Rent Needs Paying

Story by Ben332 on SoFurry

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What's a broke dragon to do to pay his rent? With a big, fat 0 in his bank account, and no other means of paying it, it's looking bleak for Aren. But, when past experience leads to an unusual offer, he takes it. After all, what's a fling with his landlord when the alternative is potentially being late on payment? Rent needs paying, after all!

(I've a patreon now, with a few bonuses too. Take a look if you'd like, but no one likes ads, so I'll keep this bit short.

Shit. Damn. Fuaaark.

Rent was due today. And his bank account was showing a lovely zero in all the relevant fields.


The dragon was already a nervous bundle of scales, but it felt like they were about to shake off from the anxiety. Food helped, at least. The smell of a frying bit of meat distracted him rather easily. With the laptop on the table, he scrolled through job boards as it cooked.

"Dammit." Claws scraped against his chin as he scratched idly.

Nothing stood out to him. Nothing he was qualified for, at least. A few popped up that he was qualified for, but they were gone before he could even click them. The timer went off, and he flipped the meat. Well-done would be the order for today, though rare would have been lovely as well... A grumbling stomach outdid the anxious tension for the focus of his attention. It was already evening, too.

Short of a few more mumbled swears, he put it off. He'd absolutely be late on his rent this month. Landlord would just have to wait, unfortunately. A few bits of his last credit card distracted him as he carried his food out of the kitchen, and returned for the laptop. He could have used that, but after the trouble it had been paying it off... the dragon wouldn't chance it. As good as he was with his finances, credit was one thing that just wasn't in his future. It screwed him more than he screwed the credit companies.

It was for the best he chopped it up.

"Wouldn't be the first time... but it will definitely be the last time." The dragon mumbled. Just for good measure, he shook the trash bin so the plastic bits would settle to the bottom. Out of sight, out of mind.

The evening passed quickly. Food stayed stuck to his tongue, too, helping to ease the nervous tension a bit. By the time nightfall came, he was exhausted. Being nervous for such a long time wreaked havoc on his innards. He felt sick to his damned scales. No doubt it'd show up in a month or two, in the form of dull, or lost scales. So what if his hide were a bit less lustrous than usual, though? He skipped his usual shower, and opted to collapse on his bed instead. Not a single job. Not even one. No money, no way to pay it. He could wait anyways. Damned snake landlord.

It was literal, too. The naga had a very hands-on method of managing his property, and it kept the place nice. The complex was new, furnished with all the amenities, and rather affordable. But, affordability was relative when you had no income whatsoever. He buried his muzzle under his paws, and pointed the alarm clock away. He'd be here a while, trying to sleep.

"I'm not sure what's worse. Credit, or being unable to pay rent. Both fuck me over..." Grumbling growls made his voice sound alien, even to him.

It felt like he got no sleep at all, but the sun was up. Perhaps he just warped forward in time. As ridiculous a notion as it was, it was still more realistic than believing he'd slept. More growling grumbles as he rolled out of bed. Some of them came from the dragons' stomach. Food was the order of the morning. Or, was it even morning? His clock said otherwise.

"It's evening already? I couldn't have been that tired... maybe I was though." The lizard mumbled to himself.

It was the only thing breaking the silence in the apartment for a while. He padded through the place, still groggy from sleep. The sound of the mail slot snapping shut made him jump. Who was delivering mail this late in the day? Normally, it came in the afternoon, or even earlier. Perks of being next to the post office... Claws pecked against the tile floor as the kitchen became a much less interesting place. Food was the last thing on his mind, looking at the pile of mail. A rather unusual envelope laid atop his usual mail. He flicked on a light, and held it up, disregarding the rest of it.

"Aw... shit. This is the eviction notice ain't it?"

It was from the landlord. And, to be honest, it was rather fancy. Too fancy for just a normal reminder mail. The outside border of the envelope was wrapped in a design. A bunch of dragons chased each others' tails around the outside edge. Every one was a different color. It was almost a shame to shred the envelope open. He tried his best to preserve most of it... but failed miserably. The contents spilled out onto the floor. Just his luck.

"This... surprisingly isn't an eviction notice. I already mowed the lawn, and cleaned the office, so what else does he want?"

