The Model - Chapter Three

Story by Billy Leigh on SoFurry

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#3 of The Model

This is a gay themed story that has been sitting on my computer for a while, so I decided to develop it into a new short series.After being hired to help with photoshoots for an underwear company, I developed an obsession with one of their models, a handsome Doberman by the name of Kurt Hauser. I never thought I'd stand a chance with someone like that. Until now...

Chapter Four to follow soon...

I couldn't stop pacing and thinking.

Open relationships can be common among gay couples.

Even if that was the case I felt cheated and used. Then again I hadn't smelt any hint of a feline in Kurt's apartment. Perhaps the Tiger was Kurt's ex?

But who the hell has photos of their ex still on display?

I had kept pondering and questioning who the Tiger was in my mind since leaving Kurt's apartment. As we had walked back to the car Kurt had chatted to me cheerfully. "I'm glad you liked my cinnamon rolls, you're the first person I made them for outside my family." "Oh, cool," I replied, forcing a smile. Kurt must have sensed something was wrong, but he didn't ask any further. We climbed back into his car and I directed him back to my apartment. Beyond that I didn't say anything, but as we sped along the seafront road the Lotus' powerful engine made conversation almost impossible. "I really enjoyed all that bud," Kurt grinned as he dropped me outside my apartment building. "Uh, thanks so did I," I replied, trying to smile. "Is something wrong?" Kurt asked. Part of my mind was screaming at me to ask who the damn Tiger was. "No, I'm good. See you tomorrow!" the words slipped automatically out of my muzzle. Kurt frowned but put on a cheerful smile as he leaned over to give me a quick kiss on the lips before closing the car door and speeding off.

Sighing, I made my way back into the apartment. My roommate had indeed made a mess in the kitchen, but I wasn't in the mood to fuss over it. I spent the rest of the day editing some photos I had taken on a hike a couple of weeks ago and doodling more set designs.

Could I still work at Wolf & Coyote without feeling too awkward?

I forced myself to think yes I could. San Amador was a nice but expensive town, and I needed a way of paying my rent. Wolf & Coyote paid very well compared to similar jobs I had looked at. I wondered if I was overreacting, Wolf & Coyote were a company staffed almost exclusively by gay guys and having a friendly fuck was probably common. My phone buzzed a couple of times as I was working and I glanced at the screen to see messages from Kurt. I ignored them, not knowing what to do or say. I guess part of me wanted him to get worried and keep messaging, either out of spite or to get more attention. Kurt stopped messaging around dinnertime and I later went to bed feeling no sense of satisfaction, only loss.

Great, now you've probably pissed him off.

But I didn't know what to think. If Kurt had just used me to have fun I didn't really want to be friends anymore, but on the other hand Kurt had always been polite and kind during the shoots and losing him as a friend was a bleak prospect at a time when I felt quite isolated . I tossed and turned, trying drift off before restless and empty sleep came to me.

I woke up knowing that I had a shoot to go to. I sighed, climbed out of bed and ambled to the shower. The prospect of facing Kurt at the shoot was filling my mind with dread, which intensified as I rode the bus to the garage and picked up my car. As I drove onward to the Wolf & Coyote headquarters How Will I Know? by Whitney Houston began playing on the radio. It's a song I usually enjoy, but at that moment it didn't feel appropriate. I switched off the radio and pulled into the parking lot by the office. Kurt's green Lotus was sitting close to the entrance and I felt a heavy feeling in my stomach. I took out my phone and on impulse glanced at the messages that Kurt had been leaving me.

Hey bud, that was fun. Wanna hang out again?

You okay? Maybe you didn't see my last message.

You okay bud? I'm getting worried, hope I didn't do anything wrong :(

I'm worried now, maybe your phone died? I really hope I haven't upset you.

