Fallen Pride 2

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#2 of Fallen Pride

Something I commissioned from a writer who asked to remain anonymous, as they do not normally write this type of kinks.

Part 2 of ???

Scar stood at the end of his antechamber, staring straight ahead as his throng of hyena lackeys lead his dirtied and abused slaves in front of him. Mufasa and his son, Simba; Raffiki, Timon and Pumbaa were all dragged in front of their new King. Nala and Sarabi on the other hand were lying nearby. They were rarely given permission to be away from Scar in case he needed a hole to shove his cock in. They were both beaten, bruised and covered in piss and cum. The lionesses looked up weakly as the group lined up in front of Scar who looked over them with a cocky, triumphant grin on his face.

"I have someone to introduce you filthy whores to." he said, voice booming around the chamber. The once great ruler of the Pride Lands glared up at him, his own fur matted with piss, cum and a variety of other fluids as well as a good amount of dried shit. "Oh don't give me that look." Scar said with an amused scoff, "Aren't you used to having me as King yet? Oh, you always did hold a grudge, brother." he chuckled and shook his head, "Now, as I said, I have someone to introduce you to." he nodded to someone in the distance; a figure who stood at the entrance to the chamber, two bright yellow eyes staring out from the darkness. The figure stepped forward and approached Scar. It was a lioness; an older, strong-looking lioness with a stern, somewhat motherly face.

"Do I get to have fun with your slaves, King Scar?" she asked, her voice soft and sultry, but unmistakably dark and menacing.

"Of course you do, my Queen." Scar smirked and brought his muzzle close to the lioness before kissing her deeply. The crowd just watched as the King and his apparent Queen traded wet, sloppy and downright noisy kisses; their tongues dancing and exploring each other's mouths. Scar soon broke the kiss and turned to the captive audience. "You heard me right." he said, "Zira here is your new Queen, which means you obey her as much as you do me. Are you listening you filthy whores?!" dejected grumbles ran through the group and Scar harrumphed at them. "I'll take that as a yes." he turned to his Queen, Zira, "Which of these wretches do you want first?"

"Heh, my, there's quite a lot to pick from." Zira smirked in reply and slowly approached the group. The first person she examined was Rafiki. The old baboon glared at her, his stern look trying to hide the pain he felt from having his ass raped and abused for hours on end. "Too old." Zira shrugged and moved on. Next up was Timon who had been given the designated role as the pride toilet; the reeking smell of piss and shit that emanated from him was evidence of that. "Too small." Pumbaa was next and she looked the big, cum-covered warthog over. Cum was still dripping from his ass and his body was covered in various claw-inflicted wounds. Evidently, Pumbaa was the go-to whore for those who liked particularly hard, rough, perhaps even life-endangering fucking. "Mmm, I'll have to come back to you..." Zira smirked and winked before approaching the next in the group. She perked up at the sight of the young cub Simba. He was as much of a mess as the rest of them was. Fur matted with cum and piss, ass stretched wide by the amount of cock he'd had in there and a weak, broken look on his face. "My, aren't you a cutie?" Zira said in a mocking tone. She leaned down, bringing her face close to Simba's, the smell of stale urine assaulting her nose. "It has been a while since I'd played with someone as young as you, little cub."

"Leave... him... alone..." Mufasa said, trying his best to put on the most intimidating voice he could which, despite his best efforts, didn't amount to much.

"Be quiet, filth!" Zira roared, her calm, seducing demeanour breaking and immediately giving way to an angry, terrifying side of her that had everyone in the chamber jump in fear. Everyone except Scar that is, who simply watched with an amused and entertained grin on his face as Zira reeled back and delivered a harsh blow to Mufasa's face, her claws drawing blood from the fallen King which splattered across the cold stone floor. Mufasa cried out in pain and went silent, aside from one word that escaped his lips, barely audible to anyone but those closest to him due to how weak his voice was.

"Sorry..." Zira didn't acknowledge the pathetic apology. Instead she returned her attention to the cub in front of her.

"Now, what am I going to do with you, hm?" she gave a wicked smirk as she saw the look of terror on young Simba's face, "Awr, are you frightened of me, cub?" Simba nodded in response, "Aw, isn't that precious?" she leaned closer and breathed into the cub's ear, making him shiver as he felt her warm breath on his fur, "You're not nearly scared enough, boy." Simba shuddered but didn't have time to react further before Zira grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and threw him over to where Scar was standing, the cub gasping as the wind was knocked from him. "I want this one." Zira said, walking up to the young lion and towering over him.

