Tower of Trials: Floor 5

Story by blueaeon on SoFurry

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#3 of Tower of Trials

Another floor in the tower, and this one is a bit more... involved.

After a bit of a break (well, kind of a long one), here's the next floor - wanted to try a bit more detail rather than going too fast. I, uh, like it when things are nice and drawn out. Enjoy~

As Evi pushed open the door onto Floor 5, he was greeted by a dim, industrial-looking room, shiny metal covering every surface, pipes and cabling strewn across the ceiling, and a soft hum coming from somewhere unseen.

Right in front of him, there were three open ducts at about chest level, big enough to crawl down but not much more. He looked around - the room was empty with no other visible way out - and so, with a sigh, he clambered into the middle duct and started crawling.

It was at least spacious enough to crawl through easily, and he soon got to a fork - it seemed this was going to turn into a maze. He tried listening for clues, but hearing nothing but the soft whirr of machinery, he decided to just go left. Why not?

After a few more twists and turns, the duct started sloping gently downwards, and Evi saw light coming from ahead - it looked like the duct opened up into another room. He hurried towards the light, but as he got closer, he paused - there was a noise coming from up ahead. Holding still, he could just make out a soft whimpering noise.

Slowly, he edged forward and peeked into the room. It was the same metallic architecture as the first one, with dim lights hanging from the ceiling, except this time a bright spotlight shone at one of the walls - and, right in the middle of it, the lizard contestant.

He was tightly secured to the wall by a mess of tubes and cables woven around him, his limbs disappearing into the wall, but his chest was exposed, his nipples standing on end in the dim air. His cock was drooping flaccidly below him, cum dripping out as it gently twitched from what looked like a recent orgasm, his head lowered and eyes closed as he breathed heavily.

His face was covered with some sort of gas mask, and as Evi watched, the clear tube leading to the mask tightened as he watched a purple gas flow down it towards the helpless lizard. As it reached his mouth, the lizard's eyes shot open with a worried look as his deep breathing forced him to quickly inhale the gas, moaning slightly as he did so.

As the gas flowed into the mask, Evi watched the lizard's cock throb as it became erect, the lizard groaning as it quickly reached full mast, a drop of precum already forming at the tip. As the last of the gas pumped into his mask, his whole body shuddered as his cock visibly jumped and a small squirt of precum came out. It dripped to the floor, joining a huge puddle of cum on the floor surrounding him - it looked like he had been here a while.

A speaker crackled and an automated voice simply said "ROUND SIX, PHEROMONE STROKING". The lizard's expression became panicked and he started squirming, trying to get free, but he was securely bound into the wall of tubes and cables. Out of the wall came a robotic arm, on the end of which was some kind of soft, silicone cock sleeve.

The arm swiftly pivoted round to hover over the end of the lizard's dripping cock, and the lizard seemed frozen in his restraints, though his cock seemed to quiver in anticipation as the arm got closer. Slowly, it brought the sleeve down over his shaft, and the lizard let out a loud moan as his hard cock finally got some stimulation. As the arm bottomed out and his cock poked out of the top of the sleeve, Evi watched as his cock twitched and let out another squirt of precum.

The arm started slowly moving back and forward, gently rubbing the lizard's sensitive cock as he moaned into the mask. After only a minute or two the lizard's whole body was shaking every time the sleeve hit the base of his cock, his balls already heavy with cum. A few more thrusts from the arm and the lizard was moaning louder and louder, a steady stream of precum leaking from his cock, until finally the sleeve pushed down to his cock base one last time and held there as the moans reached a crescendo.

His body shuddered as his orgasm hit, his cock buried deep in the silicone sleeve, the tip of his cock just poking out of the end as it flared and a huge squirt of cum flew out, splattering onto the floor. The lizard kept grunting as spurt after spurt flew out to join the puddle of cum below him, the sleeve holding firmly against his balls as they drew up towards his cock.

