Kat and Jacob

Story by Cearulwolf on SoFurry

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OK. This is only my second story. Feel free to leave me comments, but please be polite about them. I do not mind costructive criticism. Must be 18 or older to read, blah, blah, blah and all that jazz. Enjoy!

Jacob walked into the club with hopes for a fun night. He walked up to the bar and ordered a beer, and proceeded to walk around the club's different rooms scoping the place out. As he passed the door to the first room, he looked in to see a couple of male strippers on stage dancing to a very happy crowd of men and women. Jacob walked into the next room, and stood off to the side and watched a beautiful young woman dancing to a catchy hip-hop song. He tossed his empty beer bottle into a trash can and headed to the small bar in the back of the room for another. As he wove his way through the crowd who were now cheering the next dancer as she stepped up on stage, he noticed a cute redhead chatting with two other girls as they pointed to different guys in the room and giggled. One of them pointed at him, and Jacob waved to them. He paid for his beer, and made his way out to check out the next room. He spent the rest of the night bouncing from the hip-hop room to the techno room, chatting with a few friends who showed up, and of course watching the cute redhead and her friends. At one point, Jacob jumped up on one of the raised platforms in the techno room and danced to a cheering group of college girls, who nearly mobbed him afterwards. As the night wore down, Jacob headed for the parking lot. He had had fun, but had not picked up a girl like he had hoped to. He'd lost track of the redhead and her friends after his dancing escapade, paying more attention to the mob of college girls around him than where the redhead went. He had thought she'd left, until he saw her ahead of him in the parking lot. Two large men appeared out of nowhere and stood in her way.

"And where are you off to little Miss?" One of them asked.

"I'm going home," She replied, "And you are in my way." She was scared, but she kept her fear in the back of her mind for now and held a relatively stoic face.

"Really?" The second man asked, "Going home...that doesn't sound like fun. Why don't you come with Bruce and me, and we'll show you a real fun time?" The man leered at her, with a look of lust on his eyes.

"Please," the girl said, "Get out of my way. I just want to go home."

"Oh, we'll take you home," the man called Bruce said. "As soon as we're done fucking you silly." Bruce grabbed one of the girl's arms, and the second man grabbed her other arm.

"Help!" the girl cried, as they opened the door to their car and threw her in. Before they could move anywhere though a fist impacted with Bruce's jaw with a sickening cracking sound, and Bruce hit the ground in a daze. The second man tried to swing at Jacob, but Jacob easily blocked the poorly thrown punch and slammed his fist into the man's chest sending him staggering backwards and gasping for breath. Bruce stood up slowly, holding his jaw.

"You bastard," Bruce said angrily. "You broke my jaw! Now I'm going to have to kill you!" And with that he pulled a stiletto from his pocket, and flicked it open. Jacob took a step back to give himself some more room, and grinned.

"If you think you can kill me, then come on," Jacob taunted him. Bruce charged forward, swinging the knife back and forth. Jacob spun out of the way and stuck his foot out just enough that Bruce tripped and fell. The second man was now running at him, and Jacob braced for the impact. The large man slammed full force into Jacob's shoulder, and stumbled back a few steps. Jacob laughed now.

"I played football in college, and I've stopped bigger men than you that way," Jacob said. "Why don't you pick up your friend there, and be off before the cops get here and arrest you?"

"I'll kill you and still get out of here before the cops get here," the man said. He came at Jacob again, only to realize his mistake too late. He hadn't figured on Jacob knowing how to fight and assumed that so far it was just dumb luck. He realized his mistake as Jacob's foot impacted the side of his head, and then everything went dark. As the man crumpled to the ground, Jacob turned to look at Bruce. He was still laying on the ground, and afraid that he might be dead Jacob walked up to him and rolled him over. A fist flew up and caught Jacob in the face. He felt blood running from his nose and cursed himself for falling for such a trick. Jacob blocked the next punch followed up with one of his own. The impact of Jacob's fist drove the man's head into the pavement with a resounding crack, and the man blacked out. The police pulled up as Jacob dusted himself off, and rushed over to make sure the girl was ok. After taking statements from Jacob and the girl, and a few other people who had seen the whole thing, the police took the two men to the hospital before locking them up.

