Allen and Penny (Episode 8.5)

Story by C-PRIME on SoFurry

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#10 of Allen and Penny Series

As promised, this is the story about how Allen learned about sex from his mother. It also mentions why Allen was so reluctant to have sex with Penny when they first met.

Allen and Penny (Episode 8.5) An Important Lesson

NOTE: This story takes place approximately 20 years before the events in "Hello, Mister!"

In a beachfront home in Westmoreland County, Allen lived with his parents as well as his littermates Maggie and Diana. It was mid-January and the air around the beachfront home was cool, with the skies often cloudy from the "marine layer" that blew in often on the northerly breeze, from the 'warmer' water out over the Great Ocean. Except for a few sightseers, very few Kapernians came to this part of Mason Island during the wintertime. It was far too cold to go into the water, and this part of the island lacked the warmer climate that the southern part of the island had. However, Allen's family didn't seem to mind all that much. After all, they had this part of the beach to themselves year-round and it made for a nice view whenever it was bright outside, or whenever it was a starry night with the light of Aquaticus illuminating the beach.

Allen's father worked at the Beachside office of Dolphin TechCom, the branch that was specifically tasked with coming up with a new device that would allow Kapernians to communicate with each other over wristwatch-like devices*. His mother stayed at home and raised Allen and his sisters on her own, just as she had done with her first litter. Up until the previous summer, Allen's three older brothers and two older sisters also lived in the house, but moved away to other parts of the island after graduating from high school, though they did spend time with their parents and younger siblings over "Love Day"**.

At that point in his life, Allen was in 7th Grade, attending school at Westmoreland Junior High along with his sisters. For the most part, he was a good student in his classes, showing a considerable interest in computers just like his father, but there was something that bothered the teenage mouse. That something would be a little thing called "puberty".

Ever since he was in 5th Grade, Allen started to go through the mandatory sexual education classes...learning all about how his body would be changing, what sex was, what sex was for, how Kapernians reproduce, and all that wonderful stuff. When he was in 5th Grade, puberty hadn't reached Allen yet, so while he did pay attention, he had none of the biological urges that were common for Kapernians, and (in particular) mice. The same was true in 6th Grade, Allen went through the mandatory sex ed courses at that grade level, still not feeling any changes in his body downstairs, although by that point in time he was starting his second growth spurt.

It wasn't until November when Allen finally felt the natural hormonal rush begin to affect his behavior. Like turning on a light switch, his testicles began to churn constantly, beginning to produce sperm that could potentially impregnate a female. He also started to get erections on a regular basis, especially when he was in his third sex ed class, with this one being a class that was specifically designed for mice. Because it was a class designed for a certain demographic, it was a co-ed course and there were a number of teenage mousettes in the class as well. As such, sex was often on the young male's mind and he quickly learned that if he was going to be able to put up with these changes, he needed to masturbate in order to release these tensions.

Fortunately, Allen wasn't the only one in his family who had gone through this before. When the family got together on "Love Day", Allen confessed how he was feeling to his older brother Rex and he sympathized with Allen. Rex had a special gift for his little brother, one that he gave to him without their parents knowing. It was the same copy of "Bucktooth Beauties" that Rex received when he was Allen's age. Rex went through the same struggles that Allen did and managed to come across an older teenage mouse from the local high school who had a collection of the magazines. He sold the copy of the magazine to Rex for 10 UIC Dollars, which the horny younger Rex was willing to pay, despite the actual cost of the magazine being about half that. Rex didn't give any second thoughts of letting his brother have the magazine. Rex had a girlfriend now and he was having sex with her regularly, so there was no need for him to pleasure himself by looking at naked mice, rabbits, beavers, and other rodent females.

