A sister's twin brothers 3 - Daddy's home

Story by BawdyFawn on SoFurry

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#3 of Sister's Twin Brothers

Her brothers tried to satisfy her heat, but they couldn't. Now it's Dad's turn.

I crashed through the door of the bathroom and grabbed two fistfuls of toilet paper. I was lucky my brother's spunk was still fresh, otherwise a shower would have been my only option. The silence of the garage door grinding to a halt, only urged me on. I looked in the mirror and to my dismay the bulge of my overfilled womb was visible through my tight T-shirt. I half tiptoed, half dashed back to my room eyes already scanning for my baggy hoodie that I normally wore on lazy weekends. The smell hit me when I opened the door, a mix of sex, sweat, and my own need. I sprayed on a light mist of perfume before pulling on my hoodie. Better my dad wonder why I smell nice then why I smelled like a well-bred bitch in heat.

Gently closing the door behind me, I sped down the stairs in search of my father. I wrapped my arms around him and murred. Even before mother left, I had never gotten to see enough of my Dad, and now it was even worse. He would often work 12 hour shifts before spending another 2 in the office gym. Despite the anger I felt about how work had stolen our father from us, I still laugh when I remember bring your kid to work day and the sight of him crushed behind a tiny desk that looked like a toy compared to his massive frame. I looked up in time to catch the look of deep exhaustion in his eyes, quickly eclipsed by the smile he shone back at me. I felt another surge of sadness. He might be stronger than most, but I worried about his mental health too. Ever since mom left his work had seemed to be the only thing that kept him going and I worried it eventually wouldn't be enough.

Still, I felt a least a little guilty hope, maybe as exhausted as he was he wouldn't notice my current state. I wasn't sure if the butterflies in my stomach were nerves or just the gallon of cum sloshing around in my womb. I bit my lip as I tried to stop that train of thought and focus on getting through the morning.

"How do pancakes for breakfast sound Daddy?"

"That sounds wonderful," Dad replied before taking a seat at the kitchen table and pulling out my phone.

There was the Dad I knew so well, this morning wouldn't be so bad after all.

I drove home without actually seeing the fall leaves, or the Halloween decorations people were already putting up. The only thing I saw were spreadsheets and graphs, it was all I ever saw these days, and I planned to keep it that way.

I knew the route by heart, and almost no one was up this early Saturday, I made it home in record time. Hopefully the kids would still be asleep and I could slip into my own bedroom without waking them. I tried to avoid interacting with them as much as I could. They all reminded me so much of her, and I wasn't sure I would ever be strong enough to bear that pain for any length of time.

I shook my head, pulling back from this line of thought, I was tired and my usual mental discipline was slipping. Looking at my surroundings for the first time since leaving the office I realized I had pulled into the garage, shut the door, and turned off the car and was now sitting in silence in the dark. I groaned, as tempting as it was to simply fall asleep right there I would regret not making it to my bed. Mentally gathering the strength, I opened the door and got out of the car. I grinned a little at this, most men my age would struggle to get in and out of their cars on the best day. My bulk was all muscle, I could probably get out of the car carrying another guy under each arm without breaking a sweat. If I was being honest this was probably the main reason I was often chief negotiator with our competitors as well as being region manager. I stretched, and looked in the small inspection mirror hanging on the tool rack. Despite my physique I looked terrible, I had gotten three small naps in the last 48 hours and it was finally starting to show. I was halfway through the kitchen when I heard the light footsteps race down the stairs. Then she was wrapped around me, I looked down into her face and pulled on my best smile. I tried not to think of who she looked like, or how I should be strong enough to spend more time with my kids who were growing up so quickly. Sure, they had each other, but I knew they missed me. Or, at least, I hoped they still did.

