Letting your guard down

Story by TypoDemon on SoFurry

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"Where is he..."

_"You're looking pretty beat up."

Terry laughed, scratching the back of his neck.

"Think so?

"Yeah. You're not even fighting yet, are you? Just sparring?"

"Yup. Guys're starting to be a bit more rough with me, since my match is coming up soon. It'll be my first pro fight, y'know."

"Really? I'll have to come watch."

"You don't have to do that, it'll just be one fight. I'll have plenty, y'know?"

"Yeah, but it's your first professional fight. You've worked really hard to get this far, right? It's important."

"Yup... guess it is, huh."

"Yeah, it is, so i'll come and watch. And... if you win, i'll do something special for you."

"Huh? Whaddya mean?"

"Oh, you'll seeeee... just win, okay?"_

"Where is he... he's here somewhere..."

A gloved fist collided with Terry's jaw, a strong right slamming into his muzzle, knocking him to the mat. Groggily, he looked up, the entire ring blurring. Even though he was just a no-name fighter on his debut match, the small amount of ringside seats at the old 'arena' were packed. Furs from all over the city had paid good money to come and watch him fight, and he'd be damned if he'd go down in the second round. Struggling, he put his gloves under him, using his own strength, both physical and mental, to push himself up from the mat. Below him, blood had spattered onto the canvas, and he realized his nose was bleeding freely.

"I probably look like a sorry sight right now..." The wolf muttered to himself, shaking his head and bringing his gloves up in front of him as the ref checked him, the skunk giving a quick once-over before calling his opponent, a powerfully built lion back into the fight.

He probably did look pretty shoddy, fur matted down with sweat, panting heavily, tail hanging straight down behind him. Dark blue trunks with their light-blue trim clung tight to his legs, and his thick rubber-soled boots felt heavy and hot, bright-red gloves making his paws sweat a nearly unbearable amount.

_"Terry, listen. This guy... he's not a bad boxer. He's not a bad boxer at all. He's two and one, both knockouts, and a draw."

"Wait... why am I fightin' someone like that on my debut match?"

"Because, I know you can beat him. If you start off your career claiming a win against a guy like that, you'll have jumpstarted your chances at something bigger than this town."

"You really think so?"

"Yeah. We've been working with you for nearly two years, now. I know you're ready. Just give it your all."_

"Thanks, Coach... I won't let you down."

Terry tried to breath through his nose, but the task was impeded by the amount of blood flooding his nostrils. As he backed away from his opponent, he silently hoped that he could keep away from the cat's big paws until the round ended, and get a chance to rest before he went down again. With his left eye nearly swollen shut, he was half-blind. This fight couldn't last much longer, or he'd be out. He needed to rest up, then take him out in the early third.

Suddenly, the lion stepped in, throwing a quick one-two. Blocking and slipping, Terry managed to get away from the tester, but nearly was caught again by that huge right paw.

"Listen, this guy... he's got a monster right hook. Keep away from it. Both of his wins were because he hit the guys with a right hook and just knocked them out. Whatever you do, keep that left up, and keep moving. If he hits you, it's all over."

Ducking under that powerful right, he thought he saw a perfect opportunity to get in a quick body shot, but when he extended for a straight, he got popped in the nose with a quick jab and barely managed to slip the cross. Shaking his head to clear the stars from his vision, he put his gloves up again, retreating more and more. Eventually, the lion cornered him, and for a moment before he lunged, he could see something more than just a boxer. He could see a predator, a hunter, and he was the prey. Here, in this ring, the lion stalked the wolf, and had just found an opportunity to bring it down.

Punch after punch collided with gloves and arms. Powerful body shots flew into his gut, and as much as he wanted to cry out in pain and drop his guard, he kept his paws up and tucked his elbows in tight.

Fifteen... one of those monster hooks collided with his gloves, sending his own paw flying against his head, filling his vision with stars.

