T. Aropo Vine Zoo - Chapter Seven: Ear's Lookin' At You, Kid

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#8 of Zootopia Stories

Bobby discovers a new building in Huntington. When he goes to check it out, things get interesting.

This story contains characters from Zootopia, and involves vore and M/M sex between a cubs and adults. If this bothers you, please do not read it.

Bobby is my character. All other characters mentioned in this chapter belong to Disney.

Finnick looked at Bobby with an uncertain look in his eye. "If you laugh, I swear you'll regret it, kid."

Bobby looked at him curiously. "I wouldn't do that, Fin."

Finnick stood there in silence for several moments before stripping off his shirt.

Bobby smiled as the fennec did this, not seeing anything to give him cause to laugh.

Finnick hesitated for several moments before unbuttoning his pants and letting them drop around his ankles. As he did, the diaper he'd had hidden underneath became visible.

Bobby looked at the diapered fennec without so much as a word. A soft smile formed on his face. "I don't see anything that warrants me laughing."

Finnick's ears perked up. "You don't?"

Bobby shook his head. "Nope. So you wear a diaper... Big deal. Personally I think you look good wearing it."

A stunned look showed on Finnick's face. "You... What?"

"Fin, I don't judge people by what they wear. I judge them by how they treat me and others. Honestly, I think you're rockin' the diapered look."

Finnick rubbed his neck, looking at Bobby, the stunned look still there. "And here I was, thinking you being kind was just an act because someone else was around."

Bobby shrugs. "I've gotten similar reactions from a lot of people, Fin. I have some that think just because I'm a porcupine, I'm a total jerk who uses his quills to deliberately hurt people. Even my friends, when they first met me, were afraid to come too close because they weren't aware my quills are only sharp when I'm angry or scared."

"Looks like I had you figured wrong... Sorry about that."

Bobby walked up to Finnick then and hugged him then. "It's okay."

Finnick didn't move. Not because he didn't want the hug, but because the hug itself had shocked him even further. When Bobby had let go, Finnick looked at him curiously. "You're honestly the first person, besides Nick, to ever willingly hug me..."


Finnick nodded. "Yeah... Usually, people are put off by the way I act."

"You mean kinda like how people are usually put off by the way I look?"

He nodded again. "Yeah..." He looked Bobby in the eyes. "This really doesn't bother you?" He points to his diaper.

"Not a bit."

"Would it change anything if I told you that the reason behind why I wear them is... Well... because outside of the zoo, I..."

"Can't control your bladder? No, doesn't change anything," Bobby told him. "It'd be pretty cruel of me to laugh over something you can't control. I'm not like that. So what if you're incontinent, everyone has their flaws. In my case, because of a medical condition I've got, I, quite literally, get sick anytime I leave Huntington for an extended period of time."

Finnick raised a brow. "Really?"

"Yeah, I've got what's called Geolocational Depression... More commonly referred to as Clinical Homesickness. Any time I leave Huntington for more than a few days, I begin getting cramps, anxiety, headaches, and in severe cases, I end up vomiting."

"Sounds rough."

"It is. It's not helped by the fact that my mother, who also has it, has to stay in Georgia because that's HER home."

"So you live with someone else then?"

Bobby nods. "My dad."

"Wow..." Finnick reached over, this time hugging Bobby, who willingly accepted the hug, and hugged back. "I'm sorry you have to deal with that."

"It's like I said... everyone has their flaws."

Finnick nodded. When he let go of Bobby, he looked at him with a slight smile. "Any awkwardness I might have felt about this is gone, ki..." He stopped himself. "Bobby."

Bobby smiled again. "I'm glad."

With that, Finnick reached down, sliding his diaper down to his ankles, stepping out of it. The fennec now stood there, completely nude, and looked at Bobby.

Bobby gave a low whistle, looking him over. In mere moments, Bobby's cock hardened. "Lookin' good there, Fin."

Finnick grinned. "You're looking pretty good too, Bobby."

Bobby stepped up to him then. "May I?"

In a sarcastic tone, and with a smirk on his face, Finnick replied. "No, I'm standing here naked because I like the breeze."

Bobby smirked back and reached over, groping the fennec, who then let out a moan. His own cock fully hardened as well.

