Family First

Story by fizzymcbon on SoFurry

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This is a commission I wrote for someone who wishes to remain anonymous. It contains lots of kinky M/M sex between two feral dragons :)

Somewhere In the night, tucked deep within a dark, lonely cave atop some nameless mountain, a young dragon dreamed.

He dreamed he was dashing through the woods, branches snapping underfoot, and tail weaving back-and-forth as he chased after the mysterious blue dragoness he'd been following for days now. At first, he'd caught a whiff of her peculiar scent while hunting in the Far-Easts, and finally - after a whole afternoon spent searching - he'd spotted her flying off coast, a sleek, silvery-blue scaled female, the first he'd seen in a long time, and the most beautiful he'd ever laid eyes upon.

_ She was soaring in the clouds, travelling perhaps, her wing-strokes swift and sure. The sunlight glittered magnificently across her smooth, leathery membranes, her body sleek and nubile. She called out in a sweet, warbling voice, a feminine sound that echoed across the lands ... and used that slender tail of her's to waft an enticing scent that got right in his nostrils and refused to come out. He wrinkled his brow and growled with pleasure, feeling a warm pulse between his golden-scaled thighs. He had to get closer, something urged him from deep inside his gut, and so he did._

_ That's when she saw him. Flipping in mid-air and staring in his direction._

_ He froze all at once, her dark, seductive, gaze boring straight into his soul. She truly was the most beautiful creature he'd ever laid eyes upon ... and he marvelled in awe at the slender curve of her hips, the perfect shape of her muzzle, and the way her tail flicked back-and-forth provocatively ..._

_ Then she winked and dropped into a dive. _

_ Everything came rushing back, and with a grin of his own, Damren trimmed his wings and chased after her. He had to catch her. He just had too!_

_ And he was failing. Miserably._

_ She was fast. Faster than anything he'd ever seen before, and worst of all ... she was faster than him. She twirled and spun in mid-air, performing aerial maneuvers he'd never even dreamed of, dancing just out of his reach. She was teasing him! And that only made her even more desirable. He grit his teeth and raced after her._

_ "Hey! Wait up!" he shouted. "I just want to talk!" The wind shrieked in his ears, but the female heard him and levelled up, flaring her wings out and whooshing past him. _

_ "You'll have to catch me first!"_

_ Damren grinned, his heart pounding inside his chest. he looked back down and noticed the forest racing up to greet him. His light blue eyes widened in surprise. Uh-oh._

_ He snapped his wings out at the last second, coming up short and tumbling through the dense canopy of pine trees. Branches whipped across his body, his vision obscured by foliage. By the time he managed to right himself, the ground was right under-foot. He was forced to land awkwardly on his flank, tumbling across the ground before skidding to a halt, his chin-scales buried in the dirt. The female give a tinkling laugh from high overhead, circling above him for a few seconds before landing a hundred yards to the North. She turned to face him. _

_ Damren groaned and got to his feet, shaking himself off. Their gazes met, and the female flashed him a devilish smirk before turning tail and fleeing deeper into the woods. Damren's snout curled into a grin and he took off in pursuit. He wouldn't let her get away this time!_

_ Now, after chasing her for the better part of the morning he found himself in wide clearing. Tall stalks of sweet-grass billowed gently all-around him in the cool, summer breeze. The wind smelled of fresh lilacs and morning-dew, tainted with that wonderfully exotic scent he couldn't get enough of. He followed it to its source: A massive sakura tree reaching high into the sky - bigger than all the others. The female stepped lightly around it's wide, knobbly trunk, her silvery scales glimmering in the light of the clearing. Damren's heart pounded inside his chest, his breath caught - and suddenly - he didn't know what to do._

_ The female beckoned him with a slight tilt of her muzzle, batting her long, dark eyelashes seductively. Damren swallowed and took a cautious step forward - his mouth parched and dry. He took another, then suddenly found himself moving towards her in an almost trance-like state. He hadn't seen another female in over a year, but this one ... this one was different. He couldn't quite explain it, but he knew there was something special about her. Something that would change his life forever._

_ He came to a halt a couple feet away, the wind whispering through the trees all around him. The female covered the remaining distance herself, her posture sleek and predatory, confident. She brushed against him, sparks tingling through Damren's scales as their bodies touched. He couldn't breathe, couldn't think, and all he felt was an intense flush of heat that rushed straight to his loins. The female toured his body once, her tail running down his flank, before flicking delicately against his sensitive slit. He flinched, blushing and meeting dark gaze._

_ "H-hey, I'm Damren." he mumbled awkwardly. "W-what's your na-"_

_ The female raised an eye-ride with amusement, then kissed him on the snout._

_ Damren's eyes widened with surprise. The female pushed forward and growled with pleasure. He felt her long, slender tongue slither inside his maw, flitting against his own as he struggled to comprehend what in the world was going on. She tasted sweet, like freshly ripened sugar-berries ... and he couldn't get enough. Damren closed his eyes and eagerly returned her wet embrace, opening his maw as their faces twisted against one-another, noses rubbing. _

_ Things moved quickly then. Him. Pulling her close. The female breaking the kiss with an audible gasp, their mouths still attached with a thin string of saliva. She wiped her mouth clean and smiled, slowly turning around and presenting her hind-quarters to him. Damren's jaw hung slack as she lifted her tail, his nostrils flaring out as he caught a whiff of that powerful, intoxicating scent. It was the scent of a female deep in her throes of heat, her swollen, ventral lips dripping and pushed wide apart, and flushed pink with desire. _

_ Without even a moment's hesitation, Damren mounted her, rising onto his hind-legs and draping himself across her back. His maleness was fully erect, rock-hard and spurting musky fluids all over her rump. He wrapped his paws around her waist and growled possessively in her ear, the female arching her back and rubbing against him, purring. This was it, he knew. He'd never mated before, and she would be his first. Finally, after years of waiting for this exact moment, now was his chance. He thrust forward, his slimy member spreading her apart, and sinking deep into her warm, welcoming depths. Pleasure exploded in his mind. Exploded with such intensity that he couldn't supress the ferocious roar that came next. A roar so loud, he jerked himself from his pleasant dream ..._

_ _ And woke up with a gasp.

Damren found himself all alone in his dark cave, panting heavily and drenched with sweat. He rolled onto his side, noticing his pink, tapered cock was rock-hard and drizzling pre-cum all over his golden belly-scales. 'Not again!' he groaned, staring at his highly-sensitive member. Not a night went by now where he wasn't plagued by wet dreams of his beautiful life-mate, Aela. He grimaced, getting to his feet and rustling his aching wings. It had been a long time since he'd gotten a full night's rest, and he doubted he'd be getting back to sleep anytime soon.

The soft, annoying patter of rain echoed throughout the cavern, and he glanced at the mouth of his cave, watching a streak of lightning crackle across the ugly, black sky outside. It had been raining for weeks now. A sure sign that Summer was ending. He knew Aela was supposed to be back with the other females any day now, but the knowledge didn't relieve his sexual frustrations one bit. He needed her, and just the thought of spending another fort-night alone without any form of release drove him practically crazy. He cursed silently at his shameful need. Surely there must be some way to make his cock stop aching like so! But he knew there wasn't. Every season the male drakes went into a ferocious, unrelenting rut. The type that could only be satisfied by tight depths of a fertile dragoness.

With a sullen shake of his head, Damren turned around and walked to the back of his cave, the soft glow of emerald crystal deposits reflecting dully off his golden scales. He ducked underneath a rocky alcove and entered the large, sweltering inner-sanctum within. Moonlight poured through the oculus in the ceiling, rainwater filtering into a small quarry that ran deeper into the heart of the mountainside. Tucked in the far-left corner of the room was a small nest made of twigs, branches, and bits of fur. He approached it, peering over the edge and staring at the three, blue-speckled eggs within. A feeling of warmth blossomed inside his heart, quelling his unpleasant lust for the briefest of moments. He knew he had to be strong for them ... for Aela, and once she was back to help him care for the hatchlings ... they'd get busy making some more. He smiled, bending down and nuzzling the fragile little things, feeling the comforting heat radiate through their soft, tender exteriors, and licking them to a sparkling sheen. He sighed, closing his eyes and murmuring sweet nothings to them, imagining the little drakes inside growing, breathing, getting stronger day-by-day.

The snap of wings outside his cave jolted him from his peaceful trance. Someone was here.

He jerked upright, his sandy-facial spines flaring out with excitement. _Aela! _ His mate was back!

