Laying with Wolves: Part one

Story by Gingercakes on SoFurry

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#1 of Laying with Fear

It's safe to live in the city during the day, but never go out at nighttime. That's what Ella was always taught. For a small and scared anthro sheep, she knew there was always a big bad wolf hiding in the shadows waiting to eat her up.

"Now what's cute little sheep like you doing out so late? Pretty dangerous if you ask me, pretty sheep. Lucky for you you ran into us," the coyote closest to Ella said. His companions laughed and closed in on the cornered nineteen year old anthro sheep.

Frozen. If Ella could describe what she was feeling the moment the three coyotes grabbed her and cornered her into the dark alleyway, it was a sort of numbing fear that took away her ability to do anything. She couldn't speak, she couldn't move, she couldn't even scream for help. All she could do was stare helplessly as all three mangy coyotes bared their horridly sharp teeth at her. They looked hungry.

This is my fault, Ella thought as the main coyote pressed a single claw under her chin. She felt a slight bit of pain as the coyote successfully cut her skin. Her blood stained the white wool on her chest and when the wolves started to murmur excitedly as the smell hit their nostrils, Ella could only close her eyes.

Don't go out at nighttime. Don't go out of nighttime. Don't go out of nighttime. Don't go out of nighttime. Don't go out of nighttime. Don't go out of nighttime.

That was the rule for people like Ella, who wanted to live their lives as quietly and as peacefully as possible. Unfortunately for her and many like her, living in the big city meant there were some people who wanted the complete opposite. There were some anthros who enjoyed having fun when it came to the city's weaker citizens and depending on the anthro, "fun" had so many different definitions. Being attacked and mugged, getting raped, or flat out going missing to never being seen again were only some of the fun activities that could be had during the night.

Of course, those same anthros who were responsible for these horrible crimes that ended up on the news nightly, tended to be so well-behaved and calm during the day where they could be seen by not only by hundreds of different anthros, but the city cops too. However... during the night when there were hardly anybody walking the streets, cops could only be so many places with so many crimes happening and the only light that was provided was the soft glow of the streetlights.

Anything goes.

She couldn't believe she lost track of time, though to be fair, finals were this week and studying at her small crummy apartment would have been impossible. Her neighbors on all sides were so loud and her walls were so thin that she knew that any attempts of studying would have been a waste of time. The college's library though....

So calming....perhaps too silent, too peaceful and too calming because when Ella finally stopped to look at her cellphone, her heart nearly dropped in her stomach. Nine o'clock. The library had no windows so when the little undersized nineteen year old sheep rushed out of the huge silent building, backpack hanging loosely from her shoulder, she was instantly assaulted with the black night sky and the dim streetlights.

The little sheep was stupid enough to actually hope she could make it home without incident. After all she lived very close to the college property. Two blocks to be exact and that was good.

The college police were constantly all around the property and one little scream would send them running in your direction. Once Ella left the campus all she had to do was quickly walk (or perhaps run) to her home. Easy.

Or at least, it should have been. She took two steps and was immediately assaulted.

And now here she was. Because this was the only place for people like her who thought they could beat the rules of the city. The second largest coyote of the pack chuckled.

"Aww she's scared of us, boys. Why don't we make her feel better?"

The final coyote joined in on the laughter. "Not a bad idea." Ella kept her eyes closed even when she felt the cold nose of the coyotes hitting her ear. "Don't worry baby, we'll make you feel-" the wolf paused and it was then that Ella felt a big powerful paw on her the strap of her plain blue dress-"real goo-"

It was the loud growl from behind them that finally made Ella open her eyes and when she did and saw what stood behind her attackers, there was only one thought that came to her mind.

"This has to be a nightmare," she whispered. All three coyotes blinked at her fearful face that wasn't directed towards them but rather behind them before they all slowly turned around.

"Holy-" the first coyote began.

"Fucking-"the second coyote continued.

"Shit," the third coyote finished.

Ella had never seen an anthro like the she-wolf that stood blocking the only exit out of the alley. First off, she was beautiful, probably one of the most beautiful females Ella had ever seen in her life and that was saying something because there were so many beautiful ladies at the campus. In fact, there had been many times when the little sheep, who thought of herself as plain and a little on the ugly side, had stared enviously at many of her fellow college students.

But this wolf...she put all those students to shame. Her fur was a shimmering gray color that shined with the moon and she had breathtaking pale white eyes that seemed very alert. But the most impressive thing about her that made her stand out was her size. She was the biggest anthro that Ella had ever seen, two heads taller than the coyotes with a curvy body to match, wearing what seemed to be a black cocktail dress with silver trimmings decorating the material.

The dress seemed a little out of place for a dark alleyway. She looked like she was dressed for one of the nightclubs Ella always secretly wished she could go to, but fear and logic always stopped her.

This she-wolf though....she looked so strong. So powerful and so...unbeatable....there was no way this lady had the same problems with courage like Ella had.

Beautiful, fashionable and murderous looking.

A lovely nightmare, Ella thought as the she-wolf delicately sniffed the air before she allowed a vicious grin to cross her face. She stared directly at Ella and if the coyotes looked hungry, she looked like she was starving. The lady wolf pointed in the little sheep's direction.

"My husband was right. You do smell absolutely lovely and delicious, my little lamb," the wolf purred, her voice telling the little sheep she was a little older than she looked. She winked at Ella before she turned her attention to the coyotes. Her seductive face turning hard face.

"She's mine. Leave little boys," the wolf's dominate voice left no room for argument or the imagination on what would happen if they didn't listen.

There was a moment of silence. All three of Ella's attackers stared at their opponent. One whimpered uneasily while the other tucked his tail between his legs. If Ella weren't completely terrified with the knowledge this lady wolf was planning on...harming her, the little sheep would have found it amusing that two of her attackers were quivering in front of a woman.

The biggest coyote though, while Ella could he was nervous, gulped and took a step towards the wolf, pulling out a switchblade. The wolf raised an eyebrow, amused.

"Oh my....what a big knife for such a little beast...compensating for something?" she asked sweetly.

Ella would have laughed, but she knew better.

The big coyote let out a sound that was between a whimper and an uncertain growl before responding.

"'re in our ain't go no business being here and claiming anything, bitch."

And at the word "bitch" the wolf attacked. With movement you could miss if you blinked, the wolf easily grabbed the coyote by his jacket and slammed him up against the wall, right beside Ella.

His two friends that were blocking Ella's exit of the alley both let out howls of fear and bolted, leaving their friend behind and freeing Ella. And yet Ella couldn't move. The wolf and her pinned victim were only a foot away from the little sheep and all Ella could do was stare as the wolf bared her teeth at the cowering beast.

"I'm bigger and stronger and better than you, so this whole damn city is mine and anybody I want is mine too, bitch" and with that she slammed the coyote's body into the hard wall.

There's was a grunt of pain and a harsh crackling sound that came from the coyote's body. The noise broke Ella's frozen trance and she bolted. She heard the wolf let out a sound of confusion and even felt the wolf's paw on her, but luckily the lady grabbed the strap of Ella's backpack.

The little sheep jerked her arm back and the strap slipped from her body. She lost her expensive college books, but the price of her life was worth it as far as the little creature was concerned.

Adrenaline pumping through her, Ella felt her heart stopped as she heard the wolf let out of growl of annoyance and the heavy footsteps behind her only encouraged her to go faster. However as she left the alleyway, the footsteps stopped and as Ella ran the rest of the way home, the wolf's final words replayed themselves over and over in her head.

"See you soon, my little lamb."