Healing Knight

Story by Gever on SoFurry

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#3 of Story Ideas

Based on an rp session.

It had been a long day, Lady Amy had offered healing for coin and Sir Claydon had kept watch for trouble makers.

With the coin they had collected, it would be possible to stay at an Inn tonight, instead of camping outside the town as they did.

They only had one tent, two mats and blankets, so the idea of a soft bed was a great comfort, yet they'd still have to share a room, not just because it was cheaper, Sir Claydon didn't like leaving Lady Amy alone and truth be told she had grown accustomed to his close proximity.


'One bed?!' Sir Claydon quired

'Sorry Sir Knight but if you want two beds it's double what you gave me'

The room had been 6 gold coins, so 12... this was extortion!

The Knight was about to protest when he felt a gentle paw on his arm, he looked and saw Lady Amy look up at him with soft eyes.

'Fine...' Claydon relented she always knew how to calm him.

The Innkeeper smiled and took the coin 'Room 18' handed them the key.

The Knight took it berigingly and carried most if not all their belongings to the room, Lady Amy by his side, he opened the door and let her enter first.

She softly stepped inside and gasped 'How wonderful' she murmured looking at the view from the windows; the sun was setting colouring the sky orange.

Sir Claydon followed behind and laid their equipment on the dresser then shut the door, locking it.

She turned at the click of the lock 'Milord?' she lightly queried.

'So we aren't disturbed, Milady' he then started setting up a mat and blankets by the side of the bed nearest the door.

'Why are you using that, when there is a bed Milord?' the dainty Rabbit Healer asked

'You'll have the bed, I will sleep here on the floor' he stoicly answered

'I object! You need the comfort of the bed just as much as I do!' she insisted

'You deserve it more than I Milady' the goat Knight responded

'You have sacrificed so much already, I would freely give you the bed and I shall sleep on the floor!' she stubbornly retorted

'I would sacrifice my life for you Milady, my comfort is unimportant compared to yours.'

'Why do we not share the bed?!' she asked tearing slightly

The Knight balked 'That would be inappropriate' he stutters

'We share a tent! How is this different?' the sweet Rabbit upset

'Our bedding is separate though!' the Knight countered

'Would sharing a bed be that awful?!' the sweet healer clearly hurt

'I... Am unworthy to share a bed with you, Milady' he sighed.

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