Daemon - Chapter 7 (Rengilar)

Story by Malakye on SoFurry

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#7 of Malakye's Story - Part 4 (Daemon)

PLEASE READ: Hey guys! Here is the latest chapter in Malakye's story! Before we get into it I just need to explain a quick point. So if you have been reading up until now you know that Malakye is on a mission to hunt for a fur who has basically sold their soul to the Demon Lords, and potentially prevent a second great demon war from happening in the mortal realm. Well I have come up with a new term for this individual, and those like them. They are known as curi'nakra in the old tongue. I will at some point be going back and editing previous chapters to include this phrase. So any time they mentioned a demon servant in past chapters, they are referring to the curi'nakra.

The reason I have changed this is because there is no way that there would not be a traditional term for a fur who serves the Demon Lords. So in terms of lore it makes sense, and it also has a nice ring to it I think, and fits in better than just referring to such an individual as a 'servant' as they are more of a traitor to every other fur in the world. If you have any other questions as to why I have done this, please feel free to leave a comment, or drop me a note and I shall do m best to answer them.

The Encyclopedia I have written detailing places, races and various parts of history will come in handy if you come across a word or phrase with a * at the end of it. This symbol () depicts that there is an entry in the Encyclopedia so you can have a more indepth knowledge on the subject at a moments notice.

This story will have mature and adult rated chapters along the way, if you find yourself unable to find missing chapters please check that your age-rating (or your SFW settings) are set appropriately so you can view them before notifying me. This happens a lot more than you'd think!

I always appreciate feedback and constructive criticism.**************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

"A demon?" Xavier asked. I knew immediately what he was thinking. "We may have sighted it."

"No you didn't." Malakye replied bluntly. "What you encountered was no demon."

"Wait... you know what... it was you!" Xavier spluttered as the revelation struck him, losing his usual calm composure. "You were the one who attacked the wolves? Attacked us?"

"I only did what I needed to do to hide my identity."

"Why?" Xavier asked.

I was happy for him to continue for the moment, out of curiosity, but I wouldn't allow this line of questioning to continue for too much longer. Malakye didn't respond and after a few moments I decided to put forth my own theory.

"He didn't know if the demonic servant was wolven... or Zangarian." My statement cast a heavy silence over the room, but from the look I got from Malakye it would seem that I was right.

"Zangarian?" Ortavia spat. "How in the hell would we have a drake possessed by a demon and not notice?!"

"You misunderstand." Malakye said. "This is not a possession or a demon. This is an individual who has aligned themselves with the Demon Lords, and is conspiring with them in order to open a gateway to the Underworld*; a curi'nakra!"

Such a thing would be disastrous! If a gateway to the Underworld was opened, it would spell doom to the world as we know it. A repeat of the war that nearly wiped out all life two millennia ago! The only reason we won that war was due to the creation of the k'tan. And while there are certainly more k'tan now than there was back then, if the strength of the heroes of that age were to be half of what was described in the stories, not even Kaldor or myself would be able to come close in comparison. The power of the k'tan, though still powerful in this day and age, had become weak; watered down through the generations of breeding.

I felt a twinge of fear grip my chest as I considered the ramifications of what would happen if the Demon Lords managed to escape the Underworld and reek havoc upon the world. There was no doubt that we would have to aid Malakye in any way we could. The war with the wolves was nothing but a petty squabble in comparison to the war that would result if an army of demons managed escaped the Underworld.

"How do you know what they intend to do?" Ortavia asked.

"There is a deity who resides in Aaru*. They are what is know as a farseer, or an oracle. A being with the ability to see visions of the future." He explained. I was shocked that such a being could exist! Imagine the possibilities when you could predict events before they occurred. "Unfortunately the visions are hard to interoperate and she is unable to control them. All she was able to deduce was that the individual who had fallen into service of the Demon Lords* was in the region around the Zangarian mountains."

"That is a lot of ground to cover." Xavier commented. "There are numerous settlements that could include."

"Yes. However she was able to narrow it down to the Northern region of the Zangarian mountains. I've already searched Yanzomien* and New Zangar. All that was left was Zangar and Rengilar."

"How would you be able to tell who the demon servant is?" I asked.

"Demonic energy is very noticeable, and lingers in the area it was used, those with the ability to sense nen should be able to sense it." He explained calmly, but I could tell he was slightly annoyed at having to explain this. "Someone with the nen of Master or Grand-master could be able to clearly distinguish demonic energy from regular nen. But not everyone has the ability to sense it. I do."

"So you'd be able to tell who it was if they were using the demonic energy." I summarised. What if they weren't using it? How could you tell them apart from everyone else in the area?

"With this." He reached behind him and pulled out a sheathed knife. He placed it upon the table and slid it towards me.

I grabbed the handle as it came within reach and stopped it. I lifted it up and pulled it from the leather sheath and stared at the bizarre blade. It was beautiful! It was like clear glass that glowed with a pale blue light. The edges of the glass were lined with black metal; undoubtedly gallium! Another memory flashed through my mind. I knew exactly what this blade was! I had only ever seen drawings of them!

"This is most unexpected!" I exclaim. The rippling, sky blue light that rippled along the length of the glass like substance that formed the majority of the blade was a perfect, pure perception stone! It rippled with the nature of my nen without me even having to channel my nen into it! "I expected many things, but the fact that you had risen to the rank of daemon was not one of them!"