For as fancy as the envelope was, the letter itself was simple. Just a simple bit of standard-sized paper, with a note attached. He read it.

"You already mowed the lawn, and done up the office rather well, but your payment for the month hasn't come through yet. Usually, you're quite good for it. Come by my office, and we'll talk about how to pay it. You already know I don't like late payments at all. But, perhaps we can work something out? I mean, there were a few videos I rather liked a while ago..."

Another note, attached to the bit of paper just underneath his signature.

"_Or, maybe you could pay via credit or payment plan? I do take those, too."_It was almost an afterthought.

"Shit." Another swear.

So he'd seen those videos. So what if the dragon had enjoyed a bit of camming a few months ago. It paid well. Perhaps not something he'd do regularly, but... it paid the bills for a few months afterwards. Even as awkward as he'd been.

"Well. At least he doesn't sound too upset... But, that really sounds like another head is thinking. And it's not the one on his shoulders." He shook his head.

It was an offer though. And hardly worded like it was his only option. The naga just wanted something for letting him stay there the month. Whether that was a romp... or his money. Either sounded fine from the way he worded it. But, since he'd already minced up that credit card, it was hardly an option. It felt damned good to do it, too. Regardless, he had time to chew on the idea proposed by the naga. He mulled it over as he tore through his steak.

"_Honestly, it isn't a bad rate. Perhaps a few hours with the naga, for my entire rent payment. Presumably at least."_He poked at the last few bloody pieces of steak.

A bit more salt next time. Less pepper. Either way, his stomach was satisfied. A ding from his laptop in the other room made him leave the rest of it for the moment. Despite his hopes of a prospective job offer, it was not to be. The damned auto-update bot sent him something that was all the way across the country. Rather close to the fallout zone, too....

"Nah. Fuck that. Ain't got the money to go there anyway." He dismissed it. It wasn't even good pay. Bah.

It'd been years since they shrank the fallout zones a bit. The radiation there, and at every other site, had fallen to a somewhat acceptable rate. Of course, people that actually wanted to loot the places protested a bit. But, it didn't matter. Small towns sprung up in the cleaner areas, and had already begun the process of rebuilding. Half a century, and the effects of war still scarred the area. He huffed. It was such a waste of land. Only a few had hit this continent, but they definitely left their mark. Even if the governments that senselessly fired them at each other were no more.

"Enough of that, Aren-ten. Nothing you could have done, and the past is the past. Hardly of concern now..."

His brain had a way of spinning things to be his fault. But, this was the once instance it was easy to deny it. He hadn't even been born yet! A smirk crossed his muzzle. Perhaps a visit with the naga would get his mind out of the gutter, too. Albeit, it would put it into another one... but it was one he was more comfortable in, too. The rest of the mail could wait, and he stacked it on his table. Popping the rest of the meat into his muzzle, he scooped up the envelope. Or rather, what was left of it.

A quick visit to the bathroom to look himself over. Sure, he'd gotten a little pudgy for a dragon, but he still looked relatively good. Though, his rather vibrant violet scales got him a lot of attention. Not all of it was unwanted, granted. But the amount of times he'd been mistaken for female was... Well, it was awkward. Mane looked good, and claws weren't too out of shape. If it were a professional appointment, he'd have tidied up a bit. A quick shower would do wonders, though.

The water felt good, and cleaned yesterdays muck out of his scales. For as quick as it was, Aren felt a lot better afterwards. A bit more ready to face the world, too. He grabbed his satchel, and stuffed his laptop and envelope into it. Perhaps the naga would want him to do some accounting work as well. Chances weren't good, but it was a good enough excuse to bring his laptop. Perhaps even... Nah. The dragon dismissed the though before it finished happening.

He was stalling a bit, and he knew it. But, it was fine. The landlord would be in his office all day, and probably all night too. He practically lived in the place. It would have been no shock to find a bed in the room after he found the snake still working hours past midnight one night. Aren had thought, at the time, that perhaps it would have been best to clean after he'd gone home. He hadn't. But, the naga didn't mind it in the least, moving out of the way and letting him do his job.

