Life with Rayne

Story by Gever on SoFurry

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#5 of Story Ideas

The Beginning doesn't make sense, far too cliché, plus I seemed to have changed her attitude when she gets flustered.

How long has it been since I first met her? A week, a month, 2 years? She was only 2 then, the minimum age for adoption, that may sound odd to you, however I mean 2 dog years which for a medium sized girl like her is 24 in human years.

Boy was I surprised, she was a deep red anthro Malamute with curves to die for, yet it had been decided that she needed a first time owner, which is where I came into the picture.

In the kennel she'd be friendly, nuzzling against hands looking hopeful yet when let out she'd jump and hug them pleading to be taken home, licking faces, pinning them to the ground.

Which for some this was a bit much, it nearly put me off too, however when I saw her dejected face I found myself saying 'Ill take her.

Everybody was shocked even me, she had tears in her eyes 'R-really?' disbelief in her voice.

I gulped and nodded 'Yes, just...'

Before I could finish she tackled me in a hug that drew my breath, her soft chest pressed up against me as she nuzzled my face.

'Thank you, thank you!' she repeated, a sweet smell of cinnamon wafted into my nose.

'Hey, calm down, you need to curb your enthusiasm a bit!' I chastised

She released me and beamed a smile at me 'Yes Daddy!'

Every guy's jaw including mine hit the floor at that.

'Erm.. I think Mister would be more appropriate.' I managed

She tilted her head 'Master?' she queried innocently

Jaws found the floor again, most guy's were eyeing me jealously.

'Um, No... MISTER or Sir... Heck call me George!'

She eyed me curiously 'Like the one who slew the dragon?'

How she know that? I wondered.

'Yeah, he was a knight' I replied

The curvy Malamute smiles and mock curtseyed 'Milord, I am Lady Rayne, your humble servant.'

Our mouths became flytraps again, what had I just signed up for?!

'Okay, from now on til we get home, no more talking!' my face was beet red

Rayne cutely pouted, nodded then nuzzled my cheek.

Jeez this girl was something else.

'None of that either, just follow me and do as you're told.' adding further restrictions caused a slightly annoyed huff from her yet she winked at me.

I sighed and grasped her paw and lead her to the adoption desk, most of staff were pleased Rayne had finally been adopted, they offered a choice of collars and leashes, I was reluctant at first then I caved and bought a purple leash and collar with a silver tag and bell.

Once the paperwork was signed and completed I walked Rayne to my car, I was about to put her in the boot, however I realised that would look weird so I opened the passenger door and asked her to sit there, which she did, I did up her seat belt a hand brushing against her ample bust, eliciting a gasp from her, I quickly shut the door and got into the driver's seat, buckled up and drove home.

I knew she'd require her own room and bed, luckily my flat had a spare room and single bed, I made sure to buy water and food dishes for her, then realised I could use my own cutlery.

Soon we were at my flat, she was bouncing with glee those soft tits bouncing with her, I could feel my loins stir.

I unbuckled both of us left out the driver's door, then walked round to the passenger side and let Rayne out.

Offering my hand 'Come on, we're home.' I said, she tenderly took my hand and exited the car, shut the doors and locked it then proceeded to the front door of the flat.

Rayne was giddy, purple collar snuggly fitted her slender neck, silver bell and tag jingled as she walked swaying those curvy hips lightly.

I couldn't help but look, that ass was a deadly weapon.

Upon entering she began inspecting each room, tail wagging with a slight skip to her step, I followed after as Rayne looked around the kitchen, probably hungry I set up a bowl of kibble and some fresh water, as I was about to set them on the floor I remembered she was anthro and thus could eat at the table, heck she could probably use utensils or be taught to.

I thought it best to give her a regular China bowl for her food and a fork plus an actual glass, just because Rayne was half dog didn't mean I should treat her as one, so placing the bowl on the table I filled a glass with water and placed it on a coaster, I snagged an apple from the fruit bowl and took a bite.

