The Other Side: Reign's Return - Chapter 1

Story by The Colored Silent on SoFurry

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#1 of The Other Side: Reign's Return


After years of the Scarlet-Civil War, the once fragile peace of the Empire has now been disturbed by the enemies of the old.

Strange reports begin to appear at the ruined stronghold, the last haven of the Order as it resurfaced once more into the world, bringing an unknowable horror to the innocent bystanders of the Empire.


The story is consist of 3532 words, written and revised by yours truly. Be warned that some have grammatical errors.

Please offer any constructive criticism and advice if you want to point out. I would be grateful to know the mistakes so I could improve the error.

Oswald Crumberg was born to be a musketeer. Transferred to the most dangerous places of the Empire, he, and among a thousand men, was garrisoned to the many makeshift bases that surround the once great stronghold.

Ravaged in the outcome of the war, the majestic stronghold of Avis Rol was now an empty ruin that claimed the untold number of lives both friend and foe. In the account caused by the vile and corrupt Order of the Scarlet, they made a desperate plan that would take everyone with them to the grave.

In a disastrous event, the stronghold of Avis Rol was consumed, obliterated, in a pale of white light. All that dwell within that marvelous abode, whether it was civilian or soldier, were not spared in the process, vanishing from the world without any known trace. Oswald's brother was at that final battle, and to this day he questioned whether his elder brother was still alive or not.

Oswald was in his mid-twenties with a strong sense of justice. A kind and gentle soul, he stood at an average height with an average build. A classic man for anyone that joins the military in duty to the Empire. He once lived in a rural village just several miles near to the Capitol where he was taught and trained at the military academy. Graduated with several recommendations from his officers, the Council of War had taken notice of his prowess and selected him for the job to the danger zone.

A year later since his new job, Oswald was beginning to grow bored with the same systematic ritual of patrol. He'd thought that he would be part of something bigger than himself, but all he got was a crummy tent and the most depressing view in the entire world. With several riots raging across the Empire, and the predetermined campaign to the frozen north, was there even a reason for five thousand men to be securing a place that hold no strategic importance?

Oswald never quite understood the logical reason of the Council of War or even his base commander, replying to him with a vague and dismissive answer. He was never in the right to question the judgment of his superiors, but with each day he began to wonder if the entire venture was a pointless and futile effort in the Empire's part. He would never know from this day and onward.


On one late afternoon, Oswald participated in one of the patrols to investigate the recent development in the old ruin. There had been sightings of strange, flashes of light that appeared on the west side of the stronghold.

While Oswald and a number of few took the mission to heart, the rest relaxed on their journey, believing the light to be fireworks, set up by a group of troublemakers and hooligans.

A patrol of seven musketeers set off into the ruin. They reached the west side of the wall in quick time where they saw the open gap that crumbled in the aftermath of the war. The place where the Royal army breached into the stronghold when they sieged the place. Beside Oswald on the mission, Jeremiah, and Povin, two of his closest friend, tagged along for the ride. The three had known each other since the academy and help one another when the situation was at the direst.

"Any...b-bets on what ve...we will find?"

Jeremiah was a tall, broad man with brown hair and green eyes. Born in the same village as Oswald, Jeremiah worked as an assistant in his parent's bakery shop down by the riverbank where he would help them gather the ingredients and make loafs of fresh bread. His favorite part was to make raisin cookies. Although Jeremiah had a hard time speaking to others, stuttering and slurring in his sentences, his action said otherwise as a workaholic individual with a fixation for cleanliness.

"Probably just some nosy kids perhaps. You never know what comes here around this joint. Maybe they have better excuse this time other than to run away like idiots."

Povin was at the same height as Oswald with black hair and eyes. He was raised in the street of the Capitol, working as an informant for the constables. A secretive yet a charismatic fellow, he spoke little about his personal life. He intends to keep this way up to the very end.

"Th-they hhould...should know...better" Jeremiah stated, shaking his head disapprovingly "This place is not safe pla...I mean safe to go around...h-here."

Povin couldn't help but snicker. "Maybe if we're lucky, we can catch them before they get away."

"I c-cannot...wait....for that...chance."