After what must have been seven or eight huge spurts of cum, the lizard's orgasm finally started to dry up, his grunts getting softer as a few more drips worked their way free of his cock. Finally, the orgasm subsided, and the arm and sleeve pulled away with a slick "pop" sound as his already-flaccid cock flopped out below him, a few more drips of cum leaking down onto the floor.

The lizard's body relaxed as he closed his eyes and hung his head in exhaustion. Evi looked down to realise his hand was around his own cock, hard from watching the display, and shook his head as he realised he needed to move on rather than watch the unfortunate lizard. Looking around, he spied another duct opening at the far end of the room.

As he crept out into the room, he heard a sharp moan from the lizard, and looked around to see the purple gas flowing into the mask again, and the lizard's spent cock quickly hardening as the pheromones coursed around his system. Evi started crawling quietly across the floor in case the machine noticed him.

"ROUND SEVEN, PHEROMONES ONLY" said the voice, and Evi heard an audible hiss as the flow of gas into the mask increased. The lizard thrashed around and let out some pained grunts as he inhaled the gas but it was to no avail, as his already-sensitive cock quickly started quivering as more and more pheromones were pumped into his system.

Evi was halfway across the room now, and the lizard's whole body was starting to tremble as the machine continued to pump the gas. The lizard let out a loud moan as his cock twitched and let out a whole squirt of precum. Ten seconds later, another moan and his cock lept again as more precum splashed onto the floor.

Evi was almost at the other duct now, and the frequency of the lizard's moans was getting faster and faster, his cock twitching in the air every few seconds as a near-continuous stream of precum leaked out of the tip. As Evi reached the other duct, he heard a scream and looked back to see the lizard finally reaching orgasm, his cock jumping around as it squirted cum a good six feet across the room. As Evi started hurriedly crawling along the duct, he could hear the lizard's orgasm fading behind him, the loud screams slowly fading into the background hum.

While he had been strangely aroused by the whole scene, he desperately wanted to avoid getting stuck like that himself - based on that cum pool, the lizard had been stuck there for a while. He took a left fork, then a right one, and then came to another room - slowly, he peeked out, but this one seemed empty, so he levered himself out of the duct and took a look around.

This room had two other ducts - one across from him, and strangely, one in the floor. Intrigued by this turn of events, he walked over and peered in - there was a few rungs of ladder visible before it got murky. He figured that it was probably worth investigating, and swung himself into the hole and started climbing down the ladder.

It was only after the third or fourth rung that he put down his foot and felt something unusual - rather than another rung, his foot had hit what felt like a mass of tubes and cables. It took a few seconds for him to realise what that might mean, but as he quickly tried to retract his foot and get out of there, he found it had already been ensnared by the machine.

Quickly, he braced against the top of the opening to try and lever himself out, but metal coils whipped out and wrapped around both of his legs, and with a sharp tug dragged him down into the murk.

In the darkness, Evi felt warm tubes and coils wrapping around his arms and legs, pulling them behind him. It was still pitch black, but he could feel something moving near his groin, and then slowly but surely he felt metal coils wrapping around his semi-erect cock, one near the base, one near the tip, and one round behind his balls.

Suddenly, the robotic voice piped up. "SENSATION TEST. ROUND ONE, PENIS STIMULATION". He could feel a slight breeze on his chest, but it was still pitch black - he had no idea how he could escape if he tried. He had just started to try to peer into the gloom when he cried out as a mild electrical shock ran through his cock, along the coils wrapped around it.

Suddenly, a light clicked on, and he found himself suspended in a small room, buried in a wall of cables and tubes just like the lizard. His cock was jutting out into the open air, and as he looked up, another, stronger shock hit him, making him tense up in a mixture of pleasure and pain.

The cables around his cock tightened, and suddenly started to buzz with electricity, his penis tingling as the current ran back and forth through it. He was already hard, and he could do nothing but squirm and moan as the electrodes kept up their stimulation. He'd already been horny from watching the lizard, and as the current increased in intensity he found himself shaking involuntarily from the pleasure being delivered to his cock.

It had only been a couple of minutes, but he already felt his orgasm rising and as the machine ramped up the current even more he screamed as he finally came, a wad of cum launching out of his cock and splattering onto the metal floor below.