Damren scampered back to the main cavern, ducking underneath the rocky alcove, and spotting the dark silhouette of another dragon standing proudly at the mouth of his cave. His spines drooped in fear. It wasn't Aela. Whoever it was, they were far too big to be his mate. Far too big to even be a female for that matter. He cocked his head and took a cautious step forward, squinting into the murky gloom.

"Hello? Who are you?" he demanded, his voice quavering with uncertainty.

The mysterious stranger approached, lightning crackling in the distance far-off behind him, and illuminating his impressive physique. Whoever it was, they we're big. Much bigger than him. Damren gulped, standing his ground and prepared to defend his hearth. He had no idea what this male wanted, but he had to protect the eggs ... no matter the cost.

The imposing drake stepped into the dim light of the antechamber, no more than a dozen feet away, the eerie green glow illuminating his dark, ebony scales, jagged blue-stripes, and massive wings curled along his back. Damren knew the male was older than him, it was obvious judging by their significant difference in their size. The male's neck was thick and strong, ivory horns sweeping back along the top of his head, before turning into darker, chitinous spines that ran along the length of his back, right to the very tip of his long, snake-like tail. Complementing his intimidating look was a broad, muscular chest, sharp white claws, a blunt snout, and two, deep, emerald green eyes that twinkled mischievously in the gloom, staring right at him.

The dragon winked.

Damren stumbled back furrowing his brow. There was something oddly familiar about the handsome drake, but he couldn't quite place it. The male was carrying something too. The carcass of an elk, bloodied and mangled, clutched between his powerful jaws. The dark male dropped it on the ground at his feet with a loud thunk.

_ _ "Hello brother." he purred in a deep, rumbling voice practically dripping with delight. "I've come bearing gifts!"

Damren's jaw dropped. "S-S-Sorek? _ Is that _you?"

His estranged brother bent down and ripped a massive hunk out of the elk's flank, tossing his head back and gulping it down as noisily as possible. Damren watched him swallow it, his stomach churning at the sight. Sorek was his older brother, loud, brash, and unbearably competitive. He had many fond memories him dumping snow on his head when he was younger, or tackling him in-front of the other males at any given chance. Damren scowled. Oh yes. Many fond memories indeed.

"Sorek? What in the world are you doing here?" he asked.

His brother smacked his lips and gave him a big, toothy grin. "I was in the area." he drawled. "Thought I might stop by and say hello to my dearest young brother." he bent down and ripped another hunk of meat from the elk, making a point to talk with his mouth full. "You know I couldn't possibly pass up on such a fortunate opportunity!"

_'Yeah, I bet.' _ Damren thought.

Sorek swallowed and looked up, his fangs covered in blood. "Want some? I got this for you!"

Damren frowned. "No. I'm not hungry."

His brother shrugged. "More for me then I guess."

Damren watched his older brother eat for another few minutes, his mouth watering at the sight. Truth be told, he was hungry, but the fact his sibling had decided to visit him for no reason at all was a little concerning. Sorek wasn't known for his random acts of kindness. There was always an ulterior motive with him, and Damren was determined to figure out that was.

Once Sorek had his fill, he pushed the half-devoured carcass aside and looked down at him, wiping his mouth clean and giving another crooked grin. "Look at you little brother, all grown up! Last I saw, you were nothing but a little whelp, crawling around and crying out for Ma'. Had I known you'd be this ugly, I'd have done them a favor and pushed you out of the nest long ago!"

Damren frowned. "Speak for yourself. You're not much better." he growled.

Sorek chuckled. "Oh lighten up Damren, I only jest. You know I would never waste a potential meal like that." He started touring around the cavern, kicking bones out of his way and inspecting the glowing crystals embedded in the rock-face. "Nice place you got here little brother - a little quaint - and nothing compared to my cave of course, but acceptable all the same. Live here alone do you?"

"Yes." Damren lied. "All by myself."

Sorek turned to face him, chuckling softly and shaking his head. "A shame. I have three females living with me. All of them ready-and-willing to lift their tails whenever I so desire. Sometimes I take my pick, but more-often-than-not, I simply mount all of them until they're leaking my seed. You should come by sometime. I might even share one with you." he purred.

Damren rolled his eyes. "I'll pass. Knowing you, they probably all look like dung-beetles."

Sorek chuckled, a low, pleasant sound. "They're not, I assure you. What's the matter Damren? Afraid you won't be able to measure up to your older brother? We can't all be gifted with such impressive members such as mine." he grinned, rubbing a paw along his swollen ventral slit. "Don't tell me you still haven't gotten that tiny little cock of yours wet."

Damren blushed, turning away and looking outside. "Even if I did, that's none of your concern."

Sorek smiled deviously. "You're right, it's not. I always knew you preferred males anyways."

He spun and faced his older brother. "I don't prefer males!" he growled. "I prefer females, just like you!"

Sorek cocked his head, delighted he'd gotten a rise out of his brother. "Who said anything about me preferring females?" he growled. "I've taken plenty of males too. More so, I daresay."

That stopped Damren in his tracks. He blushed furiously. "You ... you what?"

Sorek grinned. "A hole is a hole Damren, it doesn't matter to me. If it's warm and eager, I'll stick my cock inside it."

He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Damren. His older brother. Had mated with other males. The thought was almost too much to comprehend.

"I ... I don't believe you." he stammered. "You're lying Sorek! Trying to trick me! Why are you even telling me this?"

His elder sibling shrugged. "You know how it Is when the females migrate Damren. The males get antsy. Some of them like to fight, some of them like to be alone, and a few love getting held down and bred by someone bigger than them. They get a thrill out of it. And the ones that don't ... well, they learn quick enough." he added with a grin.

Damren shook his head in disbelief. "Oh be quiet. You're making all this up."

Sorek smiled, his green eyes flashing in the dark. "But I'm not." he chuckled. "They love it. I'm very gentle you see. After I've emptied myself inside them, I like burying my snout right underneath their tail, and licking whatever mess I've-"

Damren squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head, his cock throbbing angrily between his legs. "-okay!" he interrupted. "I get it. You like males too. Is this why you came here? To tell me this? C'mon Sorek, stop playing around."

Sorek put a claw on his chest as if he were gravely insulted. "Damren, please! You hurt me so! Do you really think I'm that arrogant and prideful?" That I would fly all this way to simply brag?"


Sorek frowned ... then an evil grin crossed his features almost instantly. "Well, you're half-right I'll admit. But that's not the only reason I came here." He started touring around the room again, tracing his claws down smooth, obsidian walls. "I wanted to check up on you Dam'. Make sure sure you weren't getting ... lonely." he added with a soft growl. "Are you lonely?"

"I'm fine." Damren grumbled. Really, I am. You don't have to worry about me."

Sorek came up behind him, draping a wing across his shoulder and pulling him in close. His voice was soft and persuasive, whispering in his ear. "I know you're in season Damren. I know you're aching for a female. I can help you know. I'm very experienced with these sorts of things."

_ _ Damren flinched away from his older brother, turning to meet his predatory gaze. "Are you ... are you suggesting?"

Sorek tilted his head and let him go. "I'm not suggesting anything." he said. "I'm just looking out for you, that's all."

"Well, I don't need help getting females, or males, or anything else you mate with in your spare time for that matter. What I want is to get a full night's rest, and you're making that awfully difficult."

Sorek raised an eye-ridge in surprise. "Me? I thought you'd be glad to see your older brother! I flew all this way to visit you, and now you want me to leave? How rude!"

"I'm not being rude! I just wasn't expecting any visitors, that's all!"

"At least show me around first!" he exclaimed. "How deep does your cave go? Mine goes on for miles and miles underground, I still haven't explored all of it." Sorek prowled over to the rocky alcove on the other side of the room and looked over his shoulder. "Let's find out, shall we?"

Any icy chill raced down Damren's spine. "Wait, Sorek! Don't go in there!"

His brother paused, turning around to face him. "Why, what's wrong?"

A trickle of sweat rolled down Damren's temple. "It's, um, all caved in. Unstable, the ceiling could come down at any moment. You don't want to go down there. Trust me."

"Well, I just want to look okay? C'mon, It'll be fun. Just like the old days!" And with that he ducked beneath the alcove, and disappeared into the nesting chamber.

"Sorek wait!" He raced after his brother and shot through the narrow opening, stumbling into the inner-sanctum within. His brother was right in the middle of it, facing away from him and staring incredulously at the three blue-speckled eggs tucked inside their tiny nest. He took a step towards them, and Damren sprung into action, crouching low and pouncing on-top of his older brother with a shout. They tumbled across the ground, Sorek grunting as he was pinned onto his back next the fragile little nest. His eyes glinted maliciously, a wide grin plastered across his face.

