T. Aropo Vine Zoo - Chapter Eight: The Full Package

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#9 of Zootopia Stories

Bobby discovers a new building in Huntington. When he goes to check it out, things get interesting.

This story contains characters from Zootopia, and involves vore and M/M sex between a cubs and adults. If this bothers you, please do not read it.

Bobby is my character. All other characters mentioned in this chapter belong to Disney.

Bobby sat there with a smile on his face as he watched Travis pull a sketchpad out of duffel bag that was sitting beside the couch he'd been sitting in. "Oh! You're an artist?"

Travis rubbed his neck. "Yeah... I mean... they aren't like... professional or anything, but... yeah."

"May I see?"

Travis shrugged and handed the sketchpad over. "Here."

Bobby opened it and began looking over the various drawings in it. He saw a few different Zootopia residents in it, but more often than not he found pictures of Gideon or Travis himself. "Wow... these are really good."

"Thanks... I've been drawing a lot lately. My drawing has really improved over the last couple years."

Bobby smiled. "It shows. I don't think you're giving yourself credit though. These look like they WERE drawn by a pro."

Travis smiled. "Thank you.... Bobby, was it?"

Bobby nodded. "Yep. Bobby Thornbody. And you're welcome."

Right then, Gideon came back then with two bowls of ice cream: one with mint chocolate chip, which he gave to Travis and the other with chocolate for himself as he sat down. "Pretty impressive drawin' skills, don'tcha think, Bobby?"


"Why don'tcha show Bobby yer other sketches, Travis," Gideon commented before taking a mouthful of ice cream and swallowing it.

Travis gulped down the bite of ice cream he'd had in his own muzzle then started looking a bit uneasy. "I... I don't think he'd wanna see those, Gid."

"Travis, trust me. Bobby will enjoy seein' 'em just as much as ah do." He gave Travis a bit of a nudge.

"I... I dunno..."

Bobby looked from Travis to Gideon and back to Travis again. "If you don't want to, it's okay. With everything else I've already seen here though, I doubt there's anything you could show me that I'd be weirded out by."

Travis looked at Bobby, still looking a tad uneasy.

Before he could say anything though, Gideon reached into the duffel, pulling out another sketchpad.

"Gideon, I don't..."

Gideon handed the sketchpad to Travis. "Go on... Show him. He ain't gonna make fun of ya."

Gulping again, he opened it. This time, Bobby's eyes were met with more pics of Gideon, but with a very clear difference. In these pictures, Gideon was drawn naked, and quite hard as well.

Bobby watched as Travis flipped through a few different pictures of Gideon. The more he saw, the more his own cock started to swell in his sheath. "Mmmm... Gotta say, Travis, these ARE quite nice."

Travis blushed hard, flipping through a couple more pics of him, but stopping after about ten or so. "That.... that's all of them..."

Gideon shook his head, looking at Travis. "No it isn't, and we both know it... He already knows about mah little secret, and he enjoyed it. He ain't gonna be bothered."

With a trembling paw, Travis flipped the page. The next image showed one of him completely nude and hard. This particular picture though, had one other big difference.

Bobby couldn't help letting a murr escape his lips when he saw. "Quite the package you've given yourself there, Travis."

"Uhhh... I... Um..." Travis blushed even harder.

Bobby stood from where he was sitting and walked over, sitting on the other side of Travis to get a better look. "Is that, by any chance an accurate self-portrait?"

"Y.... Yeah... Well... accurate inside the Zoo anyway..."

Bobby nodded. "I like what I see..."

"See? Told ya," Gideon commented.

"Wouldn't mind seeing the real thing either," Bobby added.

That comment got Travis so flustered, he dropped the sketchpad.

Gideon was quick to retrieve off the floor. He then handed it back, looking at Bobby afterward. He then stood and whispered to Bobby. "If ya want him ta... heh... relax a bit more, yer gonna have ta get a bit more... well... forceful."

