The Christina Situation : Chapter One

Story by HunterPup on SoFurry

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#1 of The Christina Situation

(A short 860ish words to kick things off in this babyfur adventure! Chapter One is just setting up the main character as well as hinting about the sort of home life she has. The real fun will start with Chapter Two! Hopefully things won't look too weird while I sort out the formatting)

The 18 year old college student bit her lip, her eyes fixated on themselves in the bedroom mirror. She ran her furred paws down her chest, then her legs, taking herself in and trying not to chew her own face off in excitement. She was going to be getting all the boy's attention tonight and she'd worked damn well hard for it. Almost daily work out sessions and a strict diet had left her looking lean and perky in all the right places. She giggled and sighed happily, slipping in to her new lingerie. Her parents had always been prudes, but they couldn't stop her living her life how she wanted now she was at college. The thong clung to her fur gracefully and left very little to the imagination, just the sort of thing she had been craving to wear. Her new bra pushed her breasts up made them look a little bigger, the perfect thing for attracting a boy at the night's party.

Pleased at how her underwear looked, she retrieved the outfit she'd planned from her wardrobe. A denim skirt and hot pink top that showed off her stomach and shoulders. Across the front "S.L.U.T" was printed in glitter. She squealed to herself and slipped the outfit on, grinning as she did a twirl. "Ooooh, Christina, you naughty girl" she told herself, posing in the mirror. "You're going to lose your virginity tonight" she told herself, her heat beating quickly in her chest. Finally, she was going to be able to let her hair down and have some fun. She might have missed out on most of her teenage years, but she could make up for it now she was free!

It was then that her memory blurred, the room started spinning and she saw flashing lights. Christina gasped and sat up, finding herself on a dirty old sofa. Music was playing so loudly the floor vibrated and she felt dizzy. Furs of all kinds were talking and laughing, a group in the adjoining kitchen were even playing beer pong. She looked around and her eyes met the gaze of a rottweiler and greyhound who were making out on the other sofa. "John" the greyhound moaned, shirtless and sitting on the much larger canine's lap in jeans that looked like they might split any minute. "She looks fucked up, think she'll be okay?" he asked. The rottweiler grunted and squeezed his smaller friend's crotch. "She'll be fine, probably had too much to drink" he told him, eliciting a gasp and moan from the other male.

Christa groaned and stood up, she didn't remember drinking, she didn't remember much of anything! She stumbled past a few party guests and made her way to the door, thinking maybe some air would clear her head. She needed to figure out what was going on. The cold night air brought her a little bit of relief to the pounding headache the cheetah had. She sat down on the steps and rubbed her temples, the spinning soon stopped and sighed with relief. Just in time for a stranger to put their paw on her shoulder. She let our a small yelp and turned around, making eye contact with the cutest Russian blue she had ever seen.

"You okay?" he asked, flashing his fangs at her as he smiled. In that moment, she melted, unable to prevent a purr slipping out. "Uh, um, yeah!" she told him, perking up. She pushed her legs together and brushed her long brown fur out of her eyes, shyly looking back up at him. "Uh, what about you?" she asked, trying to keep her cool. He laughed and rubbed the back of his head, his eyes dead set on hers. "Pretty good" he told her, his own chest rumbling. "You good for a drink?" he asked, offering her an unopened can. "I saw you asleep on the sofa after you went nuts on that catnip" he told her, laughing a bit. Christina covered her face and growled, shaking her head in embarrassment. So that explained what had happened! She'd taken nip? she could hardly believe it! Her mother would kill her, her father would denounce... She stopped that track of though and flicked her tail. Fuck her parents, they'd been keeping her from having her fun for years. What they didn't know, wouldn't hurt them.

She giggled and opened the can, patting the space next to her. The cute boy she was talking to sat down and laughed nervously. "My Name's Peter, I think I heard someone call you Chrissy?" he asked, purring while he subtly wrapped his tail around hers. She took a big swig from her can and pulled a face, beer tasted gross. She did her best to hide her distaste though, she wanted to fit in. "Uh, yeah" she told him, smiling. She wrapped her tail around his a little tighter, snuggling up and purring as she rested her head on his shoulder. "Sooo...." she asked, biting her lip. "Do you have a car?" Before he could answer the room started spinning again, the everything around her was getting brighter and brighter. Something knocked the wind out of her and the last thing she heard before blacking out was the loudest bang she had ever heard in her life.