When Allen received the magazine, he was told to make sure their parents didn't catch him with it and if they did that he didn't tell them where he got it from, which Allen agreed to. It wasn't that hard for Allen to hide the magazine, he had his own bedroom and could just slide the magazine between his mattress and the box spring. By this time in his life he was able to do his own laundry anyway, so he figured that his mother or father wouldn't possibly look there. For a few weeks, it worked out fine for him, Allen would break out the magazine at night, looking at the pictures of naked rodent females while stroking his throbbing mousehood, continuing to do so until he felt his seed spurt from the tip, giving the teenage mouse some temporary relief. However, with his hormones raging through his body, he would have to pleasure himself several times a day just to feel his active testicles calm down. He didn't know it at the time, but his body wasn't happy with just looking at pictures of naked females in them. His mousehood craved the warmth of a female's vagina. His sperm craved being shot into a female's uterus and given a chance to pass on his genes to a new generation of mice. The only question was, how long would Allen be able to wait for the real thing?

On a Friday Afternoon in mid-January, Allen came home from school after the bus dropped him off at the sidewalk leading to the front door. His sisters were spending the night with a couple of their friends, so it would just be him and his parents at home for the evening. Allen's father was still at work. He didn't get off of work until 6 PM, so the only one at home when Allen walked in the front door was his mother.

Allen took after his mother in several ways. He had the same "blonde-colored" fur as she did as well as her brown hair. However, his mom was a rare multi-breasted Kapernian, meaning that she had more than one pair of fully-developed breasts, which were covered underneath her shirt. She never wore bras, so the shirt was the only thing covering them. In all, she had three pairs of breasts, with the top pair being a DD-cup, and each pair down being about one cup size smaller.

As soon as Allen got inside, his mom gave him a hug and a kiss on the side of his nuzzle. She made a fresh batch of chocolate chip cookies and offered some to him when he got home, which he accepted. He took the cookies and a glass of milk into his room and closed the door, going straight to his pre-algebra homework. He had a test coming up on Monday and he needed to be prepared for it. It was a little after 3 PM, and it would be a couple of hours before his mom would start making dinner, making sure to have it ready for his father when he got home. This gave Allen some time to study and unwind in his room before dinner.

He started to study, doing his best to focus on his school work while having the milk and cookies. However, as time wore on, he started to feel the churning withing his testicles start up again. At first, he tried to ignore it, sticking his head into his pre-algebra book and trying desperately to study. It didn't seem to work though, as the churning in his balls continued and eventually caused his penis to unsheath, growing erect inside his pants

Allen felt his mousehood growing longer, throbbing excitedly while the churning within his balls grew more intense. Soon, his thoughts started to drift away from school work and began to focus more on females. When this happened, Allen closed his pre-algebra book and undid the button on his pants, pulling them down enough to reveal his underwear and the bulge his maleness created as it poked against it. He then lowered his underwear down, letting his shaft free as it now stood fully erect and twitching, with a droplet of his precum appearing at the tip.

Allen started to touch himself, gently rubbing his hand along the main part of his mousehood, feeling it pulse and twitch in his hand as he moaned softly from the pleasure he was giving himself. He was well aware that his boner wasn't going to disappear until he did something about it. His hormones were raging within him too much for him to stop. However, Allen had never masturbated during the middle of the day before. All of the previous times he had done it, he had done so at night when his parents and sisters were in their respective bedrooms. He briefly wondered what might happen if his mom were to come into his room and catch him in the act...especially if she saw him with that magazine he got from Rex.

That being said, Allen's throbbing biological urges could not be ignored. His testicles were full of his sperm and they needed some relief. Eventually, his hormones won out over common-sense. "Alright...I'll do this one time!", he thought to himself, going over to his bed to pull out the magazine from between his box spring and mattress before flipping through it with one hand while his other was around his maleness. Today, Allen seemed to be in the mood for females of his own kind, and knew exactly what he wanted to fap to.

He flipped to a page featuring a nude pink mousette named Candy who was featured "spread eagle" while on a heart-shaped bed. On the page, there was some text saying "Would you like a date? Give me a call at..." on it. The females that appeared in Bucktooth Beauties also had phone sex lines, and even in a couple cases offered to have live sex for profit (although this was rare). This did tempt Allen whenever he saw a number like this and a message where a female was offering a "date" or something like that. However, he never had the guts to try and call one of these numbers since he knew that his parents would kill him if they found out he made these calls. Plus, the magazine he had was a few years old, and most of the females that were in that particular issue were no longer doing this.

