[Commission] Finishing Business

Story by TaniciusFox on SoFurry

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Flash story commission!

Contains post-vore disposal content.

The hedgehog wiggled in his place, trying desperately to break free of his restraints. Unfortunately for him, said restraints were actually several green, crushing coils, having made nearly every bit of his body except for his head and the uppermost parts of his torso disappear within them.

Not as well as his friends had disappeared within them, though. Three rather thick bulges in those tight coils betrayed the locations of the three other members of his team, the difference in size apparent enough that he could make out which bulge hid which friend of his inside it. What was worse, however, was being able to feel those lumps shift against his blue-furred body... all three of them were still alive. Horror of horrors, the creature that had devoured them had more than enough oxygen in its digestive tract to keep them from blissfully passing out.

Sonic could not make out what Knuckles, Amy, or Tails were saying within the serpent's body, their voices muffled by layers of muscle, fat and scales. But it didn't matter too terribly... he'd soon be joining them.

"Any last words before I finish our unfinished business, rodent?" The snake's large, slitted eyes stared at the blue hedgehog, his face for once fully exposed to the air now that he'd retracted that glass dome he normally stayed inside. The reptile generally stayed fully inside his suit for life support purposes, but he'd been preparing himself to open it for this special occasion... it was the same reason he'd recently modified his suit to be made of plates connected by an extremely durable rubber, which allowed it to stretch in ways regular metal could not. Given the young Mobians squirming in his lengthy stomach right now, it was obvious why he made such a specific modification.

"Ooo! Since your name is 'Lyric,' could you sing me a song first?" Even though he was facing fairly certain death, Sonic's willingness to annoy his enemy did not disappear in the least.

Lyric stared blankly at the hedgehog for a moment, before rolling his eyes. He'd hoped for a more dramatic finish, but no. Sonic couldn't even give him that. ...his annoyance soon returned to a smug grin, however, all his sharp teeth lined up in a smile, "Do not worry, Sonic, I think my bowels will be more than musical enough for you."

Admittedly, seeing Lyric's jaws suddenly gape nearly made Sonic piddle himself. He was starting to realize the gravity of the situation, anxiously looking around as he hoped for some last minute rescue by someone or another! Q-N-C? Sticks? Percy? Anyone?!

But no rescue was coming for him. That giant pair of snake jaws was. It was a foreboding sight, a fleshy cave ringed with razor sharp teeth that pointed inward, making escape impossible unless one wanted to give themselves severe lacerations. Contrasting all the light glistening off the snake's fleshy maw and tongue was a pitch black hole at the back, the entrance to Lyric's depths, which were slated to be the heroes' tomb.

Just before those jaws came over him, Sonic's smile broadened some. Not out of confidence, but out of anxiety. He knew there was no way getting out of this. Fortunately, panicking had never really been his style.

Lyric's jaws soon closed over Sonic's invisible neck, his cheeks obscenely bulging as he took in what was to be the last of his meals for the day. Perhaps it was the young hedgehog's increasing volume of sweat, but Lyric's delight was audible at the hedgehog's taste as he took it in. As his tongue probed and licked over Sonic's face, much to the latter's protest, he felt as if he was tasting a slice of heaven... that rodent had been a thorn in his side for over a thousand years (due to time travel), and now here he was, just being reduced to food. Very rich food, at that.

Glllrrrk. Lyric was eager to seal his suit back up again, so he hurried along, taking his first swallow and pushing the squirming hedgehog's large head into his throat. What had been a small opening easily stretched many times wider than it had originally been, the squishy folds giving Sonic's face the lewdest, most unwanted hug he had ever received. The muffled sound of Sonic's disgust as he was coated in saliva and other juices itself gave Lyric pleasure, the giant serpent hoping the hedgehog's journey through him was as unpleasant as possible.

Lyric really couldn't be bothered to remove Sonic's clothing, even if the thought of rendering him naked was certainly enjoyable. He was most interested in getting the young man inside him completely as soon as possible, so he could know for sure he'd never see Sonic's face again (at least with Sonic looking as good as he did currently). His drool soaked into Sonic's bandana as his teeth gradually slid over the peach of the hedgehog's torso, then his blue arms.

Sonic felt a saving grace for a minute as his sports tape caught on the monster's teeth, slowing his descent. In many ways, he was being erased from the world as he was squeezed by those almost crushing esophageal muscles, given Lyric's armor obscured the large lump he was making in the snake's body. Though the actual erasing would come later once he was deeper inside.

