The Dream of an Average Dreamer Chap 1

Story by Lucafire on SoFurry

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I woke up in the morning, my alarm beeping loudly, as it always does in the morning when its time for me to go to school. I got up and looked at the alarm clock. "What this says its 3:00am," I said as thought for a moment on how it could of changed. So, I set it for the right time and went back to bed.

Three hours later I woke up at six thinking to myself "I had that strange dream again." I brushed off the thought and got out of bed to take a shower. I took off my underwear and looked at myself in the mirror. I wasn't a handsome fellow but I was able to bench well over my weight and was the second strongest kid in school I was strong. But the thing was is that I was very passive and got bullied a lot, adding in the fact that I was kind of short, 5'7", well that didn't help either. I took those thoughts and got rid of them and continued to take my shower.

After the shower I went and ate breakfast. "Hmmmm lets see what we have here," I thought to myself, then I picked the cheerios. I was eating I looked at myself and said "I got to stop eating so much I'm fat and its going to just get worse."

I got done eating and went out to my car. It was a car that got me from point a to point b but it was ugly, old, and started to have issues. So I got into my car and started up to head to school but first music. My car may be fugly but it had a kick ass stereo system in it.

I got to school and went to my classes and had a relatively normal day. I went home had a snack then started playing video games. 2 hours had passed sense I started the games so I thought to myself "I wonder what my friends are doing," so I got on the phone and began calling them up. None of them were able to do anything. "this is so fucken stupid here I am on a Friday fucken night and I'm fucking bored," I thought to myself. "fuck this ill go to bed so ill wake up earlier to start the weekend off," that said I went o bed.

I woke up at 12 in the morning and I had, had that same dream again. I sat there for a moment wondering what the dream could mean, then shrugged it off and went back to bed. I soon as I went back to bed and was instantly swept back into that same dream. I was flying but not on something it was me flying I was up so high I couldn't tell weather or not I was small or big. Then I swooped down and saw that I wasn't only big but enormous. So I looked at my hand or rather Paw? It was black and scaly and had super sharp claws on it. I landed on the ground and looked back at myself. I was a dragon. I couldn't believe if a had not seen it for my own eyes. I had wings that were huge and covered in black, my whole body was black a shiny black sheen of scales. Harder tougher scales on top soft underbelly scales that were smooth to the touch.

I ran to the nearest water source and quite fast too being on all fours. I looked down into the water and saw the I had a nice slender muscular face but not small. I had horns that grew back that were a lighter black in color and I had short fin like things at the back of my cheeks. I opened my mouth and saw razor sharp teeth that looked like they would put a shark to shame. But, my eyes were the most beautiful thing that I saw, they were all silver with a diagonal slit in it as my pupil. I still had know idea how tall I was so I stood next to a tree and I guessed that at shoulder height I was 30 foot tall (40 foot from the top of my head) and would guess to be about 105 feet long from nose to tip of tail, which was quite prehensile.

Being that I love dragons I had to look at my nether region. So, I bent my head down and looked between my back legs. There I saw the slit, just looking at it, I slowly began to get aroused and my member began to emerge, it was a red a bright red. It slowly grew and grew until it was out as far as it could go. It had a triangle shaped head that was small but then as it went up it got bigger. If judging my height was 30 foot I was guessing that my member was 15 foot long and had foot in diameter in the front and grew into a three foot in diameter penis at the back.

Just looking at it got me aroused enough to have pre leaking from it already. "This is the best fucken thing in the world," I thought to myself. Then, my hornyness kicked in, I looked at my dragon hood again and bent lower to taste it. I was just about to touch it then I woke up.

I opened my eyes, my heart was beating a million miles an hour and I looked around I was in my bed room. "oh man," I thought to my self as I began to calm down and as I did I felt warm. I looked under the sheets. I had, had a huge wet dream that covered my underwear and sheets. I was quite amazed that I made this much and disgusted at the same time cuz now I had to take a shower and wash my underwear.

I got out of bed and looked at the clock. "Oh my god 16 hours," I had slept most of the day away and couldn't believe it. My dad would have woken me up but he was usually gone for weeks on end flying off somewhere with his new wife. "16 extra hours of sleep and I didn't even get to please myself," I continued to think but then later said o well.

