The Release Of Power

Story by Kyrugii on SoFurry

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The continuation of The Restraint Of Power

Zen sat at his desk and looked back the way he'd come. Several of his coworkers were openly watching him while others only glanced for brief moments.

The ferret he'd released the night before was all over the news. He either couldn't or wouldn't name his captor but the restored ferret was able to name the species as a snow leopard. Even the police that had witnessed the release of the ferret inexplicably failed to identify the Powered, other than also naming his species. There were very few snow leopards in the city.

Nearly everyone was now looking at him as a possible Powered. Zen guessed every snow leopard in the area was under the same extra scrutiny for the day. He ignored the extra attention and got to work. It turned out to be a quiet morning what with everyone beginning to avoid him.

By lunchtime there were news reports describing the spot he'd used to exhibit his macro potential. No one had actually come forward as a witness so the speculation continued. He found it amusing that no one, not even coworkers that had always been friendly to him were now afraid to hitch up their big boy pants and ask. By the end of the day half his coworkers had begun to avoid him. That saddened him a little.

At home he paused halfway back to the door while taking out the trash. Turning at the realization he saw that the fishbowl he'd left by the trashcan was gone. Taken, likely as evidence by a neighbor who thought they would collect on a reward for the like. Zen again shrugged it off. There was nothing anyone could do to him. To date only five of the Powered had even been stopped by the normal authorities. Even then each arrest or execution had been for mass murder and had also been assisted by at least one of the Powered.

The next morning he found out who had taken the fishbowl. His neighbor was in the news enjoying his fifteen minutes of fame. Said neighbor was of course identifying him as the Powered responsible for the ferret. He listened for a few minutes. He knew he couldn't have remained anonymous forever. Smiling at the speculation of the newscasters Zen sat and listened for a bit longer than he'd first intended.

From the evidence of his recreational macro display it was was being estimated that he was by far the strongest of The Powered to date. The experts, Zen snorted at the term, were extrapolating his size from his footprints. He'd grown to somewhere in the neighborhood of three and a half miles tall. Turning the television off he thought it was an underestimate.

He had thought he had been closer to six miles, but then he'd had also been having trouble in making his own estimate. Even then, before his recreational outing the strongest macro on record had only been able to barely reach a mile and a half. If the expert was closer to the right number he would still be ranked at twice as strong as the next Powered.

As Zen walked into work everyone within sight of him stopped what they were doing to watch him. He ignored the display and made his way to his office. No one returned his morning greeting. Instead they simply stared and on a few occasions walked away at a rapid pace. He left his door open out of habit and almost instantly regretted it. People would walk by and either slow or pause at his door to look at him before moving on. It was rather distracting but he knew they'd get used to his new status after a while. The scent of fear and apprehension flooding the office was strong enough to defeat the building's ventilation system.

At the end of the day he left a little early. The commute home was a refreshing if only momentary return to anonymity. No one spared his fairly typical nondescript vehicle a second glance. At home he noticed a large black SUV sitting at his curb. It was hard to miss with all the obvious antennae sprouting from the roof of the cab.

Parked in his driveway he sat and watched the black vehicle curiously. After a few seconds of watching the doors opened and three occupants stepped out. Zen stepped out of his own vehicle and waited for them to walk up to him. Each of them wore the typical dark business suits and sunglasses of government agents. He wondered if the matching stoic expressions all three wore were government issue as well. Zen folded his arms across his chest as they stopped a pace in front of him.

The kangaroo in the middle spoke first. "Good evening Mister Dakota."

"I've been expecting a visit. Tell me, did you three draw the short straw or is this punishment for some misdeed?"

The fox standing to the 'roo's right looked at the ground and cleared his throat. To the left the skunk's lips wrinkled in a surpassed smile as he continued looking at Zen. The kangaroo replied "Its not our intention to irritate you enough to make that relevant. We were sent to ask for your help."

The snow leopard stared and waited for the male to continue.

"No doubt you've heard of the recent incident with the senator earlier this week." he said.

"I know you would have checked my alibi before approaching me, so cut to the chase."

"Indeed." The agent replied as he pulled a phone out of his pocket.

Intrigued at the action Dakota waited as the kangaroo made a call. He casually held the phone out between himself and the snow leopard.

"Hello, this is Senator Harkin. Am I speaking to Mister Frozen Dakota?"