"Thank you," the girl said to Jacob. "You saved me." She giggled. "My knight in shining armor!" She kissed him on the cheek. Jacob blushed a little.

"You're welcome. I'm not sure I'm much of a knight, and I certainly don't have any shining armor, but I suppose I do follow a code of chivalry." Jacob said with a grin. "My name's Jacob, by the way." He offered his hand to her, and she took it. She smiled to herself as she felt his strong grip. It was quite a handshake and she marveled at the fact that although it was a strong and firm handshake, that there was at the same time a certain gentleness to it.

"My name is Katheryn, but my friends all call me Kat," she told him. Jacob smiled again.

"I'm pleased to meet you Kat," He said. "Speaking of your friends, what happened to them?"

"Oh, Cynthia was feeling sick, and so Julie took her home," Kat replied. I was going to take the bus home when those two brutes stopped me." A look of dread fleeted across her face as she recalled the event. "I don't know what would have happened to me if you hadn't stopped them." Kat said. "I don't know how to thank you."

"Well," Jacob replied, "No thanks is necessary. How about I give you a ride home though. My car's just over there." Jacob pointed to a dark blue 1969 Dodge Charger.

"Wow," Kat said. "Nice car. I'd love to take a ride in that! I don't live far from here, thank you!" Kat was all excited now. She had no idea why she was pretending to be a helpless maiden, but she liked that Jacob seemed to actually be the first really nice guy she'd met in a long time. She wondered to herself if she should try to bed him. She would be going into heat soon, and she'd need a good strong mate. What would he do if she told him she was a werewolf though? Then again, she wondered if he already knew. He was certainly strong enough to be a werewolf. And she thought she had caught a scent earlier in the night that made her think he was one himself, but in the club it was hard to tell. As they got into the car though, she realized the scent in the club was him. The car smelled strongly of him.

Jacob wondered if she had figured it out yet. He had smelled her in the club, but since she hadn't shown much interest, he left her alone. A female in heat was not someone to mess with. He laughed to himself thinking about the fight. She could have torn those two into tiny pieces, yet instead pretended to be helpless and let him beat the crap out of them. He wondered if it was some game she was playing. Maybe she got off on being the damsel in distress getting rescued by a big strong man. Or werewolf in this case. He looked at Kat as they got into the car, and saw the look of desire on her face.

"So it was you I smelled in the club," Kat stated. "I thought so." She reached over and laid a hand on his thigh. Jacob placed a hand on top of hers and squeezed it gently.

"Yes. I picked you out the moment I walked into the hip-hop room when you were with your friends. I could smell your heat, but you didn't seem to show interest so I left you alone." Jacob explained. "I must say though, your scent is very tantalizing, and it's taken a lot of restraint for me to stay in control this long.

"Well," Kat said, "I wasn't sure I wanted to pick up a mate tonight. I've dealt with my heat the last few times well enough with the help of my two friends who were here tonight, and a good sized dildo of course." Kat smiled slyly. "I think this time should be different though. If you hurry up and get me home, you won't have to control yourself much longer." A look of lust now in both of their eyes, Jacob silently thanked his lucky stars for deciding to come to the club tonight after all.

"Just tell me the way," Jacob said as they pulled out of the parking lot.

Kat teased him the whole drive back to her house. She kept one hand on his crotch, and the other down her pants playing with her clit. The smell of her as she became more and more aroused was almost too much for him as he tried to drive. As they pulled into her driveway he glared at her and growled.

"Keep that up any longer and I'll take you here and now!" Jacob said in a voice that let Kat know he wasn't joking. She stopped playing with herself, and let go if Jacob's crotch.

