Kara's Misfortune

Story by Fiona SilverWing on SoFurry

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"There's no use hiding from me, bitch," the voice following Kara echoed. She was a fast husky, with slender white legs, but her energy was fading fast. She ran, though, as fast as she could go, hearing the evil voice behind her. "You might as well stop running, it'll all be over soon enough..." called the voice of the black dog behind her. He was easily twice Kara's size, and was much more fit than she. He wasn't showing signs of slowing down, even as Kara's energy began to run out. As tempting as it was for her to just stop running, give up, let him shoot her, she knew she couldn't stop. Not while she still had energy, even if it wasn't very much.

Kara hadn't meant to do anything wrong. While strolling in the wintery forest, lost in thought, she came upon a clearing, which eventually led to a wooden house. Her curiosity got the better of her, and she crept along the border of the clearing, getting a view of the house from all sides. The sound of a shotgun being fired brought her back to her senses, along with the yell of "I told you to stop runnin' off with my livestock!" Looking closer, Kara saw that the dog who had yelled to her was completely black furred, and very big. She couldn't make out what kind of dog he was, he had already begun to run over to where she stood, shotgun in hand. She didn't have time to explain to him that she wasn't stealing anything. Bullets don't wait for explanations. So she ran.

Half of an hour later, she still ran, although she knew she had to stop soon. She thought about dropping to four limbs, to try running like her feral ancestors, but she had evolved to run on two legs, and it would have slowed her even more. Branches slapped her face, leaving cuts, tiny red lines emerging over her snow white face fur. She knew now her only chance was to find somewhere to hide, but it seemed unlikely, as her footpaw prints in the snow easily gave a trail for the black dog to follow. The only thing keeping Kara running was the sound of branches breaking, only ten metres behind her.

As suddenly as Kara had thought to attempt to hide, she fell. She hadn't noticed the fallen tree limb in front of her. This is it..., she thought, as she lay in the snow, unable to move from exhaustion. Moments later, she heard paws padding on snow approach her. Kara looked up. The dog was easily the biggest she had ever seen, towering at nearly seven feet tall. He was wearing an old shirt, and frayed old trousers, but what caught Cara's attention was the shotgun he held. Knowing she was playing her last card, Kara opened her mouth the slightest bit, and tried to explain. "Please, sir...I....I didn't mean to come onto your property. I was just walking in the woods! And I certainly never stole-" The black dog cut her off, "Shut up, bitch," he interjected, "Lying is only going to make this worse for you. I suggest you keep quiet, or I'll shoot you right here!" With that, Kara fell silent. She didn't see the large rock coming towards her head until it had almost connected. She opened her mouth to scream, but she was unconscious before anything came out.

* * *

Kara awoke to find that she couldn't see anything. It was very dark, wherever she was. She tried holding her handpaw out in front of her face, to try to see it, but her arm wouldn't move that far. It was shackled to the stone ceiling. Immediately, fear welled up inside of Kara. She had always been afraid of restraints, from the day her friend had jokingly tied a jumping rope around her wrist. Upon further examination, all four of her limbs were shackled, and her clothes had been removed. Oh, what's happening to me? thought Kara, trying hard not to cry out. She knew that formidable dog must be nearby, and she didn't want him around. As soon as her thoughts turned to him, though, a door on the opposite side of the room opened, throwing light in.

"Well, I see you've woken from your little nap! Rest time's over, bitch. You're gonna pay for all my hens you've stolen, and all the eggs they might have laid if you hadn't. Now. What do you think would be a good way to pay for my stolen goods?"

Kara was frozen. She didn't know what to say, and she tried frantically to think of a response as she turned her body away from the black dog. She didn't want him to see her body.

"No answer, huh? Well, I think I can think of a good thing for you to do for me. Can you...guess...what I might be thinking of?"

She knew. Kara knew what the dog wanted, but it was the last thing she wanted. She was still a virgin, she was saving herself for marriage, for her wonderful mate whom she'd come across someday.