"Star's above Damren, you didn't tell me you we're a dad!"

"Shut up!" He snarled. "I told you not to come in here!"

"My little Damren, all grown up! Looking after eggs just like a good little brood-mother, I always knew you had it in you!"

Damren's claws dug into his brother's wrists. "I told you to be quiet dung-head! You weren't supposed to see them!"

Sorek gave him a smug look. "Why? Embarrassed a female has you all wrapped up around her tail? I almost pity her, choosing an ugly little drake like you for a life-mate! She must have really been desperate!"

"Alright that's it!" Damren yelled, readying to smack his infuriating brother across the head, but Sorek was faster, kicking him in the gut and rolling over while he was hunched over gasping for breath. Suddenly their positions we're reversed, Sorek on-top with him pinned on his back - exposed, their sleek bodies rubbing against one-another.

"Don't think for a second you can over-power me." Sorek purred. "You may have put on a bit of muscle and gotten your cock wet since we last met, but you'll always be my little brother!"

Damren clenched his jaw, panting heavily and staring up Sorek's victorious expression. "Let me up you idiot."

Sorek smirked. "Tsk, tsk. That's no way to treat your elders Damren. I would have thought Ma' and Da' taught you better."

"And I would've thought they'd have taught you to not to be such an arrogant little wurm!"

"Arrogant little wurm? Is that all you got? C'mon Damren, you can do better than that."

He struggled as hard as he could, only succeeding in exhausting himself. Sorek was much stronger than him, always had been, his muscles rippling beneath his glossy, ebony scales, toned from years of fighting and dominating other males no doubt. He smelled like a male too. A brow-wrinkling, pungent scent that got right in his nostrils and refused to come out. "Let me up." he growled. "You stink."

Sorek chuckled, giving his under-wing a mock sniff. "Really? Well, I'm definitely not letting you go now." He craned down until their snouts were touching. "What's the matter Damren? Jealous I get to have all the fun, while your mate is getting filled up by another male? It's not your fault. She probably can't bear the thought of spending another winter all alone with you anyways. I know I wouldn't."

Damren felt his scales burn with indignation, snapping at Sorek's face but only biting air. "She's not ... lifting her tail!" he stuttered. "Aela loves me! And I love her!"

Sorek's tongue flicked out. "_Aela. _ What a lovely name. Sounds vaguely familiar." he added with a teasing, brotherly nudge.

It took a second for the joke to sink in. Damren scowled. "She'd never lift her tail for a brainless dolt like you."

"You'd be surprised." his brother chuckled. "Once she saw my big fat breeding-tool, she'd be begging me to mount her, just like any female would."

"In your dreams!" he spat. "Now let me up!" Truth be told, his brother's words stung. What if Aela really was out gallivanting with other males? The thought concerned him greatly, but he knew she'd never do something like that. They we're life-mates after all!

His brother cocked his head. "Tell you what." he hissed. "You let me play with that little cock of yours for a couple minutes, and I'll leave you alone. Sound good?"

Damren's jaw dropped. He knew Sorek wasn't joking this time, and the lusty suggestion made his aroused member twitch in response. Sorek knew he was in season, and he also knew exactly how to turn him on. Damren whimpered, shifting uncomfortably and trying his best to cover up his fleshy maleness, but only succeeded in rubbing it against his brother's abdomen, alerting the larger male to his blatant arousal.

"Oh-ho! What's this?" His brother chirped. Glancing down and spotting Damren's semi-erect cock pressed against his belly-scales. He growled with pleasure, looking back up and exposing his sharp white fangs. "Looks like my little brother isn't so little after all!"

"Oh shut up." Damren murmured, finding it difficult to supress a smirk of pride. He glanced up shyly. "You ... you really think so?"

Sorek grinned. "Oh definitely. Nothing compared to my greasy whelp-maker of course, but you got a cock that would make any mother proud. Now, why don't you let me take care of it for you? I promise you won't regret it."

Damren was about to nod his head, when reality came splintering back in an unpleasant rush. He was pinned beneath his elder brother, aroused beyond words and currently being seduced by him! He squirmed once more, gritting his teeth. "Hey! I know what you're trying to do Sorek, and it won't work! I promised Aela I wouldn't spill my seed for anyone but her, and just cause' you're my brother, doesn't mean I'm going to let you ... you fool around with me!"

Damren's spines flared out with amusement. "Fool around with you? Star's above Damren, you really are hopeless! Aela just doesn't want you mounting another female while she's away! It's not like you're breaking your promise or anything. Just ... letting off some steam with your brother. That's all."

"That's not the point!" he protested. "You're a male Sorek. It's not right."

Sorek scowled. "Who put such nonsensical ideas in your head? Certainly, not me! Take it easy Dam, males do this sort of thing all the time. Just close your eyes, relax, and imagine I'm your life-mate." He craned down and whispered in his ear. "You'll never feel so much pleasure in your life."

Damren shuddered just at he thought, feeling his cock throb with anticipation. He struggled for a bit longer before finally surrendering. "Sorek, will you please just let me go?"

"Not until I lick that handsome cock of yours."

"For the last time, that's not going to happen."

"Then I guess I'll just have to keep teasing you then." he stated with a wink. "You'll break eventually. They all do."

Damren snarled. "Have you always been this infuriatingly persistent?"

Sorek grinned, bending down and nuzzling him playfully. "Yes, but only because you're my little brother. If you were anyone else, I'd hold you down and breed that ass of yours so hard, you'd be walking funny for weeks. So what's it gonna be Dam'dam? Wanna release all that pent up stress right into my open maw? Or are we gonna do this the hard way?"

He gulped. "Do I ... do I really have a choice?"

"Of course not!"

He sighed with exasperation. There was no point negotiating with Sorek. He always got what he wanted, one way or another. "Fine. But only if you stop calling me Dam'dam. I hate when you do that. And just this once, okay?"

Sorek's spines flared out with excitement, a wide grin splitting across his blunt snout. "Oh, this is going to be so much fun." he exclaimed. "By the time I'm done with you, you'll never want me to leave. Aela's going to seem boring in comparison!"

"I doubt that."

Sorek stepped on his shoulders and pinned him down, lowering himself so that they we're face to face. "Hmm." he growled. "I do love a challenge. Let's find out, shall we?" And with that he cocked his head, pressed his snout right against Sorek's muzzle.

Damren's eyes widened in surprise, a muffled yell escaping his mouth. Sorek's maw was unbearably hot and wet, encapsulating his own as the older dragon opened wide, and hungrily made-out with his younger sibling. His thick, slimy tongue squirmed inside Damren's maw, pushing against his own as he was forced to inhale his brother's humid breath. The smaller drake's struggles quickly ceased as he gave into his brother's embrace, his eyes fluttering and his cock pulsing to life as the big dragon grunted and huffed possessively against him.

Their faces twisted, their tails instinctively entwinning around each other. Damren felt his cock spurt pre-cum all over his scales, a thick, musky fluid that filled the surrounding cavern with the distinct scent of male arousal. He felt Sorek's cock too, a rigid bump threatening to burst free from it's protective slit at any moment, juices bubbling and smearing all over his polished scales. Sorek yanked back, wiping a thin string of saliva from his snout and staring down at Damren's panting body.

"S-s-sorek." the younger drake whimpered, hardly unable to comprehend what had just happened.

His brother grinned, planting both paws on his chest and digging his claws in. "I've always wanted to do that." he purred. "You taste good Damren. Like home. I wonder what else you taste like?" He glanced down and noticed Damren's erect cock rubbing all over his belly, reaching down and giving it a playful squeeze. Damren's eyes jerked shut and he let loose an airy hiss of pleasure, a thick glob of pre-cum spurting out the tapered tip. "Feels good doesn't it?" Sorek mumbled, licking the messy strings off his paw-pads, and making sure Damren watched him swallow it all. "First I'm going to kiss every inch of your body, and then, when you can hardly stand it, I'm going to suck that cock of yours dry. How does that sound?"

The only noise Damren made was a pathetic whimper.

His brother smirked, stepping on his head and holding him down. Damren's eyes flitted to-and-fro, pinned beneath his brother's heavy paw. He felt extremely vulnerable in such an position - but somehow - this only served to arouse him further. Sorek was dominant, assertive, and he knew exactly what he wanted.

What came next was a series of snuffles and licks along his neck-line, his older sibling working his way down towards his abdomen with carefully timed kisses. Damren squirmed in pleasure, his heart pounding inside his chest as Sorek tickled his sensitive body without remorse. Sorek gripped his waist and licked the inside of his thighs with deep, loving strokes. "You like that Dam'?" he whispered. "I can tell."

