Misthaven Academy: Cai's Chronicle: Chapter #2

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Chapter 2. You can find Chapter 1 Right here

You might be wondering: what is 'Felching?'. It's when you suck up cum from any orifice (ass, pussy, stuff like that).

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Cailindor stepped out back into the lobby, his mind full of turmoil and questions, whilst the Demon snickered and spoke into his mind, making it clear what he had to do today, before the sun went down.

Cai wished he hadn't read that scroll that summoned Xaidar, the incubus. He was going to have to put his career on hold until he could figure it all our, but he was certain he'd find a way. After all, if he aimed to be the youngest and best High Summoner there ever was, he had to do something.

The lobby was packed with students left and right, some moving from hallway to hallway, whilst others were lingering around and talking before classes. The distinct, potent smell of magic hung in the air, as it always seemed to: in this safe haven, people were free to fling spells left and right, whether they were combat-oriented or not. But even with that freedom, there was an air of policing and security, as Cailindor spotted the dreaded Battlemages wandering around the students. They wore their iconic hooded robes, their eyes aglow with magic and a sparkling mace at their waist.

As Cailindor aimed to make his way towards the staircase, he heard the murmuring din of students begin to quiet down, and like many others he was puzzled. His attention was drawn to where everyone else was looking: the staircase. His eyes fixated on what had everyone's eye, and his mouth dropped in surprise.

Walking down the staircase in what was perhaps the slowest descent he'd ever see was Grand Warlock Alnheim, one of the most respected, and also one of the more powerful Warlocks ever to grace the magical Kingdom. The Kingdoms that surrounded their academy were typically run by magical Kings, and usually by warlocks themselves, and all of them had a seat on the council. Alnheim was one of their elite, a wandering wizard who travelled from one kingdom to the next to ensure peace and order between the neighbouring kings and queens, all of whom respected and trusted his authority. He was the sole reason that peace still reigned across the lands, and for him to be in their presence was both an honour, and also worrying. Why was he here?

Alnheim stopped mid-way down the steps and placed his hands together, clearing his throat. Once it was clear he required silence, the lobby quietened down to a deadly, eerie silence, and no-one uttered a sound, or dared to even breathe.

"Students," He barely spoke above a whisper, but his voice travelled across the entire hall with a powerful authority. "It has come to this Academy's attention that...scrolls have gone missing from the Library."

Cailindor felt himself go cold, and he gulped tremendously, trying to play it cool. The Warlock's eyes swept over the students and lingered on each of their faces in turn, searching them. His gaze even centered on Cailindor, just for a moment, before sweeping over him.

"Rest assured, we will find the one responsible. If any of you have any information, then please, contact your nearest staff member." He waved a hand, and the same words he had spoke fluttered up to the ceiling in glowing blue font, hovering above their heads as a wavering message.

"This will be up for the next 24 hours." He made a slow bow to all of them, and Cailindor bowed back, as did the rest of the students. With that, Alnheim wandered back down the steps and the students parted to let him pass as he headed towards the main doors. As he walked, his gaze briefly turned to Cailindor again, staring for half a second, before he walked out. Cai was sure that meant something, and he blew a sigh.

"That was close. Had to up my game for a moment there. How...exhilarating." Xaidar's voice echoed nonchalantly in Cailindor's mind, and the Feline's heart was pounding. He had almost been spotted, or maybe he had been but the Warlock was keeping it silent. Whatever the case, it was a close call, and the adrenaline still churned through his system.

"Relax, kid. It's fine. You just focus on your...uh, 'duty', yeah? Remember, 4 by the end of the day." The Demon quipped, and Cai ran a hand through his fur, breathing a long sigh.

"Yeah, yeah..." He muttered, collecting himself as he headed towards the stairway. He had no time to focus on 'gathering energy' at this very moment in time. He had school to attend to, and that was more important.

As he made his way up the staircase, he felt a hand on his shoulder, and turned to see Tito grinning at him, mildly breathless, leaning into him a little.

"Hey," He began, panting for a moment as he gathered his breath. "You should have woke me up. I woulda got dressed with you."

"Eh...you seemed tired." Cai muttered, leaning away from him slightly. He could feel the Hyena trying to slid his hand into Cai's own, and the Feline snapped his arm away, looking uncomfortable.

"...Hey. What's the matter?" Tito frowned, getting in close as they walked amongst the group of students down the hallway, aiming to make their way to their 'Summoning 101' class. "...is this because of last night? I thought you were..."

"It's just an arrangement, Tito. You know. I'm not actually..." Cai trailed off and shook his head. "...look, just because we, uh...did stuff, doesn't mean you can suddenly start holding my hand in public, or...doing other stuff."

"Oh. I see." Tito lowered his head, clearly looking a little crushed. Cai wasn't quite sure why at first, but he was always rather dense when it came to sexual encounters and relationships. Tito wanted a little more than a 'booty call' that aided in his helping to fill his 'quota'. He liked to think there was more there, even if their wasn't.

They stepped into the classroom, and their studies lasted all of a couple of hours. The leaps and bounds that Cai had made in his 'studies' showed when he summoned up yet another spirit into his doll, that began to manically run around and try to murder all of the other dolls in the vicinity, and the teacher seemed pleased that he was finally getting better. Cai appreciated the praise, but it was clear that some of the students were a little suspicious. They had gotten so used to the '100 year old weakling' that they were surprised to see him actually being better than them, for once. Tito was, of course, proud of his friend, but knew what the actual reason for his sudden spoke in power was. He didn't relay it to the other students: he knew what having a Demon meant for your reputation, and for your Magic career.

"Mmmh. I'm getting a little thirsty here, Cai." Xaidar pointed out in the Feline's mind, and Cailindor put a hand to his head, groaning a little. Tito leaned in, feeling a little worried for him.

"I gotta go and...uh, take care of something. I'll catch up with you later." Cai told the Hyena, and took a sharp right turn, heading down another hallway. Tito stopped and watched him wander off with a sad sigh, before he followed the rest of the students down to the lobby. Magical theory would be in an hour, anyway.

Cailindor wandered in silence, racking his brains. Where was he going to find someone to, well, have sex with? He couldn't ask Tito: the Hyena was clearly going in too deep and he didn't want to make the poor guy feel any worse than he already did. He needed someone else, someone who didn't know him.

Almost without thinking, he found himself standing at the door to the library, and he wrinkled his nose, a little surprised. Why on Earth did he find himself here, of all places? This wasn't going to help him at all.

"Ooh, good thinking, Cai. That Owl was cute," Xaidar purred right in his mind. "You might have to work your charms on him, though."

"Charms? What? And how do you even know about him?" Cai whispered, but the Demon was already giggling madly to himself inside the Feline's mind,and Cailindor put a hand over his face, groaning to himself. He took in a deep breath and cracked the door of the Library open, slipping his way inside.

