Tale 8-4 - Swagcorp's Colonization Policy 6

Story by Smokescale Aquatos on SoFurry

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#40 of Treetop Shorts Collection

The progress on setting up camp had stalled. A long, strong rainstorm had settled in over the area. Smokey and Azure were holding up in the only real structure that could provide any semblance of shelter. The twins, Cerulean and Cyan, were busy toiling away on their latest engineering project, trying to establish connections with the weather stations already setup, as well as the last one their sisters, Indigo and Cobalt, were coming back from installing. Sapphire, their resident nurse, was keeping busy monitoring everyone's health. While they couldn't build the tiny village they were looking to set up, they could at least keep themselves busy. Unfortunately, the storm was threatening to last long enough to make food an issue. But then, it wouldn't be an issue if Azure was permitted to implement hir plan. Smokey would just have to endure.

At long last, the saga continues! Three daughters from Smokey, and twins from Azure! No more just yet, but that will change once they're sure they can support them! Here's to hoping it won't take me as long to get the next chapter written and posted. After all, there are plans to 'expand' from here hyuck-hyuck-hyuck.

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The rain had been coming down for five days straight at this point. It wasn't necessarily unpleasant. The warm climate ensured that it wasn't a frigid rain. It did however make travel difficult, as well as building anything virtually impossible. So Smokey and Azure had spent their time huddled inside the small shelter they had managed to construct. It was comfortable enough to seat a dozen people, but being only one room with no divisions made it rather intimate. And they needed the space.

Smokey lay on hir stomach, rocking forward and back with hir rump hoisted in the air. Azure rolled into hir from behind, huffing softly as shi filled hir mother for what had to be the tenth time that day. A slightly heavy-set lady sat nearby, watching intently with a curiosity that was less morbid and more scientific. Sapphire was the medical expert after all, and shi was interested in gathering as much data as possible from all the subjects shi could.

"I'm impressed you're both able to mate so frequently." The would-be doctor said.

Smokey moaned as shi felt hir stomach swell as the latest heavy blast flowed into hir.

"I... I can't believe... I'm not... raw." Shi said through heavy breaths.

Azure slowed hir thrusts and moved to lay down atop the taller blue dragoness under hir, thrumming away powerfully.

"Anything for science, right mom?" Shi giggled.

Smokey ran a palm over hir heavily distended tummy. Shi looked like shi had another litter already growing inside hir. Based on how quickly shi grew and how big shi became when Azure impregnated hir, shi could pass for having a couple of litters.

"I'm surprised there aren't more of you on the way already." Smokey said.

"Oh no, we can't. Not yet," Azure said, "The camp's not big enough yet. We've got seven of us now. The next generation will end up putting the population around thirty. I decided to disable reproduction until we're in a better place to support that kind of growth."

"Growth," Smokey said breathlessly, "Right... just make sure the doors are wide enough."

Two smallish girls sat nearby, both of them tapping away with blinding speed on their small displays. They both looked up at the three larger ladies.

"With it pouring like it is-" -- "-It'll take a pretty good while to build more housing."

The twins, Cerulean and Cyan, always completed each others' sentences. It was a little unnerving at first, but after a while, everyone got used to it. After all, when two people were wirelessly linked, thought to thought, they had a tendency to do just that. It certainly helped the somewhat childishly-built engineers work faster.

Smokey looked over at the twins, still thinking Azure got the better deal between them. Shi had given birth to the twins; small, identical, slightly less amorous, and only two. The original mother meanwhile had given birth to three, and while one of them was on the smallish side, Indigo wasn't as small as the twins, and hir littermates had been much bigger. Sapphire alone was about as tall as Smokey, and more shapely. It gave hir a more motherly appearance, which was augmented by hir wonderful bedside manner. Shi could have taken over as surrogate if shi wanted to. And then there was Cobalt, the largest of the girls. Shi was a clear foot taller than Smokey, and quite strong. Hir build made hir quite intimidating, and hir quiet demeanor only added to the hard appearance.

"So, we can't complete the mission unless we have more kids. And we can't have more kids until we have more space to put them in. And we can't build more space until the rain stops." Smokey said.