"S-Sorek! Please! I-I can ... I can hardly stand it!"

His brother grinned. "That's the point you dunderhead. Now shut-up and stay still." He pulled back and stared at Damren's drizzling pink cock. It drooped a little bit - not yet fully engorged with blood - but was thick, veiny, and ridged all the same. The spade-shaped tip was covered in dozens of exotic-looking barbs, with even bigger ones flanking along the base of his pulsating member. His moist slit was stretched wide apart too, the soft lips swollen and tinged blue with need. Sorek took it all in hungrily, licking his lips with anticipation. He cupped his paws around Damren's vent, rubbing the tender flesh and stimulating a lusty whimper from his timid sibling.

"My my, you really are sensitive huh?"

"It feels ... soo good." Damren breathed. "Aela barely ever does this."

Sorek chuckled. "That's because she's not a male like me." He rubbed the dragon's slit for a bit longer before burying his snout in it, nuzzling the base of Damren's slimy cock, and inhaling a deep whiff of his brother's sweet, earthen scent. Sorek's eyes rolled up, his tongue unfurling and lapping at the greasy mess that oozed out, a low growl emanating from deep within his throat. Damren's emissions tasted rich and pungent, befitting that of a young male deep in his throes of heat, and he was eager to lap up as much of the salty fluid as he could.

The small drake collapsed onto his back and moaned, a thick squirt of pre-juice bubbling out of his urethra and dribbling all over Damren's snout. Its effect was immediate, Sorek's nostrils flaring out and his pupils dilating as he was enticed by the thick, pheromone-laden juice. He watched his older brother play with his rapidly hardening dick, intense tingles of pleasure, coursing down his spine as Sorek explored every inch of his body as promised.

The large drake pulled back for fresh air, licking his snout clean. "Smells like a needy male if I ever knew one." he growled, rubbing the young dragon's rock-hard penis. Damren whimpered with arousal, his eyes rolling up as his barbs flared out at the simple caress. His whole body was tense and drenched in a thin film of sweat, the cramped environment of the cavern augmenting his rut to nigh-unbearable levels. He jerked his hips, pushing his cock towards his older sibling, and silently pleading for him to continue.

Sorek smiled down at him, grabbing the base of his shaft and stroking it gently. "Hmm, I knew you were eager." he purred. "But this is something else. I want you to beg for it Damren. Tell me how bad you want me to suck your cock."

"SoOorek. Please! Don't make me do that!"

The large male chuckled, massaging the inside of his tender thighs. "I would hardly consider that begging. I want you to mean it. I want you to beg for your big brother to pleasure you like a good little whelp should."

Damren squeezed his eyes shut and whined, his cock throbbing painfully hard. He knew Sorek got off to this sort of thing. He knew he loved dominating others. Normally, under different circumstances, he would have simply refused for the sake of being a pest, but at this point, there was no way he could do that. He was far too aroused to even begin arguing. He needed some sort of release, and he knew he'd have to submit to his older brother to get it.

He took a deep breath and opened his bright blue eyes, surrendering to his basest instincts, and begging for Sorek to suck his cock. He begged him to wrap his tongue around the tip, and stimulate each barb until he was ready to blow his fertile load straight into the drake's roasting maw. Begged for him to lick and kiss every inch of his shaft, and drive his slender tongue deep into the darkest, slimiest recesses of his vent. Pleaded that he'd do anything for him to do that, only if it meant getting off. By the time he was done, all he could do was stare submissively at his older brother in shame, shivering as a cunning smile slowly spread across Sorek's spiny visage.

"Wow, didn't know you had it in you." the large male purred. "Alright then little brother. You'll get your wish." And with that, he pursed his snout together, and engulfed Damren's entire shaft inside his maw in one, smooth motion.

Damren nearly fainted, a strangled cry escaping his lips as his member was surrounded by Damren's slimy mouth. It was like thrusting himself into the wettest depths of any female ... only hotter. Sorek stared up at him, a knowing glint in his eye as he slurped and suckled on his brother's turgid shaft, his jaw distending as he accepted it into the greedy depths of his throat. Damren soon found his voice and moaned with pleasure, feeling Sorek's tongue wrap around his shaft and stimulate each sensitive barb with carefully timed squeezes and tugs. It felt incredible! Sorek's throat constricted repeatedly around his length with audible gluks, undulating in powerful, muscular contractions that rippled along the length of his shaft. He felt like he might cum at any second, but Sorek's talented maw kept him on the edge of release, sucking noisily on his dripping member at a slow, constant pace.

He withdrew after a few seconds, a thick rope of saliva drooling all over Damren's cock-tip. "You like that Dam'?" he growled, his voice thick with musky fluids. "Tell your big brother how much you like him sucking on your cock."

"OoOohh Sorek ... It feels ... it feels sooo good."

_ _ The older dragon smirked, nuzzling Damren's length, and spreading the smaller male's greasy vent wide apart. "Bet Aela never does this." he chided. Driving his tongue deep inside, and lapping hungrily at the pink, delicate flesh therein. Sorek gasped, his penis throbbing multiple times and squirting globs of pre-cum all over them both, hardening immediately from the intensely pleasurable sensation. He'd never felt anything like it! Sorek used his soaking tongue to lick and clean every inch of his messy slit, and he could tell his older brother was enjoying himself by the soft grunts he made, driving his muzzle right in there, and inhaling deep lungfuls of his brother's bittersweet musk.

Damren twisted on the ground, his tongue lolling out, and his wings splayed everywhere as he was pleasured by his older sibling. Sorek pried his legs apart and buried his snout in his groin, sucking noisily on his cock like a whelp licking marrow out of an old bone. Damren shuddered. He knew at once Sorek had done this countless times before with other males, and judging by the crafty look in he eyes, he loved every second of it. This was normal for him. Nothing in the world gave him greater pleasure than subjugating another male to his unquenchable lust for sex. He licked the base of his brother's girthy cock all the way up to the pointy tip, teasing each and every nub along the way. Damren cried out, thrusting into his brother's maw as Sorek pulled back, and planted a wet, sloppy kiss right on the tip, juices spilling all down its length as he swirled around and repeated the process anew.

Damren's breath came in trembling pants, his chest rising and falling as he tried to control himself. It was impossible. Sorek was far too talented, and now all he could do was hang on for dear life. A tense, building sense of pressure began to rapidly crescendo inside his loins, bursts of pleasure coursing up his spine and making his mind go numb. He could feel his blood pumping inside his cock, Sorek staring at him knowingly all the while. He knew what was coming, and he had no intention of stopping any time soon.

With an almost revolting urk, Sorek opened wide, and took Damren's entire length inside his roasting maw all at once, deep-throating him with all the skill an adult dragon could muster. Damren's eyes rolled up, feeling his fat cock squeeze its way down his brother's slimy trachea in powerful, undulating waves until it could go no further. His breath caught in his throat, agonizing pulses travelling up the under-side of his shaft to the very tip. The large dragon started bobbing up and down, his throat muscles massaging his aching cock more effectively than any female ever could. Damren caught a furtive glimpse of his brother's sly look, and without any words being exchanged, he knew what he wanted.

Sorek wanted him to cum right inside his mouth. He wanted him to cum now.

And so he did.

With a screech of pleasure, Damren thrust forward, and hilted himself inside his brother's welcoming maw. His barbs flared out, his talons digging into the rock-face as thick, fertile ropes of steaming cum began squirting out the tip of his cock, and splashing against the back of Sorek's gullet. His older brother swallowed each spurt with an audible gulp, a veritable flood of creamy ejaculate rolling down his throat, in warm, greasy waves, and pooling inside his gut. He swallowed and swallowed, until he couldn't swallow any more, opening his maw, and letting the rest drool out all over Damren's crotch, the white substance oozing in-between the crevices of his taught slit, and smearing everywhere. The smaller dragon whimpered, the whites of his eyes showing as he twitched uncontrollably on the ground, emptying himself inside his brother's loving mouth at last.

Sorek pulled off his cock, grabbing the base and running his tongue up and down its pulsating length. Damren watched in awe as fat ropes of cum erupted from his sputtering urethera and shot straight into air, flying several feet before arching back down, and splattering all over them both. The pleasure was so intense he thought he might faint, for each twitch stronger and more forceful than the last. But eventually - and only after Sorek's furious licks turned into gentle nuzzles - did his libido begin to subside, each body-wracking pulse, turning into naught but timid, wrenching throbs. He collapsed onto his back and exhaled, looking up at the ceiling and shivering from the powerful orgasm he'd just endured. Sorek withdrew off his penis with a noisy slurp and smacked his lips, planting his paws next to Damren's head and staring at him knowingly.