The machine changed pitch, and suddenly started pulsing the current in time with his orgasm, causing him to gasp loudly as the next few shots went even further. The machine was relentless, and kept shocking the cum out of him - five, ten, fifteen spurts, and Evi was almost drained of cum, his cock twitching as it let out tiny dribbles each time.

The machine persisted, and kept shocking him until his orgasm was totally dry, his cock bucking around as it was shocked but nothing coming out, Evi screaming in pleasure and pain as his sensitive post-orgasm cock was milked for the very last drops it had left as it slowly went soft.

Finally, the machine subsided, and the coils released his flaccid cock to flop down below him as he tried to catch his breath. Just when he thought it was over, though, he felt something move behind him and a mechanical arm emerged holding a gas mask.

Knowing what came next, he tried to twist his head away from the mask, but two more arms shot out and held his head firmly in place as the mask was pushed firmly around his muzzle. He heard the hiss of the gas, and tried to hold his breath but soon found himself gasping for air and sucking the pheromone gas down with it.

As soon as he inhaled it, he felt his groin start tingling, and after a few breaths his cock was already getting hard again. Soon, his cock was fully hard and his balls were already starting to feel full. "ROUND TWO, ANAL STIMULATION", said the voice, and as Evi breathed in the last of the pheromones his cock was rock hard and leaking precum, his breathing heavy as he already felt a desperate need to cum.

He felt something moving behind him, and let out a soft moan as a cool metal probe gently pushed into his ass, finding no resistance after what he'd been through so far in this tower. He gasped as it gently touched against his prostate and stopped, a small spurt of precum dripping out of his cock onto the floor.

He braced himself for it to piston in and out, but instead, he felt a light tingling as it, too, shocked him - but this time, directly on his prostate. He didn't feel much, but then the current increased and his whole lower body moved involuntarily as his cock jumped, another squirt of precum coming out.

It hit him again, the sensation increasing each time, until after a few more shocks he heard the machine rev up as it unleashed a massive shock directly to his prostate. His entire lower body spasmed as he felt an intense rush of pleasure, and opened his eyes to see his cock squirting a thick wad of cum onto the floor.

Wide-eyed, he realised the machine was milking him without bringing him to orgasm, and as it administered the second large shock he cried out as his hips thrust forward involuntarily and another wad of cum squirted out. The machine tightened its grip on him and administered more shocks, increasing in frequency, Evi screaming as each shock milked more cum out of him, squirting onto the floor.

The frequency increased even more, until it was shocking him once a second, giving him no time to rest as his body shook, pumping out cum without giving him any say in the matter. As it continued - past ten, twenty shocks - his ejaculate started getting runnier, until after thirty he was letting out loud grunts as a runny mix of precum and cum dribbled onto the floor with every shock, his cock already mostly soft and the machine upping the intensity even more as it drained him.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, his balls were empty, his cock twitching but dry as the shocks continued. The machine abruptly stopped the shocks, Evi's body still twitching from the after-effects of such an aggressive milking. As the probe pulled out of his ass, a shudder of pleasure ran through his body as he finally got to dry orgasm, his flaccid cock twitching as he moaned and shook.

Exhausted, he looked down to see the floor covered in his cum - the machine had definitely done its job. He felt the bindings loosen, and the machine abruptly let him go, and he slid out of the wall and landed in the pool of cum below him.

He lay there for a good few minutes, still tingling from the milking, until finally he managed to get to his feet. He wiped as much of the cum off his scales as he could and looked around - there was only one way out of this room, so he staggered over there and pulled himself into the duct.

He had to keep stopping as he crawled through the tunnels, his body occasionally still shaking involuntarily and his cock twitching with mini dry orgasms. Finally, though, after a few more turns, he saw a familiar green light at the end of the tunnel, and sluggishly pulled himself towards the end.

There, in the room beyond, he saw the familiar green EXIT sign. He was so distracted by the thought of getting off of this floor that he started running across the room before he looked around it - and, just too late, noticed the huge mass of cables and tubes in the middle of the room as he ran into it.

