what a storm blew in

Story by Aetherwolf on SoFurry

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Jack walked across the dark fog shrouded parking lot toward the bar. "This is just great" he mumbled to himself. "a week off work and I have to spend half of it in a hotel because of that stupid windstorm and

A tree that just had to fall on my house." The young wolf shook some of the dampness from his fur and

Readjusted his black leather jacket. "at least the insurance company is paying for it." "spent all yesterday moving everything so they better get it fixed" The simple fact that every room in his house that didn't have a hole in the roof was full of things from the rooms that did had him living at the hotel until they repaired his roof. Shrugging to himself he reached out and pulled open the door to the bar. "at least this place has some good sandwiches not just drinks." He didn't really drink when he went to bars mostly threw darts and played pool. He had gotten into a few fights but most of the time even the troublemakers left him alone.

A six foot tall gray wolf dressed in cycle leather and blue jeans was not what you would call a prime target for starting a fight. That is unless you wanted to end up with broken bones and missing teeth.

Jack pushed aside his plate and leaned back in his chair. That was excellent. he thought popping the last bite of the sandwich into his mouth. Chewing reflectively and scanning the crowd . Pool tables are in use

Darts are also full up.. Hmmm hello!! Jack smiled to himself recognizing a slim vixen sitting at the bar.

It was Chrissie he had seen her at the grocery store quite a few times and carried her groceries out to her car. who wouldn't lend her a hand he thought She has a set of curves a roller coaster would envy and she is such a sweet girl. Sweeping his gaze along the curves accented by her soft red orange fur and velvet black paws, tail tip and ear tips. "Beautiful" he whispered under his breath. Noticing her slight swaying and how she carefully set her glass on the bar. He frowned and to himself thinking also more than a bit drunk. The young vixen tossed some money on the bar then carefully got to her feet and slowly made her way to the door. hope she has a ride Jack looked around the bar but nobody else was leaving. Then he noticed someone else looking around the bar. A rough looking labrador with a chewed up ear was also scanning the crowd seeing nobody else leaving he cracked a wicked looking smile downed his beer and quickly left the bar. Jack tossed the cash to cover his bill and a tip on the table. His eyes narrowed that looks like trouble to me. getting up he quickly ducked out the door.

"Come on sweet thing lets you and me have some fun." Chrissie fumbled for her keys paying no attention to the Labrador who had come up behind her. Finally getting the keys out she moved to unlock her car and was grabbed and roughly spun around her keys flew out of her hands and she numbly looked up. "That's better sweet thing look at me when I'm talkin to you." The Lab held her tightly "you an me are gonna go back to my place and have some fun miss foxy." the vixen tried to pull away realizing what was happening.

"NO!!! get your paws off me!! Let me go !!!" "OOOOh A frisky one" the lab laughed holding her tight " I like em frisky miss foxy." The lab tightened his grip "but you gotta learn to listen..ULLLP!!!!!!" Suddenly the hands holding her were gone Chrissie lurched away putting the car between her and her attacker.

She looked back to see the lab pulling desperately at the hands of a large gray wolf that were holding him pinned by the throat to the wall surrounding a nearby trash dumpster. His paws several inches off the ground. "I should strangle you" the wolf growled at the lab in a voice that froze the blood in his veins.

"but your drunk and your stupid and it would be too easy. So I'm gonna make sure you don't bother any

lady tonight and for some time to come." The wolf released the lab who fell gasping for breath onto the ground. "You bastard!!" the lab gasped as he struggled to his feet "Im gonna kill you you son of a bitc....EEEEEPPP!!!!!!" The lab toppled as the wolf's kick caught him square between the legs.

Jack stared at the now unconscious attacker sprawled at his feet. Looking back at the vixen who was unsteadily peering over the hood of her car. He picked up his now vanquished enemy and tossed him unceremoniously into the dumpster behind the wall.

The tipsy vixen watched the wolf dispatch her attacker and tried to think through the fog in her mind.

Is he gonna come after me now...no wait I know him.....who is he ....where...the grocery store...JACK!!!