The smaller drake blushed, batting his eyelashes and opening his mouth. Before he got the chance to speak, Sorek bent down and embraced him a second time, parting his maw, and pushing his slimy tongue deep inside his own. By the time Damren even realized what was happening, it was far too late. Sorek ejected whatever cum was left in his mouth directly into his, thick rivulets drooling between their lips as he forced him to ingest his own rich, salty emissions. Damren's eyes snapped open in shock. He tried to pull away, but all he could do was gurgle helplessly as globs of his own cum rolled down his throat, the rest spilling out between their maws as they shared a sloppy kiss. Sorek's eyes flashed with delight, obviously revelling as his younger brother began eagerly gulping down his own musk-laden juices, cocking his head and swirling his tongue around in gentle circles. The messy embrace lasted for quite some time, both of them crooning and rubbing against each-other as they basked in the afterglow of their extravagant bout of oral sex.

After a little while, Sorek pulled back, Damren gasping for breath as thin strands of mixed bodily fluids snapped across his face and neck. He stared up at his brother in awe, at a loss for words. He couldn't believe what had just happened, but if there was one thing he was certain of, it had been _hot. _ Very hot.

"S-s-Sorek. I ... I."

His brother covered his mouth up with a paw. "Oh shut up and kiss me Damren."

And so they did. Longer this time, and more intimately. When it finally ended, Damren was left with a distinct sinking feeling inside his gut. He wanted more, but he knew Sorek was done. The room stank of sweat and male sex, and he wrinkled his brow at it's intensity, glancing at the nest of eggs beside him. In-front of his kin too. Good gracious ...

Sorek's spines flared out, cocking his head and staring at him devilishly. "So little brother, how was it?"

"Dirty." he groaned, wiping cum of his belly and grimacing. "I think I need a bath."

"By the way you gulped it all down, I'd say you liked it." his brother purred.

Damren blushed. "Well, you were really good. Aela's licked me a few times like that, but nothing ... well ... you know. It felt amazing." he admitted quietly.

Sorek placed a claw on his chest and smiled. "That's because a male always knows what another male wants. Especially if he's your big, handsome, studly brother."

Damren rolled his eyes. "Do you ever stop gloating?"

Sorek puffed his chest out. "C'mon Dam'. You should know the answer to that by now."

He chuckled. "Well, thanks I guess. I think I needed that. I had no idea how pent up I was until you came along."

Sorek fondled his brother's softening cock, rubbing the fleshy member between his paw-pads. "I've never seen a dragon shoot his load so far in his life ... besides me of course." he added for good measure. "Aela's really got you wound up hasn't she?"

He sighed. "Yeah. I just wish she spent more time with me is all. I never get to see her much these days."

Sorek leaned forward and rubbed all over him, nipping at his face and neck. "That's what you got me for Damren! I'll never abandon you!"

Damren laughed and pushed him away. "Oh stop it you big horny oaf. If Aela ever found out what we did, she'd kill me!"

Sorek's eyes flashed devilishly. "Don't worry about her Dam', your secret is safe with me. I won't tell anyone."

"Thanks Sor-."

"- as long as you let me bury my snout underneath that pretty little tail of yours!"

He nearly choked, sitting upright. "What?"

Sorek placed his paws on his shoulders and slammed him back down again, a crooked grin plastered across his snout. "You heard me Damren. C'mon, let your big brother stick his tongue inside you. I promise you'll like it."

"You can't be serious."

"Oh I'm dead serious." he growled, bending down and whispering in his ear. "I've made more than enough males cum with just my tongue alone. You wouldn't last a second."

He shook his head vehemently. "No way. Not a chance. I'm not letting you do that!"

Sorek frowned, his facial spines drooping. "Why not? You let me lick your cock, what's so different about this?"

"Uh, everything! That's gross!"

"Did you take a bath this morning?"

"What's that got to do with anything?"

"Did you or not."


His brother waved a paw dismissively. "Pffft. You're a terrible liar Damren. I know you. You haven't skipped a bath since the day we hatched. It's not gross at all. It's lovely!"

"Lovely? I'd hardly call it lovely. More like asinine and perverted!"

His older brother flashed his teeth and growled. "Wow, big words. I should put that pretty little mouth of yours to work." he reached down and rubbed his ventral slit, hissing with pleasure as he stimulated his sensitive genital flesh. Damren risked a glace, gulping at the sight of his brother's pitch-black cock peeking out between his oozing vent.

"You haven't seen my big whelp-maker yet, have you?" Sorek purred. "Well here, now is your chance. Take a good, long look." He dug his paw-pad deep into his slit and plucked his floppy member free, his massive, black penis spilling from it's protective film and slapping across Damren's stomach with a gush of slimy lubricants. Sorek sighed with pleasure. "Ahhh, that feels so much better, doesn't it? I've been aching to let it out for weeks now. Kept it nice and moist, just for you Dam'dam."

The younger dragon whimpered at the sight of his brother's massive girth lying across his belly. It was hot, wet, and way bigger than his own. Sorek might've been a braggart and a fool, but he certainly no liar. His cock was pitch-black through-and-through, tapered like his, and covered in fat, pulsing veins that gave it a frighteningly intimidating look. The underside was lined with dozens of fleshy barbs that ran all the way to the spade-shaped tip - like his, only much bigger. It was no wonder females couldn't resist throwing themselves at his feet. Just the sight of his brother's exotic shaft made Damren burn with envy.

Sorek grabbed his hefty cock and squeezed it with a wet squelching noise, forcing a large glob of pre to squirt out the tip and ooze all over Damren's yellow scales. A pungent, intoxicating musk filled his nostrils right away, emanating from Sorek's sloppy vent the likes he'd never experienced before. It was the scent of an alpha. The scent of his sweat-soaked crotch, and years of both males and females trembling around his turgid length, cumming over-and-over again until their eyes rolled up, and they were reduced to nothing but hot, panting, need, begging for Sorek to claim them again and again. It was the smell of a hundred successful clutches, and a thousand more to come, exotic, yet strangely familiar at the same time. He craned forward and inhaled deeply, his eyes fluttering with desire. It was the best thing he'd ever smelled. And he needed more.

"You like that?" Sorek purred, stroking his rapidly hardening shaft. "That's it Damren. Breathe it all in. There's no shame in it."

"S-Sorek. What's ... what's happening to me?" he whimpered, the room spinning around him.

His brother smiled, the type a mother would give to a whelp asking a silly question. "It's your heat little brother. You're starting to lose control." He stood up and lifted a hind-leg, proudly exposing his throbbing member. "Go ahead, you can lick it if you like. I don't mind at all."

The next thing Damren knew, he was moving in a trance, getting to his feet, and ducking beneath his brother's muscular frame. Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion, his footsteps heavy and lumbering. Damren chuckled when he got close, nipping him on the rump and shifting his weight.

"That's it little brother. Just like that. I want you to enjoy yourself. There's no rush."

He nodded mutely, his mouth feeling dry as a bone. Sorek's penis was right in his face, the entire thing dripping with sticky lubricants, with even more oozing out of his stretched, ventral slit. He knew what he was doing was wrong, but it never felt more right. For a fraction of a second, nothing else mattered but Sorek. And he knew deep down, he wanted to please him more than anything in the world.

With a deep breath. He closed his eyes and buried his snout right in his brother's crotch.

It was hot, wet, and incredibly salty. He lapped at the messy fluids covering his brother's erection, whimpering as his taste-buds exploded to life. Sorek's flesh tasted bitter and strong, like a male should he imagined, and he eagerly found himself exploring every inch of his meaty phallus, roving over each vein, and suckling on the stiff little nubs that covered its length. Sorek groaned, thrusting his hips, and spurring him on, pleased by his younger brother's growing curiosity.

"You're very gentle." he chuckled. "Always did take after Ma'."

Damren wasn't even listening. Sorek's voice sounded soft and faint, as if submerged underwater. He nuzzled his sibling's cock and got beneath it, rumbling with delight as it slapped across his muzzle and smeared juices all over his snout. He pushed further in, licking his brother's swollen vent and practically fainting as he got a taste of the deliciously sour musk tucked deeper within. While he was busy licking away, he felt Sorek place a claw on his haunch and nudge his tail aside. He jerked back in surprise.

"S-Sorek? What are you doing?"

"Something I should have done years ago." he growled, pushing his blunt muzzle right against Damren's taint, and taking a long, deep breath. Sorek's eyes fluttered as he inhaled his brother's intoxicatingly rich musk, his tailhole covered in a thin sheen of pheromone-laden fluid that practically begged to be lapped up. He gave a blissful sigh, pulling back and staring at Damren possessively. "Smells like a virgin to me." he chuckled. "Bet you taste like one too."