I admit I felt a twinge of guilt, but I decided I would talk to Kurt in person if I could muster the courage. Gingerly, I locked my car and walked to the entrance. "Morning," I called casually to the Vixen receptionist who sat behind the front desk. "Good morning sir, they're all waiting upstairs," she replied. All? It must be a bigger photoshoot, which was good. That would save me from the awkwardness of it being just me and Kurt. I rode the elevator upwards to the studio. I knew that day I had been asked to design a set with a matte backdrop of a football pitch, but I didn't know what it would be used for.

The elevator doors opened directly into the studio. "Hey," Carl called cheerily. I was about to respond but felt a lurch in my stomach as I saw Kurt. The Doberman was already sporting a pair of black and yellow briefs that were to be modelled that day. Two of the other models were also on the set, a grey and white Wolf by the name of Spencer and an orange and white Fox called Jerry who used to be a porn star. Both were already clad in the same yellow and black briefs that Kurt was wearing. Kurt glanced over and opened his muzzle as if he wanted to say something, but then everyone was distracted as the elevator doors opened again and Doug Menzies stepped out. The athletic, sandy coloured Dingo is Wolf & Coyote's star model. Like most of the models, I had a crush on him, although knowing he had a boyfriend diminished the feeling. "How's it goin' everyone!" he called in his sing-song Australian accent. "Hey Doug," everyone called back. I kept the pretence of being cheerful as I put my bag down to retrieve my camera. "How is Rex doing?" Carl asked. "Still feeling iffy," Doug sighed. "But he told me to come here and stop fussing over him." "It's good to see you, but if you need to rush off it's cool," Carl replied. I reached down to start removing my camera from my bag and the additional props I had for the set. "Hold on, I've got a new job for you," Carl called to me. I looked up to see an exuberant smile on the Jackal's face. "I've got a new guy called Alex coming along to help me with the set, I want you to model today." "Ace!" Doug exclaimed. "I always thought he'd make a fantastic model!" Spencer and Jerry also nodded in agreement while Kurt looked nervous. "I sized you up," Carl continued. He reached into a bag and handed me a pair of briefs identical to what everyone else was wearing. "You and Doug go get changed and I'll see you guys in a minute." I followed Doug into the washroom at the back to get changed. "That's cool you get to model with us," Doug beamed as he closed the door behind us. "I admit I wanted you to join in." "Thanks," I replied, trying to smile although I realised my paw was shaking. "You okay?" Doug asked as he shed his jeans. "Are you feeling nervous? It's okay though, it'll go away once the shoot gets going." "Um, Doug?" I said, trying to sound casual. "May I ask something?" "Sure," the Dingo replied, stripping down to his briefs and reaching for the pair Carl had provided for him. I hesitated, not sure whether to proceed with the question. I knew Doug fairly well and was sure with his good looks he had probably been with a fair few guys before his boyfriend.

Dammit, just ask him.