He jumped and tried to pull away, but it had already got a hold on him and quickly wrapped itself round his body, pulling him inside. He felt the machine rearranging behind him as it pulled his arms and legs apart into the familiar position, before pushing him into a void in the middle of the tangled mass of cables.

Here, in the dim light, he saw another figure, and as the cables pulled him in and rearranged him, he saw the otter had also been caught by the same machine, and was already in here, spread wide open with his cock jutting out into the middle of the small cavity.

As the cables pulled Evi in, they shifted around the otter too, and soon they both found themselves opposite each other in the small space, the cables pulling their hips in and their legs down, their groins being brought towards the center.

Finally, with one extra shove, the cables pushed them both into the center and Evi felt their balls gently brush against each other. The otter squeaked as his flaccid cock rubbed against Evi's, trying to look away as his cock got started to get hard from the gentle sensation.

Evi wasn't sure he would be able to even get hard again after that last encounter, but then he smelled the familar scent of pheremones as the machine pumped them into the small space, and both of them moaned as they rapidly got new erections.

The speaker buzzed. "DUAL ENDURANCE TEST. FIRST TO CUM LOSES. BEST OF THREE.". Well, I guess it was lucky he had just been milked, then? "ROUND ONE, VIBRATION".

The otter squealed as an arm came down and grasped around the base of both of their cocks, bringing them together. As they both watched, trying to avoid each others' gaze, a silicone sheath descended from above and slid down over their cocks, pulling them both into its warm, wet interior.

Evi could feel ridges and bumps on the inside of the cock sleeve as well as the hot, wet feeling of the otter's cock being squeezed against his as the sleeve descended. Finally, it pushed all the way down to their balls, and he heard the otter's cock jump as he let out a small whimper.

Then, without warning, the sleeve suddenly started vibrating up and down rapidly, the lumps and ridges in the sleeve pleasuring every inch of his cock at high speed. He couldn't resist moaning as the sleeve massaged both of their cocks - he looked over to see the otter's eyes shut as he started moaning more loudly.

Evi was getting close quicker than he would have liked, and his own voice started raising too as he quickly felt his orgasm coming on. The vibration was focused on all the right places, and just as his claws started curling from the sensation he heard a loud squeal from the otter as he felt him thrash around through the bindings.

A second later, he felt the otter's cock twitch next to his as it came, spurting hot cum into the tube and dripping all over Evi's cock. Feeling the otter cum was enough to send him over the edge and he grunted as he had his own orgasm, both of their cocks twitching against each other as they filled the silicone sleeve with their loads.

They both moaned and quivered in time as their orgasms subsided, the sleeve still enveloping their softening cocks. Evi could feel their warm loads dripping out over his balls, and as the vibration finally stopped, the otter let out one last squeal as his cock twitched and squirted one final drop of cum.

Exhausted, they both went limp in their bindings, wondering what was next. "1 - 0. ROUND TWO, HEAD ONLY", said the machine, and as a burst of pheromones brought them both back to a full erection, they watched as the sleeve slid further down until both of their cock heads were peeking out of the top.

They locked eyes briefly, exchanging panicked looks, until they saw something descending down towards their cocks. It looked like a circular polishing pad, and as it got closer, it started to spin gently.

Without fuss, it landed directly on their sensitive cock heads and they both moaned in unison as the soft fabric started rubbing against them. The otter immeditely started whimpering while Evi tried his best to resist the intense sensation.

It started gently moving backwards and forwards, polishing different parts of their cock heads, and Evi soon found himself letting out a loud moan every time it crossed the very tip of his cock. He could feel his orgasm slowly building already, though the intense sensation was like nothing he'd felt before.

The polisher sped up, and they both whined as they tensed up from the sensation, their cocks begging to be stroked while the machine resolutely focused on just the head. Evi felt his cock twitch involuntarily as his orgasm built slowly, and he felt the otter's cock twitch in response.