"Daemon!?" Ortavia exclaimed.

"You really are too smart for your own good Callidus!" Malakye huffed.

"Well then..." I paused as I tried to focus my thoughts. "I assume you have not found the culprit in Zangar?"

"No. They were not in the outposts or the wolven camp either, although there were signs that they had been at the camp at some point."

"How do you know? How does the blade work?" Kaldor asked.

"Demon servants have the dark energies of their masters coursing through them. If the blade was to touch them, it would turn crimson or black."

I looked down at the blade in my paws. Still awed at the flawless workmanship. The fact that the perception stone that formed the length of the blade was as clear as glass was impressive. No Zangarian smith over the centuries had ever managed to craft a perception stone as flawless as this, let alone turn it into a weapon. Add to that, the gallium steel that was seamlessly melded into the edges of the stone to form the sharp edge of the blade, made it obvious that this was the work of Gallium; the legendary Guardian Deity*. I slid the blade back across the table to Malakye.

"So if you're certain that the demon servant is not in Zangar then where else would you look?" I asked.

"As I said, I've already scouted Yanzomien and New Zangar." There was a mumble of chatter amongst the furs that Kaldor had invited. Obviously surprised since they themselves have been to Yanzomien on several occasions in the past weeks. "Since there were no signs of them in either place the last settlement to check is Rengilar."

"Rengilar is under wolven control." Warlord Visnar stated. "According to our scouts that is their main encampment in the North."

"I can handle it." Malakye said confidently.

I was sure he could. If he had been able to scout three of the outposts without anyone noticing his presence then either our security was far weaker than I thought, or he had some impressive stealth skills at his disposal. Given the talents he had displayed thus far I was convinced it was the latter. Either way I'd be ensuring the security at the outposts was tightened going forward.

"I'm sure you could." I replied. "But I'm sure we could come up with another option."

"Such as?" Malakye asked curiously.

"I'm sure that the wolves would be just as eager as we are to prevent the Demon Lords from escaping the Underworld*. So why don't we approach them and ask for their assistance?"

"You expect the wolves to help?"

"Despite our opinions on them, they do follow the teachings of Jan'Zar; the deity of war. They should be open to negotiations." I say, trying to sound as confident as I could. I didn't entirely believe the statement, but it was known that many wolves still followed the teachings, while others only pretended to.

"I doubt it. They'd probably shoot arrows at you the moment they see you!" Ortavia scoffed.

"We will go with Callidus's suggestion!" Kaldor announced.

"You don't have to risk your lives!" Malakye insisted. "I can sneak in and find them by myself!"

"We are going to help you Malakye!" Kaldor countered. "And don't even think about running off! We will approach the wolves with our proposition regardless!" That last statement visibly irritated Malakye.**************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************




We reached the base of the mountains before midday, and from there it was only a few hours march to Rengilar. The last time I had been in this area was when our caravan had been ambushed by a pack of wolves. Eric and the others had nearly been killed. Having no where else to go we took the gamble and headed up the mountain trails hoping to find someone still alive up in Zangar.

That decision radically changed my life. I learned about my heritage, my ability as a bender. It gave me and my friends a place to put down roots. A safe haven where our small dysfunctional family could be safe during the chaos of war. It had kept them safe during my time in Aaru. I had made new friends, and a few enemies as well.

When I wasn't thinking about how I was going to convince the wolves to cooperate I was thinking about how different my life would have been if we hadn't attempted heading for Zangar on that day. Would I still have been taken to Aaru? Would I still be on this mission to protect the Mortal Realm? Would I still be heading towards Rengilar right now, but without the strength of Zangars warriors behind me?

As we crested the hill that allowed us to finally view Rengilar in the distance we came to a halt. There was no way that the wolves wouldn't know we were coming. I could feel them watching us. The wolves knew we were coming. Even now I could feel the gaze of someone watching. Their scouts would have reported the fact we were moving towards Rengilar by now. This was the problem travelling with a force as large as this one, you couldn't move unseen.

We stopped and organised our forces about half a mile from Rengilar. Posting look outs to ensure we weren't blind sided by a wolven force. The wolves were expert pack hunters, and were able to coordinate their forces with fearsome accuracy and timing. On terrain such as this they had the advantage over us.

"So how are we going to approach this Lord Anaris?" Xavier asked. A good question. This was a sensitive situation. The wrong action, even the wrong word spoken could result in a blood bath.

"We didn't come here looking for a fight." Kaldor stated. "Raise the flag for peace. We will walk right up to their gates. If they have any sense of honour they will listen to us before attacking."

"And if they don't?" I asked.

"If they pick a fight I'll make sure that we are the ones that end it!" My father growled. I could feel his nen ripple through his body as if he anticipated a fight.

Having fought him I knew that he would be able be capable of causing significant damage. The power of a grand-master was something to truly fear. He was capable of creating an inferno with a simple snap of his fingers. Even if the wolves out numbered our army twice, or even three times over, with my fathers destructive capabilities, combined with my own skills and abilities I was sure we could win. We would suffer heavy losses if we were out numbered to such an extent. I was determined to hunt down the fur who had sold their soul to the darkness and complete my quest. If I had to slaughter every wolf within the walls of Rengilar then that was what I would do! But if I could do that without spilling the blood of a single innocent then that would be for the best.