I took a deep breath as I slid my jeans down. "I got with this really hot guy the other day," I said carefully. "Woo, get in!" "Well," I continued. "We went for dinner, like a date, and then I stayed over at his." "Oh?" "And had sex before you ask, but the next morning I saw photos of this other guy all around his apartment." "Aw bugger, that's a blow. He's having an affair with you?" "At first I thought he saw me as a bit of fun but, but I'm not sure." "If you went for dinner it seems like he was genuinely interested in you, did he message afterwards?" "He did," I replied, removing my shirt. "Then he is interested in you and wants to win your affections for whatever reason. Okay, if you had sex and nothing more it'd be a one night stand or a bit of fun. I mean," Doug leaned in closer to whisper. "We sometimes used to suck each other off in here after a photoshoot, well Spencer and Jerry still do, I stopped after I got with Rex unless he comes along to do it himself, or we give handjobs if we can't get hard enough for the shoot." "Does Kurt do all that?" I asked, feeling half amused, half alarmed. "Not that I've noticed," Doug replied as he slipped the black and yellow briefs up his hind-paws. "Bloody hell these feel good, the new micro-fibre they use feels so silky. Anyway, if you want my opinion this guy sounds like he's interested in you, but it depends if you want to get caught in-between him and his boyfriend. I say find out if his boyfriend is okay with it, they might be in an open relationship, otherwise I'd advise not going out with this guy, as bad as that sounds." I mused over Doug's words as I pulled on the Wolf & Coyote briefs. They did indeed feel comfortable and had a pouch for your dick to rest inside. "I guess it could be for the best," I sighed. "I mean, my family would go crazy if they found out I was gay and had a boyfriend." "That's sad, but you shouldn't let them stop you. My father wasn't pleased with me being gay and now look," Doug teased, striking a sexy pose while putting on the charming grin he does in his shoots. "He's okay with it now though, and wants to meet Rex. Generally if you give someone time they'll get over it." I couldn't help but notice Doug already had a sizeable bulge in the front of his briefs causing the pouch to hang out obscenely. My cock was still hiding in its sheath. Doug noticed. "Tsk, tsk, here let me help," he said, grinning. I watched nervously as he opened the door and glanced outside before closing it. "We've got plenty of time, they're still putting the set together, here take a seat. Just relax mate." I sat down on a chair by the shower as Doug eased the front of my briefs down. The Dingo grinned as he gripped my sheath and rubbed his thumb over the tip of my cock. I tried to relax, even though it felt strange to have Doug jerk me off.

Getting frisky with two guys in a short space of time? Man, your wish really has come true.

My cock was starting to emerge and Doug began rubbing the shaft. "Here we go," the Dingo chuckled. "Aren't I gonna leak in them?" I moaned through gritted teeth. "Heh, no worries if you do. Sexy underwear are supposed to be leaked in, just relax mate. You'll have fun today." I admit I was enjoying Doug jerking me off, not just because it was hot to have another handsome model pleasuring me, but it was a welcome distraction from my worries about Kurt. Doug grinned again, leaned over and kissed me. "You'll kiss all of us at some point if you keep modelling," he chuckled. Wolf & Coyote shoots were always very homoerotic, to the point of being borderline porn, and I knew from watching them that Carl encouraged the models to make out. I had watched with a twinge of jealously as Kurt had kissed Doug or the other models while groping their bulges. "Does that feel better?" Doug asked, giving me another kiss as he gently stroked my dick. I smiled and nodded, I did feel a lot better. "Heh, good. Now we're probably ready," Doug chuckled as he pulled my briefs back up. "See, they look better with a bulge in." I glanced down and see my bulge was enlarged by the pouch. I felt a little happier, if indeed kinda slutty as Doug gestured for me to follow him back to the studio.

My feeling of brief contentment vanished as Doug led me back to the set and I saw Kurt standing there. A Fennec Fox was putting the finishing touches to the backdrop. "Okay are we ready guys?" Carl called. I followed Doug onto the set. "Okay, Spencer can you stand by Jerry, Doug in the middle," the Jackal instructed. "And if you could stand next to Kurt please." He added, gesturing to me. I stood in front of the Doberman and I could feel my heart beating in my chest. Kurt looked down and I could see a look of surprise on his face as he saw the bulge in my briefs. However, I could feel my erection shrinking rapidly. Okay fellas, I'm going to snap a few shots of you all standing together, and then I'll take some action pics followed by a video. "Psst," Kurt whispered. I turned to face him but sharply turned back to face the camera as Carl began snapping away. I tensed my chest, trying to look as muscular as possible. I still felt skinny and average looking compared to Kurt, Doug, Jerry and Spencer who all had pecs, toned chests and muscular arms. Carl didn't seem too bothered. Okay guys, I'm going to start with the action poses. So Jerry, could you turn to the side and Spencer, put a paw over his butt, like you're about to pull him closer to you. Great! Carl began taking photos. "Hey," Kurt whispered. "Are you all right bud, I got worried when you didn't answer my messages?" "Kurt I need to ask you something," I whispered back. Okay! Now Doug, could you hook your paws over the waistband of your underwear, pull them down a little, tease whoever is looking at the photos! Doug put on his seductive grin and as he slid his briefs down slightly. I sighed, my questions for Kurt would have to wait so long as Carl was snapping photos. Beautiful as always, okay now turn and show me your ass, perk it out a little. Kurt seemed to have given up trying to ask me questions. There was a sad expression in his eyes and I felt a pang of guilt. Even if the Doberman had just wanted sex, he perhaps still wanted to be friends and I knew the overall culture at Wolf & Coyote revolved around casual fun with friends as Doug had shown me. Hell, I just wanted casual fun and experiment for a while I thought to myself. However, the feeling of being intimate with Doug in the washroom felt different to Kurt. I could tell with Doug that we were just having fun, with Kurt there was something more. Yeah, keep doing that! I distracted myself by watching Doug having his photos taken. The Dingo was arching his butt at the camera and lifting his tail, he shot me a wink before he pulled his briefs down and flashed his bare ass. Carl merely smiled and kept taking photos.

