The Secrets We Hide: Chapter 3

Story by Narune Watercrest on SoFurry

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Finally done with the next chapter, and it didn't take me nearly as long! Any feedback is welcome, I hope everyone enjoys the latest installment. Having a full-time job now eats up a lot of my time, but I still find some time for writing every day.

Everything seemed to be going so well that night: Kelleur had treated him to a wonderful dinner, and he had taken his drake to the perfect place for homemade gelato, leading up to the two going to see a new movie. The film was alright, but it was much more enjoyable with the dragon watching with him, it wasn't until they walked out into the lobby that the drake pulled out his phone and saw several missed calls and texts, all from the same number.

"Shit..." said Kell, his grip tightening around his phone significantly. Toby tilted his head, eyes shifting from the phone to his lover's face. Somehow it seemed that the color had drained from his scales.

"What's wrong?" he inquired, already dreading the answer. He watched Kell rub the back of his neck, look around the room, then shove his phone back into his pocket, the drake refusing to make eye contact.

"That...was my wife. She says we need to talk." The words robbed them of their voices, the two standing in relative silence and staring at one another. Neither wanted to admit it, to say the words that Toby had feared since the revelation of Kell's marriage.

"She knows," said Kell with a damning finality.

"So...what now?" asked Toby, quite concerned for their immediate future if this possible confrontation-in-the-making went south.

"I don't know. I definitely don't think lying to her more is going to help, though." Toby placed his hand along Kell's shoulder, trying his best to reassure the drake. Kell rubbed his snout along the hand slowly, his mind already at work trying to calculate every possible scenario and outcome. If she got her family involved, then there could be a lot of trouble.

Kell loved his wife dearly, but not like a husband loves his wife, it was more akin to loving a close friend. That truth shamed him deeply, and he hated how he was coerced into marrying her. Abigail deserved better than this, and maybe it was just about time to give her that opportunity.

"Hey!" Toby snapped his claws in front of Kell's muzzle, bringing the dragon out of his deep concentration. "Is there anything you need me to do?"

"No, babe; nothing changes right now. I just need to understand where Abigail and I stand as of this moment." Kell really didn't want to think about what that might mean for his immediate future. If he could assuage her concerns and explain everything calmly, then there was a decent chance that everyone could come out of this unscathed. If he fucked up and ended up agitating her, then he would have to deal with her father, a person he wanted as little to do with as possible. That was of course assuming he wasn't already up to speed.

"Fuck...lots of things to consider." The drake ground his teeth together in annoyance, settling his gaze onto the young raptor; 'Perfection', he thought. Toby was the one he wanted most in life, the one he felt most connected to. Sometimes he saw Abigail in that face, and he was reminded of how guilty he felt deep down. Actions had consequences, and he would have to face those consequences at some point or another.

He reached out and scritched along Toby's jaw, eliciting a pleasant coo from his boyfriend. "Whatever happens, we stick together."

"Whatever happens," agreed Toby, wrapping his hands around Kell's tightly. They shared a long, loving gaze before stepping back from one another. "I'm going to go back to my apartment, might get some work done or just relax for the evening."

Kell nodded and watched as the raptor began walking away, "I'll call you later and let you know what happened; I love you."

"Love you too," Toby said as he spun around, winking at the dragon. Playfulness was his natural response to stress when around others, deep down he was screaming in anger at the sudden turn of events.

'All right, just stay quiet and don't do anything stupid,' Kell reminded himself, pulling into a driveway that felt more alien each time he returned to it. He switched his LeTanna F-86 into park, the reliable luxury sports car had been a gift from Abigail's father, part of a substantial wedding dowry received shortly after their engagement announcement. It, and many other nice things Kelleur enjoyed, would likely be returned if they couldn't work through this. He would do almost anything to make this work, anything except leave Toby. He sighed heavily and thumbed a button on his keys, both car doors flipping open vertically. He exited the vehicle and proceeded towards his porch. This was going to be the longest walk of his life.

He was about halfway along the well-lit path before a glass door slid open, his wife stepping out into the night. They stared at each other for several moments before he waved to her, she did not return the gesture. She slipped back inside without a word, her tail tip disappearing behind the open door; Kelleur's sense of alarm was going off now in full swing, his mind desperately searching for any other alternative for why she could be upset. With no other option to consider, he begrudgingly accepted the logical conclusion.