That didn't stop Allen from fantasizing about Candy, though, as he soon started thinking about the pink mousette while giving himself pleasure, rubbing his stiff and throbbing mousehood at a moderate pace. He did his best to picture himself in bed with Candy, thinking about having his first time with the mousette who was about twice his age. He imagined what it would feel like to stick his length into Candy's warm vagina and mate with her, feeling the playful mousette embrace him to her body while he did so, making Allen blush and smile as he slowly brought himself towards his climax.

Meanwhile, Allen's mother was in the living room, relaxing for a bit while watching some TV. As she did so, she thought about what she planned on making for dinner. She already planned on making spaghetti tonight, but wasn't sure if she should make garlic bread to go along with it, or cheese bread. She knew her husband was fine either way, but Allen might want the cheese bread, so she got up from the couch and decided to pay Allen a visit in his room to ask him.

Allen usually locked his bedroom door at night whenever he knew he was going to masturbate, but forgot to do so here. Perhaps it was because he had no intention of doing it now, or he just did it out of absent-mindedness. Nevertheless, his door was unlocked (as it usually was), meaning that his mother could come into his room anytime she wanted to check on him.

He was unaware that his mom was coming towards his room, feeling his mousehood becoming very sensitive to his rubbing, sensing his orgasm nearing as he positioned himself with the tip of his shaft aimed at the picture of Candy. He intended to shoot his load all over it, although Allen would've preferred to shoot his load inside the playful pink mousette instead. But, before he could go off, his mom opened the door and peeked into Allen's room.

"Sweetheart, I was wondering, do you want cheese bread with dinner tonight, or do you want...", his mom curiously asked before she looked and saw what her son was doing. To say she was surprised by this would be an understatement. "What is going on here?!!", she exclaimed, feeling both surprised as well as a bit embarrassed about coming across Allen in the middle of a private moment. This wasn't the first time she caught one of her sons masturbating, but it was the first time it had happened in a while.

Nervously, Allen tried to hide the evidence with a pillow, but it was of little use. His mother had already seen him with the magazine, and had already seen him with his mousehood out, so he pretty much figured he was in trouble. With his ears hung low and his cheeks blushing, he felt as if there was nothing else to do but to confess and beg for mercy.

"I'm sorry, Mom. I...just can't help it. I don't know why I feel like this, but every time I get hard like this, I just have to do something about it", he explained in a calm and submissive manner, feeling both embarrassed as well as afraid of what would happen once his father found out. "Please don't tell Dad about this!", Allen begged in a soft manner.

However, his mother had been through this before with all three of Allen's brothers. She was well aware that Allen was going through the very same thing they went through when they were around his age. She knew that Allen needed an outlet to release his sexual tensions and quickly got an idea. "Allen...I want you to do me a favor...I want you to throw that awful magazine of yours in the garbage and then come see me in my bedroom. We need to have an important talk", she explained to Allen in a calm, but serious tone.

With no other choice, he obeyed his mother, taking a few moments to put his pants and underwear back on as she had effectively killed his boner and (at least temporarily) his sex drive. He went to the kitchen and (reluctantly) threw the magazine in the garbage like his mom asked him to. Then, he sighed and went to the master bedroom. He didn't know what was going to happen next, he figured that he was going to get into trouble over having the magazine in his house, especially with what Rex told him when he got it.

Allen soon walked into the master bedroom and when he got there he was surprised with what he saw. His mother was sitting on the edge of the bed, completely naked. She looked at Allen and smiled. "Honey, why don't you go ahead and take of your clothes and sit next to me", she coaxed as Allen stood at the doorway for a few seconds, still in a state of shock. That didn't last too long though as his teenage hormones soon kicked in and caused his penis to grow stiff once more over the sight of seeing his first live naked female. It didn't matter to him if it was his mother, all he knew was that she seemed attractive to him and his body was reacting to her nudity.

