LiT Addendum 1: Of Mice and Men

Story by RoninAsturias on SoFurry

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#1 of LiT Addendums

Okay, so this is my first attempt at writing anything...lewd. I have very little idea what I'm doing, but I hope you all enjoy it regardless. Serious feedback would be more than appreciated, as I would love to get better at writing this kind of thing.

This is the first addendum to my non-yiff series, Lost in Translation. The events in this short take place canonically in Chapter 9, but I tried to lead into it without the need to read the actual chapter. While considered canon to my series, little-to-nothing in these or future addendums will have any serious spoilers or information not available to the story itself. So if you're uncomfortable reading this kind of thing, you won't miss out on any plot points.

The evening was quickly growing old.

James could no longer stand the noisesome celebration in his professed honor. Harman and Dart had already retired to their rooms, having quickly traded interest in the noise and attention for potent drink. After excusing himself to the chieftain and his mate, he pressed through the giant doors of the Great Hall.

The air seemed uncommonly kind given the close approach of winter, but he blamed his new coat of fur for the added warmth. Already the sun had passed the height of the forest, casting dim shadows through the village below. He took a few moments to lean on the treetop railing of the wide deck and appreciate the simple beauty of nature; but another riotous uproar from within the halls disrupted the tranquility.

'Thank god I don't have to climb down,' he mused to himself; flexing his fingers in idle practice. He was yet unable to produce the fine claws that would allow his newly-transformed body to climb down in the first place. He desperately wanted to explore the vacant village and surrounding forest, if just to calm his nerves; but someone had apparently stationed patrols throughout the streets. Perhaps a dozen white mice meandered through the maze of buildings below. If he wandered too far or tried to escape, they would no doubt seek to capture him.

With a sigh, he shook his head and started down the spiral stairs. The confined space did little to ease the vertigo of his exhaustion, but within a short couple of minutes he managed to make his way down from the top of the enormous tree. Gazing up once more along the height of the vast trunk, he was still humbled by its majesty; the world was still a wonder to him, but now he at least had direction.

He desperately needed rest.

Vaguely he remembered the direction of his hovel; he had been guided everywhere else in the village and had attempted to take note of his surroundings, but the woven alleys defied any conventional arrangement. He could only stroll between the vacant buildings in the hope that he could at least make it back to the great fire pit - from there, he convinced himself he could find his way back.

His blind wandering was interrupted when a patrolling mouse strode past him. With a sigh he asked for help; he wanted to get to bed before it got too late.

After what could have been hours, the guard had delivered him to his doorstep; in a traditional bow, he left James to his own devices without another word. He checked on Harman and Dart in the neighboring dirt room, and was unsurprised to find the lop-eared rabbit doubled-over the heavy clay tub in sickness. 'God dammit, why'd you have to drink so much,' he lamented; but what could he do? The heiress had continued to offer wine insistently, as though his drunken stupor was her design. But he shrugged off the thought; they would still have enough time to rest.

With a yawn, he pushed past the curtain of the doorway and made a beeline for his bed. As he passed the low table, he noticed that further refreshment had been provided while he had been away. A new platter with bread and hard cheese and cured meats had been provided, encircling a pitcher of water; he promptly poured himself a glass and drank deeply.

Sitting on the edge of the nearby bed, he contemplated his surroundings while filling his cup once more. There were too many similarities between this world and his own. There had to be some explanation, some telling fact that was right in his face, but he could not find the link. After taking a few shorter swallows, he set the wooden cup back on the table and began to fidget with his fingers again; he planned to review their unfamiliarity in more detail.

Or at least, that was his intent.

Other curiosities crept over his interest. He had scarcely taken the time to inspect the more subtle changes from his human form. He started first with his whip-like tail; following the smooth skin, he traced its length to the base of his lower back where it disappeared into the fine, shallow fur. He took time to study the feelings and movement of the muscles as they twitched almost automatically. These, at least, were easy to discern.

But his mind wandered with his paws, and he soon found himself exploring more intimate areas. What could have been a stranger's paws slid effortlessly beneath the pressure of elastic fabric; James located the object of his interest - but it was not what he expected. In sudden panic, he nearly tore his shorts from his hips to reveal a thick, furred sheath where he had expected to find his unstirred length. Patting around the area in disbelief, he was relieved to at least find two familiar, heavy orbs suspended where he had last remembered them.

Chuckling to himself, he remembered that pretty much all animals had some sort of covering going on down there; something most people had at least noticed in passing. But here he could justify the intrusion. It was his own body, after all.

And it was strange and unfamiliar; he couldn't help but feeling like he was probing some stranger. Testing the rim of his sheath, he found it to be more sensitive than he anticipated. A brief shiver ran along his spine as the new fingers caressed privately along his body. It pulsated weakly against his touch.