"Let's get on with this..." he said to himself, ascending the elaborately decorated steps with weighted movement. He had brought this on himself by not being honest from the get-go, but he wasn't quite sure how he would have told Abigail about his other lover. He wasn't sure she would have taken it any better, but that was all speculation. Whatever happened, he would bare this burden, even if it broke his heart.

Sliding the glass door open felt like an eternity, Kell expecting to see her standing on the other side. To his surprise, the house was dark, only the dim glow of night-light plug-ins punctuated the darkness. His eyes adjusted quickly, and there seemed to be an orange glow coming from his living room, shadows flickering off of walls. Minding his surroundings, the drake made his way towards the only source of significant light, calling out his wife's name.

"In here, honey," he heard her say; the words were warm, but the tone was flat, almost emotionless. The drake prepared himself for a session of intense verbal abuse, he knew his wife well enough to guess that she wasn't very pleased with his actions. He stepped through the arch, instantly taken aback by what he saw.

The living room flickered with the lights of dozens of candles, bathing everything in a glowing golden-red haze; the over-powering scent given off was intoxicating, Kelleur feeling his mental defenses starting to crumble. His eyes scanned the room, settling on the form of his wife. Abigail was clad in a crimson robe, one leg crossed over the other as she leaned back against the couch. Kell tried to say something, but the words never left his lips; his wife's natural beauty, along with her attire and various aromas filling the room, were having an altogether different effect on his mood. He couldn't help but twitch nervously.

"Hello, darling. Please, make yourself comfortable." she insisted, pointing at him with her tail tip, an unusual grin plastered across her muzzle. He wasn't used to seeing her like this, but the half empty bottle of red wine sitting on the counter next to her gave him an idea of where it had started. Abigail rarely drank, and even more rarely did she ever get drunk; only in times of absolute joy or despair had he seen her drink more than one glass.

"A-Abigail!" he stammered, still processing the confusing scene; if she was upset, she gave no outward signs indicating it. "W...what is all this?"

The dragoness leaned her head back and giggled, clearly inebriated, if only to a small degree. "I'm just greeting my husband home from his long days at work, am I doing something wrong?" Her question felt more like a statement, but Kelleur adapted quickly.

"Of course not, babe. I'm just surprised you went through all this trouble for me." He scratched the back of his neck as he saw her robe open a little, revealing that luscious, smooth form beneath, if only briefly. Her grin widened as she saw the effect that had on him, only adding to his confusion. Did she really know of his infidelity, or had he just assumed too much from her call? "I just can't remember the last time you did this."

Kell watched as her legs opened beneath the robe, quite confident she wasn't wearing any panties. He was still quite attracted to females, but he just felt more comfortable romantically around his own gender. Still...she was his wife, and he had not been very attentive towards her for the last couple of months. Kell was quite nervous, he hadn't been sexually involved with his wife in so long that he was afraid he would somehow do something wrong and aggravate her.

Abby cocked her head and pursed her full lips, brushing her hair aside to reveal the ruby scales around her neck. Kell instinctively bared his fangs, remembering how he used to nibble upon her supple nape. "I know its been quite a stretch of time since our last session," she said, her voice sultry and suggestive. "Still remember where everything goes?" she teased, winking at him. The drake huffed and approached her, practically tearing off his clothes every step of the way. Tonight had taken an interesting turn for him.

Husband and wife shared a deep, passionate kiss the moment he reached her, his strong arms wrapping around her waist and pulling her close. Their tongues danced together as his hands pressed under her robe, searching her curvaceous form. His cupped her large, bare breasts in his palms, claw tips circling her perky, sensitive nipples as he broke the kiss and aggressively nibbled down her jawline to her neck. Abby let out a lewd moan as he smooshed her breasts together, reaching down to wrap her fingers around his growing drakehood, feeling each pulse and throb of that thick cock. Kell responded by reaching between her legs, his fingers brushing against her outer lips, rubbing in circles around her clit. She gave a squeal of delight, spreading her legs further and panting, biting her lip as her husband began fingering her.

Kell opened her robe and kissed his way down to her breasts, his tongue working along each nipple before moving on to the next, causing his wife to gasp and grind her hips against his fingers. She was so wet, he'd have no trouble slipping in all the way with just a little bit of force, he was already rock hard.