Once we organised our forces we continued to march onto Rengilar. A small detachment remained behind to guard the supply wagons as well as keep a look out for any wolven packs who attempted to flank us. Wooden walls had been erected around the settlement. The walls hadn't been there the last time I was here.; that was before the wolves occupied it of course. It was from here that the wolves would launch attacks on Yanzomien village to the East.

I could make out the scurrying bodies of wolves as they ran along the battlements of the barricade that surrounded the village. As we approached the gate the battlements held dozens of wolven archers. They weren't attacking though, so that was a good sign.

We stopped our forces a safe distance from the gate. Malnark, Kaldor, Jovani and myself approached, flying the flag of peace. Anyone who would attack a negotiating party flying this flag would be the most dishonourable of furs! And everyone knew that warriors prided themselves on their honour. Honourable ways to conduct war was the teachings of Jan'Zar; the Guardian Deity of War.

We stood and waited for the wolves to send out a negotiation party in response to our presence. They had no reason not to. We had shown our peaceful intentions to talk. The gates began to open and I felt my nervousness grow significantly. The next few minutes would decide what path my hunt for the curi'nakra would take. Would this end in a bloodbath?

Three figures stepped out of the gates. The wolven representatives walked out to meet us. Among them I spotted my grandfather. Gabriel Redpelt. Even in his advancing years he still cut an imposing figure. He wore a feathered headdress showing his status as an elder. His body was still one of toned muscle, despite being over fifty winters old. His striking red fur was still the most prominent feature of him, clearly visible over the distance.

There was another wolf I didn't recognise, he had the grey fur of a Mordian wolf and was likely a representative of the Enzo clan, the clan that sat atop all of the other wolven clans and tribes. They would have a representative in charge of an outpost as important as this one. When I recognised who the third and final representative of the wolven party was I felt my chest tighten.

"Zaraki Kamir!?" Malnark spluttered. "I thought he was dead?!"

So had I. He had nearly killed me back in Zangar. But thanks to the aid of Jovani and my father he had been pushed off the battlements and over a cliff. His right arm was in a sling so he hadn't escaped unscathed. Taken aback by this development I felt myself get nervous. If negotiations go badly then things would get messy with him involved. With his mere presence our military strength was severely reduced as he had the strength and power to neutralise our strength with his own.

The wolven party came to a stop a few yards away from us. From under the hood of my travel cloak my gaze was locked on Zaraki. I had to stop myself from reaching for the hilt of my sword. Such an action would be viewed as hostile and negotiations could end before they even began.

"If I'm not mistaken, you are Kaldor Anaris. Leader of the Zangarian Village in the mountains. Am I correct?" The Mordian wolf asked.

"You are correct." Kaldor responded. "Just who might you be? I'm afraid word of your reputation has not reached Zangar." It was a subtle insult, one which the wolf did not miss. But not serious enough to threaten the negotiations. Protocol dictated that leaders of both sides introduce themselves before negotiations even begin.

"My name is Fraush Hildeguard. Representative of the Enzo Clan. Alpha Prime of the Rengilar outpost. I must say it is surprising to find a Zangarian force on my doorstep. Is Zangar finally prepared to surrender? Have you come here to beg us for mercy?" The Mordian wolf asked cockily, his muzzle twisted with a vile grin.

"Not as such." Kaldor replied, his tone was cold and I could feel the flicker of annoyance in his nen. "We have come about a situation more serious than the war between us."

"Curious." The Mordian wolf grinned in amusement. "Please do tell me. What could be more serious than the imminent destruction of your entire race?"

"We are here hunting a curi'nakra!" My father declared.

My fathers bold statement obviously had an effect. All three of them blinked either in shock or disbelief. Everyone had heard stories about curi'nakra when they were cubs. Stories about how they would steal naughty cubs away and sacrifice them as they attempted to free their dark masters and start another demonic war. The part about kidnapping cubs was a lie to make troublesome cubs behave. Although there was some truth to the sacrifice part. Grandfather was the one who held his composure and was the first to speak.

"That is a serious accusation Lord Anaris!"

"A very serious accusation!" Fraush growled. "You think that there is a.... Curi'nakra... amongst my warriors?! Preposterous!"

"Of course we would be foolish to ignore the possibility without first reviewing the evidence!" Grandfather urged, the statement aimed at Fraush more than anyone. "I assume you have some Lord Anaris?"

"I suppose." The grey wolf sneered, heeding Grandfathers council. "So what evidence do you have to support your claim?"

"An envoy from the Guardian Deities." My father stated. "A Daemon."

Zaraki Kamir had been glaring at me this whole time. Even hidden beneath my hooded cloak he knew who I was. There was no way he didn't. He flinched slightly upon hearing the word 'daemon'. Kamir knew that I had received training in Aaru just as he had. But he had not been granted the title of Daemon as I had.

"So where is this envoy?" The grey wolf asked. His tone was clearly doubtful as to the credibility of the the claim.

"I'm here." I said, making my presence known but I kept my hood up for the moment.

"A Zangarian? You expect me to take the word of a Zangarian?!" He sneered.

"Now hold on." Grandfather interrupted. "If he is a Daemon then he would truly represent the will of Asurmen and the Guardian Deities! If he is then he must bear some proof of such."

"Why don't you ask Kamir?" I stated boldly. "He should be able to verify the fact that I am a Daemon."