Bringing his mind back to the present, he grabbed his keycard as well, before stepping out. Electronic locks were lovely. The click of the mechanism locking reminded him that he was outside now. Or rather, outside his apartment. Pitter-pattering rain reminded him that he was still inside the complex, though. The carpet was soft as he padded to the elevator. Luckily, no one else was out and about. It was for the best, as he wasn't quite feeling social today. But, appointments did need to be honored, at the very least.

"Ding." The dragon echoed the elevator as it opened. Of course, it came out off-pitch compared to the elevator, but it was amusing regardless.

He counted the floors as he went downwards. The elevator was a large thing, and could have held several quads like himself. It didn't stop for anyone, though. He passed the ground floor, and into the basement floors. Building into the ground was convenient for extra space, but caused all kinds of issues when the power went out. The building only had three basement floors, and they were pretty much all reserved for equipment and supplies. And his office, too. A few anthros lived down here, citing noise concerns, but the dragon knew better. It was just cheaper.

The hallway down here was every bit as empty as the one on his floor. A turn around a corner, and the office stood in plain sight. Large single door meant even large ferals could fit into the room. It took up a good deal of the floor, too. Could have fit more than the elevator, even. Probably why the snake liked it. It was roomy, and quiet. Aren could definitely understand the lust for the quieter space down here. Even if the noise of a city never bothered him. He padded down the hallway, thicker carpet silencing his footfalls. A few potted plants flanked the doors that he passed.

He cleared his throat, and shook his mane just outside the door. He was here, and chances are, so was the naga. No scales fell off, and nothing fell out of his mane. He was dry enough, too. So, there was little to do but knock, and wait.

"Door's unlocked." It was definitely the landlord.

The doorknob turned easily, and the door swung open. He was busy, as usual, poring over his laptop, and connected screens. Sitting on his coils, despite the chair pushed to the side. Aren padded into the room. It was hardly unfamiliar, after all. For as large as it was, it hardly required a bunch of cleaning. The snake was immaculate, keeping everything tidy himself. The dragon merely cleaned up past that. And to be sure, there wasn't much at all. His tongue flicked out, and almost immediately the snake recognized Aren.

"Ah! Aren. How's your day been? And, have you considered my offer?" He tapped a few keys on the keyboard, and the light behind his desk changed colors.

"Well. I'm still broke, after all. Income is unusual, as is typical for freelancing... So..." Aren trailed off, shutting the door behind him.


"Evenings been good thus far, though. Anxious, though. I mean, as expected when you're being sized up by a naga, and late on payments..."

"I'm a businessman. You know I've gotta get paid, otherwise I won't be able to maintain the place. But, in this case, I'm more than willing to let it slide for a few favors. As I not-too-subtly hinted at in the letter." He slithered out from behind the desk. It was an odd noise, scales sliding on carpet.

"Yeah. It's just weird. I thought I removed most of those videos when that site went down." Aren sat patiently.

"Not for people that could download it..." He nudged.

"Oh, so you must have been an ultra-plus-platinum member, then."

"Paid a pretty penny for 'em! Though I gotta say, when I saw you bringing in that expensive digital camera, I didn't think you were going to do that. Of all the things, I expected you to do photography or something."

"Hardly. Though I can't say I didn't try that for a while afterwards." Aren watched the nagas' entire length slither out from behind the desk. While sitting behind the desk, he didn't seem so large, but now...

"Worth it, though. But still, you've come down here with an answer, yeah? You certainly smell nice..." The naga moved around him, scales sliding over his tail, and close to his sides.

"I'll do it. But, believe you me, I plan on paying 'normally' the next few months." He made air quotes with his claws.

"Of course! I wouldn't force you to do anything. Maintaining a good relationship with my tenants is one of my core business principlesss..." He hissed, and an arm patted the dragon on the back.

Sar'al may have lacked a hood, but his face was as intimidating as any other nagas. Aren tensed up for a moment, but relaxed as the snake slowly stopped moving. Admittedly, the body heat was nice, but it still felt odd. Odd that he was allowing the snake to get this close, and odd that he'd be... Well. He'd be fucking him momentarily. Cleanup was going to be awkward tonight.