It was eerily quiet, and it always seemed to be. He stepped forwards and glanced around anxiously, realising that it was more or less empty. Considering the latest announcement, he has expected the security within the library to be amped up, but instead, it was more or less as dead as it always was. He slowly stepped forwards into the main chamber, staring once more up at the massive pile of books, following it down until he saw the counter right in front of him. Just like yesterday, the Owl was leant over it, flicking through the pages. Cailindor anxiously stepped closer.

If Cai was even into guys, he might have agreed with Xaidar a little on the Owl's appearance. He was slimly built, his entire body covered in pristine white feathers. As opposed to the teachers around the Academy, the clothes he wore were lavish and expensive: a rich red and white doublet sat over his chest and hips, and he was wearing a pair of tight black pants, right down to his three-toed talons. As Cailindor leaned over to examine him, the Owl's gaze flicked up, and he slowly straightened up. His face was slightly plump with feathers, his yellow beak short and angular, his eyes wide and leering.

"...Can I help you?" He spoke with an air of majesty, but his voice wavered. He was clearly quite nervous, and Cai quickly realised why he worked in a library: he was likely rich, but also not good with people.

"I...uh..." Cailindor didn't even know where to begin seducing someone like this. He gulped and stammered for a moment, fumbling over his words, feeling the colour rise to his cheeks. He didn't even want to do this. He wasn't gay!

"Yes...?" The Owl made a gesture, as if implying the young Feline should be getting on with it, rather than stammering and not quite getting out his words.

"Do you..." Cai began, slinking around the other side of the counter. "...wanna do something?"

He was terrible as this. The nervous Feline hopped up onto the desk's surface and slid his robe up a little bit, exposing a bit of his leg. All the girls he'd seen had done the same sort of thing and it usually worked, but the Owl looked less than impressed with his performance.

"Get outta here." He eventually quivered out, slightly leaning back in his chair. Cailindor heard the Demon groaning from the cringe-worthy scene before him, and the ear piercing wisped from his ear, forming into a collective just behind the Owl. At first, the poor bird hadn't noticed Xaidar forming behind him, but he was quick to turn around when he felt the Dragon Demon's hot breath on his neck.

"A-A Demon! Oh god, o--" The Owl began to chirp out his distress as he arched his back against the desk, trying to lean away from the beast. Xaidar, however, had other plans. He touched his fingers to the Owl's face, and a faint wisp of magic wafted from his fingertips. The Owl suddenly relaxed and his eyes lidded over, a gentle groan escaping his beak.

"...What did you do?" Cai asked nervously, leaning over to watch the Owl's expression for a moment.

"Just some simple mind control. Removed his inhibitions, and made him really horny. You're welcome." Xaidar smirked and he stepped back, fading back into the same smoky substance as before, returning to Cai's ear as if nothing had happened. The Feline nervously sat there for a moment, until the Owl slowly began to turn towards him, his eyes lidded over in a trance.

The Owl leant forwards, and his feathery hands slipped up against Cai's legs, sliding under his robe without ceremony and stroking along his bare inner thighs. Cailindor gulped nervously, but he tried to play into it, knowing that his soul was at stake. He reached down, popping the buttons on the bird's doublet, sliding his hands across the feathery plumage underneath.

He felt fingers tucking into his underwear, they pulled back immediately, tugging Cai's cloth underwear right from his body, leaving him exposed beneath the robe. But the Owl didn't seem the care, and he was already leaning forwards further, pushing the Owl down against the desk as he reached a hand down to mess with his own pants. Cai could only assume he was exposing himself for one simple purpose.

It took mere seconds for Cai to feel something sliding around against his inner thigh, and he knew it was likely the Owl's member, that had presumably come out of his cloaca. He felt the tip smearing against his pucker, and the Owl wasted no time in pushing forwards.

Cai let out a small grunt as he felt the member slide into him and he clung to the Owl's feathers, breathing harshly through his teeth. He hadn't realised it, but the Owl was definitely thick, and he could feel it stretching his behind a little. In the bird's lust-driven state, however, he hadn't even recognised that the Feline was a little uncomfortable. Instead, he pushed his chest down and began to thrust, hard and fast, letting out whimpering chirps and hoots against the Feline's neck.

"Oooh, he's a bit of a passionate lover, isn't he?" Xaidar remarked in Cai's mind, and the Feline rolled his eyes, briefly wincing and letting out a little grunt as the Owl pounded and thrust his way into him, the bird's pelvis meeting his behind with every single hump. The Owl soon began to speed up, and the library's walls echoed with the sound of their sex, emanating in light, wet 'slaps'.

"O-Oh..." The Owl let out a quivering little groan and his thrusts dramatically slowed, the member sliding back and forth inside Cai's behind. Suddenly, the Feline felt it: the gooey warmth of a load spurting right into his behind, and he felt the colour rise to his cheeks. The Owl practically collapsed on top of him and nuzzled into his fur, sighing in pleasure as his member pulsed and pumped his pent-up 'energy' into Cai's behind.

Xaidar wasn't one for standing on ceremony. Whilst he had been patient to wait for Tito to finish the first time, he appeared rather impatient this time. Not long after the Owl had finished, Xaidar dislodged himself from Cai's ear and returned to his natural state, grabbing the Owl by the back of his neck and pulling him back into his chair with tremendous force. The Owl slumped back into his chair with a look of pure pleasure plastered across his face, his chest and crotch exposed, and Cai caught a glimpse of the thick, twitching phallus, with cum still leaking down the underside.

Xaidar briefly dragged a finger along the Owl's cock and licked the cum off of his fingers, before his large furred head ducked under Cai's robe, disappearing completely. Cai briefly panicked and he squirmed a little, but two large hands held his legs still and spread, and it took a matter of moments to feel the incredibly hot tongue against his backside. Just like the first time, it wasn't enough to burn, but it was hot enough to feel mildly uncomfortable.

"Jeez, you could have waited for me to recover..." Cai suggested, but he quickly felt the tongue plunging right into his pucker, sinking deep and coiling around his insides a little too quickly for his liking, making him briefly squirm and scrunch his eyes up. He heard the Demon growl briefly under his breath, the tongue sliding back and forth, before he pulled back, and his tongue retracted like a tape measure, shooting back up into his mouth with ease.

"Delicious." Xaidar smacked his lips in delight and leant forwards, sliding a hand along the Feline's clothed chest, and briefly up to his neck. Cailindor quivered briefly under his touch, feeling his skin prickling. The way that the Demon touched him...it made him nervous.

"1 down, 3 to go. Maybe you should ask that friend of yours. He's cute." Xaidar suggested, and Cailindor snapped out of it, shaking his head and sitting up.

"Out of the question. He's getting too clingy. If I start doing more stuff, then..." He trailed off, and the Demon chuckled under his breath.

"As you wish," Xaidar shrugged. "Just remember, little Cai: you don't have that long left."

With a puff of smoke, he returned to Cai's ear in the form of the blood red ear piercing. The Feline shook his head and glanced towards the Owl, reaching over and briefly shaking him. The Owl let out a hoot and snapped upright, blinking quickly. It was as if he had fallen asleep, or just snapped out of a trance.

