Rain and Snow, Chapter 9

Story by Darkhom on SoFurry

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#9 of Rain and Snow

Well, it's been a while, but here finally is chapter 9 of "Rain and Snow". Been looking forward to this chapter for a while, as it has some plot points I've been planning since the beginning. Enjoy!

"You don't have to walk me to the studio, Senpai, not that I don't mind your company." Jess said as she and the snow leopard made their way casually across campus. "You don't have to go so far out of your way for me."

"I was going this way anyway." Jim insisted, trying to act casual as she idly chewed on the end of her sweatshirt's drawstring. "Makes more sense to walk together than alone."

"Like I said, I'm not complaining."

Jessica flashed a smile, but it faded quick when she noticed Jim wasn't looking her way. An awkward silence fell between them, the two students finding their own meager distractions as they walked side by side. Ever since the previous Friday evening, the tension had been high between the two. Jim had purposefully been avoiding the vixen's gaze, keeping to herself and keeping conversation to the basic pleasantries. Jessica hadn't missed the stonewalling, and it tugged at her heart, though she was trying her hardest not to show it, to just act as though everything were normal.

"Well, here we are." Jessica chimed up as they approached the studio building. "I guess I'll see you later."

"Yeah. Have fun." Jim offered, not looking up from her phone as she waved, barely even stopping as she continued towards the dorms.

Jessica let out a sigh as she watched the feline walk away, a heaviness seeming to hang over her. "Oh boy, I wonder what else I can fuck up for myself this year."

She took a deep breath, shaking those dour thoughts away and forcing herself to seem like her normal self. No sense in worrying the follow members of the news team. She kept her head high as she made her way through the studio, letting the eagerness to get to the meteorology department wash away her sorrows.

Catching sight of David nearly stopped her in her tracks, the very sight of the zebra reminding her of their interesting evening together just a few nights ago. She hadn't heard from him since that night, a fact she was actually content with. "Hi David." She chimed up as she walked passed him, flashing a friendly smile and a wave. "How you doin?"

David looked up, and to her surprise seemed to scowl before turning and walking away without a word. "Okay... I didn't think it went that poorly."

Shrugging it off, she continued on her way. But things only seemed to get stranger as she went. It felt like people were watching her as she walked by, even whispering or giggling to each other behind her back. "It's probably your imagination." She tried to reason. "Let's not get paranoid now."

"What is going on tonight?" Jess asked the moment she was in the meteorology lab, paranoia winning over reason. "Is there something on the back of my jacket? Do I smell? What?"

"Good day to you, too." Harold responded with a chuckle. "And despite the size of my nose, I can't tell if you smell from across the room. I have no idea what you're on about."

"I swear everyone was laughing at me as I walked in." Jessica explained as she made her way over to one of the computers. "And David looked pissed at me. Did I do something wrong? I thought I was getting along with most everyone around here."

"I like you." Harold shrugged. "With you around there's a lot less busy work for me to do around here."

"Oh har har. I'm serious though. I like working here, and the chance to get some experience. I don't want anything to screw it up."

"Haven't heard a thing." Harold admitted. "I'm just the nerdy science nerd, hiding back here with all my nerdy science. Nobody really tells me anything around here. They only need more for the weather reports. It's kind of nice and relaxing, actually."

"You make it sound so great around here."

They chuckled, about to get to work when K.C. unexpectedly entered their little lab. "Is the weather report ready, Harold? Oh, Jessica. You're here already." The lithe snake frowned softly, a concerned look creasing their face. "I, uh, heard you want out with David the other night."

"Is that what this is all about? It was just one date. What's the big deal?"

"It's not." K.C. replied stiffly. "It's just... Oh, Jessica, tell me it's not true!"

"Is what not true?"

"Well, word is you only went out with David to gain his favor. That you slept with him just to advance your career here, and get on camera as soon as possible."

Jessica was silent for a moment, her jaw hanging open as this news sunk in. Slowly, her shock turned into a muted anger, ears folding back as her teeth clenched shut, the girl showing a level of anger that intimidated the others just a bit.

"Who told you that?"

"I... Jessica, it's not a big-"


"I don't know!" K.C. admitted, wincing back just a bit. "It's just a rumor going around the office. I don't know who started it. But if it's not true you have nothing to worry about, right?"

"Kay is right, Jessica. It's best not to feed into untruthful rumors."

Jessica didn't seem to hear them, growling as she balled her hands and seethed. Her eyes darted about wildly, as if looking for an outlet for her anger, before shooting open wide as a rage inducing thought crossed her mind. "Francis."