She leaned down to whisper in his ear, "Fuck me, stud." Just the words he needed to hear, kicking his dominance into overdrive as he huffed and snarled, moving back up her form and kissing her lips again several times as he aligned his hips just right. His tip prodded between her nether lips, some of her honey coating it as he prepared to enter. She parted around him easily, but her tightness became apparent after a couple of inches in; he grunted and slowly worked his hips rhythmically, groaning as the passage allowed more of him inside.

Abby was moaning in bliss as she wrapped her legs around his waist, encouraging him to go deeper still. "Poor thing..." he thought, it had been so long since they'd made love that she was desperate for his attention. Guilt began to creep up on him, threatening to ruin the mood, but he quickly pushed it aside. She was still his wife, and it was his job to satisfy her.

He focused on thrusting slowly at first, working his way further in until most of his cock was lodged in her velvety soft cunny, growling in pleasure as he dragged along her inner walls. He watched her face change to so many expressions: Relief, need, passion, love, eagerness. Kell cupped her breasts as they bounced from his thrusts, now all the way in. She clenched on him tightly at the apex of his thrusts, causing him to arch his back and shudder. He was already leaking a large amount of pre-cum inside of her as he buried himself inside repeatedly, lubing up her already stretched entrance. Every pulse of his cock caused her to moan and tighten herself around him, only spurring him on further. Kell wasn't one to finish quickly, as he began slowing his thrusts down to let his wife enjoy the sensations of his bucking hips more.

He admired her, as he watched her writhe beneath; every detail of her body was laid bare for him to gaze and drink in, every expression of emotion, pleasure, and lust his to witness. He grinded himself into her over and over, the ridges along his shaft rubbing her internal walls and causing them both greater ecstasy. Kell began to lose all thoughts as he settled into a steady rhythm of thrusts, his jaw slightly agape as bliss washed over him. She was just so damn tight, every time he sunk into her was an intoxicating rush of sensations that flooded him.

Soon, they swapped positions, this time with Abby riding atop him. She was not gentle this time when she was in control, snarling and holding him down as she worked her hips fast and hard. Kell couldn't complain really, he was too busy moaning as his wife's more aggressive nature was brought to bare in the best way imaginable. Abby worked her plush ass against his groin, the drake's paws moving to her hips, feeling her cheeks bounce in his grasp. He gave her a playful smack along the rump, causing her to gasp and snarl in response, her predatory eyes locked with his own. "Cheeky bastard..." she responded through grinning teeth. "I'm gonna make you regret that."

"Oh, please do." Kell said, showing her a vicious grin of his own.

Toby idly clicked through some tabs in his browser, trying his very best to not imagine what kind of situation Kell might be getting himself into. He'd never met Abigail before, but everything his boyfriend had told him indicated that she was a kind and understanding person. Her conservative, religious upbringing only served to further foster a need to rebel against her family and their teachings. She could play the part of an upstanding, reserved woman, but in private she could be downright unrestrained and highly opinionated. 'Good girl, bad girl' Toby thought to himself, she sounded fun. Maybe after all this settled she'd be open to meeting him, that is if she didn't get her family involved. If that happened, Kell had told him that it may be pertinent for them to break off contact for a while, for his own safety. The young raptor really didn't like what was implied there, as if he was in some kind of danger. Maybe that was the case, maybe Abigail's family was more akin to some kind of crime syndicate, or maybe he was just over-thinking it. Whatever the case, he was confident that things would be just fine, and that life would go on as usual.

Toby was grateful for the software development job that Kell landed him; it was an amateur position that paid the lowest salary, but it was far more than anything he'd made before, with plenty of room to advance should he choose to stay. He'd moved into a nicer place than the dump he and Kell used to convene at, he even had a good amount of money leftover for himself once bills were taken care of. Life was really looking up for him now.

At that moment, Toby's smart-phone went off, causing him to instinctively reach for it, assuming it was Kelleur calling with some news. He didn't bother reading whom was calling, using the thumb-print id to bring his phone out of sleep and into the call. "What's up?" he said cutely.

"Is this Mr. Abernath?" The voice that responded to him was one he didn't recognize, and the hard-tone of it set him on edge.