"What did I...? Oh, h-heavens," The Owl realised he was exposed, and quickly covered himself up, before his eyes snapped to Cai. "D...Did we...?"

"Yeah," Cai replied, grabbing his underwear and stepping into it. "Look, uh...don't ask why, but I need somewhere where I can, uh...have sex. With guys. You know a place?"

The Owl had been caught off guard by the question, and he was a little more inclined to the Feline, since the two of them had engaged in the most intimate act possible. He cleared his throat as he buttoned himself back up and made sure he looked presentable. The Feline could have sworn there was a blush on the Owl's cheeks.

"Ah, well..." The Owl pondered for a moment. "...The men's bathroom on the 4th floor. Apparently that's quite the hub for sexual activity. Or so I've heard."

He cleared his throat, and Cai got the impression he had been there on more than one occasion, but he didn't ask. He mumbled his thanks, making himself look presentable before rounding the desk, briskly heading towards the door.

"C-Come by anytime!" The Owl hooted after him, and Cai briefly heard it as he closed the door, running a hand through his hair. This was turning into a bit of a mess.

"He was cute." Xaidar quipped, and Cai groaned to himself. He desperately wished the Demon would shut up sometimes. He started off at a brisk walk, knowing that he was going to be late for his Magical Theory class if he wasn't careful.

Cai knew he was meant to sit next to Tito, but given their awkward conversations as of late, Cai thought it best he remain quiet and focus on the lesson in front of him. Part of that was due to that tension between them, and it was partly down to Xaidar incessantly nagging in the back of his mind about getting his 'tribute'.

The lesson was gruelling, especially when Xaidar wouldn't keep his mouth shut. Cailindor knew that if he even uttered a sound or told him to be quiet, he'd look rather mad. After all, he'd be talking to himself. With that, he buried his head into his book and tried his best to just work, attempting to block out the Demon's whining.

The lesson trudged on, and when it eventually ended, Cai was get to get out of his seat. There were no more lessons for the rest of the day, and he wanted to get out of here as quickly as possible. The sooner he could deal with the itch that the Demon needed scratching, the sooner he could go to bed and sleep. Tito stood and tried to speak to Cai, but the feline was already out of the door before he could say a word.

The young cat made his way through the corridor, his brow furrowed and his expression nothing short of moody. He kept his things firmly with him as he stepped into one of the many expansive corridors, his mind playing through the events of the library. The owl had mentioned some sort of 'hub for sexual activity' in one of the academy's many bathrooms, so it was a good idea to check there.

"Eager to get a dicking, are you? Good: use that passion to really please whoever's going to be fucking you. It makes the taste of their essence that much sweeter." Xaidar ribbed the feline, who snarled under his breath and pressed his thumb and forefinger against his temple, squeezing the bridge of his snout.

He took a left down the corridor, and like the rest of the magic in the school, the bathrooms appeared to him. All it took was that simple mental projection for them to appear. He heaved a sigh and stepped through into the men's room, shutting the door behind him.

Already, he could hear the gentle panting and groaning of two people engaging in rather heinous acts. Cai didn't need to know what they were up to, and part of it made him sick to his stomach. He slowly made his way further into the bathroom, taking in the layout of the room. On the left hand side were a row of cubicles, and on the right was the sinks, with urinals at the far end. It didn't take much guessing to realise that the two men were in one of the cubicles, or perhaps two.

He slowly stepped up to the line of small stalls and noticed that two of them were labelled particularly differently. To the normal eye, they would have been blank, but any magic-user with at least some semblance of power possess the innate ability to see other spiritual planes. Cai's eyes twisted to view other planes of existence automatically, and writing appeared on the stall doors, dimly glowing with a faint bluish-purple light. Two simple words: 'Give' on one stall, and 'Take' on another.

Just then, the door labelled 'take' swung open, and Cai was greeted to the face as a messy-looking feline, with midnight black fur. The cat's yellow eyes widened at the sight of Cai, before he tried to cover his face and shouldered past the younger feline, heading towards the sink. It was clear he didn't want to be seen, but Cai didn't really know who he was anyway.

Cai quietly made his way into the 'take' cubicle, and closed the door behind him. The cubicles all looked the same, with some sort of 'bench' on the far wall with a hole in it for people to do their business, and a significant gap under each stall. The only noteworthy thing was the sizeable hold in the wall connecting the stalls. Cai knew that this was the 'sexual activity' that the Owl had talked about. The wall was lit up with that strange spiritual lettering, no doubt etched in by many students of the academy. Some were benign and silly, whilst others were sordid and made the colour rise to Cai's cheeks. He cleared his throat, and quickly realised that that was a mistake.

Someone must have heard him in the stall, for a moment later, Cai heard the creaking of the other stall door opening and closing again. There was an awkward silence, accompanied by the quiet ruffling of clothes, before Cai saw something protruding from the hole in the wall.

A thick, long canine member greeted him, and Cai's eyes widened in disbelief. Whoever was on the other side of that stall was incredibly hung, and eager for Cai to please him. The cat looked anxious.

"C'mon, he ain't got all day, and neither do you." Xaidar warned, and Cai gritted his teeth, a flash of annoyance shooting through him. Slowly, he got onto his knees, reaching up with his hands to take the pulsing member in his grip. It was warm to the touch, almost scalding, and his very touch made the person on the other side groan in delight. Slowly, Cai brung his mouth to the tip, and enclosed his lips around the end.

He gauged how well he was doing based upon the canine's moans, but it didn't seem like he had to do much to please the other person. His tongue rolled around the tapering end of the member, before his mouth slid down and his rough tongue scraped across the sensitive member. His hand slid down towards the base, but he soon realised that the canine couldn't fit his bulbous knot through the hole. Cai would have pitied him, if he didn't feel so disgusted.

Slowly, he bobbed his head back and forth, but he didn't do it for long. He knew what Xaidar was going to say to him, so he knew what to do next. He coated the member in his own spittle, trying to make it as slick and wet as possible, before he pulled his head back and let go of the member completely. He heard a quiet 'tch' from the other side of the stall.

"You fuckin' bitch. C'mon, don't blue-ball me." The Canine gruffly responded from the other side, and Cai felt a shiver run up his spine at the words. He cleared his throat again and slowly began to tuck up his robes, making sure his rear end was exposed. Xaidar always seemed to refuse any sort of 'tribute' unless it was deposited directly into his rump. It was the terms of their agreement, after all.

Slowly, Cai backed up, and the tapering end of that Canine member pushed and teased against the feline's entrance, threatening to enter. The canine on the other side of the stall let out a small groan of delight and his hips pushed forward as much as they could. It was just enough for the tip of the member to slip into the feline's entrance, sinking deeper and deeper with each passing second. Cai pushed his rump down, opting to hilt quickly, rather than take his time. He hoped that by forcing the issue and finishing as quickly as possible, it might sting less. He wasn't quite use to anal just yet, but he was getting there, slowly.