Eventually, Allen stepped all the way into the bedroom and took off his clothes, letting his mom see how his shaft was sticking about halfway out of his sheath, growing longer and more aroused by the moment. She noticed this as well and felt the inside of her vagina begin to dampen towards her youngest son's maleness. Allen soon made his way closer to the bed, sitting down beside his mother as she placed one arm around him from behind and placed her other hand on his stiffening cock, stroking it a little to help arouse him some more.

"Honey, I know exactly how you feel. Believe me, I've dealt with this before when your brothers went through this", she explained to Allen while continuing to massage his length with her hand gently. "Your body is going through a lot of changes right now, and you feel things that you never used to before. It's all a part of growing up", she continued as Allen looked towards his mom while feeling his shaft getting rubbed, feeling it stiffen more for her while it started to twitch.

"However, you shouldn't be going around looking at magazines like that. You're not old enough to have those yet", she commented in a soft tone as Allen blushed and felt guilty.

"I'm sorry, Mom. I just couldn't help it! Whenever I think about females, I get all excited and stuff", Allen answered sheepishly before his mother kissed him on the cheek and kept rubbing his now fully erect mousehood with her hand, sensing the pulsations in it.

"I know, sweetheart. It's perfectly natural for our kind to feel this way...especially when we're young. We want to know what it feels like to mate, it's been a trait of ours for thousands of years", she assured Allen. "It's not just males who feel this way either. Your sisters have gone through this too. They've been curious to know what it feels like to have sperm inside them, and your father has been more than willing to help out in the past. Of course, you're far too young to become a father, but that doesn't mean that you can't experience what sex feels like", she mentioned to Allen as she slowly released her grip on his maleness, touching the tip of it briefly with a fingertip and getting his precum on it. "In fact, I'm going to let you do the same thing I let your brothers do when they were curious about sex", she continued as Allen looked at his mother curiously, feeling his stiff mousehood twitch as more precum appeared at the tip.

"What would that be?", Allen asked curiously as his mother smiled and placed her hand on his cheek, softly rubbing it for a moment.

"I'm going to let you have sex with me. I know that it probably feels good to masturbate, but it will feel even better when you get to experience what mating with a female is like. Besides, once you know what sex is like, you'll feel more relaxed", she mentioned to Allen as he looked surprised once again when he heard that his mother was offering him the chance to mate with her.

"But, I thought you just said that I'm too young to be a father!", Allen answered somewhat nervously, remembering back to what he learned in sex ed and how sex usually resulted in pregnancy.

His mother giggled and then embraced Allen to her warm, multi-breasted body, having his stiff penis brush against her lowest pair of breasts. "Relax honey, you won't get me pregnant if you have sex with me. I had my tubes tied off after I had you and your sisters", she assured Allen, which caused the teenage mouse to become confused. "That means that no matter how many times I have sex, I won't be able to have any more babies. I'm quite happy with the ones your father gave me already", she added before giving one of his ears a very soft nibble. "Anyway, if you want to do it with me, you're more than welcome just let me know and we'll get started", she told Allen sweetly, holding him to her warm body as his mousehood kept throbbing and dripping with precum.

The feeling of being in his mother's arms and having her warmth against his own body felt good to Allen. Furthermore, he was indeed curious about what sex actually felt like and figured that if his mom was offering him a chance to experience it, he should take up the offer. "Yes Mom...please show me what sex feels like", he soon answered in a soft tone, feeling his stiff mousehood twitch with excitement as it brushed against her lowest pair of breasts.

She smiled and kissed Allen on the nose before letting him go. "Good, let me get in a more comfortable position for you", she told Allen sweetly as he moved away from the bed for a minute while she got in position on the bed. She knew exactly how she wanted Allen to have sex with her...the same way she did it the first time she taught his brothers, with him on top and facing her. She soon relaxed, laying back on the bed while opening her legs wide to give Allen a good look at her vagina. She would let nature take its course from there. She would let her curious son explore it a little if he wanted to, or would let him go to town on her if he felt like it. Her insides were already wet from seeing and feeling his maleness, so she was ready whenever he was.

"Come on over, honey!", his mom called out softly as Allen got onto the bed and faced his naked mother, watching as she spread apart her outer vaginal lips, revealing the inside of her mouse hole. "See this, sweetheart? This is the very same hole that you and your sisters came out of 13 years ago!", she playfully exclaimed, making her insides quiver for him as a bit of her nectar dripped out of her opening.

