Beret: A Love Story 2

Story by TheFreak02 on SoFurry

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#2 of Beret: A Love Story

Derrik sighed as he walked along the hallway. He would usually be with Rosalyn, but the test made it so he had to walk alone. As he walked, Jax and Kai followed behind him, having a few people inbetween then and Derrik. "Dont you think it's a little creepy to be following him?" Kai asked. "Come on Kai, we're only a year older. It's not like were pedos or something." Jax claimed. Kai shrugged. "Guess you're right."

Right when Derrik was about to leave the hall and head to his dorm, he got shoved into the wall from the side. "Hey, what the-" Derrik started. He turned to see none other then Bruce Williams, a bull. Bruce Williams was the noted douchebag of the campus. Bruce smirked. "How's it going, slut?" Bruce asked, pinning Derrik to the wall. Derrik just stood there, defensless. "How many guys you gonna suck off today?" Bruce asked, smirking and increasing his grip on Derriks shoulders.

People had cleared after seeing Bruce, which left Jax and Kai now able to see what was happening. "Holy shit, it's Bruce." Kai said. "Do we run?" Jax looked at Kai like he was crazy. "Are you kidding? I'm gonna go in and helping." Jax started walking off, until Kai grabbed his shoulder. "Bruce is a big guy man, be careful." Kai let him go and Jax went to the action.

Bruce kept shoving on Derrik, who was biting his lip due to the pain he felt from Bruce's fingers digging aggressively into his shoulder. Bruce was about to make some other sarcastic comment until Jax found his way in and shoved Bruce off of Derrik. "What the hell man? Leave the guy alone!" Jax said. Derrik watched, completely in awe that someone actually stood up for him.

Bruce smirked. "Why should I do that?" He asked. Jax bared his teeth a little. "What has Derrik done to you?" He asked. "Oh shit he knows my name." Derrik thought, a light blush coming over his face. Bruce stepped closer to Derrik. "He couldn't do me any harm. I mean look at him! He's so scrawny I could wring his neck like a damn chicken!" Bruce said. Jax growled a little. "I'm serious Bruce, dont waste your time." Bruce smirked. "You're right, I shouldnt be wasting my time on sluts like him." Bruce said, before walking off.

Derrik gently rubbed his hurt shoulder. Jax turned to face Derrik. "You ok man?" Jax asked, walking closer. Derrik couldnt find any word to say, so he nodded. "Good. What an asshole right?" Jax asked. Derrik rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "H-Heh, y-yep." Derrik had seen Jax in the hall a few times, but never saw him up close. He had to be the hottest guy he's ever seen. "T-Thank you...I g-gotta go bye!" Derrik said, running out of the hallway, red in the face.

Jax smiled a bit, and Kai walked over to him. "Damn, nice job man. Not only did you shover Bruce away, you got to talk to Derrik." Kai smiled. Jax sighed lovingly again. "I sure did. He's so cute when he's embaressed..." Jax said. "Come on man, let's to our dorm and we can talk more." Kai stated, as the two headed to their dorm.

Derrik ran into his dorm, and slammed his door behind him. He leaned against the door, slightly covering his face to hide his redness. He breathed a shaky sigh. Rosalyne, who was back already, walked over to see Derrik a blushing mess. Usually, the college wouldnt allow men and women to share dorms, but because of how Derrik was, they allowed them two to share. "Whats gotten into you Derrik? You look like a fresh tomato." She said playfully.

Derrik slung off his bag and set it down. Derrik sat on his bed. "Ok ok, so Bruce was picking on me again, and-" Derrik was interrupted by Rosalyn. "Seriously, Bruce again? Sorry I wasnt there, I couldve helped." She said. "N-No wait! So I was pinned against the wall, and someone actually came and helped me! I belive his name was...Jax?" He said.

"Jax? You mean Jackson Alexander?" Rosalyn smirked. "Now I know why you're blushing so much." She said. Derrik looked at her. "N-Not only did he help me, but he talked to me afterwards! Not only that, he has to be the hottest guy I've ever seen!" He said, falling back onto his bed.

"I have to be dreaming right now." Derrik said. Rosalyn sat next to Derrik on his bed. "Woah, chill out dude. Did you talk to him?" She asked. "W-Well kindof...He commented about Bruce being an asshole. I agreed, thanked him, then ran off because I was embaressed." Derrik said.

"Oh come on Derrik! You shouldve talked to him more!" Rosalyn said. "Fine, I'll talk to him tomorrow." Derrik said. "That sounds like a bold challenge to take. Is Derrik Holloway going to try and talk to probably the hottest guy in school?" Rosalyn asked, smirking. "I-I dont know ok?!" Derrik buried his face in a pillow. "Fine, I'll leave you to you and your fantasys. Night Derrik." She said, and left the room. Derrik got out of bed, and changed into some comforatble sleep clothes, which entailed a normal T shirt and some short shorts, as well as the beret he always wore. He got in bed, nervous for what could happen tomorrow.

Jax and Kai arrived in their dorm, and put their stuff down. "So, tell me more about your 30 second experience with Derrik." Kai said, laughing a little. Jax sighed and sat down on a sofa they had in the living room. "I mean, we actually talked! Well, kindof. He ran off after a few words. Probably embaressed about not being able to take Bruce himself." Jax said. "Or, it's because Jackson Alexander, the guy everyone wants, saved him and engaged in conversation with him." Kai stated, smirking.

Jax blushed a little. "I d-doubt it. I mean, he probably isnt into popular guys." Jax said. "Oh come on, did you see how much he stuttered? He was totally love sick dude!" Kai said, now smiling. "Y-You think so?" Jax asked. "100%! Tell you what, go talk to him at lunch tomorrow. I'll go sit with Issac or something." Kai said. Issac was a tiger friend of the two. "A-Are you crazy? I'll just trip over myself! Make a fool out of myself!" Jax said, blushing madly.

"No you wont! Come on man, just do it. Better to take a chance and risk it all instead of sitting, knowing you could possibly have it all, right?" Kai stated, sounding like some quote on a calender. Jax sighed. "Ok, fine!" He said, blushing. Kai clapped twice. "There we go! Go get him man!" Kai said. Kai was so happy because Jax had been crushing on Kai ever since Derrik came to the school. He was happy Jax was finally doing something about it. "I'll see you in the morning." Kai said, going to his bedroom.

Jax sighed and changed into some sleep clothes. He got in bed, and sighed. "Am I really doing this tomorrow?" He asked himself. He sighed. "Good luck Jax, you're gonna need it." He told himself as he rolled over, falling asleep soon after.