I got into the shower to clean all the cum off of me. Got cleaned then went to dry myself I was drying my self when I looked in the mirror and noticed that something was different. I wiped the steam off the mirror and saw that my eyes had changed to a completely different color from hazel to silver with small round black pupils. "OH MY FUCKEN GOD," I thought to myself. I started to freak out but then realized that it looked rather good so I just counted it as a blessing and would hope that know one would notice. So, went on with drying myself off. I got dressed and went out to the kitchen to grab some food I was rather hungry even though I had only missed breakfast.

I finished eating my bowl of cereal and went to go out side but then noticed that there was a message. I pushed the play button and "Your son has missed today, Monday the 3rd and will need to bring in an excuse, as to why he was absent today, tomorrow when he comes back. Thank you and have a nice day...........beep, There are no more new messages." I pushed stop. I was frozen solid. "I had slept for almost three days, what the hell is going on here.......was I drugged?" I thought standing there puzzled, then I did the most reasonable thing I could. I picked up the phone to call my grandma, who only lived down the road a little ways.

I dialed her number and the phone rang for what seemed like hours then she finally picked up.

"Grandma did you hear about me missing school," I said with a shiver in my throat

"Yes," she replied with the tone of an angry mother

"Well" I thought for a moment on what to say then replied "I don't know what happened but I fell asleep Friday night and woke up today at 6pm thinking it was still the weekend." I was scared as to weather or not she was going to believe my or not.

"Oh my, are you alright," she said in the tone that every soft centered grandmother has when she feels for your well being.

"Yes I'm fine but for...." I wasn't certain to weather or not to tell her about my eyes had changed color. "Well what is it spit it out," she said interrupting my train of thought. "um my eyes they've changed color."

"really what color are they," she said sounding shocked.

"There um .......... Silver..... All of it is silver no whites," I replied thinking that she thought that I had gone crazy. To make sure I hadn't gone crazy I ran back to the bathroom to see if they were still silver and they were.

"well that is weird," she said probably not believing me then continued "as for school today ill go ahead and write you an excuse."

"thank you so much grandma," I said right before I hung up.

I went back to the bathroom and looked at my eyes again. They were still silver. "weird." I said to myself one last time as I went out the door with a pare of thick sunglasses.

I got in my car and proceeded to drive to the corner store were my friends always hung out. I put my sunglasses on and got out of my car. I walked up to them and they greeted me with "dude wear were you all weekend and today at school," to witch I just replied "I got a major head ache and had to sleep," I had to lie to them I couldn't tell them about my dream they didn't know that I was bi or even a furry. So we hung out with each other until it got late then we said are goodbyes and talk to you later's. Then we departed.

I got home took off the sunglasses and went back to the mirror. I looked in it and to my relief my eyes were normal again. But, then I started wondering if I had lost my mind but then said "fuck it." and went to bed, after I had set my alarm clock for 6 am that way I wouldn't miss school again.

I fell asleep and instantly went back to that dream. But it seemed so real this time. I was the dragon again and this time I was going to have fun and not look at my body all day. So I looked down at my nether region and started to get aroused. My dragon cock slowly but surly came out to its full length. I had to look away from it to slow my heart rate down. Then, I laid down on the ground with a thump.

I continued to look at my dragon hood then I went down and began to wrap my tongue around it and lick up and down on my shaft. I began to moan and growl from the sheer pleasure that I was giving myself. Pre was dripping from it faster and faster as I licked harder and faster. Then, I brought my muzzle down onto the cock and began sucking myself. It tasted good almost a sweet taste but with a zesty feeling. I began bobbing my head up and down curling myself into a ball from the pleasure coming from my cock.

Then, I took my tail and had it find my tail hole and I began to trust it in slow at first but faster and faster as I got used to it. I was getting closer to my climax and I could feel it. I began bobbing faster and faster going from the tip to as far down I could, licking and slurping up all that I could. My tail was going faster and faster into my tail hole and was rubbing up against my prostate making me moan even more.

My heart was racing and it was time. I brought my head down as far as it could go then, shoved my tail in as far as it would go and climaxed. Hot dragon cum raced into my maw in thick gooey threads. I tried to swallow as much as I could but ended up chocking on the amount that was poring in to my maw so I just let the rest squirt all over my dragon face and body. Loads of dragon cum was laying all over my dragon body. I lapped at the strands that dangled from my face and then began to rub the sticky goo all over my scales making them shiny. I then just laid on the ground with my wings folded back and just relaxed in the after glow from the best orgasm in the world. I heard something in the forest turned my head to look at it Beep Beep Beep Beep. "GOD DAMIT," I said right as I turned to look at my alarm clock.

End of Chapter 1