Everyone looked at Kamir who was still glaring at me. He was getting angry now, he ripped off the sling his arm was in and grabbed an axe from its holster on his hip and stomped towards me. I held my ground as he stepped up close to me, trying to intimidate me.

"Kamir!" Grandfather scolded him. "Calm yourself!"

"Wait a minute! Are you telling me that 'he' is the one who beat you?!" The Mordian wolf queried.

"Yes!" He snarled back in response. "He got lucky!"

"You want to test that theory?" I asked, making an obvious motion to grab the hilt of my sword. This was nothing more than bravado, but it was necessary if I was going to retain any respect as a warrior, moreover as a Daemon in this situation. If I backed down it would cast doubt over the claim that I was truly a Daemon!

"Calm down everyone!" Grandfather ordered. "Stand down Kamir! This is a peaceful exchange we are honour bound to uphold!" Kamir snorted and backed away. He had always respected my grandfather, and so my grandfather was one of the few individuals who could reason with him. "I apologise for my companions outburst. Could you please introduce yourself?"

I pulled out the dagger given to me as proof of my title and held it up for everyone to see. The blade glowed white as it resonated with the nature of my nen despite the fact I wasn't drawing on it. As everyone stared at the dagger I stepped forward and lowered my hood. I stared my Grandfather in the eye and watched as the realisation of my identity wash over him. It was the first time in my life I could actually remember him ever lose his composure.

"Hello Grandfather."

"Grandfather!?" Fraush looked back and forth between me and my grandfather. "Randel! Is this some kind of joke!?"

"There is no joke!" My father stated. "Malakye Anaris, my son and heir to the Anaris house. Grandson of Randel Redpelt. The fur who has been chosen by the Guardian Deities to bear the title of Daemon!"

"I'm not going to listen to this folly any longer!" The grey wolf snarled before turning and walking back towards the gate. He didn't get two steps before Kamir grabbed him by the arm. "What is the meaning of this Zaraki!?"

"You will stay and listen!" Kamir growled threateningly. "Elder Redpelt is correct. We have a duty to listen to what they have to say! And I will swear on my honour that Malakye is a daemon!"

"On what evidence!?" The grey furred wolf snarled, pulling his arm free from Kamir's grasp.

"That dagger is given to those chosen to be daemons!" Kamir stated pointing at the dagger in my paw. "That is all the evidence I need!"

"And how do we know that he simply didn't find it!?" The grey wolf questioned defiantly. He was not willing to believe that I held the title of daemon. The Mordian wolves stubbornness faltered as Kamir stood over him and growled. "I-I won't believe that the Deities would pick a half breed scum like him to hold the title of..."

Kamir snarled and punched him across the muzzle with a heavy blow that knocked him to the ground.

"You dare defy the will of the Deities!?"

Say what you may about Zaraki Kamir. He was stubborn. He was a brute. He was a monstrous foe on the battle field. But never once doubt his loyalty to Jan'Zar or the other Deities. I had been told that Kamir had been considered for the title of Daemon. I'm still not entirely sure what it was they considered when considering someone for the title.

It wasn't just power and combat prowess, if that's all it was then he would have been guaranteed to be given the title. Everyone here in the mortal realm revered Daemons, but in Aaru the local populace seemed to fear those given the title. Many of the furs I met there stopped talking to me after I received the title. When I had asked Callen about he just told me not to worry about it.

"Zaraki! Cease this at once!" My Grandfather scolded him.

"He's right!" Kaldor interrupted. "This is no time for fighting amongst ourselves!"

"The Chief will hear of this outrage!" The grey wolf spat, picking himself up off the ground. The blow had cut him on the snout. "I will make sure you regret that!"

"Then why don't you go and run behind the Chiefs skirt like the cowardly little cunt that you are!" Kamir snapped. "Or man the fuck up and do something about it!"

"Stop this both of you!" Grandfather pleaded, stepping between the pair. It was clear he was starting to lose his temper now as well. "You are embarrassing yourselves and disrespecting these peace talks!"

The pair stared at each other with such violent intensity that I had no doubt that if Grandfather wasn't standing between them right now that the grey wolf would actually attack Kamir. Part of me wanted to see that happen. To watch the wolves rip each other apart.

I could feel the spirit within me yearn gleefully for the bloodshed to start. It didn't care whether the blood came from watching these two wolves rip each other apart, or from the wolves and dragons here to begin slaughtering each other. I suppressed the spirits influence and focused on the task at paw.

I began to walk forwards, behind Kamir and past him and began walking towards the open gate.

"HEY! Where do you think you're going!" The grey wolf snarled after me.

I stopped and looked over my shoulder at him.

"If you won't assist me in my mission here, then you leave me little choice but to continue by myself." I stated clearly, ensuring my tone was level and calm. "I can sense the faint traces of demonic energy from within these walls. The Curi'nakra had been here. Until I can say with absolute certainty that he is longer here, I am not leaving this place."

"Daemon or not I won't allow you to do as you please!" He growled stomping towards me, reaching out to grab my shoulder.

"Touch me and I will kill you where you stand!" I growled, flaring my nen and sending a slight gust of wind in his direction. His paw stopped about a foot away from my shoulder. He hesitated before retracting his paw. "Let me make this perfectly clear!" I growled turning to face him fully. "I 'will' complete my mission here. Anyone who resists, or attempts to stop me will not live long enough to regret their actions!"

