Always remember Chapter 1

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Okay so this location is a fictional Paris, I don't speak French (Canadian fail xD) And I wasn't about to translate that so.... Also I suck at spelling (Figure it out)


It was horrible rainy night. I could feel the wind whip through my jacket. I flipped up my hood to try to keep my head dry.

No luck, the rain drops were so heavy that the hood was instantly soaked. I turned left and started to walk down a small alley way.

The warm glow of the cafe at the corner was elluminating the rain drops. I could feel my heart race and my steps become faster. I was getting

anxious, as the water started to soak in to my fur. I soon found my self at the door of the tiny cafe, which couldn't hold more than

10 people and luckily there were never more than 2 people at a time. I found this cafe last month when my brother, sister and I moved

to Paris. I opened the door and hung up my jacket on a small brass coat rack, and walked up to the counter and ordered a small

coffee. I leaned on the counter while the barista prepared my coffee. The barista handed me my coffee and I walked over to

the window table. I pulled out my laptop, wiped off the water with my paw and fired it up. It made me nervous that my laptop

took longer than usual to start up. A few minutes later, the all holy windows logo popped up. I opened my Hotmail, and

there was an e-mail from an old friend of mine.

"Hey Kyoto,

How is Paris working out for you?

Better than Vancouver?


I smiled, as I haven't heard from anyone since I moved to Paris. People have never really talked to me before I moved.

"Hey Joey,

Yay I love Paris, it's more interesting than Vancouver for sure. People actually talk to me here, and it's good to start over.


I heard the bell hung above the door chime. I looked up and saw a young doe walk in. She was wearing a trench

coat and leather boots, and she didn't look too pleased that she had to walk through the rain. She strolled up to the counter and was

warmly greeted by the barista. She stood at the counter for a good fifteen minutes before walking to a table. We made brief eye contact,

I quickly looked back down at my computer,

I heard her giggle and she sat down at the table across from me. She reached in to her bag and pulled out a sketch book,

'Oh, artistic!' I thought to my self. I went back to surfing the internet, out of the corner of my eye I saw her look at me.


I looked over "Hey"

"I haven't seen you here before." she smiled

"Yeah, I just moved here last month, his is only my second time at this cafe"

"Oh cool" she looked back at her sketch book at started to sketch " I love it here"

"How long have you been coming here"

"Me? over two years" she stayed focused on her book.

I cought a figure out of the corner of my eye, I large wolf got up and started to leave, the barista said goodbye and he left out the front door

When he opened the door I felt a cold breeze run through the cafe. I shivered

"what cha drawing?"

"Hm? Oh, just the windows" she smiled

"Nice," I peered over he shoulder "you're quite good"

"Oh, thank you" She didn't seem to keen to talk again, I left her alone and just looked out the window of the Cafe.

I could see the rain, I couldn't tell if it was raining harder or if it was easing up.

There was a loud clap of thunder, I saw the young doe beside me jump and her ears stood straight up. I looked around my heart was raing

I grumbled, I wasn't looking forward to walking home in this weather. I started to shut down my laptop and pack up my mouse and

notepad, I took my cup back up to the counter. The barista thanked me and I walk over to the small brass coat and took my jacket,

I put it on, slung my bag over my shoulder and opened the door. I wall of cold air hit my like a train, my breathing stuttered and

I started to walk home. The rain pierced my face, the water soaked threw my jacket again, I was starting to become cold. I could

hear the wind whistling threw the streets and alley ways. I started to walk down the same alley way I used to walk to he cafe.

The wind got strong the farther I got in to the alley, I could see the glow of our apartment building in the distance.

I started to run, I could feel the weight of wet my bag on my shoulder. The glow of the lobby was elluminating the shiny streets.

