Chapter 7

Story by Xiuh on SoFurry

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Alright guys, this chapter is HORRIBLE, I'm warning you now. I ran out of ideas halfway through and had to patch it together from there. Tell me what you think after you read it. Like always, I want to know.


I walked next to Zakai as we walked into school the Monday after the day we were reunited after ten years. A smile was painted on my face, and nothing could take it off. Nothing. A moment later, while we were walking through the school's courtyard, I saw Kevin, and I pulled closer to Zakai, and he looked at me curiously.

"That's Kevin," I said, pointing to the big wolf that was making his way through the crowd, towards the other players on the baseball team. Zakai growled and started walking towards Kevin and I was just walking slowly behind him.

"Hey Kevin!" Zakai yelled out when we were close enough to be heard over the noise. Kevin turned to Zakai and Zakai said, "I think you owe Leo an apology."

Zakai pulled me out from behind him and held me close to his side and Kevin's look turned from curiosity to shock. He shook his head to clear it as Zakai said, "Yeah, weren't expecting to see him. He was supposed to be dead wasn't he?"

The rest of the baseball team had joined Kevin by now and Kris said, "Who the hell are you and what the hell are you talking about?"

"That's Kris," I whispered into Zakai's ears, "that's the one who gave me the date-rape drug."

"I'm Zakai Restin, and I'm talking about Friday night when Kevin raped Leo and then threw him into the Mississippi."

A few people that had stopped to listen gaped at Zakai then turned their heads to Kevin, who looked at Zakai and said, "I have no idea what you are talking about."

"Really?" I said, stepping in front of Zakai, "Because I vaguely remember leaving my house on a date with you and then waking up in a hospital, my fur smelling like river water and my..." I blushed and cut myself off, stepping off to the side of Zakai and letting him take over.

Kevin was staring at me again and Zakai stepped up and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, "Trust me," Zakai growled, "I saw it with my own eyes, at least, the you throwing him into the river part, and I believe him about the first part." Zakai pulled back his fist, "This is gonna hurt," he whispered into Kevin's ear before pounding his fist into Kevin's stomach.

Kevin yelped silently, the reason no sound came out was because Zakai had knocked the breath out of him. Zakai continued to pound Kevin until Kris actually stepped in and tried to stop him, but just turned Zakai onto him instead.

I watched all this happily leaning against a locker as Zakai took turns slamming his fists into a different body part of either one of the two. I looked around at the crowd, even the baseball team sat watching it in interest as Zakai beat the shit out of two of their players. I saw George staring and I followed his gaze and grinned when I saw who was on the other end of it.

I walked over to Zakai and grabbed his shirt and pulled him away and smiled at him, "I think they've had enough hun."

Zakai looked at them and smiled at me, "Me too, although I could've kept going."

I smiled and patted his arm and said, "Yeah, I know you could have. But! I want to introduce your little brother to someone, and neither of the two will look away from you beating the shit out of Kevin." I smiled and walked over to George, putting a paw on his shoulder and he jumped."Jumpy?" I asked him, grinning.

He blushed and said, "A little."

I smiled and said, "Come on, there's someone I want to introduce you too."

I started to push him towards the boy he had been staring at and he said, "Can we not go this way?"

"Nope, because I'm introducing you to who you were staring at." I said, grinning at the anxious look he had on his face.

"You saw that?" he asked, blushing.

"Oh yeah," I said, putting my muzzle next to his ear and whispering, "I saw that."

As I walked, I gathered Zakai and Josh and I walked to a more secluded part of the school. I sat both boys down next to each other and they both looked at each other, blushed, and scooted a bit away. I smiled at them and said, "Well, hello Josh. Anyways, Josh, I'd like you to meet George, George, I'd like you to meet Josh."

I waited a bit and eventually they muttered a quick "Hi." to each other, and Josh managed a smile, even if he did blush after he lowered his head.

"Well, bashful much?" I said, looking between them, "Congratulations, you both have a crush on each other."

They looked between themselves again and George blushed intensely, along with Josh, but they both kept staring. Eventually Josh said, "R-Really?"

George nodded his head, "Y-yeah."

Josh smiled as he scooted a bit closer, still blushing like he had just been revealed to the entire school, wearing nothing but underwear. Josh put his arm around George and George smiled and I turned and smiled at Zakai, "Let's give the midgets some privacy."

George stood up and said, "I'm not a midget, I'm taller than you are."

"It's what I call anyone in a grade below mine," I said, rolling my eyes at him, "I've been calling lower grades midgets since sixth grade."