His body responded as automatically as it always had. Already the end of his length was pushing past the thick flesh, exposing itself to the cool air. For as much as he was aroused, he was also curious about the new shape - it was far more sensitive than he ever remembered. Automatically, he was already gingerly sliding his fingers along the delicate surface of his focus.

But self-exploration was cut abruptly short; a petite mouse gal pushed through the heavy curtains that were his door, carrying a fresh pitcher of water and the uncaring expression of her duties. Her expression quickly boiled into surprise and embarrassment.

James shared in her shock, scrambling to draw his blanket over himself. The pitcher she carried rolled and spilled its contents upon the dirt floor, prompting brief panic from the intruder; she fell to her knees and cowered.

Once the initial shock had worn off, James hurried to pull his shorts back up, hopeful he might comfort her. "Please, don't feel bad! It happens! You haven't offended me; I'm seriously not that important." He patted her back feebly, unsure of what he could do.

After a moment of further shivering the gal peered up at him, one eye at a time. "So, I'm not in trouble?" She slowly unfolded herself from the ground.

James sighed and stepped back towards his bed. "I seriously wish you all weren't so uptight around me. I'm not as special as you all think I am." He sat down and refilled his cup with the rest of his pitcher; he was more tired than he thought. He took a few sips as he drowsily watched the mouse stand up and dust herself off.

As with all of the other villagers, her fur was a pure, pearlescent white that masked the soft pink of her skin; the same sort of body he currently inhabited. But he was beginning to notice other, more subtle details as well. She wore simple linen clothes that clung gently to her features, but her fur gave it a surreal softness. Her emerald eyes contrasted her purity. He had only now noticed that she was smiling while she walked over to him.

He could swear those eyes were glowing.

Before he even realized it, she was already sitting on the bed next to him. Where was the time going? He had to set his cup down to be sure he didn't spill on himself. Something was off - he had refused the overly-rich wine earlier, but he yet felt deeply drunk. His vision clouded while his head stirred. Someone's paw rested on his thigh.

"Is this too uptight?" a small voice enquired; it was the servant's, but it sounded far off. Her face could have expressed fear or glee and he wouldn't have been able to tell the difference. He felt as though others were present to judge or accuse him, but the room was empty.

And then it moved. With intent, she dragged her paw up the inside of his thigh until it shamelessly cupped around fabric and his partial hardness. The shifting sent shivers along his spine; the squeeze tore the breath from his lungs. She grinned hugely at his squirming.

But the initial intrusion was brief; she quickly wandered to other tasks. He could swear other voices were present, murmuring encouragement or approval, but still they were alone. For reasons he could not explain, he could not resist her. She leaned in and pressed against his chest.

She kissed him deeply, albeit awkward to him because of his unfamiliar face. Still, it gave him a look at her compelling, green eyes. He could get lost in them, or he already was; he did not know.

"Enjoying yourself? How is it a god would refuse the princess, only to defile himself with a lowly servant?" Her voice had suddenly become teasing, almost cruel.

He could not move his jaw to answer her; he found could not move at all. As her paw wandered down the front of his ruddy t-shirt, a warmth spread from his lips to where she had touched. In between instants, he was overwhelmed by waves of chilling warmth. The voices in his head had melted and become desire incarnate, paralyzing all but his necessary parts.

When the seductive paw reached the elastic waist of his shorts, he shivered in anticipation. Already his body had become eager for her caress; he could not refuse. A heartbeat later and she had discovered his eagerness waiting. Hissing through his teeth at how sensitive he had become, her fingers traced over his length. Seductively she whispered in his ear, "All of this for me?"

She wrapped her paw around his firming length and gave it a squeeze. Tugging softly upward, she commanded him to stand.

Without a word he complied, surprised at his ability to move again. Once he had gained his feet, she released him to concentrate on more important things; a curled finger tugged at the material until it had fallen to his knees, leaving nothing to disguise his obvious erection. When he had been left all but bare, she pushed him to the mattress.

Immediately she was upon him, wasting no time at her task. His throbbing mass was quickly hidden in her maw as she pressed her face into him with an almost professional ease. The pressure of release built embarrassingly quickly within him. He could do nothing to hold back as ecstasy took over him in convulsing breaks.

And she didn't even flinch. With only a single breath, she kept her nose and muzzle pressed firmly against his belly, letting him spill his seed directly down her throat. She easily swallowed in time with each hot pulse until he had nothing left to give. It could have lasted a second or an eternity; James savored the bliss of release until she withdrew.

But the space between moments was starting to blur. Seemingly without transition, she had straddled him on the bed. Her simple clothes had already been discarded, leaving her bare to him. Her breasts would be the envy of any who beheld them. The heat from her thighs could warm him for a lifetime. Her desires were his. She teased her private lips along his oversensitive length, urging him to beg for his next release.

So he began to plead. He begged and he cried. It was all he could do to sate the hunger within him. He was desperate to please her in any way he could; love or lust wasn't strong enough - this was worship. When he had begun to exhaust his compliments, she finally spoke her approval.