Finnick reached over, groping the cub. "Pretty nice piece of equipment you have there..."

Bobby shivered and blushed. "Thanks..." He then started stroking the fennec slowly with one paw, while cupping his sac with the other. "Feels to me like you're overdue for some release, Fin."

"Mmmm.. Are you offering?" The fennec started bucking into Bobby's paw.

"Mmhmm..." Bobby stroked faster. "You can help me later... Let's work on you for now."

Finnick moaned out as the cub stroked him. "Mmmm.... Sounds... good to me."

Bobby continued stroking, but then reached up with his other paw, and began rubbing one of Finnick's ears. "Feel good?"

"Mmm... what do YOU think," he moaned out. He let out another moan as both his cock and his ear got wet with pre.

"I think once I'm done stroking you, I wanna do something with these nice big ears you've got... son."

Finnick raised a brow. "Mmff... what.. Did you just call me?"

"Shh... Just enjoy it, son," Bobby said, stroking the fennec faster, before bringing his other paw back down, rubbing Finnick's sac again.

"Mmmrrr.." Finnick began panting. "S...So... so good." His cock started oozing even more.

"Mmm... I've got a feeling you'll like this even more, son."

"What are you ta.... Aaah! Mfff!" Right then, Finnick felt the cub's muzzle around his erection, and soon, he was bucking into Bobby's mouth as he felt his tongue working over his length. "Mmm."

As Finnick started getting into it, he reached down and rubbed Bobby's ears. "Mfff.." He began panting as he humped. "D... Daddy.... I'm..."

Bobby just continued sucking, picking up the pace as he did. "Mmhmm..."

Finnick held Bobby's head still as he began humping into his maw at a rapid pace. "Dad... I'm gonna... gonna..." He then gave one final thrust before letting his load loose in the young porcupine's muzzle.

Bobby slurped down every drop before backing off and standing again with a grin. "Feel better, son?"

"I... I do... but... why did..." He panted. "Why did you..."

"Because I'm starting to understand how things work here... I just... knew you'd enjoy that... Son."

Finnick shivered. "Mmm... Won't lie... I did." He reached up, wiping his ear clean, which was quite wet. He then looked at Bobby with a grin.

"Lay down for me, son..." Bobby said in a soft voice.

Finnick nodded. "Okay, daddy." He walked over to the bed, first sitting down on the edge, then laying back and making himself comfortable. A light murr escaped his lips.

Bobby climbed up onto the bed, scooting close to the fennec's ears. He then reached down, taking his erect penis in his paw and positioning it in front of them. "Mmmm... Those ears of yours... Son... I'm gonna hump 'em good."

Finnick let out a light chuff as he felt Bobby's cock tip poke his ear. "Just.... be gentle, Daddy."

Bobby murred. "I will, son." He then very slowly pushed the tip of his cock inside Finnick's ear. "Mmmm.... Very nice."

Finnick began panting again as Bobby slowly pushed forward. "Ohhh... D...Daddy..."

"Not hurting you, am I?"

Finnick murred. "No... Not at all.. Keep... Mff... Going."

"Mmm... okay, son." Bobby continued to push his cock in, using the pre from Finnick's ear as lubricant, eventually sliding it inside all the way. "Mmmm... Feels good."

Finnick moaned out as he felt Bobby starting to hump his ear. "Feels... oooh... good for me too..."

"Mmm..." Bobby humped a bit faster. "Does Daddy Nick do this with you too?"

"Aa....aah... Yeah... but... he doesn't usually call me 'son' when we do this." Finnick panted.

"Oh, and what exactly... mmmf... does he call you then," Bobby asked, as he heard the lock of the door click and the door open.

"Daddy's little boy," Nick commented as he closed the door behind him, stripping off his clothes again and climbing onto the bed beside Finnick's other ear. "Have you been a good boy while Daddy was gone," Nick asked.

"Ye... mmmf... Yes, Daddy..." Finnick let out a staggered moan as he felt the fox push his cock inside his other ear. With both ears now getting attention, the fennec's cock grew hard again.

"Mmmfff... Glad to hear it," Nick said as he began to hump.

