The Mayonian Pack- Chapter 8

Story by LoneWolf277 on SoFurry

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Sorry, again, for not posting a new chapter in a while. I've had school projects all last week, and my brand new laptop's fan craped out. Needless to say, the comp overheated and the motherboard melted. Hell, the thing almost went up in flames. So, I need a new one.

All characters are fictional and an image of the author's mind and in no way related to or based off any character real or fictional, with the exception of Steel (Wolfie Steel) and Jos (Vicious Reader) who appear as themselves. Copyright 2010 © Lone Wolf Productions. No part written or digital may be reproduced in any form without expressed written consent from the author.

A/N- I'd like to thank Wolfie Steel and Vicious Reader for being willing to be a part of my story. Also, thank you Vicious Reader for being my beta-reader, I really appreciate it. To all those who read my story; Thank You for your continued support.

Chapter 8:

First and Last Encounter


The sun was rising to the east, it's rays streaming through the cracks in the trees. It's a shame that such a beautiful sunrise had to take place when I was feeling so gloomy. I recalled my argument with Steel last night; I felt horrible for snapping on him like that. He didn't deserved it. I was getting tired of cryptic messages, but that is no reason to bark at him. I got up and stretched my sore legs.


"Well, I might as well see how Steel is doing. He's sure to be upset."

I walked over to his den, careful not to enter like I normally would, I didn't know if he would be displeased with seeing me after our unfortunate mishap. At the entrance, I sat and sighed again.

"Steel?..." I asked timidly, "Are you there?"

No reply...

"Steel?" I asked again.

Still no reply...

"He's going to make me come in. Should I though?" I thought, "Screw it. I owe him this."

I entered the den slowly, keeping a watchful eye. He was not there.

"Damn it!" I cursed myself. "Why'd I have to be so short tempered?"

I went back to my den and woke up my mate.

"You awake?" I asked.

*Yawn* "I am now..." she said, "What's wrong?"

"I can't find Steel anywhere. He's not in his den and he's not outside. I think he just packed up and left." I explained.

"Oh no! What are you going to do?" she asked.

"Well... the only thing I can. I've got to find him. I screwed up and now he's missing. He's 10 years old, he'll need me. Also, I need him too."

"Okami, don't go. I'm sure he's just wandering trying to relieve his frustration." She said pleadingly.

"Please, Akachi, please don't argue with me. I'll be fine, I just need to find Steel." I said.

On that note I turned tail and trotted out. After a few hours of searching, I found him.

*Gasp* The site before me... Dear God... How?... Who?...Why?...

Steel lay before me. Battered and broken, sprawled out on the ground. His blood was seeping from numerous cuts and gashes, turning the snow around him a crimson red. These injuries happened recently, as a matter of fact, my scent probably scared the attacker away.


Something charged and knocked me over. I went sprawling over the ground and smashed my head on a boulder. Before everything went black, I saw him. There I was... semi-conscious... staring into the eyes of a black demon. Looking into those eyes, I realized that I was gazing at the gates of hell itself. Only one of us would survive. Only one would be victorious, as the others blood spilled out on the snow.

Today... Would be the final battle...

The Mayonian Pack- Chapter 9

A/N- First off I would Like to apologize for my extreme tardiness in posting new chapters. in the recent weeks many life ordeals have come up; that have challenged me greatly. anyways now that I'm getting back into my normal flow; i will resume...

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The Mayonian Pack- Chapter 7

All characters are fictional and a image of the author's mind and in no way related to or based off any character real or fictional, with the exception of Steel (Wolfie Steel), who appears as himself.. Copyright 2010 © Lone Wolf Productions. No...

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The Mayonian Pack- Chapter 6

**Author's Note:** Hi everyone. I want to apologize for being so late on writing Chapter 6. Life caught up to me this week, with School and some family issues. Anyways, I've taken long enough...

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