She stormed from the office without another word, K.C. and Harold exchanging concerned looks before chasing after her.

The film stage was busier now than just a few moments before, several members of the crew discussing the next broadcast. Jessica ignored them all, focusing her sights exclusively on the goat across the room. His back was turned to her so he didn't see her coming, or notice as the other various conversation quieted to a whisper.


He winced, then smirked as he turned around, seeming to get a bit of a kick out of the fox's anger. "Well hello, Jessica. What can I-"

He was interrupted as a loud smack echoed through the room, Jessica silencing him with a sharp slap to his face. Someone gasped, everyone else too stunned to make a sound. They all just watched for a moment as the furious vixen stared Francis down.

"Did you really think you could get away with this grade school bullshit?" She spat, a fire burning in her eyes. "Spreading rumors about me? Really?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Francis replied coolly, rubbing his stinging cheek. "I was just offering a friend a word of warning."

"You lied to try and make me look bad!" Jessica countered, venom practically dripping from her tongue, "You're upset that I wouldn't go out with you, and now you're being a pathetic little bitch about and trying to ruin my reputation!"

"Wait, he asked you out?"

"And you believed him!" Jess turned her ire on David the moment he spoke up. "You really believed him!? Do you really think I would only go out with you to, what? Get some camera time? I don't give a fuck about being on camera!"

"Oh please, why else would you go out with him?" Francis countered, though there was quite a bit of murmuring going on from the others. "Of course you'd deny it once the truth is out. But I've known you long enough to know the real you. You just wouldn't go out with me because I've nothing to give you."

"And David does?" Jessica countered. "The head anchor of a student news team who's graduating in a semester? You know I don't care about being on camera! I only care about the science!"

"And yet you still had sex with him."

There was some snickering as a blush crossed Jessica's face, though she quickly turned her angry glare back at David. "You told him that!? Do you always tell everyone about every detail of your dates?"

"Well, no, not always." David coughed awkwardly, looking anywhere but at the irate vixen. Luckily for him, Jessica's attention quickly returned to Francis.

"I went out with him because I wanted to. I didn't go out with you because I didn't want to. You're just being a little bitch about it. First you called me a slut. Then you wouldn't stop calling me, trying to make things right. Now you're spreading rumors about me? Seriously, what is wrong with you?"

"At least I've never slept with a teacher just to pass a class."

Jessica's hand was moving faster than anyone could react to. But everyone, including Francis, was surprised when it was her tightly balled fist, and not her open palm, that collided with the side of the goat's face, knocking him clear off his hooves. What followed was a moment of pure chaos. Jessica lept for the man, fully intending to tear him a new one, but several of the others were quickly able to pull her off kicking and spitting venom. Several of the others started to help Francis back up, but they were soon holding him back as well as he swore and threatened vengeance on the fox. The studio was filled with swears and shouting as Jessica and Francis threatened to spill blood.

"Enough of this!" K.C. cried out over the noise, demanding everyone's attention. "This is a newsroom, not Monday Night Raw! All of you stop this right now! Francis, Jessica, your behavior is unacceptable. You both need to leave, now."

"What? Why me?" Francis struggled to free himself as Jess glared angrily. "I didn't do anything! She's the one that started this!"

"Not from what I'm hearing." The snake countered calmly. "Harmful rumors about our fellow crew members will not be tolerated. Especially if it leads to fighting, like this. No, I won't have this going on under my watch, so you both have to leave."

Jessica wrenched herself free with a huff, shooting daggers at Francis with her eyes before turning and walking away. She heard him toss more blame her way, behind her back, but did her best to ignore it. He and her anger had gotten her into enough trouble already.

"Don't worry Jessica," Harold tried to console her when they returned to the lab, "I'm sure they'll let you plead your case. I'll back you up."

"You will absolutely get your chance at that." K.C., who had followed them, assured her. "We're not kicking you out permanently. I can't do that. We'll have a hearing with a small committee, and you can tell them what happened, and why you did what you did. They'll decide if you can stay or have to go."

"I don't know if I want to stay." Jessica admitted as she angrily collected her things. "If rumors are so easily spread and believed around here, then maybe I don't want to be a part of it."

"Jessica, I'm sorry..."

"Me too." David admitted as he slunk into the room. "I should never have believed a word that little prick said."

"You never should have told them about our date!" She spat, noticing that the zebra wouldn't look her in the eyes. "Us going out once doesn't need to be a secret, but you don't have to tell everyone all of the details. Are all men like this?"