George grumbled and I smiled at him and patted his cheek, "Talk to your new boyfriend."

Josh and George looked at each other, startled, "We don't even know each other!" George said.

"But you both have a crush on each other," I said, grinning, "that's good enough in high school. Get to know each other over dinner, go see a movie. Double date with Zakai and me on Friday." I pointed at both of them, "Neither of you will regret it. You're both great kids."

George blushed and said, "You've known me for three days."

"So? That's long enough for me to know you're a good kid." I said, smiling. "Besides, if you're not, Zakai is more than willing to give you a noogie for me."

Zakai smiled and said, "I'm looking for any excuse."

George blushed again and said, "If you could!"

Zakai popped his knuckles and said, "Is that a challenge?"

"Maybe," George said, grinning at Zakai. Zakai lunged at him and grabbed him around the neck and started to rub his knuckles against the top of George's head as hard as he could. "Ow, ow, ow."

I smiled and separated George and Zakai and George stumbled backwards into Josh who wrapped his arms around him. I smiled as I put my head on Zakai's chest and rubbed his back, "I love you," I said, looking up at him and smiling.

He laughed and said, "We've been going out for three days."

"So?" I said, grinning, "I've known I loved you from the time we were five years old."

His face was all seriousness now, "So did I," he whispered into my ear, holding me tightly and squeezing me. "Remember our kiss?"

I blushed and said, "Yeah, I remember."

He smiled and said, "There were definitely sparks in the air. My mom teased me about that for months after we kissed."

"Good," I said, grinning at him.

A moment later I grabbed Zakai and pulled him out of the room that we had been in, leaving George and Josh talking to each other on the bench. We ran into the two girls of the Restin family and I smiled at Jasmine who smiled at me. "Hey Zandra," Zakai said, "find a girlfriend yet?"

"Maybe," she said, smiling as she wrapped her arm around Jasmine's waist, "Just maybe."

I smiled and said, "Congratulations, Jasmine finally found a girlfriend. She's been sooo alone."

Jasmine punched my arm and I whined slightly, "That hurt!" I said.

"Good," she said, grinning at me, "I didn't torture you when YOU found a boyfriend now did I?"

"No!" I said, "But that's different!"

"How?" she said.

"I'm not sure, give me a day to think of a reason." I said, grinning at her, my tail flicking behind me as I pushed my glasses back up my nose.

She laughed and said, "Same old Leo."

"Not the same old me," I said, smiling at her, "I'm much happier now that I'm with Zakai."

She laughed and said, "Seen Liz today?"

"She's probably in the ROTC room," I said, smiling at Jasmine.

"Oh yeah!" Zakai said, "Could you show me where the ROTC room is Leo? It's my first hour."

"Yeah," I said, smiling at him, "of course."

He put his arm around me and I waved at Zandra and Jasmine and Jasmine waved back. I dragged Zakai behind as I moved towards the ROTC room and when I got there I walked in, pulling Zakai behind me and he looked at the room reluctantly. Liz saw me and walked over, smiling at me and then she saw Zakai and said, "Who's this? You know no one outside of ROTC is allowed in the ROTC room in the mornings."

"Besides me," I said, hitting my fist on the top of her head.

"Besides you," Liz said, "but that's only because Sergeant and Colonel love you."

"That they do," I said, grinning at her. "Anyways, this is Zakai, my new boyfriend, and ROTC is his first hour."

"Aha! Another Sophomore I get to pick on," she said.

Zakai grinned and said, "You can try, but it won't work." He hugged me from behind and said, "And only I'm allowed to pick on Leo."

Her ears twitched and she said, "You think that now," she winked, "but I know what's going to happen.

"She does," I said, grinning up at Zakai, "She has that whole, 'Women's Intuition' thing."

Zakai grimaced and said, "Yeah, Zandra has that too."

"How do you know?" Liz said, grinning.

"Let's just say," Zakai said, "I always lose."

"Exactly my point!" Liz said, winking.

The five minute bell rang and I sighed, hugged Zakai, kissed him quickly and said, "I have to get to my class honey."

"Go go," he said, hugging and kissing me back, "I'll see you at lunch."

I smiled and walked away. So far, it had been a good day.


Don't hold back. At all. Not a bit. Tell me how horrible this chapter is. Please. Hopefully my next will be better, and I'll PROBABLY be skipping to Halloween because I can't think of anything to fill in the blank spots. This wasn't very well planned.