She jumped out from behind the car and moved toward the wolf who had turned toward her then the alcohol stole her balance and she toppled. Into a pair of strong gray furred arms. He had covered the distance between them with a single leap and caught her before she hit the ground. "Chrissie...Chrissie are you alright?" Lifting her slim muzzle she looked up into the concerned eyes of the wolf she knew from the grocery store. "Jack?" she said softly. "Yea Chrissie it's me. Are you alright ? Did he hurt you?" Jack looked into her bright blue eyes as she responded "Grabbed me....Wouldn't let go ....I couldn't...oh Jack"

The vixen buried her face in Jacks chest and began to cry. She felt his arms go around her "Shh it's ok he 's not going to bother you again" Holding the sobbing vixen in his arms he thought to himself No way am I going to let her drive in this condition. She wouldn't make it out of the parking lot. We should both be gone before the idiot crawls out of the trash. "Chrissie, Chrissie " the wolf spoke in a gentle voice. "We gotta get you out of here. I have a room at the hotel just across the way. We can go there if that's ok. It's got a phone and you can call for a ride home or I can take you." Feeling a headshake in between sobs he started toward the hotel then Chrissie stopped. "keys" she mumbled. Looking around and seeing them not far from his feet

He quickly picked them up and tucked them in a pocket. "Got em. Anything else" Another headshake this one no. "ok let's go then." slowly they made their way across the street to the welcome warmth of the hotel.

"Yes officer she's alright" the wolf held a phone to his ear "No she's not in any condition to make a statement right now" He glanced at the tipsy fox sitting on the bed "outstanding warrants, ok I'll make sure she knows, thank you officer." the wolf hung up the phone. "They got him Chrissie, He wont be getting out for a long time. The officer said he has a long list of outstanding warrants. But they do want you to make a statement. Hey Chrissie?" The wolf sat down on the bed beside the fox "Hey there did you understand what I just said?" jack put his arm around her shoulders "Yea I Heard" The Vixen answered her voice slightly slurred. Heard but not understood . Jack thought Your still more than a little hammered. "do you want me to drive you home...." Receiving no answer he looked down at the beautiful female now snuggled under his arm. "Chirssie?" still silence "hey you ok?" she fall asleep? he wondered. "Jack?" a soft voice asked "yea Chrissie" he answered "you saved me tonight didn't you" He nodded "yea I guess I did." "You're my hero" she declared Jack smiled "if you say so...ummmp" suddenly pushed onto his back he found himself locked in a passionate kiss with the vixen who was now laying on top of him. "Whoah wait hold on a second here "

He lifted the shapely fox off him and set her back down beside him. "But you're my hero" she whimpered

"I wanna reward you" her black furred paw reached out and caressed his sheath through his jeans. Oh Damm!! he thought. His rod snapping painfully to attention inside his jeans. The wolf shook his head and reached down removing her paw from him. "Your tired, your confused and your drunk" he said tapping his finger on the end of her nose. "but I wanna." she whimpered "if you want to reward your hero how about you get some sleep." she nodded her head "ok Jack" helping her crawl under the covers He tucked her in and watched her for a short time untill her breathing told him she had fallen asleep. He gazed at her sleeping there. I am a noble ,lonely, idiot! he got up awkwardly slightly hunched over as the effects of the vixens display made it difficult and uncomfortable to walk upright. If I am going to get any sleep I am going to need a very cold shower. He glanced back at the sleeping female. or two!

Chrissie mumbled then yawned as the sun woke her from her slumber. Too bright she thought _Gaack

tastes like something died. Shouldn't have went drinking. Drinking.... Bar...grabbed me.....fight ...JACK!!_

Sitting bolt upright eyes flying open she looked around wildly. Oh god.... what's this... Where am I...Wait a minute. Slowly remembering the events of the night before she groaned and put her head in her hands.

Then hearing a voice she looked across the room toward a small doorway that looked like it opened into a little kitchen area . He must be in there. she sniffed the air making breakfast by the smell of it. Pausing for a moment to collect her thoughts. Well here goes nothing. Slipping out from beneath the covers she padded across the room and peeked thru the doorway. Sitting at a small counter was the gray furred wolf. Talking to himself and sipping from a mug while a microwave hummed in the background. Listening curiously to what he was saying. Chrissie nervously approached.