"And we won't know when the rain stops-" -- "-until Cobalt and Indigo return." Cerulean and Cyan said together.

"Naturally," Smokey replied, "How long does it take to set up a radar station again?"

"The site they were headed for is-" -- "-Two miles due east into the jungle."

"With the storm slowing things down-" -- "-It will probably take them an hour to get there."

"Then another twenty minutes to set up the station, ten to test it-" -- "-And another hour to get back."

Azure interrupted hir girls to allow the conversation to coalesce.

"Unless they've run into an obstacle, which they very well might have, they should be back any minute now. The twins have been listening in on the frequency the station operates on in case they needed to contact us."

Smokey grumbled a little, rolling onto hir side as shi draped an arm over hir huge, sloshing gut.

"I really wish you guys would clue me in whenever something like this goes on. I'm feeling kinda left out. I am the head mother after all." The oldest of the blue dragons said.

'Head mother' was a term they had started using from time to time to try and clear up confusion on occasion. It started to feel like perhaps it was an honorary position, one that had no real importance other than being the one everyone spawned from.

"Sorry mom," Azure said, "It was a decision that had to be made quick. You were busy and we didn't want to interrupt you."

"I wasn't that busy." Smokey said with a hint of indignance. Shi didn't want to be only good for pumping out kids. Shi wanted to have other uses.

Just as shi was about to say something else, a large, chiseled figure emerged from the rain. Hir form was easily made out as hir poncho clung to hir. A shorter lady, slender and similarly clad squeezed in quickly behind hir.

"It's absolutely pouring out there!" Indigo said as shi tried to peal hir wet-weather-wear off.

"We can hear it. How'd it go?" Azure said.

"The station is in place." Cobalt said, careful not to tear hir poncho as shi pulled it off. Shi and hir smaller sister were both completely nude under their coverings. In this kind of weather, it was likely better to not have cloth hold moisture against your skin and keep you too damp. Now they could properly dry off and get comfortable again.

The wind outside shifted and battered the side of the small raised hut. The storm shutters, thankfully closed, held easily enough, but it offered only a vague idea of what was going on outside. The sudden shift caught the attention of the twins.

"If you have the receiver-" -- "-We'll go ahead and start scanning." The two girls held out a hand each towards their big sisters.

Indigo nodded and retrieved a small device from the satchel shi had just removed from hir shoulder. It was immediately plugged into the small array Cerulean and Cyan had built for the six radar stations. Three in a line would have been enough to get something of a reading, but they never did anything by half measures. They wanted as accurate a reading as they could get. Six stations in a hexagonal pattern not only increased the area they could scan considerably, but it enhanced resolution within that area by several orders of magnitude.

Sapphire immediately moved to begin examining the two girls who had only just returned. Hir scans were only the first part of a battery of tests shi wanted to run. There would be blood workups, neuro-scans, EKG's, the whole thing. Thankfully, shi had the few gadgets shi'd need to do all of that in only a few moments.

"Did you run into any trouble out there?" The nurse dragon asked.

Cobalt shook hir head, refusing to use words when shi felt none were needed.

"No trouble for hir. I kept slipping and falling. I'd be covered in mud except that the rain washed it all off," Indigo said, "And then we had to hike another hundred yards to get to a better position. The target site had been washed out in a mudslide. All in all though, we made good time."

Sapphire nodded.

"Well we're just glad to have you both back in one piece." The curvy dragoness said.

"Any word yet on what the weather looks like?" Azure asked the twins.

"So far-" -- "-It's rainy." They said. Their way of saying they weren't quite there yet.

It only took a few more moments, long enough for Sapphire to finish hir scans of the two returned girls, and for those two to dry off. They looked at one another, having a silent conversation, something their cranial implants afforded them, then turned to the rest of the family.

"It looks like we're in the middle-" -- "-Of this planet's version of monsoon season."

"There's an enormous system stretching out for hundreds of miles in all directions-" -- "-that extends beyond the range of our sensor net. And it's moving slowly."

Azure scooted hir way over to the twins and peered at the display to see what they had come up with. Shi sighed a little as shi drank in the sight the radar network mapped out for them.