I walked up to the lobby door. The handle was made of gold plated metal, It was cold to the touch. I opened it, I walked in

to the warm of of the apartment like it was a wall. I soon was too hot and I had to take off my jacket and bag, I walked over

to the elevator and pushed "up". I tunred around and looked out the lobby windows, I could hear the motors of the elevators buzzing

behind me. I turned back around just as the doors to the elevator opened.

I pushed the dirty gold key in to the lock, I turned it and grabbed then door knob and hip checked the door. The low light of

the apartment lit of the dull hall-way, I walked in and shut the door behind me. I hung up my jacket in the small closet,

and walked in to the small kitchen to my right and pulled out some steak out of the fridge. I looked around realizing that

That I haven't seen my sister since I came home.

"Luna!" I heard a loud thump from upstairs.

"Oh, hey" She started to walk down the stairs "I didn't know you were home."

"I only got home a few minutes ago"

"Oh okay" she sat on the counter "What are you making?"

"Steak on tortillas"

She smiled "enough for me?"

"Of course," I turned around and looked at her. Her legs were spread and I could see up her night gown.

she wasn't wereing panties, My heart jumped, she was only 11 and I didn't want to see that. But it was strangly erosing.

I turned around and threw the steak in the microwave. "What were you up too?"

"I was talking to Apollo"

"Oh he's home?" Apollo was my brother, he was 19, he kept us in the apertment. I had to wait 2 years to get a job, I was only 14.

"Yeah, he got off early"

"Oh, cool. I'm gonna go talk to him, I'll be right back."

she nodded "Kay"

I ran upstairs, my feet skipping every other stair. When I reached the top I tuned right, Apollo's room was at the end of the hall.

I knocked on his door "Hey man," I opened the door "I'm making some food, want any?"

He span around "Sure."

He followed my down in to the kitchen, he looked over at Luna.

"We can see your pussy..." He looked away

"My wha-" Apollo interupted


"Shi-" Luna slid off the counter and ran upstairs. Apollo looked at me.

"After our talk you'd think she understand..."

"Dude, she's 11"

"Yeah, I don't see a problem with that." He paused "I talked to her last year actually, just after Mom and Dad left"

"Man, was that a year ago?" You parents left us because I was getting involded in gangs. They couldn't handle us anymore.

Apollo lucky knew a couple of poeple and we lived in Vancouver for awhile before moving to Paris last month in september

"It's hard to believe, eh?"

"Yeah" I heard Luna walking down the stairs. I looked over, She was now wearing a red night dress, It looked beautiful on contrast

to her white fur. "Welcome back, Wearing panties now?" I chuckled

"Fuck you..."

"Hey!" Apollo span around

Luna looked embarassed "Sorry." she walked in to the kitchen and sat on the counter again

Apollo looked back over at, just as he did so the microwave beeped. I took the staek out and placed it on three tortillas. I handed

one each to Luna and apollo

Luna smiled "Thanks Kyoto"

"Thanks man" Apollo took a bite

Apollo walked over to the living room, Luna and I went upstairs. Luna walked over to her room and I walked to mine. I got

changed in to my sleep clothes and sat down at my desk, I took my laptop out of my bag and placed it on the desk. I pushed the

power button and swiveld around in my chair and looked out my window. I had an incredible view of the Effile tower, I am so

glad that my parents knew the land lord. I turned around and logged on to my computer. I fired up an internet browser, and went

to '' ( :D ) I listen for a moment for movment and clicked on a movie. I took off my pants and started to massage around

my sheath. I reached the top of my knot and I heard Luna's door open, I stood up and pulled my pants up. There was a light

knock on my door and Luna opened the door.

I span around in my chair. My heart was racing. "What's up?

"I wanted to appologize for the whole... Kitchen thing" I saw her feet shuffle

"It's okay, Just... Make sure to put pnaties on next time."

She giggled" Thanks"

"Can you... Uh, go?"

"Oh!," she looked puzzled "Sure..."