"I don't wanna force him to do something he doesn't want to, Gid. He already looks uncomfortable," Bobby whispered back.

"Trust me, he ain't as uncomfortable as ya think he is. He actually likes it when someone else takes charge," Gideon told him. "He's got a tell fer when he genuinely doesn't want ta do something that's been asked of him, and ah can tell ya honestly, nothin's happened that has him actually uncomfortable."

"I dunno, Gid. I'm not usually the dominant type..."

"Ah don't mean dominant. Ah just mean... Well, if ya really DO wanna see, just go fer it. Don't wait fer him ta give ya the okay."


"Look... Ya already know that this place is a safe haven for others ta let out their kinky sides. If ya wanna see his, then make him show ya. Ah wouldn't tell ya it was okay if it wasn't. Ya should know that by now." Gideon then stood straight up again. "Ah'll be back in a bit, alright, Bobby? Take care of Travis fer me." He gave Bobby a wink then walked off.

Travis just sat there, the sketchbook in his lap, and watched as Gideon walked off. He then turned to Bobby.

Bobby very slowly put his arm around Travis. 'I'm gonna hate myself forever if Gideon was wrong about this,' he thought to himself.

"B... Bobby?"

"Just... Relax, Travis... I'm not gonna hurt you..." He then placed his other paw on Travis' chest, over his shirt and started rubbing.

"What... what are you doing?"

"Just... trying to relax you, like I said." He moved his paw a little lower, until it rested on the ferret's tummy.

"I... ummm..."

"Did you want me to stop," Bobby asked, looking Travis in the eye.

Travis could not bring himself to speak, only giving a light whimper.

Hearing that, and sensing no true fear in the whimper, the cub's paw went lower still, resting on the crotch of Travis' shorts, which he gently rubbed. "You DO want to show me, don't you?"

Travis still didn't speak a word, but Bobby felt the bulge in Travis' shorts twitch.

"Last chance, Travis. If ya don't wanna do it, speak up now..." Bobby gave the bulge a gentle squeeze.

"A...aah," was all that Bobby got out of him.

Bobby then stood, pulling Travis to his feet, before getting behind him and putting his paws to the waistband of Travis' shorts. After hearing another gentle whimper from him, Bobby slipped his thumbs inside the waistband of the ferret's shorts and briefs, and slowly slid them down to his ankles. His paw then reached and took hold of the ferret's now erect cock and gave it a squeeze.

"Oh god..." Travis whimpered out.

"You okay," Bobby asked.

"I... I mean..." Travis trembled a moment. "Yeah... Don't.... Don't stop... please..."

"Wasn't planning on it," Bobby told him as he began stroking Travis. His other paw moved to Travis' sac, which was indeed quite large. "You're holding back on me..."

"You really wanna.... Aa...aaah." Travis' words were cut off as Bobby picked up the pace with his stroking.

As he stroked, Bobby was also rubbing and fondling Travis' sac. As he did, he felt it getting larger in his paw. "Yes... I do."

Travis began panting a bit as he started humping the young porcupine's paw. As he did, his sac and testicles continued to grow. "B... Bobby.... Why are y..."

"Because Gid says you enjoy it... You do, don't you?" As Travis' sac grew in his paw, it quickly became too much for Bobby's paw to hold.

"I.... Y... Yeah... I don't wanna... get raped or anything... but when someone I trust takes control... I can't help myself...." He moaned out as both his cock and sac started to become wet with precum.

"So... you trust me then?"

"If Gid.... If Gid trusts you, I have no reason not to..."

"You really ARE enjoying it," Bobby said, giving a light chuckle as he shook some of the pre that came off of Travis' sac off his paw.

"Yeah I... Well... I guess you've probably already figured me out by now, huh?"

Bobby stroked Travis more, rubbing the ferret's ever-growing package. "Mmmhmm... So.... Might as well ask... how often...."

This time Travis cut Bobby off. "About once or twice a week... Feels really good... Especially when he squirms around."