The uncomfortableness of the member stretching him open let a rather tight feeling in his gut, but the canine on the other side seemed thoroughly smitten, cursing and groaning under his breath. Cai didn't have to move at all: the person on the other side pulled his hips back and thrust.

"Are you enjoying this, little Cai? Must feel great to get fucked, right?" Xaidar teased, and Cai wrinkled his nose, not daring to say a word. The canine was rough with his thrusts: was forceful pound into his backside made Cai grunt a little, his cheeks flushed. He knew that amidst that slightly twinging pain was a sea of pleasure, and it was enough to coax his member out of hiding, his barbed cock hanging half-hard from his sheath.

The canine thrust faster and faster, picking up speed particularly quickly, and Cai could only guess it had been a while since the Canine had gotten any action. Each thrust was rough and powerful, sliding deep into Cai's insides and forcing his muscles to instinctively spasm. His tight ring gripped and clenched with all the force he could muster, and the Canine seemed to appreciate the tightness. Each thrust was more laboured and heavier, each groan of pleasure growing in intensity.

Then, after what felt like mere minutes, the Canine was finished. His hips pushed forwards and he let out a frustrated snarl as or he orgasmed, his knot unable to tie, the bulbous base swelling powerfully up against the stall wall. The rest of the member that was firmly embedded in Cai's backside puled and throbbed, spurting thick, generous globs of seed, shooting deep into the feline's insides.

Cai let out a small, laboured exhaled, his knees shaky from the exertion of clenching his muscles, his tail curling and uncurling over and over. He began to feel the member slowly slide back, and the wet, squelching sound of the member withdrawing from him made his skin crawl. It didn't take a genius to realise that canine had emptied himself rather copiously into the feline's behind. Xaidar was likely foaming at the mouth.

"Thanks." It was the only word uttered from the canine's lips, before Cai heard the creaking of the wooden door on the other side. Slowly, the cat sunk down onto his knees and leant against the bench, his breathing heavy. That was a lot more exhausting than he had anticipated. The others hadn't nearly been as thick, nor as rough. He hadn't expected it at all.

A billowing shadow appeared to his right, and Cai didn't need to look to realise who it was. The reptilian Demon slid up beside Cai's body and coaxed a finger along his chest, letting out a little purr under his breath. The very act made Cai's skin crawl. The Demon responded appropriately by withdrawing, just slightly.

"Is my visage too unseemly for you?" The Drake snapped, sounding incredulous, and Cai stared deadpan up at the Demon, who's irritance seemed to only grow from that gaze. He bared his teeth for a moment, before his form swirled in a cloud of mist. Just like that, he shrank.

Cai was rather surprised, but didn't have much energy to show it. He stared blankly at the new form of the Incubi: a Kitsune, just slightly higher than Cai himself. He sported a rich mixture of red and white fur, with a variety of shades in between. Cai could tell that Xaidar had retained a similar height to his previous form, roughly around 6 foot and 5 inches. A collection of tails curled around behind Xaidar as he slinked across the small stall to get in closer.

"Is this better?" Xaidar teased, and Cai clamped his mouth shut, trying to avoid saying something he might regret. The colour rose to his cheeks. He didn't want to admit it, but Xaidar didn't look at intimidating in this form. Cute, almost. Xaidar seemed to pick up on his flustered expression, and he slid a hand down the feline's body, cupping around his hips and pulling him a little closer. They were barely inches apart, and the proximity was rather unnerving.

"Oh, you do. I can tell by the way you're looking at me," Xaidar licked his muzzle, sliding lower and lower down Cai's body. "Good, good. Just relax, little kitten, and I'll make this quick."

Cai knew what the Incubus was after, and he felt it better to speed up what they had to do. He cocked his leg up and spread himself at the same time, lying on his side and exposing his used pucker. Globs of cum oozed from the entrance, seeking along his inner thigh. Xaidar caught the stream before it hit the floor, sliding his wide, Fox-like tongue up Cai's inner leg, scooping up every last drop.

"Mmm...this guy went without for a good few weeks. Must had been busy with this studies," Xaidar remarked, planting small kisses along Cai's inner thigh as his mouth drew closer to the feline's behind. "A shame. If only I had known sooner..."

Cai winced for a moment as the Incubi's nose pressed against his taint and then moved lower. Cai rolled his head and let out a long, shaky exhale as he felt the wide tongue sliding along his entrance, pressing against his pucker and lapping up any initial, leaking fluids. He had no idea why the Incubus wanted it to happen like this. Maybe it was some sort of ritual he had to perform, or maybe he just wanted to make Cai squirm a little, but whatever it was, Cai just hoped he wouldn't have to endure it for long.

He couldn't deny it felt good, however. He let out a shaky groan as Xaidar's tongue pushed right up against his ring, forcing the tongue against his entrance and pushing it into the cat's insides. Cai's muscles relaxed and accepted his tongue happily, the feline's toes curling, his eyes scrunched up.

Xaidar didn't last much longer than that, thankfully. His tongue flicked and lingered inside of Cai for a second or two, before he slid back completely, rolling his tongue back into his mouth and smacking his lips. He slid up against Cai again and cuddled against his furred body, pressing his naked chest against Cai's robed one.

"You done?" Cai grunted, and Xaidar happily nodded beside him. With a small smirk, be leant in and planted a sweet kiss on the feline's forehead.

"One more, then you're done." He assured him, and suddenly disappeared in a puff of black smoke. Cai coughed through the smog for a moment, before getting to his feet. He planned to leave and seek someone to get 'essence' from elsewhere, but it soon seemed that fate had another plan for him.

Just as he was about to leave, he heard the door to the main bathroom creak open, and he quickly realised someone had entered. He didn't know who, of course, but he could only guess that they were here for one reason, and one reason alone.

The person on the other side must have heard Cai in the other stall, because they didn't even call out to check that someone was there. Instead, all that Cai could hear was another shuffling of robes, and he knew exactly what he was going to have to deal with. He got to his feet and turned to watch the hole, his breathing heavy, his expression nervous.

Slowly, a member slid through, and he blew a small sigh. It wasn't like the previous one: this one was long and slender, with barbs at the end. Cai could quickly guess he was a Feline: only species like himself has similar barbs on their cocks. Cai turned around, tucking up his robes; he didn't need to lube up the member this time, as his insides were already perfectly wet, with thanks to Xaidar.

His used entrance teased over the head of the member, before he pushed his hips down. The person on the other side let out a long hiss of delight, their hips pushed forwards against the stall until their member was quickly and deeply embedded into Cai's insides. The young feline's muscles squeezed around the member as he braced, knowing the barbs were likely to sting. He could already feel them flaring inside of him. Slowly, he pulled back.

Just as he had anticipated, the barbs jabbed into his insides, but the ends were thankfully soft and rounded. Instead of a sharp pain, he instead felt a peculiar sensation that was, for the most part, pleasurable. He let out a quiet groan and heard the other Feline do the same, before the other cat thrust into him, pushing himself inside as much as he could. Cai forced his rear end back down, bumping his behind against the stall wall, a sharp gasp escaping his lips.