"Nobody I know calls me Frozen, so you can continue to call me Frozen." He replied putting as much scorn and condescension in his voice he was capable.

"Sir, in short I need your help in returning to normal."

Zen sighed. "Why come to me? There are plenty of other Powered?" He wondered if the senator even noticed the inadvertent pun.

"Sir, I was under the protection of one of the strongest of Powered. Its only thanks to your appearance that I even have any hope of returning to normal."

Zen lowered his face and put a paw over his eyes. Feigning exasperation would only buy him so much time. His mind was racing.

The senator was not well liked. Zen had for years wondered that he continued to get reelected. He also didn't feel the desire to antagonize one of the Powered even if he was stronger. There were several other issues to consider but as he had so recently ordered; to cut to the chase he didn't like the male either.

"You're not going to like my terms." Dakota said lifting his head back up to watch the three agent's reactions.

"Name your price." The voice over the phone said. The smugness of the tone did more to irritate him than any of his coworkers sudden aversion to him had over the course of the day.

"I'll give you two options."

"Continue." The disembodied voice ordered.

Zen sneered at the presumption that a Powered could be ordered to do anything. He may have only then made his power known but he wasn't new to it. "Option one; I understand you're worth close to a hundred and thirty five million dollars. I'll only charge one thirty four for my services."


The dismay in his voice made Dakota smile. The three agents looked to each other at the outburst. The kangaroo even tried to hide a smirk with his free paw at the senator's reaction.

"Option two; You resign from the senate, retire. I'll return you to normal after your replacement is sworn in."

"Why wait? You can return me to normal after I announce my retirement." Was the reply. All three agents looked at the ground trying to hide their predictable reaction.

"I don't feel like explaining myself. However, since you asked, I don't trust you."

The three agents were looking at each other grinning.

"I'm willing to pledge the hundred and thirty four to a local charity." The senator was almost whining.

"Did I say anything to indicate any of this was negotiable?" Zen's heart was racing. He'd asked for what he'd thought far more than the senator would be willing to part with. He hadn't ever intended on helping the corrupt politician. The prospect of the senator caving to his demands and having so much money was affecting him.

"Just so you know, I already intend to donate most of it to a charity of my own choosing. I tend to agree with the sentiments of whoever it was that hired my fellow Powered to bring you down. I'm not inclined to undo their work, but I'm more than willing to finish it."

"Fine." One would have thought the phone would have melted at the anger and bitterness in the senator's voice. "I'll retire."

"Fine." Dakota said cheerfully. "I'll return you to normal the day after your vacated seat is filled."

He had already started having second thoughts about suddenly having so much money at his disposal. It had been far too tempting to abuse his power for the few months he'd been concealing himself. He found himself sharing smiles with the three agents standing in his driveway. They all heard the tone of the call being disconnected.

The kangaroo looked at his phone clearly double checking that the call had indeed ended. Each of them watched him clearly waiting for the all safe signal before speaking. The action was not lost on Dakota. As the kangaroo pocketed his phone Zen held up his paw to gain their attention.

"Just so you know, you're all under my protection for now. I don't trust that bastard to try taking this out on any of you."

"Sir, thats greatly appreciated." The fox said still openly grinning his humor over the exchange.

"This is only until some point after he's back to normal mind you."

After a few more comments the three agents walked back to her vehicle and left.

The next week saw a barrage of similar requests. Zen declined to assist most of them. He wasn't inclined to undo whatever punishment people had likely earned. There were a few notable exceptions.

He remembered the news of the skunk's rampage from just days after the first Powered made his appearance. Her destructive path across her home state had gone on for days. It only ended after several Powered joined together to overcome her. Even after her demise her victims were left at their current sizes or physical conditions. Even the joint strength of the group of Powered that had ended her tragic spree were unable to undo the affects.

The first that came to Dakota was a deer that had survived incredibly humiliating and crushing abuse at the hands of the skunk. As soon as he remembered the small deer's humiliation the snow leopard asked him to stop his explanation only seconds after meeting him. After just a slight expression of his power he stepped back and watched the deer step out of his wheelchair and stand for the first time since his abuse. In seconds he was back to full size and beaming his happiness ear to ear.

Zen knew from a few experiments he was capable of adding muscle to any of his subjects. The deer was another story. He hadn't been sure he was able to heal and repair such extreme damage to the unfortunate's body. Instead the deer stood out of his chair smiling and looking down at once withered legs that were now able to support his weight. Even his once useless arm was restored to full function.