Sonic's ears were greeted with a gross sllllk sound as peristalsis pushed him several inches further down, Lyric having finally gotten his tooth off the hedgehog's awkward choice of accessory. Now he was free to keep swallowing, the rolling muscles pushing Sonic deeper and deeper along the length of that tight, slippery tube. Sonic's fur and spines repeatedly clung to the walls of Lyric's digestive tract as he was devoured, the slimy lining serving to make things nastily sticky. With every swallow, the squeezing muscles would cause the hairs of Sonic's body to break free as he slipped further in, only for them to try and stick to the walls yet again when he came to a halt yet again.

Lyric's heartbeat was starting to become a problem. It was accelerated, the serpent clearly excited at the thought of disposing of his nemesis. But more importantly, every time it beat, it caused those gullet walls to squeeze even tighter around Sonic, the increased pressure starting to make the hero feel like he had a migraine. He could only let out a reluctant sigh, helped along by those walls threatening to squeeze the breath from his lungs... he really was wishing Lyric had just vaporized him or something rather than tormented him by turning him into a coil bulge. Not to mention giving him an idea of what a crushed soda can felt like.

Lyric had loosened his coils now that Sonic's torso was completely inside him. Those gloved hands had slipped past his jaws as well, meaning he had no way of pulling himself out. Now while Sonic's legs were free, they were rather useless without something to use for traction and build up speed. Even if he could generate the speed midair, all he'd succeed in doing is running deep into Lyric's digestive system. The snake suppressed a chuckle at that mental image... a little rat running towards its doom, eagerly catapulting itself deeper inside himself.

Glllb. Glllrk. Ommmph. Sonic's legs were powerful, but they were also long and thin, more like raw pasta than weapons to be used against bad guys. Which meant it was no problem to rapidly devour them, Lyric effortlessly sliding them over his teeth and into the stretchy folds of his throat. Rather like pasta, the exposure to the warm, wet confines seemed to make them shift and wiggle, as if Sonic was trying to find some way to leverage them for an escape. Unfortunately, the fleshy tube he was being crammed into was far too tight to allow for any running even if he had solid ground beneath his shoes.

Ah, his shoes. Those were the last bit of Sonic now, the rest having become a thick bulge in his body just like the three before him, the lump made by Sonic's head visible as he slipped past the bottom of Lyric's armor. As if to taunt Sonic at his inability to use his extreme speed to save himself, Lyric casually brought one of his metallic palms below Sonic's feet, granting him the footing he would so desperately need to try and run his way out of this... of course, as mentioned, the tight wrapping of his throat meant no last minute run was possible.

Lyric gave a shove, forcing the last of Sonic into his maw, before audibly snapping his jaws together. He had nothing to savor from those shoes, nor did he want to even try, not knowing where that blue simpleton had been. He tilted his head back for dramatic effect, and then...


All the saliva that had built up from Lyric's constant drooling around the hedgehog created a huge pocket of fluid around Sonic's shoes, and as soon as that throat widened just a little at a swallow, it basically allowed the last of the hedgehog to shoot right into it. All that saliva and the force of that gulp were enough to send Sonic as a whole shooting deeper inside Lyric now, an organic rollercoaster lasting several seconds as the hedgehog's bulge moved deeper and deeper into the serpent's body, before finally coming to a rest right next to an even larger one... where the hedgehog's incompetent echidna friend was.

Sonic found his impromptu water slide finally come to an end as he was pushed against something much larger than himself, clearly not more of Lyric's flesh. No, based on what he had seen on the outside, it was apparent he had bumped into Knuckles. His rock hard body didn't seem quite as rock hard as before, though... he felt a bit softer to the touch.

"Hey Big Blue... are we boned?" Knuckles caught Sonic off guard as he spoke up, clearly still alive despite the digestive process... had there been adequate lighting, it would be possible to see the sports tape on his body had started to dissolve.

Sonic sighed, "Yeah Red, I'd say we are." The confines were tight, but he shifted himself around some, managing to position himself so he could lean against Knuckles. Large as he was, his slowly-digesting body seemed like a perfect pillow right now. Sonic closed his emerald eyes for the last time, hoping to doze off before the oppressively muggy, slimy chamber around him got even worse. He'd tried his best, but he knew before long he'd be nothing more than digested muck, same as those burgers he liked to munch on all the time. Before he blacked out, he felt the walls quiver and tighten around him, feeling the last bits of air compress as if he was being vacuum sealed...

Lyric gave a deep, moist belch, Sonic's shoes flying out of his mouth and landing on the floor with a lurid splash of saliva and stomach juices. He smacked his lips with a smug grin. Sonic was an enormous thorn in his side, but that just made him an even more satisfying meal... to say nothing of the hedgehog's sharp spines, which served to give him a distinctive texture, causing a pleasant irritation as he went down... he was almost sorry that it was over. Almost.