Allen looked at his mom's open pussy and felt his maleness twitch eagerly to the sight of it. However, at the same time, he felt a bit puzzled. "It looks so...small! How did we ever fit through there?", Allen asked, making his mother blush a bit.

"It's very stretchy in there, honey. It can expand wide enough to let babies come out of, yet at the same time it can look and feel like it does now to make it feel good for horny mouse boys to be inside of it", she mentioned. "Would you like to feel what it's like on the inside?", she asked a few seconds later, still keeping her outer lips pulled apart and still making her vaginal opening quiver for him.

"Yes, please!", Allen replied as precum freely dripped from the eager teenage male's shaft, getting onto the sheets below him.

His mom smiled and kept her legs and pussy wide open for Allen. "Then come on over to me and stick it in!", she playfully coaxed, eager to see what her youngest son was like.

Allen followed his mom's suggestion and moved in closer to her positioning his maleness so that the tip of it touched against his mom's vaginal opening. She made sure to keep her pussy lips spread apart long enough to let him enter her. "That's a good, just push it inside and climb on top of me", she instructed softly as Allen continued to obey his mom's suggestions and soon pushed forward, sending his mousehood into her warm canal.

Upon entering his mom, Allen felt something very slimy along his stiff maleness, he also felt it squeeze him quite a bit as it moved in deeper. " warm...and wet!", he called out excitedly, seeming to enjoy his first time being in a warm vaginal passage as he slowly climbed on top of his mom's body. As he did this, she released her grip on her outer lips and moved her hands to Allen's tush, grabbing onto it and pushing him in towards her, sending his entire length into her vagina.

When it pushed deep inside her, she felt it twitch excitedly against her insides and sensed Allen's warm precum reaching all the way to her cervix, feeling it spurt up against it. " like being back inside me, don't you?", she playfully asked as Allen started to nestle against her chest, placing his head on her upper pair of breasts while his hands went down to her hips. "I'll take that as a 'yes'", she mentioned a few moments later, feeling Allen remaining still inside of her, still getting used to having his mousehood surrounded by a warm and wet vaginal passage.

She moved one of her hands up from Allen's tush to his back, caressing it a bit while holding him close to her body, becoming eager to feel him move through her. " you want to play a little game?", she asked curiously as Allen looked up for a minute with a curious look in his eyes. "Why don't we pretend that we're making some more brothers and sisters for you. Would you like to do that?", she added as Allen suddenly felt the churning within his balls intensify and the throbbing in his length increase.

"Mmm...sure...I'd like that!", he answered softly as she moved her other hand back to his rump and held onto it tightly.

"Good, show me how much you'd want to make babies with me if you could. Just make sure that you don't go too fast, we want to let the feeling last as long as possible for both of us", she coaxed, trying to convince Allen not to follow his instincts completely, knowing from past experience how sex with overly sexed teenage males can go.

Allen held onto his mother's hips and did his best to follow her advice, moving through her passage at a moderate pace, feeling the sensitive tip of his mousehood rubbing against his mother's insides. At the same time, the rest of his mousehood twitched with life as it moved back and forth through her canal, massaging her folds gently while she squeezed him from all sides. His precum kept launching from his tip, hitting up against her cervix each time he pushed inward, giving her a bit of a taste of what was to come.

She kept pressing him towards her, feeling his swollen nuts periodically bump against her vaginal lips, noticing how big they were. She wasn't really surprised by this. After all, when she had done this with Allen's brothers years ago, they all seemed to have very large sperm-filled testicles as well. Part of that was due to them being mice and having naturally high sperm production, but part of that was also due to their age. She knew that they had not been thoroughly milked as of yet and that it took a male's first sexual experience to drain them sufficiently. Allen's was much the same way.