He was getting hard. He had no idea how, or why, but he knew this was turning him on, somehow. He couldn't stop himself from drifting a hand to his member, gently tugging and stroking his own barbed cock. He pulled himself forwards again, before pushing his rear end back once more. He began in on a slow, laboured rhythm, the Feline on the other side letting him take the lead. Cai let out quiet, effeminate groans of pleasure with every other movement, his hand working quickly over his own cock. Droplets of pre-cum oozed from the end of his cock and slicked up his fingers, making his vigorous masturbation noisy and wet. No doubt the other Feline could hear him furiously jerking off, and likely enjoyed the idea of it as well.

Soon, Cai grew too tired to keep pulling his body back and forth, and once his rear end finally settled on the stall wall, his heavy breathing must have been an indication to the other Feline to start thrusting. Without a moment's notice, the barbed cock slid back and thrust forwards into Cai's behind, and the young feline let out a shaky sigh, his hand tightening around his own member. He knew he was getting close.

He leant forwards, planting on hand on the other wall in front of him, whilst his body balanced against the other Feline's powerful thrusts. His hand worked furiously over his own cock, his mind clouded with feelings and emotions he never thought possible. Was it Xaidar's doing? He couldn't say. All he could feel was how much pleasure this was giving, how much pleasure a man was giving him. His mind was foggy with imaginings of every position he could think of, locked in the embrace of a large, muscled man, mewling out for his touch and pleasure.

Then, just like that, his entire body shuddered, and he let out a long, guttural groan. He orgasmed, shooting wet strings of cum from the end of his barbed member. They travelled in an arc across the stall and splattered against the wooden wall opposite, the rest landing in wet, small splattered on the floor between his legs. Despite his orgasm, the other Feline was still thrusting, his groans growing intense with thanks to Cai's spasming, periodically clenching muscles.

Then, the other Feline was orgasming too, thrusting forwards as thick globs of cum shot from the end of his barbed member. Those barbs flared powerfully against Cai's muscles, making the Feline tremble and groan in delight. The young Feline Mage didn't want to admit it, but he was loving this. The pleasure was too much to bear, and he never wanted it to end.

Slowly, that cock slid back, leaving the feline slightly gaping and used, and Cai felt his legs wobbling and giving into the pleasure. He buckled and settled down onto his knees, taking in deep gulps of air. He'd never felt anything like that before. He'd never been so entrance with the pleasure of sex that he'd lost all inhibition, all reason. He rolled again onto his side, catching his breath. The other Feline hadn't uttered a sound, and the only thing that fell on Cai's ears was the creaking of the door as the man left. Cai felt a small pang of something in his heart. He knew that it wasn't fair.

With the Feline gone, Xaidar wafted back into view, sliding in beside Cai and curling up against him in the same Kitsune form as before. Cai pressed his head down against his chest, his gaze blank, his mind full of thoughts.

"Enjoyed yourself, right? Of course you did. I could feel what you were feeling: perks of being in a contract." Xaidar mused, sliding a finger along the Feline's chest as his hand cupped down and around the cat's rump once more. Cai grunted a little, groggily sitting up, and Xaidar helped to prop him up.

"Got into the rhythm, huh? It'll pass. Just splash your face a little and you'll be fine." The Incubus assured him. Cai silently agreed with him: that did sound like a good idea. Slowly, he heaved himself to his feet and tugged open the door. Making his way across the bathroom, he leant down against the sink on the opposite wall and ran the tap, splashing some water into his face. The academy was fitted with state of the art 'sinks' such as these. God knows how they managed to make it work. Some said it was down to Mages in the basement redirecting all the way by hand.

As he was leant down over the sink, he felt the back of his robe beginning to lift up, and he knew what the Demon was after. He didn't complain: the sooner that Xaidar got the essence he needed, the sooner that the Feline could make his way back to his dorm and sleep. All that sex had drained him a little bit. He quivered as he already began to feel the slimy wetness of the Demon's tongue against his behind, suckling against his rump. Cai could hear the wet sounds of the Demon slurping the cum from his behind, and it made him recoil slightly in disgust.

There was a sudden powerful suction that made Cai's legs tremble, before the Demon finally removed his head. It had taken him mere seconds, and he had likely sped up the process to save Cai the trouble to staying upright, for the most part. Black mist filled the air behind the Feline, and just like that, the Demon was gone.

"You should probably get some rest," Xaidar chimed in the young Mage's mind. "Don't worry kid, it gets easier once you get used to it."

Cai grunted in response, heaving himself up and leaving the bathroom.


It had been just over a week since Cai's unfortunate incident with the Demon, and word of his newfound magical prowess had become the talk of the entire academy. No longer was Cai some small, amusing Feline who claimed to be powerful and was hopelessly weak. Now, he actually lived up to his bold claims in the most startling ways.

His Spirit Possession classes had been impressing the teacher beyond belief, watching him animate small dolls with such liveliness that she actually put in a recommendation for him to move up into the more advanced classes, which was quickly granted under her suggestion. Tito was left in the dust to manage with the rather simple classes, whilst Cai finally began to move up to something much more interesting: Intermediate Summoning.

It was actually a lot more interesting than he has first imagined, but it was also incredibly tiring. He had to learn how to accurately draw runic circles and how to properly protect himself when it came to summoning familiars to bond with. He was taught all the varieties of familiars, from the old folk lore of the 'Black Cat' held by witches, to the Chinese and Japanese Dynasties of 'Guardian Spirits'. With so much knowledge to take in, Cai was finding it difficult to keep up.

Of course, it didn't help that Xaidar had been continually nagging in his ear about making sure he collected enough essence every day. As he began to get stronger, the Demon was beginning to demand more, and Cai wasn't in a position to say no. However, trying to juggle his classes and the Demons needs at the same time was proving too difficult, and as such, he formulated a plan with Xaidar so they could both get what they want.

During the day, Cai was left to his own devices, free to study and practice magic as he wished, up until midnight. Once the clock struck on that deadly hour, it was Xaidar's turn to get what he desired, and Cai spent the night propositioning himself out to numerous men, as well as performing a number of heinous sexual activities on campus. He didn't particularly like all of them, but some of them were at least a little tantalising. He often got a variety of different people, and some were willing to provide mutual gratification. Of course, it also meant that Cai got very little time to sleep, but the Demon's magic helped him with that, keeping him awake far longer than necessary and providing him with a couple of hours rest in his downtime, that left him alarmingly refreshed. It was all fitting in into place like a jigsaw puzzle, and Cai was surprised at how smoothly things were running. There was only one problem in his well-oiled machine: Tito.