"By all means, he's yours." Scar said.

Zira, happy with the choice she'd made, stared down at Simba who looked back up at her, scared and uncertain.

"Your fur's too clean." she said, "You'd think you were still a person of worth with how clean you are. Let's fix that." she growled and pushed Simba onto his back before sitting on him, "Make sure he watches!" she barked an order at the hyenas and nodded towards Mufasa who instantly found himself pinned down by several of Scar's strong, muscular lackeys. They grabbed his head and forced him to look as Zira rubbed her ass and cunt across Simba's body. She was getting wet, her pussy starting to twitch in anticipation of humiliating the cub. "Time to dirty up your fur, slave." she grinned wickedly and Simba wondered what evil, horrific thing she had planned for him. He gave a confused whimper when he felt something warm and soft pressing against his crotch. Zira aimed her ass at Simba's sheath and purred as she let out a hefty shit across his privates. Mufasa could only watch as his son, his own pride and joy, had the new Queen's shit smeared all over him. Zira kept rubbing her ass across Simba's crotch, covering his nether regions in her shit, and it wasn't just her anal evacuations she decided to cover Simba in. As she used her plump ass to rub her shit into Simba's fur she then let out a thick, powerful stream of piss across his body. The stuff covered his chest and belly, splatting across his face, some of it landing inside Simba's mouth and making him gag and retch. He spat and coughed and struggled against Zira, but the bigger female kept him pinned down.

Mufasa was forced to watch the whole thing. The hyenas kept him held down, gripping his main tight and making sure he watched every second of his son's humiliation. Zira reached down and placed a hand firmly on Simba's crotch, unfazed by how much faeces now covered it. Simba gave a soft whimper as he felt his balls being fondled and his sheath tickled.

"It's been a while since I've had a cub." Zira said, "Tell me, little one... You ever fuck a girl in the ass before?" Simba shook his head, "No? Have you ever fucked anyone before? At all?" Simba was about to shake his head when he remembered the day he'd been forced to fuck his own father... He gave a nod of his head and gulped nervously, "Who?" Simba looked over at his father and Zira gave a wicked laugh, "Ah, that's right! King Scar told me about that... I bet your father loved having your cock up his ass, eh, cub? Mm, here, boy. I think I want a taste of you." she leaned forward, still rubbing at Simba's crotch with one hand and then grabbing his head with the other. She kissed him forcefully, making him whimper and moan.

"L-let go of him!" Mufasa roared.

"Ah, shaddup!" one of the hyenas cuffed him across the face.

"Why don't you boys have some fun with my dear brother?" Scar spoke up, "Show him a good time, why don't you? It's only fair, since his son's having so much fun." he smirked and looked down at Simba who had a mouthful of lioness tongue, the Queen's big, soft tits pressing against his lithe body which now reeked of shit. The hyenas leapt at the chance to abuse the former King. Just about all of them had reached full hardness watching the older lioness playing with the cub and plenty of them had started pleasuring themselves to the show. The hyenas pushed and shoved, all wanting a go at Mufasa's ass.

"I've got the biggest dick, I should go first!" one of them barked.

"There won't be anything left to fuck after you're done! Let me have first dibs!"

"You can have his mouth! I want the fucker's ass!" the hyenas were bordering on starting a fistfight before one of them had an idea.

"Why don't we let his kid decide?" a hyena asked, "Hey, kid!" he turned to Simba, "Choose one of us! Which one's gonna fuck your daddy first?" Zira broke the kiss and let Simba look over at where the gaggle of hyenas stood, their huge cocks erect and throbbing.

"H-huh?" he gave a confused grunt.

"You heard me." the hyena said, "Which one of us is gonna fuck your daddy first?"

"S-son..." Mufasa said, "P...Please... Choose someone sm-"

"Shut up!" Mufasa got another punch from the hyena, "Go on, Kid! Answer!"

"I-I dunno!" Simba gulped, panic clear in his voice.

"Kid, if you don't pick one of us then my cock's gonna go up your ass instead. Is that what you want?" Simba shook his head quickly, "Then pick!" Simba looked from hyena to hyena. They all looked so big. Whoever he chose, his father was going to have a hard time taking them. Panicking and completely unsure of what to pick, Simba pointed at random.

"H-him!" he gasped. The hyena who'd been speaking to Simba looked over at the one he'd picked, a wide grin spreading across his face.