"Yes, Aren? If you're unsure, then I can delay payment for a month or two, perhaps set up a payment plan if you are expecting some financial windfalls."

"No, go ahead. But surely, shouldn't we be doing this on, or in a bed or something?" Aren picked at his claws.

"Soft floor is as fine a place as any. And besides, my place is a ways away. Far too long to wait, and I'd have to get a ride for you as well."

"Other than the one you're going to be taking me on?"

Sar'al laughed for a moment, adding some warmth to the situation.

"Ride? Hardly. I was thinking of taking advantage of these coils. And your body, it feels so... warm, too. I think it would be a lovely snake warmer."

"I'm sure I would be. But, speaking of, didn't you just get a new one of those?"

"I did. But, there's something about coiling around someone else. Rather than a machine." Sar'al paused for a moment. "Probably neurochemicals, or something."

"Yeah. It does feel nice though. Back on point, shouldn't I roll over?"

"Take whatever position you'd like." Sar'al shrugged.

His tail pulled out from underneath the nagas' scales as he rolled to the side. His wings protested for a moment until he rolled over onto his back fully. The dragon let his lungs empty in a long sigh. It felt weird being on his back. About as weird as having Sar'al loom over him. Possibly quite as weird as using his previous camguy experience to not pay rent for a month. Ah well.

"Big dragon..." Sar'al commented, once again moving his lower half across the dragons' tail.

"Bigger snake, err, naga. I meant naga." Aren stumbled across his words.

"Just means I don't have legs. Meh." Another shrug.

Sar'al moved slowly, the slight movements of the muscles underneath his scales pushing him up the dragons' body. The rest of his length followed, bringing an alluring sense of warmth with him. It made noise, of course, but the only thing Aren could hear was his pounding heart pulsing in his eardrums. He gently brought his forepaws up, feeling the naga move through his grasp.

"So warm..." He continued moving, up past the dragons' chest.

"Little nervous." Aren commented as Sar'al continued up, slowly winding around his lower neck.

"Hardly interested in asphyxiation... but I know a few people that are."

"Let's not."

The dragon could have sworn he saw a grin on the snake as he wound his way around him. What had he gotten himself into? Nothing he couldn't get out of. Hopefully. Sar'al wound around him loosely, like an oversized, thick, scale-bound scarf. Aren shivered at the feeling, and at the smells that were pouring into his nose.

"Someone's enjoying this already, for as nervous as they are."

The nagas' scales felt smooth as they moved across his body. But, his last few feet had something new to play with. Aren hissed as Sar'al bumped into his dragonhood, or what few inches had escaped his slit. The warmth to one side was intoxicating, and the slow movements felt like a tease. It felt even more like a tease as the naga came to pose above him, using his upper chest as a foundation.

"It's only fair that you'll have some fun too... Shame about the carpet needing a cleaning after." He folded his arms, staring down at the dragon.

"It's certainly not required. I am paying my rent doing this... can just paw off later if I wanted to." Aren stared back.

"And miss the look on your muzzle when you peak? Like I'd allow that!"

Aren bit back a comment as the naga coiled around his length, winding his length around him. The slight pressure, and slow movement felt heavenly, and the dragon whined at the sensation. Of course, Sar'al had something better for his muzzle to do. The naga's own twin rods were escaping his slit, too. Poking the dragon in either side of his muzzle. They came with a barrage of scents. And damn, if they didn't smell downright intoxicating to the dragon. He breathed them in, big lungfuls at a time.

"Get to work. You'll be earning it." A handpaw on the back of the dragons' head reinforced the command.

Aren may have protested a bit at first, but his body knew what he wanted to do. And he definitely wanted this, now. Ignoring the backdrop of paying his rent, the dragon would have had the naga in his bed any night. Maybe he'd do this a few more times... Or perhaps not. It was up to the naga, of course. But, each lungful of that heavily scented air made thoughts that much more difficult. And so, so much easier to focus on the rods in front of his muzzle. His maw dropped open, eager to please the naga. It was hard to focus on his own pleasure, but what little attention he could scrounge up went towards pleasing Sar'al.

"That'sss good..."