Ten... another, and another, followed by a jab and a right cross. In the distance, rain fell, filling his hearing with the sound of water hitting the roof.

Five... another hook, but he somehow ducked it, and swayed back to avoid an uppercut that would have ended the match. Unfortunately, this left Terry open, and a huge right paw flew forward, moving to connect with his jaw and end the fight...

DING! DING! DING! The bell rang, and Terry breathed a sigh of relief, that dangerous right just inches from his face, stopped by a glove he barely pulled up in time. Moving back to his corner, he eagerly sat down on his stool, and winced as his coach began to work.

"Listen! Concentrate! You're behind in points, but not by much. You can still pull out a draw. Give him some shots and keep your guard up. We won't lose this, just keep up your footwork, and keep on blocking."

Terry barely registered the advice, his head still full of falling stars and pattering rain, and be barely noticed when the old fox cleared his nose out for him, quickly packing his eye. By the time the bell rung, he had stopped bleeding, and could see out of his right eye. Despite still being tired as hell, Terry was amazed at how well his coach worked. He could barely breath and was half-blind at the end of that round; now, he just needed to find a way to get back the rest of the stamina he needed to win, instead of worrying about how he'd tell where that hook was coming from.

He didn't have much time to contemplate, however, as the bell rang, and he moved quickly back into the middle of the ring, meeting his opponent and starting to circle. This was it... he needed to perform this round, or else he'd lose. But even if he did, was the best he could manage a draw? Was that really the limit of his abilities? Terry had a hard time believing that that was all he could do... but he didn't have much time to think as the Lion took the initiative again, moving forward and throwing off a few jabs to test the distance.

"I know how to deal with this..." he murmured to himself, and let the first and the second hit is guard. The third, he barely dodge, but when the great cat threw a right cross, he was ready. Ducking low, he immediately sprang forward, popping him in the face with a jab, and as the feline's gloved paws raced to guard his face, he turned and threw a devastating hook of his own at the cat's gut, feeling his body surge under his fist. The Lion gasped, backing up a little as he was struck, and Terry took that opportunity to strike. Moving forward, he threw jab after jab, slowly chipping away at his opponent's defense, snapping his shots back and forth. He began to feel a little light-headed, realizing that he'd been pressing his attack for ten, twenty seconds now, but he couldn't let up. This was the perfect chance to get some points, with the lion stunned from the body blow. He had to keep on punching.

Again and again, his left flew out, smashing into barely-raised gloves, knocking them further back and apart with every impact, until finally, he saw his chance.

"Hips in... heel out... push off... crouch low.. .extend!"

Throwing the entire force of his body forward, Terry let fly a mighty cross, clenched fist barreling through the air toward the lion's muzzle. The cat saw the punch coming and tried to pull his paws back to block, but was too slow. He tried to slip, but his legs were too shaken from the body blow. He tried to duck, but he couldn't drop in time. All he could do was watch as the wolf's paw cut through the air, colliding with his jaw and sending his world into inky blackness.

Above, standing on the mat, Terry looked down at his opponent incredulously. He had done everything perfectly, and that was a great cross. He could feel it was a great cross. Everything about it was great. The tension on his leg, the twist of his arm, the shift of his weight, the impact with the lion's jaw. It was a beautiful punch, and it had gone through, as he stood in the neutral corner, and the ref began the count down.

"One!".. the lion lay motionless.

"Two!"... still, unmoving, and Terry began to breath a sigh of relief.

"Three!"... wait, what was that. Did his paw just twitch?

"Four!"... groggily, the Lion raised his head, and stared at Terry with blurry eyes.

"Five!"... trying to push his hands underneath him, the feline started to push up, before his eyes rolled back and he collapsed. The ref ceased the count, and within moments, he was standing in the middle of the ring.

"The Winner, in the third round, at two minutes and twenty-three seconds, by way of knock-out, Teeeeerry McKall!"