Even as he was enjoying the warmth and tightness of his mom's vagina, his balls kept churning strongly, both making new sperm deep within them as well as pushing out mature sperm to be released. The more he felt this churning in his testicles, the more he felt the rubbing of his length against her insides increase, causing his shaft to thicken and become more sensitive. Soon, mother and son touched tails and they became intertwined a little, with her squeezing his a bit as she accepted him inside her. "Oooh...this feels even better than when I felt you and your sisters moving around inside me!", she told Allen happily, remembering back to when she was pregnant with them and feeling her then unborn son and daughters pressing up against the inside of her uterus, tickling her on the inside. Now Allen was giving her a much different ticklish sensation, one that she had felt numerous times from his father and from his older brothers.

To Allen, the inside of his mom's passage felt very warm and squishy, creating an audible noise each time he moved inward. He felt her tighten around his thickening length and sensed his body getting ready to release his first batch of seed into a female. He started to move faster as their tails tightened a bit more and she pushed him in a bit closer, feeling the very tip of his mousehood now kissing her cervix. "Do you feel that, honey? That's the entrance to my womb...the very same one that you came out of 13 years ago!", she mentioned in a sweet tone while she opened her legs up as much as she could to him and smiled, sensing his hot and slightly sticky precum now passing through her cervix. "Mmm...and now I'm going to be carrying your kids inside me!", she added in a playful manner, trying to convince Allen to go off for her and let his seed flood her insides. In reality, she was actually ovulating during this time, several of her eggs were making their way from her ovaries to her fallopian tubes. This happened often whenever she had sex with Allen's father after she had her tubes tied, but she never got pregnant after being inseminated since the operation. Her body would likely continue to produce ripe egg cells for several more years, until her child-bearing years had passed and while there would always be a slight chance she could get pregnant again, it was very unlikely.

Nonetheless, it caused her body temperature to spike, letting Allen feel it for the first time in his life. From his classes, he knew that this meant he was having sex with a fertile female and that it was apparent that his mom wanted his sperm inside her. He looked a bit nervous and stopped briefly, though he kept his shaft kissing the entrance to her womb. "Mom! Do you really want me to make brothers and sisters with me?", he exclaimed as she giggled for a moment and gave him a gentle nuzzle.

"It feels like I do, doesn't it?", she answered calmly while her nose touched his. "However, that's not going to happen, honey. My body may be telling me that it wants to become pregnant again, but my tubes are tied off, remember. So, even if I ovulate for you, it's almost certain that your sperm won't be able to get to my eggs", she added. "Though you can still show me what it would feel like if I did want to have your babies", she mentioned in a soft and playful manner, moving one of her hands from his butt to his cheek, tracing a heart-shape on it.

Allen soon got back into it and humped his mother at a more vigorous pace, feeling his tip touching her cervix regularly while the rest of it felt warm and very moist. The pressure within his swollen nuts was building and the spurts of precum came more frequently, reaching further into his mom's reproductive tract with each inward thrust. She wrapped her legs around Allen and moved her hands up to his upper back, embracing him to her warm body. "Ahh...yes...give it to me, honey! Show me how much you love your momma!", she coaxed, sensing the pulsations in his thick mousehood become very intense, knowing that he was about ready to cum for her.

Allen felt the pressure within his body push him to the breaking point. He knew he couldn't hold his seed back any longer, especially with the way his maleness was rubbing against her insides. In addition, he felt yet another temperature spike, meaning that his mom had released yet another egg cell from her ovaries. He simply couldn't resist any longer, his hormones were telling him to shoot his load into her and he acted on those instincts.

With a strong inward push, Allen let out a long and loud moan as the tip of his mousehood pushed against his mom's cervix just as his seed began to spurt from it. She felt his load pouring into her uterus, quickly coating the inside of it, creating a pool of warm and tingly goo in her womb. While he came, she felt massive pulsations in his body and felt Allen pushing against her cervix as much as he could, trying to get as much semen as possible into her womb. She was used to this. It was perfectly normal behavior for any male mouse who was mating with a fertile female. Allen was trying to make sure that if she were to have any kids that it would be his sperm that fertilizes her eggs and he instinctively knew he had to inseminate her a lot and quickly in case another male were to come along and mate with her.

