w-would you... d-d-dry me?" he asked.

Terry let out a little giggle, then picked up a towel and held it open towards the pup. "I suppose I could do that."

Chuck slowly stepped out of the tub, dripping on the bath mat. Terry grinned and walked up to him, and dried him off from head to toe, earning some small giggles from the cub. When she was done, she wrapped the towel around his waist, then gave Chuck a hug. The pup cautiously returned it, his muzzle pressed in between the vixen's breasts.

"Th-thanks," Chuck whispered, and moved to pull away.

Terry held on to Chuck for a second, then released him. "You're on your own getting your pajamas on," she whispered, then stood up and walked out of the bathroom, her tail swaying behind her.

Chuck blushed deeply as Terry left, and poked his head out of the bathroom once she left. He slowly made his way to Robbie's room, slipping inside and pushing the door shut behind him.

Robbie was lying in his bed, reading a comic book. He looked over at Chuck as he walked in. "Enjoy your bath?" he asked as the pup closed the door.

Chuck nodded and walked over to his backpack, opening it up and digging around inside. He pulled out his goodnites and pajamas, and blushed as he removed the towel, keeping his back to Robbie. As soon as he was dressed, he turned around to look at the fox. "So... w-w-where can I sleep?"

Robbie grinned as he put his comic aside. "Well, you can sleep in my bed, if you want... or in my sleeping bag if you'd prefer that."

Chuck blushed, and without a word, walked up to Robbie's bed and crawled in, slipping under the covers. Robbie smiled and turned off the lamp on his bedside table, and scooted over to give Chuck a little more room, then wrapped his arms around the pup and settled in against him.

"Night, Chuck," Robbie whispered.

"Night," Chuck whispered back.

The two cubs settled in for sleep, one relaxed, the other drifting into a tense, tentative slumber.