"Well I follow a don't kiss and tell policy, personally." Harold said with a smug grin.

"You'd actually have to go on a date to even have something to tell."

"Oh shut up." Jess spat. Making her way for the exit. "K.C., just let me know when they do this hearing thing. Maybe I'll change my mind about this place by then."

They watched as Jessica stormed off, K.C. elbowing David sharply in the ribs. "Maybe next time you should try just keeping it in your pants."

Jessica's fury had faded by the time she returned to her dorm, quickly replaced with overwhelming sorrow. The vixen was curled up on the couch, hugging her knees tight to her chest as she heaved and sobbed, nearly inconsolable. Kari was at her side, an arm draped over her shoulder as she tried to calm the fox down. Jim sat close by, her concern outweighing any awkwardness between them, at least for the time being.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm sure everything will be okay." Kari offered with a soothing voice. "Once you get the chance to explain everything, I'm sure they'll see your side of it, and they'll let you back in."

"They have no reason to." Jessica mumbled into her knees, her cheeks soaked with her tears. "I started a fight. It's not professional. I've fucked it up."

"You defended yourself, and there's nothing wrong with that. Girl's gotta be able to defend her honor."

"Yeah but I threw the first punch." She muttered. "I mighta got away with slapping him, and I think most of em believed me. They probably woulda sided with me, until I hit him. That was probably going too far.

"You let him off easy." Jim spat. "I hope he's got a black eye. Tell me he went down easy."

"One punch." She smiled despite herself, not even hiding her pride. "And he went straight down to the floor. He fought like a little bitch, too. If that's how he fights, he'd have never kept up with me in bed."

"He wouldn't have known what to do with you." Jim's tone almost sounded like a growl. "I bet he would finished and passed out in minutes, leaving you high and dry. Literally. Prick didn't even deserve your kindness. If I ever see him a black eye will be the least of his worries."

"That's kinda sweet, Senpai." Jessica managed a more sincere smile, sniffling just a bit. "I'd love to see you kick his ass, for me."

"Yeah, well uh... yeah." Jim lost her bluster, glancing away awkwardly under Jessica's affectionate gaze. The quiet rejection wiped the smile from the fox's muzzle, and she returned to whimpering and sniffling into her knees. Kari, after a disappointed glance at Jim, went back to trying to console the vixen, though little seemed to be working.

"Sup ya cunts!" They all jumped as Mako burst into the dorm, a toothy grin spread from ear to ear. "Guess who's got ya plans for the weekend covered!"

"Not now, Mako!" Kari quickly chastised her. "We've got any emotional crisis over here."

"Shit. But then my news is even better! I heard that there's gonna be a party over at Rho house. And you know how Rho parties are. We are gonna get loaded."

"Loaded on what?" Jessica asked glumly. "None of us are old enough to drink. They're not gonna give us booze without ID."

"They will after they've had a few." Mako assured her with a wide grin. "Especially if you flash em your tits."

"Hey, I'm all for a Rho party," Kari offered, "but I don't know if getting wild and drunk is really the best thing for everybody right now. That's how bad one night stands happen."

"Not if we follow our rules." Mako countered, refusing to back down. "We keep each other safe, from others and ourselves. Always worked out before."

"Yeah, but I don't know if-"

"Let's do it!" Jessica suddenly leapt to her paws, sniffling through her sudden determination. "I wanna do it. Let's go party!"

"Are you sure?"

"It's exactly what I need." She insisted. "I'm gonna cut loose and go all out. Fuck the consequences.

"That's what I like to hear!" Mako walked over and slapped the fox on the back. "When life gets ya down, ya just gotta get back up and fuckin' let it all out! The three of us are gonna tear it up."

"Four of us." Jim cut in, turning her eyes towards the others. "I'm going too."

"You are?" Both Mako and Kari seemed stunned. "You never want to go out to parties."

"Can't hide in my room forever. Besides, maybe I want to get drunk and go wild, too. Besides, the more of us that go, the better we can watch each other."

"Yeah, we're gonna tear that party a new one." Mako stepped around to wrap her other arm around Jim, pulling them both close to her. "We're gonna show 'em how wild we girls can be."

"What do you mean I can't go!?"

Jim had to resist the urge to slam her phone down, tempering her anger over what she had just been told. During an otherwise typical phone call between the two, Jim had mentioned the party later that evening, and her plans to attend. Plans that Mel apparently took exception to.