In all the resulting publicity Zen's one faithful constant remained by his side. He was pleased that she had refrained from asking him any favors. He knew she couldn't hold out forever, and didn't expect her to. He knew she shared his same fetish from even before the appearance of the Powered. Three weeks after his recreational display he felt she'd earned enough trust to allow her a sample of his power.

Zen picked Sasha up at her house. The cougar was all smiles and eager for the night out with him. Once they'd settled in at their table and were waiting for their meal he stared her in the eyes and said "Okay, ask."

"You'd be willing to make me a subject?"

"Since you've been so patient, yes."

Sasha grinned at his reply. "Thats great." she said as Zen felt a foot paw slowly slide up his leg. She stared at him as her paw explored his inner thigh. She shifted a bit in her seat in order for her paw to settle on the edge of his chair and nestled in his crotch.

She smiled at him with half lidded eyes. "I've always had a thing for being larger. I've always imagined how awesome it would be to stand above everyone. Even before you Powered came along."

Zen smiled back at her. "Well, what would you like?"

He maintained eye contact with the cougar smiling at the feel of her toes spreading out and lifting his balls just slightly. He watched her shift in her seat again as her paw started massaging his equipment. He knew she could feel his response, her eyes confirmed his guess. The change of focus of her paw let him know that she did indeed feel his growing length under her toes.

Sasha had him fully hard just as the food was served. The waitress gave them a strange look. He wasn't sure if it was the knowledge that he was a Powered or their partially hidden activity. He didn't really care either way. His life was suddenly changing for the better. He barely had anything from his plate before asking for the check.

Zen took Sasha to his stomping grounds. The house had turned out to have been foreclosed upon. He'd bought it at a huge discount. He ignored the house itself and brought her to the back yard. There was still a hammock strung between an eight foot high dead tree trunk and a post in the ground.

Sasha looked at the hammock and back at him. She was biting her lower lip and smiling. "I've never done it in a hammock."

"What was it you said you wanted?"

Sasha looked up at him smiling again. She stepped closer and answered "I said I wanted to be bigger. I've always wanted that for as long as I can remember."

Zen exerted his Power and watched. She had been half a head shorter than him. In seconds they were eye to eye. He smiled back as her smile faltered a bit.

"Yes, this is good."

"But you don't feel any different." Zen said.

"Yeah." She said clearly disappointed.

"Thats how it works." he explained as she inched a bit taller then him. "How's that?"

Looking down at him Sasha smiled again. "Oh, this is nice." she leaned in and kissed the snow leopard. At three inches taller than the male she plainly felt to be the one in control as her arms wrapped around him. One paw found its way to his crotch and started kneading his package back to life. Feeling him respond Sasha pulled away from their kiss and stared down at him.

He looked to the side and asked "Would you like to see how sturdy that is?"

The cougar looked confused for a second before grinning hugely down at him. She lifted Zen off the ground and walked them both to the hammock. She looked down on him and said "I hardly feel your weight."

He smiled back up. "Really?"

She set him in the hammock and started unzipping his trousers. "Really." She said and his cock came into view. He'd granted himself with a good sized cock, almost a foot long and thick to match he stood up huge. She'd seen him at his new size before but he always appreciated her stare. She leaned down and started on him. At her new size Sasha's wide tongue felt incredible on his length.

She knew what he liked, knew the limits of his endurance. She brought him close only to slow and watch as be backed away from completion. On the third such rise Zen felt like rewarding her for her well practiced efforts.

Zen watched as his power had its affect. Sasha didn't notice at first but paused when she noticed having to bend lower to continue servicing the snow leopard. Sasha stared at the sight of her arms growing thicker with muscle. She stood back up to her full height to look at herself. Her musculature was much thicker and well defined but her figure still looked wholly feminine. When she looked down on Zen it was with eyes that shone with her glee.

She looked at him huffing her exuberance. He watched as she pulled his trousers down his legs fully exposing him to the cool night air. In under a minute she had him fully undressed and once again gazed at his large cock. She paused and disrobed herself smiling down at him from almost ten feet above him.

Looking at herself a moment she smiled back at him. "I had no idea I had become this big. You made me this large." She looked at the snow leopard with open desire.

"You want to explore how strong you are?"

"If you don't mind waiting." she answered. He could see she was eager but clearly had mixed feelings.