Terry looked around, confused. People were standing up and cheering, clapping for him.There was Nick, from the coffee shop down the street. There was his buddies from the gym. There, right next to him, patting him on the back was Coach. What happened? Did he win? He couldn't have won... coach said he just draw with him. How'd he win?

Regardless of his own confusion, the wolf started to smile foolishly, and the fact that he just won his first match slowly set in. His smile got wider and wider, and eventually, his grin went from ear-to-ear across his muzzle.

"Coach... I did it. I really did it! I won!"

"Yeah, you did. You did good. Damn good. You beat the odds here kid. I'm proud of you."


He wanted to say something more, but knew that any praise like that was hard-earned, and instead was happy with his brief burst of fame. All around him were friends and family, congratulating him. Even though the crowd was so small, he was still swamped with people after he got out of the ring, and smiling and waving his paw, he was ushered into the locker room, where his gym-mates waited.

"Great job, Terry!"

"Shit, man, you kicked his ass!"

"Awesome, man!"

"Fuck yeah, you did it!"

Everyone was so proud of him... Terry couldn't help but grin a little wider. He'd done good. Really good. He did something even Coach didn't figure he could do, and he earned the respect of all his friends. He'd earned the praise of those people he admired, and he felt great about it. It had been hard, but he made it, and after a few short rounds, he'd won. He'd really won...

It'd been three hours after the match ended. Back in his normal clothes, Terry looked quite the sight. In a short jacket, white t-shirt and blue denim jeans, he'd be the spitting image of a normal, everyday wolf, if his left eye wasn't half-swollen shut, and his muzzle covered in bruises, obvious through his stark-white fur. Despite it all, he was still oddly handsome. A wolf of average height, he had a very standard coat, differing shades of gray running all over his body except for a stark white shock under his muzzle, trailing down his chest to his navel, and on the underside of his tail, his paws, ears, and tip of his tail a deep black. His eyes were a vibrant golden-yellow, a wolf's eyes, and while his stare was sometimes one of a predator's, he was usually smiling, a kind-hearted fur. Now, however, he wouldn't stop smiling, sitting in a bar with his friends, getting a chance to relax and recap the night. As words flew around the table, he nodded every now and then, replying to questions and taking a drink every once in a while. His body was so sore, and he'd be stiff for a while, but it didn't matter. He'd really won.

Suddenly, his ears perked up as he remembered something. Nick, the otter from the coffee shop, said he'd have something special for him if he won. However, he figured if the lithe otter had a gift for him, he could wait for it until everything had quieted down, not wanting to embarrass the otter in front of all their friends. He'd known him for nearly two years now, almost the full time he'd been boxing, having met him on a hot summer afternoon, jogging down the road by his shop. He'd stopped in for a minute to grab a drink, and first met with Nick. When he saw him, he felt something, deep inside him, and knew that Nick would be a great friend. It turned out his instincts were true, as throughout it all, thick and thin, he always had Nick to rely on to help him through it. He could have never asked for a better friend than him.

Eventually, the celebration winded down to a close, as more and more furs had to get going home for work the next day. Patting him on the back, his friends and family left, the party trickling down to only four, then three, then two members; just Nick and himself. Leaning back in his chair, the wolf sighed happily. It had been a really great night, and already, the pains of the fight had started to leave him. Maybe that was because he'd been drinking a little too much, but he liked to believe it was because everyone was here for him, to support him. It did feel good to think about that, everyone that cared about him, and was there for him on this night, to watch him fight, to watch him win.

Thinking about that, he laughed lightly. He won. He really, really won. He began to chuckle, then chortle mirthfully, till eventually he broke out laughing, Nick staring at him in bewilderment. Eventually, he stopped, and just smiled at the otter sitting opposite him.

"Heh... sorry, Nick. Just... it's hard to believe, y'know? I won. I really won!"

"Yeah, you did win, and everyone's proud of you. You did great out there today, Terry." Nick replied, smiling widely.