"Malakye!" Both Grandfather and Kaldor shouted simultaneously. I ignored them and stared Fraush in his amber coloured eyes with as much murderous intent as I could muster.

"It seems that negotiations have broken down." Grandfather sighed. "I suggest that we allow a small party of the Zangarian leadership to enter the village where we will restart our talks once more. I will vouch for their safety!"

"I will not allow this, this... thing... one step past the walls!" The grey wolf snarled, pointing at me in disgust.

"Then I will invoke the kinyar tal'xas!" Kamir stated.

"You..." The grey wolf spun turned to stare at Kamir with shocked indignation.

The kinyar tal'xas was an ancient battle right. It allowed any member of a war party to challenge someone the rank above them for their title and position. The Mordian wolf may be 'the' alpha prime of the war band that resided here in Rengilar, but Kamir was also an alpha. Any alpha had the right to challenge the alpha prime for their position.

Being an ancient battle right which many no longer followed most furs could safely ignore this challenge and not risk losing their position. However the wolves closely followed the teachings of the Guardian Deity of War, and as such faced losing their honour and respect from their underlings. That in itself could be enough to incite a civil war within the settlement here through a power struggle.

"I don't like it any more than you do Fraush!" Kamir snarled. "But Malakye is a fellow student of my master; Lady Jan'Zar. If he has been sent here by her then I will hear him out! I will not allow you to defy the will of Lady Jan'Zar! If that means I have to kill you..."

"Fine!" Fraush snarled. "We will do as Randel suggested. I swear that upon my honour that no harm shall befall them while they reside within these walls."

With that said he turned and stormed towards the gate. With that declaration we had the sworn protection of the alpha prime. He was honour bound to prevent any fur under his command from inflicting any harm on us. If they did his honour would be tarnished, and his superiors would question his ability as a leader. As Fraush stormed ahead of the rest of our group my Grandfather escorted my father, Jovani and Malnark into the village. I held back for a moment as Kamir still stood before staring at me with an intense glare.

"Just so we're clear, once you're mission here is done the war will continue." He said.

"I know."

"You know that that dagger wasn't what convinced me you were a Daemon."

"So what was?" I asked curiously.

"Our fight convinced me."

So he recognised my strength? No. He wouldn't acknowledge me that way. So there was something that happened during our fight that made him believe I was a Daemon.

"Are you acknowledging me?" I smirked. I was goading him, hoping to draw out more information from him.

"I'll admit your better than the average warrior. But you're still not strong enough to beat me." He snorted. Even that much was more of a compliment than I expected from him. "Don't think that because your 'Daddy' helped you, that you are my equal."

He was goading me now. But if I didn't respond then that could be viewed as weakness. And with the upcoming negotiations that would be bad. I needed to come across as strong, confident and fearless, but I needed to avoid antagonising him to the point that I lose the sliver of respect I held.

"I wonder why you were never made a Daemon?" I asked. "Perhaps they didn't have faith in you."

"You don't even know what that title means do you?" He smirked. "It seems that it is you that they don't have faith in. You and the rest of the world have idolised that title, but those of us who know the truth understand what it truly means."

With a sinister smirk he strode off towards the village. I turned and followed. He had gotten the last word in there. Why would my possessing the title of Daemon mean that the Guardian Deities didn't have faith in me? Was he just playing some mind games with me? I wouldn't put it past him, but somehow his comments seemed to be honest rather than spiteful. Which ever they were I didn't have time to think about it now. I was about to step inside the vipers pit. Into the village which held the fur I had been sent to hunt down, and on top of that we would be surrounded by enemies who would love nothing more than to kill us.

Somehow the chaotic situation had resolved itself and a battle between the wolves and Zangarians had been prevented. For now. Unexpectedly Zaraki Kamir, the most powerful wolven warrior alive today had chosen to aid me, putting aside the decades, centuries of bad blood in order to allow us to the negotiation table.

But this was far from over. The faint taint of demonic energy was unmistakeable. I'm surprised that Kamir wasn't able to sense it himself. Perhaps he can but doesn't know what it is? Speculating won't get me anywhere. All that matters is that I find the fur, or furs who have given themselves over to the demons.

As we walked through the village everyone was watching us. Wolves sneered at us, the other villagers looked on in worried curiosity. Last time I was here the place was a war zone. Buildings were burned, and blood spilled in the streets. It had long since returned to normality, however it was no longer the peaceful haven it once was. Rengilar had once been a haven for furs who had no where else to go. It hadn't mattered what species you were, or what your sexuality was. Memories of Travis, a cheetah who lived here in Rengilar, who had given me my first homosexual experience came back to me. I wonder if he was still alive? If he was it was unlikely he'd still be in the village as anyone who practised homosexuality would be severely punished under wolven law. Compared to Rovarian Village were I had been raised this place had been a paradise.

The wolves had turned this peaceful village into a fortress. No longer did it feel like a paradise. The atmosphere felt heavy and sullen. That might be partly due to the fact that there was an army of dragons at their gates, but the wolves would force their laws and ideals on any village they control. The liberties the residents Rengilar once had were now gone!

The merchants and traders that had once frequented this place would likely not be returning as anyone who travelled from draconian controlled lands were to be punished under wolven law! Only traders loyal to the wolven regime would dare to come here! Then there were those who practised homosexuality. Wolven law forbade members of the same gender to lay together.