"Nice choice, nice choice!" he laughed. Simba, in his panic-induced stupor, had picked a big, burly, powerhouse of a hyena who was packing a massive foot-long cock between his legs. Mufasa turned to see who Simba had picked, his eyes widening as he laid eyes on that monster the hyena was equipped with.

"Heh, this is gonna be fun." the huge-cocked hyena grinned, "Well, you heard your kid, slut!" he laughed and descended upon Mufasa, grabbing his ass and spreading his cheeks wide before plunging into him.

"ARRRGHHH!!" Mufasa screamed, his agonized roar echoing throughout the cave as the hyena brutally and unceremoniously rammed his massive dick deep into his ass.

"Ohh fuck yeah!" he gasped, his body shivering as he felt Mufasa's ass grip his cock tight.

"G-get it out! Get it out, please, I'm begging you!" Mufasa begged and sobbed, tears streaming down his face as he was mercilessly raped.

"No way, fuckslut!" the hyena grunted, "You heard your son! He wanted me to fuck you, and that's what I'm gonna do!"

"N-no!" Simba gasped, "I didn't-"

"Don't give me that bullshit!" the hyena glared at the cub, "You pointed right at me! You chose me; this is your fault, cub!" he began ploughing Mufasa, grunting and gasping with every thrust of his powerful hips, his cock twitching inside the helpless lion's passage. The rest of the group; Timon, Pumbaa, Rafiki and Nala and Sarabi could only watch as the two lions they'd once deeply respected were used, abused, humiliated and raped.

"Shit, man, I was all geared up to fuck the slut king's ass." one of the other hyenas grumbled.

"So why don't you?" the bigger hyena smirked, "Plenty of room in here for two!"

"Heh, really? I think I'll take you up on that offer." the second hyena chuckled and took up position next to the bigger male. They stretched Mufasa's hole wide and, after a bit of finagling, managed to get the second hyena cock shoved inside him.

"ARRRRGHHHH! F-FUCK!!" Mufasa cried out, "No! Please! Get it out! Get it out, I'm begging you!" his eyes widened, his fur smeared in the tears that were cascading down his face. It was then that he made eye contact with his son... An idea popped into his mind; a dark, desperate idea which he could barely bring himself to entertain... But he was desperate. The two massive cocks in his ass hurt so, so much. He could feel his ass splitting, blood starting to drip from his body. Without thinking, he screamed out: "FUCK HIM INSTEAD!! FUCK SIMBA!! PLEASE!!" everyone in the chamber couldn't believe their ears. Mufasa had just sold his son out to the hyenas. He'd begged for them to rape his son instead of him. The two hyenas slowed their thrusts, shocked at what they'd just heard. Their fucking continued after a few moments however.

"Well, since you asked so nicely, maybe we will!" the bigger hyena laughed.

"Yeah, but right now we want your ass, slut king!" they kept ramming their cocks inside him ruthlessly and Mufasa just went limp, sobbing to himself. That was his final gambit; the last thing he could do that had a single minute chance of getting some form of mercy... And it had failed. He had begged them to rape his son instead of him, and they'd refused. He could feel the respect his friends and family had for him draining out of them. He was a disgrace. A pathetic, wretched, shameless disgrace.

"Besides..." the bigger hyena said, "...I think your boy's a bit busy at the moment." Mufasa looked up and was shocked to see his son's cock hardening. Zira rubbed her shit-covered ass against it, purring while her pussy dripped fluids onto the helpless cub's body.

"That's a good boy." she breathed, "I knew you wouldn't be able to resist me for long." she lowered herself and tickled Simba's hardening tip with her filthy ass, "Get all nice and hard for me, cub. Zira wants that cock of yours up her ass!" Simba couldn't stop himself. He grew harder and harder until he was at full mast, his cock throbbing against Zira's taint. Zira could feel it twitching; begging to be pleasured, and she didn't keep the boy waiting long. She dropped herself down, crying out with delight as she felt the cub's impressive size penetrate her shit-encrusted passage. "Ohh, yes! Mm, you have such an amazing cock for a cub!" she got the whole thing pushed inside her ass and clenched down hard on it; body shivering with pleasure as she ground her hips against Simba's. She grabbed his hand and placed it on her quivering pussy. "Finger me!" she ordered, "Play with my pussy you filthy whore!" Simba did as he was told, too scared and intimidated to defy the lioness. He rubbed at her clit; squeezed it, tickled it and fingered it. Zira was in heaven. She shook and moaned while the cub was first to pleasure her; his fingers working at her pussy while she bounced on his dick. It was then that Simba became aware of Scar standing nearby; his cock fully erect and ready to be shoved into someone; anyone's holes.