Sipping from his tea mug Jack glanced down at the keys sitting on the counter. Reaching over he flipped the id tag on them over and read it Chrissie Castle 13453 Deerfield Dr. "Hmmm" he said "that's clear over on the other side of town. Wonder why she shops at the super mart? There are a lot better stores closer to her." a soft voice behind him caught his attention "Hey Jack." Turning his head he gazed back to see a nervous and beautiful form standing in the doorway. "Hey Chrissie, You feeling ok ? Would you like a cup of tea?" She stood for a moment her foxy tail twitching. "I'm ok .. And yes" Jack grabbed another mug and dropped in a tea bag. "Pull up a chair" he waved to the other stool sitting by the small counter then added hot water from a small kettle sitting on a hot plate. "Your keys are on the counter, phone is there too if you want to call someone." Turning and handing her the mug the wolf sat back down. The vixen took the mug and looked down at the phone and the keys on the counter "I don't have anyone to call." she said softly looking back at the wolf. He raised an eyebrow "My parents are dead, My one friend is on a business trip and I don't have a boyfriend." A look of surprise crossed his face "oh I know" said the fox a bit of snap in her voice " Pretty girl, Has to have a boyfriend. That's what everybody thinks. So nobody ever asks !!" Jack shakes his head "Hey now no need to get mad at me." The vixen's eyes drop to the counter "Sorry Jack"

There is silence as she adds sugar to her tea and stirs it. Sipping from the mug her eyes move to the keys sitting on the table. Should I _ She thinks. _All this time. Nothing to lose. Reaching out with her paw she picks up her keys. "Do you really want to know?" She asks. "Know what?" The wolf asks. "Know why I shop all the way across town." He nods " I was wondering about that. I mean the prices aren't that great to drive all the way across town." Turning her head and looking directly into his golden eyes she speaks. "Because there is this tall, nice, interesting and gorgeous wolf that carries my groceries for me, who I fell in love with." Staring back into those bottomless blue eyes Jacks brain stopped working. who ....she ...with me? Carrie looked hopefully at Jack and seeing his blank look her face fell. Oh no!!!! her mind screamed " I'm sorry" She looked down at the floor tears forming in her eyes "I mean ...I just was hoping... if you already... I'll just go" The vixen stared at the carpet tears running down her muzzle. She quickly stood up to leave only to be enveloped in a warm embrace by a pair of gray furred arms. "Don't leave. Please don't leave" The wolf held the vixen tightly "You would break my heart if you did." she looked up at him blue eyes meeting gold And in the depths of both were love. "you said last night I was your hero" he softly spoke to her. She smiled up at him. "What kind of a hero would I be" He ran a tender finger along her muzzle wiping the dampness away "if I let you leave in tears?" Then he lowered his head and kissed her and the world fell away. Their bodies tingled from ears to tail tip. Deepening the kiss their tongues moved around each other tasting passion in each others mouth. Finally breaking the kiss Chrissie looked up at her wolf with a smoky gaze "Does my hero want to claim his reward now" He pulled her tight to him and locked her in another passion filled kiss. "Oh god!" She said breathless "I'll take that as a yes." Chuckling the wolf swept her into his arms and carried her to the bedroom.

They fell onto the bed locked in another deep kiss. Their hands exploring each others body his fingers deftly unbuttoning her shirt as she performed the same service for him she caressed his taught muscled stomach then moving her hands up his chest removed the shirt and tossed it to the floor. Kissing again he removed her shirt his strong hands moved slowly up her back to grasp the catch of her bra and it too fell away. They embraced and kissed fur on fur her feminine globes against his chest her arms caressing and holding him. they could feel each others racing pulse . The heat, the scent, the pleasure of two becoming one. He broke the kiss moving back slightly and feasting his eyes on the wonder before him So beautiful So sexy. he dropped his muzzle and kissed her neck raising his hand and cupping her breast. She moaned

He's so handsome so strong so. .oh yes! his hungry mouth continued it's course trailing kisses down her neck. down her chest, up her breast to suckle on the tender nipple atop it. His long tongue caressing the sensitive flesh "OH Jack" she moaned. Kissing his way across her chest he tenderly licked and suckled

First one breast then it's twin. Caressing the silky soft fur with tender hands and teasing the sensitive peaks with his mouth then back up to claim another kiss from the slender muzzle of his mate. Lips locked with his

Sliding her slim paws down his torso feeling...finding! with a deft hand she unbuttoned his jeans and breaking the kiss pushed the wolf to standing position beside the bed. What's she doing? Oh lord!!!

