The dog side of the moon

Story by Ramses on SoFurry

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The moon was full.

It was around two o'clock in the morning.

I was on my hands and knees, in my neighbor's yard, behind his garage, getting completely pounded by his dog. Actually, you know, I guess you could say I was getting dog-pounded. Or not. (Is that a good pun or a bad pun?) It kinda sounds like I got locked in a kennel, which, now that I think about it, would make a good fantasy.

Anyway, Scout - the feral dog - was going at me like a machine, going at me with those short, sharp thrusts that feral dogs enjoy using. He was going fast, too. His breath was in my ear, and his drool was drooling down to my fur.

Should we pause for a moment? Explain how this happened? Set the scene, if you want to call it that. Or should we get right to the end, the hot 'n sexy end, where Scout held my hips in the tightest grip ever, as he tried to push his swollen knot into my ass?

This is what happened. My neighbor got too drunk to drive home, so, he texted me - the usual long, long text with many typos - and he asked me to check on his dog. He didn't expect the text to wake me up. What he expected was, I'd wake up in the morning, and then I'd see the text, and _then _I'd go check on his dog. My neighbor, meanwhile, would be sleeping off his drunk, at his girlfriend's house, until at least noon.

This had happened before.

And when it had happened before, I didn't see his text until I got up. _This _time, however, when the text came I woke up. I woke up, I couldn't get back to sleep, and so I read my neighbor's (very) rambling and (very) drunken text. I could've waited until morning - his dog would've been okay until then. Instead, I got up and put on some flip flops. I went next door, and I walked up the driveway, and I used the gate near the garage to let myself in to my neighbor's backyard.

Everyone else in my neighborhood was asleep, it seemed.

I used to dogsit for my neighbor, back when he used to travel as part of his job. So, his dog knew me, and trusted me.

I let myself in the back door, and the dog - Scout - woke up and came over to say hi. Scout was a mix I'd never seen before - half Dogo Argentino and half Pit Bull. He was beautiful, and masculine, and he was such a good, friendly dog. Like I said, he'd known me for a while. He said hi, in his feral doggy way, and he wagged his tail, and he looked over at his food bowl, and then he looked at me - giving me that not-so-subtle message. I gave him some dry food, and he ate some. He seemed wide awake, and maybe a bit restless. I knelt down in front of him and petted him, and I rubbed his ears, and he licked my face. And then he went to the back door, which was his way of saying he needed to go out.

Out in my neighbor's backyard, I kicked off my flip flops. I used the flashlight to make sure I wasn't about to step in any dog poop, and I felt the grass caress the fur on my feet. Scout did his business. I wondered if he wanted to play, but he just stood there, on his four legs, staring at me. I looked at him.

I certainly thought he was beautiful. With his thick, powerful legs, and his broad chest. His long muzzle, and his firm jowls. His nose was half pink and half black, and his white fur was short and dense. His ears stood up straight, and his narrow eyes gazed at you with a steady confidence.

I also thought he was a very masculine dog. _Masculine _is hard to describe, and I guess it's subjective. It was easy for me to think of that word, while looking at him. Sitting here, however, writing this down - it's hard to convey just what I mean. Beauty is subjective, masculine is subjective. Everyone has their own ways of defining those things.

We looked at each other. Me, an anthro Rottweiler, and Scout, a feral dog who was half Dogo and half Pit.

"We should be howling at the moon, like wolves," I said. I looked up, at the full moon, and I felt like maybe - just maybe - today would be the day.

I knelt down in front of Scout, again, and he licked my face, again, and I thought about . . .

I must've been giving off some kind of vibe, or - more likely - some kind of scent. Scout began sniffing my crotch. I sat down on the grass and I let him sniff my various scents. I got hard, fairly quickly. I caressed his ears, and he stopped sniffing me - he lifted his head up, and he licked my face again. Scout's doggy breath washed over me in a whoosh of warm, humid air. I could feel his body heat, and I ran my hands over his short, sexy fur. God help me, he was such a beautiful dog. And so hot. He licked the fur on my chest (I wasn't wearing a shirt), and he kept sniffing and sniffing . . .


