Into the Horizon: Rescue Part 1

Story by Talon Drago on SoFurry

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#22 of Into the Horizon

Hello all, here's the next chapter. It's in two parts, the second part will come in a little while. As usual, 18 or above then enjoy.

Rescue Part 1

Bane sat in his office at the central base. He had sent three of his ships after the Admiral. They had a good idea of where he was, but it would be no small thing to get him out. He had faith in the commander he put in charge of the mission though. With the expansion of the alliance, he no longer had the luxury of going on missions. His attention was required full time at the base coordinating the actions of his fleet and dealing with any issues that arose. Word of what they had accomplished spread like wildfire throughout the universe. The Human and Fox governments had no interest in joining them, but small factions within these entities had begun to open talks. Several Human commanders were considering joining their cause, mainly for the technology they had to offer, and several Fox ships had expressed interest. Bane was looking at a large influx of membership, which would necessitate a complete restructuring of the organization. He had already made great strides at a semi formal organization. He had formed his own staff, he had filled several positions such as personnel officer to organize the crew at his command. Ron had been placed as the chief engineer for the Entire Fleet, and Scott had been placed in charge of getting upgrades developed for the ships to even up the odds. Food had also become an important issue, and Bane had selected somebody to deal with it. There was simply so much to be done that he couldn't do it all. He had to bring in staff to deal with the smaller stuff. In the end though the success of everything would revolve around their rescue of the Admiral. They still had to prove their strength to the various factions involved, as they were not interested in joining a losing cause. To do this he had sent four of his ships to a nearby solar system that had been invaded by the Wolves. He would take it back; it was now to be annexed by the Terrain Alliance. The rest of his ships were nearby patrolling the area, and could be dispatched to the area in a moment's notice. Security was also essential for success, as they couldn't allow their space to be invaded. This combined with their own invasion efforts would give them breathing room and allow them to demonstrate their newfound power. They had hoped that the troops in the target sector would surrender, but it was unlikely. However, current attention was shifted to the rescue of their fallen comrade. Bringing Admiral Williams into the fold would provide them with additional support from hesitant wolf factions, and give him an experienced commander at his disposal. He couldn't help but to worry though that he wouldn't be able to handle everything, he had never been in this important of a leadership position though. He also worried about Dasher. He had insisted upon going to rescue Bill.

Dasher was aboard the Destiny, he had insisted upon joining the rescue operation. Bill was a very good friend of his and he would not sit by and let him rot in the hellhole they had thrown him into. He was the perfect one to mount the rescue as his increased speed and stamina would allow him to move quickly through the compound. In addition Ron had been kind enough to design and build him some special gloves. These gloves each had four very sharp blades on them, with Dashers increased strength he could easily use them to slice through anybody stupid enough to get in the way. The plan was for him to get in, find Bill, and teleport out. It would take a bit of doing, as ships would probably protect the base. However, the other two ships with them would keep any opposition force busy. Shield frequencies would be altered to prevent any beam over by the enemy, and they alliance had the shield frequencies of the Wolves. So they could do the beaming but not be beamed themselves. In addition, a squad of commando's were also at Dasher's disposal. They would go with Dasher and begin kicking ass and taking names. They would either be a diversion or assistance, whichever the situation called for. One thing was sure though, they were armed to the teeth and ready for anything.

As they neared the Vega Base, Dasher paced back and forth on the bridge, this slightly annoyed commander Blaze, but it was understandable. He was not only worried about his own safety; he was concerned about what he would find. Bill had been in the hands of the enemy for nearly a week at this point, they knew he was still alive, but no information was available on his condition. Everybody knew there were things worse than death, especially when Admiral Ulra was involved. She had quickly become known as Ulra the Butcher. Life had no meaning or value to it in her eyes. She gave no thought to killing those who opposed her, and torture was her favorite hobby. Dasher had so hoped to get his claws on her while he was there, but it was made clear to him that Bill was his priority. Although he need not have been reminded of this, but if he got a chance to kill the bitch he would take it. As they entered the system where the base was located, they dropped to sub lights. There were four ships in the system, not counting the alliance ships. Although outnumbered, they were more than a match as Blaze knew the what these ships were capable of. He had plenty of experience, whereas the Capitan's defending the station were new. This gave him an advantage he intended to exploit.

