A Tale of Two Renamons

Story by RandomYiff on SoFurry

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A Tale of Two Renamons

Chapter 1

'What are you doing Mr. Frog?' called the dark creature as she stared at the unresponsive thing. The pair lay gazing at each other vividly without either one flinching from their quiescent positions. The harsh midday sun rose high in the clear blue sky piercing the treetops with its blinding light and illuminating the small clearing below where the couple rest. The frog was located on one of the numerous rigid lily-pads that dotted the oblique pond, enabling the big-eyed creature to survey everything that lay in front of it. Several smooth rounded grey rocks dotted around the open space and encircled the crystal clear pond that was situated at the centre of the clearing. If it was not for the purple tint on her fur, the sinister looking female creature would have been completely hidden on the largest smooth rock that towered to the left of the tiny frog's vacant stare. The bright sunlight plastered the creature's form as she lay on her front revealing her long bushy tail, firm ass, hourglass back, slender legs waving midair behind her, and lean arms propping her beautiful face off the heated stone. Every inch of her womanly body was covered in the purplish tinted fur apart from the white that appeared on the tips of her long pointed ears, the end of her elegant thick tail, the bosomed front that lay hidden underneath her form, and the ends of her graceful hands. Her supported face smiled its succulent dark lips menacingly at the insignificant green amphibian as her pale blue eyes stared back with much more emotion than the frog could ever muster. She briefly stroked her face-length long hair, hiding the black stripes that curved forward on her cheeks, to ensure its gorgeous form kept intact before repositioning herself on the baked stone. Now sat cross-legged, revealing the hidden white furred front into the open air, the creature raised her sleek arms towards the unaware frog and spewed a flurry of reddened crystal shards. The once vacant stare of the pond animal was now replaced with the remains of a floating blood soaked form polluting the water around it and surrounded by tattered lily-pads.

The afternoon sun perforated any opening in the tree tops and beamed down whichever light passed through onto the flourishing floor. The womanly creature's fur flashed a tone of light and dark as she sprinted gracefully throughout the vast forest. Killing the innocent frog scared away any other dim-witted creatures she could have had her fun with and left her nothing to do on such a fine sundrenched day except defending her territory from unwelcomed strangers. She would spend hours on end darting from tree to tree and pausing briefly to hunt down any travelling food that crossed her predestined path. A fiery punch out of nowhere killed an unsuspecting doe and caused the auburn body to fall to the earth, never knowing who had taken her life away. Before clawing away the raw flesh of the lifeless deer, the dark creature paused and took a huge whiff of flourishing air up her petite nose. Her eyes widened to reveal more of the white blue colour in them and immediately she sped into the deep forest, abandoning her meal to rot on the lush floor.

'Ooh, you are such a slimy thing aren't you Mr. Frog', cried the bright creature with glee as she held the tiny thing delicately in the palm of her hands. Sat cross-legged in the verge of a small glistening stream, her fur reflected the harsh rays of the sun off her blond and white fur, causing her form to radiate beside the secluded waterway; white appeared around the main part of her body, the ends of her delicate legs and the tip of her long, curved and pointy ears, leaving only her limbs, face and the rest of her ears to grow fair-haired. Her bosomed form was covered by a clump of fluffy fur to hide away the lumps of flesh on her chest and her forearms were both decorated with a dark purple piece of wool; covering from her wrists and stopping some way before the elbow. Sitting beside the stream, she wagged her stubby dirty blond tail as she stared at the frog with her dark blue eyes. The tiny frog stared back with its unemotional face, looking towards the blond appearance with reddish stripes on the cheeks, curved face-length light-coloured hair, a ruby nose, and the lush scarlet lips that were drawing closer towards it. The radiant creature kissed the small amphibian on wherever her puckered lips lay and pulled her head quickly back as if to expect something marvellous to happen. The beaming smile that appeared on her elegant face was soon replaced with a frown as the tiny thing continued to stare at her with its soulless eyes. Out of annoyance, she tossed the water creature back into the stream, crossed her arms and huffed whilst turning her head away from the glimmering water.