The west wall was a complete mess with debris and wreckage lay across the field. It was the only passage to enter the stronghold as all other entry was nearly impossible to get through. They could see the garbage littered on the ground, suggesting it was a famous place for looters and hooligans alike. They didn't waste their time and went inside. They appeared toward the courtyard where once the famous roses were taken by weeds, roots, and vines, sapping all the beauty of the world.

Rumors spread around the makeshift bases that the stronghold of Avis Rol was a place of madness where the Order formed brutal and inhumane experiments towards the young populace. Devoted fanatics would willingly volunteer for the program, turning themselves into gruesome horror, immolating fire.

Unless given permission from their superior, no one, not even the army, would dare approach the stronghold. Any individual that violates the law faced condemnation and severe punishment enforced.

The patrol would split into two group. Agis, the patrol leader, and three musketeers would go inside to search for the trespassers while Oswald, Jeremiah, and Povin, stood outside to guard the entrance.

"Great...we at...are standing guard d-duty...again." Jeremiah sighed.

"Ah, cheer up, I prefer to stay in the outdoors than to go inside that stinky place." Povin greatly smiled. "If I know one thing, those pesky hubbubs would find a nasty surprise if they face us. Don't you think, Oswald?" He turned his gaze towards Oswald. "If I remember correctly, didn't you take down three thugs all by yourself? Man, you should have seen it, Jeremiah. This man was a savage, let me tell you."

Oswald wasn't the kind to talk about his achievement. However, he couldn't deny that Povin speaks slightly true. Months ago, he faced against three men and stood victorious. What the two didn't know was that the three men were intoxicated, too drunk to put up a decent fight. Although unimportant that didn't stop Povin making the story up.

The three remained at the courtyard to wait for their return. While Povin decided to take a power-nap behind the shade of an old tree, Jeremiah and Oswald discussed of their home village and the future that had set upon them.

"T-this isn't...for me..." Jeremiah said. "I thought the...there is...something more. This...isn't vor...for me."

Oswald never suspected to hear from Jeremiah. Since at the academy, he'd thought Jeremiah to be in favor with military life. "I see. I guess your calling is indeed baking. When are you leaving?"

" than you t-think." Jeremiah smiled, looking up to the clouds. "Life of a...military not" He then pointed his finger at the throat. "I-I've been discharged...cou...couldn't speak properly. Once...I-I get va...back home...I'll the ba...bakery shop again. You...a-and Povin...get free...pastries."

"Yummy," Povin said from the background, raising his thumbs up.

"No doubt you'll be an excellent baker," Oswald smiled and tapped on Jeremiah's shoulder. "I hope you understand that once we get there, Povin is going to eat it all."

"He is right you know," Povin licking his lips. "I cannot wait to taste your famous cookies. Yum. Yum."

They all laughed heartily.


Hours carried away as the tiny traces of the sun gradually descend into the night. Darkness has taken hold where the three stood in the courtyard, waiting for the Agis and the others. With their torches alight, Jeremiah and Oswald grew concern of their long separation. Povin, however, remained unconvinced.

"Guess these hooligans seem to be giving Agis a difficult time," Povin lightly laughed. "Wonder how long would they get them?"

" isn't like delay," Jeremiah glared at Povin. "They...must...must be in trouble."

Oswald sided with Jeremiah on this one. "Guess we should check to see if they're alright."

"Oh please, don't jump into conclusion." Povin sat down at the rusty chair. "Every time we head in there, the thrice-damned Agis would likely scold us for disobeying orders. You two are way too worried of the littlest detail."

"Lit-littlest detail?" Jeremiah asked. "They...they been gone for...for far...too long..."

"They've always gone for far too long," Povin stated, yawning. "Agis isn't the smartest person in the patrol. The other three are scared little pups who suck up to him like a mother's teat. Why bother with this whole charade when they might decide to abandon us and went their merry way back to base drinking ale and telling stupid jokes?"

Jeremiah didn't have an answer to respond Povin's question, slightly admitting of Agis claim.

"That is enough," Oswald said. "As much I agree of Agis being a tremendous jackass, we do not leave people behind. However, it is rather strange for them to be taking so long. Agis should have caught them by now."

"Like I said, Oswald. The man isn't the brightest in the bunch. I am surprised he kept this long not making a fool of his superiors."

"S-should we...check to see if they're...doing alright then?" Jeremiah asked Oswald.