Before Damren could even react, his brother lifted his tail out of the way and drove his snout right beneath it, huffing and snuffling around inquisitively. He whimpered as his brother's cool breath blew against his asshole, his legs quivering at the intensely pleasurable sensation. Never in his life had he imagined something so taboo could feel so good. Sorek's cock dangled above him, rock-hard and dripping pre-cum all over his head. He didn't care, wrapping his lips around the spined tip, and suckling on it like a needy whelp. His efforts were rewarded with a thick spurt of sticky pre-cum, his eyes rolling up at the heady taste of his brother's emissions. Sorek's tongue unfurled with a wet sloop and pressed right against his soft, virginal flesh. He broke away with a gasp, pre-cum drooling from the corners of his mouth.


_ _ His brother looked at him, licking his chops and giving a smug grin. "What's the matter, want me to stop?"

He shook his head.

Sorek chuckled. "Then lie down for me Damren, and roll onto your back."

He hesitated for a second before doing as he was told, splaying his wings out and spreading his legs wide apart. His hardening cock flopped against his belly, his pink, innocent little tailhole flexing with anticipation. His older brother prowled around his body and stood over-top of him, his black cock jutting proudly between his legs, and a thick rope of pre-cum dangling ominously from the tip.

"Hmmm, now there's a sight I could get used to." He growled, lowering himself along Sorek's tail and nuzzling his cock. "You sure you're okay with this Dam?'

He nodded furtively. His eyes wide and unblinking.

Sorek smirked. "Always knew you were a submissive little male deep down." He placed his paws on either side of Damren's juicy hole and spread it wide apart, licking his lips with anticipation and staring inquisitively into his brother's inner-most depths. Damren moaned, clenching his sphincter as Sorek rubbed it in gentle, circular motions.

"Gods above you're tense. I'm going to enjoy this." He grinned and bent down; pressing his muzzle right against Damren's taint and giving it a long, extended lick. The smaller dragon moaned with lust, his hardening cock twitching and dribbling pre-cum all over his belly-scales. Sorek circled his tailhole using the tip of his tongue, savoring the taste of his brother's sour musk, and lapping up all the messy fluids that leaked out. Damren tasted like a young, virile male: A potent, spicy aroma that wound its way up his nostrils, and refused to come out. He couldn't get enough, inhaling deep lungfuls of his brother's smoky flavor until his cock has harder than stone and practically aching for release. He planted his snout right on-top of his brother's taught, scaly flesh, pursing his lips and giving it a loving kiss. Damren twitched beneath him, trying to push him off.

"SoOorek ... stop that! It ... it tickles!"

The large drake broke off with a gasp and licked his muzzle. "That's the point. Now quit fighting and relax! I'm trying to enjoy myself here!" He nudged Damren's paws aside and pressed his snout right against his brother's supple tailhole, inhaling deep whiffs of his rich, mind-numbing scent. His eyes fluttered with pleasure. He knew he was driving him crazy doing something so naughty, but he didn't care. He'd wanted to do this for ages now, waiting for the perfect opportunity when he knew his younger sibling wouldn't be able to resist his advances, and now was his chance.

Damren felt his tailhole spread open again, blushing deep with embarrassment as Sorek eagerly defiled his sensitive body. He had to admit, it felt rather good. He watched in a mixture of horror and fascination as his brother's thick purple tongue unfurled with a wet sloop, flicking against his tight ring of anal flesh, and sampling his heady musk straight from the source. He moaned out loud, his erection spurting pre-cum everywhere until his entire shaft was soaked in sticky fluids. Sorek twisted his muzzle around to get the perfect angle, pressing his tongue against the young dragon's hot sphincter, and pushing it right inside until Damren felt his bowels quiver and relax, his tailhole flexing open to allow his sibling's tongue deep inside.

His eyes bulged out, a cry escaping his lips as his rectum was instantly plugged full of hot, writhing tongue-flesh. Sorek hungrily made out with his asshole, lapping at his tender walls, and slathering them in warm saliva until his insides were coated in a thick layer of steamy juices. Sorek had complete control over his body, stretching his jaws around his rump, and drilling his defenseless pucker with wet sucking noises until the young male could do naught but twitch and cry out for more.

And more he received. Sorek drove his tongue in deep, prodding Damren's prostate, and stimulating the little bundle of nerves until the small drake cried out, his anus clamping around the tongue buried inside his ass, and sucking it deeper within. He knew he wouldn't last much longer like this, his insides clenching with pleasure each time Sorek licked some hidden spot deep inside him. Saliva bubbled forth grotesquely from the rim of his pucker. His eyes rolled up. It felt soo _good. _He never wanted it to stop, twisting and moaning as his brother suckled noisily on his slimy anus.

Just when he thought he was about to blow his load everywhere, Sorek pulled out with a disgusting slurp, his tongue sliding out of Damren's loosened pucker, and retreating inside his roasting maw_._ The young dragon whimpered in disappointment, his erect cock drenched in musky juices, and twitching angrily at being denied its release. He looked up submissively at his older brother, watching as the black drake wiped his snout, and licked his maw clean of excess fluids.

"Hmm, you taste absolutely delicious Dam'dam. I think I could get used to this."

"Why ... why did you ... you stop then?" he whined.

Sorek grinned, bending down and planting a nice, sloppy kiss right on his well-stretched tailhole. He looked back up. "It wasn't easy." he winked. "Believe me. But if you're going to cum, I want it to be with my cock buried inside your ass. Not my tongue."

Damren whimpered.

Sorek patted his under-tail and stood up, his mighty cock dangling between his legs and drooling pre-cum all over the golden drake's pucker. "What's the matter?" he chided. "Still a skeptic? C'mon now Damren! I thought I did a good job warming you up!"

He whimpered again, his insides feeling cold and empty without Sorek's flexible tongue plugged inside them. Maybe he was right he wondered. Maybe it wouldn't feel so bad at all ... he tentatively rolled onto his belly in a low crouch, careful to conceal his rump so that Sorek didn't get any funny ideas ... He looked over his shoulder and met his brother's cunning gaze, his eyes shining with uncertainty.

"Y-you sure about this Sorek?"

His brother smiled, placing a claw on his chin and giving it a loving scratch. "Dam', I've never been more sure of anything in my entire life. Now go ahead, lift that pretty little tail of yours and let your brother do the rest. It'll feel amazing."

Damren gulped and gave a tiny nod. "Okay. But you can't ever tell Aela about this! Ever!"

His older sibling grinned, pacing behind him and inspecting his lithe form approvingly. "Of course not. We're going to start doing this more often anyways. No point letting her in on our little secret, right?"

Damren sighed. Apparently not. He looked forward and shuffled his feet, lifting his fat tail high into the air and letting it drape across his back, presenting his hindquarters to his older sibling. He heard Sorek growl with enjoyment, bending down, grabbing his rump, and getting a good whiff of his pink, well-lubricated tailhole. He buried his snout in there and gave it a sloppy kiss, leaving it leaking fluids. "Delicious." he grumbled.

Next thing Damren knew, he was getting mounted. Sorek wrapped his claws around his mid-riff and pinned him down, wrapping him up in his warm, stuffy embrace. Damren grunted, spreading his legs and splaying his wings out, one eye closed as he met his older brother's lusty gaze.

"Gods above." he protested. "When did you get so heavy?"

"All muscle." the big dragon chuckled in his ear. "Better get used to it."

"Just ... just be careful okay? I've never done anything like this before."

Sorek licked his cheek reassuringly. "Anything for you Dam'dam. I'll try and be gentle. You ready?"

"Guess so."

The black dragon rubbed against him. "Good. Relax okay? This might feel a little weird."

Sorek hunched his hips and thrust forward, pressing the tip of his cock against Damren's soft, moist pucker. Damren hissed, hiking his tail out of the way as he felt his brother's drooling phallus spurt globs of pre-cum all over his posterior, most of it seeping down into the crevices of his swollen vent. Being penetrated by his older brother was intensely hot sensation, the tip of his cock breaching his tight seal of anal flesh and pushing deep inside.

His toes curled up and he squeezed his eyes shut, a whimper of pain escaping his mouth. Sorek held him close, clasping his neck and whispering in his ear.