"You're talking about going to a party, and getting drunk, with other drunk girls around, while I'm not there. Yeah, that's not happening."

"Are you freakin... What do you think's going to happen? You really think I'm going to get some side tail?"

"Of course not. You're not dumb." Mel replied matter-of-factly. "But that doesn't mean some big assed drunken slut isn't gonna try and make the moves on you while I'm not there."

"Oh please, no one's gonna flirt with my awkward ass." Jim countered with a snort. "I'm pretty much just gonna go, have some free drinks, and make fun of the drunks from a corner with Mako. And if any strangers do come over to flirt with me, I'll tell them I have a girlfriend. Just because someone flirts doesn't mean I'm gonna sleep with 'em."

"When you're sober. Who knows what you'll do when you're drunk. You were pretty drunk when we first met, and look what happened that night!"

"I was also single then!" Jim argued, not admitting that she didn't really remember much from that night. A side effect of too much alcohol. "Trust me, the last thing that's gonna happen tonight is me getting any tail. Unless you happen to come by."

"Or, if you want to guarantee nothing happens, you could just not go." Mel offered stubbornly. "I mean you stay cooped up in your room most Friday nights anyway. Why should tonight be any different?"

"Because maybe hiding away every single night isn't healthy? Maybe I do want to socialize every once in a blue moon? I want to go to this party, Mel, so I'm going."

"I really don't want you to go, Jim." Mel continued, her voice sterner than ever. "And I will be very upset with you if you do."

"God, Mel, what are you, my mom?" The feline sighed, rubbing the bridge of her nose in frustration. "I love you babe, but I'm an adult and can take care of myself, believe it or not. I'm going. I'll talk to you tomorrow and tell you all about the not sex I've had."

Jim hung up with another snort, not wanting to give Melody the chance to offer any more complaints. She loved the husky but the girl was starting to get on her last nerve. "Thinks I can't keep it in my pants. No faith whatsoever. If I wasn't going already, I'd go just out of spite."

Letting her aggravation out with a deep breath, Jim put her phone on silent and went to join the others. The rest of the girls were getting ready for the party, getting together a few finishing touches as Kari explained their Party Rules to Jessica.

"So, the first and most important rule," Kari was explaining as she touched up her mascara, "is that we arrive as a group, and we leave as a group. Though there are acceptable exceptions to that."

"Mostly if your gonna get some dick." Mako said with a lewd smirk. "But then you gotta tell one of us."

"I was getting to that. So yeah, if you find a guy, or girl, that you want to hook up with. That's fine. But you have to find one of us so we know where you're going and who you're going with."

"I doubt that will be a problem." The vixen admitted, tieing off the end of her braid. "I just want to go and have some stress relieving fun, get a little buzzed, then come back here with you guys. I don't do one night stands with strangers."

"Just in case. You never know what the night will bring." The chinchilla flashed her a grin before turning her attention back to the mirror. "You can also leave early if you're not feeling well, or really any reason. Again just let one of us know. It's important we all keep track of each other. Don't disappear into some random guy's bedroom, either. Try to stay in open, public places. Couple other basic rules we follow; don't take open drinks of strangers. Keep an eye on your own drink. And if you ever feel off or someone's creeping on you, group up with one of us. We girls gotta stick together after all."

"And you wonder why I don't go to parties often." Jim chuckled. "You don't have to worry about that shit when you live like a hermit."

"And yet you're leaving your smelly, snack filled cave to brave the big, scary world with us tonight." Mako joked, wrapping an arm around the feline's shoulders. "So brave. They grow up so fast."

"Fuck off." Jim laughed as she pushed the shark away. "I just feel like getting out tonight. Never said I was gonna be sociable."

"Baby steps." Mako shrugged. "So are we goin' or what? I wanna get loaded and crazy."

"Yeah, let's do this!" Jessica pumped her fists in excited determination. "Even I need to cut loose and get fucked every once in awhile. Figuratively. Probably. Fuck it, let's go!"

Without further delay, the four grabbed their coats and headed out into the night. It was a cold, overcast evening but that didn't dampen the girls' spirits, already laughing and having a good time as they made their way across campus to Rho house.

They had a little trouble at the front door, the senior student of the frat a little concerned with them being under twenty-one. But with a promise to behave themselves, and a little help from Mr. Jackson, they successfully got into the party. The place was already packed, countless students scattered about in groups and having a good time while music blared through the air. It was immediately overwhelming, especially for Jim, but instead of backing down they embraced the energy and dove into the chaos.