We approached one of the larger stone building and followed the wolven leaders inside. It was located at the heart of the village. Stepping inside I could smell nothing but wolf. The downstairs was filled with racks of weapons and a large table with a map of the tribal lands on it. This must be where their war council convened.

"Take a seat." Grandfather motioned to another table that sat by the fireplace.

Hesitantly we took our seats across the table from Fraush, Grandfather and Kamir. There were at least half a dozen wolven warriors standing at attention, all clad in leather armour and armed, in the room with us. Not surprising. But futile. If we were here to assassinate the village leaders it would take more than those wolves to stop us now we were all sat in the same room as them.. Kamir would likely be able to hold his own, but Grandfather and the Mordian wolf - Fraush - wouldn't be able to survive the onslaught of a master and grandmaster ranked bender, let alone Jovani or myself. The warriors would not be able to stop us if that was our intent. They were simply there as a reminder to the fact that we were in the middle of a wolven controlled outpost.

We all sat in tense silence while two female wolves appeared carrying bottles of alcohol. One served the wolves while the other went to serve us. Jovani stopped her, politely took the bottle from her and poured himself a glass and swallowed it. She seemed quiet stunned by his actions, surprised I think that he had brazenly drank it before those of us who were sitting at the table.

He was checking it for poison. As steward of the Anaris house this was one of his duties. He waited a few moments before handing the bottle back to the female wolf and motioned her to continue. The other wolves said nothing, and didn't seemed surprised by the act. Once we had been served the females left the bottles on the table and departed.

"So how do you intend on discovering who this supposed curi'nakra is?" Fraush sneered as he took a sip of his wine. "There are over a thousand wolves here."

"I very much doubt you have that many wolves here." I countered. "Perhaps five hundred, with others out on patrol and at various camps in the area." He seems to forget that we walked through the center of the village in order to get here. There was no way he could station up to a thousand wolves within the walls, there was simply not enough accommodation for all of them. "But neither did I say that they were a wolf; although the evidence seems to suggest it."

"How so?" Grandfather asked.

"There were traces of demonic energy in the wolven camp up in the mountains. But there was no sign of the culprit themselves. So either they had already left the camp, or the affected warriors had been tainted before they had even arrived there."

"Tainted!?" Grandfather exclaimed.

"So you were the one who slaughtered my warriors!" Fraush growled.

"Yes." I said plainly.

"We are not here to discuss that! Blame can be allocated later!" Grandfather interrupted before Fraush could speak. "But if the culprit was in the mountains then that will give us a starting point for our search. We will gather all the warriors who have spent any time up in the mountain camp for testing."

"You still haven't explained how you are going to test them. Don't expect me to simply take your word for it!" Fraush grunted.

I pulled out my knife, the blade which was clear as glass glowed with a faint white light in reaction to the affinity of my nen. The blade which was presented to all those granted the title of Daemon. Proof to those who knew of what it represented, that the fur who carried it bore the title of Daemon. But also a valuable tool to find those tainted by the darkness.

"This blade reacts to an individuals nen, changing colour to match their affinity." I passed the blade to my father who sat to my right. As he gripped the blade the faint light changed from white to orange. "If someone has been tainted by demonic energy then it will react to it by glowing a crimson red or pitch black if they tainted badly enough."

"And when you say badly enough to appear black, you mean..." Grandfather asked for clarification to the answer he suspected is true.

"Then they are more than just tainted. If the blade turns black then we have found the curi'nakra!" I declared.

"I see." Fraush grumbled. He was obviously not entirely convinced. "What if there is more than one?"

I had considered that possibility. It was unlikely. Curi'nakra were rare enough, and dangerous enough by themselves. They gained power by tainting others. How they did it, and why it made them more powerful was beyond my knowledge. All I knew was that it was what they did. If there was more than one then there was only one way to know.

"We need to test everyone." I answered.

"What would happen to those infected?" Grandfather asked.

"We would have to kill them." Kamir stated bluntly.

"He's right. Once infected there is any number of outcomes, none of them pleasant." I added.

"You agree with this Zaraki?" Fraush asked. He was obviously upset at the prospect of having to kill wolves under his own command.

"Without a trained sage there is no chance for them to recover. They would get sick and eventually die. If their lucky!" Kamir agreed.

"What do you mean?" Grandfather asked.

"As I said." I interjected. "There are any number of outcomes. A slow and painful death is the most likely. But there are any number of possibilities as a result being tainted by demonic energy. Becoming possessed is one such outcome."

"If that is true then there is no other course of action." Grandfather sighed. "Unless we can call upon a sage to come..."

"There is no time." I cut him off. "Once infected there is only a matter of hours, perhaps a day or two at most, before they become permanently tainted. It was why I had to kill all the wolves in the mountain camp. Most of them had been infected. The others fought to defend their brethren. I had no choice but to defend myself."

"I was not aware that they had been infected." Kamir stated.

"I did wonder." I admitted. "I had thought you'd be able to sense the taint. The whole village stinks of it!"

"I took the test, just as you did I suspect." He huffed.

The test he was referring to was one I had taken in Aaru. All students of the Guardian Deities were exposed to an artefact that held a demonic taint in order to see if we were able to detect it. Was that the requirement for a k'tan to be be given the rank of Daemon? Being able to sense demonic energy would certainly be a useful skill for those given the task of fighting the servants of the Underworld.