Bobby giggled a bit at that. "Did you want me to..."

He cut him off again. "I'd... like that... I mean... if you'd like to."

"How about I help you finish first..." Bobby began pumping on Travis' cock faster now. "Then, if you want, you can. I'd be interested in seeing how ya go about it."

Travis moaned out and started bucking quickly in Bobby's paw, his cock throbbing and oozing quite a bit now. "Mmmmmrrrr..."

"Don't hold it in, Travis.... Cum for me..." Bobby rubbed the sides of Travis' sac as he continued stroking. "Nice and hard..."

"Bobby... I... I.... AAAAH!" He bucked forward once more before shooting his load onto the floor. The spot beneath him was also soaked from the cum that now oozed off his sac.

"There... much better now, hm?"

Travis nodded, still panting. "Yeah, but... I have another problem now..."

Bobby chuckled and came around in front of Travis.

The ferret's sac was now quite engorged, his testicles now about the size of basketballs. "Did you... mean it... when you said you'd... let me take you inside me?"

Bobby giggled a bit, "I did, heh... What do I need to do?"

Travis very carefully inched himself backward until he was back to the couch behind him and slowly sat down on it. He re-positioned himself a bit so he could spread his legs a bit more, then allowed his sac to hang freely between his legs. "Keep rubbing it... Please..."

Bobby did exactly that, causing Travis to moan in pleasure as his sac and testicles grew larger still.

When they had tripled in size, Bobby stopped, and looked at him. "If this place weren't magical, I'd question how you could manage having that much hanging between your legs."

Travis chuckled a bit then moaned as he felt Bobby's paw rub over his massive orbs. "Mmmrrr... Guess I just have a lot of tolerance for it." He paused. "Hey... Bobby? Would you... MMMF!"

Bobby had already gotten to his knees and was now pressing his face into the flesh of the ferret's massive sac. "Way ahead of ya," came Bobby's muffled voice.

"Ohhh... oh jeez..." Travis lay there unable to move other than his occasional twitching.

"Mmmm...." Bobby moaned out a bit. It felt like his face was sinking into the ferret's sac. As it did, he noticed his face felt a bit cooler. "So nice... Mmmff..."

"Unless you stop me, I'm going in," Bobby commented.

"Then I guess... aaaah.... You're going in..." Travis moaned out again. "Because I'm not... aaah... stopping you."

As Bobby's body slowly started to sink into Travis' flesh, he felt the familiar wetness of Travis' pre coating him. Pressing against the ferret, he quickly found his head sinking in fully as it started taking in his shoulders and arms. Remembering what Travis had said about liking squirming, Bobby started doing just that, which caused yet another moan to escape him.

"Oh jeez... Bobby..."

Bobby gave another giggle but stayed otherwise silent as his chest was pulled in. He could feel his own cock twitching in pleasure beneath him. Right then, he heard a familiar voice.

"See? Ah told ya he liked it..." Gideon's voice said, coming from behind Bobby.

"I don't... mmmff... like it, Gid.... I LOVE it." Travis moaned out, still twitching.

"Well, that's good, ain't it," the fox commented as he placed his paws at Bobby's sides to hold him still while Travis pulled him in.

"Mmfff... Definitely." Travis moaned.

"I'm glad you're enjoying yourself," Bobby commented, as his large belly sank inside his new friend. He squirmed a bit more. "Ya know... this actually feels kinda nice."

"Yeah? Well, ah bet this'll feel even better," Gideon commented, before squeezing Bobby's butt, forcing a moan out of both him and Travis.

"Oooohhh... G...Gid..." Travis gasped. "Push him inside... please..."

"Happy ta oblige, mah friend," Gideon started pushing then.

Inch by inch, Bobby was taken inside, and with Travis' sac oozing pre around him, Bobby could feel himself slipping inside even faster, as it took in his butt and crotch.