This time, my morose train of thought was broken by a faint smell. I sniffed quietly, for some reason my little Kate was wearing perfume on a Saturday. As my brain tried to figure out what this could mean, my nose decided to get to the bottom of things. Then I caught it, a faint whiff of a bitch in heat and something else. I sniffed quietly again as she murred against me, and then, the smell of cum. At first, I thought it smelled like my own, before I realized it was the smell of my two sons. A burst of primal anger flared, not at the thought of thought of my children mating, no this base part of me was angry that two lesser men had already tried to breed this needy vixen. It took all my effort not to grab her then and there. Luckily, she seemed not to notice anything unusual. In fact, she seemed lost in thought too, and then she bit her lip. I don't think she meant too, but that little lip bite was almost as alluring as if she had started stripping then and there. All my blood had surged downwards, and already I could feel my pants straining to contain the massive rod now seeking to escape and point directly at its intended target.

"How do pancakes for breakfast sound Daddy?", she asked.

I gave an affirmative response and sat at the table. Internally a full-scale war was raging between my exhausted logical side, and the part of me that hadn't felt anything except for my hand in several years. Kate was still working on making pancakes, and as she darted around the kitchen I began to smell her need again, in fact it was only getting stronger. If she had been in school I had no doubt every boy in the building would have been hard, as it was, I was already rock-solid. Slowly my reason was losing out to instinct, I shook my head to clear it, but it only helped me smell her more clearly. No, I couldn't do this, it would be wrong, I was her father. I looked up at her face, trying to stop myself. She gave the stirring spoon a lick that felt like it lasted an eternity, I had never been jealous of a spoon before. And then, she gave me the most innocent of smiles.

That smile broke me, it shattered any remaining restraint, I felt the floor flex as I rose in a single, powerful movement. Any physical exhaustion was gone, I was a 260 lb., six and a half foot pillar of muscle, with a single purpose. I strode across the room in two steps, my pads muffling the noise, so that she didn't realize I had gotten up until my tail flicked between her legs.

She let out the cutest mix between a squeal and a gasp I have ever heard.

I stepped forward, enclosing her in my massive bulk. She looked tiny compared to me, the tip of her head was barely up to my chest, and with one hand almost enveloped her entire rack. She stiffened, standing up straighter away from the hand exploring her front, and in the process accidentally grinding against my turgid cock. The feeling of her soft, perfectly round ass pressed up against me, it was just one more thing I could barely stand. I flicked the stove off, before picking her up with one arm.

Even as I thundered up the stairs, I used my claws to tear away her shirt. Bursting into my room I threw her onto the queen size bed, before leaping on top of her. With one hand I pinched her exposed nipple between my claws, with the other I flicked her clit. Her frozen expression of shock and horror melted into a moan of pleasure. As I began manhandling her slit, my whole hand rubbing over the entirety of her swollen entrance. I leaned my head forward, forcing my rough tongue into her mouth.

Already I could feel her dripping like a faucet, after a few moments her tongue began to dance against mine. Without giving her time to adjust, I thrust three fingers into her snatch. It was so tight and warm. I began rapidly pumping her, muffling her cries and moans as I forced her to deep throat my tongue.

Then I moved to a kneeling position, grabbing her hips and pulling her crotch to my face. I didn't give her a second of rest, immediately sticking my tongue deep into her snatch. I stretched it out, before slowly grinding the rough surface against her G-spot. At the same time, I rubbed her clit between the rough pads of my fingertips. She screamed then, gone were the seductive little moans and gasps. The pleasure was an ocean, and she was drowning in it. She tried to reach up to pull my hand away from her over-sensitive, heat swollen button, but I simply swatted it away. Then I realized with how much taller I was. Her face was about level with my own crotch. Reaching down with my other hand, I unzipped my pants and simply ripped through the front of my boxers. My dripping length sprang to attention, veins pulsing hypnotically.