"Who wants to know?" he responded, an inflection of annoyance in his voice. A few moments of silence passed before he was answered.

"A concerned third party; you've involved yourself in matters that should have remained closed. You've interfered in a relationship that took a long time to build. Now, your very proximity threatens to undermine all the hard work I've put into Abigail's life." Toby felt his blood run cold, he didn't need an introduction to know exactly who this was.

"W-what do you want?" he stammered nervously. His annoyance had drained away completely, being replaced by a creeping sense of dread.

A low chuckle flowed from the line, as ominous sounding as it was arrogant. "I want you to walk away."

"Walk away from...?" Toby asked, feeling like his heart had leapt into his throat; he already knew the answer.

"From my son-in-law, I believe you're quite well-acquainted already." The way he lingered on 'well-acquainted' seemed mocking, almost disgusted. "Just scurry on away and I'll make it worth your while." Despite whom he was addressing, Toby felt his temper slip at such blatant disrespect towards him.

"Look, motherfucker, I don't care who the fuck you are. When you speak to me, you do so politely, nevermind the fact that you are currently making demands!" His sudden outburst seemed to have unsettled his unwelcome caller. He wanted to hang up, but felt it unwise to do so.

"My apologies for offending you, but I would like you to leave Kelleur alone henceforth. No contact, no more meetings, completely cut off. It is best this way, for you both." Toby growled over the line, his patience wearing so very thin.

"You don't know what's best for him, I didn't even know he was married until after we started dating."

"But you kept dating him, even after finding out he was locked into matrimony?" The caller pressed the issue, seizing upon Toby's lingering guilt. This time it was Toby who was flabbergasted.

"Well...I didn't think I could just break things off with him over that, it took a lot of courage for him to tell me that." Toby was becoming emotional, and he couldn't suppress it. "He loves his wife, but he loves me too! I don't see why you have to get involved with this, he's probably telling her about me right now!" There was a long pause on the line, and Toby didn't feel like speaking up.

"Her emotions regarding this are irrelevant for the time being, this concerns how I feel about this. I don't like it, but I understand that you didn't know what you were getting yourself into. This is not a...desirable situation for either of us." Toby wanted to scream and shout at the asshole on the other end, knowing it would do little but possibly infuriate a person he really didn't want being upset with him. Despite what Abigail's father was saying, there was just no way that Toby could have walked out on Kelleur; the drake was an irreplaceable part of his life.

The raptor sighed deeply, then took a moment to consider his next words carefully. "You're asking me to abandon someone whom changed my life, who inspired me to pull myself away from the soul-sucking pit that was my past. Can you honestly say you would do the same if the situation was reversed?"

That nail-biting pause resumed, and Toby briefly wondered if the call hadn't been disconnected. Soon though, his answer would come.

"No, I don't think I'd be able to do that, even if it was the smartest move I could make." Toby suddenly felt like he was the dominant voice in the conversation now. "But that would still mean that I would have to deal with the consequences of that choice." Toby's heart sank, he really didn't like the sound of that. "So, I'll ask you again, will you walk away?"

Toby gulped hard, considering his next words carefully. "No, I can't do that." There was a much longer pause over the line, followed by a very audible sigh.

"Very well, perhaps I can change your mind another way." Toby's claws started digging into his palm, but the pain seemed like a distant annoyance. What did that mean? Before he could ask, the call abruptly ended, leaving him just standing there, staring down at his phone.

Taking a deep breath, he cleared his head and decided the next course of action: Informing Kelleur of what transpired, then getting the hell out of his apartment. He quickly texted Kell a couple messages, gathering up a few supplies before he headed for the door. His bank account was plumped out enough to where he could afford a place to stay for a while, and judging by that call he had made the right choice to leave.

He made haste out the door, locking everything up and heading for the nearest staircase. His preference for staying on a higher floor was costing him some time, but he didn't want to risk using an elevator. He carefully ran down, watching his footing as he hefted an air-travel suitcase that Kelleur had given him; they had been planning a trip to someplace tropical before this, it seemed like a pipe-dream now.

Toby huffed and gasped at the bottom of the stairs, drawing a few odd looks from some tenants who were still hanging around. He tried to compose himself, but his desire to be far away from this place was overwhelming. He nodded to the doorman, a burly Bengal tiger who smiled back and opened the door for him. "Off in a hurry tonight, sir?" he inquired.