Bobby squirmed even more. "Keep going... Let's see if he cums before I'm all the way in."

"That's not... aaah... gonna take... much more... to make happen," Travis said, his voice now staggered as he panted. "Feels... aaaah... so good..."

"Go on, Travis... Cum fer us," Gideon commented as he began to guide in Bobby's thighs and upper legs.

"AAAAH!" Travis lost it then. Cum coated his entire sac again as his body shook. The extra slickness caused Bobby to slip in even further, now up to his knees.

"Think I got it from here, Gideon," Bobby told him as he pulled his feet inside the rest of the way.

Travis twitched and moaned out loud. "How are... you feeling... in there... Bobby?"

"Pretty good... Need to take care of something though..." Bobby then went silent.

"What's tha.... Aaahhhh!" Travis felt his sac shaking a bit, and instantly knew what was going on.

"Looks ta me ya got Bobby all worked up," Gideon said with a chuckle as he ran his paws over Travis' package.

"I guess... I... aahh... did."

Not even a minute later, Bobby moaned out. "Travis... I'm gonna... Gonna..." Bobby twitched and spasmed inside shooting his load from within the ferret.

Gideon took his paws off Travis then as he watched Travis' sac ooze once more. "Keep it up in there... Ah think Travis is about to let loose again."

"Gid... I don't think I ca... AAAH!" Travis' entire body shook fiercely as another wave of pleasure hit him, causing him to cum not only from his cock but from his sac as well. As he did, Bobby's body was pushed back through him, resulting in Bobby landing on the floor in front of Travis' sac with a loud thud.

Bobby looked up at the other two. "Okay, now THAT was an interesting experience." He then looked himself over, seeing himself coated in cum again, but just gave a light chuckle. As soon as he stood, his fur seemed to instantly dry itself. "You okay," he asked Travis.

Travis was quiet for several seconds, panting as his sac shrank back down to a more manageable size. "Yeah... I... I think so."

"Good," Bobby offered his paw to Travis, helping him to stand, before placing a kiss upon the ferret's lips.

Travis just blushed when he did that.

"I enjoyed that," Bobby said with a smile.

"So did I," Travis replied. "Thanks."

"Anytime." Bobby then turned to look at Gideon, whose attention now seemed to be focused on a large polar bear with some kind of much smaller creature sitting on the bar counter. "Gid? Is that a friend of yours?"

"Heh... Well, kinda... Surprised ta see him here though. Mister Big usually doesn't come here often."

Bobby cocked his head. "The polar bear?"

"Nope... the arctic shrew sitting on the counter there. Once the leader of a mafia of sorts but he gave that up when his grand-daughter was born. He also runs a limo service in Tundratown, as well as a few other businesses," Gideon told him.

"Ah... Okay, so who's the polar bear?"

"Mister Big's right-hand man, Koslov. He doesn't talk too much, and is almost always with Mister Big, acting as his carrier as well... If he weren't, Mister Big would have a lot more trouble getting around."

Bobby gave a bit of a chuckle. "Think I'll go pay my respects."

Gideon chuckled then as well. "Go on. Ah know yer curious. Ah'm gonna just sit here and relax with Travis a bit."

Bobby nodded and kissed Travis again before kissing Gideon too. He then walked over toward the bar. "Aloha."

Both Koslov and Mister Big turned to look in Bobby's direction.

Mister Big then spoke up. "Hello, my child. Do you have business with me?"

Bobby shook his head. "No, I just wanted to introduce myself, sir. My name's..."

Mister Big raised a tiny paw. "I know who you are. Bobby Thornbody, yes?"

"Uhh... Yes, sir. That's me."

"I've heard about you from Larry and Gary here," he commented, indicating the timber wolves. "You must be quite a fan of what this place has to offer by now."

Bobby nodded. "I am, sir."

"Very good... Well then, my child, is it safe to assume the same curiosity that led to your interactions with others is the reason you stand here before me now."