I grabbed her head, and slowly guided her lips to my tip. At first, she didn't do anything, her mind was already so overwhelmed with pleasure I doubted she even realized what it was. I stopped, rubbing her clit, and slowed my frenzied licking. She seemed to recover somewhat from her addled state. And I saw her eyes widen as she realized what was drooling all over her muzzle. She hesitated, looking up at me, I flicked her clit again and she seemed to get the message. Slowly she stuck her tongue out tasting the ball of fluid gathering on my tip. That seemed to do it, now without hesitation she opened her muzzle and began trying to fit me inside. She got about a third of the way before stopping as she triggered her gag reflex. She looked up at me, and I smiled, she murred back. Her vibrations surging through my cock. "Damn, I should have done this a long time ago," I thought. I resumed enjoying the taste of her delicious heat, now making scooping motions as I tried to get as much nectar as I could from her clenching passage.

I could have gone on like this for a while, but then she got tired of just sucking me off and began to play with my sack. She gently fondled my two swollen balls, filled with the seed that would soon be deep inside her. It was too much, but right before I blew my load I pulled her off my length and lifted her into the air, before gently lying her on the bed. She looked up at me with desperate eyes.

"But I wanted a taste," she pouted.

"Don't worry," I rumbled as I pulled open the bottom drawer on the dresser "I have plenty."

Grabbing the inflatable butt plug, I turned around and strode back over to the bed. I rubbed it across her soaking mound before slowly easing it into her tail, she moaned and squirmed but I held her down firmly with my other hand. Then I began to inflate the thing, until I could feel it faintly through her belly. Testing to make sure it was in snugly I gave it a rough pull and watched as her eyes rolled back in her head.

Judging it was finally time, I crawled onto the bed. My massive frame covering her whole tiny body. I rubbed my tip over her entrance, spreading my juices over her, claiming her as mine. She whimpered, and tried to pull me closer. I decided to give her exactly what she wanted. As soon as I had the tip pressed between her lower lips, I bucked my hips. Forcing half my length into her, before the tightness was too much to keep going. Without waiting, I pulled myself out again, my rough barbs dragging along her swollen passage. She screamed then, and kept screaming as I forced myself as deep as I could go before pulling out. Over and over I jackhammered into her as she screamed and writhed. I had her arms pinned to the bed, so all she could do was try to wrap her legs around my hips as she tried to pull me deeper. Towards the womb already claimed by her two brothers.

It had been so long, and I had already done so much that I was already nearing my climax. I leaned down and kissed her as I pulled my hips back for the final thrust. I dropped like a boulder onto her, my iron length rocketing through her, her cervix had already been forced open twice, and so it offered little resistance as I ploughed through it, my tip finally stopped as my hips met hers. My whole body tensed, as I began to throb. Balls deep in my daughter, the seed of my two sons swirling around my length as I exploded. She moaned and whined beneath me, the butt plug only helped to massage my length as she rippled and clenched on the fiery intruder. Her womb was so full I could feel the bulge pressed against my abs, and after the first few squirts I could feel the seal with her cervix break as their seed began to flow out of the womb. Forced out by my own juices.

After less than a minute I was spent, I lay there enjoying the tight warmth wrapped around my cock. I began idly teasing her nipples, each pinch and flick would wring another convulsion from her tight tunnel.

"Is that all Daddy?" she asked, in an entirely too innocent voice, followed by a soft moan as my rod throbbed inside her.

I didn't respond. Instead I slowly pulled out, barbs flared, teasing her the whole way. She made the cutest expression as she tried not to moan and failed miserably. I sat there, kneeling between her legs as my tip finally popped free from her wonderful little hole. Cum began to drip free, a mixture of all our life-giving seed as we competed for the honor of serving this needy vixen.

"Come on Daddy, don't keep your little slut waiting," she pouted, hoping I would start ravaging her immediately and finally satisfy her insatiable hunger.

I had a different idea though, the plug was just the first of many toys lying unused in the bottom drawer of the dresser, and I figured the more the merrier.