"You have no idea, Robby. I'll be back within a few days, if everything plays out well." Toby placed his hand into Robby's, depositing a spare key. "This is for if I need you to fetch something for me while I'm gone." The tiger gave him a quizzical look, but nodded anyways.

"Safe travels, sir."

"Yeah, I hope so," said Toby as he walked out the door, quickly heading to his car in the parking lot.

The lot was still populated by a few people, mostly teenagers hanging out under the outlying trees and smoking weed. Toby felt a bit more relieved, everything seemed normal out here. He never noticed the car door opening behind him as he went past a black vehicle with tinted windows, two tall figures stepping out and beginning to tail him.

The raptor was oblivious to the figures behind him, but did easily notice the large, black SUV parked next to his car. As he watched in mounting horror, the door opened on the passenger's side and a tall, well-dressed dragon stepped out. He non-nonchalantly straightened his tie and approached the raptor, who was now backing up quickly. He turned to run but collided with a heavily muscled chest, causing him to flinch and rebound back.

The two figures that stood before him were definitely imposing; a canine with several facial scars and built frame stared down at him, while an avian hybrid stood silently beside his compatriot, his colorful plumage tucked down. Toby felt his heart skip a few beats, but quickly found his courage. A quick glance behind him provided ample info, the dragon was the one speaking to him on the phone, but that meant he wasn't there to get his claws dirty. No, that was what the muscle was for, and Toby had gotten into enough fights to know that sheer body mass was not the unequaled decider in physical confrontations. The raptor was agile, cunning, and flexible, great traits in a street fighter.

Toby dropped his suitcase and assumed a defensive posture, moving one leg out behind him, while positioning his hands, palms open, at chest height. Most fighters liked to aim for the head or center of mass, and the outstretched leg provided him the opportunity to evade or create more distance if needed. The two in front of him took a step back, obviously not expecting much of a fight from the smaller male. The dragon behind him halted, his face obscured by shadow. Several moments paused with neither party budging an inch, the tension quickly building. All of it came to a head when the dragon spoke.

"Ah, Toby, there is no need for this kind of behavior." The voice was deep and masculine, almost hypnotic in its intensity, yet there was an almost soothing edge to it. Toby wasn't buying it though, and retained his stance, ready to move at the slightest provocation. The dragon sighed deeply, nodding to his men to ease off and give the wily raptor room. "Easy, I just want to talk."

Toby growled and turned to face his would-be aggressor, pointing a talon at him; "Bullshit! You don't bring muscle to a conversation unless you are expecting trouble." He eased up his shoulders a tad, but kept his legs locked in the same position.

"I do if I expect you to act in a foolish manner," countered the drake, idly flicking his talons along his palms. "You are quite the firebrand."

Toby snarled, showing the whites of his teeth in defiance. He was prepared to go down fighting if he had to, but it appeared that was not the case. He still doubted the drake's true intentions, but he could hurt them if they tried anything.

The dragon approached him slowly, arms held to his sides, palms out to show he was not armed. Toby lowered his arms, keeping his claws splayed out in a sign of withheld threat, his muscles still tensed. If needed, he would slash them across the drake's face in an instant. "I want you to come with me...voluntarily."

Toby couldn't help but laugh, a gesture that seemed to frustrate the dragon before him. "And just what makes you think I'd come with you?" The notion was as absurd as it was amusing. Sensing that he was losing control of the exchange, the drake recomposed himself and started again.

"You are dedicated to my son-in-law, a quality I did not see in you before. Though I do not approve of your lifestyle, I'm curious to see what Kelleur will do when he finds out you've met me." Toby took a step towards him, prompting the bodyguards to move forward too.

"So you want to try and manipulate him using me, just dangle me in front of him to see if he bites?" The raptor gritted his teeth and hissed, his sickle-shaped claws twitching in anger.

"No, not dangle. I'd keep you comfortable and safe until he came, then you'd be free to go. I've already arranged for you to have a few days taken off of work." This didn't surprise Toby, Kell had spoken of how well-connected Abby's father was. He was sure there were more than a couple skeletons in his closets too.

"I don't understand, why do you want to see his reaction?" This desire was something that the raptor simply didn't comprehend; what was he getting out of it?