The two had shared a strained relationship over the past week, but Cai had always been grateful for Tito's obedience in keeping his mouth shut about the Feline's little predicament. He never uttered a word about the Demon to anyone, and Cai hoped that the Hyena understood his plight, but even still, there was an awkward tension in the air between them. On the very first night, Cai had opened himself up and let Tito do what he wanted to him for so long, simply because there was no-one else to turn, and that intimate session had sparked something inside Tito that had made him insatiable. But, Cai's rejection of the Hyena's advances had left Tito crushed and even mildly depressed. The two never really spoke anymore, but shared a dorm still. Cai knew that Tito could likely hear him getting up in the middle of the night and returning in the early hours, and the Feline felt more and more guilty every time. He knew Tito was holding out in the hopes that he might see some reciprocated feelings, but he knew that every night crushed the Hyena more and more.

In the early hours of a Saturday morning, Cai stirred from his 2 hour slumber and rolled over on his bed, staring up at the ceiling to find the Demon floating above him. He was in a different form today, and he always seemed to change them like one would change their hairstyle: frequently. Today, he sported a more slender feline figure, not unlike Cai, but with a rich auburn fur colour and smouldering yellow eyes that dimly glowed in the dark. The young feline grunted and rolled over. He wanted just a few more minutes.

Then, the lights flickered on, signalling that it was time to get up. It was Tito's doing, of course, who was already wordlessly making his way through to the bathroom. Cai sighed and rolled out of bed, running his hands through his fur and peering up at the floating Demon above.

"What's got you in such a happy mood?" The Feline grunted, and Xaidar shrugged in response, kicking off from the wall and lightly floating across the ceiling to the other end of the room, hovering just above the bathroom door. His eyes peered down, and Cai's expression soured. He knew what the Demon was trying to hint at.

"Didn't think of you as a counsellor." The young mage snapped, getting to his feet and reaching for his robes.

"I'm not, but still. You do live with him, after all. The least you could do is be on speaking terms." Xaidar suggested, making the younger Feline snort in response.

"It's him that's not talking to me. He's free to speak whenever he likes." Cai remarked bluntly, pulling his robes over his head and adjusting them into place. Xaidar shrugged and floated down towards the ground, landing lightly on his feet. He slinked up behind the young Feline and wrapped his arms around him, pressing his head down into his neck.

"Quickie, before you start your classes?" The Demon suggested with a smirk, and Cai wrinkled his nose.

"...No," The Feline replied quietly. "It's not fair on Tito."

Xaidar let out a grunt, and disappeared in a sea of black smoke, reappearing at his usual earring on the feline's ear. He pricked into the Feline's skin just a little too hard, making Cai wince. He could tell the Demon was irritated.

Tito stepped out of the bathroom moments later, and their gaze met one-another. There was an eerie silence between them, a tension that neither one of them could break. Tito looked a little dead inside, his eyes blank and his expression moody, whilst Cai looked awkward and a little uncomfortable.

"I should..." The Feline began, glancing towards the door.

"Yeah," Tito quickly talked over him. "Go, be the big mage you wanted to be."

Cai wrinkled his mouth, trying to come up with a suitable rebuttal, but nothing came to mind. He let out a short hiss of annoyance and stomped towards the door, tugging it open and stepping through, slamming it shut behind him. Tito sighed and looked down at his clothes, muttering to himself and lightly smacking his head, as if he was scolding himself for saying something he shouldn't.

Cai stomped his way down the hall, feeling the hum of the Demon in the back of his mind. This was all his fault, of course. The Demon, that is: had he not forced Cai's hand and made him overstep the boundary of his friendship with Tito, they might not have gotten into this mess. Of course, that might just be the immature side of Cai's 17 year old mind making up excuses, but it seemed viable enough for the Feline to angrily latch onto it and bear a grudge, for the time being.

Classes were long and gruelling, and wasn't made any easier by the argument with Tito gnawing at his mind. He hated hurting his friend. Cai might have appeared aloof and even a little introverted to some people around the academy, but Tito had always been kind, and Cai had taken advantage of him. Deep down, the young Feline was still a sensitive soul, and betraying people just wasn't what he did, at least not intentionally. The guilt gnawed at his bones as he tried to concentrate on his work, but it left him distracted and irritable.

As with most magic, emotions can vary a spell from destructive to pitiful, and it was apparent that Cai's spells were going a little haywire. Whilst he was trying his best to summon even the most basic familiar, his spells were fizzing out or not holding substance, and the teacher eventually took notice, giving him a querying, silent look. Cai held his head and sighed.

"My apologies," He bowed his head and tried to be respectful. "My mind is just a little uneasy today, Teacher."

"You'd do well to keep your emotions under control. Take a minute, then try again." The Teacher firmly reminded him, though was neither scolding, nor consoling. Cai nodded in agreement and stepped away to collect himself, taking in a deep breathing and standing over by the window, staring down at the grounds below. He could feel the Demon nagging away at the back of his mind, but he had long since filtered him out.

He could see Tito from here, relaxing on the grass underneath one of the many oak trees planted in the main grassy courtyard. Cai cast himself a simple spell to enhance his vision, and watched from the window as Tito poured himself into a book, turning page after page. Tito was always a bit of a quick reader. Cai knew he needed to patch things up somehow, but he didn't exactly know what to do. On top of that, part of him didn't feel like any of this was even his fault at all.

He turned back and went back to his lesson, trying to focus his mind a little better, now that he'd gathered his thoughts. The rest of the day was just as rocky, if not more so, with a series of difficult classes that required his full attention. Yet, he felt as if part of him wasn't there, and it made it difficult to keep going with it.

Eventually, lessons were over, and Cai felt the opposite of productive, his shoulders heavy, his head pounding and his back sore from a series of hunched over chanting sessions. He stepped down the stairs into the lobby and out into the courtyard, where the sun was beginning to set, reminding him of the new task at hand, to undertake at midnight.

Cai had grown accustomed to lingering around the dorms until the last possible moment, when he could get in and go to bed without Tito trying to start a conversation with him, but the Feline knew better than to keep doing this. This time around, he decided to step into the dorm and make his way up to his room, fully aware that Tito was likely in their shared accommodation.

The Feline stepped into his room, quietly shutting the door behind him, and the Demon took it as a sign to reveal himself and go back to one of his favourite activities of floating around on the ceiling. Cai usually ignored him, and Xaidar didn't seem to mind. As the Feline closed the door, he could hear the sound of running water, and his gaze lingered over the door to the bathroom. He guessed that Tito was having a shower, and he stepped closer, lingering by the door and listening with his attentive ears. It seemed as such.

Just then, the door swung open, revealing the Hyena in all of his wet, naked glory. Cai looked embarrassed and covered his eyes, avoiding staring at anywhere untoward. This was the first time Tito had ever done this, and it was definitely not something that Cai had expected. From the ceiling, Xaidar wolf-whistled, a wide grin spread across his face.

Cai felt a wet hand on his arm, and he was suddenly pulled into the bathroom, stumbling his way in. The Demon floated down towards the door, clearly wanting to join in or at least have a peek, but Tito firmly shut the door behind them, leaving the Demon blocked out.