"N-no, please, anything but that!!!" Kara cried. "I can buy you some new hens, or clean your house, I'm very good at that, but please don't...don't.........."

The black dog ignored her. In Kara's fright she hadn't noticed that the dog was also unclothed, obviously planning his actions long before his entrance into the room. He walked over to her, stroking her white fur, following the curves of her slender body with his hand, and finally said "Yes, you'll do nicely. On your hands and knees, bitch."

Kara didn't move. She had no plans for cooperating, she would find a way, some way, to get herself out of this predicament. Her strength was nothing compared to the large dog's, though, and soon enough she found herself on her hands and knees, with a large slab of wood jammed between her knees to keep them spread. "Please, no!!! Don't do this to me! I'm still a virgin!" Kara began to sob, but it was as if she had said nothing at all. She had no strength to break free of his grasp.

Kara could no longer see the black dog, but she knew he had gotten on his knees behind her, and she could do nothing but wait for the inevitable. She let out a sob as she felt something prod the area around her crotch, knowing what it must be. Sure enough, within seconds the large dog's cock's tip rested on the opening of her cunt. Kara sobbed bitterly, trying to wriggle away, but he easily followed her movements. She let out a loud cry as the black dog made a lunge with his hips, pressing the tip of his cock roughly into her cunt, tearing her vulva in one motion. The black dog let out a soft moan, a small smile on his face. This was the first fuck he had had in a long time, and with a virgin, too. The stolen hen story always worked for him. Not that his victims had a choice, he thought, as he ignored the screams coming from Kara and slowly pushed his way further inside of her, feeling her cunt stretch and tear slightly as he went deeper. After 30 agonizing seconds for Kara, he had forced his length inside of her, at which time he let go of Kara's arms and placed one handpaw on each of her breasts. There was no way for her to escape him now, he thought, as he rolled her tits between his fingers.

The black dog couldn't wait any longer. He started moving his hips in a rhythm, slowly, so that he could enjoy every motion. Every time he felt her warm cunt swallow his cock again, it felt like he had died and gone to heaven. Kara was sobbing bitterly, not struggling anymore, just kneeling on the ground hoping for her nightmare to end soon. The black dog started to increase his pace, thrusting in and out rapidly, his breathing becoming heavy, little grunts escaping his breath every so often. Kara's tears hit the ground, running towards her captor and mixing with the small amount of blood that had been created by the tearing of her hymen. Disgustedly, Kara realized her own body was responding to the fast thrusting of the large canine inside of her, even though it was involuntary. "Yes, that's right bitch, you like it, don't you! I knew you were a little slut, from the moment I saw you." The black dog knew he wouldn't last much longer. He thrusted fast and hard into Kara's cunt, feeling a wave of pleasure roll over him with each thrust. Amidst the slapping of his body against Kara's, and her distant sobs, all the black dog could think of was the pleasure this was bringing him.

After nearly 30 minutes of ecstasy for the black dog, pumping in and out harder than ever, he felt his balls tighten up, and with a last thrust he emptied his seed into Kara. At this point, Kara was spent of tears, she merely stayed still, waiting for him to be done. Spurt after spurt of cum escaped his cock, filling Kara completely, running over the cold cement floor around them. Knowing he was done, the black dog slowly slid out of Kara, as his erection faded, and threw a chunk of hard bread on the floor for Kara. "This is how things will work now, you understand? You pleasure me, and I will feed you...maybe. With that, he stood up, slapped Kara across the face, and left the cold dark room, slamming the heavy door behind him and locking it. With no energy left, Kara fell to the ground, defeated, and fell asleep. She only hoped she might escape the next day...

To be continued...

This is my first yiff story...I'm not sure if it's very good or not, but I plan on continuing this into one or more stories, so they should get better in time! Email me any feedback at [email protected] I look forward to hearing from you...