"Oh my god, Jessie!?" Jessica had barely made it ten feet into the crowd before a familiar voice shrilled out her name. She groaned and glanced over just in time to get an aggressive hug from Cassie. The calico had clearly been partying for a while, though that wasn't much of a surprise. "Like, what are you doing here? I thought you hated parties."

"I don't hate parties." Jess countered, stepping out of the hug. "I just can't do it every day. But I had a rough week and needed to let loose, and when I heard about this party it seemed like perfect timing."

"Girl there are so many parties going on all the time, but these guys throw a hell of a party." Cassie grinned, hanging an arm around Jess's shoulders. "Oh my god, you still need a drink. I'll hook you up. They always give me free drinks around here."

"Why am I not surprised." Jessica rolled her eyes but followed all the same. She was there to party after all.

"Sorry I was such a bitch when you moved." Cassie said as she handed Jess a cup full of beer. "I was just kinda pissed you were bailing on me. Now I know how amazing having my own room is. All the sex I want, and I never have to be quiet. A couple weeks ago, I spent the entire weekend banging this one guy all over the room. All we did was eat, sleep, and fuck. It was, like, the best weekend ever."

"TMI, but glad you're enjoying yourself I guess." Jess muttered before taking a deep gulp of beer. She was gonna need it to deal with Cassie, especially with how drunk the feline already seemed to be.

"How about you? I always said you needed a good dick in ya."

"Wow. Um..." Jess took another, deeper drink while she thought of a reply. "I still don't have a boyfriend, and I've mostly been focusing on school work and shit. So, no dicks for me."

"Well we've got to fix that." Cassie insisted, hooking her arm around Jessica's. "There's lots of hot guys here who'll do anything for some ass. Let's get you some!"

"Cassie, I don't-" Before she could finish, the calico was dragging her across the room towards a trio of admittedly attractive looking guys. She was about to pull away, looking for an escape, when she saw Jim and Mako standing against a far wall. They each had a drink, and seemed to be chatting with each other while staying out of the way. What caught Jess's attention was that Jim seemed to be watching her, only to quickly look away when their eyes met. Jess looked back at the three men, and a wicked idea crossed her mind. One that had her smirking as she gave in and went along with Cassie. "I really am a horrible person. Screw it."

Her beer was half gone and already starting to kick in as they walked up to the guys, all three turning their attention to the girls and their cleavage. "Hi boys, remember me?" Cassie asked with a wide smile. "This is my good friend, Jessie."

"Jess." The vixen corrected. She took a sidelong glance Jim's way, feeling a bit of a rush when she saw her discreetly watching. She smiled at the guys, leaning over just a tad to show off a bit more. "I prefer Jess."

"She came out to have a good time." Cassie continued. "We both did. You guys look like you know how to have a good time. Care to help us out?"

The guys shared a look, before grinning lewdly at Jess and Cassie. The vixen almost backed down right then and there, especially when one of them moved to wrap his arm around her shoulder. But another glance at Jim made Jess double down on her plan. She had to endure their advances, even egg them on a bit in the hopes she'd get what she really wanted. Thank god for the free beer, cause she was gonna need it.

"Is it just me, or does this beer taste like piss." Mako commented as she glared at her cup. "I remember it being better last time."

"At least you get it for free." Jim muttered, staring into the crowd as she sipped her own drink. "The guy handing em out thinks I'm a guy."

"Just flash him. It's what I did."

"Pretty sure he'd still think I'm a guy." The snow leopard shrugged, her attention clearly elsewhere. Mako took a moment to trace the feline's gaze, a smirk creasing her snout when she saw where, and who, Jim was looking at.

"You that worried about her?"

"I don't know what you mean." Jim grumbled, purposefully averting her gaze. "I'm just here, minding my business and staying out of trouble."

"Come off it. You been watchin' Jess like a hawk ever since she split off from us. Especially when she and that other girl went over there to flirt with those guys. You that worried something will happen to her?"

"She seems to be doing just fine." Jim muttered, her gaze returning to the vixen. "After all, she's got the full attention of three guys, fawning over her every move, laughing at her every joke. She's doing just great."

"Do I detect some resentment?" Mako grinned, her eyes seeming to glow brighter in the dim lights. "Upset that she's gettin' all that attention while you're here with me? Or, upset she's gettin' attention from those guys instead of from you?"