"They aren't exaggerating. Based on what I'm seeing here, this storm could last for days, maybe weeks." The second oldest said.

"That's going to really hamper our ability to make progress on the camp." Sapphire said.

"Not to mention power generation, food gathering, and just getting around," Smokey said, "Looks like we picked a bad time to land. We'll be stuck indoors for a while."

Azure nodded with a quiet sigh.

"Based on current inventory, we'll be out of food in a week. Then the replicator will have to keep us all fed, and we'll deplete it's power reserves in only a few days with all of us eating our usual rations. Hunting and gathering will be pointless. Sorry, Cobalt. I know you're a damn good hunter, but in this downpour, everything that can move is running for cover if it hasn't already found it. We're in a bit of a pickle. I think we should consider hibernation." The oldest engineer said.

"I agree," Sapphire said, "Hibernation would cut our food and power usage considerably. We'd be able to outlast the storm."

Smokey looked around the group as everyone generally agreed without much argument. Shi bit hir lower lip a little, feeling like shi was missing something.

"What all is involved in hibernation? Do we need to make a run for the ship?" The 'head mother' asked. There wasn't enough of the ship left to really call it a ship.

They had pulled bulkheads and hull plating from it to make what few structures they had. The medical area, the tool bench, food storage, and one or two other little shacks aside from the 'house'. The replicator just wasn't up to making pieces large enough for their purposes. That was something Cerulean and Cyan were working hard to correct.

"Remember the trip here from that desert moon, mom?" Azure asked.

"Yeah... why?" Smokey said, the tone of hir voice suggesting shi might not necessarily approve of where this was going.

"Well, we climb inside one another, and the ones inside go to sleep. Even regress if necessary. The smaller we are, the less energy we'll consume, the less nourishment we'll need." Azure said.

"Right... so we're gonna end up pregnant again?" Smokey asked.

Before Azure could even answer, Cerulean and Cyan had made their way over to their mother and even began trying to worm their way down between hir legs. The second oldest dragoness gasped and leaned back, spreading hir legs. It took very little effort for the twins to wriggle in. In but only a few moments, they had vanished, only a few inches of their twin tails poking out from under Azure's impressive scrotum. It hadn't gone down in size since the 'landing celebration' as shi had come to call it. Hir belly twisted and turned on itself as the twins curled up comfortably inside.

"Oooo, yeah, we sure are. Mmm, man I've missed this. You two are welcome to sleep in there any night you want!" Azure cooed happily.

Indigo grinned and practically bounced over to Smokey, landing in hir lap.

"Guess that means you get the three of us! Hope that's not a problem!" The smallish botanist didn't really care if it was a problem for Smokey or not. Shi deeply relished the idea of diving back into hir mom's belly.

Smokey blushed quite deeply at the notion. There was little that could be done to dissuade hir girls. Once they'd made up their minds about something, rarely did they not carry through with it.

"You really think I can stretch enough to fit you all in me?" The former pilot asked.

"You managed to carry all three of us before." Cobalt said, giving hir mother a sage node as shi looked down at hir.

That was all that could be said before it began. Indigo wasted no time whatsoever. In a flash, shi was on hir stomach between Smokey's legs. Sapphire moved behind hir mother and coaxed hir to lean back. In very short order, moans filled the little 'house' as the botanist began pushing hir way back into the very belly shi had been spawned from. Smokey was little more than a passenger, along for the ride. Sapphire held hir in place, offering soothing words of advice; to relax here, to flex there, to keep hir breathing steady, and the like.

In but only a precious few moments, Indigo was curled back up in hir mother's womb. Smokey huffed as shi ran hir palms over the stretched dome. Shi had to admit it did feel rather nice, but shi was seriously beginning to doubt shi could fit both the nurse and the hunter inside hir. Cobalt didn't seem too concerned.

"See you in a week or two, mother." The big lady said before kneeling just as Indigo had.