"That's it." He crooned. "Nice and easy. It'll only hurt for a second." The larger dragon jerked forward, spreading Damren's tailhole around his considerable girth and forcing his way inside the young male's eager body. Damren grunted, clenching his jaw and trying to keep from crying out in pain. It was the strangest thing he'd ever felt in his life. A hot, thick, pulsing mass of flesh sliding deep inside his rectum. It hurt so much, but he had to be strong. For Sorek. He took a deep breath and tried to relax, his limbs shivering as the big male jammed his way inside his tailhole inch-by-inch. He could feel the spines slipping past his sphincter, stretching his walls apart as his big brother gradually claimed his body as his own. Sorek growled at the tight fit, huffing in his ear as he settled along the curve of his spine and rolled his hips, working his cock deep inside his brother's over-stuffed bowels. He'd done this countless times before, Damren knew. He was neither the first, nor the last to be dominated by his older sibling. But he was certainly the most desirable.

Or so he hoped.

With a particularly harsh thrust, Sorek held him down and entered him all at once, their hips slapping together with a jarring thump. Damren's eyes shot open and he gasped, feeling every inch of his brother's massive cock stretching him wide apart, the tip oozing pre-cum all over his intestines. Sorek rumbled and collapsed on top of him a moment later, pleased he'd managed to squeeze his entire cock inside the smaller dragon's ass.

"Aahh, there we go." He purred. "That wasn't so hard now, was it?"

He quivered around the massive pole of flesh buried inside him, wincing. "G-gods above Sorek ... you're ... you're so big! I've n-never f-felt anything l-like it!"

The black male nibbled on his neck and gave a few jerky thrusts. "And you're ... unf ... so tight!" he grunted, arching his back and jabbing playfully against Damren's rump. "Just the way I like it!" Sorek's cock was drenched in musky fluids, making the penetration relatively slick and noisy, juices squelching around the rim of his over-stretched asshole and dribbling down his legs. The young dragon's eyes fluttered as he felt each individual spine dig into his flesh and tug against it, stimulating his anal passage from the inside-out. He was so completely stuffed full of roasting dragon-cock, that all he could do was stand there and take it, wincing and moaning with pleasure each time Sorek slid deep inside his asshole. The male's tongue had done an excellent job loosening him up, his insides nice and sloppy after getting thoroughly licked-down, a perfect receptacle for his brother's meaty shaft. He pushed his rump into his brother's crotch, encouraging him to fuck him harder. The large dragon growled in response and thrust forward, claws scrabbling at his slender waist.

"Aren't we eager?" he purred, languidly dragging his cock out. It sprung free, a gush of slimy lubricants flowing out in its wake. Damren whimpered, his anus quivering and feeling cold and empty without his brother's turgid length buried inside it. He rubbed against his Sorek's chin, ashamed at how helplessly aroused he was. Everything about his older brother turned him on, from his pungent, masculine scent, to his loving embrace, and even his seductive, baritone purr. Sorek had always been better than him in every way. Stronger. Handsomer. More popular with the females. Damren had lived in his shadow all his life, bitter and jealous. But now ... now he was starting to enjoy being the weaker one. Sorek only wanted to make love to him ... introduce him to all the pleasures another male could offer, and he was going to do it by giving him one of the most vigorous poundings he'd ever know ...

And he could hardly wait.

Sorek re-adjusted his grip on the smaller dragon beneath his legs, pressing the tip of his cock against his tailhole, and slowly pushing it in. He growled as his brother's hole gaped open invitingly, Damren eagerly spreading his legs to accept him into his warm, slippery depths. The penetration was much easier this time, their bodies slapping together as he began gently fucking Damren's virgin hole. Damren's breath came in quick, ragged pants, his wings fluttering as he accustomed himself to the sensation of another male humping against his sweat-soaked body. His anus clenched around the cock jammed inside him, rippling and massaging its veiny surface. It felt incredible, flashes of pleasure throbbing inside his bowels each time his brother thrust inside him. He lowered himself along the floor, whimpering as Sorek did the same, lying across his back and wrapping him up in his hot, stifling embrace.

"That's it Damren." he purred in his ear. "Let your big brother take care of you. I'll make that painful heat go away. Just you watch." He grabbed Damren's neck and gave him a big, wet smooch for emphasis, making the smaller rub all over him.

_ "SoOooOrek!"_

_ _ His brother chuckled and re-positioned himself, planting his paws right beside the little drake's head, and breeding him at a slow, constant pace. Damren moaned, his tongue lolling out each time their bodies slapped together, struggling to support the massive dragon lying across his back. The stench of male sex hung heavily in the surrounding cavern, thick and sweet, clogging up his nostrils and fogging his mind with lust. Sorek's scent particularly strong, completely overpowering his own comparatively innocent musk. He knew it would take ages to wash out of his scales. The scent of another male was infuriatingly persistent, and he'd be reminded of their lusty copulation for weeks to come, months perhaps. He groaned in dismay. How would he explain that to Aela?

Before he could think much on it, Sorek started thrusting harder, the male's hot, rank breath blowing against in his ear. Damren whimpered and pushed back into his every thrust, bending low and feeling his anus stretch open to make room for that juicy cock squeezing its way into his bowels. His own tapered length was fully erect and making a mess of things, smacking against his abdomen each time their bodies collided. He reached down and grabbed it, groaning at how hard and sensitive it was. Sorek smacked his paw away admonishingly.

"Ah ah ah ... not yet Dam'dam." he purred in his ear. "I'm in control now." Sorek reached down and wrapped his paw around Damren's greasy shaft, causing the inexperienced whelp to squeeze his eyes shut, and whimper in ecstasy. He started jerking into his brother's grasp, flaring his barbs out, and moaning as more pre-juice spurted from his urethra, dribbling all over his brother's firm grip. He tried to imagine he was breeding his life-mate, pinning her down and sliding into her velvety depths ... but the pleasant fantasy was instantly shattered when Sorek hilted inside him with a heavy grunt, reminding him he was nothing more than the female in this relationship. He was being fucked by another male. His older brother, and there was nothing he could do about it.

His length twitched violently in his brother's grasp, the large male pounding his rump into oblivion. He heard Sorek chuckle, rubbing a thumb over his sensitive glans, and stimulating a pathetic whimper from the submissive drake below.

"My my, you certainly are a drippy little thing aren't you?" he chided. "Can't say I'm ... unf! ... surprised!" The large drake squeezed Damren's member and collected a nauseating amount of the creamy juice that spurted out, slapping his paw against Damren's face and rubbing it all over the young dragon's muzzle. Damren's eyes fluttered at the rich, intoxicating scent of his own arousal, opening wide, and licking up the delicious mess presented to him. He suckled on Damren's digits like a thirsty little whelp at the teat, moaning at the ungodly taste. Sorek chuckled, working his hips against him, and kissing him on the cheek.

"Such a cute little whelp you are." he purred, his voice dripping with delight. "So well-behaved_._ Tell your big brother how much you like having him inside you. Tell him much you like getting bred."

_ _ A moan was his only response. Damren loved it. He arched low and tried to relax, grunting as Sorek leaned over-top his ass and spread him wide open, grabbing his hips, pulling him forward, and jamming his inards full of roasting dragon-cock. He could feel it deep inside his aching tailhole, practically splitting him in two, then Sorek would pull out and fill him up again, stretching his pucker to ensure the next thrust was easier to take. Thick rivulets of fertile breeder-juice spurted inside his anus each thrust, coating his rectal-canal in a viscous mildew of hot, sticky lubricants. He grimaced, pushing back into Sorek, and feeling the fluids squelch wetly around the rim of his asshole. He wanted to be claimed by him! He wanted to feel Sorek's immense load filling him with its warmth. He wanted to be bred by another male! By his brother! He closed his eyes and blushed at the inappropriate realization, bracing himself against the male's powerful, rutting thrusts.

The two of them went at it for quite some time, Sorek growling, pinning him down, and sinking his ribbed cock deep inside the young dragon's sloppy tailhole over-and-over again. The little drake loved every second of it, his tail curling up as he gasped and moaned for his brother to take him, his cock slapping rhythmically against his belly-scales. Sorek's muscles rippled all around him, the drake's lips peeled back in a snarl as he ferociously humped the smaller male between his legs. Damren could hardly move, his tongue lolling out, and his breath coming in short pants as the wet, slurping sounds of sex echoed throughout the cave. It was hot. So deliciously hot underneath his brother, that all he could do was dig his claws into the ground and try not to pass out. Sorek's cock pulsed and throbbed inside him, rubbing against his glistening inner-flesh, and sending sparks of pleasure coursing down his spine. He whimpered as his climaxed approached, a dull, throbbing pressure building rapidly inside his loins. He could feel his very essence concentrating inside it, his erection twitching violently and tinged purple with need. Sorek growled and slipped a paw beneath him, fingering his dripping vent and causing the young male to screech with pleasure. He was so close, so close, but he knew he couldn't cum just yet. Sorek had complete control over his body, his mind-warping pheromones and perfectly-measured thrusts ensuring the needy little male would only spill his seed exactly when he wanted. They would climax together, he knew. Exactly as Sorek intended. It was the only way.