The loose feeling of the naga around his neck, and across his body added to the texture of the event. It was hard to focus on any one feeling. The rods leaking thin pre across his tongue, and the slow, gentle tugs the snake moved his coils with across his own rod. Aren pulled the nagas' upper body closer, and the rods further into his muzzle. His tongue kept busy, exploring every ridge and crevice the snakes' dual manhoods had. And he was rewarded for it too, hisses of pleasure rumbling out of the nagas' mouth. Sar'al gushed like a fountain, too, tastes flowing across his tongue. It felt good to let the snake take what pleasure he wanted from him. Of course, he was reciprocating a bit around his rod, too. But it just felt so good to be so submissive to him...

Of course, no sooner than the dragon had the thought, he felt the first tell-tale feeling that the snake was close. Another hand-paw found the back of his head, gripping one of his horns. Sar'al moved gracefully, pushing himself into the dragons muzzle. A messy mixture of dragon saliva and naga pre oozed down Arens' chin. He rumbled, pulling at the naga, and only just barely letting him pull out of his muzzle. The snake was quick on the trigger, hissing as a thick blast of snake jizz rocketed into the dragon. Only for it to be gulped away every bit as quickly as it came.

"Jusssst like that.." Sar'al hissed, savoring the feeling around his rod.

The dragon could only continue his content rumbling. It didn't take long for the flow to taper off, and for Sar'al to pull himself out of his muzzle. He panted, taste buds still saturated with his essence. His own rod felt rock-hard, and he hadn't come close to an orgasm of his own quite just yet. But damn if the naga wasn't trying to bring him to the same peak as he just had. He loosened even more, but his weight still remained on the dragon.

"Not bad. But let's see about a bit more."

Aren panted, and could only nod his head. The snake could have a full-course servicing if he'd like. And if Aren knew one thing about himself, it was that he'd enjoy the hell out of it, too. Scales moved across his own, unwinding from around his neck. The nagas' lower half remained around his rod, messily tugging at it. Slowly, but surely teasing him until he almost felt like begging for it. The dragon held himself back, savoring the feeling of being not quite able to orgasm, but also enjoying every bit of pleasure the naga was providing. His breathing felt easier as the slight weight wasn't hanging off of his neck.

"You're taking an awful long time to orgasm. Let's not worry about that though. Are you up for a bit more?"

"Of course." Aren panted.

He didn't speak another word, moving his bulk lower on the dragons body. Arens' rod made a mess of his scales, and made the teasing, tugging feelings around his dragonhood all the more pleasurable, and intense. Sar'al slithered past it, and down his tail. His long body turned around, coiling around the dragons' tail, and squeezing gently. Arms pushed at his back legs, encouraging him to spread them a bit. His dual spires of heated snakemeat maintained every bit of rock-hard desire, too. They got comfortable at his tailbase, too. Waiting for a moment.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Aren demanded.

"Nothing at all, actually. Savoring the look and feel of being coiled around a toasty, attractive dragon though."

Aren would have blushed at the compliment. But, instead hid his muzzle with his forepaws. Still, he spoke from behind his hidden muzzle.

"Oh. Stop being so nice. It'd be real nice if you'd plow me though."

"Well. Yeah. I think I'll do just that, too." Sar'al smirked.

It had only just clicked in Arens' head when it happened. The naga punched forward, and into the dragon. He hissed, the mixed saliva, pre, and seed on Sar'als rods only just making it tolerable. It was a long hiss too, and the naga spared no energy in thrusting into him, either. A scowl marked his muzzle for a few moments until he relaxed. Pleasure mixed with pain for a moment until his body followed suit. Before long, it was overwhelming amounts of pleasure, too.

"Fuck, Sar'al..." Aren hissed, almost gritting his teeth.

"You asked for it." Sar'al grinned, forked tongue tasting the air.

"Could have at least given me a warning."

The naga had other plans than maintaining a conversation, though. He tightened around the dragons rod, undulating his form around him. The whines coming out of the dragon were ones that were more palatable to his eardrums, now. They sounded much, much more pleasurable, too. The dragons ass stretched around his rods, too. For as warm as his outsides were, his insides were so much more so. And Sar'al savored that warmth, as well as the pleasure that the dragon was providing. Of course, he couldn't last long at this rate, though. So he made it a point that the dragon would finish second. It may have been a quickie, but that just meant everything was that much more intense.