Bobby moaned as he continued humping as well. "You've... mmm... got a good little boy here, Nick."

"Mmm... I sure do.. Daddy loves his little boy," Nick moaned out as he brushed Finnick's chest while humping.

"And I.... ohhh.... I love my.... My Daddies."

Both Bobby and Nick started humping Finnick faster. The two of them moaning as their cock's throbbed.

"You.. mmm... about ready for it, son?" Bobby reached and started to rub Finnick's chest as well.

"Ohhhh.... Ohhh yeah.... Daddy.... Please...."

Bobby bucked forward several more times, eventually blowing his load, moaning out. "Aaaaah!"

Nick was not too far behind, thrusting forward, all the way up to his knot, Nick howled out as well. "AAAAH!"

Bobby, still panting, slowly pulled out of Finnick's ear. "MMmm.... That feel as good for you as it did for me, Nick?"

Nick then pulled out as well, re-adjusting himself and sitting down properly. "It did.... Fin, what about you?" He leaned in and licked some of Finnick's pre and his cum off of Finnick's ear, causing him to moan out again.

"Mmmff... what do you think," he said with a sarcastic tone and a smirk on his face.

"I think..." Nick licked Finnick's ear again. "Someone's still horny."

"Yeah, well... what do you plan to do about it? Hmmm?"

Bobby spoke up. "I think I know something that'll do the trick... That is... if Nick will help me."

"Of course I will," Nick said with a grin.

Finnick smirked at the two of them, then looked at Nick directly, giving a momentary glare before smiling and nodding. He then looked at Bobby. "Just... be careful with the quills... Daddy."

"I will, son. Lay back down for me."

Finnick nodded and laid down then.

Nick spoke up soon after. "Wait... we're forgetting something."

Bobby cocked his head. "What's that, Nick?"

Without so much as another word, Nick walked over to a small table nearby, grabbing a fresh diaper along with some powder.

Bobby raised a brow. "Nick... Uhhh.."

Finnick looked at the cub. "It's okay, Bobby. I actually like being diapered when I do stuff like this... I enjoy the feeling."

Bobby shrugged. He then looked over at Nick.

Nick looked at him in silence a moment then handed him the diaper and powder.

Bobby then spent the next several minutes getting Finnick in the diaper. Once he did, he reached down and rubbed the crotch of the diaper as it crinkled under his paw.

"Mmmf.... Okay... NOW I'm ready." Finnick smiled as he looked at the two.

Bobby repositioned himself so he was laying in front of the fennec's ear again. He scooted close to it and gave it another lick. "Mmm... So am I, son."

Nick moved so he was beside Bobby, to help guide him forward. "Does Daddy's little boy want his Daddy porcupine inside him?" Even as he said this, he was slowly inching Bobby forward, until Bobby's head was pressed right against Finnick's ear.

"Mmmf... Yes Daddy..." Finnick admitted, a blush actually forming a little on his face. As he felt Bobby's head starting to push in, he immediately let out a loud moan.

As Bobby's head was pushed in, he braced himself with his paws on the bed, to help Nick as best he could to aid Nick. Bobby felt the familiar warmth of being inside someone quickly hitting him as he was taken in. "Mmmm... Son... so warm."

"Gets better as you get in deeper," Nick remarked as he pushed the rest of Bobby's head inside.

Finnick moaned loudly as the feel of Bobby's coarse head quills brushed against him. "Mmmmf.... Oh jeez."

"Enjoying it out there," Bobby asked, as he felt Nick beginning to push his shoulders inside.

"Ohhh... Daddy..." Finnick moaned out, the sensation causing his ear to begin spraying precum again.

"That's a yes," Nick uttered as he pushed Bobby in more.

It seemed every inch or so, Finnick have another loud moan, which was quickly accompanied by Bobby's body getting coated in another bit of precum.

By the time Finnick had taken in Bobby's chest, it seemed Finnick couldn't hold it anymore. "D...DADDY!" Were it not for the fact, Nick had been holding Bobby still, the cum that erupted over Bobby and out Finnick's ear would surely have pushed him out.

Bobby, stuck in Finnick's ear, just giggled a bit after the cum flood had stopped. "Couldn't hold it, eh, son?"