{About a year ago, something happened between us. I'd been dogsitting Scout, and we were down in my neighbor's basement, and I'd been giving Scout a vigorous belly rub. Somehow, my elbow knocked over a small table that had some books on it. Still sitting on the floor, I turned around, and rose up a bit, and I started picking up the books. Scout jumped up and tried to mount me. I laughed, and shook him off. I thought he was just playing. I shifted into a sort-of squatting position, and I got the books back on the table. Determined (and not playing), the feral dog mounted me again. This time, I could feel his sheath bumping into my shorts, and the force of his jumping on me pushed me forward. I was then on my knees, sort of - I was kind of pushed up against the small table - and I reached back with my hands, to push him off. I had a crazy, unexpected thought run through my brain - what would it feel like to be underneath him? The thought shocked me so much, I froze, and Scout gripped my hips tightly with his front paws. I'm not . . . I'm not really spontaneous, if that's the right word - I usually think before I act, and usually I think a lot. Over the years, my friends and boyfriends have teased me about that.

However, that day, with Scout, I acted without thinking. I lowered my shorts, much as I could, and Scout moved forward, trying to penetrate me. His cock, I realized, must've slipped out of his sheath - I could feel it jab into me, sometimes almost painfully - it jabbed my ass a few times, hitting it in various places. Finally, Scout found what he was looking for, and he thrusted forward as far as he could. It was too much, too soon, and his feral, doggy penis was thicker than I'd expected. I hadn't actually seen his penis, so I wasn't sure just how big it was - or was going to get, once he got fully hard. He started fucking my ass the way feral dogs usually do, humping and thrusting fast and furious. I couldn't spread my legs as wide as I wanted to, because of the shorts, and Scout kept tripping over those shorts as he pushed his way inside me. He must've been really horny, because his speed was almost frantic. I wasn't able to get myself in a good position, and neither was Scout (because of my pulled-down, bunched-up shorts, probably). Still, he kept going at it - going at me, fucking my ass as best as he could, as fast as he could. It felt good, but . . . it was painful, too, and _I hadn't been lubed up in any kind of way before Scout penetrated me. I wasn't a virgin, but my ass was getting stretched (pushed) open further than it'd ever been, and the pain blocked out some (or a lot) of the pleasure. I found myself clutching that small table _tightly.

_And _I was worried about the knot, which (pretty soon) I could feel banging into me. For some reason, it didn't even occur to me to put my hands back there, to try and prevent the knot from getting inside my ass. So, yeah, my mind was all over the place (when I shouldn't have been thinking at all - I should've been able to just relax and completely enjoy getting hammered by Scout). Eventually, of course, he pushed his knot inside, and the pain drove me over the edge, and not in a good way. For a moment, _all _I could feel was pain. Much to my surprise, I came - my cock went fully hard, and cum shot out of me like bullets. The pain made me yell out, probably something obscene and guttural, and my entire body clenched up - which Scout probably enjoyed, as my too-far-stretched-open ass clenched around his thick penis. Much later on, after Scout pumped out a huge load of spunk, when his knot popped out I felt _another _sharp spike of pain - and yet, my dick twitched and almost got hard again.}


That happened, like I said, about a year ago. Soon after, my neighbor stopped traveling for work, and I stopped dogsitting Scout. I did see the dog, of course, since he lived next door. And I did get those drunken texts asking me to check on Scout in the morning. But I hadn't tried to get the feral to fuck me again. I'd thought about it. But I hadn't tried to make it happen.

That first time Scout had fucked me, my mind hadn't really been in the right place. I'd been too focused on the pain, instead of the pleasure, and I'd been worried about things I shouldn't have worried about. That first time, I just hadn't been into it, mentally or physically, in other words.