"U...Uncle Sc- hrrrmph!" Simba's words turned into gargled, muffled gasps when his uncle shoved his dick down his throat.

"Oh be quiet, cub." he said, "Be quiet and put that mouth of yours to good use." Simba groaned, unable to fight back as Scar forced his cock deep down his throat. He could hear his father sobbing and moaning nearby as the two hyenas slammed their cocks in and out of him, occasionally giving the sides of his ass some good, hard slaps to humiliate him further, purely out of spite. Nearby, Timon who, along with the rest of the group, hadn't been allowed to leave or even look away during all of this took a step forward.

"Hey! Get away from the li'l guy!" he ordered. Scar gave him a curious, amused look before returning his attention to Simba without so much as dignifying the meerkat with an answer. "Hey! I'm talking to y-"

"You got a problem, short stuff?" a nearby hyena shook the last drop of piss from his cock, the stream of which had been aimed at Mufasa's face.

"Yeah, I got a problem!" Timon took a step towards the hyena who turned to face him.

"Timon..." Pumbaa took ahold of Timon's wrist and held him back.

"Let go of me, Pumbaa, I'll show those bastards!"

"Yeah? Show us what, asshole, how much of a bitch you are?" the hyena growled and stepped towards the meerkat, glaring down at the short male who barely came up to his nipples.

"Timon, c'mon, you know what they'll do to-"

"Stay out of this, you fat fuck!" the hyena growled. That got Pumbaa's attention and the warthog felt himself snap instantly.

"The hell are you calling fat?!" he raised his voice and pushed the hyena back in a show of challenge. The cavern was filled with the shouts and yells of the three who were soon joined by other hyenas coming to their companion's aid.

"Will you shut those two up?!" Scar roared at them, "Shove a cock in their mouths if you want, just make them shut up!"

"Heh, gladly." the hyena who'd started the screaming match chuckled and, with a single hard, swift punch to Timon's gut sent the meerkat tumbling to the floor. Pumbaa met a similar fate when a trio of hyenas assaulted him, battering him with blows to the face and gut until one of them tackled the warthog to the floor. He sat on Pumbaa's chest, pinning him down, his erect cock in prime sucking position.

"Alright, boys, lets put these fucksluts in their place!" the hyena gripped the tuft of hair on Pumbaa's head and held him in place. He decided to relieve himself before getting his dick sucked since this hyena was one of the few who hadn't emptied themselves over Mufasa's body. With a relaxed sigh he let loose a stream of piss into Pumbaa's mouth, making him whimper and choke on the stuff. As much as he tried to spit the stuff out, the position he was in meant all that effort did was make him choke further. In the end, he had no choice but to swallow the stuff, forcing back his gag reflex as the warm stuff trickled down his throat. Another hyena grabbed Pumbaa's legs and lifted them up high, positioning his cock at his tailhole and thrusting in deep.

"Hnnghrrrgl!" Pumbaa gave a gurgling scream through the piss in his mouth as he felt his ass being stretched painfully around the big, fat hyena cock.

"What's that, bitch? I can't hear you! Try swallowing before you talk!"

"Nah, I think that's just slut language for "I want more of your cock up my ass"!" another hyena laughed uproariously.

"Hey, I ain't gonna deny him that!" the hyena in Pumbaa's ass laughed and began fucking him hard and rough, making him cry out in pain. "Hey, big guy, is it true you don't like to be called a pig?" the hyena smirked, "Well you look like a fuckin' pig to me, so why don't you squeal? Squeal for me, pig boy!" he slammed his cock in deep, thrusting his entire length into his body.

"Yeah, squeal for us!" the hyena on his chest laughed and gave Pumbaa's face a hard slap, "Squeal, piggy! Squeal!"

"S...Stop...!" Pumbaa whimpered, trying hard to keep some semblance of bravery or courage in his voice and failing miserably.

"That don't sound like squealing to me!" the hyena said, "Come on you fat fucker, squeal for us!"

"S...Squee..." Pumbaa made a quiet, barely audible noise.

"What's that? Louder, pig!"



"SQUEE!!! SQUEE!!!!" Pumbaa squealed for them, his noises only growing louder with each thrust the hyena fucking him made. His tormentors all burst into deafening laughter, a few of them pointing at the humiliated warthog as he was bred and used.

The hyena who'd knocked Timon down grabbed the meerkat and forced him to look as his long-time friend and companion was raped and abused in front of him.