"But I was unable to detect the taint." He admitted.

"At least now I understand why you killed the wolven warriors in the mountain camp. But that does not mean I forgive your actions!" He growled.

"I can't say I'm entirely convinced, and I'm certain that most of the warriors under my command will not be happy about this. Especially when we start detaining our own warriors as the result of a draconian investigation!" Fraush's words were laced with hate, but none the less true.

"What of the wolves in the room with us?" Kaldor asked. "If they spread word of what is going to happen before we even begin then there will be considerable resistance before we even begin."

"A valid point." Malnark added, speaking for the first time. "And they of course will need to be tested."

"I can vouch for their loyalty! They are my personal guard!" Fraush declared confidently.

"Their loyalty is one thing. But whether they have been tainted is another." I countered. "They need to be tested just like everyone else."

"Fine!" Fraush relented. He motioned each of the wolven warriors to approach and to take the knife. All of them tested negative for the taint. "Satisfied!?" He growled. "Now shall we get this done? The sooner we start the sooner you can leave!"

"Very well." Kaldor agreed standing up.

"But first..." I slid the dagger across the table towards Fraush. "Pick up the knife."

"You're accusing me?" He clearly insulted and I could see his rage and indignation grow with each passing second.

"We need to test everyone." I stated seriously.

He didn't move to pick up the knife, obviously insulted at the prospect. Unless of course he was the fur we were looking for. I doubted he was. He didn't strike me as being that good a liar. Kamir reached over and picked up the knife. It flickered with an unusual mixture of blue and orange lights. He held it up to Fraush to take.

"Take the knife or I will test it by stabbing you with it!" Kamir growled at him.

Fraush sneered at Kamir but took the knife regardless. It was faint but it flickered yellow. He then handed it over to grandfather. The blade flickered faintly white. Now I know where I got my wind affinity from.

"Happy now?" Fraush asked sarcastically.

"Satisfied." I replied. "But far from happy."

Fraush grunted at me and Kamir snorted in amusement. I think both of us would have enjoyed it if Fraush had turned out to be the fur I was looking for. Kamir called back the wolven females who had served us our drinks so that they could also be tested while Grandfather left to gather the warriors who had spent any length of time up in the mountain camp.

While Grandfather was doing that we came to an agreement with Fraush about where the furs who tested positive for the taint were to be detained. We couldn't just start killing furs in the street the moment they tested positive. It would cause an uproar, and I doubt that Fraush could retain control, even with the wolven hero, Zaraki Kamir and the well respected Eldar Randel Redpelt at his side.

Fraush's personal guard would detain them and hold them in the prison which had been built to detain prisoners of war, while we finished the investigation. The prison could easily hold over two dozen furs, four dozen at a push. Once we had tested everyone, and if we still had not identified the curi'nakra, we would need to work out where they could be. Even though I could sense the taint in the local area that did not mean that they were still in Rengilar! So long as no further sources of taint arrived here in Rengilar the taint would eventually fade away.

Once the wolves who had spent time in the mountain camp had been gathered outside the building we were in, Fraush took the knife from me. He had been insistent that he would be the one to test them. I agreed to that term, on the understanding that I would verify each and every result. He consented to this. Every wolf that had been gathered glared at me with detest and suspicion. The only thing that was stopping them from attacking me was the fact that their Alpha had sworn to protect us while within the borders of the village.

There were fifty wolves in all. The first twenty tested negative, but on the twenty-first the blade glowed a faint red. Unmistakably they had tested positive for demonic taint. Of course we had not explained to the warriors what we were testing them for. Fraush's personal guard, who we had tested earlier, seized the wolf within seconds. He struggled, but was quickly overpowered and restrained. He cursed loudly and demanded to be released as they dragged him away. A number of other wolves objected, demanding to know what was happening but they were quickly silenced by a single command from Kamir.

Fraush may be the Alpha Prime here, and that title carried with it significant weight. But no one was going to openly defy Kamir without repercussions. The fact that Kamir was supporting our investigation was enough to silence most of the wolves questions or objections. At least for the moment.

Fraush offered the blade to the next wolf in line. He stared at it but didn't move to take it. Kamir snorted aggressively at him. The warrior flinched, his ears fell flat against the top of his head and he glanced up at Kamir before closing his eyes as he took hold of the dagger. He tested negative. He breathed a sigh of relief once the blade was taken from him and passed onto the next wolf in line. The wolves were now hesitant to take the knife, but Kamir's presence was more than enough to make them fall in line and obey.

By the time we had finished testing the fifty wolves, five of them had tested positive for the taint. The blade had glowed a faint red as they had held it, but none of the taint was not strong enough within any of them to suggest that they were the Curi'nakra.

"So is the curi'nakra amongst them?" Grandfather asked.

"No. The demonic energy isn't strong enough. But they are tainted, there's no doubt about that." I explained.

"I hadn't expected to find so many out of just fifty!" Grandfather shook his head in despair.

"Even if they hadn't been infected up in the mountains they could have become infected here in village." I explained. "We must continue looking. Are you sure that was everyone from the mountains?"

"Yes." Fraush snapped.

"Except for..." Grandfather trailed off.