Nick was always a fairly good-looking otter. With bright yellow eyes, much like Terry's own, a deep-brown coat, and a lithe, muscled body, he was an attractive fur. Terry had never seen him with a girlfriend, which he through strange, but never cared too much. He always figured he was just too much of a stud to have a settled girl, which was fine, everyone had their own lifestyles. But now, sitting opposite his friend, Terry took another drink, then looked at Nick inquisitively.

"Hey, didn't you say you had somethin' for me if I won? Somethin' special?"

"Oh, yeah. It's a gift, I guess you could say."

"A gift?" Terry said, already starting to wonder what it could be. Maybe new gloves, some new wraps, a cd, anything would be great with how tight money had been lately.

"Yeah, a gift. But... I can't give it to you here. Come on, let's go to the park."

"The park? It's kinda late, but... alright, yeah, sure."

Shrugging, Terry stood up with Nick and payed his bill, waving to the waitress as they walked out of the bar. He wasn't hadn't drunk too much, but was tipsy enough to walk with a little bit of stumble, and when they had to walk over a curb he nearly fell, eliciting a small giggle from Nick. He grinned, rubbing the back of his neck and blushing foolishly, then kept up the walk to the park.

It was nearly eleven by the time they got to the small, pleasant area. It was a little refuge in the middle of the city, a nice place of trees and grass, a small pond, benches for lounging, pathways for walking, and right now, uninhabited. Leading him over to a bench, Nick chuckled, sitting Terry down and standing behind him.

"Just close your eyes and relax."

"Huh? What're you doin', Nick?" Terry responded unsteadily, curious of what his friend wanted here.

"I took some massage classes a while back. Figured you could use one after your first fight." Nick said coolly, paws already resting on his shoulders, kneading gently.

"Nn... that feels really nice. 'kay, i'll relax." The wolf murred out, enjoying the gentle touch on his shoulders, and as he leaned back and let his eyes close, the otter's strong paws on his shoulders massaging and gently pushing against him, working his weary muscles and helping take away the tensions of the day. The wolf sighed happily, leaning back into the bench and letting his head hang low over his chest, murring deeply in enjoyment. What surprised him, however, was when the otter's paws started to drift a little lower across his back, pushing him away from the bench to lean forward, working over his shoulder blades and back, down to the curve of his lower back. It felt so good, he barely even noticed when Nick's paws started to stray around from his back across his abdomen, but he certainly noticed when the caresses started on his inner thighs, and his eyes jerked open.

"N-nick? What're you doin'?" He said, beginning to stand up, but the otter's strong arms keeping him down against the bench.

"Just helping you work out some kinks, and..." The otter grinned, looking pointedly down at the wolf's crotch, and when Terry followed his gaze, he noticed that his pants had started to tent nicely, the tight jeans not showing much detail, but clearly displaying his arousal.

"Wha... what? That's not... I mean... what?" Terry said, his head a little muddled. Maybe he'd had a little too much to drink, as he didn't really even remember that coming up, but it was there, and for some reason, with the otter's paws around his waist, he didn't really mind it that much. He didn't mind it when the otter gently pushed him back down onto the bench and walked around in front of him, but he did stare a little when he saw that Nick's own pants were tented with arousal.

"Nick... what're you.."

"Sshh... don't worry, Terry. I'm just gonna help you work out some stiffness you seem to be having. Just sit back and relax." The otter said, smiling as he knelt down and started to caress the wolf's inner thighs again. This time, instead of trying to get away, Terry murred again, the erotic touches on his body exciting him, sending waves of pleasure across his body, and despite himself, he felt his cock jump, already sliding out of it's sheath and straining against his boxers and the heavy jean fabric.

Grinning up at Terry, Nick leaned in and nuzzled the wolf's bulge, making him moan as the furred cheek rubbed against his arousal, and he involuntarily thrusted his hips upwards, which made the otter chuckle.