"I want you to watch, you filthy fuckin' toilet." the hyena growled, "Watch while your boyfriend their takes dick up the ass." he gave a cruel laugh.

"Speaking of toilets, time for me to use him." another hyena stepped up, squatted over Timon and let out a long, fat shit which he smeared over the meerkat's back.

Rafiki stood nearby and backed up. He was a wise old man; wise enough to know better than to get in-between a group of angry, vengeful hyenas and their fucktoys. As he stepped back, however, he felt himself bump into a big, solid, heavy figure. He turned around with a gulp, only to be spun around again by the big, burly hyena he'd bumped into; a big, muscular shemale of a hyena with ample tits to match her huge cock.

"You baboons have weird asses, you know that?" she chuckled, throwing Rafiki onto the ground and lining her cock up with his hole, "Wonder what it feels like to fuck one." she slammed in deep, her whole ten inch cock filling Rafiki's passage and making him scream in pain, "Ohhh, fuck that's good!" she gasped, "I guess my daddy was right; baboons have real fuckable asses!" she ploughed away as the rest of the group was humiliated in their own ways. The hyenas were busy shitting and pissing all over Timon, while the two who were abusing Pumbaa rammed their cocks in and out of Pumbaa's holes, the helpless meerkat forced to watch the whole thing.

"Look at his belly jiggle!" the hyena in Pumbaa's ass laughed and grabbed a couple handfuls of his chubby gut, "Hahaha! Damn you're a real fat fucker, you know that? And look at those tits!" he brought his hands up and grabbed Pumbaa's plump, squishy moobs, "You should be a woman with tits like these! Hell, that's pretty much what you are now! You're our woman, pig girl!" he laughed again, fucking Pumbaa's ass while he squeezed at his nipples and man tits.

Meanwhile, the hyena with the foot long cock who was breeding Mufasa's ass had reached a fever pitch. His claws dug into Mufasa's ass and he clenched his teeth, his massive cock throbbing and twitching inside the lion's fuckhole, pouring a torrent of pre-cum inside his body, his balls slapping against Mufasa's body every time he thrust forward until he wasn't able to hold himself back any longer. With a loud cry he thrust in as deep as he could which made Mufasa scream and pound his fists against the floor in submission, sobbing and whimpering as he suddenly felt his ass being pumped full of hot, thick hyena cum.

"Take it all you fucking whore!" the hyena roared, humping into him and pulling him close, making sure every single drop of his seed was pumped inside him. It was torture for Mufasa who, after days upon days of abuse and malnourishment, was far too weak to do anything about it. He just lay there, his son being raped in front of him, his friends being used and humiliated all around him. Nala and Sarabi weren't free from the torment either. A few of Scar's hyenas had gone over to them to fuck, cum on and piss all over them too. His orgasm finally subsiding, the hyena pulled out of Mufasa's ass which closed around the remaining cock inside of him, keeping the cum lodged inside his body.

"Now... what were you saying before?" the hyena smirked, circling around Mufasa and kneeling down in front of him, "Something about wanting me to fuck your son?"

"N...No...!" Mufasa's eyes went wide, "Please... D-don't! It was a mistake, I shouldn't-"

"Oh, yeah, you say that now." the hyena laughed, "Now that I'm done fucking you. I bet if I threatened to breed you again you'd change your tone. You know, I really want another round, so... I'll let you choose. You gonna let me fuck you again? Or you want me to fuck your son?"

"You... You can't expect me to..." Mufasa left the sentence hanging and stared into the hyena's eyes. His ass hurt. It hurt so much. He could even see his own blood splattered across the hyena's monster of a cock. He couldn't take it again. He just couldn't. "H...Him..." he sobbed.

"What's that? Can't hear you, slut king!"

"Him... Him!" Mufasa yelled.

"Him who? Gonna have to be more specific, big guy, I have no idea who you're talking about." the smugness in his voice was rivalled only by the smugness of his expression. Mufasa caved.

"Simba! Fuck Simba!!"

"Heh, you want me to fuck your son, slut king?"

"Yes! Fuck my son, just... just leave me alone!" Mufasa screamed at him.

"Well, if you insist!" the hyena gave a chuckle and approached Simba who was still being used by the new King and Queen of Pride Rock, neither of which objected to the hyena kneeling between Simba's legs and pressing his cock against his taint.

"Mrrph! Mmm!" Simba moaned around the cock in his maw.

"I'm sorry, son!" Mufasa whimpered, "I'm sorry!!" a second later and Simba's muffled scream of agony filled his ears, the young cub's ass now filled with the hyena's twelve incher.