"Hope you don't mind inside."

"Go for it." Arens' horns dug into the carpet, his body wracked with electric pleasure.

He felt so, so close. And yet, with the way the naga was driving into him, Sar'al must have been closer. Heavy, fast thrusts into his ass gave bolts of intense sensation through his form. His tongue hung out of his muzzle, mind white with pleasure. Sar'al jabbed home one last time before the dragon felt yet another load of seed pulsing out of the snake. Each jet felt just as hot as the nagas' scales did. The cold air conditioning only added to the feeling. The dragon could almost feel each and every pulse. But, he could definitely feel the nagas' whole body almost vibrating with pleasure. That much was for sure.

He felt close, yet so far away though. The naga panted, and his body slowly stopped shaking. But, he wasn't quite done yet with the dragon. His lower body moved out of the way, uncoiling from around the dragons rod. Thick strands of pre stayed stuck to his scales, even as it slithered away. A hand-paw replaced it, slowly stroking the dragon.

"Still? Well, I'll just have to fix that, now won't I?"

Aren watched with eager interest as the last few inches of the naga moved away from his rod. The inside of the naga's mouth was slick with saliva, and his fangs were safely tucked away. He inched lower, and lower, until his forked tongue was dragging across the dragons' rod. Even that slight sensation prompted another healthy dollop of pre to ooze down his rod. Sar'al hissed with glee. Aren folded his paws across his chest as the snake got to work. Of course, he would have been fine with taking care of it himself, but if the naga wanted to get a sample of dragonseed... then why wouldn't he humor him?

"Close. Just so you know."

He didn't comment further, the naga opening his jaws wide, and taking his rod right down to the root. Gently sucking, and using his tongue to stroke along the base of his rod, even dipping into his slit. It was intense, and sudden. His head thumped the floor, and his tail flicked from side to side, even with the naga coiled around it. It felt too intense, and the sheer pleasure stopped him from thinking at all. Of course, that was Sar'als plan, too. The first spurt of many rocketed out of the dragon. The constant stroking from earlier, and the snake plowing him was just too much. He couldn't hold on any longer. And so, he gave the snake everything he had, and then some.

He gulped it down eagerly, throat working overtime to swallow every thick burst the dragon wanted to give him. A cramp prompted him to stop for a moment, and it was enough to cause the thick seed to ooze out of his mouth. He gave up on trying to capture it all for himself, letting the rod pop out of his maw. Rope after rope coated his face, and upper body. By the time the dragon was done with him, he had a few more white streaks on his scales than he started with. Even if he didn't just orgasm, a long-drawn out hiss of pleasure signaled exactly how he felt. The warmth was almost addicting, and he nuzzled the rod even after it stopped making a mess.

"D-damn Sar'al. You didn't have to, but..."

The snake shushed him with the tip of his lower body. Aren took the hint for the moment, and allowed the naga to enjoy himself. They were both a mess anyways, and it'd be difficult enough to clean up. His eyes slid shut, enjoying the heady afterglow. It almost felt like he'd fallen asleep by the time he spoke again.

"Consider it more than paid. Now, I have some acquaintances I could introduce you to if you'd like to get back into this sort of thing, too. But for now, just relax... And don't hesitate to come visit any time you'd like."

"But what about the carpet?" Aren glanced over, noticing the mess they'd made.

"Fuck the carpet. I can clean it up. This was immensely worth it."

Of course, the dragon took him up on that offer, too. Almost immediately minutes after. That wasn't the only mess they made in the room that evening. The dragon only let the naga go after he complained of a sore set of internal balls. Even then, Aren enjoyed himself to the memories of him and the naga that night, too. It was definitely a different dynamic to paying his rent. He could live with it. He had definitely already enjoyed it.

(Authors' notes. Getting back into the swing of things. This short is late too, but not nearly as late as my previous piece. Progress! But, as usual, fav, comment, vote, etc. I hope you enjoyed it, and thanks for reading! Perhaps also check out my patreon, link below?