"They're not good enough for her." Jim said, too inebriated to think to deny it. "Look at 'em, practically drooling all over her, like she's seem easy prey. They don't know anything about her. All they see is a nice piece of ass. A tight, gorgeous, worshipable piece of ass. They don't know what she really likes, what makes her smile. She's too good for their nasty dicks."

"Damn. You want her that bad, huh?"

"I... I don't want her." Jim grumbled. "I have a girlfriend. I just want the best for Jess, and for all my friends."

"So, you go that crazy over me when I start flirting with guys?" Mako asked, still grinning. "Aww, that's so sweet."

"Shuddup." Jim deflected, distracting herself with her beer.

"Fine." Mako relented. "All I'm gonna say is, it ain't healthy to lie to yourself, or lead people on. If you ain't happy, you gotta make a choice. The sooner, the better."

Jim didn't reply, choosing instead to quietly drink her beer while watching over Jess from across the room.

"Alright, this is bordering on obsessive now." Mako grabbed Jim by the shoulder, demanding her full attention. "This ain't about wanting the best for Jess. This is about wanting Jess for yourself. Well all know she wants you; sheila ain't exactly subtle. And right now it looks like you want her."

"I have a girlfriend-"

"Who's just been pissin' you off lately. She didn't even want you comin' here. Hell, I think you only did come cause Jess wanted to come. You like her, she likes you. But this bullshit ain't healthy. So like I said, you gotta make a choice. Unless you can convince 'em into a threeway, but I doubt it."

The snow leopard didn't reply, her grey eyes glancing down at the floor as if looking for some crack to escape in. Mako let out a sign, downing the last of her beer and granting Jim a moment's reprieve to think. She certainly didn't want to spend half the party lecturing her friend, after all.

"Mako, I need your help!" Kari called out as she came over, providing a much desired distraction. "I bet that guy over there I knew someone stronger than him, and I need your muscles!"

"My services are needed." She shark flexed quickly before patting Jim on the shoulder. "You gonna stay here? If so, don't do anything dumb till I get back."

"I'll be fine." Jim insisted. "Go prove your muscular superiority."

"Too easy."

Jim just watched as Kari lead Mako away, then her attention back to Jessica. She caught the vixen look her way, then go all in with flirting with one of the guys. The very sight filled Jim with a viscous heat, deep inside her gut. She growled into her beer, drinking faster than usual as she stewed over what she saw. The guy was eating it up as Jess laid on the charm, smiling at every word she said, and getting her whatever she wanted. Especially the drinks.

This went on for a while, the feline simply watching between trips for more beers. The longer this went on, the more she drank, but it did little to distract her from the activities across the room. She was feeling torn, a myriad of conflicting feelings assaulting her alcohol addled mind. She didn't know exactly why, but seeing those guys flirt with Jessica, seeing her flirt with them, it was driving her mad. She resisted acting on those feelings for quite a while, but when she saw some dude wrap an arm around Jessica's shoulders and pull her in to tease her neck and ears, she couldn't resist any longer.

Filled with a heat she couldn't bare any longer, Jim pounded down the last of her beer before storming across the room. She growled softly with each uneasy step, determined to do something, anything, to get Jessica away from those handsy, unworthy guys. That was until she arrived and realized she didn't any semblance of a plan.

"Hey Senpai!" Jess exclaimed, giving the feline a warm, inebriated hug. "Did'jya come over to meet my new friends?"

"Hey." Jim offered meekly, her mind racing as she enjoyed the hug more than she normally would. She had a moment of satisfaction in stealing Jess's attention away so easily, especially when the guy that had been hitting on her had such a defeated look. There was no way she was letting that guy get anywhere with Jessica.

"Are you okay, Senpai?" Jessica asked, pulling Jim's attention back to her. "You look flush. Did you drink too much?"

"No. Uh, yeah... Yeah, I'm not feeling great." Jim stated, an idea forming to hopefully get Jessica away from these guys. "I think it's just too hot here for me. I was thinking of heading out, getting some fresh air. Just wanted to let you know where I was going."

"Oh, that sounds like a good idea!" Jessica slurred, clinging to Jim's arm. "I could go for some fresh, cool air. I've been feeling really warm and fuzzy for a while now."

"Yo, I'll take you for a walk, babe." One of the guys cut in. "We can walk back to my place, and I'll help you feel nice and relaxed."

"Or we could all go to my place!" Cassie suggested with an eager wag of my tail. "There's plenty of room for all of us."

"While that does sound like fun, I think I'm wiped for the night." Jess said, much to Jim's relief. "Thanks for all the fun, boys, but I think I'm just gonna head back home with my Senpai."