Evi started breathing more and more rapidly as his orgasm approached, the overwhelming sensation on his head making him forget about the challenge briefly. He closed his eyes as his orgasm hit, his cock throbbing against the polisher, his load squirting directly into it and covering the fabric in slick cum.

As he spurted, the polishing didn't stop, and he let out a muffled scream as his sensitive cockhead continued to be stimulated by the polisher, wiping his own cum over him as he bucked and pulsed. His orgasm didn't subside, and the constant stimulus kept him on the edge, squirting several more loads out over their cocks.

After almost a minute, he felt the otter's cock tremble and buck and he finally came, his eyes shut as he moaned softly, his warm spunk emptying onto the polisher as well and dripping down between their dicks. The warm sensation was enough to get Evi to cum again, both of them moaning in unison as the polisher finally spun down and left them to pant as their cocks twitched, their cock heads still tingling.

They looked each other directly in the eyes now, as the voice chirped up again. "1 - 1. ROUND THREE, PHEROMONE EDGING". Both of them went wide eyed as pheromones started hissing into the chamber, and their cum-covered cocks rose to attention once more, still tingling from the polishing they'd just got.

The pheremones didn't stop this time, and Evi felt himself get harder and harder, until his cock felt like it was quivering. He could feel that the otter was rock hard as well, and both of them were already breathing heavily.

It kept pumping in, and Evi felt his whole body tense up. The otter's cock was literally quivering now, and he could feel him trying to squirm to get any sort of sensation on his cock. Evi managed to move his cock slightly and they both moaned at the pleasure from that slight bit of friction.

Slowly, the sleeve gently lifted up, and they both let out a deep moan as their desperate cocks were gently rubbed by the bumps and ribs inside the sleeve. It only went up a few inches, though, and stopped, leaving them both moaning in frustration, before slowly descending down again, both of their cocks twitching with desperation at the gentle stroking.

Evi felt like he could cum two or three times at least as the pressure built in his balls, but the desperately slow strokes had him slack in his restraints, a moaning puddle of pleasure as the machine gave them just enough stimulus. He was near the edge of orgasm, but whenever he got close the machine stopped, and he was left quivering and moaning as he was denied orgasm every time.

The otter was a quivering mess as well, his eyes closed as he whimpered and moaned. Occasionally, his cock would twitch, causing both of them to moan loudly at the extra sensation. Evi felt his own cock twitch as he edged ever closer to orgasm, but it was taking so long.

The otter moaned again as his cock bucked hard, and Evi felt a large squirt of precum land on his cock. The warm sensation made him gasp as his own cock jerked in response, almost sending him over the edge to an orgasm but still leaving him on the edge.

The otter moaned again, louder, and his cock twitched again, and again, more precum squirting into the sleeve and dripping down their cocks. Evi was twitching every few seconds now as well, and he was getting closer and closer to orgasm, but just as the machine stopped once more and denied him, the otter let out a shriek, and cum spurted up out of the sleeve and over both of them.

The otter's whole body convulsed as he finally came, his cock thrashing around in the sleeve as it squirted load after load. Feeling the other cock bucking and cumming finally pushed Evi over the edge, and he let out a loud grunt as he came hard, his first squirt hitting the top of the chamber before showering both of them in cum.

They both moaned and grunted as their huge orgasm was finally released, their huge loads puddling together and running over their balls and down their legs. The sleeve gave one final stroke, making them both moan and squirt in unison, before retracting back upwards and leaving them both shaking and moaning as their cocks softened but still twitched, cum still oozing from their overfilled balls.

Finally, they were done, and the otter looked up, realising that he'd lost. The fear in his eyes was confirmed when the voice chimed in - "2 - 1. SUBJECT 1 LEAVES. SUBJECT 2: PHEREMONES ONLY", and just as Evi heard the gas start to hiss in, the machine pulled him throgh the wall and unceremoniously spat him out onto the floor outside.

Evi shakily picked himself up, cum still dripping from his midsection and all down his legs, and quickly hobbled over to the exit. As he opened the door to the stairwell, he heard the otter's moans as the pheremones got to work, fading behind him as he descended towards whatever was on Floor 4...