"Hold me."

It was all he had ever wanted. He placed his paws on her thighs and gripped tightly, awaiting his next instruction, but she was taking her time.

Gently she reached down to caress his length, rubbing it against the fur of her groin for a teasing moment. In one smooth motion, she raised herself and positioned his member directly at her entrance; he could feel waves of warmth enveloping him.

She leaned forward and whispered in his ear, "Here is your purpose: You will breed me until I say otherwise. You will start and stop when I say, and you will not complain. Am I quite clear?"

James nodded dumbly; had it been up to him, he would have already pinned her to the bed and buried himself in her - but he had not been told to do so.

With a wicked grin, the mouse lowered herself onto him. The slow drag of penetration was perfect in every way; he could have been content to spend the rest of his life in that single moment. Their hips met; she nuzzled against him while she adjusted to the intrusion. Barking a single command, she brought him to motion.

As quickly as he could comply, James began to buck into her. His fingers gripped into her thighs. He pulled her down into him with each elated thrust, urging soft squeaks and moans of delight. Before he even realized it, he had broken climax again. Eagerly he painted her inner walls, as she had required of him, being sure to press as deeply against her as he could. Jet after hot jet of seed pulsed into her for what felt like hours.

But she was not finished.

Instantly, the scene shifted around him; she was on her back now, urging him to start again. While subconsciously he was unsure if he could continue, his body defied his expectations. Existence swirled around him to form the words of his next aim: to show his devotion to her. She laid under him expectantly.

He would not disappoint her. He _could_not. The world melted around him; she was all that mattered. Without hardly a moment to breathe, he leaned on top of her and kissed at her neck. His paws massaged the luxurious fur of her breasts as he continued to kiss downwards. Subtle gasps were forced from his goddess as he wandered her exquisite body. A nibble here, a lick there; all designed in worship.

And he was quick to express himself. Each kiss at her belly made her twitch; the gentle pressure of his paws inside her thigh had her shuddering. He was so near his goal, so focused that the sudden jolt of his head startled him.

The unnamed mouse grabbed him by the headfur and scolded him; that was not his purpose. In a grin, she pulled his head back to her chest and wrapped her legs around his hips; slowly, she guided him back to his task. His hips began to rock prematurely, automatically; eager to get to work. His sudden, supernatural stamina surprised him, but he quickly discarded the thought - this was no time for thinking.

Once again he found himself pumping his length into her desperately. Beneath him, she gasped and mewled softly, urging him on in small ways. She pushed against his chest as if he was crushing her or trying to get away, but he was unbothered by it.

His breathing grew heavy; he was working harder for it this time. Each thrust caused her to squirm under him, each kiss triggered gasps until they sounded like objections; if he could pay attention to them, they would still have gone ignored. But she was beginning to get in the way of his task, and she had not commanded him to stop. Single-minded in his goal, he pinned her arms to her sides and leaned heavily on her; she could not resist against his weight or strength.

But it wouldn't matter for long. He was approaching the end of himself, and there was no room for failure. He braced himself against her squirming form and forced himself as deeply into her as he could manage. Throwing his head back, he cried out in perfect pleasure as he added to his previous work.

In response, she moaned and chittered incomprehensibly; he could feel her squeezing down on him in an unpatterned rhythm. She was shuddering, but he held her fast.

When he could no longer hold himself up, James rolled to his side and laid next to her. He could only assume she was satisfied in his performance, but still the fog of uncertain existence surrounded him. Before he was even aware it had happened, he drifted into drugged slumber.


By the time the servant had come to her senses again, James was already asleep next to her. She chided herself quietly, but it would have to be enough. Carefully she stood from the bed as though she might wake him; but she knew better. The slumbervine powder she had earlier mixed into his water had done its job. He would not rise again until the morning, unaware of his contribution.

Quietly she donned her simple clothes and hovered over his restful form. "Such a pity you weren't planning on cooperating; we could have done great things together." She amused herself at the thought of just leaving him exposed for the next servant to find him, but ultimately it would be too suspicious.

She carefully rearranged the room and cleaned the spilled water. She took her time sliding his shorts back onto him, savoring a final squeeze of his sheath. When she was finished, nobody would know she had been there.

Or so she had thought. When she stepped through the curtain into the frozen evening, she was greeted by the familiar bird and rabbit companions that had brought James to her.

"Hello boys; how convenient for me you showed up." Before either could respond, she gestured vaguely in the air past the brilliant flash of her unnaturally green eyes. "I don't suppose you'll just keep quiet about this, will you?"

Harman managed a brief response. "What have you done, Austrus? Where is that accursed gem?"

The servant cackled with glee. "You're a sharp one; I will credit you that." But she said no more. With another wave of her paw, the pair collapsed to the ground unconscious. She would have to fog their memories as well, but it was no trouble to her.

She had all night.