The vixen bent over placing her hands on the edge of the bed and took the zipper of his jeans in her teeth

Growling playfully her tail wagging she began opening the zipper one tooth at a time. I can smell him.

_So warm. so male. MMMM!! _ Her mate groaned as she continued her slow descent the foxes low growls

Vibrating against his sheath. The heat of her breath reaching him through the thin boxers he wore he struggled to keep his hardening shaft from extending before she had freed it from it's prison. Click, Click,

"grrrr" Click ,Click, "Grrrrrr" The wolf struggled as the vixen slowly released the pressure Click, click,

"Grrrrrrr" She slid her soft paws around his hips undoing the tail catch and slipping her fingers under the waistband of both jeans and boxers pulling both down freeing the wolf from his struggle. He felt her hands slide around his waist her slender fingers slip beneath his boxers next to his fur. Then the cool air as his clothes fell away. Gazing at the impressive set of orbs now swinging free beneath the now naked male

Chrissie followed the sheath to it's tip where several inches of thick pink wolf meat had started to show.

" MMMMM mister wolf" The vixen said looking up at her lover "you look .....Delicious!!" Jack Whined and nearly fell as his eager shaft was engulfed in the warm wet muzzle of a playful fox. "OHHHH Chrissie!!!!" He gasped as the slender orange furred muzzle suckled on his length the mobile tongue teasing the mouth caressing drawing his full length from his sheath. 9 inches of thick shaft surmounted the beginnings of his swelling knot. So big Chrissie thought as she massaged the throbbing rod within her muzzle Drawing whines and moans from it's owner. Noting the swelling knot she shuddered. Her already warm folds becoming wet at the thought. Continuing her assault on the shuddering wolf she fondled his furry orbs As he laid a gentle hand atop her head. "That feels so good !" the wolf whispered "oh god....Not yet!!" Pushing the vixen off his swollen wolfhood he looked down into her eyes. "That was incredible" he said in a breathless voice then pointed at the bed "Now it's your turn"

The vixen smiled and lay back on the covers He could smell her arousal. The warm wet scent of a female. He crawled onto the bed his naked body between her knees. Her tail tickling his jewels. He reached down and unfastened the snap on her pants. Then the tail clasp then he slowly slid them from her silken furred thighs down her legs and off to the floor. Only a thin pair of damp panties covered the vixens treasure. "Ok miss tease." the wolf smiled " Now it's your turn." Gazing at the wolfs glistening shaft the vixen whined. The wolf lowered his muzzle to the dampened cloth at the apex of her thighs. Chrissie watched the gray muzzle descend toward her most private of places. Her wetness increasing as it came near. A small yip escaped her as hands slid under to unsnap the tail clasp then teasingly stroked her bottom. Golden eyes looked up from between her thighs. His muzzle almost touching her wet panties His hot breath washing over her Their eyes still locked he dropped down to snatch her panties in his teeth. Slowly he pulled the wrapping from her treasure. Slowly sliding it down her shapely silken furred thighs. Breathing deeply of her intoxicating scent. She could feel the cool air touch her wet mound revealing her intimate lips to the hungry male who was slowly ever so slowly pulling her soaked panties down her legs with his teeth. Finally pulling the scrap of cloth over her heels he removed it from his mouth Breathing deeply of the scent that clung to them then tossing them aside. He reached out to her legs caressing them as he slowly moved his hands up to rest atop her knees. Slowly he spread her legs opening the way to her now fully exposed femaleness. Then he turned and kissed the inside of her knee. Then he licked it. Turning to the other knee he also bestowed a kiss and a lingering lick. "I think" he said moving a bit lower (kiss, lick) "that I can tease" (turn, kiss, lick)

"better" (turn, kiss, lick) "than you" And he continued inch by inch down both sides of her inner thighs moving closer and closer to their joining and the fire that lay burning there (kiss, lick) Cassie moaned and shifted on the bed. (kiss, lick) "Ohhhhh" Jack smiled at her moans (kiss, lick.) "Ohhhh god!" The vixen arched her body thrusting her burning folds toward the hungry mouth that continued it's relentless pace