The male's last dozen thrusts we're the hardest yet, his hips a blur of speed as he wrapped his fore-legs around Damren's waist, and pulled the younger drake into his hot, sweaty crotch. Damren whimpered, his eyes rolling up as Sorek unfurled his tongue, and licked the side of his face.

"I'm going to cum now." he whispered in a dark, husky voice. "I'm going to fill you up like a female in heat, and you're going to love every second of it."

Damren moaned. Finally.

The big male jerked forward one last time, stretching his asshole wide open, and battering against his abused dual-prostate until Damren was reduced to a quivering, mess of a dragon pining for release. Sorek growled and clamped his jaws around his nape, rolling his hips, and fucking his ass relentlessly. The speed and intensity of their mating swiftly overwhelmed the young male, his mouth gaping open as pleasure ripped through his bowels, and forced his anus to clench violently around the massive pole of flesh inside him. Sorek snarled and rutted him harder, flaring his wings out, and roaring to the heavens as he brought them both to a simultaneous, mind-blowing climax.

The large male shuddered, his enormous cock twitching inside Damren's rectum, as fat, sloppy ropes of fertile ejaculate squirted from the tip, and instantly filled the smaller dragon's rump full of molten, oozing heat. Damren cried out, but no sound left his mouth, his pupils dilating as his brother seed splashed inside him, distending his belly as his anus was pumped full of deliciously hot sperm.

There was so much. Pleasure exploded in his mind, rolling down his spine in waves, coursing through his trembling limbs. He whimpered as his cock pulsed angrily between his legs, rock-hard, and spraying jizz all over place. He made a right mess of things, the ground streaked with his emissions, as he quivered around Sorek's length, begging and pleading for the body-wracking pulses to never subside.

They didn't. Sorek came for what felt like ages, panting in Damren's ear, and working his cock in nice and deep. Any excess semen simply bubbled from around the rim of the smaller male's stretched tailhole, fat white globules of the stuff drooling down his puffy vent, and pooling thickly on the ground beneath them. Damren groaned, both of them nuzzling and licking each other as they recovered from their furious romp.

"I'm going to pull out now, okay?" his brother murmured.

Damren gave a shaky nod, unable to comprehend what had just happened. He'd been bred by his older sibling, passionately and without remorse, and it had felt ... incredible. Sorek withdrew, his softening cock slipping free from his gaping asshole with a wet slupring noise, as a torrent of thick, pearly-white semen gushed out in its wake. Damren trembled, a moan escaping his lips as it poured down his shaking legs, and splashed all over the floor beneath them, consecrating the steamy egg-chamber with the fertile seed of another male. The entire room reeked of pure, undiluted male sex, his legs giving out as he collapsed in a puddle of it, his own cock retreating back inside its exhausted slit, until all traces of their lengthy copulation had vanished. He'd never been fucked so hard in his life, and doubted he ever would be again, unless Sorek had something to say about it ...

His older brother collapsed on top of him with a pleased sigh, wrapping him up in his wings, and licking his nape approvingly. Damren craned back and rubbed against him, content to simple lie there and bask in the pleasurable afterglow of a successful mating. His belly was swollen with Sorek's cum, the contents sloshing about thickly inside him. He knew if he were a female, he'd have surely been impregnated. Sorek had fucked him hard, squirting his seed deep inside his bowels, and ensuring the young drake would retain his scent for years to come. He twisted around and kissed his brother on the lips, whimpering as Sorek clasped his throat and returned the messy embrace, driving his tongue deep inside his maw and making out with him as only a brother could. He wanted the moment to last forever, but eventually, that too came to an end.

"So?" Sorek asked after a few minutes. "How was it?"

A grunt was his only response.

His brother grinned, rolling him onto his front and staring at him with a pleased expression. "You belong to me now Damren, I want you to know that. We're going to mate whenever Aela is gone, and you're going to love every second of it. Do you understand?"

He gave a tiny nod. "Yes Sorek."

The older male smirked triumphantly. "Good. I always knew you'd see it my way. I must admit, you were the best lay I've had in a while, no contest. Not even the hottest, wettest, most heat-ravaged depths of a female could ever compare to the feeling of your lovely ass squeezing around my cock. I daresay, I might have to take you again tonight!"

He blushed deeply. "Thanks Sorek. I'll take that as a compliment."

His brother chuckled, rubbing his cum-filled belly and snuggling against him. "You ever need anything, let me know. Just because I love a good breeding doesn't mean I'm opposed to lifting my own tail from time-to-time. Even I get needy once and a while."

Damren groaned, imagining the sight of his brother's dark, succulent tailhole ripe for the claiming. "You serious?" he asked quietly. "I ... I'd like that. Really ... I would. I ... I love you Sorek ... more than anything in the world. Please ... will you stay with me for a bit? Just for a little while ..." he trailed off, feeling embarrassed for asking such a silly question. Sorek grinned and nuzzled against him.

"Of course Dam'. You're family after all. Don't you ever forget that."

Damren smiled, feeling immensely pleased being all wrapped up in his brother's loving embrace. He listened to the drake's rumbling breaths for a long time before they gradually started lulling him to sleep, the exhausting, hedonistic events of the evening finally catching up with them both. Darkness took him, then a deep, dreamless slumber. The best kind. The type he hadn't gotten in ages. For a tiny, fraction of a second in time, Damren was the happiest dragon in the entire world.


Minutes trickled into hours, hours into days, and days into weeks. Damren wasn't sure how many times he woke up to his brother thrusting inside him, filling his tailhole full of his thick, creamy ejaculate, but he certainly didn't care. They spent every waking moment together, hunting, playing, catching up on life, and then they'd come back to his den and breed all night. He came dozens of times, both inside his brother and out, until the ground beneath them was streaked with cum, and his internal balls felt achy and sore. Sorek proved to be quite the experienced bottom, his dark, greasy tailhole taught and well-accustomed to being filled by other males. Only then, when he was completely spent, was he awoken not by the heat of his brother's essence surging into his bowels, but a quick, painful bite to back of his neck. He whimpered and jerked back, glaring hotly at his older sibling.

"Ow! What was that for!"

Sorek stared at him fearfully. "Someone's coming." he whispered, his voice taught with uncertainty. "What should we do?"

A chill of fear coursed down Damren's spine. That could only mean one thing.


_ _ He tried to get up, but quickly realized Sorek was still firmly buried inside his ass. "Pull out you idiot!" he hissed. Hurry!"


Sorek jerked back, a groan escaping Damren's lips as his brother's semi-flaccid length slipped free and slapped wetly against the male's muscular inner-thighs. An unfathomable amount of semen gushed out of his quivering anus in response, splashing all over the floor, and permeating the room with the fresh stench of male fornication. Oh no. he thought, fear gripping his heart. They were doomed.

"Damren?" A sweet, feminine voice called in the other room. "Is that you?"

His ears went completely flat, his pupils blossoming in the dark. "Uh, yep! It's me Aela! Give me a few seconds will ya?" He scrambled to his feet just as she stepped beneath the archway, the lithe, sparkling blue dragoness entering the sweltering chamber, and gawking at the sight before her.


_ _ He stared at his life-mate, his older brother still half-draped haphazardly across his back. They'd been caught. Good gods, they'd been caught. He gave her a sheepish look, cum still drizzling down his spread legs and spattering everywhere. "Uh, hi Aela!" he mumbled. "You're back early. This is uh ... Sorek. He's my ... um ... older brother."

Sorek flapped his wings and gave her a toothy grin, giving Damren's rump a reassuring squeeze as if to say 'relax, everything is gonna be alright.' "Hello!" he chirped. "Damren's told me so much about you."

Aela eyed the large male suspiciously, stepping foot inside the nesting chamber, and wrinkling her brow at the pungent stench that greeted her. "Seems like you two had some fun while I was away." she said dryly, staring at the cum-stained floor. "Hope you don't expect me to clean this mess up."

Damren pawed at the floor, concealing a tiny, victorious smirk. Somehow, with Sorek lying across his back, he knew everything would be okay. His older sibling might be a big, dumb oaf sometimes, but he was his brother ... his family ... and perhaps that was all that mattered. They'd manage to work things out.

"Well-" Sorek began in his trademark lazy drawl. "-We we're actually hoping you'd join in."

He shook his head and sighed. Eventually.