Short Sex Scene: Robbie and Becky

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Yeah, this was a commission using two of my story characters. IIRC, the commissioner just wanted to see the act and didn't have any particular characters in mind for it, and since I was doing a special for using my story characters, I just selected the two most likely to do something like that.

OBLIGATORY CONTENT WARNING: The following story contains EXPLICIT SCENES involving SEX between a MALE AND A FEMALE CUB. It also includes WATERSPORTS. PEE. If any of this offends you, DO NOT READ ON. By reading beyond this point, you waive your right to be offended by my work, because YOU WERE WARNED. For everyone who I haven't scared off... enjoy!

Sunlight crept through the trees, finding easier passage now that the leaves were beginning to fall. Despite the turning of the seasons, it was a warm day, and Robbie and Becky had taken advantage of it for a dip in the pond. Which, of course, didn't involve a heck of a lot of swimming.

The two sat side by side in the pond, locked at the lips as their paws worked each other's genitals beneath the water. They had been like this for a couple of minutes, but Becky didn't intend to keep this up forever. She pulled back from the kiss, and whispered, "Hey, Robs... ever wanted to do it outside?"

Robbie chuckled at the question. "Wanted to? I've done it!" he replied.

Becky giggled and grinned, then climbed up out of the pond and got down on her paws and knees on the soft dirt just past the edge of the pond. "But you haven't done ME!" she said. "Yet," she added with a wink.

The fox murred and climbed up out of the pond, his fur dripping as he got down on his knees behind her. "Ya know, Becks, I never would have expected you to be this naughty," he said as he pressed his cock against her warm pussy.

"I'm a rabbit! What did you expect?" Becky asked, murring softly as she felt Robbie's tip against her folds. "Come on, Robs, gimme all ya got."

Robbie grinned and pushed his cock right into her pussy, earning gasps from both of them. "As you wish," he said as he gripped her hips and started thrusting into her.

Becky squeaked and moaned happily as her friend got started. "Yesssss," she hissed, gritting her teeth and pushing back into his thrusts. She crossed her arms down in front of her and laid her head on them, trying to keep her volume down as Robbie thrust.

"You can be as loud as you want," Robbie said, moaning softly himself as he worked into the quick pace that Becky seemed to adore when they fucked. "No one's gonna hear."

The rabbit grinned and shut her eyes, letting her moans free as she pressed back into the fox's thrusts. She could already feel his knot starting to swell, a good sign that the fox wasn't going to last long -- and that she'd soon have that knot stuck in her for a good few minutes, at least!

Robbie, however, suddenly felt a very different feeling in his loins. He slowed his thrusts, blushing a bit as he realized what was happening. "Umm... Becks? I, uh... have to pee," he said.

Becky bit her bottom lip when she heard that. "Don't you dare take that out of me!" she said. She was way, way too horny to let him pull out of her now. And for some reason, the thought of him doing THAT inside her seemed... oddly erotic.

"But... but Becks! I really have to pee!" Robbie protested.

Becky took a deep breath, then looked back at Robbie. "So do it. Inside me," she said, blushing even as the words came out of her mouth.

Robbie's thrusts came to a stop as he looked at the rabbit. "A... are you sure?" he asked.

Becky nodded, blushing deeper. "I... I wanna feel it inside me. Please?"

Robbie blushed a bit himself, and nodded, pushing himself in to the hilt, and he squeezed Becky's hips as he tried to relax -- not an easy task when he was balls deep in a warm, snug rabbit pussy! He shut his eyes as he focused, trying to will himself to pee. After about half a minute, he felt it coming. "H-here it comes," he whispered.

Both cubs gasped as they suddenly felt the warmth of the fox's urine filling the rabbit's pussy. Robbie shuddered as he felt the warm liquid quickly spilling out of his friend's girlhood and rolling down both their legs.

Becky sighed happily, wiggling her hips a bit at the feeling. It was better than she thought! Even the feel of it rolling down her legs was kind of sexy. Yes, this would have to be something they'd try again. "Oh gods, Robbie," she whispered.

Robbie let out a soft contented sigh as he finished, and looked down at the rabbit. "Umm... was that... ok?" he asked.

Becky looked back at him and grinned. "Robbie, that was amazing! We have to do this again sometime!" she said, giggling at the blush her words elicited from the fox. "But right now, I need you inside me. Give me that knot!"

Robbie shook his head to clear it, then nodded as he started thrusting into Becky's now-slightly-warmer pussy. It didn't take him long to get back into his usual quick pace, and soon both were moaning like feral animals as they yiffed.

A cool breeze teased the two wet furs as they humped, but neither minded. There were far more important things to worry about than a breeze. Robbie's knot was quickly swelling as he thrust into the rabbit, starting to slip in and out of her with each of his inward thrusts.

"Becky, I... I.... aaaah!" Robbie moaned out as he slammed his knot home, and ground his hips against the rabbit's rear as his knot swelled that last bit inside her, tying him inside as he came. His cock twitched wildly in the rabbit's pussy as he filled her with his seed, his knot keeping everything inside of her. It occurred to him that some of his urine might still be in there, a thought that earned him an extra electric bolt of pleasure and another couple shots of cum into his friend's eager young cunny.

Becky threw her own head back and moaned out as she felt the fox's knot push into her. Ever since the first time she'd had his knot inside her, she'd been addicted. Everything about it was heavenly -- the way his cock felt inside her, the way it twitched with every movement, the way it teased her clit from the inside. It was an overwhelming sensation, and as Robbie came down from his peak, she felt her own hit, her pussy clenching and spasming wildly around the fox's member.

Robbie panted as he collapsed on top of Becky. He gently rolled onto his side, pulling the rabbit with her, and licked the back of her ears.

"Love you, Robbie," Becky whispered, settling in against him.

"Love you, too," Robbie replied.

Both cubs shivered as another cool breeze blew across them.

"Umm... wanna try to get back in the pond?" Robbie asked.

Becky giggled. "Just don't let your knot slip out!" she said.

The two pushed themselves back up to paws and knees, and slowly made their way backwards, until they were in the pond. Once they had their bottom halfs in, the turned around, and Robbie sat down on the edge, Becky settling in against him.

"I'm not crushing you, am I?" Becky asked with an embarrassed little giggle.

Robbie chuckled. "Nah. This is fine," he said as he reached around and slipped a paw between Becky's legs, gently swirling a finger around her little nub.

Becky squeaked and murred softly, angling herself around to give Robbie a little kiss on the cheek. "You naughty boy," she whispered.

Robbie blushed a bit and stuck his tongue out at her, then whispered back, "You're the one who asked me to pee in you."

The rabbit blushed, but smiled at Robbie. "Did you really like it? Because I loved it."

Robbie chuckled and kissed the side of Becky's muzzle. "It was a little weird... but in a good way."

"Think you'll wanna do it again?" Becky asked, hoping she didn't sound TOO eager.

Robbie grinned and gave the rabbit a little squeeze. "As you wish."

Becky giggled and rolled her eyes. "Guess we shouldn't have watched The Princess Bride earlier, huh?"

"Hey, it was your idea!" Robbie countered. "And I don't hear you complaining."

Becky giggled again, then stared off into the forest for a moment, before returning her attention to the fox. "Wanna do theme costumes for Halloween? You can be Dread Pirate Roberts!"

Robbie rolled his eyes at the rabbit. "We'll see," he said. "We'll see."