'I'm never going to find my prince', the bright creature scorned by her disappointment towards her recent activity and blushed as embarrassment crossed her mind. Just when she was about to raise herself off from her current position, a flood of bright red sped pass her right hand side, causing the surprised female to shift herself hastily onto her back into the shallow water and soaking her elegant fur. Instinct overtook the bright sopping wet form as she quickly corrected herself from her initial reaction and sped towards the nearest piece of cover she could find; a clump of thorny bushes. Hiding in the pain ridden shelter, the dark blue eyes peered through a gap, within the prickly branches, towards her previous location. A dark form now stood beside the stream, her pale blue eyes scanning the surrounding forest for the creature that dared enter her territory. Her hands burst alight of harsh red flames and she growled whilst baring her fanged teeth into the open air. She was ready to strike at anything that moved within her vicinity and seemed not to be going anywhere soon until the blond creature was found.

"Show yourself!", cried the grey female loudly as she spewed seer anger out of her foul mouth. "I will hunt you down and rip every single organ from your body for daring to trespass into MY area! Do not think that your petty attempt at hiding will make me turn away, I am a talented huntress and I will be onto tear your ripe ass as soon as you make a single move!"

The blond ears tilted downwards as panic swamped the hidden female. Her teary eyes darted around the bramble surroundings to find any opportunity to escape from her now prickly prison. The fear within her escalated upon spotting the wet trail her damp fur left behind in the luscious grass, leading to where she was currently situated. Knowing that her doom was imminent if she stayed any longer, she took a deep breath causing her fluffy chest to puff out further, steadily got out of the thorny branches and stood herself in front of her attacker in the warm clearing.

As she spotted the blond form move into her field of vision, the dark creature began to prepare for the first strike, growling and raising her sharp claws. As she watched the fair-haired creature botch up her entrance from the thorny bush, by tripping over a tiny rock, she began to chuckle and defused her flamed hands, "Are you kidding me? You.....you are a warrior?", chucked the dark female as she watched the pathetic blond form try to scratch off any thorns that tangled in her fur. "What is your name?"

Fear still consumed the bright female as she stared into the pale blue eyes of death in front of her. She opened her mouth to make a stuttered answer but her face showed confusion to the question asked, "Victoria....my name is Victoria. Why do you want to know?"

"I may be defending my space but I do like to know who I am going to kill. It makes it more personal then," mocked the evil creature as she stared intently at her prey. "By the way, my name is Becky but you are not going to know me long enough unfortunately."

Before another sound was made from the pair, Becky flinch her wrists and a burst of red hellish flames sprouted from her palms to engulf her whole hands once again. Despite the burst of light that penetrated the floor, a red tint illuminated the surrounding darkness that the sunlight could not reach and highlighted the colours on Victoria's damp fur. Claws became erect as Becky prepared to make the first move and she growled to enrage herself for the battle. Seeing that there was no other way, the blonde creature also got into an attack stance and summoned blue flames to engulf her hands; the newly lit palms mixed with the red that already illuminated the surrounding trees to cause a purple grow that consumed both females. With the pair eyeing each other out as well as having no intent of backing down, the once bright picturesque waterway darkened around the pair as the flares blocked out the bright sunrays that pierced the treetops. Anything that was once visible was now replaced with a violet-tint from the combined flares of the couple whose colours had now washed from their fur; along with the flourishing greenery, the once blond and purple-tinted grey coats had now been replaced with the illuminated colours of the corresponding flares the females produced. The coloured forms stood staring at each other for some time in the darkened woods, glazing at each other with their now featureless faces and remained in a prepared stance ready to attack the creature opposite. With a grunt from her mouth, Becky sprang a foot forward to initiate movement towards her blue foe.

With her right fist raised, she struck an innocent tree, igniting it from the flamed weapon and caused bursts of red fire to flare up the trunk. Her foe had quickly shifted out of the way to avoid being punched and used her light reflexes to move out of the way. Becky's hand eventually became free after a swipe to the left side of her face by her sneaky foe, sent her flying to the ground and causing her to land on her side, "bitch!"

The darkened area around the pair quickly turned from a violet to a deep red as the damaged tree flared fiercely, consuming the neighbouring vegetation around it and increasing the rapid flames to outshine the light from the creatures' flares. Tall shadows dragged along the forest floor from the pair as the surrounding trees became a heated bright beacon within the dim arena. Victoria had failed to land another punch onto her foe as her overconfidence blinded her from the probability that her enemy would shoot diamond shards to defend herself. Flashes of inflamed light sped around the blue form as the shards pierced her fur, causing her immerse pain and to raise her arms to reduce the overall damage. Despite the counter-attack, Victoria was able to maintain her stance to protect herself further from the onslaught of angry punches from the scarlet female. Back and forth the punches lay, some hitting their target, others not and causing the flares to engulf the air around them with a mixture of red, blue and violet. Coloured flames managed to leave the cluster to join the blaze that was consuming the woodland and further revealed the unawareness of the creatures that caused the chaos.