"Yeah, her Senpai." Jim retorted with a stern glare, as if daring them to question it further. "I'll walk you home, Jessica. Let's get outta here."

"I'm all yours, Senpai."

Leaving the men in Cassie's eager hands, they let Mako and Kari know they were leaving before grabbing their coats and heading out into the chilly night.

"Oh my god, look Senpai! It's snowing!"

Giggling like a little girl, Jessica grabbed Jim's hand and pulled her further out into the open. A gentle snow was falling from the sky above, coating the campus in a light dusting of soft white. Jess took a moment to simply stand and enjoy it, swaying gently as she caught a few flakes on her tongue, smiling all the while. She twirled and danced, albeit a bit drunkenly, as they made their way back to their dorm, Jim admittedly amused by her antics. The vixen's playfulness, her excitement for such things like fresh snow, just seemed to make her smile despite herself. Those guys at the party definitely were not worthy of Jessica's attention.

"Oh my god I gotta pee so bad." Jessica stumbled her way to the bathroom, not even bothering to wipe the snow off. Jim continued on to the bedroom without a word, her mind occupied on other things. She paused a moment, further distracted by the sound of a strong stream and the realization that Jess had left the bathroom door open. A thought which sent a warm wave through her inebriated body.

"Oh, that feels so much better." Jess said, stumbling her way into the room, though she had left her pants behind. "This is exactly what I, what I needed. Just cut loose an' have fun."

"You really had fun with those... guys, putting their hands all over you?"

"Maybe." She admitted, leaning against a wall and puckering her lips in thought. "The attention was kinda nice, and they were nice guys. Lots of free drinks, and compliments, and they listened to everything we said. Oh, and the free drinks. Who knew flirting was so effective."

"They only wanted in your pants." Jim muttered, that heat building up within her again. "They didn't care about you, just your body."

"So?" Jess asked as innocently as she could. "Maybe I was okay with that. It was kinda fun to have someone seem so interested in me, undressing me with their eyes and clearly hoping for a taste. It was kind of exciting."

Jim turned at that, her eyes locking onto the vixen. She looked the girl over, Jess simply leaning against the wall, looking so inviting. The thought of even one of those guys putting his hands on her causing an angry heat to rise up with in. "Well, maybe I wasn't." She admitted, speaking without thinking. "Maybe I hated seeing those assholes flirting with you, putting their hands on you. They're not good enough for you."

"Really?" Jess asked coyly, somehow seeming even more inviting. "You didn't like seeing those guys hit on me? Seeing them stand close to me, stare at me, touch me all over my body? Well, maybe if someone else claimed me, I wouldn't let 'em. So, what are you gonna do about it, Senpai?"

Jim's paws seemed to move on their own, closing the gap until she practically had Jess pinned against the wall. They just stared into each other's eyes, breathing heavily as Jim hesitated, not sure what she was doing any more.

"Senpai..." Jess breathed, leaving herself open and vulnerable. "You can put your hands on me, if you want. You can do whatever you want. I'm all yours." She leaned in closer, whispering into Jim's ear with heated breath. "Just fuckin' take me."

Those last four words were all it took to push Jim over the edge. She pressed her body against Jessica's, growling as she grabbed the vixen's waist, and dug her teeth into her supple shoulder. Jess let out a surprised gasp, which quickly turned into a series of pathetic mewls as she melted under Jim's aggressive assault. They clung to each other, Jess's knees threatening to give out as Jim bit and sucked on her surprisingly sensitive neck, growling possessively all the while.

"Senpai..." The vixen mewled again, panting heavily has her mind raced from the attention she'd wanted for so long. "That feels so good. Just eat me up. Never stop."

Jim growled hungrily into the fox's ear in response, her hands slipping up Jess's shirt and quickly undoing her bra. She didn't reply otherwise, simply letting her hands and body let Jess know what she wanted.

"Oh Senpai." Jess cooed, helping to free herself from her shirt and bra. "You're so possessive. Oh!"

She moaned all the louder as Jim worked her way down Jess's body, taking her time when she got the the vixen's perky breasts. Riding solely on her desires and not giving a second thought to the consequences, Jim feasted on those perfect tits, suckling the puffy, pink tits and getting a thrill out of every gasp and moan she elicited from her prey.