Finnick, amidst his moans, sputtered out. "N... No... Felt.... Felt too g.. Good.... D...daddy."

"I'm glad to hear that... But I don't think your Daddy Nick is gonna let you relax until I'm all the way inside you."

"A...aah.... Then... keep.... Going," Finnick moaned.

"Mmm... You heard him, Nick."

"That I did," Nick commented as he resumed shoving Bobby inside.

As Nick continued shoving, Bobby started squirming, brushing his quills against the fennec's insides, which subsequently was met with more moans and another rush of pre. "Mmm... Push harder, Nick," Bobby told the fox, who eventually was starting to have a little difficulty with Bobby's belly again.

"Mmmff... Daddy.... Feels so... aaah..." Finnick howled out, spasming.

It was clear to Nick that Finnick had just shot his load in the diaper. "Mmm.. Does Daddy's little boy feel better?"

"I feel.... Mmmff... great.... Keep going, Daddy." Finnick remarked, panting heavily.

"Have it your way, son." Nick gave Bobby a hard shove, which was just enough, along with the cum-slicked insides of his mate, for Bobby belly to slip inside Finnick's ear.

"Aah! D...Daddy...."

Nick was determined now, and didn't reply. He simply gave Bobby another shove.

Inside, Bobby kept up with his squirming. As Finnick took in his crotch and butt, the feeling forced a moan out of him, and caused him to shoot his own load. "MMMFFF! AAAAAHHHH!" Bobby spasmed and twitched inside his 'son'.

"Heh heh... Worn out in there yet, Bobby," Nick asked.

The cub panted a bit, catching his breath before answering. "Heh... Just about... I'm surprised I lasted that long without cumming."

Finnick, who was now too lost in how good it felt to speak, was now groping himself through his diaper, unable to do much else. "Mmmrrrr..."

Bobby murred as well, squirming around, brushing his quills against Finnick's inside. "Mmm... Almost inside, son..."

Finnick just moaned out, squeezing the crotch of his diaper. "Mmmff."

Nick continued pushing, causing Bobby to go in deeper and deeper. "Mmm... Looks like Daddy's little boy's gonna cum again soon, Bobby."

"Mmm... Think he can hold out long enough for me to get fully inside him," Bobby commented, while continuing to brush against Finnick.

"D.. D... DADDY!" Finnick bucked upward before dropping back down, spent.

"Looks like that's a no, Bobby," Nick snickered, pushing Bobby in now up to his knees.

Bobby snickered a bit as well, before brushing against the fennec once more. This time though, he could feel more precum splashing over his body as he did. "Don't think he's gonna last much longer in here either."

"Then you'd best get in the rest of the way. Think you can pull your legs in from here," Nick asked, as a now nearly exhausted fennec lay panting on the bed.

"Think so..." Bobby had to struggle a bit, trying to pull his legs in, which subsequently caused Finnick to moan out again. "Almost there, son..."

Nick gave Bobby's feet one last push before the cub's feet were taken in, the then quickly backed off, got up to Finnick's other ear, and gave it a single, drawn out, slow lick, causing Finnick to twitch and spasm.

Within seconds, the small creature's ear began oozing cum as he howled out. "AAAAHHH!"

Bobby, now coated in the cum from Finnick's ear for the second time, slid right out along with the cum. He laid there, coated in the fennec's spunk. "Okay, if you aren't tired after that, Fin, I'd be surprised."

It was several moments before the fennec found his voice again, his words broken up by his heavy panting. "I don't think... I've ever... cum... so hard... in my life."

Bobby chuckled. "So you enjoyed it then?"

"What... do you... think," the fennec panted.

"I think the cute little fennec needs a nap," Nick commented.

Finnick turned his head to look at Nick. "You're lucky... I'm wiped out... or... I'd swat you... for that."

Nick just laughed. "In all seriousness though, Fin... You alright?"

"Yeah... Might need... Another diaper though," he replied.

Bobby sat up then looking over at Finnick. "Made a mess, huh?"

"Yeah... Kinda did," Finnick commented.

"I'll leave so you and Nick can take care of that, heh." He scooted off the bed.

"Hey Bobby... Wait a sec..." Finnick then took a few breaths before pulling himself up into a sitting position.