An overlaying branch fell between the pair as they broke distance from their recent flurry of strikes, catching them off guard and snapping both out of the anger that they were devoted to. In a matter of moments, colour returned to the area as both females extinguished their flares, but the once green tranquil waterway had now become a heated raucous mixture of red, orange and yellow. Fear had now returned to Victoria's mind as she darted her head from corner to corner to find a way out of the hell-hole and away from Becky, who had now disappeared out of sight. Spotting a path down the timid stream, she sped towards the opening the waterway led, away from the brash flames that was now enraging the forest and escape to the safety of her home. Before she was able to clear the area, a frightened voice screeched behind her, "Help me! Please, help me!" Sensing that Becky had become trapped, she turned around to show a deed of kindness to the hateful creature despite what she had been through. Scanning the rampant scenery, Victoria could not see any sign of a dark female trying to free herself anywhere and the only other creature that currently accompanied her in this hell-hole was the soul-piercing frog that had somehow survived the whole ordeal. Thinking that the cries may have been a last minute ruse to defeat her, Victoria turned back to the path that led to her safety and quickly glimpsed at the flattened empty patches of grass that were swiftly darting towards her. In mere seconds, Victoria's face flung to the side and she fell towards the stream in an unconscious state.

Chapter 2

The rampant smell of ashes filled the air as Victoria awoken from her lifeless state. As she opened her eyes to the pungent surroundings, her battered body lay on a bed of dry leaves and within a hollowed truck of a tree. The rounded room itself was rather bland since all that could be seen were bits of leaves, twigs, some discarded dirty bones, rings of brown decorating the walls and a bright opening opposite to where the blond creature was. The light peering through the doorway illuminated most of the room, including Victoria, but the intense brightness made it difficult to see what lay beyond the current place of rest. Now wide awake, the blond female attempted to lift herself off the dirty floor, however, her efforts proved to be rather difficult. Her hands held tightly on her back by a length of strong vine and Victoria was left to use the rest of her body to lift herself up.

With one last push from her head, she was able to lift herself on to her knees, looked towards the bright light and spotted a sinister silhouette blocking the entrance. "Bravo! I did not think you were able to have any strength left. But I underestimated you too many times to make any further mistakes so I tied you up. It annoys me to how you are able to muster so much strength for someone like yourself. Good thing I came back just in time. Oh, and don't try to use those blue fames of yours, you know what happened to those useless trees by the stream." Becky spoke in a sarcastic tone as she eyed her trophy with her piercing pale-blue eyes, licking her dark lips and laying an elegant touch on the growling Victoria to stroke her dirty head.

"You cannot keep me here forever, you....you...", fear had consumed Victoria despite her tough stance and prevented her from thinking of a good insult. Becky threw her head back and belted out a loud cackled at the feeble attempt and thwarted any chance of Victoria completing the sentence.

"You are sooo cute", Becky chuckled whilst pinching the striped cheek of her defeated foe. "You know, I have not had much company for a long time and lately I have been feeling rather lonely. Now when I saw those moves of yours back by the stream, it made me consider something that I never thought of before and that is why you are lucky enough to not be dead right now. However, your performance will decide whether I will let you go or not."

Victoria ears pricked up in curiosity to what had been said by the captor but also somewhat confused, "What do you want me to do?"

"Eat me", the black lips spoke lustfully.

"Eeewww, I'm not a cannibal", cried Victoria as she shuddered in disgusted at the thought.

Becky growled by the stupidity that she heard and hastily yanked the blond hair and dragged Victoria's face to the fleshy pink hole that lay between the purple-highlighted grey legs. With her teeth bared and her claws erect, she yelled, "I said eat me!"

The dark-blue eyes of the bemused blond form stared at the twitching hole not knowing what to do next. "Why does she want me to eat that? That is where you pee from. I better do something otherwise she is going to kill me." Victoria's thought whizzed around her mind as she continues to stare silently at the pink flesh.

"Great, you are a virgin aren't you?", murmured the impatient Becky as she moved her hips back and forth against the fixated blond head between her legs. "Just lick it and tug at the flesh. Just do something to pleasure me!" she eventually yelled, startling Victoria and causing her to defensibly nip at the fleshy nub nearest to her.