"Like that, huh... well... lemme see just how relaxed I can get you."

With that, he reached a paw up from the wolf's thigh to his waist, slowly unbuttoning his jeans and sliding down the zipper, letting his boxer-covered wolf hood press outwards, and Nick's eyes widened a little. Even hidden like it was, he could tell just how big his friend was, and he grinned, eager to get a taste of the boxer. Leaning forward, he nuzzled at the restrained package, beginning to gently lick at it, the heat of his mouth and the damp moisture from his tongue making the wolf murr even louder, rolling his hips back and forth.

Deciding that it may not be good to keep him waiting too long, Nick started to slide the wolf's boxers down across his body, thicker, coarser fur around his groin being revealed, till eventually the thick base of his sheath was revealed. Soon, more, and more of his pink cock became visible, until the elastic waistband popped over the tip, and Nick saw the target of his affections, the thick, hard, throbbing member that was leaking pre cum. Tenderly, Nick put one paw on the base of the shaft, causing Terry to groan and roll his hips again, pushing his hard cock closer to the otter's mouth.

Still grinning wide, Nick took the physical cue from the wolf and leaned in close, sniffing deep, inhaling Terry's scent and gently, he let his tongue flick out to taste the hard shaft in front of him. Nick sighed happily, going back in for another taste, and another, enjoying his friend's flavor, and soon, he begun to run his tongue up and down along the underside of Terry's thick wolf hood, making the boxer squirm, shifting his hips in pleasure. His eyes were closed, but as soon as Nick's tongue stopped working along him, he opened them just in time to see his friend's open maw plunge down around him, engulfing his cock in the hot, wet otter's mouth. Terry could only moan in pleasure, leaning back further as Nick moved further down and down along his hard cock until his nose pressed against his crotch, inhaling deep again, loving the wolf's scent.

He didn't stay there for long, however, sliding back up until only a few inches were still in his mouth, tongue working over the tip, before bobbing down again, then up once more. He began sucking along him like that, moving up and down, using a free paw to stroke along some of the length while the other was in his maw. Already, Terry could feel his knot start to form and swell, blood rushing into his cock, and as he pushed his cock into Nick's mouth, he groaned again. More and more pre flowed from the tip of his cock onto the otter's tongue, and he began bucking his hips against his hot mouth, the building feeling of pleasure overwhelming him.

Terry didn't even notice that the otter had unzipped his own jeans, let his own otter cock out and was stroking up and down along it, almost in time with his bobbing up and down along his cock. Nick started to groan a bit on his own, the cock in his muzzle and his paw on his own otter-cock a wonderful thing.

"N-nick.. 's so good... i'm gonna... gonna..." Terry said, panting and groaning, his tongue lolling out the side of his muzzle. Nick only looked up briefly before going back to the thick cock in his muzzle, sucking with renewed vigor, and as he slid the paw that was stroking along the wolf's shaft down to squeeze at his knot while pushing Terry's cock deep into his mouth, the tip going down his throat, Terry threw his head back and whined and yipped loudly, pushing his hips forward one last time as his wolf hood erupted, spurting sticky strings of cum down his throat, into his mouth, the thick, salty fluid filling up his muzzle, but the otter swallowed it all down, gently massaging the knot to coax as much of the wolf's cum out as he could, till eventually the pulsing member in his mouth stopped flooding him with wolf seed. He let the wolf cock slip from his muzzle as he furiously jerked his own, and gave a deep moan as his cum shot out from his own stiff member into the ground below them, leaning against his friend's legs as his spent load soaked the ground underneath then. Eventually, he looked back up, and gave a gentle lick to the wolf's tip before moving up and fondly kissing Terry's cheek.

Terry looked at his friend groggily as he sat down beside him, an arm wrapped around his shoulders.


"See? Told you I could help you relax a bit... isn't it a beautiful night?"

"Yeah, Nick... it really is."