He was bred ruthlessly from both sides. Scar worked his cock in and out of his throat while the hyena raped his ass. Zira continued to bounce on Simba's cock, gasping with pleasure and clenching down on it hard, the former Prince's cock now covered in her shit. Around the cavern the hyenas were all reaching their boiling point. Rafiki had been covered with a dozen loads of cum and his fur was now matted with piss, his ass distended, gaping and oozing cum. Pumbaa had been filled with half a dozen different hyena's loads, as was Timon who was now covered in piles of fresh shit. A few hyenas had even forced him to take the stuff into his mouth. After all; you don't shit on a toilet, you shit _in_it. Mufasa was now a complete mess of piss and cum and was still being bred by big, strong hyenas who continued to run a train on the humiliated and disgraced feline. It didn't take long for Scar to reach his own climax. His balls slapped hard against Simba's face and his moaning echoed around the chamber as his cock throbbed, twitched and pulsed before erupting down poor Simba's throat, filling his belly with his salty cum, the taste flooding Simba's mouth. He pulled out suddenly, coating Simba's face with his seed. His mouth no longer full, Simba was free to cry and scream in pain.

"Arrgghh!! I-it hurts!" he screamed.

"Yeah, I bet it does!" the hyena laughed mockingly as he continued to pound away at Simba's hole.

"P-please get it... get it... ohhh!" his pained whimpers became mixed with pleasured moans as his own furry balls tensed up. He was going to cum. Despite everything, Zira's ass was finally going to push him to orgasm. Something inside of him said he should hold it back, that he shouldn't give her the satisfaction of making him cum, but he couldn't help but give in to his primal need for pleasure. He went limp and moaned loudly as his cock erupted inside Zira's ass and pumped load after load of his cum into her.

"Ohh, yes, good cub!" she gasped, her hips a blur as she rode his cock, "Cum in my ass you filthy boy!" she sat back and enjoyed the feeling of the young lion's cum flooding her body until she finally felt him spurt the last drop of cum into her ass. She climbed off him, smirking down at him with that seductive, sultry look in her eyes.

The terrifyingly endowed hyena now had the cub all to himself. He ploughed his ass good and hard, making Simba's stomach bulge slightly every time he thrust forward. The hyena couldn't believe how tight Simba was. He was certainly a damn well tighter than his father, that was sure. He fucked him for what felt like hours; pinning him down under his weight and thrusting his entire manhood into him, his breaths turning into gruff huffs as Simba's ass steadily pushed him towards climax.

"Oh fuck... Ohh fuck this is amazing!" the hyena cried out with pleasure. He couldn't hold back any more. A few more seconds of hard fucking was all it took for the hyena to cum inside Simba and fill him up the same way he'd filled up his father mere moments ago. Simba begged for mercy; begged for the hyena to pull out of his ass, but the hyena wasn't listening. He was too enraptured in his orgasm to even acknowledge what Simba was saying.

And with that, it was over. The hyena pulled his twitching cock from Simba's gaping hole which dripped cum onto the cold stone floor. His tormentor turned to Mufasa with a grin.

"Your son's a good fuck!" he laughed. Scar and Zira sat back and watched the orgy of rape and humiliation playing out in front of them. They'd join in again once they felt their urges inevitably return. But for now, they were content to sit on watch their underlings use the former rulers of the Pride Lands in front of them. Mufasa was now being fucked by three different hyenas; all of which had their cocks slammed into his distended ass. Timon had been given the honour of sucking and taking cock up the ass while Pumbaa was being abused nearby. Rafiki was still being used as a cum dump... And there was still a good amount of hyenas waiting for their turn to use and humiliate them all.

It was going to be a long night for them all...

Fallen Pride 3

"Bitch!" Timon drew back and gave Vitani a ruthless backhand across the face. The female lioness grunted and grimaced, kneeling in front of the meerkat with her arms tied behind her back with a strong, thick length of vine which was being used as rope....

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Fallen Pride 1

Dark clouds filled the sky, obscuring the light of the sun and casting the Pride Lands in darkness. High above the plains, in the antechamber of Pride Rock, Scar sat along with the lion queen Sarabi and the young prince Simba, a smug look on his face...

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Ju'n's hard day (wip)

Another hot day in the wild-lands. That was the first thought to go through Ju'ns mind the sun's light woke him from his slumber; Several rays of light poking through the ceiling of the communal hut, shinning in the hippos face and making his sweat...

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