She accepted Allen's load just as she would for his father and placed a hand on Allen's cheek as she felt the warmth spreading through her insides. "Mmm...give me a kiss, honey", she coaxed as Allen's active sperm tickled against her uterine walls and the pool of cum grew larger by the second.

Allen did as she asked and kissed his mom on the lips, doing so quickly as he let his pent-up load splash against the top of his mom's womb, flooding her in a continuous torrent. "Ahh...this feels sooo much better!", Allen exclaimed happily, finally feeling a sense of relief as the churning within his balls began to calm down and he started to feel a little drowsy, not only from putting so much effort into inseminating his mother, but also from being up since 6 AM.

While he climaxed, his mom's vagina kept squeezing and massaging Allen's length, coaxing as much of his load out of his young testicles as possible. As this was going on, Allen looked at his mother while they embraced each other and had a question for her. " you think that you and I could do this some more?", he asked curiously.

His mom smiled and rubbed one of her hands against Allen's cheeks. "Well, we'll have to work something out with your father. After all, he is my mate and I'm sure he'll want to do this with me the most. However, I think it'll be alright if we did this some more for a least until you find someone your own age to do this with", she answered, thinking back to past experiences once again. His father didn't necessarily mind letting her have sex with their sons, especially since he had done the exact same thing with most of their daughters when they were sexually curious. She figured that once she told him that Allen had become curious about sex and needed an outlet for his tensions that his father would let Allen have some private time with her every once in a while. After all, he had been doing the same thing with Maggie for the past six months, though Allen never knew that his sister was having sex with their father.

"Mmm...thanks, Mom!", he happily coaxed, slowly starting to calm down as he yawned a bit. The flow of his cum into her womb slowed to periodic spurts for a few seconds and then stopped altogether as the churning within Allen's nuts slowed down dramatically. His mom now had a large pool of teenage mouse cum in her uterus, feeling it cling to her insides like glue while billions of his little tadpoles swam around in it. From the way they behaved in her, it was likely that some of them would make it to her tubes and swim down them, trying to reach the half-dozen eggs she released during sex, but then they'd reach the part of the tubes that would block them from getting to the eggs and no pregnancy would result. Furthermore, the instrument used to tie off the tubes also released a spermicidal chemical, further decreasing the chances of an unintended pregnancy.

Once he had finished filling her, Allen slowly pulled his softening mousehood out of his mother, leaving his sperm deep inside her with only a little bit of his leftover seed dripping from her opening. When he got up from the bed, Allen felt drowsy and a bit dizzy as she sprang up from the bed and put her arms around him from behind.

"Poor baby...Momma took a lot out of you, didn't she?", she softly coaxed as Allen yawned again, feeling quite sleepy. "Come on, I'll take you back to your bedroom so you can have a nap. Besides, Momma needs to go hop in the shower to wash up before she makes dinner", she added as they walked back to Allen's room together before he plopped face down into his mattress and fell asleep on the spot. Before she left him, she went over to Allen and kissed his cheek gently. "Thanks for the gift, honey", she told him softly after the kiss before pulling the covers over him and letting Allen rest while she did what she needed to do.

Over the course of the next two years, Allen would have many chances to release his pent-up sexual tensions with his mother, having sex with her an average of once a week. She was more than willing to help Allen for as long as he needed it and he was eager to give his mom a thick filling of his teenage cum each time he stuck his shaft into her mouse hole. However, an incident at school changed all of that.

It was the middle of the day at Westmoreland High School, Allen was in his 10th grade P.E. class along with many others when a couple of Kapernian Elite Guard officers came into the gymnasium to approach and arrest Allen's teacher, coming as a complete surprise to everyone involved. It turned out that the female teacher was seen having sex with her 14 year old son, and while incest was considered legal on Kapernia, adults having sex with minors was still considered to be "statutory rape". When Allen found out what happened, he immediately became nervous. He had been doing it with his mother for the past two years and he knew that if they got caught that she'd end up getting taken away as well. He didn't understand why it was considered "rape". After all, he was more than willing to participate in the activities and he enjoyed having sex with his mom. Still, he loved his mother and he didn't want anything bad to happen to her.