A part of her wanted to stay there forever, but a deeper hunger drove Jim down to her knees.The feline didn't even hesitate, burying her nose Jessica's loins and inhaling deeply, shivering as the scent of her lust overwhelmed her senses. Her rough tongue eagerly lapped at Jessica's crotch, not even bothering to pull her panties away, too hungry with lust to care. Each lick made Jessica shiver and moan, the vixen bracing herself against the wall as her legs struggled to keep her up.

"Senpai, I can't... I'm gonna fall."

Jim simply growled in response, surprising the vixen by lifting her off her paws and practically tossing her onto the bed. The snow leopard tore off her own top and pants in the process before joining her. A hunger flared in her eyes as she looked over the half naked woman, liking her lips as her booze addled mind urge her to keep going. She dove right back in between Jess's thighs, getting a giggle, and then a moan, out of her.

"Oh fuck!" Jess mewled, clinging to the sheets as she felt the feline finally pry her panties off, then return to feasting on her heated loins. Every lap of that rough tongue sent a shiver of pleasure up her spine, the girl soon at a loss for words as she squirmed and squealed under Jim's aggressive feasting. Her tail thrashed and her toes curled, Jessica clinging to the sheets as if her life depended on it. "Oh shit! Senpai! I'm gonna... Fuck!"

Her back arched off the bed, teeth clenched tight as a particularly rough bit of attention to her clit drove her over the edge. She mewled and squirmed through climax, driven all the more wild as Jim continues to eat her out without stop, pushing her until her legs were numb and she was out of breath.

"You taste so good." Jim slurred after a while, taking one last lick along Jess's inner thigh. She finally looked up long enough to see Jess splayed out on the bed, desperately struggling for each breath as her body twitched on its own. "Hey, you okay?"

"Just... peachy..." Jessica gasped, lazily waving her hand in the air. "Wow... Just... wow."

"Good, cause I'm still hungry." With a feral growl, Jim crawled up over Jessica's body, until they were looking into each other's eyes. "And the way you squirm is so delicious."

"Oh Senpai, I've want you so badly. Do whatever you want to me. Just devour me!"

Jim bared her teeth as a hungry look crossed her glazed eyes, then she dove right in. Jess gasped as she felt those teeth dig into her neck, the slight pain send a jolt of pleasure through her mind. She clung to the feline, wrapping her arms and legs around Jim and clinging to her tightly. She lost her voice entirely as Jim continued to bite at her neck and shoulder, the snow leopard unable to hold back as she feasted, and as her hips thrust against the fox beneath her.

The two soon became a tangled, drunken mess, legs entwined and hands grabbing at fur and flesh as their bodies writhed against one another's. Jim's underwear was lost in the shuffle, the inebriated feline wasting no time in grinding her heated nethers against Jessica's. The vixen mewled and shivered in response, her glassy blue eyes rolling up in her head as the pleasure below mixed with the subtle pain of Jim's love bites. She bucked her hips in turn, the two clumsily rubbing their loins together as they let lust and booze consume them.

"Fuck me, Senpai!" Jessica cried, clinging all the tighter to her friend as they made hot, wild love. She felt Jim's clit and flesh grind against her own, giving her pleasure she never expected. She felt sharp teeth and claws dig into her flesh, the slight pain driving her on more than she'd ever known. And she was vaguely aware of how wrong this was, but that only made her want it all the more. "Don't stop. Do everything to me!"

"Mine." Was Jim's only reply, growled into Jessica' shoulder as she writhed and mated with the fox. She bit harder, suckling and gnawing on her tender flesh, a slight, coppery taste only driving her wilder. Jessica's howls of pleasure, the racing of her heartbeat, the tight grip of her fingers against her fur. It all incited a feral need within Jim none before had let her explore.

The two lost themselves in their erotic embrace, grinding wildly against each other until they both cried out in orgasmic bliss. Their body convulsed, the two clinging tightly as they rode through the high. Jim finally released the girl's shoulder to catch her breath, hovering over the fox as she looked down into her satisfied eyes. Before she could think about what she'd just done, Jessica leaned up, pressing their lips together in a passionate kiss. One full of warmth and excitement, and so much more.

"That was incredible." Jess cooed as she broke the kiss, her perky chest still heaving as she tried to catch her breath. "You were amazing, Senpai. Do it again."


"Yeah..." Jessica licked her lips as she flashed those baby blues every so teasingly. "Again, and again. Until you absolutely wreck me."

Jim couldn't help but growl again as she lowered herself once more onto the giggling, moaning vixen, unable, and unwilling, to resist the temptation. Jess was her prey that night, and she was going to consume the girl until they both passed out, exhausted and satisfied.