Unexpected Surprise

Story by Neofox on SoFurry

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#1 of Unexpected surprise

"Finally..." David said as laid back on his mattress, "... I can get some time to breathe!" David was a cat at 18 years of age. He began working full time in a sub joint down the street from his apartments. He had also recently graduated high school and was looking for a college that took his interest. As if that would have any luck right now. David was pretty much broke. He didn't make a whole lot of money in his job. He only had enough money to pay what bills he did have, and he fed himself with the discount he had from his business. It wasn't a town worth much brag about either. It was a small college town outside of a bigger parent city. It was always crowded with students, and it seemed like he would never get the chance to get any peace. Even when he was alone, the constant noise of the clutter in town kept him awake.

Tonight seemed a bit different however. Rain was coming down outside of the apartment complex. And through the window he could see the wet droplets of rain being illuminated in the streetlights below. He sat up, reaching over to the desk and grasping his sandwich. He removed it from its plastic and threw the wrapper along with it into the small garbage can he had under the desk. It strafed a little and missed it...but it's not like it would matter. David's apartment was always a mess. After all, with him being a bit on the shy side, he didn't think that he would be able to open up to anybody. And his friends didn't seem to mind how his apartments looked. He guessed it's because theirs didn't look much better. However...there was always one person that he looked forward to seeing every day.

Her name was Amy, a female Wolf who stopped by the shop often. David took a bite of his sandwich, the tenderness of the tuna sliding on his tongue. Amy would always come in and take a seat across from the side window. The view was always blocked by a warehouse across from it though, sort of an odd place to want to sit. She would pull out her cell phone and sit it upon the table before taking her hair band out and shaking her long blonde hair free. It was always a sight to behold, seeing the golden hairs shine as they tossed gracefully side to side. Her eyes were beautiful emeralds that would always gleam in the light of the room. Her muzzle was a soft cream color, her silky grey coat offset from it. She often wore a black zip-up hooded sweater, and a pair of slim blue jeans.

David blushed a little at the site of her in his mind. He continued munching down the rest of his sandwich, wiping his mouth often with his napkin. Amy was indeed a very attractive woman. When she would walk up to take place her order, David would always feel his stomach turn a little. She would walk to the bread counter, her hips swaying side to side enticingly. Her long tail would be wagging in unison, her breasts bouncing lightly to the steps she took in her heels. She would have her eyes fixed on him most of the time she did. When she got to the front of the counter, she would always bend over, placing her elbows on the counter and leaning over to take a look at the new selections out of the special menu. David often couldn't resist sneaking a peek at her slightly exposed chest.

He choked a bit on his sandwich, coughing slightly before adjusting himself. He was beginning to get a hard on remembering her. He guessed that the truth was, he really liked her, but he was always too shy to say anything. He giggled a bit remembering something else that he had done. One day when he was closing up shop, she was the only customer left. "Take as much time as you need" David said with a smile. David was sweeping the floor on the opposite side of the room, trying not to disturb her. Amy was finished with her meal, and was currently texting on her phone. She looked up at him and gave a cute smile. "Thanks!" she said in a way that even being a small acknowledgement, made David's heart pound a little faster. He continued finishing up with his end of the room, and he had to finish the other before he closed for the night.

It was when he walked over to her end of the room she arose from her seat. She walked her usual up to David. "So...how much?" she asked him reaching into her pocket with a hand.

"Oh, that's quite alright...I'll take care of this one tonight for you!"

"Hehe...thanks your very kind! I wonder how I can repay you..."

Amy threw her arms around him, moved her maw up to him and pressed her hot lips to his. He felt his lips part slightly, feeling her tongue enter his lips and into his mouth. He let go of the broom, it hitting the floor, making a loud clutter. Suddenly, he felt himself jerked into reality. Amy was giving him a very confused look and he noticed that he was staring slightly towards her chest. David blushed hard at what appeared to be just a wild daydream fantasy that just played out in his head.

"uh....uhm....I...It's alright...you don't have to worry about it" David managed to say before fixing his view on her and swallowing hard. Amy smiled and laughed a bit.

"I really appreciate it. It's not too often that I meet furs like you! Too bad there aren't more of them like that. The world would definitely be a better place, don't you agree?" she said to him taking her hand out of her pocket and placing it on the wooden divider.

"Heh...yeah, I hear you there! With the economy the way it is and the crazy guys you've got out there...I don't blame you one bit." David said with a grin.

Amy pushed herself forward off the divider a bit, and then peeked down towards the floor. She giggled a bit and then threw her purse over her shoulder. "Here...let me get that for you" Amy said as she bent over to pick up David's broom. David felt his face become hotter as her rump was risen to his view. He could see her curves that formed in the tight jeans she wore. He could feel his shaft begin to come unsheathed and rub sensitively against his pants. He jerked a bit, trying not to let it be that obvious. Amy grasped the broom and looked back at David, who was now red in the face. He stupidly hadn't noticed his jaw was dropped slightly from his trance. She then stood up and handed his broom back to him

"Well...the meal was great, thanks again for what you did tonight! I'll make sure to stop by again tomorrow". Amy turned and walked toward the entrance and opened the door. The bell sounded to the swinging of the door. "Ha...have a good night!" David yelled to her from across the room. Amy waved back to him before closing the door on her way out and beginning her way up the street into the light of the street.

Thunder struck in the silence in the room. The storm that they had predicted must have just started. David fit the remainder of his sandwich into his mouth and swallowed it. He wiped off his lips one last time before throwing the napkin into the bin. He reached down, taking off his shoes and socks, throwing them aside. He then stood up and walked out to the kitchen, flipping the light off, and shutting the laundry room door, muffling the sound of his dryer. David raised his hand up to his mouth, covering up a loud yawn before making his way back to his bedroom. Just as he went to flip off his bedroom light, he could hear a knock on the door in the main room.

"Who the hell would come to my apartment at this late of a time?" he asked himself, shuffling into the main room to the door. He looked through the peep hole to see if it wasn't just somebody who had gotten the wrong room. But, what David had saw made him gasp in shock and surprise. Outside of his door was...Amy. He fumbled the lock and quickly opened his door to see that she was completely soaked and shivering. "What happened to you? Hurry up and get in here before you freeze to death!" David said quickly pulling her in and shutting the door.

To be continued...