a little tail lovin'

Story by rockythewolf on SoFurry

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Tiffy arrived at her home after a long day at work. A fine young wolf, her body was slender and her fur had a soft sheen to it. Her hips were pleasantly wide while her breast were not busting from her shirt they were a fine fit for her body. Today she was in a pair of tight pants and pink shirt that used the curves of her breasts to make a large red heart on her chest. As she walked in her roommate was there to greet her. He was a much larger wolf, his body well toned, biceps thicker than her hands could reach around when he flex, his abs were like stone and though his body was strong he was not overly big like a professional body builder. He kept his size to a limit not wanting to look like a muscle head. He rarely wore a shirt when he didn't have to and his pants were usually loose blue jeans.

As he approached her he smiled wrapping his arms around her in a hug welcoming her home. She looked at him after and merely muttered how rough her day was before he put a finger to her lips to silencer her. After he slipped a collar from his back pocket and clasped it around her neck. It wasn't a master pet thing it was simply for show like some frilly panties or sexy night wear. He loved it and so did she and that was good enough for them.

He started their little play, unbuttoning her pants then pulling the zipper down painfully slow to build her anticipation. Her little rose-tinted white panties were now showing and a small wet spot in the fabric from jus the thought of what was to come. He slide his big paw in her panties letting his immense digits caress the soft lower lips and his middle finger pushed a bit firmer than the rest slightly spreading her open. His free hand took hold of the collar pulling her in till her nose was an inch from his and he looked in the eye with his loving gaze. A soft moan escaped her lips as she was stimulated while she gazed back into his eyes. His middle finger pushed in slightly working her clit ever so softly. Her eyes shut enjoying the feeling while his hot breath puffed lightly on her muzzle. He worked her for a short time using more of his finger while he pleased her working it in till it rubbed her sweet spot. She drew close to a climax while he rubbed her and he knew how much she enjoyed it. He could see it on her face and smell it from her arousal, her breath quickened and body tensed. Right as she was about to lose it he stopped, sliding he hand from her panties and holding the dripping paw before her. He did it a lot to her, she knew what he was doing. He wasn't rubbing her to make her happy he was getting her worked up. Giving her a taste of what she could have then holding it ransom from her. He wouldn't let her finish till he was done with her. She knew that should could just finish off herself off but where was the fun in that? Obediently she licked his fingers cleaning them of her own juices then sucked on one.

Once she was done he pinned her to the wall, his paws pulling her shirt up but not off. He let it rest on the top of her plump rack and she leaned back and blushed trying to look as innocent as she could for him. He grinned at her wiggling her pants down off her hips and tossing them aside. Her panties were soaked now and her sent filling the room. He leaned in slowly pulling them down just to her thighs to show her little pussy off, His tongue licking the dampness from her sweet lips. He pulled away after that leaving her to stand there and look cute as could be.

When he came back he put a small plastic bottle n her hand and she blushed letting out a gasp. Her tail swayed as she looked up at him then kneeled down unzipping then removing his pants to find his sheath. The head and part of the shaft was already showing, drooping slightly. She poured the contents of the bottle in her paws then rubbed them together before working them along his shaft. She gave it a massage while getting his cock slick which soon brought him to full attention. His cock was impressive, matching his body in stature. Thicker around more than one paw could reach and just barely two made it. The length was at least four paws from the base to head if you went hand over hand. She finished getting it shiny working the lube in and looked back up at him for a confirmation when she was done.

She had finished and he picked her up then bent her over the couch. It was their favorite spot to play, they played there first and nearly every time after that it just seemed to happen there until it became a habit. Her butt was now exposed to him, her panties pulled down just to the end of her rump's curve so he could see everything, her pussy dripping wet, firm cheeks her fluffy tail and the one thing he loved most about her, That tight little tail hole. She laid her tail along her back and smiled at him from over her shoulder. This was the most common for them. She loved it ever since he brought up the idea. It was kinky to her and after the first few rides it felt great. The big wolf was just an ass man at heart. He dreamt of it more than anything else and he enjoyed her the most.

His thick wolfy cock pressed to her tiny hole and she reached out for something to grab. Today she got her arms around a large stuffed panda that had a worn spot in the shoulder. She tried to relax herself as he pushed in bit arched back letting out a whisper of a moan as she was stretched from his thick head. No matter how many times her took her she couldn't seem to get stretched out for him but now at least he wasn't ripping her. He sunk in slow savoring every inch while she gripped at his cock with the tiny hole. Her arms gripped her stuffed animal and she moaned out louder. His hips finally met her firm rump as he buried every inch of his shaft in her. She could feel every bit of his cock her inner walls were stretched far around him even deep inside where his head was. It felt amassing to her since were ever his cock touched get a good stretch and rub from the shaft. She fit around him like a glove. Years of play causing her tail to be shaped to his manhood taking him in perfectly. When he started to move again he pulled back slow almost pulled her back with him from the grip but he held her in place until he managed to get out about half. He didn't wait outside he just plunged back in getting a pleased squeal from his partner then a soft bump once his hips hit her. He kept it up in a slow rhythm and the girl just gripped her stuffed animal tighter. He started to build up his motion like a trains drive arm. Starting slow and gradually getting harder and faster. At first it took him five seconds to fully pull out then push back in but with every few thrusts it took less. Soon it was just one smooth motion of pulling back and slamming in that made her body bounce.

He took her like that for a while and she starred forward like she was looking though the wall. She was in another world where it was only the two of them. Her tongue was hanging out drooling on her panda while he ravaged her backdoor. She use to rub herself at this point when they started to help get herself past the pain and strange feeling but now she didn't have to or want to. It made him feel like a king to cause his girl to climax from anal and she would get it more and more if he could do that. She was lost in the pleasure and he was letting out a soft growl. That meant something good to her and she soon felt it. Her tail started to stretch more each time he was fully in until she could stretch no more. After that his growing knot just bumped against the hole limiting how much of his cock she could take. She let out another high pitch squeal of delight biting into the worn spot in her stuffed animals shoulder like so many times before. She closed her eyes and braced for the big finish as she neared her peak too.

The massive wolf forced his knot in her tail and she screamed into her stuffed toy while she lost it, her feminine juices gushing out all over her thighs and into a stain she left in the couch after countless climaxes there. Her tail gripped the knot in her tight and her climax just made it tighter causing the male wolf to lose it. He arched back howling to the sky while his hot seed flooded her tail hole. The creamy wolf batter filled her and she could feel the soothing sensation of it warming her tummy, her eyelids flutters shut and she was soon in a deep sleep with the worries of her day cleared from her head and her body relaxed from a good loving. The big wolf laid on her from behind panting and soon fell asleep after her taking a little nap from his work.