She whined , she moaned, she arched, she squirmed. But nothing changed the measured progress down her thighs (kiss, lick.) He's so close!! (kiss, lick.) Almost there!!!! (kiss, lick.) please. oh please. oh please. oh please. The wolf paused. Her heated mound before him GOD NO!!!! DON"T STOP!!!! (Kiss) The vixen arched as though struck by lightning as his lips caressed her mound. (Lick) "OHHHHHHH GOOOOOD!!!"

She screamed as her orgasm crashed over her (lick)..(lick)..(lick) her mind blanked as the wolfs busy tongue

Lapped at her clit and the juices that gushed from her. She lay trembling as her mind returned. To find her wolf kissing his way up her stomach. then to her breasts. Then he was there kneeling over her his hands to either side. looking into her eyes. She could feel the throbbing hot weight resting atop her mound. He pulled back slowly she felt it slide back. Her soaking folds guiding it. Then she gasped. Brushing her swollen clit

The tip dropped between her lips coming to rest at the entrance to her depths. Then it moved forward.

Chrissie moaned and wrapped her arms around Jack as his massive shaft stretched her tightness around it

Moving slowly back and forth the wolf entered the vixen. So hot. So tight. it felt like he was sinking into hot liquid velvet. The vixen moaned and shifted beneath him then claimed his mouth for a kiss. Breaking the kiss she moaned loudly as inch after inch of hot wolf sunk into her all the way to the base where his massive knot throbbed. He waited a moment and reveled in the sensation of the grasping eager tunnel he had entered then he began to thrust. Slowly withdrawing all but an inch from the foxes mound before filling her again with his pulsing length. She could feel him. Every inch, every bump, every throb, and she was drunk with it Slowly he started thrusting his shaft sliding out leaving her almost empty only to return filling her once again. Her juices flowed, lubricating his shaft. The thrusts came faster. She pushed back into them she could feel his muscles tense before each thrust. Feel his pulse racing and throbbing in the shaft inside her. Hear his panting breaths as she clung to him. He was in heaven. Thrusting quicker into Chrissie's fiery tunnel he heard her yipping and moaning as she clung to him and rose to meet his thrusts

Her hot tunnel gripping him with each thrust driving him closer and closer to losing all control.

He could feel her wet lips caressing his knot each time he thrust. He struggled with his instincts not wanting to chance hurting this beautiful vixen beneath him. She felt him shorten his thrusts. No! she thought And knowing full well what would happen if she did she looked into her lovers eyes and spoke "TIE ME!!"

Passion and lust filled both gazes "Make it fit you big bad wolf!!" Chrissie panted "TIE Me!!"

And the thrusts became a jackhammer. Chrissie squealed screamed and yipped as thrust after pounding thrust assaulted her swollen mound. Panting and moaning Jack drove into her with increasing force

Her juices flowing madly her mind filled with need the slender vixen rose into the thrusts her mound stretching her lips parting desperately trying to swallow the massive knot that was driving itself slowly home. He pounded into her his thrusts sliding her slowly up the bed. Her breasts bouncing her breath catching as each one slammed home. Then it happened. Chrissie hit the headboard she gasped in surprise. The muscles of her tunnel relaxed just as Jacks juice slick knot came crashing home and he tied her.

Their orgasms came crashing home simultaneously. Jacks shaft spearing through her cervix as his knot

Was forced in she howled in pleasure as her senses overloaded her tunnel clamping down trying to draw every bit of seed from the male within it Jack came. His hot seed flooding down his shaft forcing past the tight vise of the vixens tunnel to spray directly into her waiting womb. He pumped into her with short thrusts as he emptied stream after stream of sticky cum into her silken depths. A howl of pleasure blending with that of his mate. And as they slowly came down. Back to the world. Out of the heavens where they had been . The wolf rolled over on his back the blue eyed vixen laying now atop his chest. "Jack" said the exhausted vixen "Yes beautiful" He replied "I love you Jack " "I love you too Chrissie" And they both drifted off to sleep still firmly tied in body and soul.