Lyric admittedly wasn't used to doing this next part in front of an "audience," but... a deal was a deal. The four he'd consumed before were now long digested, and there was now just an obscenely thick bulge along the length of his lower body. As was requested, he hiked the end of his body up, and a little bit before his tailtip, a normally hidden orifice made itself known... and it was widening by the second, a result of something forcing its way towards it for release.

He grunted, his sharp teeth almost biting into the flesh of his lips as he pushed. Far harder than anything before... devouring the hedgehog and his friends had been fun, but they'd stretched his intestines as far as they could go, and that meant it would take a serious amount of force to relieve the blockage. The serpent was clearly having discomfort doing this, but that just meant the reward would be sweeter...

Finally, after several deep breaths and renewed strain, a brown mass started to force its way out of him. Coated in the slime of his bowels, it glistened in the sunlight... his waste, all that was left of the pests he'd swallowed. They always were a pain in his ass... but now it was just so much more literal.

With each passing moment, that piece of waste grew longer. Wider. It was impressive to behold: most people referred to their waste as "logs" because it normally resembled said objects. But in this case it was... different. Despite the fact it should be a compact, smooth object as a result of being crammed through his intestines, it was not. That gargantuan piece of shit randomly grew smaller or wider at parts, with strange protrusions. Along the back, there were clearly solid lumps that grew out, each one making Lyric wince as he continued to push, feeling his anus stretch just a little bit, only to shrink down a little each time he passed over one. Two... three... four... five...

Six! He gasped as he finally felt his hole seal itself tight again, the last of that bizarrely-shaped turd slipping out of him, a lewd SPLUTH resounding through the room as gravity took full effect on that pile, slamming it against the floor.

As Lyric gazed at it... a sly grin crossed his face. Now he knew why it was such an awkward bit of fertilizer to pass...

His fur had changed to a rich, fudge-like brown, but you could have sworn Sonic was laying there, partially curled up, napping. But it wasn't Sonic per se... it was just a mass of waste that was a spitting image of him, various indentations and all working to make him look like one of the most disturbing sculptures one could come up with. A freshly made piece of art, no less, evidenced by the heat rising off of it, Sonic's new form still steaming as a result of having been within the sweltering depths of Lyric's body.

A clap broke the silence, Lyric's audience stepping forward... his "benefactor," the one who had put him up to this and given him the assistance needed to succeed.

For the second time, green eyes met yellow. A spiny figure stared at Lyric with a confident smile... it was Sonic. Or at least... a different Sonic. He lacked the sports tape. He took better care of his quills, making them neater. He eschewed the bandana so one could make out his full torso, though his arms matched his underbelly in color.

A very different Sonic indeed, as seeing him made Lyric give a genuine smile... and a bow, "...did you enjoy the show, Sonic?"

"You really have to ask? That was wonderful!" Sonic paced a little bit closer to the giant mound of waste that had once been his counterpart... a slight blush visible on his cheeks. A part of Lyric pondered if Sonic had perhaps been turned on by his lewd voyeurism... though the bizarre nature of the hedgehog's groin made it impossible to tell for sure.

"Then I suppose our work here is finished?" The snake lifted his head back up, used to ending deals like this fairly formally.

"Our work, yeah." Sonic said, pacing around his deceased doppelganger's remains. "The stinky part of things is over, at least." He gave a sniff for emphasis... it was surreal smelling his own scent a little, albeit vastly altered from hours within a snake's digestive tract, "Now that this imposter's out of the way, I can work to regain all the loving fans that he tried to take from me!" He pointed a finger accusingly at the waste, though his anger quickly subsided as he regained his smile, "...and honestly? I'd love if you could be part of that, Lyric."


"Why sure! I couldn't have achieved all this without you, buddy!" With a zip of blue, he was soon right next to the big snake, casually slinging an arm around him as he gave a poke to the snake's chest. ...he accidently pressed his technopathy button, eliciting an awkward laugh from both before he moved his finger lower and tried again, "Lyric... I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship..."

The Pail Slide Technique (Post-Vore)

"Awww c'mon, now's not the time fer this bullpucky!" The raccoon man struggled with his belt, not in the least bit interested in taking caution at the fact bullets were tucked into every inch of it. Every shift of his hands just made his bulbous middle...

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Too Bad I Couldn't Eat All Of You

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Chymes - A Night in the Woods Vore Story

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