I wanted our second time to be better.

And, well, here's the thing. I won't go into details, but, after that first time, I practiced with some toys. You know, just in case.

I stood up, suddenly. I started walking and Scout followed. We went behind the garage. Between the trees and the bushes, we had some privacy, back there - which was good, because, hey, we were out there in the open. Sure, it was two in the morning, but - c'mon - only the sky was above us, and only the trees and bushes hid us. Part of me had a plan - I was going to offer myself to the dog, and if he accepted, well, great. If he didn't accept, if he didn't want me, then I was going to put him back inside, and then I would go home.

Another part of me could not believe I wanted to get sexy with Scout in the fucking backyard. Doin' it like feral dogs do it, right out there in the open.

Anyway, long story short - too late, I know - I knelt down and took a look at Scout's package, all the while stroking his fur and rubbing his ears. His balls were tight, and firm, and right underneath the sheath. They weren't low-hangers, in other words, like some feral dogs have. And his sheath - it wasn't very long, but it was big. Thick. Looking at it, I started getting horny, and Scout must've sensed it - he started sniffing me again, anywhere he could reach. As I knelt and looked, his cock started sliding out of the sheath. My mouth went dry and my stomach fluttered. His dick wasn't fully hard yet, of course, and it wouldn't fully swell up until he started getting busy, so to speak. This, then was what he'd penetrated me with, that time about a year ago - this red beast with the tapered tip and the subtle veins. (I hadn't actually seen it, that first time.) Intently waiting for Scout's reaction - would he growl? would he be okay with it? - I reached out a trembling hand, and I stroked the fur on his sheath. He didn't react. I touched his feral cock - four inches or so, perhaps more, had slid out . . . I ran my fingers along the red shaft, and Scout began hunching, a bit, humping his hips forward. I gripped his penis, then, as a little bit of pre came out, as Scout almost but not quite started humping my hand. More of his dick slipped out, and I leaned in to sniff around. I drew the smells of his feral junk into my nostrils, and - with my heart beating faster and faster - I licked the tip of his cock with my tongue. Again, Scout seemed happy with what was going on, with the attention he was getting, and - he moved his hips forward a bit faster. He was ready, it seemed, to hump something. The pre settled on my tongue, coated my tastebuds. Scout began to almost whine with impatience, and he started humping faster, rubbing himself on my hand - I realized that I'd gripped his cock even tighter, without knowing I'd done it. I also realized that I wanted to do all sorts of things - everything, I suppose. I wanted to jerk him off, or blow him, or both. I wanted to see him orgasm - maybe I could lay down, could somehow rub our dicks together, get him to shoot his seed on my belly.

Mostly, though, I wanted to get fucked by him.

I let go of his penis. As Scout watched, I stood up and took off my shorts, and there I was - naked, like a feral dog.

I got down on my hands and knees. I positioned myself carefully, comfortably, on my hands and knees - unlike the first time, I was able to get myself well-positioned. Scout immediately started sniffing my ass. He did that for a while, and I started to wonder if that was all he wanted to do, when . . . his long, rough tongue went deep into me. _Holy shit. _No one had ever done that to me. It felt so good, I almost came. I was still reeling from the shock and the pleasure when the dog mounted me. His front paws gripped my hips, tightly. His meaty, red cock rammed into me a few times . . . and then the tip roughly breached my ass.

At least this time I got lubed up, I thought.

I looked back, as Scout got himself in a good position, as he took me from behind. The weight of him settled down on top of me, and it felt good.

Scout started fucking me, now that he'd gotten his cock inside, now that he'd been able to penetrate me. I was on my hands and knees, on the grass, and he was on top of me. We were doing it like two feral dogs, and my entire body began to thrum and throb with pleasure. We'd barely started, and I was already close to my orgasm. Scout wanted to get his penis all the way in, as fast as he could, and he tried - it felt like he got a good bit of it in there. Luckily, his cock was slick with pre, and my ass was slick with his saliva. (And I was _really _grateful I'd practiced with those toys.) Using his hips, Scout started humping, started jackhammering me with the kind of sharp, quick thrusts that male ferals use when fucking.