A wave of bliss shot through Becky's mind, causing her to gasp in pleasure from the abrupt attack. The erotic sounds that escaped returned Victoria back from her defensive state and the harsh message that was yelled into her pointed ears finally made sense. She began licking at the moistening hole with much delight as the flows of feminine fluids spurted and rolled down the delicate tongue. The delightful stimulation that was given to Becky made her moan louder and numerous swear words gradually surfaced from her gasping mouth. One of Becky's clawed hands remained on Victoria as the other started to squeeze and tug her furry bosoms with much force to arouse the skin. The furry couple did not stir from their place for much time and the facial features of Becky gradually turned from anger to seer blissfulness; her straight ears tilted down to relax, redness blushed on her cheeks, her succulent dark lips remained open gasping out sounds of pleasure and her tongue drooped out to dispense salvia down the side of her face. Victoria's concerns had disappeared as she enjoyed every lick of the nectar that her captor's legs were producing, lapping up as much as she could and damping the fur that surrounded the fleshy pink flower. Thinking that she was succeeding in satisfying her foe, an unexpected harsh voice cried out from between the sounds of enjoyment to alert her of Becky's current state, "You may think you are doing a good job but not enough to make me cum! You have been licking me for some time and you have yet to do anything different. You had better think of something soon otherwise you are really going to see me angry!" The signs of dread returned to the busy blond creature's mind as she tried desperately to think of something different. Out of seer desperation, Victoria hastily sucked at the lump of hard flesh she previously nipped before and used her teeth to lightly yank it from the fixated position. Her action succeeded and a huge wail emitted from Becky's mouth with a geyser of womanly nectar shooting down Victoria's throat. The initial release of energy caused Becky's form to relax, panting with a sense of satisfaction and pushed her loosened hand to nudge Victoria onto the bed of leaves.

Victoria fell onto her back with her legs spread wide open from the unexpected shove of her foe and looked back with a shocked expression on her drenched face. With an appearance of pure lust, Becky gracefully lifted a foot towards the area between the fallen virgin's legs and prodded her big toe in the tiny opening of flesh. With her hands on her hips, the towering depraved female watched with wickedness as the bemused blond buckled her hips in contentment, arched her back with strength, shuddered from unknown feelings and breathed deeply through the open mouth on her bewildered face. Womanly juice soaked the intruding toe as it poked further into Victoria and caused her shake violently from the invasion. Before the tortured female could reach her limit, Becky pulled the toe out, bent down onto all fours, crawled slowly over the defeated blond body below her and paused briefly numerous times to place wet kisses up Victoria's form. As the dark creature dominated more of the innocent female's body, the shocked expression gradually disappeared to allow deeper gasps to escape from the crimson lips. Expelled noises grew louder as the kisses were placed on the fluffy chest area and up her graceful neck. Soon, the different shades of blue eyes were level, Becky laid her whole form on top of the virgin beauty and the faces touched each other. "What are you doing to me?" whispered Victoria as she managed to form a sentence from the feelings she was experiencing.

Through softly spoken words, Becky replied, "my oh my, aren't you a succulent virgin bitch. You really have no idea about sex, do you? I guess I should have known better to have you pleasure me first but, I have to say, you succeeded in the end. I think I will have to take the liberty to teach you about your own body. You need to know that even a virgin can discover how her body reacts, like me, who took time to touch my body and find out the wonders of such strong feelings. You will be happy to know that you are the first creature to touch me down there, and for that, I truly do want to return the favour." After the immoral words, she licked her exquisite tongue along the front of Victoria's face, drenching her with more fluids and sampling the nectar that squirted around the facial features. Victoria screwed her face as the moist appendage was dragged and slithered around her facial features in the most uncomfortable fashion, despite the feelings of yearn.

Once she was able to open her eyes again, Becky had disappeared from view. Victoria's eyes darted around the barren room to find signs of a dark body but her attention soon returned to the flattened fur on her chest. "I am still on top of you my silly little bitch. I love that confused look of yours, it makes this even sexier to me. Oh, by the way, how else did you think I was able to lay the last punch of you? The look on your face as I sped towards you was priceless." A cackle arose soon after the soft words had spoken and the flurry chest soon returned to it puffy appearance as the invisible female lifted off of Victoria's exposed body.

