Sweet Treats: Maggie's Story

She opened her bakery window a crack on the third day I quietly entered this town but I didn't enter, despite the sweet and welcoming smells that were tempting me to come in. Even though I am only seven years old my parents taught me well. Of...

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Sweet Treats: Milly and Dirk's Story Part One

The cold breeze whips and nips harshly and mercilessly at our huddled bodies. My two year old little baby brother, Dirk shivers, his light brown fur is much thinner than mine and cuddles closer to me in an attempt to keep warm. The abandoned hole I...

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Laying with Wolves: Part one

"Now what's cute little sheep like you doing out so late? Pretty dangerous if you ask me, pretty sheep. Lucky for you you ran into us," the coyote closest to Ella said. His companions laughed and closed in on the cornered nineteen year old anthro...

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