One Night Stand

Story by Scan on SoFurry

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_I've got the old habit to write short stories when I got nothing better to do...

All grammar or spelling mistakes are part of the creative process and there fore not worth mentioning afterwards

Share and Enjoy! And please, comment!_

Ben sat in that bar again. Every damn week he was sitting here and sipping on the beer, wondering what the hell he was expecting. He knew what he was expect, actually. He just wondered why... why nothing happened.

He was here to meet somebody. For a night, some more nights, for life, who knew. Just to fight the loneliness in his small den. But as soon as he had entered, he realised he couldn't go and get someone. Every Saturday he just sat down and ordered his beer, just to leave before midnight.

His feline tail flicked around randomly, he sipped again. Damn. He should go. He should go back into the flat and stare at the ceiling. Maybe whack off, he'd seen some hot kitties around. Ben wondered why he couldn't go over to them. Just... something. He should stop sitting on his butt and waiting that somebody would talk to him. It doesn't work that way.

Damn, beer empty. Ten pm. He really should go. Here was nothing for him.

"Hey, can I treat ya another pint?"

Ben blinked and looked at the dog who had just sat down next to him. "Umm... sure..."

The dog, made a sign to the barman, and Ben took the moment to check him out. The dog didn't seem to belong to a certain race, he had a dark coloured fur, a dirty grey fur and a mid-long tail. He was wearing short pants and an open shirt, to provide everyone who's interested a view to his body. Ben was interested, and he liked what he saw. At least not a body building macho guy, the dog seemed like someone who took care of himself, but not overdoing it. And the dog just ordered a small drink for himself. Fits.

The dog turned back to Ben. "Hi, I'm Ryan. Coming here often?"

"Erm, yes. About every week."

"Hmm," Ryan breathed and sipped his drink. "I should've come here earlier, then." He smiled and Ben couldn't help smiling back. "Your name?"

"Oh! I'm Ben."

"Ben... very pleased to meet ya."

Ben rather concentrated on his beer. Okay, there it was, the conversation he'd wanted. Now was just the problem: How to keep it on

running? The pause continued and Ben started to feel a bit awkward.

"Something wrong?" Ryan asked.

"No, no, nothing... argh..." He drank some of his beer and took a deep breath. "Just..."

"Oh, you're not interested..." Ryan said disappointed.

You're screwing it again, Ben thought. "I am. Just, before nobody just came and talked to me."

"Oh, really?" Ryan inched closer, not as sneaky as he had intended because the chair wasn't as mobile as he was used to. Hepreferred club couches for hooking up, actually. "Can't understand that, really."

Ben saw the situation already slip out of his paws. Damn. Damn. He gulped down more of the beer and sighed. "I'm bad in this..." He felt a paw embracing his back.

"No, you aren't." Ryan finished his drink and gave the black feline another smile.

They both went silent. Ben could feel the dog very close to himself. Playfully he made his tail play around the other guy's, just to show he was interested and didn't want the guy to leave. He had no idea what to say. Right now he realised how much he hated small talk and mindless conversation. And how difficult it is to come up with a topic.

He finished his beer. Now he felt dizzy. And he felt like taking a risk. "Shall we go?"

"'Kay," Ryan replied, not without surpising Ben. "To you or to me?"

"My place is a bit messy..."

"I don't mind mess."

"Oh, well, to you." Ben stood up and stretched. "Far?"



The dog's den was really not far away. They quickly went through the night. Downtown wasn't the best area for walking all alone at night, and even together they shouldn't be too slow.

The flat was surprisingly tidy. The house didn't look like this, but the apartment was tidy, clean and also cosy. The walls had been painted in a warm orange, not too bright. Ryan helped Ben out of his jacket, hung it up and embraced the cat from behind. "So..."


"Been a while?"

"Actually... yes..." A hell of a while.

"Okay... relax..."

Ben felt the dog's paw go down on his body, stroking over the chest, the stomach, and then arriving belt around the cat's trousers. The paws got shoved into the pants, Ben felt them stroking around his crotch, and then touching his male parts. He moaned quietly and tried to keep the blood out of his cock right now. He didn't know why, he just didn't want to get hard at a small touch. It didn't work, though.

Ryan kissed from behind. "Impatient..."

Ben hoped he didn't blush. The paws retreated out of his pants and opened the belt. The trousers fell to the floor. Ben turned around and returned the kiss. Encouraged, his own paws found their way to the dog's pants and opened them right away. He also removed Ryan's shirt and then the underpants. "Hmm..." hesmiled. "Nice."

"Can only return the compliment..."

Ben removed the rest of his own clothes, then embraced the dog and gave him a long and passionate kiss. "Where's the bed?"