Just then Rayne snuggled me from behind causing her ample bust to press against my back, "Hi Mister..." she cooed, I choked slightly which got her flustered "I'm sorry" she let go immediately, I grabbed the glass I got for her and drank the water to dislodge the piece of Apple.

Coughing and gasping I composed myself and shot Rayne an annoyed glare, she flatted her ears, hung her head and put her front paws infront of her, I sighed "You should be more careful" seeing her quiver slightly I walked up to her and noticed her cheeks were wet.

"Hey" I said, softly lifting her face, she was teary eyed "I'm fine" gently wiping away the tears, she beamed and flung her arms around me and nuzzled my face, once again I felt the swell of her chest against mine causing me to blush and feel a stir down south.

"Would you let go, please?" I chided, which she did looking dejected and close to tears again, I sighed "Remember I said, curb your enthusiasm?"

Rayne nodded head lowering again along with drooping ears, she fidgeted and blushed slightly.

Damn was she ever cute like this, I found myself thinking, my eyes couldn't help lower their gaze to her curvy bust, I resisted the urge to touch it and walked to the place where I'd put her food, drawing a chair back "Please, sit" nodding Rayne did just so, I pushed the chair close to the table, refilled the glass and placed it next to the bowl "Go on, eat and drink you must be hungry after all?"

Lifting and tilting her head slightly Rayne then looked at the fork and glass with a puzzled look on her face, "What do I do with these?" indicating the utensil and container of liquid.

I took the glass and sipped from it "That's how you use that, as for the fork I could feed you with it, if you want?"

Rayne blushed slightly and gingerly took the glass with both paws and copied my sip then placed it back on the coaster, looking at the fork, the bowl then at me she fidgeted and blushed a bit, "Could you..." Rayne began then she shyly looked away, I could hear her stomach gurgle slightly which made me chuckle, I sat next to her and picked up the fork and speared a chunk of meat with it then held it up to her face "Open up" to which she blushed lightly then opened her mouth gently, I slowly guided the fork into her maw "Close" another blush yet she did just that, I slide the fork out leaving the meat chunk inside her mouth "Now chew" she shot me an indignation look as if to say she knew how to eat, after finishing the piece she looked at me again blushed opened her mouth and pointed "More?" Rayne spoke softly, I held out the fork to her "I'm sure you can feed yourself now", did I imagine it or was there a look of disappointment on her face, however she gingerly took the fork from me and began eating the meaty chunks individually and slowly.

I was watching her eat then I realised that was rather rude so getting up from the table I went to the kitchen got out a chopping block and knife and cut my apple into slices, removing the core and chucking it away then I got out small plate, put the 8 slices on it then turned to walk back to the table.

Rayne had stopped eating and had been watching me, noticing I was now returning to the table she blushed, looked down at her bowl and continued to eat, I couldn't help but chuckle.

It was my turn to headtilt "You okay?" I asked, she immediately blushed and got flustered "Of course!" Rayne piped, I smiled gone was her initial boisterous behaviour, now she was fidgety and shy.

"Just relax, you're safe here" I said warmly, this caused her to look up a little teary eyed "Th..thank-you" though she dropped the fork on the floor which made her nervous "I'm sorry! Please don't send me back!" she was close to tears.

My heart could've melted, I got up and walked to Rayne's seat, she was shaking with her head hung, "Pp..Please I..I'll do anything!" she sobbed.

"Calm down, I'm not going to send you back, even if you break a glass or plate I can replace it with a plastic substitute."

Chronicles of Silverhoof - General info

Chronicles of SilverHoof General Info # Episode Titles 12th Guardian The Promise Claydon's Quest # Main characters Name: Silverhoof Species: Alicorn Gender: Male Class: (Clyde knows) Weapons: - Melee; Horn, Hooves, [Sword (Only used in...

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