She turned around and shut the door behind her. I looked back at my laptop. I was turned off. I got up and streched, I opened

my door and walked over to the bathroom. I closed the door behind me and locked it, I walked over to the shower and turned it

on. I put my hand under the water, It was still cold. I turned sat cross legged in front of the shower until it headed up.

I didn't know how to feel about what I saw. I sat confused and losted, I was scared that that turned me on. I stood up and

open the glass door, I just about stood under the water until I realized that I was not undressed. I steped back got undress

and walked in to the shower. I closed my eyes and tilted my head in to the stream of water, It was shocked the Luna didn't

notice she wasn't wearing any panties. I felt my self getting an erection, I tryed to thik about something else. I grabbed

shampoo and started to wash my hair thinking about school, But no matter what I thought about. She would appear, I rinsed off

my hair and started to clean the rest of myself. I rinsed myself off and got out. I looked around the bath room, "Shit..."

I forgot my towel in my room. I unlocked and opened the door. Luna. She was standing right in front of me, because of how tall

I am she was only a foot above crotch level. My hands shot down and I tryed to cover myself, Luna looked away and was giggling.

"Go ahead"

I slipped past her "Thank you"

I ran down to my room and shut the door. My heart was racing, I didn't know what just happened. My thought were going every,

I sat down on my bed and closed my eyes. I tryed to calm myself down, I lied down and looked out my window. My heart rate slowly

started to come back down, I head the toilet flush and the sink start to run. I got out of bed and put my pants back on, I walked

over to my computer and fired up an internet browser. I found my way over to facebook and chilled out there. I looked down at my clock

It was 1:35 saturday morning. I heard a soft knock on my door, I got up and opened it. Luna was standing there, She looked sorry.

"What's up?"

She looked up at me "Sorry..."

"I knelt down and gave her a hug "It's honestly okay"

She let go "thanks" she smiled"Could I spnd the night with you?"

"Yeah sure, I was just going to go on the computer though" I tryed to sound inviting

"That's okay, I'll go get mine"

"Alright, I'll be here" Luna walked out and I heard her rustling around her room. I sat down on my office chair and started surfing.

Luna walked in and sat down on my bed with her laptop. I pluged in my speakers and put on some music, I heard Luna move behind me.

"Good song"

I span around "Thanks, I love Mogwai" (2 Rights make 1 wrong. If you were wondering)

She looked back down at her computer "It's 1:45" she paused "I SHOULD go to bed"

"You SHOULD. But are you going to?"

She laughed "No."

I rolled my eyes and went back to my computer. I had an inbox message.

"Good to hear, I'm glad you have a chance to restart. Get a break from gang life.

And i'm glad to hear that schools working for you.


I didn't bother to reply. I had nothing to say, I paused. I had nothing to do. I turned around and saw that Luna had basiclly

fainted on my bed. I got up and tucked her in. I went back to my computer and slipped my pants off, it felt like a bad idea.

But I was horny and I wanted to watch some porn. I unplugged my speakers and plugged in my headphones and went back on to

PornHub. I clicked on a movie and again started to massage my sheath. I could feel my heart beat start to race. I was at the

top of my knot, I started to pull down my sheath. My knot popped out. I started to masturbate, I haven't masturbated in a few

months. I leaned back and closed my eyes, I tried to keep quite. But I had to let out a heavy breath. I gripped my knot and started

to massage. I opened my eyes again and started watching the porn. My legs started to shake.

"What are you doing?"

My heart stopped. Luna awoke, and was looking at me. I span around with out putting my pants on again. we made eye contact.


"Wha- Why is your penis out?" she looked confused

"Um... well..." I tryed to pull my thoughts together. I was so lost. my heart felt as if it had stopped. "It's call masturbating..."

"Mas-tur-bating.... What?" She chuckled and looked at my crotch.

I covered myself "It's like sex. It's away to stimulate yourself."

"C-can you show me?"

"HA! no..." I laughed

"Why?" she looked very puzzled

"I-I... I'm just not aloud."