"Oh, Mr. Abernath, do you really think you're the first?" asked the drake in a genuine tone, clasping his hands together in front of him, claws interlocking. Toby blinked, taken completely by surprise at the question.

"The...first?" was all he managed to utter before falling silent. Unbeknownst to him, the two figures behind him came closer, still guarded in their approach. The dragon also came forward, now only a few feet away. He pulled a fat cigar out of his coat, one of his men brushing past Toby with a lighter. Toby watched as the small flame flickered across the tip, smoke starting to waft through the air. The drake took a big puff off of the cigar, exhaling long trails of wispy gray smoke from his nostrils.

"I think its time I showed you something, Toby."

Kelleur lay on his back, panting and staring up at the ceiling. Abbigail, likewise, was rather indisposed from their passionate excursion. Both dragons basked in the silent after glow of great sex, both wondering what would come next. Kell was perfectly fine sharing this tender moment with her, it was not often they engaged in any kind of carnal acts; Abby was a reserved girl, but she could be absolutely savage when she craved a good time.

He rumbled as she rubbed her fingers along his toned stomach, such a delicate caress always setting him at ease. "Do you love me?" she asked. He turned towards her and nodded resolutely.

"Of course I do, babe."

"Do you love him?" she inquired, meeting his gaze with her own. Kelleur could swear he heard a ringing in his ears as she asked him something. He tilted his head and eyed her quizzically.

"I'm sorry, what did you ask me?" They stared at each other for a long few moments, Abby smiling softly.

"You love him." Now spoken as a statement, Kelleur could not deny her words. He felt a knot forming in his stomach, a chill running down the length of his spine. Suddenly being right next to his wife became the worst thing imaginable. He couldn't just get up and walk out of this conversation, it was happening now whether he liked it or not.

"Y-you know..." Another statement, spoken as a fact without a trace of doubt; it was all out in the open now, the only question on his mind now was how long she had known of his infidelity. He didn't move, he couldn't. He was frozen in place, staring into the eyes of someone whom he had hurt with his lies. This wasn't how it was supposed to happen. He had lost control of the situation, and he was forced to acknowledge it.

"Is this one so different?" she asked in reply, sitting up to match his posture. He gave an audible gasp of disbelief; how could she know about the others? She narrowed her eyes at him, and he felt like a lab specimen, pinned down and ready for dissection.

"Did you really think my father wouldn't be watching you after our marriage? He has people all over the city monitoring your life, making sure everything stays as normal." Kell snarled, he'd figured as much, which is why he had opted to maintain his relationship with Toby outside of the city. Not that it seemed to make much of a difference, everything was now revealed.

"What do you want me to say?" he asked, digging his claws into the bedsheets in frustration. "You knew before we got engaged that your entire family scared the hell out of me. You knew about my attraction to other males and told me to never let your father know." He knew he was the bad guy here for keeping this a secret, but he felt regret over his actions. Her father was something else entirely, a remorseless tycoon who played those closest to him like chess pieces in a much larger game that only he could see.

"What is his name?" she asked, not breaking eye contact. He hesitated momentarily, tearing down those mental walls he erected long ago.

"His...his name is Toby." he admitted, his shoulders slumping. "And yes, I love him." Abby leaned in close, tilting her head.

"Did you love any of the others?" Kell shook his head in response.

"I never got that far, something always came up or they just suddenly told me it was off. Now I know why." The drake turned away, getting up and walking over to the window overlooking the living room; lights from various buildings and vehicles glimmered in the distance, a taste of the bustling night life he had grown accustomed to over the years. From memory, he could recall the precise routes to his favorite bars to post up at, most of them catering to a certain clientele of sexual attraction. He hated how easy it was to remember all the hookups he'd had, he hated that his wife knew, but Toby didn't. He stared at his reflection, feeling an overwhelming sense of guilt advancing on him. Is this what he had become? Had his fear of her father dragged him so low? These lies and heartbreak would be his legacy, but only if he let it.

He turned towards her, tears flowing down his cheeks. She actually seemed taken aback by his reaction, rising up to attend to him. She placed her arms on his shoulders, feeling him shiver.

He was breaking down, in a way she had never seen before since the death of his mother, shortly after they started dating. A male, usually so reserved in his emotional spectrum, was now lowering all those carefully erected barriers before her. She felt anger, but not at him; her father was the architect of this. His meddling and interference to preserve his bloodline had led to many broken hearts and shattered dreams in his wake.