The large dragon's hands dipped low, right under Smokey's scrotum. The swells had retained the additional mass Azure had issued when they had arrived. In fact, it felt like they had grown some. The warm crevice beyond parted without effort as if eager to consume the daughter it had released. Less delicately than hir sister, Cobalt began pushing forward, sinking hir arms in right up to hir elbows without ceremony. Smokey cried out incredulously as shi was suddenly stretched. The bulge of hir tummy obscured the view of the big girl pressing hir way in, so the mother simply tilted hir head back and yowled, trying hir best to listen to Sapphire's advice. Already shi could feel hir length, throbbing almost painfully, bobbing against hir steadily swelling stomach. Oh shi was going to make another big, sticky mess.

"You're doing well, mother. Shi's halfway in." Sapphire said.

"Halfway!?" Smokey exclaimed. It felt as though shi had taken so much more than just half the tallest of the group.

The process continued, hastening once Cobalt passed a certain point. It was clear Indigo was helping as much as shi could, shifting this way and that to give hir sister as much room as shi could muster. The doctor-ly dragoness pressed a palm against the huge belly housing hir siblings, trying to help calm the bloated lady in hir arms, then opted for a different tactic. Sapphire reached down past the grand swell and wrapped hir fingers around the firm rod mashing up against it. Immediately Smokey shuddered. Shi hadn't expected the contact. The deliberate pumping of the foreign hand only brought hir to moan all the more.

Sapphire grinned softly as shi noticed hir approach to the situation was having the desired effect. The more shi could distract hir mother, the easier it was for Cobalt to enter. The well curved girl kept up hir efforts, pumping faster and faster with every inch of hir big sister that disappeared into the very womb shi'd be joining them in. A cry split the relative silence as Smokey tensed. A heavy blast of thick, white ooze splattered across the underside of hir stomach, dripping down onto the floor below, as well as what little of Cobalt remained outside of hir. The climax saw a mighty squeeze from within, hir own passage shoving hir daughter back inside with a loud, wet slurp. Cobalt's feet slipped out of sight and shi withdrew from the tunnel beyond, deposited completely inside the place shi had once called home.

Smokey gasped for breath as shi leaned into Sapphire's embrace.

"God... I... feel like... I'm gonna... pop!" Shi whined.

"You'll be fine, mother. After all, you're not done yet." Sapphire grinned, gently guiding the swollen lady to turn hir head. A kiss stole Smokey's ability to breathe for a moment. It was passionate, tender, and filled with a smoldering lust. The smolder would no doubt erupt into a blaze soon enough.

Before the mother could respond. Sapphire and Azure shuffled hir about and helped hir onto hir feet. Standing upright, Smokey's belly sagged almost all the way to the ground, just an inch or two above hir ankles, and it threw hir center of gravity very far off. Shi couldn't hold the posture and leaned forward, letting the swell land on the floor, forcing hir legs apart.

"I... I can't... I can't even walk with this." Smokey said breathlessly.

"You'll find a way, mother. Now just try to relax." Sapphire said.

"Relax!? For what!?" Smokey cried only moments before a third presence made itself known between hir legs. This time, it was a muzzle, not a pair of hands, and it was accompanied by a very eager tongue.

Immediately, the swollen dragoness melted and moaned, finding hir tail to lift of its own volition. Sapphire knew just what to do it seemed. The petals parted yet again, welcoming the attention as deeper folds quivered in anguish, almost hurting they craved the same attention so very badly. It all left Smokey so dizzy that shi didn't even notice the sensation of fullness growing further still. Hir eyes glazed over and hir tongue lolled from hir jaws as shi filled the house with all manner of subdued feral noises of passion. Azure watched as the third daughter sank in, the thick lady's plump figure offering plenty of cushion for the well-stretched walls to squeeze in against. The oldest daughter grinned, leaning in to press hir own swollen stomach against hir mother's back.

"I have to say, I'm awfully jealous of them. They get to climb back in there, and I know just how nice it is being inside you." Azure cooed into hir mother's ear, spreading hir palms against the huge, writhing dome propping the panting lady up.

Smokey shuddered feeling Sapphire's hips glide into hir, and again as shi felt Cerulean and Cyan turn about in hir daughter's womb behind hir. The sensation of it and the idea that the two in there had been put there by hir only stirred hir loins further. Smokey gasped and clenched firmly, tugging hir third daughter in right up to hir knees in a quick jerk.