Bobby rubbed his neck. "My apologies. I meant no disrespect to you, sir, but, yes, I admit I am a little curious."

"Curiosity is not a sin, child. Please, sit."

Bobby did as he was asked, then looked at the polar bear. "Hello."

Koslov didn't speak a word, but gave a gentle nod of acknowledgement to him before returning his attention to his boss.

"As it happens, I do indeed possess a particular skill that relates to why I come here," the arctic shrew told him. "However, unlike most others, I prefer to showcase it only within the privacy of a bedroom."

"Understood, sir. I wouldn't ask for you to indulge in it in public against your wishes. Something is telling me you're are among one of the most highly respected residents here, and I wouldn't want to disrespect you myself, knowing that."

It was at that moment, Mister Big ushered Koslov close to him as he whispered something.

Koslov then stood, picking up Mister Big's chair with him in it, and resting it on his palm as he then walked down the hall.

Curious, Bobby followed, getting the impression that was what was expected of him anyway, and he was indeed led into one of the rooms. This room had one king sized bed with a dresser, as well as a large table beside the bed, which held a tiny desk and a smaller bed. It also had a rather high ceiling, much like Nick's room had.

Koslov placed the chair upon the table, turning it so it faced Bobby.

Mister Big then looked at him. "Being someone who has gotten a great deal of respect from most furs in Zootopia, many of them often resort to flattery. While I admit, I do enjoy the compliments and kindness that it has given me, one particular form of flattery is one that makes me... quite happy... Do you understand?"

Bobby raised a brow at this, and looked the shrew over. It wasn't until he noticed Mister Big's feet that it dawned on him. "I think I do, sir." He leaned in then and kissed them before backing off and standing up straight again.

"Bless you, my child. You're quite the observant one, aren't you? Most don't get the hint."

Bobby smiled. "Yeah, I tend to notice a lot of things most others miss... You wiggling your toes kinda gave it away. Are you a macro fan too?"

"It would be hard for me to partake in much fun at my current size, wouldn't it," the shrew remarked.

"Not entirely... You could just as easily shrink me down," Bobby said. Almost immediately, he covered his muzzle though. "I am sorry, sir, I didn't mean to contradict you."

"Relax, my child. You do offer a valid point. In this particular instance, however, I do think that I will meet you halfway. Grow myself to your size for the time being, then shrink you down when we are ready to move forward. Provided that pleases you."

"Of course, sir. I like that idea," the cub told him.

Mister Big looked at Koslov, who immediately put his paw out. The shrew then stepped onto the paw as Koslov carried him over to his own larger bed, putting his paw down as Mister Big walked onto the bed. He then laid down on his back as Koslov leaned in, licking the shrew from head to toe. This caused his body to slowly grow over the next minute or so until he was about as tall as Bobby.

Bobby wasted no time. He leaned in and kissed Mister Big's feet yet again, this time noticing his tongue got wet. "I appear to already have you aroused, sir."

"Indeed you do, my child. Now, what do you plan to do about it?"

T. Aropo Vine Zoo - Chapter Seven: Ear's Lookin' At You, Kid

Finnick looked at Bobby with an uncertain look in his eye. "If you laugh, I swear you'll regret it, kid." Bobby looked at him curiously. "I wouldn't do that, Fin." Finnick stood there in silence for several moments before stripping off his...

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T. Aropo Vine Zoo - Chapter Six: A Navel Idea

Nick let go of Bobby, and took several steps back, putting himself a good distance away from him before closing his eyes. In mere moments, Nick grew about a foot taller, and easily a hundred pounds fatter, He then plopped himself on the bed, on his...

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T. Aropo Vine Zoo - Chapter Five: It's The Pits

Bobby giggled a bit as he heard the Chief moan out. "I guess you liked that, huh?" "I did," Bogo murred. "But I think I'd like this just a bit more if we went somewhere a tad more comfortable." Bobby pulled back and looked at him. "Oh? You mean...

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