It seemed appropriate to check upon Agis and the others if they were doing alright. Oswald had a decision to make on who would tag along for the search. Although Povin was adamant to remain outside of the courtyard, his study on the stronghold blueprints would be a valuable asset to search the others in time. The only downside that Povin wouldn't be able to handle was a fight with the trespassers. On the other hand, there was Jeremiah. Although he did not have the full detail of the place, he was a capable combatant in dealing with the situation and a decent shooter.

"Come on, Povin. You're helping us whether you like it or not." Oswald decided.

Povin whined annoyingly, suspected that Oswald would choose him for the job. "Blasted it all. Is it because I happen to know every top to bottom of the place? There's no guarantee we would find Agis and the others."

"But still, that w-would...shorten your...time t-to find th-them," Jeremiah said, understanding full well of Oswald's decision.

"Jeremiah, you have the courtyard," Oswald ordered. "Do not let anyone get pass of you."

"I-it shall done, sir," Jeremiah said, saluting.

Oswald and Povin went inside the ruin, leaving Jeremiah alone to stand guard outside. They passed through the desecrated halls that the royal army has plundered and walked on the old cobblestone where burn marks of the fallen victims lingered in time. They begin the search right away through every room, every crack in the wall, and every hidden spot that was decent enough to fool the patrol. They searched everywhere and yet still couldn't find Agis and the others.

While in the middle of the search, Oswald paused to stumble upon a tattered banner of the Order's heraldry. It was the first time that he saw the symbol: a fiery circle with a sleeping serpent in the middle, holding what appears to be a jewel or orb.

Oswald never participated in the war and never saw much of the action. He was at a young age of seventeen before the war came to an end, unable to know the full detail that of which escalated between the Royal forces and the Red Hordes of the Order.

The knowledge about them was restricted to only a few, forbidding anyone to learn of their achievement and past. Oswald was able to acquire some form of light from the veterans and refugees that survive in the war. They spoke tales of horror and despair who summon wild, unimaginable power of the flame to the world. He couldn't imagine what it was like to face them in the field of battle. He would probably be dead like the so many musketeers and soldiers who perished in the first year of the war.

Oswald was fortunate to live in a village close to the Capitol. The Red horde was stopped and pushed back at the second largest city, Solus, before they could launch their next invasion to the Capitol

"Pretty colors they have here," Povin said, seeing the tattered banner. "Wonder what brilliant mind decided to make a lizard as their symbol?"

"Not of our problem at the moment," Oswald shifted his gaze to the next room. "Come. We must go."

Povin snickered. "Whatever you say, boss. You're the boss."


The two resumed their search for the missing group with no positive result. They'd search bit by bit on the building and still couldn't find them. They begin to wonder if Agis and the others had finally ditch the three for their own, foolish amusement. After what appears to be an eternity, Povin found something.

On the ground, it was a tall, cylindrical military cap adorned with an ornamental plate and a badge on the front. The usual set of the uniform of the Imperial army. Povin's face darkened when he noticed the pool of blood that surround the headgear.

"This...this isn't good," Povin said, shaking with dread. He turned his gaze at the pitch blackness of the corridor. "You do not think they went in you?"

Oswald remained silent for a moment, staring at the headgear. He felt this growing pressure in his chest and tried not show it to Povin. He never felt more afraid than his entire life.

"I feel this is a right time to head back and report to base before we too share their same fate." Povin was about to take his leave when Oswald stopped him.

"You think the base commander would like to hear that we turn our backs on our patrol? We would be facing severe punishment for this."

"And you're not suggesting on following them?" Povin asked, shocked.

Oswald gazed at the dark corridor then back to Povin. "I wouldn't be doing this if it were my choice." He said, feeling afraid. "I understand if you don't want to come. I don't hold it against you if you do."

Povin grunted and muttered in a curse. "Just typical. Typical! That damnable fool. Agis should know better than to head a dark and scary place," He then tried to flicker a spark on the torch. "You are not going alone, naive fool. Otherwise, Jeremiah would never give me free cookies."

Oswald made a small, little smile. "Thank you."

"Yeah. Yeah, whatever," Povin finally get the torch to light up and head towards to the dark corridor. "Let's get this over with before I change my mind. I swear if I see Agis alive, I'm going to kick him so hard he wished he was dead."