Dark blue eyes still darted around the room to find any sign of movement from the unseen antagonist and deep breaths escaped the wide-eyed female from a mixture of dynamic feelings. A sudden yelp escaped as Victoria was caught off guard by the sudden grasp of undetectable hands on her aroused chest. She looked down to witness the hands squeezing her bosom tightly, etching their outline onto each fur-covered breast and forcing the soft fur to rise further from its base. Regardless of the initial abruptness to her predicament, Victoria stared at the groped shapes on her chest with much thought; the response of puzzlement, which she had been regularly experiencing, began to subsided the more she stared at the abused outline and she finally gave in to the ache for fulfilment. A withheld cackle erupted as the last sparkle of strength left the innocent female's eyes and she lowered her head to accept the pleasurable fate that dominated the lustful mind.

The previously alert eyes closed as the undetectable hands massaged the distorted shapes of flesh, causing sounds of ecstasy to emit from Victoria's mouth once again and her body to relax to the stimulation that was given. Her back arched, pushing her slender stomach outwards as the etched hands moved downwards from her chest and pressed against the fur on the toned flesh. The imprinted fur continued to slide down towards her womanly area but disappeared entirely before reaching the pink twitching hole of the submissive blond female. The tight opening widened as an invisible force stretched the soft virgin flesh, violating the untouched walls inside and causing Victoria to writher from the initial shock of the breach. With her eyes still closed, her mouth gasped with sounds of enjoyment as the unseen force continued to slide within the confines of her undamaged hole. Fluids spurted out of the blond body for the very first time, spewing feminine liquid around the intrusive force and coated the form of two fingers applying pressure to Victoria's inside. As more fluids escaped the womanly organ, the slimy shape increased its speed, rubbing swiftly against the heated walls of Victoria and digging more fluids from the stimulated cavity. Victoria's body tensed as more pressure was applied inside her, building up the alien feeling of release in her mind and caused her back to arch more in reaction to the new sensation. The invasion inside her was too much for the violated creature as she let out a huge scream and released a stream of heated liquid from her maltreated gap.

After experiencing such seer bliss, the panting Victoria opened her eyes once again to see a floating splodge of cum dripping down in mid-air from an unseen figure towering over her. Her whole body relaxed from the immense burst of energy that flowed through her and she had little strength to resist the sudden movement of her body being tilted to the side and one of her slim legs being lifted up to the floating mess. Victoria started to pant again as another shot of stimulation ran through her mind; the fur along the inner thigh of her leg pressed against her flesh by the invisible Becky and the sounds of squelching were heard against the soft tissue of the twitching moist vagina. Victoria's whole body shuddered in rhythm to the slippery noises of her sex organ as the invisible force shoved against the blonde body and cried out moans of enjoyment. With each thrust against Victoria's form, Becky's cum-soaked face gradually became more visible to the naked eye as her moans grew louder and more intense.

The hollow wooden room of the tree trunk echoed with sounds of lust as the appearance of two females pleasuring each other were made visible from the light of the doorway. The blond female lay tied on the floor submissively to the dark dominate woman thrusting away, each expelled fluids onto their drenched thighs and cried intense noises of lust. The pink organs linked into each other, rubbing rigorously against the fleshy skin and locked together by the scissoring legs of the horny creatures. Becky swore repeatedly in-between deep gasps of breath as she enjoyed her fun with her prey, thrusting her vagina into Victoria's and shouting her satisfaction during the build-up to her second orgasm, "Ooooooh.......you are soooooo GOOOD!.......You have.....such a great...!! Oh my god, oh....oh....I'm cumming.......I'M CUMMING!!!!!"

With one mighty yell, pale-blue eyes rolled upwards, muscles tensed and one final thrust, Becky ripped out a huge jet of heated fluids from her depths and completed saturated every inch of fur that surrounded the pink fleshy clump in the midst of the females. Becky's outburst caused Victoria to reply with her own loud sexual groan and to produce another jet of liquid from her own vagina. Pungent feminine liquids covered the floor around the depleted holes as both the exhausted figures panted deep breaths in their current positions. With all her strength gone, Becky slowly slumped to Victoria's side, facing her deep blue eyes and wrapped her limbs around the restricted trembling body. A few soothing licks from her dark lips, onto the blond fur of the sexual depleted face, calmed Victoria down to snuggle up against her former foe. An aura of affection consumed both the females as they huddled together in the bland messy room, sleeping away their former disagreements and binding together a relationship that probability could not foresee.