Sitting up he said "We'd have to improvise, there's nothing in the house."

Her smile as she looked around them said it all. Leaving his car alone she crossed to the house and stood next to it. With a light kick she forced a large part of the wall in leaving a hole in her wake. She looked back at her snow leopard with a grin. Her head had begun rising up toward the edge of the roof. Soon she was waist high to the house. With an eager smile she brought a leg up and brought her foot down.

With a large portion of the side wall of the house collapsed under her paw she looked at Zen and observed "This was even easier than I thought it'd be."

After his smile and nod in response to her unasked question she looked back at the house. It took only minutes for the structure to be obliterated. There was nothing left but ruble under the large cougar. He knew she had tried to test her strength but her frown made him wonder. "What's wrong?"

"This felt too easy." She answered. Her face took on a contemplative look. "Did you make me like you?"

"I don't think so, I just made you stronger until you looked like you could handle anything."

She looked at herself again with her arms lifted half way up. She looked about as thick in the arms he did. She looked at him with grin. "Females grow stronger without adding much muscle. The amount of muscle you added to me would make me far more than a match for any male strength wise."

"Show me."

Sasha stared at him for a while pondering what he meant. She came toward him and stopped within her huge arms reach. Staring down at him Sasha asked "Sure about this?"

"Yeah. Show me." He reiterated.

Reaching out the cougar lifted him from the hammock and stared at him eye to eye and grinned. "This is even easier."

"Good." Zen said and used his Power again. He watched as the arms holding him up thickened a bit more. "How about now?"

"Light as a feather." Sasha said looked at her arms again. Her gaze traveled down and stopped to appraise Zen.

He had come to a full erection at the sight of her growing stronger. His arms rested on top of her wrists feeling the strong firm muscle of her forearms under her soft fur. She was able to hold him up with her arms fully extended. Her strength was astounding even him. He looked at himself as well. He once again stood out almost a foot long and several inches thick.

Looking back up at his eyes Sasha said "I know what I need now. I can see it right in front of me." She stood gazing down at him for a moment. Looking back at him Sasha brought him in and positioned him appropriately. At the size she'd become he fit in easily. Her hips started thrusting at him even as her arms forced his body to match her movements. Zen was but a captivated observer of her might and passion.

Extending his power to himself he soon felt his feet touch the ground. Able to look Sasha in the eyes again he saw she was thoroughly engrossed in her own size and strength. He too was enjoying her playful display. If it weren't for his immunity to harm he'd be a broken male from her energetic thrusting.

He stopped his growth at a head taller than her and took control of the situation. Soon enough Sasha was voicing her first climax to the night. He'd learned soon after discovering his power he was able to control many things about his own body. His held off his own climax and continued to pleasure the cougar. Zen instead enlarged his member even further grinding deep into the female.

Again Sasha screamed her pleasure. Zen smiled still not allowing his own satisfaction. Instead he lifted her and moved her on his shaft much like she had when their sizes were reversed. She enjoyed it all the same, he thought by her display perhaps even more. He doubted she had noticed his power acting on the both of them once again. He allowed himself to climax even as his cougar's third screaming orgasm echoed across the landscape.

He held her as she rested her weight on him. Panting hard from the multiple orgasms Sasha's breath ruffled his chest fur. He smiled at the sensation and waited for her inevitable reaction. Finally, with one last deep breath she stepped back and smiled into Zen's eyes. "That was wonderful. Thank you."

"Its not over yet."

Her look of incomprehension made him chuckle. He stepped back and gestured with a massive arm. She looked around and after a shocked pause slowly looked down. "Oh. My. God."

Zen stood a head taller by comparison. They both looked down at the darkened landscape. Zen was used to the sight but Sasha spent several minutes taking it in. The roads spreading away from them shimmered with countless lights that seemed but pinpoints of faint light. If not for the regular geometry of the roads arrayed below them it would have seemed as though they stood on the skyscape of stars.

She looked up at him and asked "How big are we?"

He grinned back. "Only a couple miles."

She stepped back close to him and kissed.

Zen felt her paw on him coxing him back for another round.

Jeremy 029; Karma's Whim

Time to buckle up because we're about to take a hard turn story wise. Well, maybe not hard but certainly a sharp change of direction. Felt you lot needed something to shake off that creeping sense of predictability you had for me. Enjoy. ...

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Jeremy 028; Slippery People

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Jeremy 027; Reflections On The Bell Curve

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