"Because, it's sexual. Brothers and sisters are not supposed to interact sexually."

"Oh... I don't mind..."

"I... well. Um." I couldn't thnik of anything to say.

She giggled "What?"

"Look... Just no. okay?"

she looked annoyed "Fine..."

"Go too sleep okay?"

"Night..." She threw the covers overher self again.

I looked back at the computer, I shut down my browser and pun on some music. I looked out my bedroom window and let my thoughts

wonder. I was trying to think of a way to explain to Luna what masturbating was, I looked over at her. She didn't move, her

eyes we focused on the door. i looked back out the window, I was completely lost. I got up and walked over to my door, I opened

and walked down the hall to Apollo's room. I knocked on the door.


"Hey Apollo. can I come in?"

"Yeah." I opened the door "What's up?"

"It's Luna"

"Oh?" He said shakily

"Well... She saw me masturbating..."

"What the fuck man... YOu knew she wa-"

I interupted him "I thought she was asleep, and... You know she wouldn't wake up an- FUCK!"

He placed a hand on my shoulder "Calm down man... Just think." We made eye contact "it's not your fau-... Okay it is but just stop

blaming youself so much. she was bound to figure it out one day."

I looked down "I g-guess."

I closed Apollo's door and I went back to my room. I opened my door, Luna was sleeping. I crawled in beside her and soon

fell asleep. It was nearly 1 P.M. before Luna and I woke up. Luna rolled over and looked at me. She smiled.

"Good morning"

"Morning Luna"

"I'm gonna go get breakfast"

"Okay, I'm just gonna stay in bed." she rolled over again

"Okay" I opened my door and started to walk down stairs. I heard someone in the ktchen, I turned the corner. Apollo was in the ktchen making

Eggs. I didn't say anything I just grabbed the milk and cereal and sat on the table. I poured my breakfast and rested my

head on my hand. The morning sun was beaming in to the kichen, it stoped raining, but there were dark luming clouds in the

distance. It was sad. I was hoping for more then a couple of hours of sun. I looked back at my cereal and started to eat

slowly. Apollo soon joined my at the table, I looked up at him. he look extremely tierd, we both were. He started to eat.

He was having trouble keeping his eyes open. I finished and took my bowl back in to the kitchen. I walked over to the living

room and started to read my book. I looked at the T.V. and wondered if I shoud watch. Apollo walked in and sat on one of the

arm chairs and turned the T.V. on. I chuckled under my breath. nothing good was on, only french news and reality shows.

I looked back at my book and started to read again. I got bored of my book and walked in the kitchen to grab a

glass of water. I heard footsteps from upstairs, I got strangely excited. I started to drink my water try to destract myself

from Luna coming downstairs. Luna walked in to the kitchen and grabbed a bowl out of the cupboard. she sat down at the table.

I joined her.

"Good morning again"

"Hey kyoto." she started to eat her cereal

I chuckled "Tierd?"

Luna rolled her eyes "No not at all..." she remarked sarcasticly. she kept eating

"I'm sorry about lastnight"

"Hm?" she looked up at me "OH! No, it's fine." she seemed unsure


"Yeah, it' fine"

"Alright..." I paused "Do you want to come to the cafe with my tonight?"

"Sure" she grinned "What time are you leaving?"

"Around 10:30" I paused "P.M."

"Okay" She seemed to perkup

I put my laptop in it's case and grabbed my wallet. I opened my door and walked down to Luna's room. I knocked on her door.


"Alright, i'm gonna wait downstairs." I walked down stairs and sat in the living room, Apollo was watching T.V.

"Hey man. I'm leaving in a few..."

"Alright. What time are you home?"

"Midnight. 1 A.M."