They hastily made their way inside, and by the time they were in the living room, they were both naked. Kat was the first to change, becoming a very large anthropomorphic timber wolf. Jacob was right behind her, and changed into a larger anthro gray wolf. Kat bent over and waved her ass at Jacob. He pounced on her, and they collapsed onto the couch. They kissed as they ground their bodies together, quickly losing themselves to their inner beasts. Kat pushed Jacob off of her, and rolled onto the floor getting onto her hands and knees.

"Jacob, I need you now!" She said with need in her voice. "Take me my lover!" She lowered her shoulders and head, leaving her ass in the air. She wiggled her ass at Jacob, and moved her tail out of the way. Jacob got up off the couch and kneeled behind her.

"Whatever you want," Jacob said. "I'll knot you and give you cubs."

"Oh please!" Kat cried out. "Please fill me with your seed! Make me pregnant with your cubs!"

Jacob positioned his cock at the entrance of her pussy. He was amazed at how wet she was. Her cunt juices were literally dripping out of her. He grabbed her hips and slammed his cock in.

"Oh!" Kat cried out in surprise. She hadn't realized how big he truly was, or how tight she was. She hadn't had a real cock in her since she lost her virginity a few years ago, and Jacob was much bigger than the jerk she lost her cherry to. Jacob was fucking her hard, pulling her hips into him each time he thrust. His huge wolf cock stretched and filled her making her continually cry out in pleasure. As she felt her orgasm growing, Kat let go of everything and surrendered to the pleasure she was feeling.

"I'm going to cum!" Kat cried. "Oh my god, I'm going to cum so hard!"

Jacob could feel his own climax nearing, and with one swift hard thrust he buried his knot into her tight pussy.

"Oh!" Kat screamed. "Aahhh!" She was unable to form any words as her orgasm hit her like a freight train. Her back arched as she felt her pussy contracting around Jacobs cock. She could feel her cunt filling with her own cum unable to go anywhere due to the large knot buried inside her. Feeling Kat's pussy swallow his knot, and then pulse and contract around the base of his cock as she came caused him to lose control and he felt his own orgasm hit.

"AAHHH!" Jacob cried as his orgasm rocked through him. He felt her pussy milking his cock as jet after jet of hot cum exploded from within him and sprayed the insides of her cunt. Her pussy clenched down on his cock each time his cock filled her with his cum. The feeling drove him wild and caused him to empty every ounce of cum he had into her. He could feel his cum spraying back onto his cock after hitting the inside of her pussy, and he could feel their mixed juices sloshing around in her very full cunt. As their orgasms subsided, they adjusted their positions so they were laying chest to chest. Jacob laid on the bottom, and let her rest on top of him.

"That was so much better than my first time," Kat said. "I wish I'd known this could be so much fun, and I'd have been doing it more often. Not that me and the girls didn't have a good time though." Kat smiled thinking of how she and her two girl friends had helped each other through their last few heat cycles.

"Mmm...Maybe we could get all three of you together sometime," Jacob said in a teasing voice.

"Sorry, but while they like looking at guys, they're strictly lesbian when it comes to having sex." Kat said. "Sorry to burst your bubble. You've got me whenever you want now though...whenever, and wherever, and however..." Kat said with a certain kinkiness to her voice.

"Hmm.." Jacob said. "I guess I'll have to put that fantasy on hold for now then. But wherever and however. I like the sound of that." They lay there until his knot got small enough to pull out. His knot came out with a sloppy "pop" sound, and their mingled cum juices flowed out onto him. Kat leaned down and sucked up their juices.

"Mmm...we taste good!" Kat said as she laughed. "Why don't we go take a shower and clean up?" She asked.

"That sounds like a good idea," Jacob said as they got up off the floor. He put his arm around her, and they went upstairs to the bathroom for a long, romantic shower together.

A few days later, Jacob stopped by after work to take Kat to dinner before another night of hot sex. Kat greeted him at the door with a very happy look on her face.

"Well aren't you looking happy today," Jacob said. "What's got you in such a good mood?" He asked.

"Well," Kat said, "That's because I've got good news for you Jacob," She paused for a moment. "I'm pregnant!"