Guardians: Downfall Pt. 2 preview

Story by Akutenshi Ishimura on SoFurry

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Part 2 of Guardians Downfall is officially in the works! this is a preview of the prologue as i'm still working on finishing it. let me know what you guys think! A mysterious race is now beginning to intervene on the war going on between the UGSM and the Lothian faction known as Legion. A darker presence will make itself known, Humanity will be making it's moves, and the downfall of the Pelzigan government is under way.

We have been watching the galaxy for a long, long time. To some races, we are gods, to some, we are demons. To some, we are a curiosity, an abnormality due to our omnipotent stance in this vast galaxy. from the Humans and Pelzigans, in the midst of a war against a genocidal faction of the Lothians, known simply as the Legion, has broken off from the vast Lothian military, a species that is relatively peaceful, and the reasons for this faction to split from their military, government, from their fellow kind, in a futile bid to eliminate the alliance that the Humans and Pelzigans call the UGSM. It is unknown what has caused this, but there is a belief among my people that a certain individual, one who has always been rash, been lustful for knowledge and power, may have separated from our species along with his three followers, are the cause of the split. As for me, I am sent to investigate, and if it is proven true, to take down this individual known as Rauh. If it is true, then I must follow my peoples rules, and put a stop to this madness. If I fail, I fear where things will go, I fear that if I fail, the galaxy will be put at risk by him and his craving for power.