As they went inward into the foreboding darkness of the corridor with blades in hand, they marched with escalated fear, remembering the old nightmarish tales that had taken place. Nightmares that would emerge from the darkness to take unwanted individuals to the grave.

They had heard the story deep into the stronghold that no man or woman had ever ventured before since the end of the war. It was there that originated as the pale light consumed the entire populace of the stronghold as well as the besiegers of the Royal army. It was there that the defeated Order made there last, desperate move.

"Blasted it all, how long is this corridor?" Oswald asked, startled at the extent of the place. They had thought it would be a straightforward passageway only to find it was a network of tunnels that stretched far into the unknown. They could be lost here for days if they weren't careful enough.

"Guess the base commander had his reason after all," Povin stated. He was quite amazed the sheer magnitude to their discovery. "What is the odd chances that we would find Agis and the others?"

"A small chance, I'm afraid," Oswald replied with a weary expression. He then checked into a nearby room to see a broken bed covered with dust and cobwebs and black scorch marks on the ground. His face turned pale. "This this what I think it is?"

Povin opened to another room to see the similar scorch marks on the ground. "By the Savior...the rumors are true. The Scarlet basterds were harvesting!"

A sudden earth shake, followed by a burst of an explosion, startled the two individuals greatly. Small, fallen debris of dirt and stone came crashing down as they quickly covered their heads. They waited for the trouble to pass. As the earthquake finally receded, an odd clickable noise detected just close to their position.

And there in the darkness, something caught their attention.


From the ominous shadow peered two glowing orbs of sharp golden eyes, glaring at the two. They were quite aware of the looming danger that it poses and tried to make a safe distant, but the creature from the dark persisted in its advance. While they were falling back, Oswald raised his torch ever upward to try to get a good look at the creature.

"I think you shouldn't do that," Povin spoke softly. "We should get the hearts out of here before it is too late."

Oswald didn't heed the advice of a friend and wanted to know what they were facing. When the light from his torch reached to the creature, they were stunned beyond belief. What they saw was an absolute monster, like a nightmare born from the deep.

The creature from the dark revealed itself to be of reptilian origin, scaling as tall as Oswald and Povin. Adorned with the bones of its victims and unknowable trinkets that balanced well its scales of reddish hue, its thousand sharp-sword teeth bare openly at the two, wielding its savage spear-lance in position for an attack.

Oswald didn't take to count the agile quickness of a humanoid reptilian as it plunged towards with its spear pointed to his chest.

"Oswald!" Povin shouted, rushing towards to his friend. He shoved Oswald aside and aimed with his pistol. At a pull of a trigger, he fired his gun at the charging lizard. He managed to connect his shot at the lizard's head but was unable to halt its momentum as the spear plunged deep into his chest.

Oswald was on the ground, horrified to witness the terrible disaster that befell upon Povin. He then rose up to his feet with a dagger in hand and finished off the lizard, plunging deep behind its skull. He repeated several times for good measure until the lizard died for good.

With a tired breath, Oswald felt his heart pumped with adrenaline. When silence reigned once more through the corridor, he turned to focus on his wounded friend, lying on the ground with a grievous wound.

"J-just great...c-can't believe I'm going to...die like this..." Povin coughed up blood from his mouth. "S-so much for...risking y-your stupid butt..."

"Povin...I-I' so sorry," Oswald felt the heavy guilt inside his chest, knowing that it was his fault in the first place. " are going to be alright. This...this nothing that you could handle."

Povin made an effort to smile. "Blasted it all...enough with...sappy stuff," He then rummaged through his pocket to pull out on what appears to be a necklace made of silver. "Take...this. my sister. Promise me...that you will give it to her."

"I-I will, Povin, I will see this done," As Oswald took the silver necklace from Povin's hand, the animalistic screams of lizards echoed throughout the corridor. He muttered in a curse.

" should go now..." Povin said bitterly. He then pulled another pistol out. "They...they are run...and warn the others..."

Oswald had no words coming out from his mouth. He knew there was nothing he could do to help Povin from this point onward. He then stood up to his feet and nodded a farewell before he finally left him for good.

As Oswald was no longer in sight, Povin made a light chuckle, lifting his head up to gaze the massive amount of lizards that was approaching. He then stared down at his pistol and directed the barrel at the left side of his head.

With a smile, Povin said his last words.

"Till ash and none..."