"Yeah, Fin?" Bobby looked back and walked over to him.

Right then, Finnick leaned in and kissed Bobby, briefly on the lips, much to Nick and Bobby's surprise.

Bobby kissed back when he did, then raised a brow. "What was that for?"

"For not laughing at me... when you found out I was incontinent... And for... well... helping me out." He points to his ear.

Bobby smiled. "I was glad to help, Fin. This place is making it possible for me to do things I've only fantasized about. The fact it gives others pleasure is an added bonus."

"And by the way..."

Bobby cut him off. "I know what you're gonna say, Finnick. The magic of this place gives you the ability to control it... You just enjoy wearing it, right?"

Finnick nodded. "Yeah, pretty much."

"It was kinda obvious the moment I saw the diaper. I mean, why else would you wear it here when you didn't have to?" Bobby smiled. "I still say you look good." He then headed for the door, gathering up and putting on his clothes. "Maybe we can do this again sometime."

"Count on it," both Nick and Finnick said at the same time.

Bobby then unlocked and opened the door, before stepping out into the hallway. He made his way back to the main lounge area, quickly spotting Gideon, who was now talking to a thin ferret. He looked himself over and only then realized he was no longer coated in Finnick's seed. He just chuckled to himself as he walked over to Gideon. "Hey, Gid... Who's your friend?"

Gideon turned to Bobby as he approached, smiling and giving Bobby a knowing smile, to which Bobby just nodded. "Bobby, this is mah best bud, Travis."

Bobby smiled at him. "Aloha, Travis. Nice to meet you."

The ferret looked at Bobby a bit nervously. "Uh... Heh... Hi."

Bobby sat down in a nearby chair. "Don't worry, I won't hurt you."

"Oh... It's not that... I'm just... shy around strangers."

Bobby nodded. "I know how you feel there. Something about this place though... It's just so... friendly here."

Gideon looked to Travis. "Relax, Travis. Bobby here is one of the nicest fellas ah've ever had the pleasure ta meet."

Bobby smiled at that. "Thanks Gid... That's really nice of you to say."

"Aw shucks. All ah'm doin' is tellin' the truth," Gideon replied. He then turned his attention to Travis again. "Ya gonna be okay fer a couple minutes. Ah'm gonna go grab mahself some more ice cream."

Travis looked at Gideon and nodded. "I think so..."

"Alright then. Ah'll bring ya back some of yer favorite too. Bobby, ya want any?"

"Nah, I'm good," Bobby told him.

Gideon nodded, then walked toward the counter.

Bobby then looked at Travis. "So I'm guessing you and Gideon have known each other for a long time?"

Travis rubbed his neck. "Yeah... Since we were kids."

Bobby nodded. "That's cool. He seems like a great guy. Other than the owners of this place, he was the first one I met here."

"He's a good friend. A bit stubborn sometimes though," Travis commented, giving a nervous chuckle.

"So what about you? Can ya tell me something about yourself? I mean, I know Gideon's a pastry chef in Bunnyburrow. Do you help him?"

"Sometimes, but I prefer to express myself in another way," Travis told him.

Bobby raised a brow. "I'd love to see... I mean... if you're willing to share."

Travis was quiet for several moments before finally speaking up again. "Sure... Why not?"

T. Aropo Vine Zoo - Chapter Six: A Navel Idea

Nick let go of Bobby, and took several steps back, putting himself a good distance away from him before closing his eyes. In mere moments, Nick grew about a foot taller, and easily a hundred pounds fatter, He then plopped himself on the bed, on his...

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T. Aropo Vine Zoo - Chapter Five: It's The Pits

Bobby giggled a bit as he heard the Chief moan out. "I guess you liked that, huh?" "I did," Bogo murred. "But I think I'd like this just a bit more if we went somewhere a tad more comfortable." Bobby pulled back and looked at him. "Oh? You mean...

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T. Aropo Vine Zoo - Chapter Four: The Belly of the Beast

Clawhauser giggled and unbuckled the belt on his pants then. "I have to admit, I'm never eaten a porcupine before." "Don't worry," Bobby told him. "I won't poke you. My quills are only sharp when I'm nervous or scared. They might tickle a bit...

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