The two companion ships began to distract the defending ships while the Destiny got in range of the station. Dasher decided it best to go ahead and take the commando's with him as there might not be a chance to get them onboard as the Destiny would have to help keep the other ships busy. A last minute addition to the plan was that a cloaked shuttle prototype that had been sent with the Destiny would be used as a relay point for the extraction. If the ship was busy dealing with opposition it be used to extend the range of the transporters. As they stepped onto the transporter pad, Blaze's voice came over the intercom.

"Dasher, bring Admiral Williams home."

"Yes sir," replied Dasher.

With that, they were transported onto the base. When the group materialized, they realized that they were in a storage closet. There were five of them in the group. A normal transporter could only teleport six people at a time, five had been sent leaving one open space for Admiral Williams. The Destiny could get them and go quickly this way. The commando's quickly set out to open the door of their small room and make their way into the main facility. It was decided that Dasher would split off from them, and the commando's would provide a distraction for the guards. Perhaps a little kaos and mayhem was on order for the day. As they stepped out into the hallway, alarms rang out signaling not only the attack, but also the intruders. Apparently the closet didn't have sensor in it. Dasher consulted his wrist computer and took off. He needed to find a computer terminal to link up to, Scott and Ron had crammed his wrist computer full of hacking software. All he had to do was hook it up as they had showed him and it would automatically search for and download the schematics of the facility as well as any relevant data on Admiral Bill Williams. He found the object of his desire at the end of the corridor. He linked his wrist computer up to it and downloaded the schematics of the facility, as well as the location of prisoners. Bill was held three floors up, but getting there would be almost impossible.

"Hay! You! Stay where you are," ordered a voice from behind him.

Dasher unhooked his computer and turned around. Seemed he would get to play with his new toys after all.

"Gentleman, can't we talk about this. I really don't want to have to kill you."

As he said this, he turned and brandished the large knives attached to his hands. At hearing this and seeing the large knives on his hands, the guards raised their rifles at Dasher. They had no clue what Dasher was. They had never seen anything like him before, and had no idea what was in store for them. With a burst of speed that was almost impossible for anybody else, he moved into the guards and relieved them of various appendages. Once they were no longer a threat to him, or Bill, he moved toward a hatch labeled ladder tube. He was amused to see that it was exactly as it was labeled. "Not very creative with names," he mused to himself as he climbed up three stories. Upon exiting the tube he once again found himself at the end of guns being held by yet more guards. This time he couldn't surprise them. But, he wouldn't have to. As they continued to point their guns at him, several shots by unseen individuals from the side dropped all of them. The commandos stepped out from around the corner. One of them had been grazed in the arm, but was still in fighting condition.

"Nice timing guys, how did you know I was here?"

"We found the guards you dealt with, good work by the way. We accessed the computer and found Bill. We took the elevator up here."

Dasher had thought of the elevator, but with only one of him it would have provided an ideal setup for him to be ambushed. The now reunited team made their way to down the hallway towards Bill's cell. When they reached it, what they saw inside shocked them all. Inside, laying on a hard, cold, metal bed was a creature that almost didn't resemble the Admiral. He was bloody, he had been beaten badly, and he looked damn near starved to death. Dasher walked over to his friend. He was unconscious and unresponsive. Tears began to fall from Dasher's eyes. He should have gotten here sooner; he should have done something, anything to prevent his friend from going though this. He leaned down and picked Bill up in his arms and gave him lick. He had hoped to get a response by it, but did not.

He turned around, tears still running down his face and told the commandos to signal for extraction. They walked into the hallway to allow for better reception of their signal. Just as they began to be beamed out, a sharp pain went though Dasher's side, then he was on the Destiny. A medical team took Admiral Williams, and began to take him out of the room and to the medical bay. Then one of them turned around and just looked at Dasher. Not understanding he looked down at his side. Where his flesh should have been, there was a large burn. He had been shot; as he stood there the world around him began to spin. This couldn't be right, he couldn't be going through this. He couldn't be hurt, he would be fine. His vision began to narrow and the room began to wobble as he fell to the floor face up. As he looked at the roof of the room, people filled his vision as the medical staff worked with him. He kept trying to tell them to tend to Bill, but no words would come. The world around him was fading; he could feel blood running from the wound. His breathing became much more shallow, and ragged. His vision faded entirely and the sounds around him drifted away. He was floating in a vast void. Many thoughts were running though his mind. He began to think of Bill; regardless of his fate at least he had managed to make a difference. Then he thought of John, would he ever see his love again, they had been apart for so long. Then he began to think of himself. How would this end? There was nobody to save him this time; it would be up to the Medical staff.