First came the cuffs, well-padded with adjustable length I used these to gently fasten her legs and arms to the four bedposts until she was spreadeagle on the bed. Swollen mound exposed for all to see, pert nipples jiggling with every gasp and squirm. Then came the nipple clamps, now every slight movement tugged on her sensitive teats, making it nearly impossible for her to stay still. I wasn't done though, next came a ring gag that forced her muzzle open, for the moment it made it even easier to hear every moan and gasp, but sadly they would be muffled before too long.

The next toy was a very special one, I had never tried it before, but now seemed the perfect time. It looked like a normal sized, rubber dildo, but there was a small hole in the tip and the back had a removable plug. Pulling the plug, I slowly began to push the rubber dick into her, and watched in delight as the hollow inside began filling with the mixture of juices stuffed inside her pussy. Once it was full I replaced the plug and pulled it out, before carefully inserting it into the ring gag. Now she could taste me and her brothers while I went for a second round with her tight pussy. Already I could hear the slurping and sucking as she tried desperately to suck the dildo dry, she soon realized that the ring gag prevented her from getting a good seal and groaned in frustration as she struggled with her delicious new toy.

I wasn't done yet though. The next toy was a plain tub of cream, I pulled on a rubber glove before scoping out a large amount. I began massaging the cream into her crotch, from her clit all the way into her swollen mound. I wasn't sure if it would do anything, she was already hypersensitive from her heat. But she was moaning and writhing as the cold fluid was massaged into her hot entrance, so I kept going until I was sure I had gotten every inch of her.

Lastly, I pulled a tiny clit vibrator from the stash, she tried to avoid me of course, but with one hand I could easily hold her down as I attached the device to her swollen nub. Finally finished I took a step back to admire my handiwork, it was a beautiful sight. I wouldn't have thought it possible but her mound and breasts, already swollen by her heat, were even bigger. She was moaning rhythmically now, hips thrusting weakly as she tried to avoid jiggling the clamps. She still suckled on the dildo between her lips, fluids spilling past the gag and dripping down her muzzle. Lastly her eyes alternated between staring unfocused into space and gazing pleadingly at me.

If I hadn't already popped once I would have cum right there, as it was, I was the hardest I had ever been in my life. Pre drooled from my tip as I crawled between her legs and lined up with my target. I thrust in as hard as I could, bottoming out inside her womb again. Now though, I had the stamina to keep going and slowly pulled back out, barbs assaulting her already abused cervix. Her moans and cries were music to my ears as I slowly moved in and out.

Soon I felt the contractions begin and knew she had hit another climax. As I began to ever so slowly pull all the way out, her walls tried to pull me back in seeking a grip on my extended barbs. She was so tight it was almost painful. She was screaming now, begging for more of my seed, asking me to never leave her empty again. I resolved to never disappoint my daughter again and thrust forward, adjusted my position, and began to properly jackhammer her. Now I was grunting, and our noises made a beautiful symphony as we both approached climax.

Then I stopped, tip once again buried in her deepest depths. I pulled her muzzle down, so she was staring me right in the eyes.

"Beg for it baby," I commanded. I owned her, and she was mine to play with or breed as I chose.

"Mmmph," came the muffled request, her eyes widening.


"MMMPH," came the much more urgent noise. She tried to thrust her hips up, but I stopped her with a paw.

"Naughty, you can't just take what you want. Little sluts have to ask," I scolded.

"P-Pluheez," she finally managed to gasp around the cock in her mouth.

"There we go," I smiled as I released the tidal wave of seed that I had somehow managed to contain.

Her eyes widened again as she felt my cock begin to throb, vein pulsing as it carried more of my lifegiving fluid into her most private space. We stared into each other's eyes for a moment, as I bred my daughter for the second time that day. Then she shut her eyes, as the pleasure washed over her and carried away any other thoughts or concerns.

Finally, after what finally felt like an eternity I was finished. I retrieved another inflatable plug from the drawer and plugged up her dripping pussy, before removing the rest of the toys. Finally, satisfied and soft at last, I settled down into the bed behind her, pulled the sheets over us, and joined her in a deep sleep.