"Tito, what the he--" Cai began, but the Hyena clasped a hand over his head, his eyes narrowed as he glanced towards the door. The water still ran, blocking out most of the sounds within the small little bathroom.

"The Demon," Tito began. "It can...feel you, right? It can feel what you do, but it can't specifically hear you unless it's attached to you or it's nearby, right?"

Cai wasn't quite following at first, but what Tito was saying was true. He gave him an affirmed nod, and Tito nodded back to him, reaching down to lift up the hem of the Feline's robe. Cai's skin crawled and he grasped at his clothes, trying to shove them back down, his eyes wild. Tito put a hand on his for a moment, and it was enough to make the Feline pause, confused.

"We need to talk, but he'll know something's up if we're not..." Tito gestured sharply with his had, and it finally dawned on Cai on what Tito was planning. He clearly had something secretive to discuss that he didn't want Xaidar being privy too, and the only way to get him to stop invading his way into what they were doing was to, well, do the dirty. Cai finally understood, and he stopped resisting.

Slowly, Tito raised up the Feline's robes and tugged them over his head, revealing the cat's barely dressed, slim form beneath. Underneath those robes was nothing but a small vest and some cloth underwear covering his most intimate areas, but they would likely be come any moment now. Tito quickly turned the Feline around, pushing him up against the sink and bending him over. He leant down against Cai's body, his chest pressed up against the Feline's back, with his particularly obvious erection sliding up against the Cat's ass.

"I've been reading up," Tito began, his fingers working their way into Cai's underwear, his breathing heavy. "About Demons, and possessions, and the like."

"Right, and what did you find?" Cai breathlessly responded. He didn't know why, but this was...well, this was rather tantalising. The very act of what they were doing was making his skin prickle. Tito seemed to know exactly what places he liked to be touched, and he soon felt the Hyena's hands on his sheath, fondling his balls with his fingertips. Cai let out a shaky groan, his tail curling around the Hyena's waist.

"Well, not much, I'm afraid-- obviously, Demonology and anything involving Demons if prohibited by the Grand Council, but I managed to find a few, uh, restricted books in the archive that had a lot of information." Tito continued, sliding down the Feline's underwear until it fell in a heap around the cat's ankles. Cai felt the heat of Tito's throbbing, pulsing member up against his behind, and he pushed his rump back, making certain of his intentions. The two of them were practically panting, the tension in the air was practically electric. All this time they had barely spoke, but the sexual tension was now evidently there.

"Okay, and? Please tell me there's something I can do to get rid of that guy." Cai panted out, feeling the head of the Hyena's member sliding around his entrance. It had been a week now, and Cai was more or less used to anal. So, as Tito began to push into him, his behind swallowed it up and squeezed down with little discomfort. Tito's knees shook and he leant forwards, a shaky groan escaping his lips as he buried his head into Cai's neck, just for a moment.

"Mmh. Well, uh, there might be a way, but it's incredibly risky, and requires a lot of different materials. I'd have to essentially trap you within a circle and exorcise you, and it could hurt, maybe even break your soul." Tito warned, sliding himself deeper and deeper into Cai's behind. He could feel every spasming muscle, every inch of flesh squeezing down against his member. His arms wrapped around Cai's stomach like to animal and he let out a rather content snort, sliding his hips back and thrusting forwards sharply, making Cai gasp and arch his back.

"F-Fuck," Cai was swearing for a number of different reasons. "That honestly doesn't sound all that hopeful, but maybe as a last resort..."

"That's what I thought," Tito grunted, beginning in on a steady rhythm of thrusts. "Problem is that there doesn't seem to be any other way other than bartering with the Demon to leave on his own. I get the feeling he doesn't want to do that."

"You'd be right." Cai remarked, gripping onto the side of the sink and breathing heavily through his nose, before finally hanging his mouth open. He couldn't help but moan and pant from the pleasure of their 'love-making'. The way that Tito thrust into him was methodical and hard, but something lovingly calculated to not be too rough. Cai wasn't exactly an expert, but he would have guessed that Tito was quite the experienced lover.

"I'll keep digging, but I thought I'd let you know," Tito continued, his breathing growing heavier. "It might be best if we keep doing this here and there. This is going to be the only way we're going to talk in private without him listening in."

"...Seems like it." Cai grumbled. He didn't like it, but it looked as if he was going to have to keep doing the unthinkable for the time being. Tito thrust forwards, his vigorous pounding growing irregular and his breathing getting more and more laboured, until his entire body trembled and a heated groan escaped his lips. He leant back, standing up straight and digging his fingers into the plushness of Cai's behind. He pulled back and began to thrust, hard.

Cai arched his back, letting out quiet mewls and whimpers of pleasure as Tito pounded into him with all the force he could muster. The bathroom was filled with a cacophony of wet smacks as Tito's hips rapidly bounced off of Cai's backside, his balls swinging and smacking into the Feline's own. Cai's barbed member and pulsing weakly between his legs, oozing pre-cum as his insides spasmed and squeezed from the rough pounding, clamping down and milking Tito's ass as much as he could.

Tito let out a fierce groan and rolled his head back, finally slowing and sliding himself in as deep as he could. His cock pulsed within the Feline's backside as he suddenly erupted, spurting thick ropes of cum into Cai's backside. His fingers loosened their grip and he slowly massaged the cat's backside, emptying his tender, pent-up balls into the young cat, who groaned and panted against the sink's edge, his cheeks flushed and his breathing heavy.

The minute they were finished, the door swung open and in swooped Xaidar, lavishly outfitted in a new form similar to that of a slender, green-skinned Gecko. He immediately slipped down onto his knees and his mouth was deeply embedded between Cai's cheeks before the feline even had time to recuperate. His lips puckered against the cat's behind and he began to suckle with earnest, his tongue mashing against Cai's entrance and slathering it with spittle. There was at least some reasoning for this: Cai had long suspected that Xaidar's spittle has some sort of mild sedative in it that numbed pain, but it had become more apparent over the last few days, when his previous string of 'clients' had been a lot more well-endowed than usual.

Xaidar took little time in collecting up whatever essence Tito had to offer, quickly pulling his head back and smacking his lips happily.

"Phew, that hit the spot! I've been starving since 4 o'clock, you know. Good to see that you're starting early, at least." Xaidar remarked with a wide, cheeky grin, before he sauntered his way out of the bathroom. Cai and Tito heard the creaking of a bed and assumed that the Gecko had gotten himself comfortable. Cai heaved a sigh.

"...You don't have to go out and...you know. Not tonight. We could just...do it a lot." Tito suggested, and Cai straightened up, glancing over at the Hyena. The desperation and lingering hope was palpable in Tito's eyes, and Cai couldn't deny the chemistry that they had shared just now. The young feline gave his friend a sheepish grin, and Tito took that as a good sign, a wide smile spreading across his face.

The Hyena reached out and grabbed the Feline's hand, leading the mostly naked cat back into the main room. Xaidar peered up from his inspection of his fingers to see the two of them, and a smirk spread across his face at the sight. Tito reached up to tug off Cai's final garment of clothing: his vest. With that, the two of them were completely naked, and slightly damp.