"Okay, I might be in bed when you get back." Luna walked in to the living room


"Yeah, talk to you later Apollo"

"See you guys"

Luna shouted just as I was shutting the door "BYE"

I walked in to the elevator and pushed the 'ground floor' button. Luna looked up at me, she had a big smile on her face. She

looked excited. The doors opened, Luna and I walked out. It was pouring rain and I was quickly soaking wet. The weight of

my bag soon increased. We walked for 10 minutes and then turned left down he small alley way. The warm glow of the cafe lit

the sreet corner. Luna was getting ahead of me, she started to run. It started to rain harder. We soon found our sevles soaking wet

standing infront of the cafe. I opend the door, a small bell above my head chimed. I walked up to the counter and ordered a

small hot chocolate and a coffee. I directed Luna to the window table. She walked over and got set up. The barista handed me

the drinks and I walked over to the table.

"Here you go"

"Thank you" she smiled "Thanks for bringing me"

"Not a problem" I grabbed my laptop "I enjoy having you" I opened my laptop. I remembered that I had an E-mail from Joey.

I opened an internet browser and went straight to my E-mail.

"How are the gangs acting since I left?"

I looked up from my laptop and looked over at Luna. She was focused on what ever she was doing. My eyes drifted over to the

counter. the barista was cleaning, my eyes drifted back down to my laptop. I grabbed my headphones out of my back and put on some music. I slid

one ear cup off so I could hear. Luna giggled. I looked at her.

"What?" I chuckled

"Oh nothing, just talking to friends" she smiled

I smiled "Good to hear that you keeping in touch with friends back in Vanny"

"Yea, I didn't want to lose contact." Her eyes went back to her computer

"Funny. I came here to LOSE contact" I chuckled and went on to YouTube. the windows moaned as a strong gust of wind blew

against them. I looked over and saw a small sillouette walking towards the cafe. The person go closer. I looked back down

at my laptop and started watching videos. A few moments later the bell above the door chimed. I looked up. It was the young

doe from last night. She looked over at me and smiled, she walked up to the counter. She receiver her coffee and sat at th able

across from me.

"Hello again..." she stop "I didn't get your name" she smiled

"I'm kyoto" Luna looked up from her computer "And this is my little sister Luna"

"I'm Kaite. Nice to meet you Luna"

Luna smiled "Good to meet you" she looked back down at her laptop.

"So how are you?"

"I'm good" she pasued "Fucking horrible weather"

I was taken back for a moment. "She didn't seem like the type to swear" I thought to my self "Yeah no kidding" I replyed

"Sorry," she obviously noticed my pause "I'm in kinda a bad mood tonight"

"Oh I don't mind" I smiled

She grabbed her back and took her laptop out of her bag.

Luna and I stayed at the cafe for a few hours. Luna enjoyed visiting with Katie, I'm glad she's meeting new people. We

turned right down the small alley way, It got dark very quickly. I could feel my feet moving faster. Luna was right neside me.

We turned right again and I could see our building. It wasn't raining as hard, I was glad to see the light from your apartment

insted of being blinded by peircing rain. We were soon in the lobby of the bulding and I pushed the 'Up' arrow for the elevator.

There was a loud ding and there doors opened, I pushed the '4' button. The doors closed and the elevator lurched, I looked over at

Luna. She was smiling, I was glad to see her happy. The elevator doors opened, Luna and I walked out and over to our front door.

I unlocked it and we walked in. Apollo was on the couch asleep T.V. on. He wasn't wearing pants. I covered Luna's eyes and

tryed to rusj her upstairs.

"What he's jus naked. I've seen him like this before" she giggled

"Really..." I looked over at Apollo "That's not right"

"He was teaching me about sex."

My head darted back to her. "Let's go upstairs."

Luna and I walked up and went in to my bedroom. I closed and locked the door behind me. I took my jacket off and sat on my chair.

"Did Apollo touch you?"

"What do you mean"

"Did he touch you anywhere he shouldn't have."