My ass was truly getting fucked, and Scout's canine cock began to swell, began to get fully hard. He sped up, started going faster. Getting rammed by Scout felt so good, and I moaned in pleasure. My ass was getting stretched open. Everything down there, in my anus, was humming and throbbing, all the nerve endings, and muscles, and membranes, and whatnot. There was some discomfort - after all, a thick (and swiftly hardening) feral dog cock was getting rammed in, roughly and quickly. So far, however, the pleasure _far _outweighed any pain or discomfort - unlike that first time.

He sped up even faster, then, shifting into overdrive, pounding me with short, powerful thrusts. Drops of his doggy drool dripped down to my back. The feel of his penis inside me was amazing, and I loved the feel of his paws gripping me. He held me so tight, and it felt like he was trying to pull me towards him while at the same time push himself into me.

This second time, I was intensely enjoying how rough and fast Scout was fucking me - I wanted it rough, and fast, and messy.

Pretty soon, I could feel Scout's swollen knot bump into me every time he thrust forward.

I could hear him panting, I could smell his breath, and I could feel the dog's cock filling me more than I'd ever been filled. The feel, the weight, of him on top of me was hot-as-the-sun erotic. I was close to cumming, so close . . . and then the knot was roughly pushed inside me.

There was a wave of pain and pleasure, equal parts both, and I came like a rocket. I clutched the grass and my toes curled up. I probably yelled something. With his massive knot _shoved _inside, Scout stopped humping. He went still, and I could feel his hips - and his balls - pressed up against me. I could feel his fur smushed up against my fur. He leaned forward, and gripped my neck with his mouth. And he came . . . he came a lot. There was a lot of semen, I think, shooting into me. Every nerve in my body felt like a live wire, and I was filled with dog cock and dog cum. The knot stretched open my ass, expanded it. Scout kept his chest pressed on my back, and he held me so tight, as his spunk flowed out into me. Because my orgasm was done, I'd regained some control over my body, and so I clenched my ass around his swollen knot. I didn't need to, of course - but I wanted to. I really wanted to, and I thought it would give the feral dog some added pleasure. Scout pumped his seed into me for what felt like a very long time, and then eventually his grip loosened, just a bit. He let go of my neck. He panted, and drooled (a lot), and licked my fur some more, and he continued resting his chest on my back.

We were, of course, tied. We settled in, our bodies relaxing, our breath becoming more regular. I loved the warmth of Scout's body, flush up against me. I loved the feel of his hard cock, and his knot, still inside. I continued to clench his knot - now, it was because I felt like I needed to. I remembered the pain of the knot popping out the first time Scout had fucked me - and I wondered if maybe I could hold him inside me until his knot shrank down.

We were tied for quite a while, out there in the yard, with the moon beaming down on us. I don't know when I let go of the knot, and I don't know how long after that Scout pulled out of me. I was kind of half-awake, half in some kind of post-orgasm, post-coital state of bliss. The fur on my neck and shoulders was still wet from Scout's saliva. My ass was a little bit sore, but every part of me was still humming with pleasure. I could feel Scout's spunk running down my balls and my legs. Before I could either collapse down to the grass, or stand, or whatever, Scout licked up some of the jizz that was spilling out, and the feel of his tongue was amazing. I almost got hard again.

I sat down, and Scout came up to me. He started licking my muzzle, and I started licking his muzzle, and pretty soon our tongues were together (somehow, knowing where his tongue had been made the kiss even hotter). We went deep inside each other's mouths, for a while, just wildly licking and exploring. We lay down on the grass together, side by side, feral and anthro, friends and yet more than friends, in a way. I stroked his fur, and I knew I couldn't wait for this to happen again.

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