"It doesn't matter." Grandfather replied. "He's not in Rengilar anymore. He went South with a group of wolves to reinforce Banuke four days ago."

Banuke was a village located at the Southern most edge of the Zangarian mountain range. A good four hundred miles South of where we were now. If the Curi'nakra had left with that party then that would mean I would need to follow them. I'd need to follow them anyway in order to test everyone in that group for the taint. Things just got a lot more complicated.

"Who was it?" I insisted.

"Kaleb." Kamir grunted. "My son Kaleb."

Shit! That made things even more complicated. Part of me was not surprised at that, but another part hoped that it wasn't him. Would Kamir allow me to go and hunt down his son in order to test him for the taint? I would have no choice but to do so. But the bad blood between myself and Kaleb was common knowledge for anyone who had lived in the village while we were growing up. Not to mention what had happened during the attack on Zangar before I had been taken to Aaru. And what if it turned out to be him?

"Lets not dwell on that now." Kaldor said. "He is not here now, so let us cross that bridge when we come to it."

We continued to test every fur in the village. Male and female. Young and old. Regardless of their species. It was sunset by the time we had finished. From the wolves who had tested negative for the taint, packs were formed to go and relieve the other wolves who were out posted at various camps in the surrounding area in order for them to return and be tested. We were waiting for the last of the groups to return. Other than the last few stragglers we were to arrive everyone else in the village had been tested.

We had not yet found the fur were were looking for. But we had found over one hundred furs who had been tainted by the demonic energy. It was far more than I had feared to discover. It was all we could do to contain them. They were all cursing and shouting at us. They didn't understand why they were being detained, but they knew that the blade I carried had singled them out. The prison on the Northern edge of town was over flowing. Many furs tied up in groups outside the prison itself. Demanding to know what was happening.

The whole situation was turning into a shit storm waiting to happen! It had gotten to the point where Fraush's personal guard were unable to handle the sheer number of prisoners by themselves anymore. However the unrest amongst the rest of the wolven warriors meant that he was unable to confidently order the remaining wolven warriors to help guard the prisoners. Grandfather was doing his best to assure the other wolves, but even his influence had its limits.

In a surprising move Fraush accepted my fathers offer of bringing in a few of our warriors to help guard the prisoners. This caused further unrest throughout the wolven ranks. I could sense the rising tension in the air. The same way you can sense a storm approaching. The air in the village was heavy, sullen and I was waiting for the crack of thunder which would signal the start of the I only hoped we would be able to complete my mission and escape before the storm broke.

I could sense the taint far more clearly now that the tainted furs had been confined to the area where we had secured those that had tested positive. There was a female tiger who was screaming and bawling, she was now restrained by two wolven warriors, as she begged and pleaded for Fraush to release her son. He son had tested positive for the taint. He was only five winters old. It was heart breaking scene, as the tiger cub cried and wailed calling out for their mother. But the harsh truth was that there was nothing could be done for them.

"So many!" Kaldor sighed. He was both disgusted and heartbroken at the scene.

"How are we going to do this?" Grandfather asked. "Must we really do this? So many lives..."

"It must be done!" Kamir grunted. His expression was firm and and unwavering, he knew what had to happen here as unpleasant as it was. But I could hear the tension in his voice.

I had a new found respect for this wolf now. If not for him then not only would I not have been able to enter Rengilar without spilling blood, but he had kept the wolven warriors in line while they were tested for the taint. And now, in the face of this unpleasant situation where we were going to have to deal with the victims, he didn't look away as he walked down this path which would undoubtedly lead to a bloody end one way or another. This was the extent of his loyalty to the Guardian Deities.

"We will offer them a quick death." I said. "It is better than the alternative. The bodies will also need to be burned."

"We will handle this." Fraush declared. "I will not allow a dragon to take the lives of my warriors! You may leave now!"

"I'm not going anywhere!" I growled. "I still need to find the fur responsible for all this!" I waved my paw at the furs tied up in front of us. "I need to ensure that they are taken care of."

I sounded cold and heartless, and while I admit to having little care for what happened to wolves in general, I couldn't deny my own feelings towards this situation. It was a lot worse than I had anticipated.


We all turned to see a large group of around fifty heavily armed wolves approach us. Following a short distance behind them was a much larger crowd of wolves and other villagers. There was no mistaking the signs of what this was. The villagers and warriors had lost their patience, and now they were going to resolve the issue themselves.

How Fraush handled this would determine the fate of us and this village. The atmosphere was tense, like a storm threatening to break. Something was going to happen here. Blood would be spilled. I could smell death approaching, so too could the spirit within me. I could feel him scratching at the back of my mind, eager for the blood shed.

Daemon - Chapter 8 (Rengilar)

"What is it?!" Fraush barked. It was obvious what was going on, the warriors under his command had had enough. The fact that dragons were allowed to walk about freely, that dragons were helping to detain their fellow warriors and other furs in the...

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Daemon - Chapter 6 (The March to Rengilar)

\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* **CHAPTER 6** \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* Dawn came, and the outpost was a hive of activity as our small army prepared to depart. In two days we would be at the base of the mountain. Another half a day we would arrive in...

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Daemon - Chapter 5 (Rallying the Troops)

**\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*** **CHAPTER 5** **\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*** "Will you accept our challenge Master Anaris?" Hazani asked with a tone that made me want to slap the confident grin right off his muzzle! He was surrounded by the other...

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