Ryan returned the kiss and pushed the cat tenderly. The two male bodies, in a hot embrace, moved to the next room, the bedroom. Ryan made Ben turn and pushed him gently onto the very soft and white mattress. Then Ryan turned and opened a drawer. Ben rose one eyebrow.

"Sorry, safety first," Ryan said and lifted a sealed condom.

"I don't mind." He lied down and waited for Ryan to come over him. The dog did and kissed his feline muzzle. Then he went down, to the neck, kissed the upper chest, the nipples, took his time. Ben moaned very quietly in anticipation. Ryan moved down his feline body, giving every part the attention it deserved. He arrived at Ben's half-erected cock and kissed it, making the cat groan a bit louder.

"Like that?" Ryan whispered.

"Hell, yes..."

Ryan started to stroke the feline penis until it was fully erected, and licked the tip. With mouth he started to caress the glans, rubbing over the shaft and listening to Ben's pleased noises. Ben grabbed the sheet as he felt Ryan's talented tongue working on him, breathed deeper and let the emotions filling his mind. The sensations grew quicker with every lick, every rub, every stimulation. Ryan embraced the cock with his lips and moved his head down, all the way down until the balls, making Ben gasp loud in pleasure and surprise. He felt the sensation hitting his mind hard, there wasn't much more needed to make him explode, he groaned louder as Ryan retreated and repeated the movement, tighter and quicker this time, making the cat's body tremble. The third time was just what Ben needed, he climaxed with a loud grunt and shot his load right into the unprepared canine muzzle.

Ryan rtreated and coughed, spitting semen over Ben's stomach. He swallowed the rest down and wiped his snout.

"Sorry," Ben apologised, heavily panting.

"Nah," Ryan said. "A good taste..." He smiled.

Ben took the condom from the sheet and opened the sealing. Ryan was kneeing, exposing his big erection, and Ben unrolled the rubber. "Hmm... got lube...?"

"Oh, yeah..." Ryan said and pointed at the drawer.

Ben got the lube out of it, put some onto his paw and started to spread it over the canine shaft. Then he let himself fall backwards with a smile, spreading his legs, waiting. Ryan crouched closer. "Ready?"

"O'course," Ben replied impatiently.

Ryan grinned and elevated the feline legs, making the head of his cock stroking over the entrance to the cat's body. Ben gasped arbitrarily as the rather big penis entered him, slowly, carefully. It dug its way deeper into the cat, stimulating the prostate, forcing Ben groaning out loud, it moved until it couldn't any more, and waited a short moment, before it began to retreat, again stimulating the cat's most sensitive flesh.

Ben felt the blood rushing into his cock once more, he felt a huge amount of pleasure damming up in his mind, making him moan and clench eyes and teeth. It's been a while, and he almost had forgot how good it feels to have the hot meat of another man in him. How pleasing it is to feel him thrusting in and out, getting faster, how wonderful it is to listen to his noises and know the other male was enjoying it as much as he did.

Ryan ad closed his eyes and thrust harder with every movement, still taking care not to hurt Ben. The cat was pretty tight around his cock, and Ryan was moaning loud under the pleasure. He would hold the climax back for Ben, although it was hard. He dug his fingers into the feline fur tenderly, but firmly, and expressed his emotions once again.

Ben felt it once again, the sensation before the orgasm, the point where it all seemed to get into his cock and prepare the shot, he grunted out loud, trembled, twitched and tried to hold back. But it was evident, with a gasp he shot out another load, it sprayed over his stomach. Then enjoyed the sensations after the climax, hoping it hadn't been too early for the dog.

Also yan was experiencing the pleasure, he felt the climax approaching and held it back until he felt the hole tighten up, the body tremble and the semen splash.´Then he himself go, let his own load shoot, and orgasmed with a grunt into the rubber. He stopped his movements, panting, and then retreated out of the feline body, slowly.

After some seconds of panting and recovering, Ryan lay down onto Ben's body and gave him a gentle lick over the nose. "I'm so lucky I met you today..."

"Yes..." Ben whispered and kissed back. "I'm too."

They snuggled for a while, recovered from the climaxes. Ben felt Ryan hard climax pressing against his stomach and reached down to remove the rubber. The condom fell to the sheet, and Ben just continued the movements, down the canine shaft, then up, embracing it tightly with his paw. He rubbed harder as he heard the dog moan pleased. He kept on with his stimulations, faster and closer. With the free paw he embraced the dog over him used the chance to grab his firm butt, something he had wanted to do the whole evening. Then he felt the canine body stiffening, trembling, preparing for the next shot. Thedog grunted once again and sprayed his load.

Smirking Ben licked his semen dipped paw clean. "Well?"

"You're so good," Ryan breathed out between two pants and kissed the cat long and intensively. "I wonder..."


"Are you free for the weekend?"

"We got all time," Ben said and kissed back.

They snuggled on, cuddled and stroked, until they fell asleep peacefully...