Azure grinned with a subtle growl, grinding hir own throbbing mast against Smokey's rump.

"I could take you just like this if I wanted," Shi rumbled in a husky whisper, "But I think that might get in the way of the fun I have in mind."

Smokey winced and shuddered powerfully again. Apparently the dirty talk was getting to hir. In one more strong, moist squelch, Sapphire was dragged in out of sight completely. Azure's presence behind hir faded then the sensation of another muzzle between hir legs returned. The bloated mother moaned loudly, welcoming the contact. If that was all that was to be done, shi welcomed it. Alas, shi was too drunk with lust to notice what was happening. Azure pressed forward, easily sinking hir head into the puffy folds before hir. Shi would have to steal hir mother away sometime for some one on one alone time like the 'good ole days'.

The noises filling the little house continued as the oldest daughter teased and cajoled hir mother's passage, convincing it to take one more good 'meal'. Progress was easy but slow. There were three others inside already and they had to shift aside to make room. Smokey's belly bulged beyond what it had already been capable of, and yet the girl was in no pain. Shi was in a state almost trance-like, lost to the haze of sensations radiating up from hir groin and belly. As hir daughter's swollen stomach occupied hir canal, shi screamed in climax and dragged the girl in with a powerful tug, right up to halfway down hir thighs. The rest of Azure sank in slowly as the rhythmic pulses of Smokey's tunnel did the work themselves. Once the blue girl's toes slipped in out of sight, the gargantuan bloated mother began to settle. Hir folds slowly closed back up, undulating and pulsing as if they expected more to consume.

Smokey leaned against hir gigantic stomach, feeling every twitch, every squirm under hir scales. Each subtle motion stole hir breath away. And hir girls knew it. Soon, a steady rocking gave Smokey's middle cause to sway. Shi moaned anew as hir loins dripped and oozed. Gradually, shi found hirself rolled up on top of the huge dome, hir limbs unable to reach the ground. Shi simply lay there on top of hir belly, pressing a cheek against the huge, heated gut. Shi couldn't even speak. Shi was too tired. And yet hir body still would not let hir rest. Orgasm after orgasm bubbled up through hir from hir active belly, all of hir girls taking advantage of their close quarters to relieve a little tension. Smokey realized what was happening and decided shi didn't necessarily mind that hir daughters were all having an orgy in hir belly.

Slowly, shi gave in to the warmth and tingle of it all and drifted off.

When Smokey finally woke, shi grunted in dissatisfaction. A strong beam of sunlight shined in on hir face. Shi lifted a hand to block the illumination and found shi was no longer laying on top of hir stomach, but on hir side. Shi wasn't quite as enormous as before, but shi was still huge, slightly bigger than just before giving birth to the triplets shi had to guess.

"What? Is the storm over already? How long was I out?" Smokey asked to no one in particular.

Immediately, a prompt appeared in hir field of vision. It flashed a message explaining the twins had taken the opportunity to use all their nanites to build an implant for hir as well as the others. It wouldn't give them all the same degree of connectivity that the twins had, but it would allow them some benefits. The time and date appeared in the corner as the status readout showed that all six of hir girls, including the two housed inside one, had successfully entered hibernation and were regressed to a younger state for the moment.

"What!? It's only been eighteen hours!? The storm was supposed to last for days! Weeks even!" Smokey cried.

The heavy mother climbed to hir feet with a loud grunt, hugging hir vast stomach. Hibernation was supposed to be for a minimum of a week once committed. It couldn't be stopped early. Shi was going to be stuck like this. With a grunt of complaint, Smokey lumbered unsteadily and slowly out of the hut to see how the camp had weathered the heavy rain. Everything appeared to be fine. Shi rubbed hir belly idly as shi wandered about, then decided to go soak in the nearby pond. As soon as shi eased in and the weight of hir pregnancy was taken off hir feet, shi purred deep in hir throat. Oh it felt so marvelous having all of hir girls inside hir like this.

How shi could ever have been hesitant on the matter was a mystery.

"Mmm, maybe a week won't be so bad," Smokey said, a grin slowly creeping across hir muzzle, "More than that might be kind of fun actually."