Kelleur was different than the few males she had ever been with, he was loving and attentive, but also harbored his own secrets and ambitions. Such deception was something that excited her, gave her man an air of mystery. She realized how fucked up that was, but she didn't exactly have a normal upbringing to help cultivate her into a more well-adjusted individual. She was a woman who simply took advantage of whatever cards life, or more likely her father, dealt to her.

She took his head into her arms, cradling it against her bare chest. He sobbed deeply, wrapping his arms around her waist, holding her tight. She felt tears of her own forming as she welled up. She had never seen him so vulnerable, it wasn't something she had ever expected to see in him. After seeing this, there was no question in her mind that he truly loved her, and she would stick by him, even through his infidelity.

After a time, he raised his head and got back up, his strength returning to him. "So if you knew about Toby, why did you...give me a little show?" She grinned wide, pearly whites showing.

"I never stopped being attracted to you, but I wanted to know if we still had that spark. After the impressive performance you gave me, there was no doubt." Kell chuckled and rubbed the back of her neck, coaxing a pleasant rumble from her. "Besides," she added, "No one fucks that good unless they've got heat between them."

"True enough," he said, sitting back down on the bed and facing her. She walked over to him, fully nude and quite radiant. He tried to place his paws on her shapely hips, but she met his grip with her own, intertwining their fingers.

"No more secrets," she stated flatly, looking into his eyes. He felt his resolve wither slightly under her gaze, but he rose to the challenge.

"I promise, no more secrets." He knew this was a promise he would keep. Kell had been convinced his wife would hate him because of his attractions, he had let her family affect his relationship with her, causing no end of problems between them. For the most part, those problems seemed fully resolved now.

She gazed at him for a few moments longer, before crawling onto him, straddling his lap with her rear. He placed his hands along her backside, kneading her plush rump. She cooed and gasped as he explored her body again, the drake quickly growing fully aroused once more. It wasn't long before they were going at it again, this time rutting like two animals in heat. A husband and wife fulfilling each other's needs to the fullest of their abilities.

After a short time, they lay against one another, cuddling and enjoying their renewed intimacy. Kell felt quite alive tonight, things had turned out better than he could possibly expect; he had come to his wife fully prepared for a shouting match, even a possible divorce of things had gone further south. Oh, how the situation had surprised him.

He wrapped his arm around her neck, keeping her close to his warm body, kissing at her snout. She giggled and rubbed against him affectionately, enjoying the closeness. Kell wondered how Toby would factor into his revitalized marriage, how his wife might react to meeting the raptor her husband had been seeing in secret.

The drake looked at his phone on the coffee table, gripping it with his tail and bringing it over. It had been at least a few hours since he'd said a word to Toby, and he wondered if his silence was driving the poor boy crazy. He tapped the screen idly, revealing one missed call and one text message. He tilted his head as he saw both were from Toby, but no voice message had been left.

Opening the text, Kell immediately dropped his phone in panic as he read it, a deep growl building in his throat. His wife sat up and asked what was wrong, but he could not form the words to describe the source of his anger. He merely pressed the phone into her hands and got up, trying to gather up his clothes in a hurry.

Abbigail read the message and her heart sunk, suddenly her family's involvement in their relationship had taken a much more direct turn. Regret struck her immediately, as did genuine concern for the male that had captured her husband's heart. Toby likely didn't know much about her father, not that it seemed to be helping him right now.

"Your father says hello" was all the text said, but its meaning was clear enough; Toby was likely in far more danger than he realized, and she would do anything to make sure he went home safely.

She threw on what she could, trying her best to keep pace with Kell, who was far more riled up than she had ever seen before. Before she knew it, he was already out the door, heading straight for his car. She fully expected him to take off without her, but was quite surprised when she found him waiting for her when she finally stumbled out the door, clad in only some shorts and whatever t-shirt she had laying around.

Ordinarily she would have protested to going out in such revealing attire, but time was of the essence now and she understood the need for haste. When she got into the car, she nearly jumped back out when she found Kell staring right at her. His gaze was withering and intense, an incredible amount of anger burning within his eyes.

"If he hurts Toby, I'm going to kill him."