Carl continued snapping pictures of Doug in various poses for the next five minutes before turning his attention to us. I felt my heart skip a beat. Carl gestured to me to stand next to Kurt. "Now Kurt, I want you to grip his waistband, like you did the other day and give him a domineering snarl," Carl instructed. I could see a flash of hesitation in Kurt's eyes, but he complied and took hold of my briefs. He fixed me something close to a melancholy smile before he fixed me a snarl and pressed his muzzle close to mine. I instinctively shied away. "Hey, it's okay, relax," Carl called. "We'll try one more." "Um, maybe not right now," Kurt replied. "I'm sorry?" "If I may, I'd rather shoot that part with Doug," Kurt explained. "Uh, okay I guess," Carl replied, looking confused. "Then I'd like to do some with you two again, just to get him used to the camera." He added, gesturing back at me. I watched as Kurt pretended to growl in Doug's face. Okay now give him a kiss! The camera flashed as the Doberman gave Doug a peck on the muzzle. "You missed out!" Doug called to me with a cheeky smile on his face. Carl returned to his camera. "Okay guys, I'm gonna stop for a minute to give you guys a break. Then I want to put Kurt and our protégé back together before I take the video. We'll get back together in five." I climbed off the set and wondered whether to put my clothes back on. Doug, Spencer and Jerry were all joking about and groping each other's bulges. Kurt glanced over at me, I could see him hesitate, but he put on a friendly smile and walked over. "Um, wanna go outside for a moment?" "Outside?" "Yeah, there's a kind of terrace outside. You can just put your shirt on, no one can see you from the waist down," the Doberman explained, as he slid his hoodie over his head. I pulled on my shirt and followed Kurt through a side door.

The door led out to a balcony near the fire escape. I looked down and saw the expanse of the downtown area of San Amador. The downtown district is pretty small compared to most towns, but it allowed me to see the sparking blue ocean beyond. "I really hope I haven't done something to upset you bud," Kurt sighed. "When you didn't respond I wondered if I'd gone too far." "No, it's," I sighed and took a deep breath. Just say it. "I didn't know you were mated, that made me a little upset." "Ah," Kurt replied. "I was but he passed away. His name was Hector, and he was a Tiger I met in the military," There was a moment of awkward silence. "Oh, I'm sorry," I replied. It was a hollow thing to say but I wasn't sure what else would suffice. "It's okay, he didn't die in the military," a faint smile spread across Kurt's muzzle. "Survived the military, then three years ago he decided to ride his motorcycle without a helmet. He was in a rush to visit his sister who was giving birth her cub. He went round a corner too fast. Silly boy." "Oh," I couldn't think of what else to say. "I'm sorry to spring that on you," Kurt replied. "Hector wasn't someone who would want me crying over his grave, although I still miss him and always will. He is probably looking down chuckling at the fact I became an underwear model. In fact he encouraged it. It's why I enjoy my job so much." "That's good I guess," I said, forcing a smile. Inside I felt horrible. "I should have told you, please don't feel bad," Kurt sighed, as if sensing my thoughts. "So, who were you talking to on the phone, in the morning?" Kurt looked confused for a moment before his eyes lit up with recollection. "My brother, he's in the navy but is stationed out in Hawaii, he's coming home next week." Kurt? Are you guys out there? "Looks like we're being summoned bud," Kurt chuckled. "C'mon, let's go have fun. Please don't feel bad or guilty." The Doberman took me by the paw and led me inside.