"Like where?" she looked confused

"Your chest or crotch." I was nervious

"No... I did touch him on his privates." she smiled

My head fell in to my hand "Apollo you fucking idiot" I thought. "How could he do this..."

"Are you okay?" She sounded worried

I lifted my head up "Yes... You shouldn't have done that" I paused "He shouldn't have told you too do that. did he tell you

what you were doing?"

"Yes. He told me I didn't have to, He told me the same thing you did 'Siblings shouldn't touch' But I wanted too and he let me"

"I see" I looked out the window. My thought began to whirle "Are you sure he didn't touch you" I looked at her again

"Yes, I kept my clothes on."

"Okay good." I exhailed

"Can you?" she said quietly

"Fuck... NO!"


"Luna. it's just wrong" I interupted

"Why!?" she snapped " I know you want too"


"Don't lie" she grinned "I know i'm your sister and all. But I know you want too."

I paused. I hated who she could read me. "I do. But I shouldn't. I couldn't."

She took off her shirt. she wasn't wearing anything underneath I was supprised. "Come on"

She got off my bed and walked over to me. She unzipped my pants. I grabbed her wrist "Stop."

"Your getting hard. Stop lying"

she took her pants off. she was wearing pink satin panties, she grabbed my hand and placed it on her crotch. I didn't

realize that my hand was so large. My palm touched just bellow her belly button. I tryed to pull away, but she held my

hand. "Let's go to your bed" she grinned



"Bu-... Ah... Nevermind" she grabbed my wrist and pulled me over to my bed. Luna lied down and pulled off her panties.

She grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled myon to her. I placed my hands on either side of her, she placed a hand on

my crotch. My heart started to race, She tryed to pull of my pants, I stopped her. I got up and took them off, I threw

my underwear in my closet, I took off my shirt and crawled overher again. She placed a hand on the back of my neck and

kissed me. I rolled off of her and sat up at the end of my bed, luna sat on my lap andleaned agaist me. I placed a hand on

her crotch, I tryed to push a finger in. Luna whinced, I pulled off.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah' her ears went flat and she closed her eyes "Try again" she said softly

I pushed again and my finger slid in. She moaned. As soon as I realized this was pleasuring her, I almost wrong. I wanted to

stop. But I couldn't. She gripped the back of my neck and I placed a hand on her chest. She smiled and looked over her shoulder.

I felt guilty, I needed too stop. But something made me continue, I could tell she was enjoying herself. Luna Shifted and looked

over at me. She giggled.

"I knew you'd like this" she tryed to massage my member. Her arms were to short.

"Shut up." I rubbed my finger up against her G-spot. She almost went limp with pleasure.

"Holy" She moaned"... Shit"

I laughed "Feel good?"

She didn't respond. she just moaned and started to grinned up against my hand. She tightend up and then let go, the fur around her

crotch became wet, she slid off of my and turned around. She was lying on her chest and gripped my cock. My heart skipped.

She started to massage my tip. She let go and knelt just above my cock. She gripped under my knot and started to lowwer herself.

I grabbed her waist, she pushed down. My tip penitrated her and she yellped and pull her up.

"It's a little bigger then your fingers."

"Yeah." I chuckled "I thnik we should save that for another time. I'm kinda to big for you"

She laughed "You sound like a paumpis asshole."

"Shut up..." I laughed

"How big are you actually?"

"Um... 14 inches."

Luna paused "Shit..." she looked down "Apollo was like 7 iches"

"That's normal. Just about everyone is 7 to 9 inches."

"You are big." she sat down beside me

"I kind of hate it... I'm too big for most people"

"Yeah." She looked at my crotch "I like it"

I nudged her with my shoulder. she looked up at me and smiled. Something caught my eye. I looked out the window. the flash bulbs of cameras were lighting

up the eiffel tower. I was taken back, it seemed so cheesey and fake. I lauged and looked back down At luna, she was asleep

in my arms. I lied down and pulled the blankets over us.