When he got home from school that afternoon, his mother was waiting for him, wearing nothing but her white robe over her otherwise naked body. She knew it was that 'time of the week' again and had made sure that she would be ready for Allen once he got home. She went over to him and promptly took Allen in his arms, kissing him on the forehead as she felt her insides already starting to become wet. "Hello sweetheart! I've been expecting you!", she coaxed in a happy and slightly horny tone as Allen at first felt his mousehood coming back out of his sheath again, until he remembered what had happened at school.

When he did, Allen nervously backed away from his mother, making her curious right away. "Honey, what's the matter? Don't you want to make love to me again?", she asked curiously as Allen blushed and told her about what happened at school. He also told his mother that he was afraid that if he had sex with her any longer that he would end up losing her.

She seemed to understand what he was telling her and took Allen into her arms, touching her hands to his cheeks. "Honey, I know you like doing what you do to me because it makes you feel better, and I'm more than willing to do whatever it takes to make you happy. I know what we've done in the past is rather risky, but I wouldn't have done it with you to begin with if I was worried about getting caught. Besides, it's not like we're doing it in broad daylight where people can see us", she mentioned calmly. She did bring up a good point about their sexual activities. The P.E. teacher had been caught tied to her 14 year old son in a park, while Allen and his mother were having sex in the privacy of their beachfront home, where no one would be able to see or hear them. Allen's father knew about the sexual activities between his son and wife and didn't seem to mind. After all, he was having sex on a semi-regular basis with Maggie and he wasn't going to make a peep about their activities, and neither were Allen's sisters. Still, Allen was worried about getting caught doing it with his mother.

"I don't know...I mean, I enjoy having sex with you, Mom. However, I love you and I don't want you to go to jail", Allen replied as his eyes started to tear up a bit.

She saw the fear in Allen's eyes and knew at that point that their relationship would never be the same as it was before. She gave Allen a kiss on his nose and hugged him tightly. "Allen, sweetheart...Momma loves you...I'll do anything to make you feel happy, and if you're too worried about anything happening to me to want to continue having sex, we don't have to do it any longer. You're big enough now that you can make your own decisions", she told Allen in a soft tone as she held him in her arms.

The part of Allen between his legs wanted to continue having sex with his mother. He was used to having it massaged by her warm and tight passage and draining his swollen nuts in her. However, his heart remembered back to when he was much younger. He thought about what his Mom meant to him and what she had done before puberty hit. He remembered how she would care for him when he wasn't feeling well, or would provide him with TLC anytime he hurt himself playing around with his older brothers. Her love and caring meant far more to Allen than the satisfaction of having his mousehood massaged by her vaginal folds.

"Mom...can we go back to how things were before we started having sex?", he answered after thinking about it for a minute.

She listened to Allen's question and kissed him on his nose. "Of course...all you had to do was ask", she softly replied before letting him go. "If you ever decide to change your mind and want to play with Momma again, I'll always keep that option open for you. However, if you'd rather start looking for someone your age to do it with, I understand completely. After all, I would love for you to give me some grandchildren someday!", she added in a playful manner as Allen blushed and felt a bit embarrassed. He still wasn't ready for a family of his own, and he wouldn't be for several years. Nevertheless, he did feel better about talking to his mother about this and their life returned to normal soon afterwards. However, this experience would stick with the teenage mouse for many years, until he was the one who became the parent and had to deal with a daughter that was eager to have sex.

End of Episode 8.5

*: Think something like the communicators used in "Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers". **: The Kapernian equivalent of Christmas. Obviously, Kapernians (or at least native Kapernians) are not Christians, therefore they do not celebrate Christmas. That being said, because there are a number of Earth-born humans on Kapernia and many of them do celebrate Christmas, Kapernia did adopt some of the customs of the Christmas holiday (I.E.: Gift-giving, being charitable, etc.) and created their own holiday that would be celebrated on December 25. (By the way, Kapernia adopted the traditional Earth calendar a long time ago, back when humans started coming to Kapernia on a regular basis. The orbit of Kapernia around it's sun is identical to that of Earth's).