Alex the Fennec Fox was reshuffling the set while the other models were chatting amongst themselves. "Feeling okay now?" Carl called to me. I nodded. "When you guys are ready, hop on the set and we'll resume." I climbed onto the set as Kurt followed. The Doberman fixed me a reassuring smile, followed by a quick grope on the bulge as if to say all is well now. Carl cleared his throat to begin directing us. Okay guys, stare each other down. Growl if you want. Kurt winked at me, before growling. I responded with a domineering glare. Great! Now, I want you guys to kiss too. I took a step towards Kurt and our muzzles met for a kiss. It wasn't the peck on the muzzle that Kurt had given Doug in their shoot, but a longer, drawn out and passionate kiss. I closed my eyes and let Kurt slide his tongue into my mouth. The Doberman wrapped his arms around me, pressing my body into his as we kept kissing. I wasn't even aware of the camera snapping or the other models chuckling or gazing open mouthed at us. Kurt broke off and grinned. "Woah, that was quite... something," Carl said, scratching his muzzle as he searched for the right word to use. Doug was smirking and wagging his tail. "Well I think we have a new office romance guys!" He laughed. "If you fellas are all ready, we'll start the video shoot," Carl announced. Everyone bounded on the set and I suddenly found myself in the middle of all the models. Relief was coursing through me that Kurt wasn't mated, but this was followed by guilt and sadness that his boyfriend had died. Kurt reached over and squeezed my paw. "You'll enjoy this, trust me," he whispered. I could feel the heat off their bodies and smell the scent of their fur mixed with aftershave. The feelings of guilt were replaced by arousal. Carl threw a football to us on the set. Right, pretend you are playing ball, throw and catch it to each other. We're gonna show everyone how the pouch in this pair holds your cock in place as you jump around. The idea of a group of hot canines in their underwear throwing a ball to each other may seem absurd, but Carl can film anything and edit it to look sexy.

We threw the ball around and jumped about. The briefs certainly were good at keeping my cock in place, but above all I was enjoying the shoot. Kurt groped my butt and I noticed Doug's paw close over Jerry's bulge before letting go. Good, keep doing that! I could see why Kurt enjoyed his job, not just getting to interact with hot guys but having fun and forgetting about everything for a while was refreshing. Okay, I want all of you to hold someone up at the front like you've won a football game, perhaps Jerry? "Lover boy can go in the middle," Spencer teased, giving my ass a squeeze with his paw. Yup, good idea. Life him up guys! Everyone's paws grabbed me and lifted me into the air. I couldn't help but grin like an idiot as Carl snapped away, before they set me down a second later. Great job everyone, looks like we have some nice shots here. Everyone high-fived or fist-bumped before getting off the set. "Did you enjoy that?" Kurt asked. "I did," I replied, wagging my tail. I had genuinely loved every minute of it. "So, what are you two love birds up to next?" Doug teased. "Never you mind," Kurt shot back with a pretend growl. "We could grab dinner next," I said, before registering the fact the words had slipped from my muzzle. Kurt looked surprised, but smiled. "Yeah, I like the sound of that bud," he grinned. My tail was still wagging, but thoughts were starting to churn inside my head.

Is this the start of something new, how will I break this to my family?