"I'm going to get a towel." Tito realised, and he stepped away. Cai heard the squeaking of the taps as the shower turned off. The feline glanced over to the Demon, who was waggling his eyebrows at the cat, rather amused that he and Tito were now getting along. Cai shot back a rather surly expression, before Tito returned to the room, drying himself off and laying the towel out on his bed.

With that, he pulled Cai in by his hand, and he settled himself down on the bed, taking the Feline with him. Cai curled up against Tito and felt the steady beating of his heart, the way his chest rose and fell with each breath. It was oddly soothing, being this close. He felt as if his problems of the past week were just melting away right before his eyes. Before he could even forget the Demon, even if just for a second, he felt the weight of the demonic being behind him, pressing up against his back. He turned his head to see that Xaidar had switched over into his Kitsune form again, presumably to try and impress them.

"Mind if I join in?" Xaidar smirked. "Remember, kid, you've got 2 more to get today."

"Yeah, yeah..." Cai knew all too well what the 'quota' was for each day. 3 was often pushing it at most times, and if the night was particularly busy, Xaidar just took everything that Cai could get, and often made him get more. A few times, Cai's taken at least 5 or 6 in a single night and Xaidar hasn't even written them off as extra for the next day. It was unfair, but Cai also knew he didn't have a choice.

"Mmh." Xaidar seemed rather amused, his hand curled around Cai's stomach and stroking along his fur, whilst Tito gently cradled against Cai from the other side. Cai had a feeling he was a particularly lean piece of meat in a rather horny sandwich, but he didn't really want to say it.

Luckily, he didn't really need to. Already, he could feel Xaidar's member protruding from it's housing, pressing up against Cai's behind. The Demon slid a hand underneath the Feline's leg and lifted it up, pre-emptively spreading the Feline to get better access to his rump. The way that Xaidar was holding his leg up forced Cai to roll back and press his back up against the Demon's chest. Xaidar held him there firmly, tucking his other arm around under Cai's arm and stroking along his chest.

"You want your filling of magic early?" The Demon teased, licking his lips fervently and lightly humping his hips up and down, displaying his slightly bobbing, growing member and poked out from between the feline's legs. Tito anxiously grinned at the pair of them, clearly tantalised at the idea of a threesome, but struggling to find his place amongst it. The young feline anxiously gulped, glancing between them, his half-hard, barbed cock pulsing weakly between his legs.

"I'll take that as a yes." The Incubus smirked and angled his hips back, pressing his member up and teasing it around Cai's entrance. The young feline wriggled for a moment and let out a quivering little sight as the Demon sunk into him. Steadily, inch by inch, Xaidar's cock pushed up into the 17 year old's behind, making the young cat groan. He closed his eyes, leaning back against that furred chest.

As he had anticipated that Xaidar was going to begin thrusting, he felt a warm hand around his member, and he opened his eyes, glancing down. He stared in surprise as Tito, who was already wiggling his way down the back, his hand grasped firmly over the feline's member, giving it a playful tug here and there. He could feel Tito's fingers grazing up against his barbs, making his cock pulse and his insides spasm and clench around the Demon's ridged cock.

"Here's something fancy for you." Xaidar remarked, jutting his hips up, and Cai let out a weak gasp as he felt the bulbous base of a knot ramming up against his behind. He glanced down between his legs, briefly marvelling at the size of the fat knot buried up against his ass, before the dread of taking it dawned upon him, and he looked nervous. Xaidar pressed his mouth down into the feline's neck, lightly licking against his fur as he pulled his hips back, beginning to thrust in on a steady rhythm.

Xaidar knew exactly how to thrust, at what angle, and with what kind of force to make Cai at his weakest. It was one of the perks of having someone tethered to your soul, presumably, but it was also incredibly infuriating how easily Xaidar could make the Feline putty in his hands. Cai practically melted against the Demon's body, his breathing heavy as that thick, pulsing, ridged cock rammed up against his prostate with just enough force to coax beads of pre-cum from the end of his barbed member, which were happily lapped up by Tito, who was now at eye level with the Feline's member.

Soon enough, Tito bowed his head over Cai's cock, taking it in his mouth and dutifully sliding his tongue around the barbed surface as Xaidar began to thrust with a little more gusto, feeling the way that Cai trembled and whimpered in his grip, the way his body tensed and squeezed and his toes curled with pleasure. His moan was like heaven to Xaidar's ears, and he wanted to hear him moaning more. He wanted him to beg for it.

"O-Oh god..." Cai scrunched his face up and let out a quivering sigh, his body tensing up and his toes curling down hard as he suddenly orgasmed, mere minutes into their session. He spurted thick, wet globs of cum right into Tito's mouth, who quickly rolled his tongue around Cai's member and gulped down every juicy drop of his salty load, making sure not to spill a single dribble of cum. Xaidar felt the Feline's muscles spasming around his cock and he thrust up harder, pumping with gusto as his knot wetly slapped against the feline's backside, filling the room with the sounds of their vicious, rough pounding.

Xaidar let out a small snarl, and groaned under his breath. Cai could feel something within him: a wetness that seeped through his body, and he soon realised that Xaidar was cumming as well, but he hadn't yet knot him. Cum seeped from Cai's stretched behind and dribbled down the Demon's knot, with slapped wetly up against Cai's behind still. With a powerful thrust, the Demon forced himself into the Feline's behind, finally tying with him. With that, his cock erupted, spurting thick ropes of cum into the cat's behind, as Cai's muscles clamped and squeezed around his pulsing, swelling knot.

"Ah..." Xaidar sighed out, content, rolling his head back and cuddling himself against the Feline, stroking along his delicate, slightly sweaty fur and letting his internal balls empty themselves into Cai's behind. As the liquid seeped into the Feline's body, it magically disappeared, the essence swallowed up by the Feline's body and converted into raw magical power. He could feel that power surging through him even then.

Tito crawled up against the Feline and cuddled into his body, coaxing a finger against his chest and nuzzling into his neck. Cai lay sandwiched between them with a worrying fear of dread. Just what had he gotten himself into now?

At least be was friends with Tito again. The two of them could, somehow, hatch a plan to get rid of the Demon once and for all, but whenever that was, he didn't know. He'd just have to wait.

"Mmh...so when I'm done, you guys are going to do round 2, right?" Xaidar remarked, and Tito grinned awkwardly.

"Well...I should think so." Tito pointed out, and Cai let out a heaving sigh. He couldn't wait to get rid of this Demon.

With that, Xaidar yanked his hips back, and with a satisfying 'pop', the knot was forced from Cai's behind, leaving him gaped and oozing slightly with pre-cum. No sooner had Xaidar pulled out did Tito crawl on top of Cai's body, spreading his legs apart and pushing him back against the sheets.

"You ready?" The Hyena grinned, licking his lips, and Cai stared up at him with a deadpan expression.

"I guess." He sighed.